Purulent wound: effective methods of treatment at home. Treatment of internal abscess. Specifics of initial treatment of weeping damage

The wound has festered - what to do? A burn, a cut, a deeper injury - all of these skin injuries can be potentially dangerous. The fact is that even a small scratch can become infected, resulting in an inflammatory process and the damage can begin to fester. That is why even the smallest scratch received at home must be carefully treated with disinfectants.

The most dangerous are large wounds resulting from road accidents, accidents, falls and other life-threatening situations. Most complications and greatest threat For the life and health of the patient, injuries to the abdomen, head, and chest are present.

Signs of an infectious process in a wound

If you do not start treating an inflamed scratch in a timely manner, serious complications may arise. The beginning of a purulent process in a cut can be suspected if there are signs such as increased pain in the area of ​​​​the injured surface of the skin, the appearance of a feeling of fullness or pulsation. If these signs are also accompanied by swelling of the skin around the injury and hyperemia, then the wound must be treated urgently. Usually, soon after the appearance of the above symptoms, pus begins to be released from the wound, which clearly indicates the presence of inflammatory process.

The inflammatory process slows down the rate of scarring of the damaged area of ​​skin, and in especially severe cases can lead to blood poisoning and even death.

However, such consequences are more likely to occur in the presence of damage that occupies large surface skin.

The most dangerous are those skin lesions in which the process of decay has begun, since in this case the general temperature body, the patient may have chills, the state of health worsens, the degree of general intoxication body.

How to treat a small purulent wound?

If the suppuration is slight, then the surface of the scratch needs to be disinfected. Treatment of a purulent wound at home will be as follows.

First, you need to treat the surface of the scratch with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, apply a few drops of peroxide to a cotton swab and remove the accumulated pus.

Following this, you can treat the damaged surface with a weak, slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. After removal of pus and disinfection, apply to the surface of the injury and the skin around it. antiseptic, Levomekol ointment is perfect for these purposes; after these procedures, the damage is sealed on top with a bactericidal adhesive plaster. For more serious injuries, dressing with sterile bandages is required.

It should be remembered that the procedure for treating a purulent wound should be done at least once a day until the damaged area of ​​skin has completely healed. If a purulent wound is leaking, then disinfection should be carried out several times a day. The algorithm for the sequence of actions does not change. However, it should be remembered that to re-treat purulent lesions, you cannot use napkins or cotton swabs that were previously used to disinfect them.

If the wound festers and self-treatment does not give a positive result, you should consult a doctor. The criterion for contacting a doctor is the absence of improvement external state damage within three days.

What do they do with a purulent wound in a hospital setting?

A festering wound on the leg in a hospital setting is treated as follows. First, remove the old bandage. This should be done very carefully so that the skin on the leg does not pull on the bandage: this causes pain to the patient and can cause bleeding. In a hospital setting, only sterile instruments and dressings are used to treat infected injuries. Treatment is carried out once or several times a day, depending on general condition organism and degree of development infectious process.

Purulent injuries on the legs in the hospital are treated out of turn if the bandage begins to leak or there is an increase in pain in the injured legs. If difficulties arise when removing the bandage, for example, the old bandage has dried to the scratch, then before removing it, it is necessary to soak the bandages from the skin using a furatsilin solution or hydrogen peroxide.

If, when removing the old dressing, damage was caused and the scratch began to bleed, then before continuing treatment wound surface, capillary bleeding should be stopped by pressing a napkin tightly to the injury. Wound dressings are usually trusted to experienced medical workers, but before applying the removed old bandage, some more manipulations should be carried out.

Purulent lesions nurse treats with iodine, but not the wound itself, but its edges. The scratch site is cleaned with dry sterile swabs. After treatment with iodine and tampons, the wound is washed with disinfectant solutions, for example, hydrogen peroxide. In no case should you apply dense pressure bandages, and in case of severe suppuration, the use of Vishnevsky ointment is absolutely contraindicated.

Festering wounds are an alarming sign, because one of their complications may be necrotization of skin areas. Necrotic edges of the skin are trimmed very carefully with sterile scissors. After this, the wound is dried and applied on top of it. sterile wipe, moistened with saline or iodine. The edges of the napkin are fixed to healthy skin adhesive plaster or bandage above and below the wound. Along with dressings for a serious wound, it is necessary to take antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and symptomatic treatment.

