How to treat a pinched nerve in the lower back and what causes them? Extra sleep and rest. In the neck and lower back

This is a condition when the nerve roots that extend from our spinal cord, begin to compress neighboring vertebrae or other “obstacles” - tumors, hernias, protrusion and spasmed muscles are called pinched nerve . A pinched nerve is almost always accompanied by severe pain (cutting, shooting, burning). The most common forms of pinching are pinching of the sciatic nerve and cervical nerve.

Depending on where exactly the pain appeared and the pinched nerve occurred, lumbodynia (acute back pain in the lumbar region), sciatica (pain in the back leg, buttock, sacrum), lumboischialgia (pain in the buttock or lower back, in the back leg) are distinguished. , cervicobrachialgia (pain in the arm or neck) and cervicalgia (neck pain).

Causes of a pinched nerve

Statistically, a pinched nerve occurs more often during exacerbations of osteochondrosis in humans (degeneration of the cartilage of the intervertebral discs). This occurs from pinched nerve branches when the intervertebral gap narrows. Muscle spasms or hypertonicity only aggravates the situation and makes the person even more painful and uncomfortable.

When hypertonic muscles pinch the nerves, they also begin to suffer. blood vessels. Blood circulation, brain function and internal organs. If this condition continues for a long time, nerve tissues die, the sensitivity of some skin areas and parts of the body disappears. Also pinched nerve It can also become inflamed, which often happens with a disease such as radiculitis.

Symptoms of a pinched nerve

The leading symptoms depend on where the pinching is located. Also inflammatory process(if present) has a strong effect on the manifestations of the disease. The duration (degree) of pinching and the causes of this pinching also affect the manifestation of the disease.

Most main symptom– this is the presence of sharp pain in the place where the nerve is pinched (neck, lower back, leg or arm). There is also limited movement. At severe cases pinching of the vertebral, cervical or sciatic nerves may cause compression of the spinal cord and impaired movement and sensitivity of the limbs. Such a violation can also cause paralysis or paresis.

When the cervical nerve is pinched, the neck muscles become tense. When you turn your head or, conversely, during long periods of immobility (during sleep, while sitting for a long time, etc.), the pain intensifies significantly. Cervical vertebrae or intervertebral discs can also compress the cervical nerve if you have this person osteochondrosis, prolapse (protrusion) or subluxation. When treating such conditions, manual therapy and massage are best suited, which greatly relieve pain and help intervertebral discs recover.

Pinching of the ischial or lumbar nerve(sciatica) is characterized by a burning, tingling sensation that radiates pain to the leg, which becomes immobile, and when standing the person experiences shooting pain. And if there is any prolapse or hernia, then the pain becomes much stronger and sharper. Radiculitis is said to occur when the nerve becomes inflamed. A pinched nerve is often caused by a person suffering from overweight. The spine takes on all this extra load. In case of exacerbation of osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia, manual therapy is completely excluded, but is recommended physiotherapy and herbal medicine.

Treatmentpinched nerve

A pinched nerve is often not difficult to treat, and the results are noticeable even after the first session manual therapy, acupuncture or Tibetan acupressure massage. Such procedures quickly relieve pain and also relax spasmodic muscles. The correct position of all intervertebral discs is restored and the nerve endings are released. Pain syndrome is eliminated.

For prevention, in order to no longer get pinched nerves, various complex therapy, which includes various procedures from Tibetan medicine, such as moxotherapy, stone therapy, vacuum therapy, etc.

In case of severe pain due to a pinched nerve, the first aid remedy is to take painkillers and dry heat to the affected area. You need to lie down on a hard, flat surface and slightly raise your knees. It is necessary not to move for some time.


Folk remedies for treating pinched nerves

Treatment with ointments

In folk medicine there are many recipes for various healing ointments and also various oils, which help relieve pinched nerves that affect many people.

Juniper needles and Bay leaf mixed in a ratio of one to six and thoroughly ground to obtain a powdery state. The resulting mixture is combined with twelve parts of butter, previously melted. This remedy helps relieve pain and relax tense muscles when a nerve is pinched.

