The gallbladder is inflamed, how to relieve inflammation, diet. Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder) symptoms. Who is at special risk

Bitterness in the mouth, nausea and heaviness in the right hypochondrium - contrary to popular belief, these are signs of a disease not of the liver, but of the gallbladder. What is cholecystitis and how to treat it at home, we will tell you in this article.

Chronic cholecystitis is a big pretender. It's no coincidence that ultrasound abdominal cavity recommended for a variety of problems, sometimes unrelated at first glance gastrointestinal tract, diseases. Here are the most common “masks” of cholecystitis:

  • cardiac – chest pain, interruptions in heart function;
  • thyrotoxic – low-grade fever, palpitations, emotional lability;
  • rheumatic – joint pain, pain in the heart, metabolic changes and transient disturbances conductivity mild degree on ECG;
  • neurocerebral - dizziness, migraine headaches, sweating, sleep disturbance, irritability, depression and hypochondria;
  • gastrointestinal – nausea, vomiting, heartburn, belching, bloating and bowel dysfunction;
  • allergic - recurrent urticaria and Quincke's edema, hay fever, less often suffocation, increased levels of eosinophils in the blood.

Why does cholecystitis occur?

Cholecystitis is a disease infectious nature. Microorganisms spread in gallbladder from foci of acute or chronic infection contact, with blood or lymph flow.

Cholecystitis – inflammatory disease. The infection enters the gallbladder most often from the intestine through the bile ducts, but can also from other foci (tonsillitis, periodontal disease) through the blood and lymph flow. And various predisposing factors:

  • obesity,
  • decrease in gastric acidity,
  • biliary dyskinesia,
  • intestinal dysbiosis,
  • constipation

contribute to the development and chronicity of the disease.

How does cholecystitis manifest?

  1. The leading symptom of cholecystitis is usually pain:
    short-term intense, appearing due to errors in diet and stress, if spasm of the biliary tract predominates;
    dull, aching constant, worsening with physical activity if hypotension predominates.
  2. Dyspepsia also often worries patients: a bitter taste in the mouth, bitter belching, nausea and vomiting, often with an admixture of bile, with errors in the diet.
  3. Complaints of a neurovegetative and astheno-neurotic nature are common: sweating, fatigue, sleep disturbance, irritability and suspiciousness (“bilious character”).
  4. Fever, changes in blood tests (increased leukocyte levels, ESR) are a sign of exacerbation of the disease.

What examinations are prescribed for suspected cholecystitis?

  1. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity: deformations of the gallbladder, thickening of the wall, stones, if any, will be visible, as well as assess the condition of the liver and pancreas, which often suffer from cholecystitis, but can themselves cause symptoms reminiscent of it.
  2. Cholecystocholangiography: x-ray method, allowing you to assess the patency of the ducts and motility of the gallbladder (spasm or hypotension).
  3. Bile analysis with culture will identify the causative agent of the infection and assess its sensitivity to antibiotics.

How to treat cholecystitis?

Since the cause of cholecystitis is an infection, if there are signs of its exacerbation (pain, fever, changes in blood tests), antibiotics are prescribed, but it is better to entrust this to a doctor, who ideally has the results of bile culture on hand.
But at home you can and should be treated with the following means:

  1. Follow a diet. During an exacerbation, you can generally fast for a day or two, but at the same time drink weak tea, juices or fruit drinks diluted with water 1:1, or still mineral water. Then add puree soups and porridges, then low-fat cottage cheese, boiled meat and steamed fish, and after 5-7 days you can switch to a gentle, but completely physiological diet, excluding fried foods, fatty foods, such as goose or cream cakes, smoked meats and spicy seasonings (for example, horseradish or mustard). It is better to eat often, every 3 hours, but little by little.
  2. For pain, take antispasmodics. This is a traditional no-spa (2 tablets three times a day, but no more, read side effects in the annotation and make sure that this is a serious drug and an overdose is unacceptable), papaverine (can be taken in suppositories - many note that the effect is even better than from tablets), duspatalin, 1 tablet 2 times, 20 minutes before meals.
  3. The choice of choleretic drugs depends on motility biliary tract.

