What does thyme taste like? Where is fresh thyme added for medicinal purposes? Hair rinses

Thyme (Thyme)- from lat. Thymus - “strong”, “courageous” - a subshrub of the family Lamiaceae or Lamiaceae, with a strongly aromatic, spicy odor. Yours Latin name Thyme was received thanks to the Greeks, they dedicated it to the goddess Aphrodite, in her temples they burned this plant. Thyme was endowed with the property of imparting courage; according to tradition, Roman soldiers going to battle took baths with thyme beforehand, and Scottish highlanders became fearless after drinking tea with the addition of this plant.

Thyme is still widely used today. It is used as medicine, as well as a spice, thanks to its strong, pleasant aroma.

Interesting fact: Thyme (thyme) was first mentioned in chronicles dating back to the 3rd millennium BC. e. The ancient Sumerians used beneficial features thyme, for example, was used as an antiseptic. And the ancient Egyptians used it instead of perfume and included it in the composition of the embalming agent. In the old days, the Slavic peoples had a custom on the day of the Assumption Holy Mother of God decorate her icons with bouquets of thyme, for which the plant received the name “ Bogorodskaya grass»

Thyme, Thyme

Beneficial features

About properties thyme Theophrastus and Avicenna also wrote, which included thyme seeds in the composition complex drugs based on honey, vinegar, oil or wine along with caraway seeds, celery, parsley, mint, valerian, hyssop, asathetida and garlic. Modern experts echo him, claiming that “thyme helps insecure, sensitive, nervous people to open up; restores strength and awakens emotions...” (annotation to one of the patented tonics).

People have always appreciated thyme for his amazing medicinal properties. Using this herb, they got rid of many diseases, including serious and even fatal ones. Even today, thyme herb is quite actively used by traditional healers.

Thyme (thyme) contains essential oil, the main component of which is thymol. In addition, the essential oil is rich in carvacrol, n-cymene, y-terpinene, and borneol. Thyme contains a certain percentage of tannins, bitterness, gum, triterpene compounds - ursolic and oleanolic acids, flavonoids, and a large amount of mineral salts. Thyme is rich in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, water, fats, proteins and ash. It contains vitamins A, E, D, C, K, B1-B9.

Psycho-emotional action

Tones the nervous system, useful for asthenia, nervous depression And mental fatigue. Eliminates symptoms of the syndrome chronic fatigue. Stimulates brain activity, improves memory. Recommended for headaches, helps with insomnia.

Cosmetic effect

Recommended for lethargy oily skin. Helps with acne. Thyme essential oil of the linalol chemotype perfectly cleanses the skin.
Has antioxidant properties
An effective remedy to combat cellulite.

Healing effect

Thyme eliminates swelling, helps with overweight, in case of a stroke it can become a real salvation; in case of a concussion, it restores brain function, eliminates headache, strengthens the nervous system and improves sleep, helps with dysbiosis, gastritis with low acidity, will help cure cataracts, and the medicinal properties of thyme will help defeat impotence, as well as get rid of bronchitis and even asthma, and ultimately cure alcoholism.

So feel free to add Bogorodskaya herb to your dishes, it is especially useful thyme men, since the zinc it contains improves the health of their reproductive system.

A pillow stuffed with thyme promotes calm; it is believed that a person who inhales the aroma of this herb in a dream will live a long time and rarely get sick.

Use in cooking:

Thyme has a pleasant strong odor, sharp, strongly spicy bitter taste.

The best chefs use thyme as a seasoning, preferring, naturally, to add fresh plant, which, unfortunately, is not always possible. A tablespoon of fresh thyme is equivalent to a teaspoon of dry thyme.

Aromatic, vitamin-rich leaves are used as a spice. thyme. It improves the taste, imparts aroma, and gives a bitterness. It remains one of the leading spices in baking. Improves the smell and taste of vegetable dishes, especially potatoes and cabbage.

Thyme as a seasoning for fatty foods not only significantly improves and enriches the taste, but also promotes its digestion.