A neglected purulent wound may require surgical intervention. So, if the wound is rotting, then you will probably need the help of a surgeon who will dissect the wound and remove dead tissue and bone fragments from it, if any. Also, wound dissection operations are carried out to remove accumulated pus under the skin from the injured limb.

Treatment of purulent wounds with folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers huge selection medicinal herbs for the treatment of suppurating skin lesions. However, you should remember that herbs and plants should be used in case of minor scratches; for more serious damage, you should go to the hospital.

If the wound festers, what should you do? It’s good to have the fees on hand medicinal herbs. You can use lotions from decoctions or infusions of plants. So, moisten a gauze swab with a decoction of rosehip fruits and flowers and apply it to the damage. And plantain leaves are good for fresh. So, clean leaves This plant should be applied to the wound for 10-15 minutes. As a rule, small festering scratches after several procedures stop releasing pus and begin to slowly heal.

And here alcohol tinctures fir or nettle washes the damage, and even grated carrots can be used as a lotion. Ordinary onion will help resolve a purulent abscess, and grape leaves have hemostatic properties. They are pounded into a pulp and tied to the wound with a bandage for some time. Grape leaves also have a bactericidal effect. The procedure for treating damage using grape leaves should be carried out several times during the day.

You can apply compresses from Kalanchoe juice to the surface of the scratch, but you should not put them on open wound- need to be covered with gauze swabs soaked in juice kalanchoe, wound along the contour. For the same purposes, it is worth using ointment from Kalanchoe leaves.

But powder from the roots of calamus should be sprinkled on top of festering wounds or ulcers.

Treatment of purulent lesions is a long and labor-intensive process that requires patience.

But you need to start treating them as quickly as possible, because otherwise they may appear. various complications: from gain pain syndrome and swelling of nearby tissues to blood poisoning.

If the wound becomes inflamed, it means that the process of cell death has begun in it, as a result of which pus begins to accumulate. Such damage is called purulent, and the main symptoms of a source of inflammation hidden in the wound cavity are swelling, redness and pain.

If treatment is not started quickly, the inflamed wound threatens first with necrosis (death) of tissue, and then with gangrene. It is not worth mentioning how this irreversible process of cell death usually ends.

After all, today pharmacology has stepped far forward, and modern drugs allow you to quickly stop suppuration and prevent the development of complications from purulent wounds. It all depends on how timely the treatment is and whether the medications are selected correctly.

Article outline:

Why is a festering wound dangerous?

Most often, a purulent wound occurs after external damage to the skin by piercing, cutting or pointed objects.

Less commonly, wounds arise on their own in the human body, in the form of internal ulcers that try to break out (furunculosis, lymphadenitis, etc.).

Neglect of means primary processing wounds, concomitant chronic diseases and low immunity– all this can provoke inflammation of the damaged tissue area.

If, in addition, the wound treatment was not carried out efficiently and in a timely manner, then the affected area becomes infected with bacteria:

The inflamed area can cause a secondary infection when bacteria affect other organs.

First of all, the circulatory system comes under attack, and a global purulent process can lead to sepsis (blood poisoning). Bones can also be damaged pathological process in tissues, since the main complication of wounds of the extremities is osteomyelitis (a purulent process in the bones and bone marrow).

Immediate treatment is the key to quickly stopping the development of bacteria inside the purulent lesion.

What to do if suppuration appears in the wound?

A wound in which the process of tissue necrosis has already begun cannot be treated with antiseptics alone. Even the highest quality dressing and treatment of purulent wounds with special solutions does not guarantee that complications will not occur.

As well as vice versa: taking only antibacterial agents inside, and ignoring the rules of wound dressing, you should not expect a quick cure. In any case, a purulent infection must be treated through an integrated approach.

The surgical process of restoring damaged tissue includes the following measures:

The accumulation of exudate in the wound is characteristic of inflammation. Elements of dead cells and accumulation of bacteria are pus. Before treating inflammation with medications, you need to clear the wound of exudate. To prevent pus from accumulating in the cavity again, frequent rinsing or drainage is required.