Another effective remedy with a pinched nerve. Take a tablespoon of pork fat or butter and combine with crushed hop cones. All this is thoroughly mixed and, after cooking, rubbed into the pinched area.
Two tablespoons of bleached butter are mixed with 1 tablespoon of ammonia. Apply the resulting ointment to the affected area and wrap it in something warm. The pain will be much less.

Lilac buds are boiled and mixed with pork fat. The resulting mass is rubbed into the affected area. Garlic oil also has healing properties with a pinched nerve. tablespoon garlic oil diluted in half a liter of vodka and rubbed into the area affected by radiculitis.

In order to cure this pinched nerve, you need to melt the wax and mix it with olive oil and wax. Next, you need to soak the linen fabric with the resulting mixture and place it on the lower back or neck. Secure the top with adhesive tape.

Bath treatment

The following well-known methods help with pinched nerves: folk remedies How medicinal baths with decoctions and infusions of herbs, etc. It is necessary to take baths with warm water about 37 degrees with a pre-prepared decoction of calamus roots - 250 grams of calamus roots are mixed with 3 liters of water and boiled. You can add creeping thyme (stems and leaves) there. Calamus and creeping thyme are mixed in equal proportions and 250 grams are mixed with 3 liters of water and boiled.

Take a kilogram of spruce or oak bark, pour 5 liters of water and boil for about half an hour, then decant and add to the prepared bath, the temperature in it should not be higher than 37 degrees Celsius.

It is healthy and good to take a bath with cereal flowers. A kilogram of collected flowers is poured into five liters of chilled water and boiled for half an hour, filtered and added to the bath. This good remedy for lumbar and general baths and also for compresses.

Traditional medicine has been using fruits successfully for a long time horse chestnut. One and a half kilograms of young horse chestnuts are boiled for 30 minutes in 5 liters of water and the expressed solution is added to the bath. Sage, chamomile or knotweed are used in the same way. 300 grams of one of these products are poured into five liters of boiling water and left for 2 hours, decanted and added to the bath.

It is good for treating pinched nerves and herbal tea which consists of black elderberry, burdock, oregano herb, wheatgrass, black currant leaves, juniper, tansy, pine buds, horsetail, nettle, hops, thyme and violet. Everything is mixed in equal proportions and eight tablespoons of the prepared mixture are added to a pan with 2 liters of boiling water and boiled for ten minutes. The broth is cooled, filtered and added to the bath.

Treatment with infusions

Various infusions for pinched nerves are used for internal and external use.

For pain relief, it is good to use a tincture of mullein flowers. Fifty grams of flowers are poured with 1000 ml of vodka and left until fully prepared for two weeks. The prepared tincture is smeared and rubbed into the affected areas. Lilac tincture is also used to treat pinched nerves. A glass of lilac flowers is infused for 7 days in half a liter of vodka.

An infusion of citvar wormwood is considered a good external pain reliever. In 350 ml of boiling water, infuse 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wormwood inflorescences, after which the spine, neck or lower back are rubbed.

For internal use, it is good to use tincture of lingonberry leaves. Brew 1 teaspoon of lingonberry leaves with 1.5 cups of boiling water. Take half a glass three times a day.

It is very useful to drink elderberry infusion when a pinched nerve occurs. One tablespoon is poured into a glass of boiling water and left to infuse. After 30 minutes the infusion is ready. Take half a glass of elderberry infusion a quarter of an hour before meals. An infusion of strawberry leaves is also prepared. Strawberries also have good healing properties. Five glasses of strawberries are filled with 1 tbsp. granulated sugar. Leave for five hours before they secrete juice, which they take 3 times. a day before meals.

Helps well common tansy. One spoon of tansy flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water, covered and left for 2 hours until fully cooked. Drink four times a day a quarter of an hour before meals.

Very useful for pinched nerves and celery is fragrant. Squeeze the juice from the leaves and drink 2 teaspoons three times a day. You can also use an infusion of celery roots. Infuse 1 tbsp in 0.5 ml of boiling water for four hours. spoon of celery roots, strain and drink 1/3 cup three times a day.

