A sharp increase in sense of smell. Taste disturbance

An increased sense of smell is medically called hyperosmia. In this case, even faint odors seem very rich and intense to a person. Strong reaction considered for fragrances painful condition and often accompanies certain pathologies. So, what is this condition associated with?

The olfactory analyzer is responsible for the analysis and recognition of aromas. It contains a special type of epithelium that includes different kinds cells. These include supporting, basal, and olfactory.

Thus, olfactory cells are localized in the structure mucous membrane nose On their surface there are olfactory cilia that capture fragrant molecules. All cells are attached to nerve fibers. They are united into special bundles called axons.

These structures transmit impulses to certain areas of the brain. They are instantly analyzed. Due to the definition key characteristics odor - intensity and quality - its classification is carried out. The aroma can be pleasant or unpleasant.

Exacerbation of odors is called hyperosmia. This term refers to high sensitivity to aromas that are present in environment. If a person's sense of smell becomes acute, he can detect and recognize even the faintest odors.

In addition to hyperosmia, there are several other types of perception of aromas. These include the following:

  • hyposmia - is a decrease in the sense of smell;
  • anosmia - in this case, a person is not able to perceive aromas at all;
  • cacosmia - in which the patient constantly feels a stench;
  • parosmia - implies a distortion of the information received, which is interpreted by doctors as peculiar olfactory hallucinations.

Symptoms, causes and treatment methods vary significantly depending on clinical picture. To choose the optimal therapy, you should consult a doctor who will conduct a detailed examination. Based on its results, the specialist will be able to choose adequate treatment.

Causes of a heightened sense of smell

The sense of smell is a kind of boundary that is responsible for filtering odors coming from outside. If for a certain reason a failure occurs at some stage, the development of olfactory dysfunction is observed.

TO key reasons exacerbations of the sense of smell include the following:

A situation in which a person says “I sense smells acutely” can provoke long-term use certain medications. These include, in particular, amphetamines and thiazides. If you exclude the use of such means, you can short time restore your sense of smell.

Sometimes smells are irritating mental disorders. Hyperosmia may be the first sign of such anomalies:

  • schizophrenia;
  • depression;
  • hysteria;
  • neurasthenia.

A sharp increase in sensitivity to various aromas can be a symptom of chronic pathology. The main diseases that cause the appearance of this symptom include the following:

  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis;
  • Turner syndrome;
  • hypothyroidism is a diffuse toxic goiter.

Sensitivity to all kinds of aromas changes significantly throughout the day. Doctors note that there is a minimum level of perception. When it is reached, a certain level of aroma molecules causes a reaction from the analyzer.

Men have lower sensitivity to fragrances. They very rarely experience a condition in which they note “I react strongly to odors.” Representatives of the weak experience hormonal fluctuations much more often. Therefore, they are much more susceptible to hyperosmia.

Experts also note that children have a much lower threshold for smell perception than adults. Therefore, babies react quite sharply to various aromas and much more often complain about unpleasant or pungent odors.

IN individual situations a feeling of increased sense of smell appears during pregnancy. This condition is caused hormonal changes, which arise in female body. After childbirth, balance is gradually restored. This helps completely eliminate acute sensitivity to odors.

Also, in women, reactions to fragrances can change significantly over the course of a woman's life. menstrual cycle. This is due to normal fluctuations in hormone balance. Most often, an exacerbation of the sense of smell is observed before the onset of menstruation. Also the reason this state ovulation may occur.

Often increased sensitivity to aromas becomes the result of consumption oral contraceptives. Also, a provoking factor in the development of hyperosmia can be hormonal treatment.

Clinical picture (symptoms)

With the development of hyperosmia, all odors seem very strong and intense. A person begins to smell aromas that other people with a normal sense of smell cannot sense. At first glance, it seems that such opportunities should be encouraging. However, in reality everything is not so simple.

In fact, hyperosmia often causes various problems. The main disorders include the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • painful sensations in the sinuses;
  • psychological instability;
  • migraine;
  • dysfunction of some organs;
  • psychical deviations.

