Vitamins for body skin elasticity. The best pharmacy vitamins for facial skin. Mask to increase facial skin elasticity

From this article you will learn:

    What foods should you eat that increase skin elasticity

    What vitamins are there that increase skin elasticity?

    How to increase the elasticity of the skin of the body, neck, face, chest at home

    Which salon treatments help improve skin elasticity

Over time, our skin loses elasticity, firmness and freshness. This problem is felt most acutely by women after pregnancy or as a result of significant loss weight. Special meaning this question acquires on hot days. In the summer, every girl dreams of looking beautiful and attractive, but it is not always possible to correct her figure and hide problem areas with clothes. How can we prolong the youth of our body? How to increase skin elasticity? Below we will take a closer look at the main recommendations.

When there is a need to improve skin elasticity

Unfavorable over time weather and straight Sun rays provide Negative influence on the epidermis. It gradually loses elasticity, turgor begins to shrink, cell walls become thinner. Therefore, even young skin needs constant care, otherwise after 35 years it will begin to quickly fade, and the aging process will become irreversible.

If you begin to notice negative changes in the contour of your figure and body, for example, the skin on the palm begins to straighten more slowly after extension, you need to take immediate action.

So, how to increase skin elasticity? The following are the most important elements that help maintain youth:

    Hyaluron, which is responsible for connecting water molecules and providing skin hydration.

    Elastin, which allows the skin to stretch and return to its original shape. It is also part of elastic fibers.

    Collagen has the ability to increase the density and elasticity of connective tissue.

At the moment when disruptions occur in the process of synthesis of these elements, your skin begins to change shape and sharply fade.

Wherein genetic predisposition does not have a significant effect on turgor.

Thus, we can conclude that with proper care, you can maintain skin elasticity, prolong its youth and slow down the aging process. Fortunately, there are various available and useful remedies increasing elasticity.

Below we will consider the most effective methods that can be used at home and salon procedures.

What foods should you eat to increase skin elasticity?

The skin needs hydration not only from the outside, but also from the inside. IN daily diet you need to turn on the clean drinking water. In addition, there are a huge number of foods that help maintain skin elasticity. Most of them are quite affordable, not expensive, and can be purchased everywhere.

Regular consumption of the most common buckwheat can help prolong the youth of your skin for quite a long time. The fact is that it contains a substance such as flavonoid (rutin), which helps maintain elasticity and avoids the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, buckwheat contains unsaturated fatty acid.

One of the most important substances that prolongs the youth of the skin is silicon. It is found in products such as bran, cereals, certain berries and fruits, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, seeds, fresh herbs, sprouted cereal seeds and others.

When the body is deficient in iron, the skin becomes pale and loses its elasticity. This element, again, is part of buckwheat, and is also present in egg yolk, oatmeal, liver, red meat, rabbit meat, veal, chicken, lamb and pork.

Products rich in selenium have a beneficial effect on skin condition. This substance is found in Brazil nuts and coconuts, sardines and tuna, beef and pork liver, garlic, eggs, wheat grains, brown rice.

Seafood and fish contain zinc, which is an essential element for the skin, helping to maintain its elasticity. Products rich in it include: yeast, wheat bran, calf liver, beef, mushrooms, cocoa, nuts, pumpkin seeds.

What vitamins to take that increase skin elasticity

Skin turgor is one of the significant characteristics, which determines the level of firmness and elasticity. It also affects the mechanical resistance index. The higher its indicator, the healthier, smoother and softer the skin looks.

Many different biological processes occur in the human body, the normal functioning of which requires a balanced complex of vitamins that activate and accelerate these chemical reactions.

A deficiency of these substances causes the risk of premature aging, loss of skin firmness and elasticity, stimulates dryness and flaking and, consequently, the formation of wrinkles.

What increases skin firmness and elasticity? With the help of a certain complex of essential vitamins, we can cope with these problems and maintain tone.

It should include the following means, increasing skin elasticity:

    Vitamin A(retinol) promotes the growth and development of skin cells, and also helps relieve swelling and removes harmful substances.

    Vitamin E(tocopherol) is a substance that has a powerful effect on the human body. It slows down the aging process and triggers the rejuvenation mechanism skin, helps to dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

    Vitamin C(ascorbic acid) is a powerful antioxidant that accelerates the process of restoration of skin cells and removes harmful substances from the body. This substance is also involved in the formation of collagen and helps regulate metabolism.

    Vitamin PP(nicotinamide) is one of the most useful microelements, which stimulates tissue growth and participates in the redox process. According to their own healing properties this substance can be equated to a medicine.

    VitaminF is a powerful antioxidant that promotes the active removal of toxins and waste from the body, as well as strengthening and softening the skin. This substance prevents the formation of acne, acne and serves an excellent remedy prevention various diseases epidermis.

    Vitamin B1(thiamine) improves blood circulation, tissue growth, promotes rapid restoration of the skin and preservation of youth.

    Vitamin B2(riboflavin) activates metabolic processes, triggers energy mechanisms, gives the skin a healthy tone, ensures its smoothness and elasticity.

