The life-giving power of sprouted wheat - benefits and harm. Sprouted wheat is an amazing living food Wheat seed sprouts

In connection with the popularization of healthy eating, people include unusual foods in their diet, one might even say outlandish ones. One such product is sprouted wheat. This product is a powerful immunostimulant; this point is especially important during periods of unavailability of fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition, sprouted wheat helps fight premature aging of the body and has an antitumor effect.

Chemical composition

Doctors and scientists consider the composition of the product in question to be unique.

Firstly, it contains almost all known amino acids (18 out of 20 existing ones). It is noteworthy that the mass of proteins makes up 50% of the mass of the wheat germ, and 25% of the nutrients are represented by sucrose.

Secondly, sprouted wheat contains 15% fat - they are represented by polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are perfectly absorbed by the body.

Thirdly, the product in question contains vitamins and minerals. It is worth highlighting manganese, iron, potassium, zinc - in total there are 21 microelements, vitamins A, E and D, almost the entire line of B vitamins.

And don’t forget about the large amount of fiber in sprouted wheat – this element has an extremely beneficial effect on intestinal function.

Beneficial properties of sprouted wheat

If the product in question is consumed regularly and in the correct dosages, the following changes will occur in the body:

  • metabolic processes accelerate and improve;
  • the walls of blood vessels become more elastic and elastic;
  • “bad” is removed from the blood;
  • Toxic substances and waste are removed from the body;
  • the skin acquires a natural color and uniform structure;
  • the level increases;
  • memory improves.

Sprouted wheat is useful for cardiovascular diseases and problems in the central nervous system. The product in question is recommended for use during pregnancy and childhood, for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the genital area of ​​men and women.

Harmful properties of sprouted wheat

Despite the unique composition of the product in question and its undoubted benefits for human health, you need to know and remember about the possible harm of sprouted wheat.

Firstly, people with diagnosed diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract need to be extremely careful in consuming wheat germ, especially during their exacerbation and with a tendency to diarrhea.

Secondly, wheat germ contains gluten - this is a contraindication for the use of the product by people diagnosed with gluten intolerance.

Thirdly, sprouted wheat can be consumed only if the grains have not been treated with any chemicals, which often happens in large farms and agricultural complexes. Otherwise, the entry of aggressive chemicals into the body will cause much more harm than the benefit received from the product.

Doctors also give a warning for children: sprouted wheat should be introduced into a child’s diet extremely carefully, in small doses. The fact is that the rich protein and fiber content in this product can lead to the development of digestive system disorders.

Note:the first few days (2-3) after consuming the product in question, a person may experience diarrhea or intestinal colic. If, even 3 days after the first use of sprouted wheat, the discomfort and unpleasant sensations do not disappear, then you should abandon the product.

How to eat sprouted wheat

It is quite possible to germinate wheat grains at home - it is not difficult. It is important to choose high-quality raw materials, so look at retail outlets for specially processed wheat grain for germination. Remember that the initial volume of raw materials during germination increases by 2 times - for example, if you take 1 tablespoon of wheat grains, then 2 tablespoons will be sprouted.

Algorithm for germinating wheat grains:

  1. Fill the grains with clean water, rinse them and remove any that float to the surface - they will not germinate.
  2. Place the washed grains in a bowl (not metal!) and fill with clean water for 8 hours.
  3. At the end of the period, the water is drained, the grains are washed and laid out on a plate on a cotton cloth. Please note that the grains should not be dry (wet the cloth), but they should not float in water.

After a few hours (usually within 8), small white sprouts will appear on the wheat grains - you can eat it, but first wash the wheat again under running water.

Note:If no sprouts appear within 2 days, then the grains can be thrown away - they will no longer germinate. It is not recommended to consume darkened grains or if the sprouts have not sprouted more than 1-2 mm. Sprouted wheat is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

You can eat sprouted wheat in any form - in its original form, add to salads, pickle in Korean. But keep in mind that it is not advisable to eat more than 100 grams of the product in question per day. It is not recommended to consume sprouted wheat with milk and dairy products - this can lead to increased gas formation and diarrhea.

Sprouted wheat can and should become a permanent dish on the table if there are no contraindications to its use.

For several thousand years, wheat has been the basis of nutrition. But in pursuit of taste, people give preference to flour, the most useless thing in grain. In fact, the main value of the product is in the whole grain. It is grain that contains vitamins, proteins, and mineral salts that are important for the human body. And the benefits of wheat increase several times if the grain is sprouted. That is why it is important to know how to use a unique product correctly and whether it can cause harm to the body.