Complex treatment must necessarily include antibacterial therapy. You can use both external ointments and antibiotics taken orally. different ways(oral, intramuscular, intravenous).

Antibiotic ointments are aimed at preventing further growth of bacteria inside the wound and stopping the inflammatory process. External preparations should be used in the early stages of treatment of purulent wounds. Since at the very beginning of inflammation it is impossible to determine the bacterial flora that is the source of the purulent process, broad-spectrum ointments are used.

  • Penicillin;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Cephalosporins;
  • Synthetic antibiotics.

In case of serious wounds and the threat of complications, it is necessary external therapy antibiotics should be combined with internal ones.

The wound festers, hurts, severe swelling has appeared, how to treat?

Depending on the patient’s condition, antibacterial therapy is also prescribed. However, it is necessary to understand that antibiotics cannot completely replace the surgeon. You need to know when and how to treat the wound while the suppuration is not severe.

On initial stage ointments and creams with antibiotics are used to treat a purulent wound. Antibiotics for oral use are used in the form of tablets or injections for the purpose of prevention in the early stages of inflammation, and with therapeutic purpose with the threat of complications. However, it is worth understanding that the capabilities of antibiotics are limited.

Many cases medical practice with a sad outcome they prove that the most important thing in treatment purulent inflammation- don't miss that one important point when you can’t do without a surgeon’s hand.

Patients often overestimate the capabilities of antibiotics and seek help late, not realizing that purulent lesions needs to be treated comprehensively.

And only in the early stages, without accumulation large quantity exudate, the wound will heal without the participation of a surgeon.

In addition, in order to successfully treat a patient with a purulent wound, you need to understand what pathogen caused the inflammation.

There are often cases when patients independently use outdated varieties of “first generation” antibiotics in the fight against new strains of bacteria. At the same time, there is no question of the adequacy of treatment, and ointments or tablets that do not bring the desired effect will also harm the patient.

Among other things, an antibiotic does not heal a wound, it only kills the microbes that have settled in it. If the wound is severely inflamed, and tissue necrosis has caused suppuration, then it is difficult to create the prerequisites for wound healing with ointment alone. But it all depends on the patient’s condition, his age, and tissue tone. Therefore, treatment must be prescribed individually in each individual case.

Are all antibiotics effective in treating purulent wounds?

Among all the causes of inflammation and suppuration in a wound, the main place is occupied by staphylococcus. And it is this type of bacteria that most often turns out to be the most resistant to “first generation” antibiotics from the penicillin, streptomycin and tetracycline groups.

Other pathogens include gram-negative bacteria:

  • Proteus;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

These microorganisms are last years show high resistance to benzylpenicillin, streptomycin, chloramphenicol, and “first generation” tetracycline. In this case, even antibiotic dependence is often established in these types of bacteria. This happens because antibiotics cause microorganisms to mutate.

Opportunistic microorganisms, which include anaerobes (can develop in an airless space), can also become a causative agent of inflammation and cause suppuration in the wound. However, this species shows high resistance to a large number antibiotics.

Due to these facts, it is worth choosing antibiotics of the second and subsequent generations for the treatment of purulent wounds. Wherein special action have combination drugs, acting on various kinds pathogens. This is especially important when treating suppurations without determining the resistance of the flora.

What antibiotic will help cure a festering wound?

Upon appointment antibacterial therapy It’s not just antibiotic resistance that needs to be taken into account. Each medicine has its own pros and cons in treatment. We'll talk about the possibilities of different types further.

The natural antibiotic benzylpenicillin has already lost its activity against many bacteria. IN modern world semi-synthetic options are used that show wide range effects on various microorganisms.

  • Oxacillin (Ampiox);
  • Ampicillin;
  • Carbenicillin (Securopen) and others.

These types of antibiotics have suppressive activity against benzylpenicillin-resistant strains of staphylococci. If you are allergic to penicillin or if resistance is detected, as well as if there are other pathogenic flora Other antibiotics are indicated for use: cephalosporin, fusidine, erythromycin.

Synthetic drugs of the first and second generation based on cephalosporins - cefazolin, cephalexin, cefuroxime - are effective against purulent infections caused by staphylococci. They are used to destroy streptococcal and pneumococcal flora, as well as for lesions by enterobacteria.