Thus, instead of unique abilities, a person gets a depressed and irritable state. Many people with this diagnosis experience an irresistible desire to plug their nose and lock themselves in a sterile room.

Traditional Treatments for Increased Odors

If your sense of smell has increased, you should immediately contact a qualified otolaryngologist. This diagnosis is made by a specialist based on visual inspection using a mirror. Thanks to this, it will be possible to determine the width of the olfactory zone. Specific tests are also required to determine the level of smell.

In addition, consultation with specialized specialists is often required. If hyperosmia is suspected, the patient must be referred to a neurologist and psychiatrist.

  1. Treatment for this condition is selected depending on the provoking factor, since exacerbation of the sense of smell is not an independent pathology, but only a symptom of a certain illness.
  2. If the development of the disease is due to infectious lesion organs respiratory system or nasopharynx, conduction is indicated restorative treatment. It should be aimed at normalizing respiratory functions and improving air circulation in the sinuses. Chronic pathologies, such as sinusitis or cyst, require conservative therapy or undergoing surgery.
  3. If the provoking factor is emotional instability or neurological abnormalities, effective drug treatment is prescribed. It implies the use sedatives. There may also be a need to use psychotropic drugs. In addition to drug therapy Methods of influencing a person’s psycho-emotional state are often used. For this purpose, you should contact neurologists and psychiatrists.

In the presence of hormonal problems- especially hyperthyroidism - appropriate therapy is indicated. Conservative treatment is to use special medicines, which contribute to the destruction of hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Radical Approach Involves Action radioactive iodine. IN difficult situations it is not possible to do without surgical intervention.

During pregnancy, contact with sources should be avoided strong odors - using new cosmetics, visiting crowded places, consuming spicy food etc.

If severe hyperosmia is observed, which causes pain, migraines and other serious manifestations, it is recommended to install a blockade. For this purpose in nasal cavity Novocaine solution is injected .

Before performing these manipulations, the mucous membranes must be anesthetized. The procedure is carried out both in a hospital setting and in a clinic. But in any case, in the first half hour after using the solution, the person should remain under the supervision of a doctor. This is required in case of developing an allergy or individual intolerance to the drug.

Effective folk remedies

Such recipes should be used depending on the provoking factor for the appearance of this symptom. One of the most common causes of pathology is diffuse toxic goiter.

In this situation, you should use this recipe:

People who decide to use folk remedies should take into account that this therapy tactic can cause serious harm. Thus, there is a threat of developing allergies, increased sensitivity to aromas, or, conversely, a complete loss of smell.

Sometimes folk recipes provoke lesions digestive system, inflammatory changes in the nasopharynx and other undesirable changes.

Hyperosmia, or heightened sense of smell, is enough serious violation, which can lead to the appearance unpleasant manifestations. To cope with this condition, it is very important to establish the reasons for its development. To do this, you need to conduct a detailed diagnosis. Based on its results, a qualified doctor will be able to select adequate therapy.

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Let's look at what hypersensitivity to odors is. Do you wrinkle your nose at a smell that others don't notice? Like the girl in the Danish fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea" who was too sensitive to touch, some people react very strongly to smells. IN medical language There is a name for this phenomenon - hyperosmia. Usually this change does not pose a threat to health, although it does cause a lot of trouble. For example, some not-so-pleasant smells simply drive such people crazy. But pleasant ones are also felt more strongly. A person with hyperosmia may smell perfume in a room long after the woman has left the room.

Increased sensitivity to odors is often perceived as a component of neurosis. But don't rush to conclusions. Sometimes this is a sign of pregnancy. And also Addison's disease - serious, but rare hormonal disorder, which affects the nasal mucosa and skin. According to research by scientists working in this field, the most disgusting smell on earth is the smell of decaying flesh. This fact was received practical use: The US Department of Defense tried to restore this smell when developing a stink bomb.