Useful properties of the product:

  1. Sprouted grain has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and promotes better absorption of nutrients from food.
  2. Synchronizes the operation of all internal systems. The body begins to cleanse itself, wastes and toxins are eliminated, health, skin and hair condition improves.
  3. By cleansing the intestines, normalizing microflora and supplying the body with useful substances, the product helps strengthen the immune system.
  4. Stops inflammatory processes, helps resist viruses and pathogenic microbes.
  5. Enriches the blood with oxygen, supplies iron to the body, increases hemoglobin, and helps normalize glucose levels.
  6. Grain sprouts promote the resorption of wen, tumors, and cysts.

Important: It is especially useful to consume awakened sprouts at the end of winter and at the beginning of spring, when the body is depleted and weakened by a deficiency of vitamins. Wheat relieves depression, improves vitality and gives energy.

How to properly germinate wheat

You can buy ready-to-eat wheat. The product is presented in several forms: sprouted grain, dry sprout concentrate, germ oil. But the benefits of sprouted wheat will be much higher if you consume the fresh product. The grain is sold in stores and pharmacies.

For germination you will need wheat, water, a container, clean cloth, and gauze. To obtain a daily portion of the product, you need to take 3-4 tablespoons of dry grain. The product is carefully sorted, spoiled and damaged specimens are removed.

Grain germination technique:

  1. The washed wheat is placed in a container; the layer thickness should not exceed 3 cm.
  2. Water is added. You need to pour in enough liquid to cover the grain.
  3. The grain is left at room temperature for 12 hours.
  4. To avoid fading, the swollen grains must be washed with clean water, and all liquid is drained.
  5. Cotton cloth or gauze, folded in 4 layers, is moistened in water and placed on the bottom of the container so that the edges hang down.
  6. The swollen wheat is poured out in a layer of up to three centimeters.
  7. The grains are covered with cloth on top. The material must be damp, it must not be allowed to dry out; periodically the fabric is sprayed with water.
  8. Wheat is kept at room temperature until sprouts 1-3 millimeters long appear.

It is recommended to add a new portion of grain for germination every day. It is advisable to consume the cooked sprouts one day before. They can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. What to do if the wheat is overgrown? It can also be eaten, but the concentration of nutrients in such a product is much lower.

On a note: If the wheat is overgrown, you can force young greens. To do this, the grains are mixed with sawdust or a small amount of soil, placed in a pot, and regularly moistened. As soon as the greens reach 5 cm, they can be cut and used for food.

Sprouted wheat for weight loss

Grains can be a good help when losing weight. The product contains a lot of fiber, protein, amino acids, reduces appetite and helps maintain skin tone, which is very important when losing weight.

How to use the product:

  • add to salads;
  • grind into puree, use for sandwiches with grain bread;
  • in the form of cocktails, blending with milk, kefir, protein isolate.

Video: What to cook from wheat sprouts

It is advisable not to subject grain to heat treatment. Also, you should not mix the product with hot dishes, such as porridge, as many beneficial substances are destroyed. The daily grain intake for a person losing weight should not exceed 100 g. In addition to consuming grain, it is advisable to monitor the calorie content of the daily diet. Sprouted wheat, the benefits and harms of which still raise many questions, cannot help you lose excess weight on its own.

Wheat germ for hair loss

Wheat sprouts are well absorbed by the body, enhance its ability to withstand external and internal adverse factors, and help restore damaged tissue. The product has proven itself in the fight against hair loss. It can be of great help in the treatment of alopecia of various types.

How to use:

  • ingestion of grains up to 150 g per day;
  • rubbing the paste from the sprouts into the scalp (done daily at night);
  • rubbing in wheat germ oil.

Video: Wheat sprouts against gray hair

Hair loss mask recipe

Sprouted wheat - 1 tbsp. l.
2 yolks
Burdock oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Honey - 1 tbsp. l.

The sprouted grains need to be crushed to a homogeneous paste, mixed with liquid honey, burdock oil and raw chicken egg yolks. The resulting mass is rubbed into the scalp 2 hours before washing, and an insulating cap is put on. The remaining mass can be applied along the length of the hair. To obtain a visible and lasting result, it is recommended to use the mask at least twice a week.

Use of wheat sprouts in cosmetology

Eating sprouted grains internally has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Pores are cleansed, acne, redness and inflammation disappear, pigmentation lightens. For external use, it is convenient to use wheat germ oil. The product is especially effective in treating problem skin, promotes wound healing, accelerates regeneration, and draws out impurities from pores.

Acne mask recipe with oil

Green or black clay - 1 tsp.
2 tsp. water
Wheat germ oil - 0.5 tsp.

