Endoscopy of the nose and throat. Description of the nasopharynx endoscopy procedure - preparation, conduct and diagnostic results Endoscopic examination of the nasopharynx: how it is carried out

Indications and contraindications for endoscopy of the nose and nasopharynx



The clinical manifestations that the patient complains about and which are indications for endoscopy of the sinuses and nasopharynx are as follows:

    labored breathing;

    frequent snoring;

    dysfunction of the sense of smell;

    constant discharge from the nose and ears;

    hearing impairment;

    frequent nosebleeds;

    frequent headaches of unknown etiology;

    inflammatory diseases of the nose and nasopharynx;

    speech delays in children.

Diagnosis is mandatory for the following diseases:

    inflammation of the frontal sinus - frontal sinusitis;

    inflammatory processes of the ethmoid labyrinth;

    inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal stripe - rhinitis;

    Inflammatory processes of pathological enlarged palatine tonsil - adenoiditis;

    Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx - sore throat.

Indications also include previous facial injuries, as well as preparation for surgery and monitoring the results of treatment.

Contraindications to the procedure are minimal and relative. If the patient suffers from frequent nosebleeds, he needs to warn the doctor about this. He will perform the procedure using the thinnest endoscope used for nasopharyngeal endoscopy in children.

The method is also used with caution if the patient has an overly sensitive mucous membrane or has certain neurological disorders.

If the patient has an allergic reaction to agents used for local anesthesia, those to which there is no individual intolerance are individually selected.

Preparation for endoscopy of the nose and nasopharynx

Endoscopy of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx does not require any preparation from the patient. As a rule, before it is carried out, the diagnostician talks about exactly how it will take place and answers all the patient’s questions. If the procedure is performed on a child, it is necessary for the parents to prepare him and tell him that during the process he needs to behave calmly and not move. If you experience any discomfort, you should immediately tell your doctor.

Before starting the manipulations, the patient is asked to take a sitting position and lean his head back on the armrest. In order to eliminate any discomfort, the nasal cavity is treated with an anesthetic spray. Lidocaine gel is applied to the tip of the endoscope.

After the remedy has begun to act, the diagnostician begins to carefully insert the endoscope. In this case, an enlarged image is displayed on the screen and the doctor can examine it in detail. The examination lasts about twenty minutes, starting with the application of anesthesia and ending with writing a report.

If there are indications, endoscopy of the pharynx can be therapeutic. During the procedure, tumors can be removed, but only if the procedure does not lead to severe bleeding or injury to the mucous membrane. The use of an endoscope eliminates unattractive scars on the face and minimizes the recovery period.

Endoscopy of the nasopharynx for children

Endoscopy performed on a child is no different from the procedure for adult patients. It is important to explain to the child how it will be carried out and how to behave while the doctor performs all the necessary manipulations. It is necessary for the child to understand that attempts to interfere with the doctor can lead to unpleasant consequences and will prolong the time of diagnosis.

What does endoscopy of the nasopharynx show?

Most often, endoscopy is prescribed to clarify the diagnosis or determine the severity of the lesion. The procedure allows you to see:

  • Any neoplasms of the mucous membranes;
  • Polyps;
  • Diseases of the maxillary sinuses;
  • Pathological proliferation of adenoid tissue;
  • Lesions of the walls of the nasopharynx.

This became possible due to the fact that the displayed image magnifies all the anatomical structures of the nasal cavity by thirty times.

Advantages of nasopharyngeal endoscopy at the Doctor Nearby clinic

We perform the procedure on both adult and young patients. Our specialists have modern endoscopes that make the procedure minimally uncomfortable. The process uses effective anesthetics, and our diagnosticians know how to find an approach to even the most capricious babies.

Many different types of examinations are used to diagnose nasopharyngeal pathologies. But endoscopy of the nasopharynx is considered the most accurate, modern and painless. This method of examination helps the doctor recognize the disease at the earliest stage and prescribe appropriate treatment. The procedure is performed using a special device – an endoscope. It looks like a thin tube with a miniature camera and a bright flashlight attached to the end. This device allows for a complete examination of nasopharyngeal pathologies.