Also 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of yarrow in 1 glass of boiling water, wrap it and wait for one hour, then strain it. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day.

Treatment with fees

Folk medicine has accumulated many recipes made from various collections of medicinal plants that help relieve pain and limited movement due to a disease such as a pinched nerve. Here are a few very simple recipes which everyone can cook on their own.

Collection 1. Take 5 parts of thyme herb, 2 parts of bluehead flowers, 4 parts of rose hips mixed with 2 parts of linden flowers and 2 parts of hawthorn fruits. Everything must be chopped accordingly. All this is brewed and drunk like ordinary tea.

Collection 2. A collection of oregano, blackberry leaves, rose hips and thyme is characterized by an analgesic and calming effect. They are combined in a ratio of 5:2:3:3 and ground into a fine powder and brewed like regular tea.

Collection 3.Dill seeds, motherwort herb and caraway seeds are mixed in equal parts with valerian root and 2 tablespoons of the resulting mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water for half an hour. Take 3 rubles. per day 100 ml.

Collection 4. Mix 1 tsp. lemon balm herbs and orange peels, pour boiling water (glass) and leave to infuse for 10 minutes under the lid. Then it is filtered and mixed with one tsp. tinctures of valerian. For better taste, add honey and drink 1 glass 3 times a day.

Pinched sciatic nerve

The thickest and largest nerve in the human body is the sciatic nerve, which is formed by the fusion of the sacral and lumbar nerve roots. The sciatic nerve is responsible for sensation and movement of the toes, feet, ankle joint, shins and thighs. Inflammation or pinching of the sciatic nerve causes a person great discomfort, lower back pain, lower limbs. But it happens that in women, a pinched nerve occurs without the above symptoms.

Causes of pinching

The most common cause of this very unpleasant syndrome is considered to be osteochondrosis. The sacrospinous ligament and piriformis muscle compress the nerve ( piriformis muscle syndrome) and change. A pinched hernia, displacement of the spinal disc, damage to the pelvic organs and muscles, and tumors can also cause pinching.

Pinching symptoms

Pain, always varying in intensity, is the main symptom when the sciatic nerve is pinched. This pain may manifest itself as a small and weak tingling sensation, depending on the reason for which the sciatic nerve was pinched, also very severe pain or dull, severe pain. The pain is sometimes such that the patient may not move for some time. A person always feels pain only on one side of the body. If the pain is felt in the left leg, then right leg slight numbness and weakness are felt. At rest, the pain subsides a little, but as soon as a person stands up, sits, bends over or changes position, the pain immediately intensifies. The pain is worse at night. Sometimes pain is preceded by decreased mobility knee joint or feet, slight tingling or her weakness.

When the sciatic nerve is inflamed, a person may experience lower back pain. It is usually weaker than pain in the leg, but also entails unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations.

Diagnosis of the reasons why a pinched nerve occurred is based on computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging or radiography.

Differential diagnosis is always carried out with more dangerous diseases. It is necessary to consult a doctor when pain in the lower back or leg is accompanied by fever, severe pain, redness of the skin, swelling that does not go away over time, and a burning sensation when urinating.

Pinching treatmentsciatic nerve

In order to eliminate the problem of the sciatic nerve, you need to understand the reasons that caused it unpleasant disease, for the reason. Sometimes improvement occurs even without treatment, without treatment. If there is no improvement, then use methods that will relieve inflammation and pain. Conservative treatment involves using cold compresses with ice for the first three days. Painkillers such as Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen are also taken.

With this disease, the patient should reduce physical activity for two to three days, and not lift anything heavy. next month. Bed rest not advisable because the muscles need to be kept in good shape in order to return to a normal working lifestyle.

Pain caused by a pinched sciatic nerve will go away on its own or with treatment. by various means, such as usual conservative treatment, pills, massage, Thai massage, acupuncture. It is good to use various folk remedies in the treatment of radiculitis and pinched sciatic nerve. These are herbal infusions, ointments from medicinal plants and baths with medicinal herbs. ethnoscience I have been dealing with back pain problems for a long time. Accumulated a large number of recipes for back pain. All of them have stood the test of time and put many people on their feet. Such recipes are given above.