It should be borne in mind that microorganisms quickly develop resistance to these drugs, so pharmaceutical market improved types of synthetic antibiotics appear.

Today, the latest drugs are actively used - “third and fourth generation” cephalosporins:

  • panceph,
  • ceftazidime,
  • ceftibuten,
  • cefepime.

These drugs can be used as system tool in the treatment of purulent wounds caused by all possible microorganisms, including Staphylococcus aureus. It has no effect only on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, viruses, Trichomonas and chlamydia.

The first antibiotics of this group are streptomycin and its varieties: kanamycin, neomycin. However, due to uncontrolled use, their effectiveness against staphylococci, coli, Protea, Klebsiella and Shigella decreased significantly due to the resistance developed by these microorganisms.

Gentamicin belongs to the second generation aminoglycosides and is now widely used in the treatment of various diseases, including purulent ones, if it is impossible to use penicillins due to allergies or flora resistance.

Third generation drugs are less toxic than streptomycin and gentamicin. They are effective against staphylococci, enterococci, streptococci and other anaerobic bacteria.

These are drugs such as:

  • Tobramycin;
  • Sizomycin.

Since aminoglycosides are well absorbed through the skin, they are most often used as external ointments. Antibiotics systemic action used for complications of purulent wounds (sepsis, osteomyelitis). However, aminoglycosides are ineffective against chronic infection, since they act on bacteria only during the period when they are in the reproduction stage.

Drugs from this group of antibiotics can rightfully be called “skin”, since they are effective in combating various bacterial skin lesions, including purulent wounds.

Semi-synthetic tetracyclines are more effective in combating various anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms. This is metacycline, doxycycline.

Erythromycin helps treat patients in cases where the bacterial flora is resistant to other antibiotics (penicillins, gentamicin, tetracycline). Its effectiveness increases when combined with tetracyclines.

However, it should be noted that when using erythromycin, patients quickly develop flora resistance to this antibiotic. Therefore, it is used only in cases where other antibiotics are powerless.

This antibacterial substance copes quite effectively with purulent infection. Since this type of antibiotic penetrates very well and deeply into tissues, it is used mainly in the form of an ointment.

Fuzidin shows high effectiveness both against inflammation caused by the penetration of staphylococci into tissues, and other pathogenic microbes. It inhibits the growth of streptococci, corynobacteria, bacteroides, meningococci.

Ointments for external use with antibiotics

Let's consider the most popular ointments, which contain an antibiotic that can suppress the growth of a wide variety of microorganisms. First of all, the most effective of them are ointments with a combined composition. All these drugs in the first stages of treatment give the maximum positive result, since they act on different kinds microorganisms, and some even viruses.


Combination drug antimicrobial action for external treatment of wounds, burns, infectious diseases skin. The ointment contains two antibiotics belonging to different groups:

  • Neomycin sulfate (aminoglycoside);
  • Bacitracin (polypeptide antibiotic).

The ointment is effective against a wide range of microorganisms. It also suppresses fusobacteria and actinomycetes. Combined composition Due to the synergy of two antibiotics, the drug also works well against staphylococci.

Baneocin is indicated for use in various purulent skin diseases, including deep tissue lesions. Widely used for cuts, abrasions, secondary eczema and dermatitis, boils and folliculitis.

Flaws: The drug is toxic. It should not be used on large areas of skin, as well as in patients with impaired liver and kidney function. Cannot be combined with other antibiotics included in the aminoglycoside group. It is worth noting that some bacteria have now already developed resistance to neomycin.

The drug can be classified as a combined antibacterial medication. The ointment contains a synthetic antibiotic - chloramphenicol (levomecitin), and a substance that increases tissue regeneration - methyluracil.

The ointment shows high effectiveness against many bacteria (spirochetes, rickettsia, chlamydia), microorganisms of any type.

Positive characteristics: The main advantage of Levomekol is that it acts even when there is pus in the wound. Unlike, for example, lincomycin ointment, the wound does not need to be cleaned of pus and necrotic tissue removed before using Levomekol.