Increased sensitivity to odors. Smells that only you can smell

Your mom's apple pie Lately Does it smell more like pizza? Don’t rush to blame the cook, it’s better to check your nose. You may have the classic manifestation of dysosmia - a distorted perception of smells. When you think your local greenhouse smells like a toilet, there's a good chance it's... we're talking about about cacosmia, a disorder in which you smell rot or feces where everyone else cannot.

If, among all the people in the room, you are the only one who smells something, this may be a symptom of phantosmia, or phantom odors. Unlike phantom visions, in which pleasant pictures appear before the eyes - cute animals or beautiful scenes, phantom odors are usually unpleasant, mostly just disgusting. People suffering from phantosmia describe them as a stench of decaying flesh or vomit spreading out of nowhere.

In some people, phantom smells are signs of schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders. They are usually accompanied by visual and auditory hallucinations, as well as other obvious signs. Dysosmia and cacosmia, like hypersensitivity to odors, sometimes occur during pregnancy. But if this is not your case, they may warn of the development of epilepsy. Indeed, some people begin to smell certain odors just before a seizure. It should be noted that disturbances in the perception of smells and phantom smells can serve as a clue that a person still suffers from epilepsy, although he does not have seizures. Often these sensations are harbingers of a migraine.

It is easy to guess that all these anomalies signal a dysfunction of the olfactory nerve, but the reasons can be very different: infection, head injury, surgery, toxic substances contained in the environment, and drugs - all this leads to loss of smell. If the underlying condition is treated, the problem with your sense of smell will likely also go away. But the most important thing is to put correct diagnosis, and as soon as possible.

Serious disturbances in the sense of smell - for example when food always seems spoiled - can have a very negative impact on quality of life and lead to deep depression. In the report Medical center University of Nebraska study found that nearly half of patients with these disorders attempted suicide.

Doctors general practice, therapists, family doctors and other medical professionals can diagnose and treat a variety of nasal problems - from common cold to allergies. But often nasal disorders are associated with other conditions that require the help of specialists. Remember: if you have a sore nose or heavy bleeding you need to call the doctor immediately. So, who knows best about noses? If you have any problems in this area, you need the following specialists:

Otolaryngologist: a doctor who specializes in treating diseases of the ear, nose and throat.

Rhinologist: a doctor with a diploma in otolaryngology who has undergone additional training in the treatment of nasal diseases.

Allergist/immunologist: A physician trained in internal medicine or pediatrics with additional training in immunology and allergology.

Sleep Disorder Specialist: A physician or other professional trained in sleep medicine.

Especially depends on the purity of the surrounding air. In the forest, on the seashore, all smells are felt acutely.

In dusty city air, the sense of smell becomes dull and may disappear completely.

Olfactory disorders occur with chronic and acute diseases nasopharynx, indicate such serious illnesses, like Parkinson's disease, brain tumor.

Anosmia– lack of smell, can be complete or partial. Partial anosmia occurs when the ability to distinguish a single smell, for example, the smell of cloves, is lost.

Increased sensitivity to odors is called hyperosmia. An increased sense of smell is observed in neurological disorders, diffuse goiter, change hormonal levels, for example, during pregnancy.

Decreased sense of smell is called hyposmia. Unilateral and bilateral hyposmia are noted. Due to its occurrence – rhinogenic and neurogenic.

Hyposmia is classified according to its location:

  • essential - the olfactory nerve and the area of ​​the cerebral cortex responsible for smell are affected;
  • receptor – access to receptors is impaired.

Distortion, perversion of the sense of smell is called dysosmia th (cacosmia). An example would be an aversion to the smell of cosmetic products after suffering from the flu.

Cacosmia is sometimes observed after, and is noted in some mental diseases.

Thus, olfactory hallucinations serve as a symptom of schizophrenia and indicate an unfavorable prognosis for the disease and the rapid destruction of the core of personality.

Olfactory hallucinations are observed with a brain tumor, Fahr syndrome after removal thyroid gland.

Causes of deterioration of sense of smell

To find out how to restore your sense of smell, you need to find out the reason for its decrease or loss.