A pinched nerve often causes sharp pain. What are the symptoms of pinching? What pills can I take? These questions concern many who are faced with similar problem.

What is popularly called a “pinched nerve”, with medical point vision is called irritation or inflammation of the affected nerve, that is, a severe limitation of its functioning. The cause of irritation may be tension or hardening of the surrounding muscle tissue. This puts pressure on the nerve fibers and excites them. Inflammation or swelling after an injury can also cause irritation. When a patient has a pinched nerve, both acute and chronic diseases, which affect the general condition.

Nerve compression can occur in any part of the spine - thoracic, cervical, lumbar. Problems with the lumbar region occur more often. Here pinching can occur due to compression nerve endings vertebrae or as a result of spasm. or sciatica - a neuralgic disease of the lumbosacral spine.

Typical symptoms

When pinched, a person either experiences severe, sharp pain, or symptoms develop gradually. But not only pain syndrome causes inconvenience in similar situation. It all depends on which nerve is affected.

Some nerve fibers human body when their function is impaired, they manifest themselves less painfully (for example, auditory nerve). Damage to others (for example, motor) causes severe irritation, pain and nausea. In addition, numbness, tingling, and dizziness may occur. A typical diagnosis of a complex of these phenomena is cervical syndrome when the nerve fibers in the neck are affected and irritated.

If the sciatic nerve is affected, the person feels pain starting in the lower back and spreading along the back of the thigh to the lower leg. When, the pain spreads to the arm.

Signs of pinching:

  • severe pain (tingling, burning);
  • movement disorders;
  • numbness;
  • tension in surrounding muscles;
  • loss of reflexes;
  • paralysis;
  • pain worsens when coughing or taking a deep breath;
  • often the pain extends beyond the affected area;
  • dizziness;
  • lightheadedness;
  • profuse sweating;
  • bladder weakness.

Treatment of a pinched nerve

When a nerve is pinched, the first priority in therapy is to relieve pain. The patient's well-being and the return of physical activity are important.

Depending on the cause of the compression, the doctor has at his disposal different methods treatment. The patient himself has the opportunity to positively influence the outcome of treatment. If the pain disappears after the first procedures, you should not stop therapy, as this does not mean that the cause has been eliminated. Sometimes long-term treatment is required to avoid re-strangulation.

Treatment of a pinched nerve can take place in several stages.

  • Giving rest to the damaged area

In some cases it is recommended to carry out special exercises to strengthen muscles; in other cases, immobilization helps.

  • Anti-inflammatory and painkillers

When a nerve is pinched, it becomes irritated and damaged. In addition to pain, inflammation of the affected area may occur. nerve fiber. The doctor may prescribe tablets for pinching. These are usually anti-inflammatory painkillers (for example, tablets with such active substances How, acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen or diclofenac). In case of severe pain and serious damage (for example, hernia intervertebral disc) injections may be prescribed. In order to relieve pain and relieve inflammation, it is injected in the immediate vicinity of the damaged nerve. local anesthetic(eg lidocaine and cortisone). External agents in the form of ointments, creams, and gels also help well with pinched nerves.

  • Muscle relaxation

Many patients faced with this problem are concerned with the question: is it possible to do massage if a nerve is pinched? On the one hand, the nerve is pinched due to muscle tension, on the other hand, as a result of severe pain, this can lead to muscle tightness. Therefore, treatment should include eliminating muscle tension and hardening. This is achieved through heat treatment and massage.

A properly performed massage will help reduce pain and pressure in the area of ​​the pinched nerve, improve blood circulation, and help restore motor activity. A full course of massage will help avoid further development illness and unpleasant consequences.

Please note that in some cases massage is not permitted!

For example, in acute period diseases cannot be carried out. Because this can lead to a worsening situation. To avoid negative consequences, contact only a qualified massage therapist.