TO positive properties ointment can also be added because it accelerates regeneration and relieves swelling. All this makes Levomekol one of the most effective synthetic drugs to combat various inflammations. The ointment is effective for the following skin lesions:

  • Inflamed wounds with suppuration;
  • Burns;
  • Purulent-inflammatory dermatitis;
  • Ulcers;
  • Boils.

The ointment can be used under sterile dressings, and can also be injected directly into wound cavities through a syringe.

This ointment contains an antibiotic natural origin gentamicin, which is included in the “other antibiotics” subgroup, as well as vasoconstrictor. Antimicrobial activity The product is aimed at gram-positive microorganisms and some viruses.

The ointment is widely used for pyoderma, wounds with a large affected area, various pustular inflammations of the skin, and infected eczema. The drug is practically non-toxic, therefore it is successfully used in the treatment of rhinitis and inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Effective when trophic ulcers and bedsores.

The ointment is approved for use by both adults and infants. It can be used to treat nipples of a nursing woman, wounds and inflammations on the skin of babies.

Fusiderm (analogous to Fucicort)

Antibacterial drug, active substance which belongs to the antibiotics of natural origin – fusidic acid (group “other antibiotics”). Fusiderm ointment is prescribed if staphylococcus is resistant to other antibacterial drugs. It is effective for the following wounds and inflammatory lesions skin with infection:

  • Burns and wounds;
  • All types of eczema (including infected and secondary);
  • Secondary dermatitis;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Acne.

The ointment penetrates into the deep subcutaneous layers and spreads throughout the tissues. Main feature: the effect of the product after application lasts up to 8-10 hours.

The specificity of the ointment is that therapeutic effect depends on the amount of product applied. Fusiderm can be used both as a drug to suppress the growth of bacteria, and as a means for the total destruction of microorganisms. The result of treatment depends on the dosage.

Attention, TODAY only!

Almost every person has encountered the appearance of ichor. What should you do if clear liquid leaks from the wound? Its occurrence indicates that the integrity of the tissue was violated: the person was cut or injured.

What is ichor?

The ichor is a colorless liquid that flows from the wound. After some time, the ichor turns into a film and covers the wound. Thus, the wound is protected from various infections.

The medical name for ichor is lymph. There are no red blood cells in lymph, but there are great amount lymphocytes. Lymph is mainly released from small wounds. Its movement occurs from top to bottom. When a person is injured, little or no lymph may leak from the wound.

The human body can contain from one to two liters of lymph. The lymphatic fluid in the nodes of the same name is cleansed. Nodes are located at the junction of several vessels into one.

However, ichor is not only a colorless liquid. A similar name may refer to bloody discharge from a wound or purulent discharge. Purulent discharge They will say that the wound is infectious. The release of pus helps the wound to cleanse faster. During this period, it is important to provide proper care to the wound so that bacteria do not enter there. Isolation of ichor is also possible from drainage wounds.

The appearance of ichor is normal, if it is, of course, colorless. Her appearance suggests that the immune system The human body functions correctly and is ready to protect the body from infection at any time. Also, the appearance of a colorless liquid characterizes normal work blood vessels. If lymph is released from the wound, then the vessels are not damaged.

There are several varieties of ichor:

  1. Gynecological discharge. A woman may notice such discharge immediately after the end of menstruation, during gestation and during the onset of menopause. If discharge appears in small quantities, then this does not pose any danger to the woman.
  2. Discharge of ichor from the nose. Extracts from respiratory tract is also commonly called ichor. Their cause is the development of inflammatory processes and the appearance viral diseases. The ichor can be either yellow or transparent, or bloody. Discharge includes a number of other symptoms that characterize the onset of the inflammatory process in the body.

From what wounds does ichor come out?

It is known that ichor flows not only from recently received wounds. For example, colorless discharge can also appear in newborns in the navel area. This is a sign of healing in the umbilical area. If purulent fluid with a specific odor begins to come out of the navel, the baby’s parents should show him to the doctor as soon as possible. To treat purulent ichor, an antibiotic ointment or some other type of treatment may be prescribed.

Clear fluid discharged from the umbilical region of a newborn requires special care than the secretion of such fluid in older people. However, care should not necessarily be provided by the staff of the children's clinic or pediatrician. The baby’s parents will be able to handle the procedure on their own, without outside help.

