Prospects for the work of the club for parents of disabled children. Formation and support of a positive attitude of parents raising disabled children and children with limited health capabilities (Kaluga region). Lesson "How to deal with emotions"

Communication club for disabled children

"Live like everyone else"

Club leader: Gordeeva Svetlana Ivanovna

Target: Development of socially significant qualities necessary for the adaptation and integration of people with disabilities into society, through the organization and work of a communication club,provision of comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assistance based on sensory stimulation.

Club objectives:

    • Overcoming the isolation of families with disabled children;
    • Social integration of disabled children into the environment of healthy peers;
    • Formation of new social connections;
    • Gaining social skills;
    • Formation of skills of interaction with others;
    • Creating conditions for the creative development of personality;
    • Creating a positive emotional mood;
    • Relieving tension, anxiety;
    • Development of communication skills.

The target audience:

    • Disabled children living in families.
    • Families raising disabled children.
    • Healthy peers of disabled children and families with children who make up the social environment of families raising disabled children.

Directions within the club:

The program provides for the implementation on an interdepartmental basis of a set of consistent activities, including:

developing motivation for interaction and mutual support among families raising disabled children and families with healthy children;

formation of new social connections among families with disabled children, creation of mutual support networks for families raising disabled children and families with healthy children;

providing disabled children with social skills that facilitate their integration into the environment of healthy peers;

creating a system of creative rehabilitation of disabled children by holding exhibitions of artistic and applied creativity with the simultaneous participation of children with disabilities and healthy children;

conducting individual and group developmental classes;

rehabilitation and provision of psychological and pedagogical services using sensory equipment.

Program description:

The position of social work in relation to people with disabilities: a course has now been taken towards their integration into society, in this the psychological atmosphere in the family is of no small importance. A network of rehabilitation centers is opening to help people with disabilities adapt to society; laws and conditions are being created to ensure disabled people have a full life in society, but at the same time, the process of social integration of disabled children is slow. As before, the majority of disabled children are in a situation of forced isolation. Children with disabilities experience significant difficulties in interacting with other children, families with disabled children are deprived of a real opportunity to establish constructive contacts with the social environment, therefore, a child with disabilities has only one option: sit at home and watch TV.

In this regard, there is a need to find new ways to integrate people with disabilities into society. And the communication club, organized by the BU RA “USPN” of the Turochak district, in this case is the best option for solving the problems of children with disabilities. Thus, classes at the club provide the child with the opportunity not only to “go out into the world,” but also to acquire new knowledge, communication skills with others, and, as a result, to overcome their fears and inhibitions.

A communication club for children with disabilities is a series of events and creative activities aimed at achieving set goals.

Work with the child and family is aimed at developing psychological and pedagogical characteristics and will be carried out in two directions: an individual child development program and group classes.

Individual work will be carried out along the main lines of child development: social, physical, cognitive. The schedule of classes depends on the individual characteristics of the child, his interaction with the adults around him.

Group activities create the necessary space to gain experience interacting with other children and adults. Group classes are developed for children taking into account their mental and physiological capabilities. Classes are conducted in a playful way, with the active participation of parents. Particular attention will be paid to the development of cognitive abilities, speech, emotional-volitional sphere, fine motor skills, dexterity and precision of movement. In our project, we assume that play and creative activities are key methods, since playing, drawing, modeling dough and working with paper liberates a person, develops sensitivity and observation to others, and therefore understanding; makes you fight complexes, teaches you not to dwell on your shortcomings.

Activities in the sensory room will stimulate sensory development; compensation of sensory impressions; preserving and supporting the child’s individuality through harmonization of the inner world.

Taking into account the specifics of this category of people, group classes will be held twice a month.

The final stage of the program in the decade of disabled people will be an exhibition of works in front of parents and other persons, and an analysis of the work will be carried out. The event will end with a tea party for parents and children with disabilities. At the end of the work done in the Communication Club, the leader, together with disabled children and their parents, needs to create an album.

Expected results:

    • Improving social well-being and psychological climate in families raising disabled children.
    • Strengthening the physical and psychological health of children and adolescents with problems in development and adaptation;
    • Improving psychological comfort and emotional well-being;
    • Improving emotional state;
    • Reducing anxiety and aggressiveness;
    • Acceleration of recovery processes after illnesses;
    • Relieving nervous excitement and anxiety.

As part of our research, we analyzed the activities of the State Budgetary Institution of Social Services “Alexandrovsky Integrated Center for Social Services to the Population” (356300, Aleksandrovskoye village, Moskovskaya St., 4), and came to the conclusion that it was necessary to develop a program to support parents raising a disabled child .

One of the urgent tasks of modern Russian society is to provide social and pedagogical assistance to families with children with disabilities. With the steady increase in the number of such children, attention to each of them is necessary. This requires the pedagogical community to develop relationships between the educational system and the family.

Modern practical pedagogy, however, does not pay enough attention to the problems of working with families with such children.