Thyme is a creeping perennial that grows in the form of a subshrub of the Lamiaceae family. This plant is often identified with thyme. In fact, thyme and thyme are close relatives belonging to the same genus. Each of them has its own varieties, some differences in color, smell, slight differences in the shape of the leaves and stem. But their similarity allows us to mistake them for the same plant, and their use by humans is the same.

What does thyme have? creeping properties, why it is prepared and how it is used - about this we'll talk in the article. You can use herbs only if you know all their properties, only then it will be beneficial and will not cause harm.

Thyme (thyme): chemical composition and nutritional value

The chemical composition of thyme contains a powerful plant antibiotic - carvacrol. He can overcome Staphylococcus aureus. The plant also contains essential oil containing a lot of thymol, linalool, and caryophyllene.

The plant contains the following elements:

The nutritional value thyme is 276 kcal per 100 grams of product. The largest portion of calories comes from carbohydrates; grass contains 63.94 grams of them, which is equal to 256 kcal. Protein in thyme is 9.11 grams - 36 kcal, fat - 7.43 grams or 67 kcal.

What are the benefits of thyme?

Thyme has the following beneficial properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • diuretic;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • antipyretic;
  • painkiller;
  • hypnotic.
  • Active substances– resins, essential oil, tannins, mineral salts, flavonoids and bitterness, acids – provide wide range effects of the herb on the human body.

    Creeping thyme is also useful because it is a good honey plant. The honey made from it is very fragrant. The beneficial properties of thyme are manifested when brewed in tea - it is considered a natural stimulant used for stress, to treat depression, migraines, and neurasthenia. The use of thyme in tea is very useful for children suffering from anemia.

    Dry herbs were previously used for incense during divine services. Today, the above-ground part of the plant is in great demand in the perfume industry.

    Pharmacological properties of thyme

    The thyme plant has medicinal properties due to its chemical composition. Thymol, which is abundant in thyme, is a phenol derivative. But thymol has less toxicity and a gentler effect on mucous membranes, and is good bactericidal agent in the fight against coccal flora. Thymol shows great activity in relation to pathogenic fungi, whipworm, tapeworms.

    Healing essential oils contained in the plant are effective for bronchitis and other pulmonary diseases, especially with whooping cough and asthma. They are also useful for infectious inflammations intestines.

    The diaphoretic properties of creeping thyme make it an effective diaphoretic, which is useful for colds, runny nose and flu. Ability to regulate activities nervous system useful for people suffering from insomnia.

    Fermentation in the intestines is relieved by decoctions and infusions of thyme. Therefore, it is taken when eating fatty, heavy foods to normalize digestion.

    Thyme has beneficial properties in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism. In this case, it is used externally. Thyme is also used externally in the form of lotions, compresses and ointments, which are effective for skin diseases.

    Did you know? Thyme infusion causes a strong aversion to alcohol, which is why it is used to treat alcohol addiction.

    Thyme is also useful for men. It concentrates microelements important for men's health. Selenium in the plant is necessary for the synthesis of testosterone, molybdenum activates enzymes responsible for normal sexual function.

    How is thyme used in folk medicine?

    IN folk medicine thyme is often used due to its availability, taste qualities and, in fact, medicinal properties. The most simple form application - tea with thyme. To prepare this, you can use a fresh plant or a dried one. A teaspoon of herb is poured into a glass hot water, steep for five minutes - and the tea is ready, you just need to strain it. You can also mix the herb with black tea.

    In the fight against alcoholism, a decoction of thyme is used. It is prepared by pouring 15 grams of raw material into 500 ml of boiling water. The mixture is kept in a water bath for 15 minutes, filtered and boiling water is added to obtain 500 ml. Such decoctions are effective for withdrawal from binge drinking. You can take a decoction of 50 grams for two weeks, and after it drink a little alcohol. Persistent vomiting reflex helps to turn away from alcohol.