    Vitamin B5(pantothenic acid) is one of the most important enzymes that ensures the proper functioning of the metabolic process that synthesizes fatty acids. Its deficiency has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the skin and causes the risk of hair loss and brittle nails.

    Vitamin B6(pyridoxine) underlies key mechanisms that ensure healthy skin and correct exchange substances.

    Vitamin K is also one of the enzymes that activates the removal of toxins and waste from the body.

How to increase skin elasticity at home

  • Water + protein

It is important to understand that skin restoration is a long process that requires effort on your part. In order to improve the effect of the procedures, you should perform a number of measures aimed at increasing elasticity. This complex includes proper diet nutrition and restoration of the body from the inside, as well as external influences - maxis, scrubs, creams.

The main element responsible for moisturizing the epidermis is water, and protein, in turn, is the most important building substance. Skin elasticity is provided by collagen and elastin. With insufficient cell division, our body experiences a deficiency of vital amino acids, as a result of which the skin loses its smoothness and becomes wrinkled.

  • Wrap

This procedure is well suited for regular home use and takes about an hour and a half. Choose special cosmetics for the skin, consisting of natural ingredients and containing essential vitamins, as well as a measuring cup and bandages.

First apply the oil (preferably menthol) to the body with gentle movements. It helps remove excess fluid from the body and constrict blood vessels. For five minutes, do light massage, distributing the oil evenly.

Before wrapping, soak the bandages with lotion, then wrap them around the necessary parts of the body (hips, abdomen, arms). Re-wrap these areas using elastic film. Thus, the effect of a “steam bath” is obtained. Leave the resulting compress on the body for 20-40 minutes, activating the effects of the healing components.

After completing the procedure, remove the bandages and moisturize the skin with a lifting cream, which will additionally have a tightening effect.

For maximum effect, you need to repeat the procedure 6-12 times with breaks of 1-2 days, based on the general condition of your body skin.

  • Physical exercise

Sport is one of the the most important conditions keeping the body in excellent condition. The same applies to the skin. Exercise helps prevent sagging by tightening problem areas. Therefore it is worth paying attention Special attention stress on arms, legs and abs.

  • Cold and hot shower

Hot water has a beneficial effect on the skin, opening the pores, thereby removing waste and toxins. A sharp drop in temperature, on the contrary, leads to their narrowing and closure. This effect makes the skin noticeably softer, more elastic and gives it firmness. Repeat this procedure daily, preferably at least twice a day, and pretty soon you will see impressive results.

  • Self-massage

You can use a small terry towel after wetting it cold water and squeezing. Now place it on your chest.

    Cross your arms and lightly massage the chest area from top to bottom until the area of ​​skin turns red and you feel a surge of warmth.

    Remember to periodically wet and wring out the towel as it dries and warms up.

    Then place the cloth in the abdomen and rub vigorously up and down, as well as from the sides.

    Rub your body intensively in the back and lower back areas.

    Go lower and massage your thighs and calves until you feel a slight surge of warmth.

    Remember, your movements should go from top to bottom and from left to right.

  • Scrub

This cosmetic product helps to moisturize the skin and maintain its elasticity.

To make a scrub, use 0.2 kg of sugar, two tablespoons of cocoa, one teaspoon of honey, a pinch of cinnamon, a little essential oil, three or four tablespoons olive oil and one teaspoon liquid soap. It is recommended to place the resulting mixture in a container convenient for storage.

After you mix this consistency, apply it to a pre-moistened body with light massaging movements. Then rinse off the scrub with warm water.

What masks are there that increase skin elasticity?

Using this cosmetic product You can additionally fill the skin with nutrients that it is deprived of under the influence of an aggressive external environment.

So, let's look at recipes that can easily be used at home:

Mask to improve the elasticity of the abdominal skin

To prepare it you will need one tablespoon of honey, coconut milk and ground cereals. All ingredients must be mixed until smooth. Pre-clean the abdominal area and apply the resulting mixture for 30 minutes. Rinse off using first warm water, and then cool, creating the effect of a contrast shower. It is recommended to use the mask three times a week.

Some women use olive oil instead of expensive creams. This natural product contains a valuable complex of nutrients that have a very effective effect on the skin, maintaining its elasticity and prolonging youth.

Mask for increasing elasticity of neck skin

This area of ​​the body is the most delicate, requiring special care. It is not without reason that the condition of the neck most often reveals a woman’s age. Just as in the previous case, you can solve the problem with olive oil. Apply the slightly heated mass to the skin of this area and wrap it with a napkin (you can also use parchment paper) and a terry towel on top. The compress should be kept for half an hour, then rinse off the residue with warm water. This mask will not only help maintain elasticity, but will also protect your delicate skin from adverse effects in winter.

Mask to improve breast skin elasticity

This area female body is the most difficult to restore, but nevertheless, with proper and regular care you can achieve very good results. A whole range of measures is needed here: physical exercises aimed at increasing muscle tone, masks, peelings and contrast showers.