The birth of a child with developmental disabilities is always stressful for the family. A disabled child is limited in freedom and social significance. He has a very high degree of dependence on his family, and limited skills for interacting in society. The problem of raising and developing a “special” child becomes overwhelming for the family; parents find themselves in a psychologically difficult situation: they experience pain, grief, guilt, and often fall into despair. Such families need comprehensive social and pedagogical support. Working with a family with a sick or disabled child should be approached from a humanistic perspective, parents should be oriented toward proactively preparing the child for life, developing the child’s ability to think in terms of the future, and forming positive prospects for his development.

It is no coincidence that quite a lot of attention is paid to working with parents of children with disabilities. For such children, whose contact with the outside world is narrowed, the role of the family increases immeasurably. The family has significant opportunities in solving certain issues: raising children, including them in social and labor spheres, and developing children with disabilities as active members of society. But numerous studies (G.L. Aksarina, N.Yu. Ivanova, V.N. Kasatkin, N.L. Kovalenko, A.G. Rumyantsev, etc.) indicate that the appearance of a child with disabilities in a family violates the established family functioning: the psychological climate of the family and marital relationships are changing.

Purpose of the program: creating conditions for overcoming the social isolation of disabled children and their socialization in a family environment.

1. Implementation of the strategy of socialization and social integration of disabled children in the family and society based on an individual integrated approach, including the formation of a system of creative rehabilitation of disabled children and other forms of self-realization, development of family recreation and health programs.

2. Strengthening the resource potential of families raising children with disabilities and their social rehabilitation competence, creating positive motivation for the formation of new social connections, as well as promoting the creation of mutual support networks for parents of disabled children.

3. Formation of a unified resource methodological and educational space, increasing the professional potential of specialists involved in the provision of social services to disabled children.

4. Strengthening coordination and increasing the efficiency of government agencies, public associations and mutual support groups for families. raising children with disabilities, to improve the situation of children with disabilities and their social inclusion.

5. Formation of a tolerant attitude towards disabled children in society, popularization of ideas to promote their social inclusion.

The main goal of the social service implementing this program should be to ensure the implementation of social rehabilitation of minors with disabilities, as well as providing assistance to the families in which these children are being raised.

The structure of the social service includes:

Medical service, which includes a pediatrician, a physiotherapist, a psychiatrist, a nurse, a massage nurse and a physiotherapy nurse;

Social pedagogical service, which includes: social pedagogues, educators, teacher-psychologist, teacher of additional education, speech therapist, teacher-speech pathologist, physical education instructor.

The program provides the following forms of work with families with health problems:

Pedagogical patronage (social and pedagogical services at home);

Short-term groups for disabled children with comprehensive rehabilitation (medical and pedagogical);

Family rehabilitation groups “Saturday living rooms”, the main goal of which is to create conditions for solving intrafamily problems and educating parents in order to enhance the process of socialization and adaptation to modern society;

Organization of circle work, creative workshops and clubs.

Training and education of parents together with interested organizations.

The program is built on principles:

1. A person-oriented approach to children and parents, where the center is taking into account the personal characteristics of the child and family; providing comfortable, safe conditions.

2. Humane-personal - comprehensive respect and love for the child, for each family member, faith in them, the formation of a positive “I-concept” of each child, his/her self-image (it is necessary to hear words of approval and support, to experience a situation of success) .

3. The principle of complexity - social and pedagogical support is considered in a comprehensive manner, in close interaction of all specialists.

4. The principle of the activity approach - assistance is carried out taking into account the leading type of activity of the child (in play activities), in addition, it is also necessary to focus on the type of activity that is personally significant for the child.

Estimated progress of the program:

1. Implementation of a strategy for the socialization and social integration of disabled children in the family and society based on an individual integrated approach, including the formation of a system of creative rehabilitation of disabled children and other forms of their self-realization, the development of family recreation and health programs.

Social support for families by the social support service includes telephone consultations, observation of the child’s development, periodic invitations to undergo rehabilitation courses, participation in events and promotions of the institution, including:

Social and pedagogical patronage of families raising children with severe disabilities and who do not have the opportunity to attend the center (or young children) involves social workers conducting developmental classes with disabled children with severe health problems (who do not attend kindergartens or schools due to their illness or age) at home 2 times a week for 2 classes of various directions, with mandatory training of parents in the skills of independent pedagogical work on the development of their children.

Correctional classes in institutions with children are carried out both in the conditions of a day care group for minors and on individual development routes. Depending on the needs of the children, it is necessary to organize:

Classes on social and everyday adaptation in a day care group for children who do not attend preschool institutions and require clear instructions for action.

Depending on the existing problems, individual correctional classes are conducted by a defectologist, speech therapist or educational psychologist.

Subgroup classes in music and physical education are mandatory for everyone; individual physical therapy classes are also held separately in accordance with doctor’s prescriptions.