    For radiculitis and joint diseases, prepare a tincture of thyme. To prepare it, you need to take 8 tablespoons of raw materials and pour 0.5 liters of vodka into them. Leave in a dark place for two weeks, shaking. Then strain the mixture and rub it into the diseased parts of the body. You can also take baths for such diseases - take 200 grams of thyme for 2 liters of boiling water and infuse it. Take a bath for 15 minutes two days.

    At women's diseases douching can be done. For them, you need to pour one part of the raw material with three parts of water, boil for a couple of minutes, cool and strain. Douching is carried out at night.

    For sexual weakness in men, the following recipe is used: 2 tablespoons of the herb, pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours. Then strain and take half a glass half an hour before meals twice a day.

    You can gargle with thyme when inflammatory diseases oral cavity, pharynx. The crushed herb is poured with boiling water, left for an hour and after filtering, rinsed with warm infusion. Also helps with toothache.

    Thyme decoctions are taken for the following conditions:iyah: Gtin pains, insomnia, nervous excitement, neuralgia, epilepsy, fear, stress, pneumonia, anemia, bronchitis, intestinal diseases, stomach diseases and so on.

    Thyme oil found application in cosmetology. It is used for the beauty and strength of hair. Use it before washing your hair - you need to rub it into the scalp or mix the oil with shampoo, about 5 ml per 20 ml of shampoo. It will help get rid of dandruff and normalize work sebaceous glands, will reduce hair oiliness.

    Also, to prevent hair loss, decoctions of thyme are used - 4 tablespoons of the herb, pour 400 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes, strain, cool. After washing your hair, rinse your hair with it. There is no need to wash it off.

    Herbal medicine with thyme includes steam baths for facial skin. Thyme (thyme) is poured with boiling water for 20 minutes. Take a tablespoon of herb per half liter of water. Bend over the hot broth, covering your head with a towel. Keep your face over the steam bath for 10 minutes.

    Important! Safety rules must be followed. The procedure must be performed without fanaticism - if it is too hot, you should not endure it. It is necessary to ensure a comfortable temperature and the required distance of the face above the broth.

    For sagging skin, enlarged pores, and inflammation, thyme compresses are used. A glass of boiling water is combined with a tablespoon of thyme and allowed to cool. Afterwards, you can moisten a gauze or cotton napkin in the broth and apply it to your face. The procedure lasts 15-20 minutes.

    Use of thyme in cooking

    Thyme leaves are used in cooking. This seasoning is used fresh and dried. A pungent smell, spicy, slightly bitter taste - such is thyme in dishes.

    Thyme leaves added to dishes improve the taste and aroma and give a bitterness. In baking, thyme is the leading spice. Vegetable dishes - cabbage and potatoes - are also transformed with the addition of thyme.

    Using thyme as a seasoning for fatty dishes helps improve digestion. Thanks to the wonderful aromatic properties thyme is used in small quantities for cooking.

    Did you know? If thyme oil is added to meat broth, it can inhibit bacterial growth for three days.

    Procurement of medicinal raw materials

    The location in which the thyme grew plays a big role. Grass should be collected only in areas with good ecology, away from roads and industries.

    For treatment, the above-ground part of the plant is collected. Collection is carried out during the flowering period - late June - early August. Shoots with flower stalks are cut with scissors and placed in bags or baskets so that they do not wrinkle or become compressed.

    Important! To harvest, do not uproot the thyme. The roots are not used for treatment, but they are necessary so that the plant can reproduce vegetatively.

    Thyme should be collected in dry weather, after the morning dew has dried. Raw materials must be cleaned of woody stems, diseased and thinned shoots, as well as insect larvae.

Thyme has been used in cooking for a long time and often. The special taste properties of this spice allow you to amazingly reveal the taste and aroma of meat and fish dishes, and also emphasize the freshness of salads. In recipes you can often find both options using fresh thyme and its use in dried form.

Professional chefs most often use spices in combination with other herbs, as thyme has a fairly strong aroma and taste. It is impossible to imagine preparing an excellent beef steak without adding a few sprigs of thyme and rosemary. Let's look at what this seasoning is used for.

How can you replace thyme in cooking?

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to purchase fresh or even dried thyme in the store, and its presence is required in the recipe. What can replace this seasoning?

