State Academy of Civil Service. Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANHIGS)

Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
Former names Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee
Russian Academy of Management
Year of foundation 1946 
Year of reorganization 2010
Rector Vladimir Alexandrovich Mau
Location Russia Russia, Moscow
Legal address 119606, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 84

Russian Academy of Civil Service (RAGS) under the President of the Russian Federation - a higher educational institution that existed in 1946-2010.

The Academy performed the functions of an educational, methodological, scientific, information and analytical center on the problems of civil service in the Russian Federation, as well as managing the system of retraining and advanced training of civil servants.

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    About the Academy, 2018

    Instructions for registering for the RANEPA Olympiad and completing the correspondence stage are new





Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU- higher party educational institution of the USSR. Created in Moscow on August 2, 1946 to train theoretical workers of central party institutions, the Central Committee of the Communist Parties of the Union Republics, district and regional committees of the CPSU (b), as well as university teachers, researchers at research institutions and scientific journals.

Specialists were trained in the history of the CPSU, general problems of political economy, industrial economics, agricultural economics, world economics, dialectical and historical materialism, criticism of modern bourgeois philosophy and sociology, scientific communism, history of Soviet society, history of the international communist workers and national liberation movement , literary criticism, art history and journalism. In 1964, it was created under AON.

postgraduate students of Candidate of Sciences.

The Academy of Social Sciences trained postgraduate students for a period of 3 years. By the end of the third year of study, graduate students defended dissertations for the degree of candidate of science. By order of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin No. 72-rp dated November 5, 1991, the Academy of Social Sciences was transformed into the Russian Academy of Management, of which Prof. Tikhonov Rostislav Evgenievich. The academy has undergone profound reforms, both in personnel and in the content of the educational process. The main objectives of the Academy are defined as: - postgraduate training, retraining and advanced training of management personnel; - development of new technologies of public administration; - conducting scientific examinations of government programs and projects; - studying and forecasting the needs for management personnel; - analytical and information support of public authorities and administration. In accordance with these tasks, under the leadership of the rector, R. E. Tikhonov, the program “Optimization of structures and mechanisms of federal and regional governance” was developed and partially implemented, which was and remains the most pressing task in the field of public administration.

On September 20, 2010, the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev, by Decree No. 1140, merged the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation and the Academy of National Economy, thereby creating the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation" .

On September 23, 2010, by order of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin, No. 1562-r, V. A. Mau was appointed rector of the RANEPA. A. M. Margolin was appointed acting rector of the RAGS for the period of reorganization.

December 29, 2010 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1178 approved the Charter of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation".

About the Academy

The Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 6, 1994 No. 1140. In accordance with this Decree, the Academy is entrusted with the functions of an educational, methodological, scientific, information and analytical center on public service problems in the Russian Federation.

On December 25, 2007, the former president-rector Vladimir Konstantinovich Egorov was elected rector of the Academy.

The Academy coordinates the educational, scientific, information-analytical and methodological activities of federal state educational institutions that train state civil servants specified in the annex to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2006 No. 1264.

The Academy trains employees of federal government bodies and administration, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal employees, representatives of legislative, executive and judicial authorities, employees of commercial structures with higher education. In addition, the Academy runs special advanced training courses for senior clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church

Under the second higher education programs, training is provided in the specialties “State and municipal management”, “Jurisprudence”, “Labor Economics”, “Crisis Management”, “National Economy”, “World Economy”, “Taxes and Taxation”, “Organization Management” , “Psychology”, “Personnel Management”, “Political Science”, “Sociology”, “History”, “Documentation and documentation support for management”, “Applied computer science in state and municipal management”. Within the framework of these specialties, economists, lawyers, sociologists, psychologists, management specialists, etc. are trained.

Six specialized master's programs provide admission to studies in the field of Economics.

In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2006 No. 1474 “On additional professional education of state civil servants of the Russian Federation,” the Academy is taking measures to expand retraining and advanced training of civil servants.

The most important area of ​​additional professional education for civil servants and management personnel for business is the implementation of the Master of Public Administration (MPA) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs together with foreign partners.

In 2008, the Academy opened its doors for the first time to graduates of schools and colleges, offering training in educational programs of the first higher professional education in the specialties “Psychology” and “Jurisprudence”, bachelor’s degrees “Economics” and “Management”.

The Academy trains highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel through full-time and part-time postgraduate studies, doctoral studies and forms of competition. Defense of doctoral and master's theses is carried out in 16 dissertation councils.

The Academy has 20 departments and other structural divisions.