For medical reasons, it is necessary to consult doctors (pediatrician, physiotherapist, psychiatrist) regarding the prescription of rehabilitation measures and medical procedures: medical massage, physiotherapy (phototherapy, magnetic therapy, electrotherapy, inhalations). As well as individual physical education classes; herbal medicine and vitaminization courses.

For each child, it is necessary to draw up an individual development route and program of activities, which are agreed upon with the parents. In turn, parents receive homework and individual consultations on the dynamics of the child’s development.

1.2. To implement the principle of integration of disabled children, we propose to organize a “Healthy Child” club. Goal: prevention of diseases in children and promotion of a healthy family lifestyle.

We assume that in the process of physical activity health-improving, educational and educational tasks will be effectively solved. Through a system of special exercises and games, children will become familiar with the signs of health (correct posture, gait), and learn to protect themselves from germs. The knowledge gained will allow special children to engage in physical exercises more consciously and more fully, and to independently use the means of physical education in life.

Organized motor activity is associated with a clear focus on results (games - dramatization, sports and outdoor games, games - relay races). Children will be able to evaluate their “I” by the direct efforts they make to achieve their goal. And in connection with the development of self-esteem, such personal qualities as self-respect, conscience, and pride will develop. Complex actions demonstrate the will of a disabled child to overcome obstacles in achieving a set goal. Particularly valuable in this regard are outdoor and sports games, physical exercises based on prolonged and repeated repetition of monotonous motor actions; when performing them, it is necessary to make volitional efforts to overcome gradually growing physical and emotional stress. Thus, classes in the “Healthy Child” club will be an important factor influencing the formation of the personality of a disabled child and his socialization in society.

In order to assist the family in the development of a disabled child, it is possible to organize a club “Game is a serious matter.” Target: development of children's abilities through play activities.

Meetings at the club are held according to the program for children with disabilities and healthy children. Joint activities teach children to communicate with peers and other adults, develop the ability to cooperate with each other, forming a sense of partnership. Theatrical activities (role-playing songs, nursery rhymes, imitation of the movements and voices of birds and animals) stimulate figurative and playful manifestations, develop the sphere of feelings, awaken empathy, compassion, and develop the ability to put oneself in the place of another person. As a result, children will learn to interact with each other as play partners; children will be more attentive to each other, friendly, learn a polite form of communication, and develop aesthetic taste.

We also offer a project for a creative workshop “Very Skillful Hands” - to teach children various types of creativity: weaving from foil, designing from paper, drawing in unconventional ways, modeling from clay and painting on ceramics, which will contribute to the development of children’s creative abilities through productive - applied activities. An additional opportunity to train fine motor skills through creating a variety of crafts will allow children to develop and discover new abilities.

The creative workshop “Musical Living Room” provides an opportunity for a disabled child to realize his potential, promoting the development of creative abilities.

1.3. Great importance in organizing work on the social integration of disabled children in the family and society is given to the organization of holidays and cultural and leisure events.

Participation in festive and leisure activities not only helps to create a festive and joyful mood among the participants, but also helps to activate their internal resources. The sociocultural program is a psychological training - communication, emotional, motivational, physical. Participation in such programs will be another step for children with disabilities on the path to adaptation, acceptance of themselves and the difficulties of the world in which they live and act.

2. Strengthening the resource potential of families raising children with disabilities and their social rehabilitation competencies, creating positive motivation for the formation of new social connections, as well as promoting the creation of networks of mutual support for parents of children with disabilities:

2.1. The program provides for diagnostics and implementation of advisory assistance to parents with disabled children on their upbringing and development. An individual work route can be developed for each family, along which support will be provided.

2.2. For parents with disabled children, the “Happy Parent” project can be implemented, the main purpose which is to create conditions for solving intra-family problems and educating parents in order to enhance the process of socialization and adaptation of a disabled child to modern society.

This project involves conducting joint classes with parents and children to develop various productive communication skills, creative activities, as well as a system of group and individual consultations for parents on educational issues.

One of the directions of this project is the organization of joint creative and leisure activities of children and adults, which contributes to the development of positive relationships between children and adults and creates the necessary conditions for the successful development of a child in the environment.

As a result, parents will gain new knowledge and master practical skills for joint activities with the child, the opportunity to relieve tension and excessive anxiety associated with parental “failure”, the opportunity to exchange parenting experiences, and establish trusting relationships in the group.

In general, it can be noted that this rehabilitation work includes a system of social, pedagogical and therapeutic interventions aimed at fully or partially restoring the optimal personal and social status, developmental disorders and health of a child experiencing difficulties in the family, in education, in their microsocial environment.

Expected Results

1. The program helps strengthen the resource potential of families raising children with disabilities (the desire to take care of the child increases), and their social rehabilitation competencies (parents learn how to interact with the child), the formation of positive motivation for the formation of new social connections (the circle of contacts expands)

2. There will be an increase in the level of communication skills, strengthening the resource potential of families raising children with disabilities, and motivation to form new social connections.