The easiest replacement would be a ready-made mixture of Provençal herbs. It can often be found in supermarkets. The mixture always includes thyme, and other herbs will perfectly decorate any dish.

If you need fresh thyme, you can use basil to replace it. It also has a bright, pronounced taste and goes well with meat and fish.

Rosemary will also work. It combines especially well with beef and lamb. For marinades, it is best to use coriander instead of thyme. He can kill anyone unpleasant aroma and improve taste.

In addition, tarragon is a good substitute for thyme. It also has a vibrant taste. However, you should not combine it with white fish and game. For salads, instead of thyme, it would be most logical to use any of your favorite greens.

You can most often find thyme in recipes for the famous herbes de Provence spice mixture. This mixture is easy to prepare at home, independently determining which spice to add in what proportion depending on your own preferences and desires.

To prepare you will need:

  • salt;
  • oregano;
  • rosemary;
  • basil;
  • sage;
  • thyme.

All spices must be ground. In the classic recipe, all ingredients are added in the same proportions, but you can vary the dosages to your own taste.

Many housewives use thyme as a seasoning for preserving vegetables. If you add a few pinches of spice to the marinade, cucumbers and tomatoes will turn out much more spicy and aromatic.

It can also perfectly decorate your table. olive oil with spices. To prepare this sauce you need virgin oil and a few sprigs of thyme. Place the leaves in a dark glass container and add oil. The oil will infuse for ten days. You can add garlic or hot peppers taste.

The correct use of thyme as a main seasoning will allow any housewife to make her dish more original and interesting. Experiment and look for where to use the spice and delight your guests!

Fragrant spicy thyme was known back in Ancient Rome and Greece: soldiers of the powerful armies of these states bathed in water infused with thyme to gain strength. At the same time, it began to be used as a spice, and the Egyptians used it instead of perfume and anointed the dead with it during embalming. In the 11th century, thyme spread to Europe, where it was brought by Benedictine monks.

Types of thyme

thyme photo

Thyme is a subshrub whose height rarely exceeds 40 cm. It has small pointed leaves oval shape dark green, bitter taste and spicy smell. It grows in the European part of Russia (in the middle and northern zone), in Armenia, Belarus, Siberia, Kazakhstan and Crimea. If you want to pick it, but don’t know what thyme looks like and are afraid of making a mistake, take a closer look at its flowers: they are small white or purple in color.
There are several popular types of this plant:

  • creeping thyme is a perennial herbaceous bush, popularly known as thyme, it spreads along the ground, and its entire above-ground part is subject to harvesting, which is picked during the flowering period and dried in bunches;
  • common thyme is a perennial shrub containing from 20 to 40% thymol; it is grown either by dividing the bush or from seeds, special care does not require, and its greens can be picked throughout the summer;
  • lemon thyme is garden form, which has a brighter taste and smell than wild-growing species, and also has a delicate citrus accent;
  • Colchis thyme is a perennial variety, also called creeping thyme, it has a strong warm aroma.

Composition and beneficial properties

Thyme contains many vitamins and nutrients

Thyme is a herb that contains the strongest plant antibiotic carvacrol, which kills Staphylococcus aureus. This plant contains essential oil (1-2%), different big amount thymol, linalol and caryophyllene. In addition, thyme contains:

  1. cymol;
  2. ascaridole;
  3. terpineol;
  4. borneol;
  5. gum;
  6. ursolic acid;
  7. calcium;
  8. magnesium;
  9. potassium;
  10. sodium;
  11. iron;
  12. selenium;
  13. beta-carotene;
  14. vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, E, K, PP;
  15. choline

The thyme plant's medicinal properties are determined by its composition. Essential oil has bactericidal, antimicrobial and antifungal effect. An extract from thyme has expectorant properties, increases the volume of secretory secretions of the mucous membranes and stimulates the ciliated epithelium in the upper respiratory tract motor activity.
Thyme tincture improves the passage of gases and helps digestion fatty foods and food products. Medications, which contain thyme essential oil, help with dry lesions in the larynx and throat mucous membranes to loosen inflammatory deposits, help thin mucus and speed up the process of its removal. When taking it orally:

  • the development of pathogenic microflora is inhibited;
  • greater secretion of gastric juice is stimulated.