  • Physiotherapy

Such elements of physiotherapy as a special complex therapeutic exercises, are useful for treating nerve fibers. At the same time, exercises are carried out with the help of which you can purposefully increase the necessary muscle mass to relieve pinched nerve fibers. Having learned to do such exercises under the guidance of an experienced person, you can then carry them out independently at home. A good bonus to getting rid of pinching will be beautiful posture.

Under no circumstances should you choose your own treatment method, medication, exercise or massage! Only a specialist (physiotherapist) can prescribe suitable treatment after diagnosing the problem!

Install accurate diagnosis The doctor is helped by a thorough examination of the patient, radiography, CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging.

Avoid overvoltage

If the doctor has diagnosed a pinched nerve, you need to behave more carefully, especially when handling the affected part of the body. Repetitive movements of the muscles, joints, and tendons that are responsible for the pinching lead to worsening symptoms. This causes the surrounding tissue to swell and further block the nerve. The easiest way to slightly reduce the pain is to protect the area of ​​the pinched nerve and the surrounding area of ​​the body.

You need to try not to strain your body, move without irritating the nerve. It becomes immediately clear which movements cause pain. These movements should be avoided whenever possible.

Between instant relief from pain syndromes and long-term treatment, choose the second one. Because this will help completely solve the problem. If the disturbing symptoms have subsided, you need to continue taking medications until the end of the course, do massage and special exercises prescribed by your doctor. pay attention to healthy image life, movement and positive attitude. The healing of an irritated nerve depends on many factors, the severity of the nerve damage, compliance with therapy, and the progression of another disease at the same time.

Acute lumbar pain caused by a pinched nerve disappears after six weeks in 90% of patients with proper treatment.

A pinched nerve occurs when an area is compressed nerve tissue, resulting in a warning signal being sent to the brain. These signals can cause various symptoms, especially around a nerve.

Causes of pinched nerves

Pinched nerves usually occur when a nerve is damaged and cannot send signals to the brain, which can cause numbness and tingling. A pinched nerve can occur for a number of reasons. A herniated disc, bone spurs, or arthritis that compress nerve roots can cause pinching.

Additionally, certain activities and habits cause nerve pinching. Poor posture and injuries from sports or repetitive activities can compress the nerve. The extra pressure caused by obesity can lead to pinched nerves.

Signs and symptoms of a pinched nerve

Symptoms may be worse when the person lies down or immediately after waking up. A pinched nerve can cause other problems. Symptoms of conditions such as sciatica, tennis elbow and may occur in people with a pinched nerve. Pinching can occur anywhere on the body, most commonly in the neck, back, elbows, and wrists.

There are several symptoms that require attention and consultation with a doctor:

if a pinched nerve affects the bladder;

inability to lift objects.


Doctors may order a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computerized tomography scan to find out which nerves are damaged. This will help narrow down treatment options, which include pain medications or corticosteroids, exercise therapy, and in severe cases, surgery. Need to know that surgery may lead to complications. Most pinched nerves are temporary and can be treated at home. Constant symptoms may be a sign of serious injury that requires medical attention.

Ten Home Remedies to Treat Pinched Nerves

1. Extra sleep and rest

The body repairs itself during sleep, which can help reduce symptoms. In many cases, rest and extra sleep allow you to recover on your own. If a nerve is pinched, you should avoid any movements that irritate the nerve. The person must find a position that relieves pressure on the nerve.

2. Change in posture

A pinched nerve can be caused by poor posture. Incorrect position body over a long period can cause damage spinal column and muscles, which causes a pinched nerve. Using a pillow or adjustable chairs can help relieve pressure and allow the nerve to heal.

3. Ergonomic workplace

People dealing with pinched nerves should change their workplace. An ergonomic mouse and keyboard will help reduce pressure on your hands and wrists. Raising your computer monitor to eye level can help relieve neck pain.

4. Painkillers

Pain medications may help with a pinched nerve.Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and aspirin can reduce swelling and relieve pain for minor pinched nerves. It is important to consult your doctor regarding dosage and possible interactions with other medications.