3. The level of parental competence in matters of upbringing and development of children, their recreation and health improvement will increase.

4. The program will help improve the level of communication skills, increase interest in various types of creativity, strengthen the resource potential of families raising children with disabilities, and motivate them to form new social connections.

Thus, our proposed program will contribute to effective social and pedagogical support for families raising a disabled child.

On the other hand, it is an opportunity to see your child in comparison with other children, to observe the relationships between children; — dramatization allows children to develop the experience of social connections and social behavior skills, since each work has a moral orientation. Thanks to motivated activity (even in an unrealistic, playful situation), children more easily master the skills and means of communication. Participation in dramatization in its psychological structure is a simulation of real life situations. A holiday is an artistic activity, a show in which every child must actively participate (independently or with the help of an adult). The holiday provides an opportunity to unite children and adults into a large team, organizes them, unites them (charged with common action and emotions, the child begins to act in the same way as his neighbors and surrounding people).

Club of mothers of disabled children

The most commonly used set of methods: the “Psychological Type of Parent” questionnaire by Yova, the parental attitude test questionnaire - ORO, the sociogram “My Family” by Yova, the “Incomplete Sentence” test, the M. Luscher test, etc. The fifth step is formulating the problem. The task of the specialist at this stage is to analyze the data obtained and provide parents with a professional interpretation of the identified significant and significant aspects of the child’s development.


By offering his vision of the situation, the teacher leads parents to find a possible way out of the problem. The sixth step is identifying ways to solve problems. The main attention is paid to setting up parents for painstaking and systematic work to adapt the child to independent life.

Invamama is a community of parents of disabled children

Bellak, M. Luscher’s test, drawing techniques “My Family”, “Nonexistent Animal”, “Man”, “Ladder for Children” test, Spielberg-Khanin Anxiety Test, etc. It should be noted that in the case when a child has cognitive abilities turn out to be sharply reduced and psychophysical developmental disabilities are of a pronounced degree, then it is advisable to conduct a diagnostic examination in the presence of a family member.


The fourth step is an examination of parents (conducted by an educational psychologist). The teacher’s actions at this stage are aimed at studying the nature of interpersonal relationships between parents and the child and the model of his upbringing.

A prerequisite for carrying out this type of work is that the procedure is voluntary. The teacher proves to clients the importance of studying the psychological atmosphere of the family in order to provide effective assistance.

Mothers of special children created a happy hour club

They are ready to hear the teacher, understand his explanations and complete assignments. Therefore, the specialist actively involves them in the lesson, asking them to finish the exercise they have started.
Further, explaining his purpose, he invites mom to complete the task on her own. In case of failure, a specialist comes to the rescue, finishing the exercise with the child and explaining the reasons for the failure.

At the final stage of working with parents, the teacher conducts subgroup classes when two children and their mothers meet. The specialist organizes such classes only after it is possible to form cooperation between the mother and her child in individual classes.

As studies and survey data have shown, parents raising problem children often experience difficulties while walking with their child. Conflict situations arise both between children and between adults themselves.

Communication club for parents of disabled children “Nadezhda”


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Club of mothers of disabled children raising children with disabilities

It is difficult for them to smile voluntarily, frown their eyebrows, lower the corners of their mouth, open their eyes wide, i.e., express their state with the help of facial expressions. Theatrical performances encourage children to change their facial state. Captivated by what is happening on stage, children begin to smile, feel sad, and worry about the characters; — parents have the opportunity to observe their children in an unusual environment and see the dynamics of their development. This is a great psychological help for parents, since some cannot even imagine that their children do not perceive themselves as lonely and rejected, and feel free in the presence of a large number of people.

Public Fund “Committee of Mothers of Disabled and Sick Children”

The program consists of 7 classes, which are held once a week with a duration of 40 - 60 minutes. Work with a group of parents is carried out in several stages. During the first stage, the educational psychologist clarifies parents’ ideas about upbringing (its goals, methods of influence, influence on the child’s personal development and behavior, the adequacy and dynamism of the parental position). At the second stage, the work is aimed at increasing the emotional acceptance of the child, increasing the effectiveness of parental control and requirements, and understanding the child’s behavior. At the third stage, parents are trained in effective ways to communicate with their child, adequately express their feelings, and reflect on the work of the program. Practice-oriented technologies are used as the main methods and techniques of work: discussion, role-playing, working with reminders, solving problem situations, psychotechnical exercises.
The project organizers have already prepared several master classes on handicrafts, baking, makeup, and oriental dancing. In the future, the club will hold events not only for mothers of special children, but also for the children themselves, as well as for their healthy peers, so that they can play and communicate with each other. Educational and game programs and master classes are planned for children with disabilities. Happy Hour club members will meet twice a month.