In addition, thyme is used in medicine as antispasmodic.
Lemon-smelling thyme is used to prepare infusions and decoctions, which are used to rinse the mouth and oropharynx for inflammatory diseases caused by pyogenic bacteria. You can also do with them medicinal baths and lotions for various skin diseases, as well as a decoction of this plant is often prescribed for laryngitis, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia and tracheitis.
Thyme oil is used in making medical soap, powders and pastes. Dry and fresh thyme leaves are boiled and drunk for:

  • radiculitis;
  • joint pain;
  • neuralgic diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • heart pain;
  • low blood pressure;
  • insomnia;
  • poor appetite.

Thyme as a spice

dried thyme is widely used in cooking as a spice

Thyme is a seasoning used in many cuisines around the world. In order to obtain this spice, fresh or dried young leaves of the plant are ground or crushed. But dried thyme contains essential oil higher, so this spice will have a more pronounced taste and aroma, and it is added to dishes in a 3:1 ratio in relation to fresh herbs.
Dried spice can quickly dissipate, so be sure to store it in a well-closed glass container or aluminum foil package.
Thyme is used to complement smoked meats, meat dishes, pork, lamb, veal; this spice is perfect for making cheese, meat and fish pates, mushroom and game dishes.
Thyme has also found use in home canning: dried and fresh it is added as a spice when pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, squash and many other vegetables.
You can make drinks from the leaves and shoots of this plant, and simply add the leaves to salads, snacks, marinades and liqueurs in the distillery industry. creeping thyme– thyme – added to sausages and a healing and aromatic tea is brewed from its leaves.
This spice perfectly complements dough products and baked goods. But thyme goes especially well with dishes made from potatoes and various cabbage (white cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts). Very often, thyme is used in cooking when preparing fatty foods. meat dishes as it improves digestion.
The popularity of this plant among chefs is easily explained: unlike most spices, thyme does not lose its taste and aroma during the cooking process; it can be added at the beginning of cooking. It is also used as part of various spicy mixtures and spices.
Some housewives claim that they know what can replace thyme. They say that dishes with oregano taste very similar to food to which thyme has been added. This is not entirely true. Firstly, the tastes of food with these herbs only vaguely resemble each other, and secondly, the unique aroma and medicinal properties of thyme cannot be compared with any other types of plants.

Thyme in folk medicine

thyme infusion has anti-inflammatory properties

Thyme shoots are used for medicinal purposes. Greens are harvested from the second year of the plant’s life. The raw materials are dried in a room with good ventilation or in the open air, but it is very important that the workpiece is not exposed to direct Sun rays.
It is necessary to chop or grind thyme immediately before use, since if you do this in advance, then all the smell and aroma will disappear.
In folk medicine, this herb is used in the form of infusions, decoctions and lotions.

  1. Anti-inflammatory infusion: 1 tbsp. l. dried or fresh raw materials are poured into 200 ml. warm water and infuse for 10-15 minutes. Take it three glasses a day between meals.
  2. Infusion for diseases internal organs: 1 tsp. chopped dry thyme mixed with 200 ml. warm water, leave for no more than 30 minutes, strain and drink warm morning and in the evening.
  3. Infusion for asthma: equal amounts of thyme herb, tricolor violet, coltsfoot leaves, anise seeds, elecampane root and arnica flowers, mix and brew 200 ml. water 1 tbsp. l. such a mixture. Take on an empty stomach three times a day.
  4. Decoction for digestive disorders and neurosis: mix equal proportions of thyme, plantain, knotweed, lemon balm, gentian and angelica roots, pour 1 tbsp. l. a glass of warm water and drink 50 ml before meals.
  5. Compress for rheumatism: from fresh leaves make a paste and apply it warm to the affected areas.
  6. Compress for skin diseases: in equal quantities Mix the thyme decoction with olive oil.
  7. Aromatic baths: 500 gr. pour 4 liters of herbs. water, boil for 2-5 minutes and add to the bath. They are effective for arthritis, asthenia, gout and wet cough.
  8. Thyme exhibits its beneficial properties best in the form of essential oil. For neuroses and various infectious diseases it is simply dripped onto 1 tsp. honey (3-5 drops) and take three times a day.
  9. From 25 gr. menthol, 5 gr. Peruvian balsam, 10 gr. thyme oil and 80 gr. ethyl alcohol You can make a mixture for inhalation. 1 tsp. the mixture is stirred in boiling water in a deep plate and medicinal vapors are inhaled when coughing and colds at least twice a day.