If stagnation (hypotension) predominates, then you need

  • cholekinetics: flamin, berberine, sorbitol, xylitol and magnesium sulfate (magnesium).
  • Tubages are also a great help in this case. Traditional healers This method is often recommended, calling it “liver cleansing.” In the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink about a glass of warm mineral water without gas, in which you can dissolve a tablespoon of sorbitol, xylitol or magnesia. Then you need to lie on your right side, on a warm heating pad and remain in this position for one and a half to two hours. Tubage can be performed once every 3 days, the course is usually 10 procedures. But, if cholelithiasis cannot be ruled out, this procedure is quite capable of causing blockage of the bile duct with a stone, and this is an indication for immediate surgery. Stones with a diameter of about a centimeter are especially dangerous - smaller ones can come out, but larger ones will not pass into the ducts.
  • Mineral waters with high mineralization (such as “Arzni” or “Essentuki 17”) are preferable - they are drunk half an hour to an hour before meals, at room temperature.
  • Choleretic herbs - immortelle, corn silk, St. John's wort can be brewed and drunk for a long time, periodically (in the autumn-winter period) adding adaptogens to them - Rhodiola, Schisandra, Eleutherococcus, ginseng, which can also increase the tone of the gallbladder (and vitality generally). Herbs are quite bitter, but a spoonful of honey will make the drink both tastier and healthier.

If prevailsspastic dyskinesia, it is better to use

  • choleretics: containing bile (allochol, lyobil), plant origin(cholagol, olimethine), synthetic (nicodine, oxaphenamide).
  • Mineral waters (such as “Slavyanovskaya”, “Smirnovskaya”, “Narzan”) are classified as “hydrocholeretics”. It is better to drink warm water 5-6 times a day before meals.
  • Herbs such as mint, chamomile, as well as motherwort and valerian help relieve spasms and normalize the flow of bile.
  • You can arrange pine baths - not hot and no more than 15 minutes, in 10-day courses.

In general, we can say that treating cholecystitis at home is even a pleasant experience - if you think about herbal tea, delicious mineral water or relaxing baths.

Which doctor should I contact?

A gastroenterologist treats cholecystitis. At chronic form disease, it would be useful to consult a nutritionist. Additional help a physiotherapist can provide.
Video version of the article:

Cholecystitis is a pathology in which inflammation of the gallbladder develops and bile stagnation begins. The full functioning of this organ is critically important for the entire digestive system. Women may develop cholecystitis during pregnancy. As a rule, pathology leads to the appearance of cholelithiasis. To prevent this, a diet for cholecystitis of the gallbladder is required. To stop the acute inflammatory process, it is advisable to adhere to nutritional rules.

What should be the diet for gallbladder inflammation?

If you have problems with the gallbladder, a person needs to follow a diet consisting of foods that do not increase cholesterol. It is advisable to choose a processing method that will reduce the load on the gallbladder and pancreas: boil, steam or oven. The latter method is not suitable during an exacerbation of the disease. The diet itself is considered varied and consists of vegetables, lean meat and fish, cereals, herbs, milk and its derivatives.

Diet rules for gallstones:

  • Eat systematically 4-5 times throughout the day.
  • Equal time intervals between meals daytime.
  • The diet must include not only animal, but also plant proteins.
  • It is necessary to limit the consumption of sugar (to 7-8 tsp per day), salt (10 g).
  • The food temperature should not go beyond 15-62°C.
  • Vegetable oils – exclusively in natural form. Heated oil can cause spasms in calculous cholecystitis.
  • If bile stagnates, you can drink water, juices, tea (herbal or green).

Principles of nutrition for cholecystitis

You need to eat small portions, 4-6 times a day. It is advisable to create a diet for cholecystitis of the gallbladder so that you eat at the same time. This normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner should be traditionally heartier, while second breakfast and afternoon snack should consist of light snacks. If bile stagnates, you should not overeat so as not to cause spasm of the bile ducts. A proper diet plan for a diseased gallbladder should not include:

  • fat;
  • salty dishes;
  • smoked meats;
  • Spices (except turmeric and paprika) should not be used in the diet.

For chronic

Nutrition for inflammation of the gallbladder is a necessary addition to treatment. Doctors advise following the same diet for postcholecystectomy syndrome. The menu is not considered strict, but some prohibitions are still present. You can’t eat fresh baked goods – it’s better to eat dried bread. Can be used:

  • baked pies;
  • porridge;
  • boiled or steamed meat and fish;
  • vegetarian soups;
  • cereal products;
  • from dairy products - low-fat milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented milk drinks.