What is nasopharyngeal endoscopy?

Nasal endoscopy is a modern research method that allows you to clarify an earlier diagnosis. This procedure can be performed from different angles and greatly enlarges the image, which makes it easier to make a diagnosis.

Endoscopy of the ENT organs is considered a low-traumatic diagnostic method; it is often used during various operations on the nasopharynx. To conduct such a study, no lengthy preparation of the patient is required, no incisions are required, and there is no rehabilitation period as such.

Endoscopic examination of the nose is a completely painless procedure that does not cause much discomfort to the patient. The duration of this procedure is only a few minutes, after which the person can immediately go home.

Endoscopy of the nasopharynx can be indicated not only for adults, but also for children of different ages.


Nasal endoscopy in an adult or child is indicated for:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • deterioration of sense of smell and constant nasal discharge;
  • regular nosebleeds;
  • frequent migraines, as well as a feeling of squeezing in the bones of the face;
  • various inflammatory pathologies of the nasopharynx;
  • hearing loss or a feeling of constant tinnitus;
  • delayed speech development in children;
  • constant snoring.

Most often, endoscopy is performed for sinusitis, hay fever, sore throat, pharyngitis, rhinitis, inflammation of the ethmoid labyrinth and frontal sinuses. The procedure is often prescribed for adenoiditis to determine the degree of proliferation of lymphoid tissue. According to the doctor’s indications, the procedure can be prescribed for a number of other diseases in order to clearly indicate the clinical picture.

Indications include facial injuries of varying severity, deviated nasal septum, as well as preoperative and postoperative diagnostics.

Endoscopy helps to quickly confirm the diagnosis of sinusitis. Early diagnosis prevents various complications.

What does endoscopy show?

Endoscopy should be done when there is doubt about the correctness of the diagnosis or the extent of damage to the nasopharynx needs to be determined.

Using an endoscope, a doctor can detect the slightest pathological changes in the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. The device allows you to see changes of the following nature:

  • Tumors of various origins.
  • Proliferation of adenoid tissue.
  • Pathologies of the maxillary sinuses.
  • Polyp growths of different sizes.
  • Disturbed structure of the walls of the nasopharynx.

Endoscopy of the nasopharynx is especially indicated for children to confirm the diagnosis.. This procedure is painless, therefore it is perceived normally by children of different ages.

Endoscopy allows you to magnify the structure of the nasal cavity 30 times. Due to this, surgical operations can be performed more efficiently.

How to carry out the procedure

Endoscopy of the nasal cavity is performed with the patient sitting. The patient sits on a special chair, which resembles a dental one, and leans his head back on a comfortable headrest.

The nasal cavity is locally anesthetized. Lidocaine gel or anesthetic spray can be used for this. The tip of the endoscope is lubricated with gel, and the spray is sprayed into the nasopharynx.

After local anesthesia, a burning and tingling sensation is felt in the nose. This may cause temporary discomfort to the patient.

After the nasopharynx is numbed, the endoscope is carefully inserted. A picture showing the condition of the nasopharynx is displayed on a large screen. The sinuses and noses are examined one by one. The whole procedure lasts no more than 20 minutes. This time includes anesthesia, the examination itself, printing of photographs and writing a report by a specialist.

If indicated, surgical endoscopy may also be performed.. During this procedure, tumors are removed, and the mucous membrane is not greatly injured. There is no risk of severe bleeding with this type of surgery. There are no scars or unattractive scars left on the face. The patient remains under the doctor’s supervision for only a day and is then discharged for outpatient treatment.

After the endoscopy is done, the specialist writes a conclusion on a special form.

How to prepare for an endoscopy

Endoscopic examination of the nasopharynx in adults and children does not require any special preparation. This manipulation is easily tolerated even by young children.. Before the examination, the doctor tells the patient in detail about the principles of endoscopy and answers all questions that arise.