Information about the club of mothers of disabled children

At the same time, efficiency is understood as the implementation of the basic social functions of leisure: compensatory, socializing, communication functions, creative self-realization, and personal development. A prerequisite for a leisure program is the educational aspect, i.e., as a result of its development, the participant acquires certain knowledge, skills and abilities, and gains social experience. The club implements the following types of leisure programs: excursions, trips, hikes, visits to holidays, performances, theatrical games. Excursions, trips, hikes are associated with communication with nature, getting to know your hometown and its attractions. For a child with developmental disabilities, the opportunity to stay in nature is extremely necessary to expand their living space, gain environmental knowledge, and improve their health.
Society December 13, 2016 14:00 Ivan Bondarenko Photo: ru. It was created so that mothers of special children could meet in an informal setting, discuss their problems, help each other and, most importantly, relax and unwind, and also feel like a woman.

But disability is not a death sentence. In our club, mothers will not only be able to communicate with each other, but also see success stories,” says Irina.

In modern socio-economic conditions, the problems of social adaptation and rehabilitation of persons with special needs have become significantly worse. Despite the many proposed forms of education and upbringing of children with disabilities, a family raising a disabled child faces difficulties in solving pedagogical, socio-psychological and legal problems.

A family cannot raise a child in isolation from other educational institutions, since a child with disabilities attends a preschool, school, various centers and other educational institutions.

A family with a child with special needs is a family where disintegration of family relationships occurs. A child’s illness often changes the entire habitual way of life in the family. Uneven, conflictual relationships arise between spouses and other family members. Also, the appearance of a disabled child in a family can cause parents to strive for isolation from society.

Parents find it difficult to determine their role in new difficult conditions; they do not always know how to create conditions that allow the child to develop, learn and self-realize normally. Many families are unable to change the current situation on their own. It is difficult for a parent who is not included in the correction and habilitation process to change the existing stereotypes of their interaction with the child, which slows down the process of correction and habilitation itself. By providing timely psychological and pedagogical assistance, the chances of successful adaptation of disabled children and their families to public life and strengthening the moral and psychological climate in such families increase.

Therefore, in the activities of any educational institution where disabled children are raised and educated, it is necessary to develop cooperation between specialists and parents, intensify forms of work on interaction between the educational institution and the family, and improve the system of comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support.

For specialists and teachers, establishing cooperative relationships with parents and interacting with families presupposes a change in the perspective of professional activity, gives a feeling of relevance for one’s own activities, awakens resources for creativity, searching for new forms of work, choosing a methodological approach, and increases the efficiency and effectiveness of activities.

For parents raising children with disabilities, cooperation with a teacher expands the understanding of their own competence, gives confidence in their abilities, promotes understanding of their capabilities and the compensatory capabilities of the child, active participation in the learning and upbringing process, and helps the parent and child adequately interact with each other.

The program includes activities aimed at supporting families raising children with disabilities, developing a system of psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities and their parents in the conditions of the State Educational Institution for Children's Social Welfare, and the active use in the activities of specialists of new forms of work on interaction with families and cooperation with parents .


Purpose of the program– ensuring interaction between an educational institution and a family raising a disabled child with multiple disabilities, involving parents in the correctional, habilitation and educational process.

Program objectives:

  • training parents in corrective and developmental interaction with the child;
  • formation of an effective parental position,
  • providing timely psychological and informational assistance to families raising a disabled child;
  • formation of parents’ interest in the child’s personal development based on his compensatory capabilities,
  • formation of a positive image of the child, his future through changing the level of parental aspirations.

Target group– parents raising disabled children with multiple disabilities aged 4 to 12 years.

Implementation deadlines:

  • 18 hours with a frequency of classes 1-2 times a month.
  • Lesson duration: 3 hours.

Forms and methods of work:

  • The number of participants in the group is no more than 5-7 people.
  • During the implementation of the program, individual and group forms of work with all participants in the educational process are used.
  • The forms of work vary depending on the type of family upbringing, the type of educational institution, the length of time the child stays there, the conditions of detention, and the nature and degree of the child’s developmental disorders.
  • Practical classes are organized with each family individually, together with parents and disabled children.
  • Working methods: seminar, lecture, group training, practical training in groups and individually.

Expected results of the program:

  1. Awareness of the role of the family and its influence on the formation of the personality of a child with disabilities.
  2. Creating conditions to ensure the psychological safety of families raising a child with special needs.
  3. Increasing the level of knowledge about the state of development and health of children with disabilities, real opportunities and mechanisms of their adaptation in society.
  4. Mastering the skills of correctional and developmental interaction with a child.
  5. Formation of emotional acceptance of the individuality of a child with disabilities and changes in the level of parental aspirations.

Basic requirements for program implementation:

The goals of parental education and enlightenment in an educational institution are significant and varied. It is they who determine the special role of parents as the main allies in an educational institution, among other subjects of the educational process.

Interaction with parents is a very special type of pedagogical activity, requiring special psychological knowledge, tact, and tolerance. The education of parents is characterized by a certain sequence, gradual development of knowledge, stages, which determines the specifics of the forms of work of parental comprehensive education, and the characteristics of the contingent of students, and the forms of classes conducted.