In acute

Signs of inflammation of the gallbladder - pain in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, nausea, yellowing of the whites of the eyes, skin. In addition, your back may hurt, right shoulder. The appearance of such symptoms is a good reason to visit the hospital. Diet for exacerbation of cholecystitis consists of: complete refusal from food in the first days of illness. For 2-3 days it is allowed to consume exclusively warm drink: rosehip decoction, tea, herbal infusions, unsweetened compotes and fruit drinks. The amount of liquid is 2 liters.

On the third day, you can include light soups, semi-liquid porridges cooked in water, and boiled vegetables in your diet. Gradually add lean meat, fish, and then everything else. For cereals, nutritionists recommend taking rice or oatmeal; for vegetables, it is better to use broccoli and cauliflower. During the period of exacerbation, especially in the first days, all dishes should be thoroughly boiled and ground.

Therapeutic diet 5

Patients with cholelithiasis are recommended to adhere to therapeutic diet number 5. It is specially designed for patients with gallbladder pathologies. The diet will take the load off the mucous membranes of the stomach. In addition, the menu is designed for chemical discharge of the liver. The functioning of the gallbladder is normalized. They strive to prevent the formation of new stones.

The basic rules are the same as in other diets for gallbladder diseases: a small amount of food, everything only boiled or steamed, excluding cold or hot food. Chemical composition Diets for cholecystitis of the gallbladder No. 5:

  • Proteins – 80 g. Approximately 55% of them are of animal origin.
  • Fats – 80 g. Vegetables – approximately 30%.
  • Carbohydrates – 400 g. Of these, 80 g is sugar.
  • Salt – 10 g.
  • Liquid – 2 l.


Sample menu for cholecystitis for a week:

Recipes for every day

Ingredients for vegetable puree soup:

  • carrots, eggplant and zucchini - 200 g each;
  • bell pepper- 1 PC.;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • leek – 50 g;
  • greens – 1 small bunch;
  • water – 1 l;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Peel the vegetables and cut them.
  2. Throw potato cubes into boiling water and lightly add salt. After ten minutes, add zucchini, eggplant and pepper.
  3. When the vegetables are ready, add the zucchini and finely chopped onion and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  4. Blend the slightly cooled soup with an immersion blender. Add to plates before serving olive oil and greens.

Ingredients for beef cutlets with vegetables:

  • beef – 600 g;
  • broccoli – 400 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • sour cream – 100 g;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • butter – 40 g;
  • cheese – 15 g;
  • flour – 10 g.


  1. Boil lean beef until cooked.
  2. Grind the meat and vegetables in a blender.
  3. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly until smooth. First add 1 egg.
  4. Place the formed small cutlets in a fireproof dish, pour sour cream on top, then grate the cheese.
  5. Bake in the oven for 0.5 hours, temperature regime– 160°С. Before serving, the dish should be decorated with herbs.

Grocery list

Video about diet for gallbladder diseases

Known stable expression“bilious person” means something bad. But some people associate the phrase gallbladder with pain in the right hypochondrium, or even worse. Let's see what kind of organ this is, why it is needed, how it gets sick and how to help it.

Gallbladder is a hollow, pear-shaped organ located near the liver, or rather adjacent to its lower surface. It should be added that the liver itself is located mainly in the right hypochondrium.

In Greek, the name for the gallbladder is cholecystis. This hollow organ holds about 40-80 ml of liquid. The liver produces so much bile during the day that there is a need for an organ to accumulate and store it. In the gallbladder, bile accumulates, concentrates (loses up to 80% of its water) and is excreted during digestion.

We need bile for proper digestion. fatty foods. It has a yellow-brown color and contains acids and pigments called bile, as well as cholesterol, which is beneficial to our metabolism, but if imbalanced can form atherosclerotic plaques and gallstones.

Gallbladder diseases are associated with:

Inflammation of the gallbladder - cholecystitis

It can be acute, but can also become chronic.

It can manifest itself against the background of the presence of stones in the gallbladder (calculous cholecystitis) and in their absence (acalculous cholecystitis). It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in our time chronic cholecystitis is mainly calculous, and only 5% of people suffering from inflammation of the gallbladder are acalculous.

Causes of cholecystitis are infectious diseases, usually of a bacterial nature, as well as helminthic infestations.

Predisposing factors can serve:

  • biliary dyskinesia,
  • gallbladder injuries,
  • unhealthy diet
  • obesity,
  • physical inactivity (limited physical activity).