Young children need to be mentally prepared for the examination; for this, the doctor demonstrates the principle of operation of the device and tells the child that the procedure is painless. During the examination, the patient should sit quietly and not move. Breathing should be smooth. If pain or discomfort occurs, you can always tell the doctor who is performing the procedure.

There are endoscopes for adults and children, both types have the finest optical fiber. The patient, if desired, can also watch on the big screen what is happening in the nasopharynx.


There are only two contraindications to performing endoscopy. Carry out the procedure with caution or do not resort to it in the following cases:

  • If you are allergic to lidocaine or other drugs used for local anesthesia.
  • If you are prone to nosebleeds.

If the patient frequently has nosebleeds, he should notify the doctor who will conduct the endoscopic examination. In this case, endoscopy of the nasal cavity is performed with a very thin device, which is usually used to examine children. The procedure is also performed with caution if the mucous membrane is overly sensitive.

They try not to resort to endoscopic examination of the nasopharynx even in case of some neurological disorders.

Endoscopy of the nasopharynx is a fairly new diagnostic method that allows you to identify pathologies of ENT organs at different stages. If necessary, an operation can be performed using an endoscope to remove tumors, polyps and adenoids. In this case, there is no severe bleeding, no scars remain on the face, and the patient recovers in a short time.

Among the numerous methods for diagnosing diseases of the nose and throat, endoscopy of the nasopharynx occupies a special place.

This examination method allows you to recognize the disease at the earliest stage of its onset and prescribe timely treatment.

Endoscopy of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx is performed using a device in the form of a thin tube - an endoscope. Thanks to the flexibility of the tube, the built-in mini-camera and a special flashlight, it is possible to conduct an effective examination for any ENT diseases.

Nasopharyngeal endoscopy: what is it?

An examination using this technology is possible both for regular examination and to clarify a previously made diagnosis. The diagnostic procedure can be carried out at different angles and magnifications, which guarantees the accuracy of the results.

This type of diagnosis is low-traumatic. It is widely used during surgical operations in the nasopharynx area.

It does not require surgical incisions, lengthy preparation or recovery period.

Endoscopic diagnosis of the nasopharynx– This is a painless procedure, lasting only a few minutes, causing minimal discomfort to patients. These advantages make it possible to recommend this manipulation to people of all ages, including children.

For what diseases is it prescribed? Indications for the procedure

This examination allows you to make a timely diagnosis of various diseases. Among them are diseases such as tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, tumors of various origins, polyps, pathologies of the mucous membranes, inflammatory processes in the maxillary sinuses.

This type of diagnostics is used in parallel with more traditional ones, including

It is worth noting

Often, endoscopic examination of the nasopharynx becomes the only reliable way to assess the condition of hard-to-reach areas of the nasal cavity.

Indications for the use of the diagnostic procedure are:

  • nasal breathing disorders and
  • regular headaches of unknown origin;
  • discharge of mucus, pus and blood from the nasal passages;
  • hearing problems and speech underdevelopment in children;
  • frequent occurrence of “noise” and congestion in the ears;
  • feeling of pressure and hot flashes in the face.

Endoscopy is performed for snoring during sleep and to identify injuries to the nasal septum. The diagnostic procedure is performed during preparation for surgery and in the postoperative period.

Contraindications to the procedure

There are no absolute contraindications to endoscopic examination. A certain obstacle to its implementation may be the presence of an allergy to anesthetics that are used to treat the nasal cavity before diagnostics.
Source: website Other contraindications include:

  • availability of regular intensive
  • weakened blood vessels;
  • low level of blood clotting.

Increased sensitivity of mucous membranes, which is more common in children, should also not be a contraindication to endoscopy. In this case, an ultra-thin device is used, the use of which eliminates the risk of injury to the nasopharynx.

How to prepare for an endoscope examination?

Endoscopic examination of the nose does not imply any preliminary preparation. It is well tolerated by most patients and, as a rule, does not cause fear or discomfort even in young children.

If a child is still afraid of a procedure unknown to him, it is necessary to mentally prepare him for the fact that examination with an endoscope will not cause pain.