Thorough disinfection of the area of ​​fluid release is necessary.

It must be carried out several times a day, especially after replacing a diaper with a new one, as well as after water procedures, which are usually carried out in evening time. As a means to dry the wound, it is recommended to use not hydrogen peroxide, but ordinary brilliant green, which is available for sale in any pharmacy in the city.

It is important to ensure that moisture does not enter the area umbilical ring. This can negatively affect the healing of the wound: it will take longer than expected.

Ichor can also be released in older people. This occurs after surgery. The place where the ichor is released is the scars left after the operation. In people aged 30-40 years, this phenomenon is extremely rare.

Discharge accompanies the healing of the suture after surgery caesarean section. Disinfection measures are similar to care umbilical region in a newborn. Such discharge will accompany the woman while she is under the supervision of medical personnel in the parental home. Therefore, she is unlikely to have to worry about how to care for the wound on her own. All necessary procedures Disinfection duties fall on the shoulders of the medical staff and maternity hospital staff, who will provide the young mother with adequate care.

Such appearances of ichor are absolutely harmless. However, it is important to ensure that the wound does not become inflamed.

Ways to combat the release of ichor from wounds

The ichor does not have to be removed at all. Gradually, the discharge from the wound will stop on its own, without the participation of the wound owner in this process.

If the discharge of lymph is accompanied by unpleasant sensations or discomfort, the wound should be treated with hydrogen peroxide. Before using hydrogen peroxide, you should carefully read the instructions. It should indicate whether it is necessary to dilute the peroxide with water before use. If you use the drug without first studying the instructions, you can get a severe burn, which will cause the wound to become even more inflamed.

The wound is treated with cotton swab or a bandage. Under no circumstances should you pour peroxide into the wound from the bottle in which it is poured, or apply a bandage or cotton swab soaked in the liquid for a long time.

As an alternative, streptocide can be used. It is sold in pharmacies in tablet form. Before use, the tablets must be crushed to a powder using a kitchen board and knife, and sprinkled on the wound. You can also use sea ​​buckthorn oil or brilliant green.

Absolutely any methods can be used to combat ichor. medications, which have drying and healing properties.

If self-treatment of the wound does not help, you should seek the help of a qualified medical officer. He will treat the wound with specialized medicines, which cannot be purchased independently without a doctor's prescription.

Special ointments can be used to heal the wound. Adults are prescribed Levomekol, an ointment that promotes not only the rapid healing of wounds, but also the resolution of swelling after burns. Children are recommended to smear their wounds with Panthenol.

The main task is to protect the wound from possible infection. To prevent this from happening, all precautions should be taken by applying a sterile bandage to the wound.

As soon as the ichor stops appearing, you need to be careful not to accidentally tear off the crust that appears instead on the wound. The crust performs a function similar to lymph - it protects the wound from pathogenic microbes entering it. If the crust is nevertheless torn off, a scar may subsequently appear at the site of the wound.

What to do in case of excessive lymph flow?

If lymph flows profusely, dressing the wound with an elastic bandage can help.

If the presented methods of dealing with excessive leakage of lymph do not bring any results, you should immediately contact medical institution to receive qualified assistance. Others effective measures simply doesn't exist. Be healthy!

What to do if your wound festers and there is no way to see a doctor? But such cases are far from uncommon. Trouble can happen on a camping trip, while traveling, while working in the field or in a remote location. summer cottage. A burn or subcutaneous inflammation boil. It is also possible that it arose at a time when it is too far to get to the nearest hospital.

May lead to fever, fever and abscesses. And abscesses, in turn, can result in tissue death, gangrene, and even amputation. To prevent anything like this from happening to you, we will tell you about five effective ways avoid suppuration, even if there are no medications at hand.

First actions in case of suppuration

First of all, the festering wound should be washed clean water. It’s good if you have one of the most popular antiseptics on hand: brilliant green, iodine or hydrogen peroxide solution. These products are great for treating wound edges. After treatment with one of the above-mentioned products, the wound should be closed with a sterile gauze swab (by the way, regular feminine care products are perfect for this purpose). intimate hygiene) and wrap it with a bandage.