Upon contact with pathogens (coli, cocci, mixed flora) begins inflammation. In addition, the presence of stagnation of bile is annoying, and stones damage the wall of the gallbladder. Which also contributes to inflammation. Acute cholecystitis occurs. Over time, the inflamed walls thicken, become less mobile, the flow of bile is disrupted, and the disease can become chronic. If cholecystitis was acalculous, then conditions are created for the formation of calculi (stones).

Symptoms of acute cholecystitis:

  • pain in the right hypochondrium, which can radiate (give) to the right half of the chest and neck, to the right arm,
  • feeling of bitterness in the mouth,
  • nausea,
  • possible vomiting and heat bodies,
  • sometimes yellowness of the sclera, skin, mucous membranes.

For chronic cholecystitis present:

  • constant stupid aching pain or a feeling of discomfort in the gallbladder area,
  • nausea,
  • may be vomiting
  • bloating,
  • jaundice,
  • slight increase in temperature (up to 37.5 ºС),
  • impaired digestion of fatty foods.

It's getting worse chronic inflammation gallbladder in violation of diet, physical stress, contact with infection and hypothermia, drinking alcohol.

Complications cholangitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the biliary tract), cholelithiasis, as well as rupture of the gallbladder wall and entry of contents into the abdominal cavity - perforation may occur.

For diagnostics cholecystitis it is necessary:

  • donate blood for analysis (general and biochemical),
  • ultrasound examination,
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy,
  • duodenal sounding.

Treatment of cholecystitis is aimed at:

  1. diet low fat, frequent, fractional meals: 5-6 times a day, cannot be done long breaks between meals. You need to give up fried, spicy, smoked foods. You need to eat food slowly and in small portions.
  2. For pain prescribed antispasmodics(no-spa, papaverine hydrochloride).
  3. To normalize the flow of bile - choleretic drugs containing bile acids and bile - for example, allochol, cholenzyme, as well as drugs plant origin:
  • infusion of sand immortelle flowers, the drug Flamin obtained from it;
  • choleretic collection(contains immortelle flowers, trefoil leaves, peppermint and coriander fruits),
  • choleretic collection No. 2(immortelle flowers, yarrow herb or leaves, peppermint leaves and coriander fruits),
  • corn stalks with silks(preparing an infusion)
  • tansy flowers and the drug Tanacehol obtained from it,
  • a drug Holosas, prepared on the basis of rosehip extract,
  • berberine sulfate, contained in the roots and leaves of barberry,
  • infusion mint leaves,
  • infusion and extract dandelion roots,
  • infusion leaves of watch trifoliate,
  • infusion orthosiphon stamen(antispasmodic).

When preparing infusions from medicinal plants you need to follow the dose and preparation mode. Infusions are prepared in a preheated container in a water bath 15 minutes, then remove and leave at room temperature 45 minutes, filter. Decoctions are prepared from denser raw materials (roots, bark) by infusing in a water bath for 30 minutes, at room temperature for 10 minutes.

Choleretic drugs are contraindicated with obstruction of the gallbladder and bile ducts, the presence of large stones in the gallbladder.

4) If fever begins during an exacerbation, inflammatory indications in blood tests, the doctor prescribes antibiotics.


This disease is characterized by the formation of stones (calculi) in the gallbladder and bile ducts. There is a wide variety causes and predisposing factors: metabolic disease, diabetes, decreased function thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance in the body, obesity, chronic cholecystitis.

Concretions of the following composition are formed :

  1. Mainly cholesterol;
  2. Bilirubin, or pigment;
  3. Calcareous (calcified);
  4. Mixed composition.

Simplified stone formation scheme you can imagine it like this.

The patient does not feel the formation of stones. If the stones are large and single, the disease may not appear for years and discovered by chance, for example, when a patient undergoes an abdominal ultrasound due to other problems. This form of the disease is the most common and is called latent .

In another form of the disease, they may manifest themselves:

  • heaviness in the right hypochondrium, in the stomach area,
  • heartburn,
  • flatulence,
  • unstable chair.
  • When eating fried, fatty, or spicy foods, the patient begins to experience pain and may experience nausea and vomiting.

This form is called chronic dyspeptic.