Education and enlightenment of parents of disabled children is focused on current problems in the life of a child with multiple disabilities, on the psychological safety (safe family, safe school or kindergarten, social environment) of the family and its interaction with the educational institution.

It should be taken into account that the greatest effect is achieved when training is combined with solving practical problems of raising children with special needs, taking into account their individual characteristics and capabilities.

To successfully organize training, we need specialists and teachers who will carry out this work. Specialists of various profiles take part in the implementation of the program: educational psychologists, speech pathologists, speech therapists, medical specialists, social educators, who will help expand the knowledge of parents in certain issues of social adaptation, integration, and development of disabled children with multiple disabilities.


p/p Event theme Number of hours Organizational form Objectives of the event
1. Organization of psychological, medical and pedagogical support in an educational institution. 3 Seminar Increasing the level of parental competence in matters of teaching and raising children, developing a common view of the educational institution and the family on the essence of the process of psychological, medical and pedagogical support in order to create optimal conditions for the development of the child’s personality.
2. Family and its role in the development and upbringing of a child with disabilities 2 Lecture Getting to know the psychological climate in families raising disabled children. Adequate assessment of the role of the family and its influence on the formation of the personality of a child with disabilities.
3. Adults and children Annex 1 3 Group training
(1 lesson)
Awareness of the differences between the inner world of a child and an adult, perception, emotional experiences. Motives, needs, behavior. Acquiring skills in analyzing the causes of a child’s behavior based on the child’s own perspective. Group cohesion.
4. Features of family education of children with developmental disorders and ways to overcome them 2 Lecture Acquaintance with family opportunities in raising children with intellectual disabilities.
5. Communication with a child Appendix 2 3 Group training
(1 lesson)
Introduction of the concept of “acceptance”.
Familiarization with the characteristics of accepting and non-accepting behavior of parents.
Improving the emotional state of participants.
6. Show me Love Appendix 3 3 Group training
(1 lesson)
Formation of ideas about unconditional acceptance as the main condition for satisfying the child’s need for love. Development of skills for expressing negative emotions towards a child.
7. Methods of pedagogical influence on a child in the family 1 Individual consultation
8. Organization of assistance to families raising disabled children 2 Round table Increasing parental competence in legal and legal matters
9. Training “Parental effectiveness” 9 Group training
Formation of trusting relationships. Awareness of the parental position and goals of education. Introducing parents to forms of child control, expanding ideas about discipline.
Formation of the ability to regulate control functions in accordance with the areas of control over the child. Providing emotional support to parents.
"I am a parent" Appendix 4
Appendix 5
"A happy family"Appendix 6
10. Thematic workshop “Parenting skills class” 10 Practical lesson
(5 lessons)
Increasing the general pedagogical competence of parents (legal representatives), developing practical skills in the development, training and education of disabled children.
“Formation of motor skills and self-care skills in children with disabilities”
“Development of the communicative sphere in disabled children”
“Formation of mental processes in children with disabilities”
“Formation of play activity in children”
“Formation of learning motivation in preschool children”

Throughout all classes, program participants are provided with information and methodological materials and reminders for consolidating and studying the material independently.


Event 1.Practice-oriented seminar “Organization of psychological, medical and pedagogical support in an educational institution”

  1. Presentation of the program.
  2. The concept of “psychological-medical-pedagogical support”. Three-level system of assistance to families raising children with disabilities in the Murmansk region. Basic principles, goals and objectives of psychological, medical and pedagogical support in the context of the educational correctional and developmental process. Guaranteeing the rights of parents raising disabled children with multiple impairments to organize individual psychological, medical and pedagogical support within the framework of the educational process.
  3. Questioning parents to determine the level of civil legal competence as part of the implementation of the educational correctional and developmental process.
  4. Family and educational institution are partners in the upbringing and development of a child.
  5. Information about the types of educational institutions and forms of correctional and developmental education.

Event 2. Round table on the topic “Family and its role in the development and upbringing of a child”

  1. Types of family upbringing and their influence on the formation of a child’s personality.
  2. The main periods of family development and the functions of family members.
  3. Psychological safety (safe family, safe school, social environment) is a necessary condition for the normal development of a child.

Event 3.Group training “Adults and children”

  1. Warm-up “Flower of Mood”.
  2. Development and adoption of group rules.
  3. Exercise “Getting to know the family.”
  4. Independent work with the “Inner World” questionnaire form.
  5. Information block.
  6. Exercise “Understand the child’s feelings.”
  7. Exercise “I-message”.
  8. Reflection, feedback.
  9. Homework.

Event 4. Lecture on the topic “Features of family education of children with developmental disorders and ways to overcome them”

  1. Family capabilities in the development of children with intellectual disabilities.
  2. Indicators of success of correctional pedagogical work.
  3. Family education of preschool children with intellectual disabilities (mental education, labor education, emotional and personal development, physical education)
  4. Family education of school-age children with intellectual disabilities.
  5. Questions and assignments.