A violation may occur as a result of:

  • mechanical obstacles in the way of odorant molecules, odor carriers;
  • destruction of olfactory receptors;
  • damage to the olfactory nerve and brain.

When mechanical obstacles such as swelling of the mucous membrane and deviated nasal septum are eliminated, the sense of smell is quite successfully restored.

Most often it is necessary to eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane caused by inflammation of the cells of the ethmoid labyrinth, purulent sinusitis, allergic, fetid runny nose.

Along with a deterioration in the sense of smell during a runny nose, there is a decrease in the ability to distinguish the taste of food. There are several recommendations on how to restore taste and smell, but all methods only work with patience and consistent implementation of procedures.

Damage to the sensitive olfactory cells causes hyposmia. Nicotine, morphine, and atropine pose a threat to olfactory receptors. Number sensitive cells also decreases with age.

Another reason why the sense of smell disappears is the use of neurotoxic drugs, the action viral infection. Poisoning with toxic substances, chemical irritants, side effect medications - all this can lead to hyposmia.

Deterioration of the sense of smell in some patients is caused by taking imipromine and clomipromine, lithium carbonate, bromocriptine, captopril, nifedipine.

Sharp inhalation of air freshener, trauma to the back of the head, fracture of the base of the skull, brain tumors, surgical operations on the brain can also cause loss of smell.

The cause of deterioration in the sense of smell can be:

  • epilepsy;
  • hysteria;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • Alzheimer's disease.

A decrease in the sense of smell, which cannot be practically treated, is observed in diabetes mellitus.


Sensitivity to odors can be restored only after diagnosing the underlying disease that caused hyposmia or anosmia. To do this, they carry out testing with standard smells, an X-ray examination to exclude a tumor of the anterior cranial fossa, and a pyridine test.

The patient is asked to smell pyridine, a volatile substance with a repulsive odor. When inhaling pyridine, the patient notes not only bad smell, but also unpleasant taste sensations.

If the pyridine test is negative, the patient undergoes an MRI study of the brain. In patients over 70 years of age and in those who have had a stroke, affected areas of the brain are often observed.

The final diagnosis is established based on the data endoscopic examination, computed tomography if necessary.


It is difficult to restore the sense of smell during hyposmia caused by damage to the olfactory nerve and brain. Return of sensitivity in these cases is rare.

In case of receptor hyposmia caused by swelling of the mucous membrane, the first step is to restore nasal breathing. Treatment, rhinitis (details in the “Rhinitis” section), allergic rhinitis(details in the “Runny nose” section) can partially or completely restore the sense of smell.

Restoring the sense of smell after a runny nose

The following will help restore your sense of smell when you have a runny nose: vasoconstrictor drops, like nazivin, otrivin. The drops quickly eliminate swelling, contact between the odorant and receptors is restored, and the sense of smell improves.

The sense of smell is restored after inhalation. It is not recommended to resort to steam inhalations, heat may cause additional trauma to the nasal mucosa and damage the olfactory epithelium.

To restore the sense of smell, Nasonex or another glucocorticoid aerosol, vitamin B12, pentoxifylline, and piracetam are prescribed. The sense of smell improves within a month.

Impaired sense of smell caused by trauma, chemical, thermal burn olfactory area of ​​the nose is difficult to treat; loss of smell for these reasons rarely leads to recovery.


With a certain amount of persistence and patience, aromatherapy gives a good effect. The olfactory zone of the nasal mucosa is stimulated with aromas, forcing the olfactory nerve to work.

To restore the sense of smell, substances are brought to the nose at a distance of 15 cm, with strong odors. You can use coffee, lemon, vinegar solution, ammonia, gasoline, pepper. Over time, the nerve, if its integrity is not compromised, will learn to perceive signals and conduct them into olfactory bulbs and think tanks and analyzers.

The sense of smell improves if you specifically train to recognize odors. It is useful to try to recognize substances by smell while blindfolded. To recognize the smell, take several short breaths through the nose.