The world of spices is extremely diverse and fascinating; each seasoning has its own history, unique taste characteristics, aroma and scope of application. Spices are indispensable in cooking, as with their help you can add new shades to dishes, enhance flavors and create real masterpieces from familiar products. Thyme is very popular in professional kitchens, but it is not used so often for cooking at home. It is worth reconsidering your position on this matter - the spice has unique properties, which can be successfully used for everyday cooking.

Thyme - what is it?

Thyme is a plant, a perennial shrub, but for most housewives it is valuable not as a bush, but as a spice. The leaves of the plant located on thin stems are used as a spicy additive. The leaves are small and very hard, have oblong shape and resemble small leathery plates. This spice is also known under another name - thyme, matter or Bogorodskaya grass. The plant has long been considered a symbol of strength and courage, in Ancient Greece it was grown in temples of the goddess Aphrodite.

The aromatic spice, among other things, is also very beneficial for human health. The leaves contain essential oil, resin, minerals and organic salts, flavonoids. Thanks to this component composition the plant becomes a common ingredient in the creation folk remedies for the treatment of problems of the digestive and respiratory system.

What does the grass taste and smell like?

Common thyme has a strong, pungent odor. Increased aroma intensity – in the leaves upper parts twigs, since this is the part that contains greatest number essential oil. The leaves taste a little bitter, endowed with rich spice. The taste and smell of this spice are very specific and refined; not everyone loves thyme, but many appreciate this uniqueness of its characteristics. The peculiarity of the herb is not only in its properties, but also in its ability to enhance the natural taste of the dish, enrich it and bring it to perfection.

Types and varieties of thyme for use in cooking

Several varieties of herbs are used in cooking: caraway, lemon, common or creeping herbs - each of them has its own characteristics, thanks to which you can advantageously emphasize the taste of a particular dish. Due to its pronounced spicy taste and aroma, common thyme is actively used in combination with a large number of products where the described effect will be relevant.

A special piquancy can be added with the help of caraway thyme - a very rare variety that perfectly complements meat, chicken and fish. The wild lemon variety has a light citrus flavor, which is especially appreciated in the preparation of seafood and desserts.

In what form to use herbs for cooking

To maximize the extraction of aroma and taste, cooks prefer to use fresh twigs, but, unfortunately, such a product is not always easy to obtain, so in ordinary kitchens thyme is more often found in dried form, which does not beg its merits. It is worth noting that the aroma of thyme develops very slowly, and for this reason it is recommended to add it to the dish almost at the very beginning of the cooking process. To prevent the leaves from losing their properties, they must be stored in a tightly closed, dry container in a dark place.

Where can you add seasoning?

Thyme is a diverse spice with unusual taste and aromatic characteristics, so it is not at all surprising that it is used very widely in cooking. It is used for culinary experiments, including desserts, which sometimes gives really good results.

Use for cooking meat

Thyme and a piece of fresh meat is the combination that will allow you to get an incredible tasting dish with a minimum of ingredients. The spice can be used in different ways:

  • beef steak prepare for frying. At this time, put a frying pan on the fire with olive oil and a few sprigs of thyme. When the oil is hot enough, you can place the meat in the pan, adding a few more crushed cloves of garlic. The steak is fried on both sides, adding salt, depending on the desired degree of frying, from 1 to 4 minutes, after which it is transferred to a plate. Garlic and thyme in this version are not served with meat; they were needed to enrich the oil during frying, and the meat in the process received everything it needed from these spices;
  • before cooking chicken in the oven or on the grill it can be marinated using the following mixture - 50 grams of thyme leaves and 120 g of soft butter(you can add a few more drops lemon juice). Rub the resulting mixture onto the chicken and send it to the fire.