Practice shows that during the procedure children behave calmly and without fear. There is no need to make sudden movements or worry during the diagnosis. The body should be as relaxed as possible, and breathing should be even and calm.

Endoscopic examination of the nasopharynx: how is it done?

The endoscopic examination is carried out in several stages. Immediately before the manipulation, the nasal passages are cleaned and irrigated. This is necessary to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and increase visibility.

The gel is applied to the end of the tube. Under the influence of the anesthetic gel, the nasal passages become numb and their sensitivity decreases, thanks to which the doctor can freely insert an endoscope into the nose to determine the pathology.

During the examination, the patient sits in a chair with his head slightly tilted back. At the second stage, the doctor examines the vestibule of the nose for the presence of inflammation or purulent formations.

The nasal endoscope used during manipulation can be flexible or rigid. The examination results are displayed on the screen.

During the manipulation, the doctor receives visualization of the condition of the anterior sections of the nasal cavity, nasal passages, septum, and posterior walls.

After the examination, the doctor removes the tube from the nasal cavity, prints out images of areas with pathological changes and makes a conclusion, the data of which is taken into account in further treatment.

How to perform an endoscopy on a child?

Many parents are distrustful of the procedure because they are not sure that their child will behave calmly. But in most cases, an anxious state occurs in children who do not fully understand the significance of the procedure.


The diameter of the tube used for children is no more than 3 mm. Shortened attachments are also used to diagnose diseases in children. An experienced doctor will need no more than 2-3 minutes to conduct a full examination.

With the help of endoscopic attachments, you can easily penetrate parts of the nose or pharynx that are inaccessible to the eye. Additional lighting and magnification allow a detailed study of pathological changes and anatomical features of organs.

Hypertrophy and inflammation of the adenoids is a common pathology in children, which is very difficult to diagnose with the naked eye. Using an endoscope, the doctor can easily assess the condition of the adenoids and the presence or absence of fluid behind the membrane.

Videoendoscopy of the nose– the only reliable method for identifying and observing adenoid hypertrophy in their development. Carrying out such manipulation is possible at any age of the child. Parents can hold very young children in their arms during the examination.

What can be detected using diagnostic endoscopy of the nasopharynx?

In addition to a clear diagnosis or confirmation of a preliminary diagnosis of diseases of the upper respiratory tract of various origins, endoscopy through the nose allows us to identify other, less common pathologies.

Young children very often stick various small objects into their noses while playing. In this case, the child experiences swelling of the mucous membranes, discharge of mucus and even pus from the nasal passages, which are difficult to explain. Endoscopy can easily detect the presence of a foreign object in the nasal cavity.


If a patient is suspected of having malignant tumors, using this diagnostic method it is possible to accurately determine the color of mucous membranes, the presence of spots or damage, and the thickness of tissue growth.

Pediatric nasopharyngeal endoscopy is also used to determine the causes of frequent nosebleeds and determine their type. Endoscopy is also invaluable in diagnosing the causes of hearing loss and lack of normal speech in preschool children.

Is the endoscopy procedure painful?

Many patients worry whether it hurts to do endoscopy of the nasopharynx. They are afraid of the possible negative consequences of the procedure.

In some cases, the following may occur:

  • allergic reactions to local anesthetics;
  • discomfort during it and minor pain in the nose for several hours after it;
  • nosebleeds;
  • dizziness.

If the procedure is performed in a reputable clinic with an experienced specialist, such complications occur very rarely. The painful syndrome is eliminated using local anesthesia.

When the tube is inserted, the patient feels a slight pressure, which does not pose any danger. For children, flexible instruments are used that do not scratch or injure mucous membranes.

If the patient has a predisposition to frequent bleeding or is taking coagulants, it is necessary to inform the doctor about these facts, as they can provoke nasal bleeding.

Where can I do a nasopharyngeal endoscopy for a child?

Which doctor performs this diagnosis? Typically, endoscopy is performed by an otolaryngologist in a procedure room.