You will need natural yogurt (one tablespoon is enough), coconut pulp or shavings, as well as oatmeal and sea salt, one teaspoon each. Pre-steam the chest area and apply the resulting mixture. Massage with light movements for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. General course lasts three months, use peeling twice a week.

An excellent remedy, known for its effect since ancient times, is citrus ice with mineral water. You can use frozen fruit juice.

To prepare an infusion of orange or tangerine peel, pour boiling water (0.5 l) into a glass jar and leave for 24 hours.

There is another effective mask to restore breast elasticity. For it you will need natural yogurt (one tablespoon), a raw egg and one teaspoon of tocopherol solution (vitamin E). Mix the ingredients thoroughly, rub into the chest area, put on a bra and leave the mask on for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Mask to increase facial skin elasticity

As a rule, women take care of this area most carefully, but it would not be superfluous to talk about which face masks that increase skin elasticity are truly effective at home. We suggest trying a French mask. To prepare it, you will need a glass container into which you need to pour one glass of fresh cream, dilute with whipped raw egg and squeezed juice of one lemon, and also add vodka (100 grams) and one teaspoon of glycerin. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly and wipe your face and neck before going to bed. The composition will keep well in the refrigerator for six months.

Another version of the French mask is called “Madame Pampadour”. To prepare it, you will also need one lemon, which you need to grate whole, along with the zest, on a grater or food processor. Then add 100 grams of alcohol, sour cream or cream (200 grams) and one teaspoon of glycerin. The mixture can also be stored in the refrigerator for a very long time.

Another effective mask is called “Sophia Loren”. To prepare it, you need to mix 100 grams of fresh cream and one teaspoon of gelatin. The resulting composition is infused overnight. In the morning, put this mass on low heat, add glycerin and honey (one teaspoon each) and mix thoroughly. Store in the refrigerator, but no more than one week, then you will have to prepare a fresh mask.

The consistency should be applied with light massage movements.

With regular use, the above face masks that increase skin elasticity, will have a miraculous effect: it will again glow with freshness and purity, wrinkles will be smoothed out, turgor will increase significantly.

4 baths that increase skin elasticity at home

The following procedures are very effective in combating sagging skin, stretch marks and cellulite in problem areas:

    Salt bath. This product actively breaks down excess body fat, stimulates blood circulation, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, so that the skin receives an influx of oxygen and beneficial microelements. To prepare it, take a whole bath of water and dissolve sea salt (400 grams), you can also supplement the composition essential oil fennel, lemon or cypress.

    Bath of Cleopatra(also called milk) has beneficial properties and is a valuable skin care product, nourishing and moisturizing your body. It also has a relaxing effect. First, mix 1/2 cup of honey with full-fat milk (2-3 liters). You can also add to the resulting mass almond oil(two teaspoons). Then fill the bath with warm water and dilute this mixture in it. It is advisable to carry out this procedure twice a week.

    If you want to achieve not only a moisturizing, but also a tonic effect, then you can take bath with herbal infusions . To do this, place the dried herbs in small cotton bags, which need to be added to warm water. You can also prepare the solution in advance by pouring the mixture with two tablespoons of boiling water and leaving for 10 minutes. For these purposes, the herbs of chamomile, calamus, nettle, horsetail, and rosemary are suitable for you. You can speed up your metabolism with lemon balm, mint, juniper and thyme. Tatarnik actively helps to increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

    Has an excellent tonic effect bath with strong green tea. To prepare it, you need to steep three teaspoons of the ingredient in a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes. Pour the resulting broth into the bath.

At regular use the above home treatments are excellent products that increase skin elasticity. In order not to harm your body, spend no longer than 20 minutes in the bath, at a water temperature no higher than 37 degrees.

How to use skin firming oils

Natural products very often have a beneficial effect on the human body. These substances include vegetable oil, which actively fights skin aging, helping to maintain elasticity. In order to significantly increase the effectiveness of a face mask, shower gel and other cosmetics, you just need to add just a few drops of this natural product to them. This will help restore the skin to cellular level and restore elasticity.

Let's look at which oils help increase elasticity:

    Almond- one of the most effective means, the composition of which is enriched with vitamin E, which regulates the process of loss of elasticity. Its regular use as a cosmetic product will provide you with reliable protection from ultraviolet radiation and, as a result, the formation of wrinkles, and will also help even out skin tone and restore a fresh look.

    Peach seed oil also restores elasticity, has a tonic effect, and compensates for the lack of moisture. It is safe to use even for sensitive skin.

    Apricot oil improves general state. It is perfect for any skin type.

    Avocado oil, in turn, is an excellent care product for older people. It provides skin cells with moisture, protects against sunburn and exfoliates the keratinized surface. If you add rosemary to it, you will get an excellent tonic, and your body will become elastic again, as before.

    Wheat germ, walnut kernel and castor oil also have valuable properties, restoring skin elasticity and prolonging its youth. These products are available to absolutely everyone, since they can be purchased at any pharmacy.