For oily skin types, you can add 2 drops of tea tree oil to the mask. All ingredients are mixed until smooth. Water is added in small portions to adjust the consistency of the mask. You can use a herbal decoction. Apply the product to skin cleansed with warm water. Leave for up to 10 minutes; do not allow the clay to dry. Remove the mask with warm water. After this, the skin should be wiped with a toner to close the pores or with an ice cube.

The benefits of wheat germ during pregnancy and lactation

Sprouted grains can and should even be consumed during pregnancy. This valuable product will enrich a woman’s body with important microelements and will have a positive effect on the development and growth of the fetus.

Wheat sprouts will help maintain healthy hair, teeth, bones, nails, and improve the general condition of the pregnant woman. Dietary fiber will prevent problems with stool. Fiber and protein contribute to rapid satiety, suppress cravings for sweets, which will have a positive effect on the figure of a pregnant woman and will help quickly return to shape after childbirth.

The main advantage of sprouted wheat is its naturalness. It rarely causes allergic reactions, has virtually no contraindications, and can be used during lactation. It is enough for a pregnant or lactating woman to consume 2-3 tablespoons of the product per day, regardless of meals. Can be divided into several servings and eaten throughout the day.

Should you give sprouted wheat to children?

A product with a unique complex of vitamins and microelements can be given to children. It will have a positive effect on the child’s growth, strengthen the immune system, eyesight, and will be an excellent preventative against rickets. Another question: will children eat it? Here you can use tricks.

You can give sprouted grains to your child in crushed form, mixed with yogurt, or prepare a puree with sugar and butter and use it as a sandwich. You can also add sprouts to porridge along with berries and nuts.

The product is given to children starting from three years of age, provided that the child does not have an allergic reaction to gluten. To avoid complications with the gastrointestinal tract, grains need to be crushed. Otherwise, the product will harm the children's digestive system, causing constipation and other reactions.

Video: Sprouted wheat - food for a healthy diet

Sprouted wheat: harm and contraindications

Wheat contains gluten. Therefore, the product should not be consumed by people intolerant to this protein. In addition, contraindications for use are:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • children under 3 years of age;
  • disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

If you are overweight, you should not consume more than 100 g of product per day. It is important not to eat sprouted grains and bran (grain shells) at the same time. Excess dietary fiber can lead to bloating, increased gas formation, and pain in the abdominal cavity.

Content of nutrients and vitamins

The calorie content of sprouted grains is 198 kcal per 100 g.

Table of vitamins and minerals content

To avoid hypervitaminosis, you should not combine the use of synthetic vitamin-mineral complexes and sprouted grains.

Environmental conditions force people to look for ways to maintain their health. Wheat sprouts are a true gift from nature. Sprout juice has a beneficial effect on the entire body. The main value of wheat germ is that it is a “living” food.

The life-giving power of sprouts

The concentrated power and energy inside the seed is ready to give birth to a new life. The first few days the seed uses all its potential, all its energy to form the root, the first leaves, and the growth of the stem. This is the phase of maximum vital activity, which a person can use for his own benefit. The composition of the seeds is formed by building materials to ensure the vital activity of the nascent plant organism. Starch, fats and proteins are concentrated in each seed and are waiting in the wings. Seed germination converts these substances into malt sugar, fatty acids and amino acids. The healing power of the juice and pulp of the sprouts relieves many diseases. This is a powerful stimulant of vital activity, improving the functioning of the entire body through a number of useful functions:

  • increasing immunity;
  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • slowing down the aging process due to the presence of antioxidants, vitamins E, C, A and enzymes;
  • normalization of acid-base balance;
  • self-cleaning of organs and blood from toxins, formation of hemoglobin;
  • increase in potency and performance;
  • improves digestion, helps in the fight against eczema and stomach ulcers.
  • replenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • strengthening tooth enamel, restoring vision, strengthening and stimulating hair growth, improving movement coordination;
  • metabolism is restored, the nervous system is strengthened;
  • Magnesium contained in sprouts has a very beneficial effect on the heart and helps eliminate cholesterol.

Among the many types of seeds, wheat is famous for its strongest healing properties. All diseases occur due to changes in genes. Sprouted wheat grains supply the body with material for their replacement and restoration and contribute to the renewal of diseased tissues. At the same time, they help the proper functioning of the entire body. Sprouted wheat for weight loss supplies the body of a dieter with all the necessary substances. Under the influence of gastrointestinal acids and alkali, the fiber of the grains, like a sponge, absorbs all the toxins accumulated in the body. For overweight people, this is a great opportunity to get rid of the feeling of hunger. After all, sprouts have the ability to create a feeling of fullness, while stabilizing metabolism. Sprouted wheat for weight loss contains from 300 kcal per hundred grams. The high nutritional value of sprouts allows you to eat them in very small quantities.