Treatment of a wound if there is no first aid kit at hand

Laundry soap has excellent disinfectant properties. They can be used to wash the wound when there are no other antiseptics available. Instead of a bandage, you can use any clean cloth, boiled or soaked in a concentrated salt solution.

Should I remove pus from a wound?

A doctor should be involved in extracting suppuration. Only a qualified doctor can extract pus, remove dead tissue and adequately clean the wound. Therefore, until it is possible to contact a specialist, it is necessary not to allow the wound to crust over. Change the bandage as it dries and try to get to the hospital or clinic as quickly as possible.

Purulent boil

It is impossible to cure. But this does not mean that you cannot protect yourself from the spread of infection inside the body. Autopsy purulent abscess The same laundry soap will help. The thick solution is applied to cotton wool or sterile cloth and attached with a bandage to the site of inflammation. When the abscess opens, the pus should be allowed to drain out, and then the wound should be treated using one of the methods described above.

Natural antiseptics

Perhaps even with complete absence medical supplies. Fortunately, in nature there are many natural antiseptics, capable of cleaning the wound from infections and microbes. For example, chamomile can be found almost throughout the entire territory of our country. Meanwhile, a decoction of this plant has excellent disinfectant properties. Aloe vera juice is not only beautiful bactericidal agent. It effectively helps with inflammatory diseases and promotes the fastest process of tissue regeneration. Since childhood, everyone knows about healing properties plantain. But few people know that strawberry leaves have a more effective therapeutic effect on purulent wounds. Steamed in boiling water, they draw out pus, disinfect the wound and promote rapid tissue healing.

Dmitry Belov

Injuries, often with severe damage to the skin and tissues, are fortunately not an everyday situation, but, alas, not excluded.

Inflammation of the wound, the causes of which can be very diverse, natural process with severe injuries.

If you do not respond to wound inflammation in time, the symptoms can intensify significantly and enter a critical phase, leading to serious complications. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main signs characterizing wound inflammation, the treatment of which, subject to simple rules, can be fast and effective.

Inflammation of the wound: causes of the inflammatory process on various stages healing

The healing of any wound surface occurs in three physiological stages, each of which is characterized by certain visual and symptomatic manifestations. It is worth noting that the healing of damaged tissue is always accompanied by an inflammatory process, the signs of which decrease as the wound heals. In order to promptly identify and prevent atypical inflammation, you need to know well what characterizes each stage of healing.

Stages of healing and external manifestations wound inflammation

Exudation- local reaction of blood vessels and tissues. It is characterized by slight swelling, as well as slight redness of the tissues surrounding the wound and the release of a specific exudate (liquid part of the blood) from it. Wound exudate at this stage is clear liquid. Often there are blood clots in it. Over time, the surface of the wound becomes covered with a whitish film - fibrinous plaque. The duration of this period depends on the area and depth of the wound surface and can last up to seven days from the moment of injury. If at this stage the wound becomes infected, the amount of exudate released increases sharply. It becomes cloudy and acquires a characteristic odor.

Regeneration (proliferation)- restoration of damaged tissues. At this stage, tissue granulation occurs. The fibrinous plaque disappears, the tissues are covered with new cells, forming small bright red tubercles (granulations) on the wound surface. There is practically no exudate from the wound; it is still transparent and may contain only a small amount of blood. At the slightest injury, the exudate becomes bloody. Discoloration of granular areas, pallor, indicates re-infection.

Epithelialization- complete healing and scar formation. There is no exudate, the surface of the wound is dry. Inflammation at this stage can only occur due to damage or secondary infection.

With large wounds, healing may occur unevenly. Often the central part of the wound surface is cleaned faster and the edges of the wound do not have time to heal, which slows down its healing.

Sometimes the inflammation of the wound surface increases sharply or its healing proceeds too slowly. There are a number of reasons that can affect the inflammatory process.

Inflammation of the wound: causes affecting slow healing and re-occurring inflammatory process

1. Primary or secondary infection of the wound surface.

Primary - infection directly during injury;

Secondary - can arise as a result of incorrectly performed, in violation of the rules of asepsis, primary wound treatment. As a result of infection due to repeated mechanical trauma to the wound surface or improper local treatment.