    Other natural products may be less available because they do not grow locally Russian Federation, but, nevertheless, it would not be superfluous to mention them. Indian garcinia oil, otherwise called kokum, with regular use will give elasticity to the skin and provide you healthy color faces. It is also used in medical purposes for healing wounds and ulcers. This oil is extracted by squeezing the pulp of the fruit of an Indian tree.

    Rice oil, of course, is very popular in our country. However, not many people know that cosmetologists actively use it in their procedures as a miracle remedy that prolongs the youth of the skin. This component contains rice bran. This tool most valuable for older women due to the substance squalene included in its composition, which normalizes metabolic processes in cells and reliably protects against ultraviolet radiation. With regular use, the skin retains its youthful and toned appearance for a long time.

    Borago, also called borage herb, contains oil that supports elasticity. This plant contains fatty acids, which are a healing agent against dermatitis, mastitis, various inflammations and allergies. Regular use of this cosmetic product ensures elasticity, strength and healthy glow, the skin is nourished required quantity water. Borage also increases the protective properties of the epidermis and effectively fights negative factors environment.

What is the best cream to buy that improves skin elasticity?

Any cosmetic product is effective based on its content, including its ability to increase skin elasticity. Therefore, before purchasing this or that cream, carefully read its composition on the label.

The most effective components responsible for maintaining tone and increasing skin elasticity are:

    A complex of vitamins C, E, A, which nourish cells and activate the formation of collagen and elastin, ensures youth and firmness.

    Essential grapefruit, lemon, menthol oils, as well as rosemary and juniper.

    Vegetable oil of wheat germ, avocado and cocoa.

    Citrus infusions and medicinal plants, including tonic ginkgo biloba and green tea.

As a rule, body care cosmetics with various properties and action, are released in series. Most often the kit includes facial skin firming cream, a body product and milk that have a lifting effect.

There are many companies that produce care products consisting of several series. Milk is an excellent product, the main advantage of which is its rapid absorption.

Most often, body cream is used in the morning, after water treatments. Therefore, the process of applying it to the body should take a minimum of time so that it has time to be absorbed and does not leave greasy marks on clothes. It should also have a pleasant, unobtrusive smell.

It is important to understand that a whole range of measures is needed to improve the condition of the skin, and a cream that increases the firmness of the facial skin, for example, alone will not solve the problem. Therefore, also pay attention to proper nutrition and exercise, choose necessary complex care products, and the result will not take long to arrive.

Cosmetologists recommend using the most universal creams that increase the elasticity of the skin of the body, which can be used without a doubt for any skin type - oily, dry or combination. This way you will reduce the risk of picking up wrong remedy to a minimum, but at the same time you will achieve a positive result.

Experts also note that the universal cream prevents the appearance of stretch marks or reduces them. Consumers of this cosmetic product confirm this effect in their reviews. This product is actively used by women during pregnancy to prevent the appearance of skin defects or after childbirth.

Researchers monitored the consumer market and determined which creams that increase the elasticity of the body skin, are most popular among Russian women:

  • Clean line “Sculpting silhouette”

The cream has a light and delicate consistency, thanks to which it is quickly absorbed without leaving marks on clothes, and is convenient to use both in the morning and in the evening. It activates metabolism, as a result of which it perfectly fights stagnation under the skin, which after its use becomes more elastic and tightened.

Cost: 120 rubles.

  • Garnier "Intensive care. Elasticity"

Milk, which effectively protects against the appearance of the main signs of aging, increases skin turgor, improves its general condition and gives a healthy appearance. Thanks to the seaweed extract included in its composition, it helps produce collagen and plant caffeine, which break down fats and activate blood circulation. Used after shower.

Cost: 300 rubles.

  • Clarins "Lift-Fermete"

Means double acting: on the one hand, it helps to increase the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis, on the other hand, it activates the process of regeneration and restoration of the skin. Thyme extract has a restorative effect, and centella provides protection against harmful factors. This product is not economical, but it will help correct your figure and preserve the youth and beauty of your body.

Cost: 2500 rubles.

The above cosmetic products have proven themselves well in the market and are in greatest demand among women who want to increase skin elasticity. These products also help in the fight against excess weight.

If you are not a supporter of store-bought creams, then you can always make it yourself from natural ingredients, or even better, contact specialists who will advise you on specific salon procedures.

Salon procedures that increase skin elasticity: TOP 5 best

After visiting a beauty salon, we usually feel renewed and rejuvenated. How can increase facial skin elasticity by using cosmetic procedures, and which ones are most effective?

    Photolifting is a process aimed at rejuvenating the epidermis. This is a facelift using special radiation, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition, stimulates the production of melanin and collagen. As a result of this event, softness and elasticity returns to the skin, and turgor increases.

    Ozone therapy– a procedure whose effectiveness has long been proven by specialists and consumers, thanks to which it is actively gaining popularity. Helps smooth out wrinkles, prevents the occurrence of pimples and acne, and effectively fights a number of diseases. After several procedures, the skin becomes healthy appearance. As necessary, ozone therapy is carried out on any problem area.