For chronic painful form the disease manifests itself when the stones begin to move, irritate nerve endings mucous membrane of the gallbladder and bile ducts. A spasm occurs reflexively, very severe pain. Biliary or hepatic colic develops - the attack is very severe pain when stones move. Under the influence of the parasympathetic nervous system biliary colic develops more often at night. The patient rushes about and cannot find a position that relieves his pain. The attack is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The pain spreads throughout the abdomen, more intense in the right hypochondrium.

Sometimes gallstone disease can “masquerade” as heart disease. This form is called angina pectoris. The patient is most often old man, for a long time can be treated for angina. The pain may be in the stomach, chest area on the right or left. When examining the heart, abnormalities in the electrocardiogram may indeed be observed; during attacks of pain, nitroglycerin, which is used for attacks of angina pectoris, and is also a strong antispasmodic, can bring relief.

Complications cholelithiasis is obstructive jaundice, secondary cholestatic hepatitis, acute cholecystitis, cholangitis, acute pancreatitis.

For diagnostics of stones in the gallbladder, general and biochemical tests blood, general analysis urine, ultrasound of the liver, biliary system, pancreas.

But more informative method is endoscopic retrograde choledochopancreatography (if ductal cholelithiasis is suspected).

Treatment of cholelithiasis

  1. First of all, the patient is advised to eat low-fat, preferably vegetable, diet. Those who have the habit of eating 1-2 times a day should refuse it, since bile is not excreted as often as necessary for normal functioning, and it stagnates. You need to eat 5-6 times a day, slowly, in small portions. Assign wheat bran– 1-3 teaspoons 3 times a day. The bran is steamed with boiling water for 15-20 minutes, the water is drained. Steamed bran is taken with meals.
  2. If the stones have small size, apply choleretic drugs, for example Odeston.
  3. To dissolve cholesterol stones prescribe medications bile acids- chenodeoxycholic and ursodeoxycholic.
  4. Chenodeoxycholic the acid is included in the preparations chenodiol and henofalk. Drugs ursodeoxycholic acid- ursosan, ursofalk. Also prescribed combination drug ursodeoxycholic and chenodeoxycholic acids - lithopalk. One-time and daily dose of these drugs depend on the patient’s body weight. The duration of use of the drugs should be at least 2-3 years. However, practice shows that these drugs are ineffective.
  5. Large stones can be destroyed by various methods (extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, contact dissolution).
  6. It is believed that most effective method Treatment of cholelithiasis is surgical.
  7. During attacks hepatic colic apply antispasmodics .
  8. For symptoms of fever, it is prescribed antibiotics.

Doctors' opinions on the treatment of cholelithiasis

Most doctors unanimously speak of the so-called "gold standard" treatment of gallstone disease. This standard is called laparoscopic cholecystectomy(surgery to remove the gallbladder). Attempts at fragmentation and dissolution gallstones Experts consider the experience of 15 years ago ineffective and sometimes even dangerous. The commercial purposes of such treatments are indicated. Doctors say that cholecystectomy completely eliminates the causes of gallstones.

Gallbladder polyps

The next ailment that the gallbladder can suffer from is - gallbladder polyps.

This name means a pathological change in the tissue of the mucous membrane, during which it grows and an outgrowth is formed. Polyps have different natures:

  • Cholesterol is formed as a result of cholesterol deposits in the mucous membrane.
  • An inflammatory polyp, accordingly, occurs in the form of tissue proliferation during inflammation.
  • Polyps can also mean adenoma ( benign neoplasm) or gallbladder papilloma.

Surgeons have inflammation of the gallbladder in acute form It is considered the most common disease after appendicitis. According to medical statistics, this disease mainly affects people 40-60 years old. Moreover, there are 3.5 times more women among patients than men. Timely treatment helps save the lives of many patients.

For any form of gallbladder pathology, an indispensable condition effective therapy diseases – therapeutic nutrition. Its main principles: abstinence from alcohol, heavy, fatty foods and strong, carbonated drinks, frequent use eating in small portions. The purpose of such a diet is to have a gentle effect on the bladder and liver. At acute cholecystitis and exacerbations of the chronic version of the disease, fasting is prescribed in the first days. Then for 3-4 weeks - diet No. 5a, subsequently - No. 5 for long term.

Conservative treatment gallbladder suggests complex use pharmacy tablets, medicinal herbs, home remedies. Patients are recommended to drink mineral waters extracted in Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk or Borjomi. Practicing various methods physiotherapy. In the absence of the expected result, doctors perform operations to remove the bubble.