5. Stretching and yoga

Stretching and yoga can help relieve tension and pressure in the area of ​​the pinched nerve. It is important not to stretch too hard as this may worsen symptoms. If a person experiences pain or discomfort during exercise, it is necessary to stop exercising to avoid nerve damage.

6. Massage and physical therapy

Massage can reduce physical pain and stress. Light massage can relieve tension and help muscles relax. Deep massage may worsen symptoms. Therapeutic exercise combined with physical exercise, massage and gentle stretches may relieve symptoms.

7. Tire

If possible, splinting the affected area may help prevent further damage and repair the nerve. This standard treatment will help with pinched nerves in the elbow and wrist joints. Many people sleep with the splint on to prevent any irritation. This will help relieve pressure on the nerve.

8. Elevated leg position

It may help people with pinched nerves in the back. exalted position legs A person can achieve this by placing several pillows under their knees so that their legs are at a 45° angle to their body.

9. Alternation of heat and cold

Alternating between heat and cold can help reduce swelling and inflammation. The combination of hot and cold increases blood circulation and will help reduce pain. Place an ice pack on the affected area for 15 minutes three times a day to reduce inflammation. Heat can be applied for a longer period of time, up to 1 hour three times a day.

10. Lifestyle changes

Doing daily exercise such as walking, swimming or cycling can reduce symptoms and keep the body in shape. A loss excess weight will reduce pressure on the nerve. Stretching will help keep your body flexible and reduce pressure and nerve inflammation.


  1. Naser S. S. A., ALmursheidi S. H. A Knowledge Based System for Neck Pain Diagnosis //World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development (WWJMRD). – 2016. – T. 2. – No. 4. – pp. 12-18.

Compression of the nerve roots in the back is a process that is accompanied by severe pain. With the consent of the doctor, you can treat a pinched nerve in the back at home. Home remedies go a long way in managing the pain. Certain measures to prevent infringement will prevent such a problem from happening again.

Pinched nerve in the spine - symptoms

The symptom depends directly on the degree of infringement and the cause of the pathology. Common signs, indicating nerve compression are:

  • acute pain;
  • restriction in movements;
  • decreased or increased sensitivity;
  • muscle weakness;
  • pain in internal organs.

In case of infringement in cervical spine hand weakness may occur, painful sensations when turning and tilting the head. If a nerve is damaged thoracic, then chest pain manifests itself even when inhaling and coughing. When nerve roots are damaged in lumbar region the pain moves from the lower back to the buttocks and thighs, weakness appears in the legs.

To relieve pain quickly

Many home methods are aimed not at treating the cause, but at reducing pain symptom. This symptomatic therapy, which helps to start leading normal life, take care of your health, identify the cause of the problem and try to cope with it.

Important! Infringement occurs due to compression of the nerve by an intervertebral hernia, protrusion, or osteophytes. The nerve becomes damaged and loses its ability to transmit nerve impulses. As a result, signals are not transmitted further throughout the body in full, causing sensory disturbances and pain.

Causes of pinching

Possible causes of a pinched nerve in the back:

  • mechanical compression, arthrosis, bone calluses;
  • pinching is possible not only in the back area: any nerve in the elbows and wrists can be affected;
  • injury.

The main symptoms of the condition include back numbness and sharp piercing pain. Muscle weakness is observed, there is a tingling sensation, muscle spasms. We will tell you in detail how infringement is treated.

What to do to relieve pain at home

To remove pain syndrome If your back is pinched, you must adhere to the doctor’s strict recommendations and begin treatment.

Complete rest

To get rid of pain, you need to avoid putting stress on the affected area. The first thing to ensure is a state of peace. You should try not to lift heavy things and, if possible, lie down in a relaxed state. The spine recovers best during sleep. A bandage should be applied to the sore spot.

Thermal compresses

Compresses will help: cold or hot. They are aimed at improving blood circulation. It’s good if you can alternate cold and hot compresses to achieve the best effect.