How to choose?

To choose the right quality seeds for sprouting, it is best to look for them at a pharmacy, health food store, or even at a stable. Seeds intended for planting are not suitable. They are usually treated with pesticides. You must immediately exclude grains with black spots, signs of fungal infection, unripe, overdried and rotten grains. Carefully selected grains are germinated at 20 degrees Celsius, in a slightly shaded place. If the process takes place near a window, then it is better to cover it with a curtain. If the grains do not germinate at the same time, this means that the mixture contains more than one variety of wheat.

How to germinate?

The correct container for germinating seeds should be glass, porcelain, clay or enamel. Half a cup of grain, poured into a colander, is washed in running water. Now you need to remove the non-viable seeds. To do this, they are filled with water in a liter jar. The floating seeds can be safely thrown away. Then you need to throw a little potassium permanganate, taken from the tip of a match, into the jar. After mixing the solution, replace the water with clean, unboiled water. After that it is replaced again.

It is recommended to let the water sit for several hours before soaking. The right time for soaking is morning or afternoon. In the evening, drain the water and rinse the seeds. The jar with future sprouts is lightly covered with a lid and left overnight. In the morning, when washing the grains with running water, you can notice the sprouts that have hatched. They are left in the jar for several hours. If there are no sprouts, repeat the washing in the evening and wait until the next morning.

Sprouts one to two millimeters long are the most valuable. If their length exceeds two millimeters, then it is better not to eat them. Experts claim that the formation of a toxic enzyme begins in such sprouts. It is advisable to eat the sprouts immediately. You can store them in the freezer for up to three or four days. Darkened ground wheat sprouts should be thrown away.

Rules for using sprouts

Heat treatment of sprouted wheat grains should be avoided, as they will lose their valuable properties. To get the greatest effect from the nutrients, it is recommended to chew them for a long time until a paste forms in the mouth. If you have problems with chewing, you can pass the sprouts through a meat grinder twice, and also make an infusion or prepare juice. The introduction of sprouts into the diet should occur gradually. One or two teaspoons per day is a sufficient serving to start with. After two months, you can increase it to seventy grams. If you overdo it with the amount of sprouts in your diet, you can get an upset stomach. Eating sprouts or their juice is beneficial at any time of the year. It is correct to eat them in the first half of the day to avoid insomnia.

Sprouted wheat is incompatible with products such as golden root, flower pollen, and royal jelly. The consequence in the form of urticaria will arise as a result of an imbalance. You need to be aware of some contraindications. Doctors warn people with gluten allergies, ulcers and other diseases of the digestive system against consuming wheat germ and its juice. Children under twelve years of age are also prohibited from eating them. Wheat germ should not be consumed after surgery.

Cooking sprouts

Dishes made from sprouted wheat are very diverse. There are many recipes for its preparation. It is correct to eat it immediately, whole, preferably fresh. It is with this method that the sprouts provide maximum benefit. You can prepare them in different ways and put them in any dish:

  • Dried and ground sprouts in the form of flour serve as a powder for salads, vegetable dishes and cereals.
  • Yogurt mixed with finely chopped apples, nuts and wheat germ will make an excellent nutritious breakfast for the whole day.
  • Hearty sandwiches made from properly toasted slices of grain bread. Sliced ​​olives are placed on a layer of butter on top of the bread. The topmost layer is wheat germ.
  • Wheat milk. You need to mix four glasses of filtered water with one glass of sprouts and add half a glass of pre-soaked raisins. All ingredients must be mixed, passed through a mixer and strained. The prepared milk should be kept in the refrigerator.
  • Fruit salad. Two tablespoons of wheat and sunflower sprouts are crushed and mixed. One hundred grams of low-fat cheese, banana and kiwi, pomegranate seeds, honey and lemon juice are added to the mixture. After mixing the ingredients, you can eat.

Adding sprouts to dishes does not require cooking them. But there are many recipes using high heat that are also very useful. This includes baking flatbreads, cookies, making jelly, frying pancakes. To preserve the benefits of such a dish, heat treatment should be as minimal as possible.