2. Weakened immunity and general exhaustion of the body. Chronic infectious diseases (HIV, AIDS, tuberculosis and hepatitis). Availability chronic diseases that can impair blood circulation: varicose veins veins, diabetes, chronic pathologies kidneys, liver, as well as disorders and malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.

3. Deterioration or disruption of diet and rest.

Often, exacerbation of inflammation in a wound is associated with improper treatment, or rather, with self-medication.

Wound inflammation: symptoms of inflammation of the wound and nearby tissues. Possible complications

During primary or secondary infection, anaerobic bacteria, fungi and microorganisms of various origins can enter the wound cavity, which are the root cause of the resulting inflammation.

The main symptoms of wound inflammation and their signs:

Increased temperature in the area of ​​the wound surface;

Sharp hyperemia (redness) of nearby tissues and their swelling;

The released exudate becomes cloudy and viscous - purulent;

Throbbing pain in the wound area;

General malaise: increased body temperature, dizziness, weakness, and in some cases nausea.

Wound healing- a complex process, and not only the speed of healing, but also the absence of complications depends on the correctness of the prescription and the accuracy of the treatment. Incorrect treatment may contribute to the occurrence of sepsis, tetanus, gas gangrene, rabies. The appearance of purulent and infectious inflammatory processes in the wound area: abscesses, infiltrates, phlegmon or erysipelas.

Wound inflammation: treatment and prevention of possible complications

Wound treatment- a rather lengthy process. The speed of healing depends on the nature of the damage, the degree of infection, the depth and area of ​​the lesion, as well as the general condition of the body. Therefore, first of all, local treatment is carried out aimed at reducing inflammation.

Perform daily sanitation of the wound using aseptic solutions, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial medications local application: solutions and ointments, preparations that allow you to clean the wound and protect it from secondary infection. In the early stages of healing and further treatment of the wound, aseptic solutions are used: 3% hydrogen peroxide; ready-made solutions “Chlorhexidine”, “Furacillin”, “Fukartsin”; weak solution potassium permanganate, etc. They treat the edges and wash the wound cavity, cleaning its surface from dirt, specific secretions and foreign bodies, caught during injury (splinters, fragments, debris, etc.). Also, bandages are applied with aseptic solutions in the first few days. The use of ointments at this stage is not recommended. Ointment dressings are applied later, depending on the condition of the wound.

In parallel with local treatment carry out general drug therapy, aimed at suppressing the infection - a course of antibiotics is prescribed, drugs that increase immunity and help reduce the inflammatory process. In more severe cases may be assigned infusion therapy(droppers) to reduce intoxication. Along with this they carry out symptomatic therapy aimed at suppressing side symptoms and treatment of chronic diseases.

At the granulation stage, inflammation is treated with ointments, gels or special powders that inhibit the growth of granulations and prevent drying out of the wound surface, which can protect the wound from re-infection. Under no circumstances should Vishnevsky ointment be applied to the wound at this stage. It increases blood flow and circulation in the wound area, thereby stimulating the intensive growth of granulations. The tightening of the edges of the wound during healing may not keep pace with the growth of tissue in the center of the extensive wound surface. The epidermis will not have time to cover the new tissues, and they will remain open, rising significantly above the skin level. Popular name this unpleasant education- “wild meat”.

After complete healing and during the period of scarring, the wound site should be properly treated for several days (3-4 days) with a solution of brilliant green (green) or apply bandages with alcohol solution calendula. This will help relieve inflammation that accompanies the scarring process and speed it up.

Relieving wound inflammation and treating it are directly related. If inflammation is not reduced, wound healing will be delayed, and if the wound is treated incorrectly, inflammation will intensify. To relieve inflammation and treat wounds, in parallel with drug treatment, tools and techniques can be used traditional medicine. It is highly recommended that you seek advice before using them. professional doctor, since many remedies involve tight closure of the wound surface medicinal herbs and applying lotions with infusions and decoctions of herbs to its surface.

To prevent the wound from becoming inflamed and to heal quickly, its surface must “breathe”. Tight covering of the wound surface contributes to the accumulation of exudate and, accordingly, additional inflammation. And this is fraught with serious complications.