What is important when applying compresses:

  • the procedure with cold compresses should not be carried out more than four times a day. The duration of one session is 15 minutes. This effect will relieve inflammation;
  • immediately after the cold compress, you need to apply a hot compress to the skin. It stimulates blood flow, helps speed up the recovery process;
  • Hot baths will help with a pinched nerve (or treatment of the affected area hot water). This is a great way to relax your muscles and further stimulate blood flow.

Massage course

Effective in treating nerve compression in the back at home special massage. You can ask a specialist to come to your home. During the procedures, the muscles will relax, as a result of which the tension will go away and the pain will decrease.

You can safely massage the whole body, including the area where the pain is localized. In the painful area, the massage therapist must act carefully so as not to aggravate the situation. Deep massage with strong pressure is prohibited for the described pathology.

Important! During the treatment you need to drink a lot of water. Together with the fluid, the body will remove toxins, which will have a positive effect on the healing process.

Treatment with medications - drugs

Tablets for pinched nerves:

  • painkillers that are available without a doctor's prescription;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - aimed at combating edema (Aspirin, Ibuprofen);
  • It is best to buy medications created specifically to alleviate the condition of nerve compression;
  • muscle relaxants – Mydocalm.

Pinched nerve in the lower back, pain radiates to the leg - injections

If you pay attention to the problem in time, you can get by complex treatment in the form of tablets, ointments, heating and massage. When drugs are injected, the effect occurs faster, but also side effect drugs may be more pronounced. The formation of intramuscular infiltrate and abscess is possible if the injection technique is violated.

The most common injection medicine for pinched nerves is:

  • Movalis;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ketonal (can be used during pregnancy, except the third trimester, and during lactation);
  • Dicloberl;
  • Mydocalm.

Pinched nerve in the back - ointments

This pathology is a common occurrence. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory ointments that have an analgesic effect are used for treatment. If compression occurs nerve root in the back, prescribe:

  • Finalgon (relieves pain);
  • Viprosal (warms, relieves pain);
  • Betalgon (reduces painful sensations and improves blood circulation);
  • Flexen (relieves inflammation);
  • Carmolis (pain reliever);
  • Virapin (anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointment).

You can treat with ointments at home, but a doctor should recommend and prescribe medications. This will help avoid allergic reaction, development of complications.

Other home treatments

When the pain is eliminated and the main cause of the injury is identified, you need to treat your back at home, that is, generally change your lifestyle. Many back problems do not go away without leaving a trace, and you have to constantly make efforts to achieve long-term remission.

Light exercises

Regular exercise for ten minutes can increase vitality body, improve blood circulation. More oxygen will flow to the muscles and nutrients, which have a positive effect on the health of the spine.

Swimming, walking outdoors

It is enough to swim several times a week for forty minutes. For back problems, swimming is best view physical activity. Walking on fresh air will relieve joints and tendons from heavy loads, but at the same time will participate in promoting health.

Important! Physical activity after injury is extremely important. Due to its absence, the muscles become weak and recovery period will last longer than possible.

Correct posture

It is important not only when walking, but also when sitting, playing sports or sleeping. Correct position spine will relieve the affected area of ​​unnecessary strong pressure.

Treatment with folk remedies

Sometimes compression of the nerve roots occurs due to a lack of calcium in the body. The problem can be solved in several ways: buy special supplements at the pharmacy or start using more products, which contain this element (cottage cheese, green vegetables, herbs).

Reduce acids

Foods and drinks that contain a lot of acids often cause additional pain. So treatment involves giving up citrus juices and coffee. A few hours before bedtime, you should not eat anything sour.

More potassium

Like calcium, potassium is important for the normal functioning of muscles, nerves and the spine as a whole. You should eat more avocados and bananas; a lot of potassium is found in figs, dates, and nuts. Additionally you can take nutritional supplements potassium

How can the doctor help?

Any treatment, even at home, must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. For get well soon he may prescribe additional physiotherapeutic procedures.

If the pain is severe (especially when the sciatic nerve is pinched), doctors prescribe a course of steroid injections. IN difficult cases surgery is required.

For therapy for nerve compression in the back to have a positive outcome at home, it takes a lot of time and effort. The pathology takes a long time to treat, so often full course is 2–3 months.