Adding to sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is loved by many and as a separate vegetable dish, and as a component of soups and salads. To give it new shades of taste, they resort to various culinary experiments, for example, adding cranberries, raisins, apples or various spices to the recipe. The spicy version turns out to be interesting, for the preparation of which you need to add a “bouquet” of spices to the chopped cabbage: cumin seeds, coriander seeds, allspice, and, of course, thyme. Proportions are selected to taste depending on the desired intensity and richness. This is the recipe sauerkraut You should definitely try it - it will be a real discovery in terms of flavor combinations.

Dried and fresh thyme for tea

All varieties of thyme belong to essential oil herbs, which determines the presence in them of large quantities phenolic compounds and a number of others useful components, which have already been mentioned above. Using tea based on this herb helps achieve the following effects:

Making herbal tea is very simple, just pour boiling water over a few branches of the bush and bring them to a boil over low heat, turning them off immediately after that. By adding honey or sugar to the strained liquid you can enjoy spicy drink. Some go the other way - add a few leaves to the brew of regular black tea. It doesn’t matter what kind of thyme you use for this - dried or fresh - however, to achieve the same taste and aroma, you will need twice as much fresh thyme for the same volume of liquid.

For making soup

The spice is also suitable for preparing first courses. Considering the peculiarity of revealing its taste, it is worth adding it at the very beginning of cooking, while cooking the broth. Here it is necessary to mention the bouquet Garni - the main set of herbs used in French cuisine. It is created as follows: a leek leaf is unrolled, a couple of parsley branches, 4 thyme branches and 2 medium bay leaves are put into it, after which the leek is wrapped and carefully tied. The resulting “tube” is dipped into the broth, and taken out at the end of cooking. The described composition is considered classic, but even here you can make your own changes by experimenting with various combinations herbs and creating your own bouquets.

To salads

This herb is an ingredient in many salads, including classic recipe Niçoise. The ingredients of the dish include: 200 grams of cherry tomatoes, 6 quail eggs, cucumber, bell pepper, onions, lettuce (about 200 grams), olives, anchovies. The dressing is a mixture of olive oil, a pinch of sugar, mustard, thyme, rosemary, dill, black pepper and salt.

When preparing salads, it is better to use fresh spice leaves. This component will fit well into regular vegetable compositions and into warm salads with poultry or fish.

To the fish

A seemingly simple dish may turn out to be more delicious than a complex, multi-component composition. This situation arises because if there are a small number of ingredients, each of them is well felt, and the impression of a mishmash is not created. Saturated and pleasant taste features a grilled salmon steak that has been cooked using olive oil and thyme when frying. Ready dish To complete the taste, all that remains is to sprinkle with lemon juice.

What does the spice thyme go with?

When using a new spice, it is very important to take into account recommendations regarding the most beneficial combinations. Thus, thyme can be combined with other herbs or used as an independent spice for certain products. The most winning combinations will be:

  • with spices: oregano, Bay leaf, parsley, rosemary, marjoram, tarragon and lavender;
  • products: cheeses, beans, carrots, chicken, eggplants, different types fish, lamb, pork, rabbit, potatoes, mushrooms, apples, tomatoes, honey, and pear.

What can you substitute in the recipe?

Undoubtedly, thyme is a unique spice, and its complete analogue simply does not exist. However, if the cooking process is in full swing, and your favorite thyme is not at hand, then you can try replacing it with oregano (oregano) or marjoram.

Video recipe for chicken with thyme

A complete delicious dinner can be prepared from the most simple products, and spices will help give the dish a unique taste. So, this video shows how to bake a whole chicken with potatoes using olive oil, garlic, thyme and lemon as a marinade.