Chronic cholecystitis - treatment

With this disease, which develops over a long period of time due to a bacterial infection or the presence of stones, deformation of the mucous membrane and walls of the gallbladder occurs. Treatment chronic cholecystitis should be performed by a gastroenterologist. Periods of relative calm alternate with episodes of exacerbations. The most important condition therapy - you cannot violate diet restrictions.

For cholecystitis, especially chronic, a long course of drug treatment is required various actions.

In order to reduce the drug load, doctors prescribe herbal preparation Gastroguttal.

Gastroguttal is a gastric drop based on medicinal herbs.

The composition includes tinctures of valerian, wormwood, mint and belladonna. The drug has a relaxing effect on the functioning of the gallbladder, helps relieve the symptoms of cholecystitis and normalizes the functioning of the biliary tract.

Gastroguttal also relieves inflammation and spasms, which are the main cause of intestinal pain.

The bitterness of wormwood stimulates the activity of the digestive glands (promotes increased secretion of bile, gastric and pancreatic juice), improves the motor function of the stomach and intestines, has an anti-inflammatory effect and activates protective forces body.

And peppermint, which is part of Gastroguttal, improves high-quality composition bile, promotes the proper movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract and eliminates bloating.

Herbal, natural composition Gastroguttala makes the drug taste pleasant when added to tea, and liquid dosage form contributes more fast action.

How to treat a chronic gallbladder? Drug treatment is complex application drugs of the following groups:

A patient suspected of such a diagnosis should be immediately hospitalized. Treatment of acute cholecystitis should be carried out in a hospital setting. This form of the disease occurs more often in the presence of stones. How to cure a gallbladder with acute inflammation? If the patient's condition is not critical, conservative therapy. To relieve pain, analgesics are prescribed, medications that normalize the functioning of the gallbladder, and cold is placed on the right side.

Bacterial infection suppressed with antibiotics. In the first days, they practice fasting with alkaline drinking - acids, proteins and fats make the gallbladder work harder. For additional food and detoxification of the body, droppers are prescribed. If after 2-3 days the pain does not go away, the temperature remains high, then surgical intervention. This may be a puncture with drainage of the bladder or its removal.

Calculous cholecystitis - treatment

The basic principles of treating the disease in the presence and absence of stones are largely similar. How to cure calculous cholecystitis? The doctor chooses a regimen based on how acutely the patient is ill. In addition, therapy for the calculous type of disease depends on the location of the stones. If, for example, they are in the lumen common duct, then you cannot use choleretic medications, since such drugs can cause stones to move and clog the bile ducts.

When the disease worsens during inpatient treatment fasting, painkillers, anticholinergic and antispasmodic drugs, detoxification drips are prescribed. Subsequent nutrition should be consistent dietary table No. 5a, then No. 5. Treatment calculous cholecystitis without surgery it takes more than one month. Strict adherence to the diet should not be stopped when the severity of the disease subsides. Prohibition of spicy, fatty, fried food and alcohol should be a lifelong ban.

Acalculous cholecystitis - treatment

The infection easily penetrates into a sluggish gallbladder with stagnant bile. Signs of exacerbation of the acalculous form of the disease are similar to the symptoms of the acute calculous variant of the disease. How to treat gallbladder inflammation when there are no stones? If the patient's condition is serious, with a risk to life, emergency removal is necessary. Conservative treatment acalculous cholecystitis also requires a lot of time. The main condition for therapy is, again, a strict diet.

Cholecystitis in children - treatment

Treatment of cholecystitis at home

Still in first place - dietary food. Additional treatment cholecystitis at home can be carried out only after the approval of a doctor. Possible options:

  • consumption of bran, beet juice, raw or soft-boiled eggs, vegetable oils to activate the flow of bile;
  • drinking mineral water;
  • exercises with torso bending, leisurely jogging;
  • taking a warm (not hot!) bath when you feel impending pain.

Treatment of cholecystitis with medications

Modern medicine has effective drugs for the treatment of this disease. In the treatment of cholecystitis with medications today it is often recommended to take:

  • analgesics– Ketonal, Analgin, Baralgin;
  • antispasmodics– No-shpa, Duspatalin, Mebeverine;
  • drugs that normalize the functioning of the gallbladder– Riabal; Platyfillin; Magnesium sulfate, Sorbitol, Xylitol, Holosas;
  • choleretic agents – Digestal, Festal, Holenzym, Allochol;
  • antibiotics– Ampicillin, Ciprofloxacin, Furazolidone;
  • hepatoprotectors– Essentiale, Gepabene, Karsil;
  • litholytics(drugs that dissolve stones) – Ursosan, Exchol, Ursofalk, etc.