The Academy has a modern material base for the educational and research process. The complex of its buildings, located in the south-west of Moscow, includes: two educational buildings with a total area of ​​120 thousand square meters. m; two hotels with 1,300 single and double rooms; an auditorium capacity of more than a hundred classrooms, including a Large Assembly Hall with 910 seats and a Small Hall with 400 seats (many classrooms are equipped with modern technical means); its own library, which has been formed over decades, the holdings of which amount to about two million items in Russian and foreign languages.


  • Institute of Scientific Research and Information (INRI)
  • Institute of Public Service and Management (IGSU)
  • Management

    • Department for Coordination of Educational Activities
    • Postgraduate and doctoral studies
    • Executive Directorate of the Council of Rectors of Federal State Educational Institutions
    • Computer technology and information systems
    • Business Management
    • Financial and economic
    • Extrabudgetary activities
    • Accounting and financial control
    • Economic
    • Engineering and technical
    • Capital construction
    • Social services and services "Academservice"
    • Logistics
    • Legal Department


    • Education Quality Assurance Center
    • Information and Methodological Center for Technologies of State and Municipal Administration
    • Center for Experimental Educational Programs
    • Monitoring of public administration and law
    • International relations
    • Problems of migration policy
    • Sociological
    • Situational
    • Center for Investment and Innovation
    • Publishing
    • Career Planning and Forecasting Center
    • Medical
    • Business
    • Editorial board of the magazine "Public Service"
    • Cultural
    • Country educational and health complex "Solnechny"

    The newly formed Academy under the President of the Russian Federation - RANEPA - is the largest socio-economic and humanitarian university in Russia and Europe, rightfully occupying the top lines in all national rankings. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 2011 No. 902, the Academy has the right to independently establish educational standards and requirements for the educational programs of higher professional education it implements.

    The mission of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation is:

    • preparation of globally competitive and adaptive managerial personnel for the state, public and private sectors in order to solve the problem of innovative development of society;
    • implementation of fundamental and applied scientific research and development in the socio-economic and humanitarian spheres;
    • scientific and expert-analytical support of public authorities of the Russian Federation.

    Basic principles of the Academy:

    • continuity of education. Modern education accompanies the manager and specialist throughout his professional activity;
    • individualization of education. Students and listeners are given the opportunity to form their educational trajectory from a set of proposed modules in order to implement individual training and development programs;
    • internationalization of educational programs. Any professional activity involves the use of modern approaches, including advanced international experience. This necessitates taking into account the experience of leading foreign educational organizations when developing educational programs, inviting foreign teachers, increasing the share of foreign students in the general contingent of students, passing foreign internships by students and trainees, as well as developing student and teaching academic exchanges;
    • new educational technologies. The practice of leading Russian and foreign educational organizations convincingly demonstrates the effectiveness of active teaching methods in comparison with the passivity of the classical lecture and seminar teaching model. In this regard, active learning methods (“situational cases”, simulators, computer simulators, business games) and a project-based approach to learning (projects focused on achieving practically significant results by students during and after the end of the educational program) become the basis of the Academy's programs;
    • competence approach. Educational programs are guided not by a standard set of lectures and the number of hours of classes, but by mastering certain practical competencies by students. Programs should clearly record what set of new qualifications and competencies the trainees will receive at the end of the training program;
    • identifying centers of excellence that provide competitive educational services, and creating on their basis the methodological and organizational core of a modern system of continuous education of managerial personnel.

    The Academy is the only educational institution in Russia under the President of the Russian Federation!

    We really regret what we did. Institute of Management and Marketing RANHIGS not only that the teaching staff for the most part is very weak, unprofessional, the lectures are not interesting. So also, starting with the dean Alexander Sergeevich Senin, his deputy Olga Yuryevna, there is no respect for students, no mutual understanding, only naked ambitions and a cover like this is a cool university under the President. I would like to note that in addition to the name, one must also be able to correspond to this name. While these...

    The Balakovo branch of RANEPA is a complete bottom. Of course, it’s his own fault for what he did. But this does not somewhat diminish the following facts: 1) RANEPA is just a large office with over 50 branches for money laundering; 2) RANEPA is just a much-hyped vessel with emptiness in it! Many professions are praised - in fact, they are simply not needed! 3) 80% of teachers should work as waiters, loaders and couriers just like graduates - they don’t teach anything! The work of a stenographer is simply stupid, you rewrite without a purpose...

    IPNB RANEPA. Let's start right off the bat. Does the presidential status of the Academy correspond to reality? From the literal interpretation of the name of the Academy, it is clear that there is some kind of connection between the Academy and the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Is it so? On the website of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, we can see organizations and institutions that are part of the structure or are financed by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. We won’t find RANEPA there. However, until recently, the Higher School of Economics and the late Civil Registry of Civil Registry were located there, and now...

    I, as a mother of a student, am outraged that the thesis defense takes place at night! Everyone was herded by 11.00 - hundreds of guys and they have been standing in line since the morning. At 22.45 there are still 80 of these people waiting! No tea or water was offered. Just a mockery of students! How can they still think at such a time and after all this!