    Mesotherapy is one of the most intense and effective methods aimed at rejuvenating and improving skin condition. However, it is important to consider the fact that its exposure damages the epidermis. A certain composition is injected under the skin, accelerating metabolism and normalizing the general condition. After this, wrinkles are smoothed out, appearance significantly improves, pores narrow, pimples, age spots and other manifestations of diseases disappear. In more mature women, the face acquires a clear oval. Be prepared for what this procedure very painful.

    One of the most useful methods to improve the condition of the face and body is myostimulation. The peculiarity of the procedure is that microcurrents are passed through the skin, as a result of which they regain a healthy glow, softness and elasticity, wrinkles are smoothed out, the facial contour is tightened, and swelling and puffiness also disappear. However, if you have recently received injections of hyaluronic acid or Botox, then this moment It is better to refuse this procedure.

    Acupuncture, despite its exoticism, is an excellent and, oddly enough, very painless remedy. Injections from thin needles are almost imperceptible, but have an excellent effect: the skin becomes smooth, toned and elastic. It is recommended to go full course treatment that will help you maintain your youth and beauty for a long time.

Before signing up for any procedure, be sure to consult with a cosmetologist. The city beauty and health center “Veronika Herba” offers you a full range of services from highly qualified specialists. We will help you correctly assess the condition of your skin and select the most suitable set of care products and procedures.

You don't have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment. There are two such centers in Moscow – near Timiryazevskaya metro station and Otradnoye metro station.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

    This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. It's completely different, more high level service!

    You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

This article lists essential vitamins for maintaining skin elasticity.

The wonderful time of fresh, soft, elastic skin has passed. Over time, the face almost lost its shine, the cheeks sank, the pores became more pronounced. The elasticity of the skin disappears. You are trying to maintain youthful skin, looking for “rejuvenating apples” or miracle creams. Is it possible? You can restore the elasticity and firmness of the skin by consuming appropriate vitamins.

Vitamins that increase skin elasticity are found in natural products, as well as pharmaceutical vitamin complexes. Analyze your diet and make the necessary adjustments.

Vitamins that improve skin structure have a specific mechanism of action. They provide complete internal power supply, repairing cells and increasing the production of the skin's own lubricants.

Vitamin E - a primary vitamin that revitalizes the skin, making it soft and supple. Food products, rich in vitamin E - almonds, Walnut, peanuts, olives, etc. They act as antioxidants and help in eliminating free radicals from the inside. For the skin, use creams and lotions enriched with vitamin E and beneficial for aging skin. You can also use vitamin E capsules to moisturize your skin. The maximum recommended dosage is 400 IU per day.

The presence of vitamin E in the body increases production vitamin A, which is also vital for wellness skin. It has antioxidant properties, thereby delaying skin aging, increasing its elasticity and smoothness. However, be careful about the dosage because too much vitamin A is harmful to the body. Foods rich in vitamin A - carrots, spinach, cabbage, turnips, parsley, etc. Not only does your skin become more elastic, it also gains resistance to a large number skin diseases.

One of the most effective vitamins for skin elasticity - vitamin K . It is used as an effective medicine against the disease psuedoxanthoma elasticum, in which the skin tends to become premature aging. Three types of vitamins: vitamin K1, K2 and K3 - are involved in regulating blood flow, providing adequate internal nutrition to the skin, tightening it, reducing wrinkles, and preventing the occurrence of age-related defects. Green vegetables, soybeans, lentils, spinach, cabbage, chicken, egg yolk etc. contain vitamin K.

Vitamin C abundantly present in natural products. It is an excellent detoxifying agent that breaks down toxins and removes free radicals from the body, thereby improving skin elasticity. Vitamin C increases collagen production and new tissue formation. All these processes are necessary to ensure that the skin remains young longer. Vitamin C is present largely in oranges, lemons, grapes, grapefruits, berries, etc. These fruits are also rich in fiber - another basis for good health your skin. Don't limit yourself to fruits and vegetables, your skin will tell you! Thank you!

The characteristics “elasticity” and “strength” are closely related. In 99 cases out of 100, these two concepts are used separated by a comma, and many generally think that they are one and the same thing. Indeed, they are close and play an equally important role for skin tone. But there are still differences between them.

    Elasticity- the ability of the skin to stretch without damaging its structure.

    Elasticity- the ability of the skin to resist deformation and return to its original shape when stretched or compressed.

Here is what Vichy medical expert Elena Eliseeva says about this:

“Responsible for skin elasticity collagen fibers that, like the spring frame of a mattress, restore the surface of tissues after compression. They are responsible for elasticity elastin fibers: they run diagonally at different angles, “pulling” the dermis and preventing the separation of its components.”

Elastin fibers are responsible for skin elasticity © iStock

Both collagen and elastin fibers are synthesized by the same cells - fibroblasts. Over time, their activity slows down, and consequently, elastin and collagen become less, which leads to loss of tone and the list goes on:

  1. 1

    wrinkles (folds and creases);

  2. 2

    sagging skin of the face and body.

What does skin elasticity depend on?