Activity 5.Group training “Communication with a child”

  1. Greeting "Compliment".
  2. Discussion of homework.
  3. Information block.
  4. Exercise "Active listening".
  5. Exercise “Nobody knows that...”.
  6. Creative work “Portrait of my child.”
  7. Reflection of feelings.
  8. Homework.

Activity 6. Group training “Show me love”

  1. Greetings.
  2. Discussion of homework.
  3. Information block.
  4. Psycho-gymnastic exercise “Convey the emotion.”
  5. Exercise "Seekers".
  6. Exercise “I like about you...”.
  7. Reflection.

Activity 8.Round table on the topic “Organization of assistance to families raising disabled children”

  1. Information block on legal and legal aspects.
  2. Parent survey.
  3. Discussion on the main problems of disability.
  4. The role of public associations of parents of disabled children.

Activity 9.Group training “Parental effectiveness”

Lesson No. 1 "I am a parent"

  1. Greeting "Getting acquainted with hands."
  2. Exercise "Pantomime".
  3. Group work “Educational goals”.
  4. Exercise "Parent-child".
  5. Exercise “The Blind Man and the Guide”.
  6. Exercise “Age regression”.
  7. Exercise “Dialogue of the sides of my Self.”
  8. Homework.
  9. Lesson reflection.

Lesson No. 2 “Learning to demand and control”

  1. Association warm-up.
  2. Exercise “Unclench your fist.”
  3. Discussion of homework.
  4. Information block.
  5. Work in pairs “Control zones”.
  6. Exercise “Parental requirements”.
  7. Exercise “Analysis of mother-child communication.”
  8. Exercise “Damaged phone”.
  9. Homework.
  10. Reflection.

Lesson No. 3 "A happy family"

  1. Exercise "Eraser".
  2. Exercise "Hello"
  3. Exercise “Positive and negative qualities of a child.”
  4. Exercise “I am a child.”
  5. Exercise “Non-evaluative perception”.
  6. Exercise “I care...”
  7. Exercise “I-statement”.
  8. Exercise “Pass the signal.”
  9. Art therapy “My child”.
  10. Musical relaxation.
  11. Work on subgroups “Rights of parents and children.”
  12. Lesson reflection. Parting.

Event 10.Thematic workshop “Parenting skills class”(5 lessons)

  1. “Formation of motor skills and self-care skills in children with disabilities.”
  2. “Development of the communicative sphere in disabled children.”
  3. “Formation of mental processes in children with disabilities.”
  4. “Formation of play activity in children.”
  5. “Formation of educational motivation in preschool children.”


  1. Psychological assistance to parents in raising children with developmental disorders / Manual for educational psychologists. – Moscow “Vlados”, 2008.
  2. Isaev D.N. Psychology of a sick child: Lectures. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House PPMI, 1993.
  3. Development of communication skills in children with moderate and severe mental retardation / Manual for teachers - St. Petersburg, Soyuz Publishing House, 2004.
  4. N.S. Efimova. Psychology of mutual understanding / Psychological workshop - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Minsk, 2004.
  5. Maller A.R. New in providing assistance to disabled children - Defectology No. 1, 1996.
  6. Smirnova E.R. Tolerance as a principle of attitude towards children with disabilities / Bulletin of psychosocial and correctional rehabilitation work No. 2, 1997.
  7. Schmidt V.R. Psychological assistance to parents and children: training programs - Moscow, Creative Center "Sfera", 2007.
  8. Markovskaya I.M. Parent-child interaction training. Goals, objectives and basic principles - St. Petersburg, “Rech”, 2005.
  9. Burmistrova E.V. Family with a “Special Child”: psychological and social assistance / Bulletin of practical psychology in education No. 4 (17), October-December 2008.

Goals and objectives of the club


Providing social support to parents of children with disabilities in matters of rehabilitation, development and education of children with disabilities;

Providing psychological and legal assistance to parents of children with disabilities on the basis of the Social Rehabilitation Center


1) Legal advice to parents.

2) Organization of joint leisure time for parents and children with disabilities.

3) Training parents in methods of rehabilitation of children with disabilities at home.

4) Psychological trainings.

5) Organization of active family recreation in nature for parents and children with disabilities.

6) Lesson in a creative workshop, using modeling of a system of social relations in a visually effective form in special gaming conditions.

Club members:

- parents of children with disabilities living in the Vsevolozhsk region;

Children with disabilities aged 1.5 to 18 years;

Center specialists (educator-psychologist, legal consultant, social educator, etc.);


The club operates on the basis of a social rehabilitation center for minors.

Events for parents and children are held free of charge, once a month.

Forms of work of the club: psychological trainings, leisure activities, consultations with Center specialists, excursions, etc.

Based on the results of each event, the head of the club draws up a Certificate of Completion of Work, and quarterly and at the end of the year draws up analytical reports on the results of the club’s work.