Some useful recipes:

  • Wheat germ porridge. One glass of wheat grains is poured with water. After an hour, drain the water and fill the pan with the sprouts with new water and place it on the stove. After the water has boiled, add sugar and a pinch of ground ginger. The mixture is simmered over low heat until soft. Season the porridge with a teaspoon of honey and butter. You can add decoration in the form of orange slices.
  • Wheat germ and zucchini flatbread. One hundred grams of grains are stewed for five minutes in a small amount of water in a frying pan and then crushed. Grated small zucchini is mixed with wheat with the addition of a teaspoon of cumin and half a teaspoon of ground ginger. You can add a little salt. All that remains is to bake the flatbreads on both sides in a thick frying pan in vegetable oil.
  • Cookies made from wheat germ and prunes. One and a half glasses of sprouts are mixed with one hundred grams of prunes and ground in a meat grinder. You can add two tablespoons of poppy seeds. The flat-shaped cookies are placed in the oven for five minutes, then turned over and drying repeated.

Making juice

The juice of wheat sprouts, the so-called wheatgrass, is very useful. Instead of one kilogram of fresh vegetables, it is better to drink thirty milliliters of juice. This is a sufficient portion to satisfy the body's needs throughout the day. Lysine slows down aging, tryptophan improves the health of hair and skin, making the body young and strong. Living chlorophyll present in wheat sprout juice is an antimutagen, as it fights pathological changes in DNA molecules. The list of all the beneficial properties of sprout juice is simply huge.

Well-washed wheat grains are poured with cold filtered water into a saucer and left for 24 hours. The procedure is repeated for two or three days. Germination begins with the appearance of roots. The water should be drained through a colander, and the seeds should be placed on a napkin. The container for planting wheat is lined with a paper towel to prevent roots from growing through the holes. A five-centimeter layer of organic soil is poured onto the litter. Seeds slightly pressed into the soil are watered and the container is covered with damp newspapers. For the first four days, it is necessary to maintain the moisture of the soil layer by watering it twice a day. Newspapers should also be moistened. After this, the covering layer is removed, and watering is reduced to once a day. The tray should be in a shaded place. After nine days, the shoots are ready for cutting. Now you can put them through a blender and enjoy the fresh and juicy herbal taste of the juice.

People talk about getting rid of many ailments, but sprouts cannot be considered a panacea for all diseases. However, they bring enormous health benefits. Properly sprouted wheat for weight loss helps you maintain a strict diet. The inclusion of sprouts and juice in the daily diet is an important nutritional element for a healthy lifestyle of a modern person. The therapeutic effect of wheat sprouts is fully manifested when consumed regularly.

Many people today know little about the benefits of sprouted wheat grains. When they see them on store shelves, they “suspect” about a certain effect on health, but still don’t put them in their cart...

The reason for this may be doubts about taste or other prejudices. However, it is a natural gift that should be tried.

The effect of young cereal on the body

Sprouts are a rich source of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, microelements, and vegetable proteins in concentrated form. After 2 hours of germination, the composition of vitamins and microelements in the seeds increases by 50-200%!

This deserves attention, doesn't it?
With such a high vitamin content, it makes sense that living seeds have healing and regenerative effects. Used to treat diabetes, vascular diseases, metabolic disorders and other health problems.

Source of enzymes

Enzymes are the main catalysts of all chemical processes in a living organism. Without them, proper digestion, metabolic, regenerative processes and mature immunity are impossible.

For good health and a strong immune system, it is necessary that enzymes in the body are in sufficient quantity and active.

There are many ways to eat wheat germ. But it is best to eat it raw, since heat treatment loses not only vitamins and minerals, but also vital enzymes. Of course, such a product will not cause harm, but the benefit from it will be minimal.

Ideal food?

The chemical composition of sprouted wheat is represented by vitamins, minerals, and all the main easily digestible proteins. Contains a number of the mentioned active enzymes, nucleic acids, vitamin B12.

A high percentage of antioxidants helps eliminate damage caused by free radicals (substances that damage cells and accelerate the aging process).

What happens when seeds germinate?

During germination, alkalinity increases and the nutrient content increases:

  • vitamins – 500%;
  • folic acid – 600%;
  • riboflavin (vitamin B12) – by 1300-2000;
  • proteins and nucleic acids – by 30;
  • enzymes - 10-20 times.

Each germinating seed contains nutritional energy for the growth of a healthy plant. In the process of germination of wheat seeds, the digestibility and utilization of nutrients when consumed increases. This is a richer source of protein than other animal or plant sources.

According to reviews from experts (and consumers, which is important), regular consumption of nature’s gift provides the following effects on the body:

  1. Significant improvement in digestion.
  2. Boosting immunity.
  3. Detoxification of the body.
  4. Prevention and treatment of colds, flu and other infectious diseases.
  5. Prevention and treatment of cancer.

Today you can buy sprouts in some supermarket chains or sprout the grains yourself.