Cholecystitis - treatment with folk remedies

  • Knotweed decoction: 1 tbsp. spoon pharmaceutical herb pour one glass of water, put on water bath, boil for half an hour, filter.
  • Calamus infusion: Brew 1 teaspoon of finely chopped roots with 1/2 cup of boiling water, warm and leave until the infusion has cooled, then strain.
  • Infusion corn silk : 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of dry raw materials with one glass of boiling water, insulate and leave for 1 hour, then filter.

Video: treatment of cholecystitis with folk remedies

One of the common diseases of the digestive system is inflammation of the gallbladder. Symptoms and treatment of the pathology are quite varied, they depend on the form of the disease, gender and age of the patient. Medicines, folk remedies and herbs are used in therapy. Promotes quick recovery and proper nutrition.

Symptoms of gallbladder inflammation

Cholecystitis is a pathology of the gallbladder of infectious and inflammatory origin. This insidious disease, since it is accompanied by a variety of, sometimes contradictory, symptoms. The disease develops slowly, usually becomes chronic, and is more often diagnosed in women than in men.

The development of the disease can be caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, toxic substances, and allergens. Other causes of inflammation of the organ are deterioration in the outflow of bile due to stones or abnormalities in the structure of the ducts, irregular food intake, alcohol abuse, frequent stress, endocrine pathologies.

The main signs of inflammation of the gallbladder:

  • pain in the right hypochondrium, may radiate to chest, top part back, shoulder;
  • the unpleasant sensations are long-lasting, aching, and acute spasms occur during an attack;
  • heartburn, belching with a bitter taste;
  • dry mouth;
  • bloating, diarrhea.

During the period of exacerbation of cholecystitis, vomiting occurs, bile impurities are present in the masses, the temperature rises, weakness is observed, general deterioration health, the skin and mucous membranes may acquire a jaundiced tint.

When diagnosing cholecystitis, the following signs indicate: an increase in the thickness of the bladder walls by 5 mm or more, stones in the organ, and fluid accumulation. Clinical analysis blood and urine shows the presence inflammatory processincrease in ESR, leukocytosis, high level bilirubin.

Symptoms of cholecystitis in children and women

Inflammation of the gallbladder in a child can be caused by:

  • obesity;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • decreased immunity;
  • hit;
  • developmental pathologies;
  • hereditary predisposition.

May indicate cholecystitis bad smell from mouth, rotten burp, alternating constipation and diarrhea, loss of appetite, rumbling in the stomach, low-grade fever, which lasts a long time.

In women, cholecystitis often develops during pregnancy and menopause. In addition to the main symptoms, there are also specific signs hormonal imbalanceincreased sweating, migraine, rapid heartbeat and pulse, sleep disturbance, swelling lower limbs, mood swings.

Important! Almost always, cholecystitis is accompanied by other gastrointestinal diseases - gastritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis.

Drug treatment

At timely application to the doctor, correct diagnosis cholecystitis responds well to therapy medicines. The goal of treatment is to eliminate the causative agents of the disease and signs of the inflammatory process, to restore normal work gallbladder. In the chronic form, drugs help prolong remission.

How to treat cholecystitis:

  • antibiotics that can penetrate into bile - Erythromycin, Ampiox, Ciprofloxacin, Doxycycline;
  • bactericidal, antimicrobials– Biseptol, Furazolidone, Furadonin, they are prescribed if they are ineffective antibacterial therapy, destroy almost all types of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • antispasmodics – Papaverine, No-shpa, Metacin, Duspatalin;
  • calcium antagonists – Dicetel, relaxes the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • prokinetics - Motilium, Motilak, improve motility of the gallbladder and its ducts;
  • enzymes to improve the functioning of the pancreas - Creon, Mezim;
  • hepatoprotectors – Karsil, Essentiale;
  • medications with complex action– Ursosan, prescribed in the presence of stones, the drug improves liver function, strengthens the immune system, promotes better outflow of bile;
  • choleretic drugs - Allohol, Holagol, Xylitol, Odeston, they can be taken only for acalculous cholecystitis.