The examination is carried out in specialized clinics and medical centers equipped with modern equipment and licensed to provide this type of medical services.

Before an endoscopy, your doctor may order a blood test. This is necessary in order to eliminate the risk of allergic reactions to painkillers.
Endoscopy is the most modern and reliable method for diagnosing various pathological changes in the nasal cavity. Most patients adequately evaluate its effectiveness, speed, safety and reliability.

Carrying out the procedure on time allows for the treatment of various diseases without their transition to chronic forms and without the occurrence of complications.

Endoscopy is a modern, informative and painless method for diagnosing diseases of the nasopharynx, which allows us to examine hard-to-reach areas of the nasopharynx that are not visible during a standard examination.


  • allergic reactions to the anesthetic used;
  • with caution if you are prone to nosebleeds;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • neurotic disorders.

Equipment used:

  • rigid endoscope;
  • light source for endoscopic examination of ENT organs;
  • ENT processor ATMOS S 61.

Not a single modern examination of ENT organs is complete without endoscopic examination. Endoscopy of the nasopharynx in Moscow is one of the most advanced and safe examination methods in ENT practice. With this procedure, the doctor will be able to examine the ENT organs and look into those areas of the nasopharynx that are not visible to the human eye during a normal examination. Endoscopic examination helps to identify pathology of the nasopharyngeal mucosa at an early stage and, accordingly, carry out the necessary therapeutic procedures in a timely manner.

Nasopharyngeal endoscopy for adults can be done in any ENT clinic or medical institution that has an ENT office equipped with an endoscopic unit.

This diagnostic method is very popular and is used for many diseases of the ear, nose and throat. Endoscopy is indicated for frequent nosebleeds, nasal pain, headaches, impaired nasal breathing, sense of smell, adenoids and snoring. With the help of endoscopic examination, inflammation in the nasopharynx and sinuses can be detected. An experienced ENT doctor will use the procedure to “see” enlarged adenoids, which are often found in children, polyps and tumors.

Our doctors

How the research works

To perform endoscopy, a special instrument is used - an endoscope. It resembles a flexible tube 4 mm in diameter for an adult. For a child, a thinner instrument is used - 2 mm. A camera and a light source are built into the tube, and an eyepiece is at the other end of the tube. What the doctor sees with an endoscope inside the nasopharynx can be displayed on a screen using a camera.

The whole procedure takes no more than 2 minutes and proceeds according to the following scenario:

  • To prevent the patient from experiencing pain, the ENT doctor uses an anesthetic (usually lidocaine);
  • the patient sits comfortably in a chair with his head thrown back a little (almost like at a dentist appointment);
  • the doctor carefully inserts the instrument into the nasal passage, and immediately after the procedure the clinical picture becomes clear.

There are no absolute contraindications to endoscopy. If the nasal mucosa is prone to bleeding, you have poor blood clotting or an allergy to lidocaine, be sure to tell your ENT specialist about this.

How much does the procedure cost?

The price in Moscow for nasopharyngeal endoscopy for adults depends on the pricing policy of the clinic and the status of the medical institution. Of course, every patient strives to undergo endoscopic diagnostics at an adequate price. In our clinic, the cost of the study has remained unchanged for several years now. Considering the economic situation, our price list has not changed for three years, and the quality of service remains at the highest level.

Endoscopic examination is performed by ENT specialists with extensive experience. Experience of the chief physician of the clinic V.M. Zaitsev for more than 19 years. The procedure is painless, non-traumatic and as comfortable as possible for the patient.

The price of nasopharyngeal endoscopy performed in our clinic in Moscow is 2,500 rubles. A video endoscopy procedure is also available. The difference between this procedure and the standard one is the ability to connect a camera and record the nasal cavity for submission to the hospital. During the examination, our ENT doctor will show on the screen and comment on everything he sees, talk about the causes of the disease and possible treatment methods.

In this way, a trusting relationship with the patient is formed, and the patient realizes that there is nothing terrible in the manipulations being performed. The cost of video endoscopy is 3000 rubles.