Sprouting grain

The modern rhythm of life with constant rush and ongoing health problems is a reason to try something tasty and healthy.

How about sprouted wheat?
Its delicious, sweet, fresh taste will certainly enchant you. This is a vitamin bomb that the body will welcome after a long winter.

Preparing a natural remedy is not at all difficult.
All you need is wheat, a few vessels and about 2-3 days of patience.

The result of consumption will be a significant improvement in well-being, which will be provided by proteins, fats, vitamins E, B1, B2, zinc, iron, manganese, copper. And most importantly, the incomparable energy of developing plant life.

Let's see how to germinate seeds yourself.

Start by choosing your seeds

The seeds must be clean and healthy, so damaged, dirty seeds should be selected (during germination, they can begin to rot and contaminate healthy raw materials).


You've sorted through the wheat, now give it a drink: soak it in cold, clean water for 24 hours. Change the water several times to prevent fermentation from starting. After a day, slightly swollen edges will appear.

This is the right time to add water and provide a good place for germination. The ideal temperature is around 20-25°C, so normal room temperature will suffice.

Strain and set aside

The ideal option is to place the raw materials in a dry plate and cover with a thin towel. You can use a glass, a plastic box is suitable. The choice of dishes depends on the number of seeds.

It is important not to lay them out in a high layer, the optimal layer thickness is 1-2 cm, with air penetration between the individual grains. Access to fresh air is also important to prevent mold and rot.

Don't worry about the risk of drying out, the wheat has "sucked in" the moisture and although it looks a little dry on the surface, new plant growth is already happening inside.

Repeatedly rinse the wheat seeds with clean water several times a day (2-3 times). This will remove dirt and retain moisture. The next day you can use a useful product.

How to store?

Storing sprouted wheat does not require special attention. Place it in the refrigerator in a ventilated container - the product can be stored this way for about a week.

The grain tastes best in the first days after germination. This time is characterized by the greatest nutritional value.

Sprouted wheat is better absorbed by the human body. Starches are transformed into simple sugars (which makes the grains pleasantly sweet), fats are transformed into simple fatty acids, proteins are broken down into amino acids.

The gluten content also changes, which is better tolerated by the body.

But be careful, this product is not suitable for people with gluten intolerance!

Are dishes and products made from it treats or medicines?

From this healthy product you can prepare various dishes that have health benefits. Recommended for pregnant women, as it significantly reduces the risk of miscarriage.

During breastfeeding, wheat germ provides the baby with many important substances that penetrate into the mother's milk.


Kvass is a drink that is always present in the diet of healthy lifestyle supporters. How to cook it? Easily! Grind the sprouted grains and pour into a glass jar (up to 1/3 of the volume). Fill with chilled boiled water.

After about 12 hours (after the characteristic sour taste appears), you can add honey to taste. A day later, the drink is ready.


To prepare healthy dietary dishes suitable for diabetic patients, flour is produced from sprouted wheat. The product retains all the beneficial properties of sprouts. Today, flour can be easily purchased in health food stores or prepared yourself (by grinding the raw materials in a meat grinder).

Flour can be used to make healthy bread. These baked goods are suitable for use when losing weight, but not more than 300 g per day.


To bake the main food product - bread - you can use pure flour from sprouted wheat grains. The dough is prepared as for regular bread.

Preparing dough and baking bread
Raw materials for 2 small loaves:

  • 3 cups sprouted seed flour;
  • 3 glasses of warm water;
  • 1 tbsp. cornmeal or bran for sprinkling (optional).

Cooking process:

  • add water to the flour, knead the dough with your hands for 10 minutes;
  • form 2 small loaves;
  • bake on a baking sheet sprinkled with a little bran or cornmeal (no oven preheating required);
  • bake at 93-135°C for 2-3 hours;
  • let the bread cool to room temperature;
  • It is best to cut the bread into thin slices.

Bread can be baked using a recipe similar to yeast baking.
To do this, prepare a starter.

You need:

  • sprouted wheat – 1 cup;
  • rye flour – 1 tbsp;
  • sugar or honey - 1 tbsp.

In the morning (about 11:00 a.m.), rinse and grind the grain, pour into a saucepan, add the remaining ingredients, wrap the saucepan in a towel, and place in a warm place. The next morning the starter is ready. Use it instead of yeast.


In folk medicine and cooking, juice from sprouted wheat is also used. We are not talking about juice as such, but about fresh juice prepared by chopping green sprouts (up to 15 cm - after exceeding this height, the benefit decreases) in a blender.