Financing is carried out on the basis of an agreement between MKUSO “Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors” and CSV “Vsevolozhsk Municipal District of Leningrad Region”.

Expected Result:

- Increasing legal literacy of parents of children with disabilities;

- Expanding the circle of communication between parents and children, overcoming social isolation, mutual assistance;

Overcoming stressful conditions by parents of children with disabilities without compromising mental and physical health;

Formation of an adequate attitude towards children with special needs;

Mastering the techniques of rehabilitation work with children at home;

Formation and organization of a healthy family lifestyle;

Organizing communication between children of different ages in order to enrich their social experience, as well as communication between their parents;

Instilling skills in organizing joint leisure time for parents and children with disabilities.



Social Affairs Committee

Municipal Municipality "Vsevolozhsk Municipal District of the Leningrad Region"

Municipal government social service institution"

"Social rehabilitation center for minors"


Director of MKUSO "SRCN"

Full name

Order No.____ dated “____”______2013


Club for parents

Children with disabilities

"We are together"

for 2013



Goals and objectives of the club


Providing social support to parents of children with disabilities in matters of rehabilitation, development and education of children with disabilities;

Providing psychological and legal assistance to parents of children with disabilities on the basis of the Social Rehabilitation Center


1) Legal advice to parents.

2) Organization of joint leisure time for parents and children with disabilities.

3) Training parents in methods of rehabilitation of children with disabilities at home.

4) Psychological trainings.

5) Organization of active family recreation in nature for parents and children with disabilities.

6) Lesson in a creative workshop, using modeling of a system of social relations in a visually effective form in special gaming conditions.

Club members:

- parents of children with disabilities living in the Vsevolozhsk region;

Children with disabilities aged 1.5 to 18 years;

Center specialists (educator-psychologist, legal consultant, social educator, etc.);


Organization of club activities

The club operates on the basis of a social rehabilitation center for minors.

Events for parents and children are held free of charge, once a month.

Forms of work of the club: psychological trainings, leisure activities, consultations with Center specialists, excursions, etc.

Based on the results of each event, the head of the club draws up a Certificate of Completion of Work, and quarterly and at the end of the year draws up analytical reports on the results of the club’s work.


Financing is carried out on the basis of an agreement between MKUSO “Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors” and CSV “Vsevolozhsk Municipal District of Leningrad Region”.

Expected Result:

- Increasing legal literacy of parents of children with disabilities;

- Expanding the circle of communication between parents and children, overcoming social isolation, mutual assistance;

Overcoming stressful conditions by parents of children with disabilities without compromising mental and physical health;

Formation of an adequate attitude towards children with special needs;

Mastering the techniques of rehabilitation work with children at home;

Formation and organization of a healthy family lifestyle;

Organizing communication between children of different ages in order to enrich their social experience, as well as communication between their parents;

Instilling skills in organizing joint leisure time for parents and children with disabilities.


Events of the club “We are together”

for 2013




Expected Result


"Parents' Law School"

Workshop for parents (benefits for families raising children with disabilities)

Head of the club,

legal consultant, specialist of the KSV “Vsevolozhsk Municipal District, Leningrad Region”

Increasing legal literacy of parents of children with disabilities


"Brave knights and beautiful ladies!" (interactive program dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day and March 8)

Head of the club,

music director


"Healthy family"

Class in the exercise therapy room: teaching parents methods of self-regulation.

Head of the club,

senior med. sister, educational psychologist

Overcoming stressful conditions by parents of children with disabilities without compromising mental and physical health


"School of Caring Parents"

Psychological training for parents by educational psychologist, social educator

Head of the club,

educational psychologist

Formation of an adequate attitude towards one’s own sick children; training in methods of rehabilitation work with children


“Let’s give the globe to the children!”

(collective field trip, family relay race dedicated to Family Day and Children’s Day)

Organization of active family recreation in nature for parents and children with disabilities

Head of the club,

social teacher

Formation and organization of a healthy family lifestyle. Expanding the circle of communication between parents and children


Excursion to the museum dedicated to the Day of Knowledge

Organization of joint leisure time for parents and children with disabilities

Head of the club,

social teacher


“Workshop of good deeds” (making gifts)

Lesson in a creative workshop, using modeling of a system of social relations in a visually effective form in special gaming conditions.

Head of the club,

labor instructor

Organizing communication between children of different ages in order to enrich their social experience, as well as communication between their parents during classes in a creative workshop


“Give Good” (tea party dedicated to Mother’s Day and International Day of Persons with Disabilities)

Organization of joint leisure time for parents and children with disabilities

Head of the club,

social teacher

Expanding the circle of communication between parents and children, overcoming social isolation


"New Year's Adventures"

(family holiday)

Organization of joint leisure time for parents and children with disabilities

Head of the club,

music director

Instilling skills in organizing joint leisure time for parents and children with disabilities