If after a cold and runny nose a poor sense of smell persists for a long time, then in order to restore it, they use both methods traditional therapy, and by folk methods.

Treatment with folk remedies

To the treatment of smell folk remedies you need to treat with caution, if the olfactory nerve is damaged, self-medication will not be able to restore sensitivity to odors.

Home remedies can restore your sense of smell in cases such as receptor hyposmia, which is caused by impaired access to the olfactory receptors.

Useful for improving your sense of smell:

Facial gymnastics

Facial muscle exercises and massage improve blood circulation, which has a positive effect on blood circulation in the nasal cavity:

  • Take short breaths for 6 seconds, as if sniffing, then relax your muscles for a few seconds.
  • Place your finger on the tip of your nose, then simultaneously press on your nose with your finger and press your nose on your finger, pulling upper lip down.
  • Place your finger on the bridge of your nose, apply pressure, while trying to move your eyebrows.

Each exercise is repeated up to 4 times. You should try not to strain all other facial muscles.

Medicinal plants

Loss of smell due to flu, colds, and runny nose can be cured with the help of basic drug treatment and folk remedies.

To safe effective ways restoration of smell includes the following procedures:


Helps preserve and improve your sense of smell complete failure from smoking, treatment of inflammatory infectious diseases of the nasal cavity, limiting contact with aggressive volatiles chemicals, how in professional activity, and in everyday life.


Anosmia and hyposmia caused by infectious diseases, are being treated, the prognosis is favorable.

An unfavorable prognosis is often observed when the functions of the olfactory nerve, an analyzer in the cerebral cortex, are impaired, or when the olfactory epithelium is destroyed.

The sense of smell is necessary for humans to recognize odors that are common in the air.

The olfactory analyzer consists of several components, and if one of them fails or begins to work incorrectly, then the sense of smell may decrease or disappear.


The presence of certain diseases or disorders may contribute to a decrease or disappearance of the sense of smell.

All violations that may occur with olfactory analyzer are divided into:

  1. Qualitative violations.
  2. Quantitative violations.

To qualitative violations relate:

Towards quantitative violations include:

  1. Hyperosmiya. Extremely high sensitivity to all smells.
  2. Hyposmia. Significantly reduced ability to sense and distinguish odors.
  3. Anosmia.Complete inability to smell any smells.


Congenital pathology. With this problem, the child experiences symptoms of one or more smell disorders from birth. If the receptors are underdeveloped, Kallmann syndrome (lack of smell) may occur. Moreover, some of the disorders can be inherited from the mother or father.

Various inflammations. Inflammatory processes that occur in the nasal area. This most often occurs during a runny nose and is accompanied by a decrease in sensitivity to different odors or complete absence sense of smell.

Allergic rhinitis usually causes short-term anosmia. If the allergy is accompanied by allergic polyps, then anosmia can last for a long period of time.

During influenza, the epithelium on which the receptors are located partially dies off - this leads to decreased sensitivity or anosmia. After illness, the sense of smell is restored.

In some cases, when the disease is extremely severe, the sense of smell may be partially restored or not restored at all.

Injury inner layers epithelium. Injuries can be either mechanical (force applied to the head or nose) or chemical (drugs and substances). People who have suffered a traumatic brain injury often experience a tear or tear in the olfactory nerve, resulting in hyposmia or anosmia for a period of time.

Often the epithelium responsible for the sense of smell is damaged chemicals And narcotic substances inhaled through the nose. The same thing happens to workers who have to come into contact with harmful toxic substances in factories.

In these cases, there may be a significant decrease in the sense of smell or its complete absence during long periods time or forever.

Various formations and tumors. Formations that block the nasal passages lead to temporary loss of smell (until the causes are eliminated).

There are also quite rare species nasal tumors (esthesioneuroblastoma tumor), which cause hyposmia or anosmia, acting directly on the olfactory receptors.

Metastases from malignant tumors, growth of formations into the nasal passages and intracranial formations can lead to compression of the bulbs responsible for the sense of smell.