Modern experts have discovered an important property of juice - the prevention and treatment of cancer! The fight against cancer is due to the presence in the healthy product of a large number of antioxidants, which prevent cell damage by free radicals and neutralize toxins, one of the causes of the disease.


To prepare milk from sprouted sprouts you need:

  • 1 cup grains;
  • 4 glasses of water;
  • 1/2 cup raisins.

Pre-wet the raisins, after softening, grind them together with the grains to a paste consistency. Add cooled boiled water. Stir and strain. Store the liquid in the refrigerator.

Advice: do not throw away the remaining cake - it will find use in home cosmetology (it will be beneficial for hair). Apply it to your hair 1 hour before washing. The result will be soft, shiny curls.


From healthy raw materials you can prepare a salad that has a beneficial effect on health.

You need:

  • 1 cup sprouts;
  • 1/2 red or yellow pepper (you can use pickled peppers);
  • 1 small can of canned corn;
  • 1 handful of peas (preferably from fresh pods, but canned will also work);
  • 1/2 onion;
  • a piece of red cabbage (chopped);
  • a piece of leek (about 3 cm);
  • soy sauce;
  • salt.

Place the sprouted grain in a bowl, add the remaining ingredients, and mix. Add soy sauce to taste, sprinkle with your favorite spices and serve.


From healthy raw materials you can prepare the healthiest porridge in the world!

You need:

  • 150 g wheat sprouts;
  • 600 ml soy drink (for example, Alpro);
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon;
  • 1/2 tsp. chopped fennel;
  • 1 tbsp. maple syrup.

Place the grains in a blender, pour in the soy drink, and blend until soft. Add ground cinnamon and fennel, pour into a saucepan, and simmer over low heat.

Stir constantly, otherwise the porridge will burn. Cook for 2-3 minutes. At the end of cooking, add maple syrup.

On a plate, sprinkle the porridge with cinnamon, chopped peanuts or other nuts, and add sugar or an alternative sweetener.

Note: The porridge is well digestible and is suitable for people with weakened pancreatic function that requires diet.


Cold pressed wheat germ oil is a universal product. It is used not in cooking but in cosmetology. It is quite difficult to prepare it at home, so it is recommended to buy a ready-made product.

The oil has a good taste and is easily digestible. Its medicinal properties include slowing down the aging process. The oil contains a high proportion of essential fatty acids and natural coenzymes Q 10, vitamins B, D and E, phosphorus, and iron.

For women, the content of the female hormone estrogen is beneficial, for men it is the ability to stimulate the body, due to which the oil is used by athletes to increase performance.

Use in cosmetics:

  1. Restoration, nutrition, smoothing of the skin.
  2. Improves hair condition, adds shine, prevents hair loss.
  3. Skin rejuvenation, slowing down the aging process.
  4. Strengthening nails.

Healing properties:

  1. Protects cells from free radicals - thanks to the content of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant.
  2. Relief of menopause symptoms, help with heavy menstruation.
  3. Migraine relief.
  4. Treatment of insomnia caused by stress.
  5. Positive effect on neurological problems.
  6. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  7. Potency support.
  8. Elimination of joint inflammation, muscle spasms.
  9. Reduced blood pressure.
  10. Reducing cholesterol.
  11. Positive effect on the brain, heart, blood vessels.
  12. Improving immunity, protecting the body.

How to use the oil?
Add it to various dishes (salads, fish dishes, potatoes, etc.). Traditional medicine recommends taking it in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 tsp.

In the field of cosmetology, oil is added to creams, lotions, used to wrap hair, rubbed into nails... Store it in the refrigerator, protect from light. Oil cannot be heat treated, so add it to prepared dishes.

Prejudice and myths

There are a number of myths surrounding sprouted wheat that prevent the use of a healthy product. Let's refute them!

Myth No. 1 – bad taste

The people who most often assert and stand firmly behind their views have never actually tried utility!

Truth: If you cook corn or peas incorrectly, they won't taste good either. The taste depends on the method of use. Try the above recipes - you will change your mind.

Myth No. 2 – toxicity

Some gifts of nature are poisonous, and this statement applies to many products. Have you ever eaten raw potatoes, beans, or soybeans? Most likely no.

Truth: some “extreme people” perceive (and recommend) eating only raw food. Do not do that. Not only sprouts, but also vegetables can be contaminated with dangerous bacteria (for example, salmonella), so hygiene in the kitchen is very important. They should be properly washed in cold water before use.

Myth No. 3 – flatulence

Many people know about the health benefits of legumes, vegetables, and fruits. One of the reasons why they avoid including them in the diet is discomfort in the intestines. People mistakenly believe that all healthy foods recommended by doctors are high in fiber and therefore cause disharmony in the intestines.