Treatment with folk remedies

Is it possible to treat cholecystitis using methods alternative medicine? Folk remedies They help prevent inflammation of the gallbladder and its ducts, reduce the risk of stone formation, and avoid relapses of the disease at home. But they should be considered only as helper method therapy. You should first consult with your doctor.

The following recipes are used in the treatment of cholecystitis:

  1. Wash, peel and finely grate medium-sized beets, fill the mixture with water, the liquid should be 3-4 cm above the chopped vegetable. Boil the mixture over low heat until a homogeneous puree is obtained, consume 50 g before each meal.
  2. Every day during the season, drink 50 ml of juice from ripe berries rowan.
  3. Mix 200 ml of black radish, carrot, beet, lemon and horseradish juice, add 125 ml of alcohol. Keep the mixture in a dark place for 10 days, take 15 ml before meals three times a day.
  4. Wash and dry 30 leaves of bay laurel, grind into powder, pour 200 ml of unrefined sunflower oil, leave for a week, filter. Add 15 drops of medicine to tea, milk or kefir three times a day.
  5. In case of exacerbation of cholecystitis, it is necessary to prepare a mixture of 150 ml of olive oil, 50 ml of menthol, 100 ml of cognac. Drink 15 ml per day, you need to do this first warm compress to the area of ​​the right hypochondrium.

Important! Helps well with cholecystitis cabbage juice– you need to drink it warm, 100 ml every day before meals. If an ultrasound reveals stones in the gall bladder, you should not take choleretic drugs!


Therapeutic diet is one of the main methods of treating cholecystitis. Proper nutrition normalizes the process of synthesis and outflow of bile. Daily calorie content diet - 2500 kcal, ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - 300/120/100 g per day.

List of prohibited productsList of approved products
spicy, pickled, fried, fatty, smoked and sour foods;

products with high content fiber, legumes, mushrooms;

radishes, spinach, sorrel, citrus fruits;

seasonings and spices;

rich broths;

excessively cold or hot food;

fresh bread, pastry products;

boiled eggs, scrambled eggs;

fatty meats, fish, offal, sausages;

coffee, cocoa, chocolate

lean types of meat and fish, seafood in boiled, steamed, stewed form;

non-acidic berries, sweet fruits;

first courses with vegetable broth;

vegetable oils;

porridges, puddings, casseroles;

milk and dairy products with low fat content;

dried bread, biscuits, marshmallows, jam;

steam omelette

The daily amount of clean water is at least 2 liters, which will allow bile to move more easily through the ducts, it will not accumulate in the bladder, and the patient will experience fewer attacks of pain. In addition to water, you can drink natural diluted juices, rosehip infusion, and weak tea with milk.

Important! With cholecystitis, you need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions - this will help the gallbladder to empty in a timely manner, and stagnation will not occur in the organ. Overeating and irregular food intake provoke the occurrence of pain syndrome and dyspeptic disorders.


Herbs help relieve inflammation in cholecystitis. Phytotherapy is recommended by doctors to be used for therapeutic and preventive purposes.

How to treat cholecystitis with herbs:

  1. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over 10 g of crushed corn silk, leave in a sealed container for 40 minutes, filter. Drink 55 ml each time before meals.
  2. Mint soothes and helps quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms. If the gallbladder is inflamed, brew 20 g of herb in 220 ml of boiling water and simmer in a steam bath for 20 minutes. Cool, drink the entire portion of the drink in 3 doses throughout the day. You can brew oregano in a similar way.
  3. Finely chop 10 g of fresh parsley, pour 220 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, take 60 ml warm before meals. The product improves appetite and restores the flow of bile.
  4. Pour 240 ml of boiling water over 15 g of dry crushed plantain leaves, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Drink the entire portion of the medicine in small sips within an hour every day before breakfast.
  5. In case of acute cholecystitis, cope with unpleasant sensations Elecampane will help - pour 10 g of crushed plant roots with 220 ml of cold purified water, leave for 8-10 hours, strain. Add 50 ml of honey or propolis to the infusion. Divide the resulting mixture into 4 servings, drink during the day 45 minutes before meals. The duration of treatment is a week, but noticeable improvement occurs already on the third day.

Important! One of the most available methods Treatment of cholecystitis are pears - you need to cook unsweetened compote from them, eat 1-2 fruits every day.

Inflammation of the gallbladder is a common disease that occurs in children and adults. To avoid the development of cholecystitis, you need to eat right, monitor your weight, and refuse bad habits, promptly treat all infectious pathologies.