Elasticity is directly dependent on the relationship between the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers and their destruction. IN at a young age it is equal to 1:1. But gradually the proportions change: more elastin and collagen are consumed than produced. We cannot stop this process, but we can slow it down. How? Let's move on to the next point.

Elasticity is determined by the skin's ability to stretch © iStock

How to increase skin elasticity

If you want your skin to be elastic and firm, you will have to make some changes to your diet and not neglect the rules of care.

Failure to comply with this point can be costly for your skin. Ultraviolet rays type A, which are not contained by clouds or window glass, are destructive day after day, reducing the ability of fibroblasts to synthesize the main skin proteins - collagen and elastin.

The more responsible you approach the issue, the greater the chance of your skin maintaining its tone, firmness and elasticity.

Ultraviolet damages elastin fibers © iStock


Skin with an insufficient level of moisture a priori cannot be elastic. Imagine a dry blade of grass - it breaks even with a little tension. It’s a completely different matter - fabrics saturated with moisture, they stretch better and are not injured. Pay attention to cosmetics with the following ingredients:

  1. 1

    hyaluronic acid;

  2. 3

    aloe extract and juice;

  3. 4

    algae extract.

We give examples of moisturizers and remind you that the skin needs to be moisturized not only from the outside, but also from the inside (observing drinking regime based on 30 ml pure still water per 1 kg of weight per day). Otherwise, no cosmetics will help.

    Daily gel-serum for skin exposed to external aggressive influences, Minéral 89, Vichy 89% consists of thermal water rich in microelements. In addition, the product contains hyaluronic acid and glycerin, which attract and retain water.

    Aquafluid for normal and combination skin “Genius of Moisturizing”, L'Oréal Paris based on purified water, enriched with hyaluronic acid and aloe juice, supplies moisture to 5 layers of the epidermis.

    Softens, moisturizes and tightens the skin due to the action of Blue Hyaluron - a natural activator of collagen synthesis.


If you reduce your sugar intake, and ideally give it up completely, you can prevent a process that is harmful to the skin, such as glycation. This is the “gluing” of collagen and elastin fibers under the influence of glucose molecules, which undermines their ability to resist deformation. So sweets - no.

Let's talk Yes:

  1. 1

    fresh vegetables and herbs, rich in antioxidants;

  2. 2

    unrefined vegetable oils rich in essential fatty acids;

  3. 3

    oily fish are a source of Omega-3 fatty acids.

To protect collagen and elastin fibers from glycation, you will need cosmetics with antioxidants.

Vitamins and dietary supplements

You can feed your body with dietary supplements containing hyaluronic acid and antioxidants - substances that can really affect skin elasticity. But, as Elena Eliseeva warns, you need to adhere to the rules.

  1. 1

    Systematicity. Don’t expect a miracle from one capsule; you need a course lasting 3–6 months. Having saturated internal organs, the body will begin to supply useful components into the skin.

  2. 2

    A complex approach. Drink vitamins for internal use and use creams for external use.

  3. 3

    Balance. Look for a dietary supplement with a complex of components: glycosaminoglycans, lycopene, vitamin C - or take several medications at once. Be sure to consult with a specialist first.


To all of the above, you need to add beauty products that stimulate the synthesis of the protein framework of the skin - collagen and elastin.

Beauty starts from within. This is an axiom known to most of those at least somewhat interested in the topics of health and preserving youth. You can nourish the skin from the outside as much as you like, using a variety of fortified creams, but if there is a lack of certain substances in the body as a whole, this will lead to almost nothing and will give best case scenario temporary and exclusively visual positive effects. The problem is that any cream can penetrate only the most superficial layers of the skin. To achieve a significant and lasting result, it is necessary to approach the problem comprehensively.

In addition, we must understand that the vitamins and microelements that we get from food are most often not enough to fully compensate for the body’s needs. And first of all, the substances obtained are not used for “cosmetic” purposes. And in order to make time turn back and restore youth, you will need special measures.

What vitamins are needed for firmness and elasticity of the skin of the face and body?

In order for the skin to look elastic and taut, it is necessary to ensure continuous synthesis and renewal of collagen and elastin fibers and timely removal of dying cells. To activate this process, coenzymes are needed.

So for normal course For all biochemical processes in the skin, the body needs:

  • Vitamin A (retinol) is one of the key vitamins that provides proper nutrition skin cells. Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency include the appearance of comedones (blackheads), ptosis and dry skin. Let us note that in the CIS countries, deficiency of vitamins A and C is especially common. This is due to persistent eating habits and the quality of food consumed.

  • Vitamin C - strong antioxidant, promotes the absorption of vitamins A and E and counteracts skin aging.

  • Vitamin E - stabilizes and strengthens skin cell membranes, thereby preventing their damage. Powerful antioxidant, supporting collagen levels.

  • Vitamin PP - helps blood supply to cells and ensures the delivery of oxygen to them.

  • Vitamin F - promotes skin regeneration, increases its local immunity.

  • Vitamin B2 - improves complexion, promotes normal operation sebaceous glands, improves skin texture.