Surgical intervention. Planned operations on the nose and head can lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of the olfactory receptors or to a complete loss of smell for a certain period of time. Most often, the sense of smell is one of the first to be restored during the rehabilitation period.

Other reasons. There are many other reasons that cause a temporary decrease in the sense of smell or its loss. It could be air pollution various substances and gases, action and side effects medications, one of the manifestations of various diseases.


A disorder of smell can be a consequence or one of the symptoms of various diseases.

These include:

  1. Flu.
  2. Hormonal instability.
  3. Hypothyroidism, hypogonadism.
  4. Diabetes and obesity.
  5. Vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis.
  6. Kidney diseases, incl. renal failure.
  7. Hypophysectomy.

Quite rarely, a disorder of smell can be found as a consequence of diseases such as cystic fibrosis and Addison's disease.

Causes leading to a disorder of smell that are not associated with changes in the nasal cavity and head:

  • Psychogenic disorders and diseases (schizophrenia, depression, stimulation).
  • Treatment concomitant diseases medicines(chloramphenicol, tetracycline, psychotropic substances- amphetamine, thiazides and others).
  • Postoperative rehabilitation (especially planned intervention in the nasal cavity).
  • Diseases associated with a lack of vitamin A (for example, hepatitis).
  • Diseases that change hormonal levels in women.


In order to diagnose anosmia, it is enough to undergo an examination by an otolaryngologist. The study of quantitative violations is carried out using special sets consisting of strong-smelling substances.

A study is also carried out with a special device - an olfactometer. This device is inserted into the nostril and delivers odorous substances from vacuum vessels.

The study is complicated by the inability to verify the measurement of the force of inhalation of air (the stronger the inhalation, the stronger the smell). To determine qualitative disorders of the sense of smell, anamnesis and an ENT examination are used.


The first step is to find out the cause of the disturbance of smell. If these are temporary changes in the body (in the nasal area and intracranial changes), then the root cause is treated first.

For disorders that arise against the background of the manifestation of an underlying disease, the root cause is also treated first.

If the violations are based on inflammatory processes(infectious and viral diseases), then treatment of the disease must be carried out with medications, and inflammation in the nasal sinuses must be relieved with the help of vasoconstrictors:

Folk remedies

You can also use folk remedies:

  1. Instillation of 2 drops Kalanchoe juice in each nostril (every 3-4 hours).
  2. Lubricate your sinuses with fir oil every 3 hours.
  3. Rinse the nose with water mixed with sea salt.
  4. Beetroot juice, 2 drops, is instilled into each nostril every 3 hours.
  5. Finely chopped onion, poured vegetable oil, infuses for several hours. Both nostrils are lubricated with the resulting mixture.


Prevention of loss and weakening of the sense of smell is timely appeal to specialists. As soon as the manifestation of smell disorders is observed, you need to consult with an otolaryngologist and undergo a number of measures to improve the health of the body.


When disorders occur due to inflammation of the nasal sinuses (transport problems of the sense of smell), when nasal congestion occurs or when receiving mechanical injury nose (face), the prognosis is most often positive. After planned operations also happens momentary loss or decreased sense of smell.

If olfactory disorders occur as a symptom or consequence of a disease, restoration of function depends on treatment of the underlying disease. When the disease is completely curable, the sense of smell returns in full.

ENT (otolaryngologist)

Conducts prevention, treatment and diagnosis of diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, rhinitis), diseases of the outer and middle ear (otitis), nosebleeds, diseases of the pharynx and larynx (laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis).

A bouquet of fresh roses, a cup of black coffee, freshly baked bread... These words alone evoke a feeling pleasant aromas flowers, coffee or pastries. And for many, it may not even occur to them that the sense of smell can cause problems. Or rather, not the sense of smell itself, but its pathological disorders. Unfortunately, a person may have increased or decreased olfactory sensitivity, or live without a sense of smell at all. Such olfactory deviations are called, respectively - hyperosmia, hyposmia and anosmia. The symptoms for each of these pathologies differ, as do the causes and their treatment.