    Explain how this can be (taken from Dissernet): “It turned out that an associate professor at three Moscow universities (including RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation!) A. Zaghmut (nee Hashem) defended D 212 at a meeting of the dissertation council on May 12, 2010. 203 ...

    Wasted time and money. Nothing practical or useful from the lectures on communication subjects by the head. The pulpit cannot bear the Sharks. It’s strange, this establishment under the president is really out of control.

    The knowledge was very useful at my first job in order to adapt and easily integrate into my new life. Thanks everyone! Without high-quality teaching staff who are attentive to students, no one will learn this. This, of course, does not apply to mediocre students. The point is not to go to school, and then sling mud and blame everyone.

    Spiteful critics are all the same and uninteresting. A slight accent and a nice shell of epithets, carving out dubious facts, are apparently the strong point of those who were expelled from SZiU, in particular from the Faculty of State Medical University. Unfounded criticism is for gossipers.

    IBDA is a typical education scam. The dean is an artist, the teaching staff of the Academy of National Economy of the 80s is combined with a program that has little in common with the requirements of employers for graduates (“second higher education”). The main filter “at the entrance” is the vile woman on the admissions committee, who is rude with or without reason. As a result, humanities students are shamelessly behind in those disciplines where you need to not only want, but also BE able to quickly think and count. Management policy: take more, no matter who, play...

    No education. Sharaga is complete. Fortunately, I didn’t go there, I changed my mind, but my friend has been suffering for the 2nd year.

    If you have no desire to learn and gain knowledge. If you just want to show off. If you have nowhere to spend your money. If you really like to fool around. If you are not ready for a serious life. Then you are welcome! Many people like “Academy” only because they have not yet gotten used to school and are not ready for an adult, serious life. And secondly, because while studying you can work somewhere/earn extra money. My verdict, I’m a FOOL , since I bought into the beautiful name.

    I entered the IBDA and realized that everything was not as it seemed at first glance. This is one complete nightmare. There are many disadvantages here, but for me personally, the one is that they don’t provide any knowledge here. All in all, a waste of time and money. The university, by the way, is the MOST CORRUPT! It would be better if I entered MGIMO or State University.

    I entered the Institute of Public Service and Personnel Management and realized that this was the biggest mistake of my life when I bought into a beautiful advertisement, which for some reason everyone praises. The training is terrible, there is almost none. We've been playing the fool for the 2nd year already. Absolutely zero knowledge. The students who study with us are mostly non-Russian majors without brains, who are just glad that studying is not annoying. Ordinary people have no further prospects either, without connections from this university. They praise him because they don’t want to admit that they are learning...

    I will apply to FEN. Friends study there and they really like it. Studying at RANEPA provides good opportunities and prospects.

    I study at the Faculty of Real Estate Economics, I really enjoy it, the teaching staff is great, nice guys. In this place, I'm really happy.

    The Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA) provides ample opportunities for you to obtain higher education in bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs. If you have not yet decided on the choice of the necessary educational program, we are always ready to help. To do this, you can contact the Admissions Committee or the faculties of the Academy.

    RANEPA regularly hosts open days - we highly recommend visiting them. Academic open days are held, where all faculties are represented, and open days of individual faculties are held, for those who have already decided on their specialty. Follow the news in the “Open Days” section, where current information for applicants is posted.

    To help applicants, the Academy conducts various preparatory courses for passing the Unified State Exam.

    RANEPA is one of the leading universities in our country, the largest university in Russia and Europe with a socio-economic and humanitarian profile. The Academy occupies the top lines in all national rankings.

    Knowledge, quality of education

    High-quality training programs will help you gain unique knowledge and build a career in your chosen field. Already during your studies, you will have the opportunity to undergo internships in large Russian and international companies, as well as in government agencies.

    The international cooperation

    RANEPA cooperates with leading foreign educational institutions. Double degree and internship programs provide training at partner universities in the UK, France, and the Netherlands (full information in the “International Partners” section). In addition, there are exchange programs with partner universities abroad. Foreign languages ​​at the Academy are taught at the level of the best linguistic universities.

    The science

    Our students can engage in science under the guidance of leading teachers and scientists from Russia and the world, and continue their studies in master's, postgraduate or doctoral studies. The Academy has a unique scientific and expert potential and is the largest expert center for the Presidential Administration, the Government Office, ministries and departments.

    Extracurricular activities

    One of the priority areas of the Academy is the development of student life and self-government. The range of events is very wide: from vocal, dance competitions and KVN clubs to intellectual summer camps and schools. The Academy has every opportunity for sports - numerous sports fields and a swimming pool are located on the main campus.