  • Vitamin B5 - helps remove toxins from cells.

  • Vitamin K - reduces swelling and age spots.

What else should you include in your beauty routine?

A key factor influencing skin elasticity is the normal synthesis of collagen fibers. One of the methods of stimulating collagen production is to eat foods and take dietary supplements containing proteins, amino acids, as well as essential vitamins and minerals.

First of all, these are, of course, high-quality multivitamin complexes. An ideal complement to them would be a course of bovine or fish collagen.

Of course, collagen from a jar will not immediately become your own collagen, able to integrate into your skin. However, it contains all the amino acids needed to form your own collagen fibers. The optimal course of taking collagen is about three months. Ideally, combine collagen with hyaluronic acid.

In addition, it makes sense to alternate taking collagen with taking collagen production stimulants. These are silicon-based drugs. Some of the most effective similar drugs on iherb - Natural Factors, BioSil (also contains choline) and Jarrow Formulas, JarroSil (contains zinc and boron).

There are people for whom the release form is critical precisely because of the taste of collagen. In this situation, you can opt for collagen in capsules or tablets. Alternatively, you can try the same Neocell, Super Collagen + C, type 1 and 3, 6000 mg, 250 tablets.

The collagen generators in the table above are silicon preparations. The already named Natural Factors, BioSil and Jarrow Formulas, JarroSil are ideal.

There is also the most economical option - specialized multivitamins for skin, hair and nails. This “broad specialization” is due to the fact that to maintain the skin in optimal condition we need the same substances as for growth healthy hair and nails. As a rule, such complexes contain vitamins, collagen, hyaluronic acid, and certain antioxidants. And the effect of taking them can also be quite noticeable. But you need to understand that it is simply physically impossible to really put it in one tablet. optimal dosages each of the substances, so such multivitamins can be considered as a kind of half-measure. But in most cases, it is enough to take such multivitamins two or three tablets a day, so this option may be suitable for those who are not ready to drink dietary supplements by the handful and are looking for some more or less universal drug.

Some of the best reviews on iherb of complex vitamins for skin, hair and nails are Nature's Bounty, Optimal Solutions, Hair, Skin & Nails, Extra Strength, 150 instant soft capsules (contains a complex of vitamins and minerals, choline, collagen, hyaluronic and alpha lipoic acid) and Solgar, Skin, Nails & Hair, Advanced MSM Formula, 120 tablets (contains vitamin C, silicon, minerals and amino acids).

The article was written for the website

Hello, dear readers! Today we will talk about which ones are best to take vitamins for body skin. You may ask – what does this topic have to do with losing weight? The most direct. We all strive to be slim, and therefore beautiful.

And one of the tasks of vitamins is precisely to make our face and body well-groomed and healthy. How do they do it and which ones are better? Are they generally suitable for solving certain skin problems? First things first, join us!

On guard of beauty

The cosmetics industry today offers a huge selection of all kinds of creams and masks to maintain youth and beauty of the body. But it is naive to believe that this can be achieved only with creams.

The fact is that any cream contains only a small concentration of these substances. And, for example, vitamin C, which is difficult to process, is often present in inexpensive creams only on the packaging - it is extremely volatile and quickly breaks down in the air.

You can’t do without vitamins; they help to cope with many tasks of making your body shine at once, nourish it, protect it, promote cell renewal, and maintain a healthy appearance.

General information about them can be gleaned from this video.

Signs of ill health

We get vitamins from food or by taking them in the form of capsules or pills. It is important to remember that not all of them are synthesized in our body; some, like those belonging to group B, are washed out quite quickly and their supply must be constantly replenished.

And the lack of one or another element affects the condition of the skin, which in this case acts as a kind of “mirror”. By the way, hair and nails, as well as the general condition of the body, can be a litmus test here.

Of course, only a doctor can give you the most accurate diagnosis. But if you think that you are fine, pay attention to some signs that can easily determine vitamin deficiency.

  • Dry and flaky skin, the appearance of inflamed areas on it, dermatitis.
  • Chapped lips and so-called “jams” in the corners and ulcers.
  • Dull, brittle nails, the appearance of dimples, stripes, spots on them.
  • Brittle hair prone to loss. Presence of dandruff, itching.
  • Decreased vision, swelling and redness of the eyelids can also be the cause of vitamin deficiency.
  • Depression, apathy, inability to concentrate, insomnia, loss of appetite.

If a problem exists, it's time to think about what to do to get everything back to normal? First, you need to figure out exactly what vitamins you need.

Because thoughtless consumption of everything in a row can do more harm than good. It is also worth considering that many of these elements work best in combination. Their close interaction enhances each other's effects and accelerates absorption.

Which vitamins are better

So, in general, these elements can be divided into the following groups. Why conditionally, you ask? Because each of them “works” in several directions at once.

For youth and accelerated regeneration

Actively fight skin aging and help preserve it elasticity , reduce dryness and flaking vitamins A, C, E.

This - natural antioxidants, which do not allow free radicals to interact with elements of skin cells.