Certificates and licenses

You can make an appointment for an endoscopic examination by calling the clinic’s reception desk or using a special appointment form on the main page of the website. We will select a convenient time for you. Please, come. We will be happy to help you!

Alternative names: fibro-rhinopharyngo-laryngoscopy, diagnostic endoscopy of the nasopharynx.

Nasopharyngeal endoscopy is one of the most modern examination methods in ENT practice. The method consists of examining the structures of the nose and pharynx using a special device - a flexible fiberscope.

Endoscopy allows you to examine those structures of the nose that cannot be seen with direct rhinoscopy. The purpose of endoscopy is to identify pathological changes in the mucous membrane and other structures of the nasopharynx as early as possible. Early diagnosis makes it possible in the future, if necessary, to carry out gentle interventions, during which the anatomical integrity of the nasopharyngeal structures is preserved if possible.


The basis for diagnostic endoscopy of the nasopharynx are the following diseases and conditions:

  • pathological nasal discharge;
  • recurrent nosebleeds;
  • suspicion of tumor diseases of the pharynx and nasal cavity;
  • sinusroethmoiditis;

Adenoid vegetations;

  • hearing disorders caused by obstruction of the auditory tubes;
  • headaches of unknown origin;
  • severe disturbance of nasal breathing.


There are no absolute contraindications to this procedure.

Preparation for the procedure

No special preparation is required. The physician should ask the patient for any allergic reactions, especially to local anesthetics. Immediately before the procedure, the patient should undergo a thorough toileting of the nasal cavity.

How is endoscopy of the nasopharynx performed?

First, anemization and anesthesia of the nasal mucosa are carried out, for which an anesthetic solution with a vasoconstrictor (adrenaline) is injected into the nasal passages.

A fiberscope, which is a thin tube with an optical fiber and a lens at the end, is inserted into the nasal cavity through the nasal passage. For children, fiberscopes with a diameter of no more than 2.4 mm are used, for adults they are slightly thicker - up to 4 mm. The endoscope gradually moves deeper into the nose under visual control; upon reaching the choanae, it is withdrawn into the pharyngeal cavity, where a thorough examination of its structures is carried out.

Inspection of the mucous membrane and structures of the nose is carried out through an eyepiece; the image can be displayed on the monitor screen. For a panoramic view, optics with a 70-degree view are used, and for a more thorough examination of structures, a 30-degree view is used.

Interpretation of results

First, the doctor examines panoramic structures of the nasal vestibule and the general nasal passage. The endoscope is then advanced towards the nasopharynx, and the condition of the inferior turbinate is assessed. The endoscope is advanced to the choanae, upon reaching which a visual assessment of the condition of the mouth of the Eustachian tubes is made, and the presence of vegetations is determined.

Endoscopy is performed separately for each nasal passage.

Additional Information

Endoscopy of the nasopharynx is the most convenient and highly informative method for diagnosing diseases of the ENT organs. Endoscopy allows you to refuse X-ray examination if, for example, adenoid vegetations are suspected, which allows you to reduce the radiation dose to the patient.

Some of the disadvantages of endoscopy can be considered the invasiveness of the procedure, which sometimes makes it difficult to perform in children. However, in modern conditions it is possible to conduct endoscopic examination in children under sedation or anesthesia.

The procedure takes no more than 10-15 minutes, including the preparatory stage. Endoscopy is performed on an outpatient basis, and after its completion the patient can immediately go home.

Compared with rhinoscopy, endoscopy of the nasopharynx allows one to assess the condition of not only the nasal cavity, but also more deeply located structures, such as the choanae, the mouths of the auditory tubes, which undoubtedly increases the diagnostic value of the study.


  1. Otorhinolaryngology: a textbook for universities / V. T. Palchun, M. M. Magomedov, L. A. Luchikhin. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - 2008. - 656 p. : ill.
  2. Likhachev A.G., Gladkov A.A., Ginzburg V.G. and others. Multi-volume guide to otorhinolaryngology. -M.: Medgiz, 1960.-T.1.-644 p.