Hyperosmia – heightened sense of smell

Heightened sense of smell, which can become painful, is called hyposmia.

Symptoms. A person suffering from hyperosmia perceives all aromas more acutely. Many detect even very faint odors, imperceptible to people with a normal sense of smell. It would seem that you can be happy about this and boldly go to work as a perfumer or sommelier. But still, more often the perception of odors is painful: that is, a certain aroma can cause migraines, mental disorders, and disruption of work internal organs, emotional deviations. Most often, hyperosmia causes depression and irritability, with sharp and strong odors.

Causes . The main sign of hyperosmia is the formation of a diffusely toxic goiter in the patient, which can be caused neurological disorders. People suffering from frequent depression, hysteria, mental disorders, are most susceptible to exacerbation of the sensitivity of olfactory receptors. Changes in hormonal levels can also be cause of hyperosmia, which is why pregnant women react so sharply to certain odors.

Treatment with folk remedies. A heightened sense of smell is treatable, and often, when treating it, doctors prescribe restorative therapy and endonasal novocaine blockades (especially when severe pain). At home, you can try to be treated with folk remedies.

Reduce goiter, which is the source discomfort with hyperosmia, you can in the following ways:

  • 1) External treatment. Fill a saucepan with young willow leaves and pour them cold water. Put on fire and boil. The leaves should yield a juice that resembles resin. The water will boil away and the juice will concentrate at the bottom of the pan. It is removed and lubricated around the thyroid gland before going to bed. There is no need to rinse off in the morning. Apply until the goiter begins to shrink.

  • 2) Internal treatment. Mix 200 g honey with ground walnuts and Greeks. The resulting honey paste should be consumed throughout the day. Repeat the dose after three days, then after 6 and 9 days. The next course should be carried out after 3 months.

Hyposmia and anosmia - weakening and loss of smell

Hyposmia and anosmia are a decrease in olfactory sensitivity and its complete loss, respectively. Every person at least once in his life experienced such sensations when he fell ill with ARVI. This is the so-called temporary receptor anosmia or hyposmia. The sinuses are clogged, smells are not felt, and food tastes the same. After 2-3 days, sensitivity is restored. Patients with anosmia do not smell at all.

Symptoms. A person complains of a weakened sense of smell or its complete absence. In this case, we can talk about essential anosmia or hyposmia. Some people smell only through one nostril.

Causes . Essential anosmia or hyposmia can occur due to:

    head injuries;

    brain tumors;

    diseases of the central nervous system;


    Alzheimer's disease.

Receptor anosmia, as mentioned above, occurs with a runny nose or injuries to the mucous membrane. Smokers often complain of a weak sense of smell, which may be the “first sign” of developing hyposmia. Complications of sinusitis can also lead to this pathology of smell.

Treatment with folk remedies. Treatment methods are chosen by the attending physician. It is almost impossible to completely restore the sense of smell with anosmia. But hyposmia can be treated, which must be comprehensive. You should stop smoking, follow your doctor's orders, and help yourself folk remedies.

In order to somehow restore the lost sense of smell, the mucous membrane must be irritated. For this you can use essential oils or mixtures thereof:

  • 1) basil oil. Apply a few drops to a scarf and carry it with you constantly, inhaling the aroma;

  • 2) prepare a mixture of 200 ml of water, 10 drops of lemon ether, 2 drops of mint oil. Place the cup in front of you and inhale periodically: breathe in the vapors of the mixture for 5 minutes, “rest” for 10 minutes, etc.

  • 3) eucalyptus essential oil. It is believed that it has the most pronounced aroma. You should inhale the vapors of the oil diluted with water (1 drop of ether per 100 ml of water).

Read about other types of cold inhalations

Inhalation essential oils with hyposmia and anosmia, it will help not only restore the sense of smell, but also control its presence. If a person does not smell the “vigorous” eucalyptus, we can talk about a pathology of olfactory sensitivity, which will be problematic to cure. Therefore, it is recommended to start treatment at the slightest symptoms hyposmia until it develops into complete loss sense of smell.