The number of free radicals increases sharply during illness and during the cold season. Accordingly, the intake of such elements during these periods should be increased.

This group also improves regeneration tissues after microtrauma or other damage, healing of acne wounds, helps spots and small scars disappear faster.


  • Tocopherol (E) actively helps fight skin sagging and slow down the aging process. Pale, rough, dry skin indicates its deficiency.
  • Retinol (A) – promotes it to a greater extent moisturizing and protection from harmful environmental factors, helps from peeling.
  • Ascorbic acid (C) is responsible for its elasticity , promotes the synthesis of new collagen fibers.

Where to get it

In addition to direct multivitamin complexes - in food products.

Cabbage, green salad, mushrooms are rich in retinol. green pea, carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes. As well as products of animal origin - yolk, fish, liver, fermented milk products.

Ascorbic acid, as you know, is worth looking for in citrus fruits; in addition, it is found in apples, spinach, cauliflower, berries, rose hips, and nuts.

Sources of tocopherol are unrefined vegetable oils (especially corn, peanut, flaxseed, soybean, nuts), beans, sunflower seeds, red fish, and especially sprouted cereals.

Its highest concentration is in sprouted wheat, which also contains a whole complex of other useful substances- A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 and micro- and macroelements.

To prevent and combat wrinkles

Structural disorders of the skin cannot be avoided over time, but reducing them is quite possible. Especially useful in this direction, representatives of group B.

Each of them own characteristics, and their lack is indicated by itching, irritation, pimples and blackheads, as well as hair loss.

It is worth paying attention to this group (as well as the previous one, however) for those who are actively losing weight. Vitamin complexes with their composition it is worth taking in order to tighten skin, which was discussed in particular in the article .


  • Thiamine (B1) helps strengthen nervous system, and almost all diseases, as we know, are caused by nerves (including skin diseases). In addition, it protects against allergic and inflammatory reactions, removes excess liquid, preventing swelling.
  • Riboflavin (B2) helps improve metabolism and cell respiration. And its deficiency also causes dandruff.
  • Nicotinic acid, niacin (B3 or PP)- its deficiency leads to a serious illness - pellagra, dermatitis, the severe form of which results in serious rashes, itching, diarrhea and even mental disorders.
  • Pantothenic acid (B5)– accelerates skin renewal and wound healing.
  • Pyridoxine (B6) famous for its nourishing and moisturizing properties, helps protect against harmful effects environment.

  • Biotin (B7), also known as vitamin H. One of the most important elements for the body, it is no coincidence that its name contains the prefix “bio” - life. Participates in the regeneration of skin, nails and hair cells.
  • Folic acid (B9) helps cells renew themselves, and protects the walls of blood vessels from destruction.
  • Cyanocobalamin (B12)– participant in the process of cell division. It is an essential component of procedures for dermatitis, and is also very useful for affecting mature skin. Its deficiency can cause nervous tic, muscle spasms faces , which leads to the formation of wrinkles.

Where to get it

IN multivitamin complexes, as well as in food products. Your diet should include whole grain cereals, brown rice, sprouted grains, green onions, color and White cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, peanuts, soya beans, figs, dates, fruits.

If there are products of animal origin on your table, then you can recommend eggs, cheese, salmon and tuna, pork and beef kidneys, and liver.

For face and eye area care

This special zone, since it is she who is exposed to maximum exposure to harmful environmental factors.

In addition, this is where the most visible wrinkles are located to everyone around us (and to ourselves, first of all, of course), which we so want to part with.

In general, the complex of elements here is the same as for the whole body. But there are some features, especially for caring for the area around eyes.

Ascorbic acid (C) for masks around the eyes.

IN pure form solution ascorbic acid for injections, it is advised to simply apply to the face, rubbing in, and a few minutes later, after drying, apply the cream.

A pure solution is not suitable for the eyes; ascorbic acid is very stinging and can cause irritation. Experts recommend mixing it with mineral water or yogurt. Among the recipes there is this:

Tocopherol (E) for the eye area.

The principle is the same - apply under the eyes and on the eyelids. The procedure is called rejuvenating and tightening; it helps to remove “crow’s feet” and saggy folds on the eyelids.

In general, blood circulation and oxygen supply to cells improves, the skin is toned and looks healthy.

It's better to take pharmaceutical oil vitamin E, the solution in ampoules is not recommended - it has too high concentration and, as with axorbic acid, may cause irritation. Apply for 10-20 minutes.

This is just a small part of the advice. If anyone has their own beauty recipes, share them in the comments, I’m sure the readers of my blog will be grateful to you. In conclusion, I would like to point out the following:

What to remember:

  • Vitamins certainly help keep the whole body in good condition.
  • Their deficiency is reflected directly on the skin itself, which takes on a painful appearance, flakes, and itches.
  • Only a doctor can help determine the exact cause of the problem. You should not self-medicate.
  • To avoid vitamin deficiency, you should adjust your diet - it should contain everything necessary for normal life.

Well, that's all I have for today. See you again in new articles on my blog!