Truth: it's the other way around. The absence of flatulence after eating sprouted wheat is due to the fact that during germination, complex sugars in the grain are converted into simple and easily digestible ones.


In addition to the benefits, sprouted wheat can also cause harm; According to the advice of doctors, its use is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

Not everyone realizes the valuable properties of the presented product. At the moment of “revival,” sprouted wheat begins to produce unique enzymes necessary for humans. The benefits and harms of raw materials depend on how you take them. If consumed correctly, there will be no negative effects on the body. But first things first.

Sprouted wheat - benefits for the body

1. The rich chemical composition of the raw materials does not affect calorie content in any way. The abundance of valuable enzymes has a positive effect on the digestibility of substances that come with food. Sprouted wheat sprouts have a large list of healing properties. Benefits and harms can manifest themselves in different ways.

2. Systematic use normalizes the activity of the circulatory system. Metabolism and stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract are noticeably improved. The use of grains in folk medicine has shown itself well in the treatment of skin pathologies. The product also stabilizes blood glucose levels.

3. The body receives all the necessary enzymes in the form of a complex of vitamins, amino acids and minerals. Experts recommend including sprouts in your daily diet to maintain overall body tone. In just a few days after consuming the raw materials, results will be visible.

4. Representatives of the fairer sex will have noticeable volume, shine and strength. The structure of the nail plate becomes stronger, the skin becomes smooth and radiant. There is a general improvement of the human body. Sprouted wheat grains contain chlorophyll. The benefits and harms of such a substance manifest themselves at the cellular level.

How to use wheat germ for weight loss

1. The main task of a person losing weight remains the ability to reduce a large number of calories in their daily diet. The presented product will help in this matter. The calorie content of wheat is quite low, and it is also quite possible to replace a full meal with the raw material.

2. Don't assume that adding grains to simple meals will help you cope with excess weight. To lose weight and achieve the desired result, it is imperative that you radically reconsider your usual menu. Also, regular exercise in the gym will not be superfluous.

3. Sprouted wheat perfectly cleanses the gastrointestinal tract. Before consuming raw materials, you should know that the product effectively rids tissues of toxins and waste. As a result, all metabolic processes improve. All this is important for the proper functioning of the body.

4. All incoming substances are converted into potential energy, not fat deposits. If you replace your food intake with wheat sprouts, the portions consumed will soon decrease noticeably. The intestines are cleansed, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is stabilized. You gradually lose weight without stress.

Benefits of wheat germ during pregnancy

1. Sprouted wheat will be an excellent addition to the diet of a pregnant girl. The benefits and harms of the product will directly depend on the presence of contraindications. Therefore, before taking raw materials, you should consult a specialist.

2. In the absence of health problems, sprouts will be an excellent addition to a woman’s daily diet while pregnant. During such a period, the female body simply needs additional replenishment with valuable substances.

3. Folic acid is concentrated in large quantities in wheat. It is especially important for the proper formation of the fetus. Systematic use of raw materials will help to avoid deviations in the baby’s development.

4. Not all girls manage to create the right menu for every day during pregnancy. Therefore, it is worth considering including the presented product in your daily diet. Also, raw materials will help to quickly recover after childbirth and during lactation.

5. Sprouts strengthen the immune system and increase breast milk production. It is enough to eat only 60 grams to provide the body with all the necessary enzymes. Try to eat before lunch time.

How to take wheat germ

1. The benefits and harms of raw materials may depend on how you take them. Raw sprouts must be chewed thoroughly. If you are not a fan of eating the product in its pure form, the grains can be mixed into your morning porridge.

2. It wouldn’t hurt to prepare a delicious dessert for breakfast. To do this, skip 60 grams. sprouts through a blender. Combine the finished mixture with a small amount of honey, dried fruits and nuts. This mix is ​​not only tasty, but also healthy.

3. You can also consume sprouts as an addition to fresh salads. You can add raw materials to second courses. Experienced housewives act in a more cunning way. Wheat sprouts are dried and then ground into powder. This mixture is used to sprinkle dishes. The benefits remain the same.

4. In order to get rid of unwanted kilograms, nutritionists advise preparing sandwiches with the addition of fresh raw materials. They even make equally healthy jelly from sprouts. As for those with a sweet tooth, grains can be placed in dietary baked goods.

Harm of sprouted wheat

1. The healing properties of the presented product significantly strengthen the human body. Sprouted wheat can have both benefits and harm. Ultimately, the result will depend on how you take the raw materials and your health status.

2. The product is contraindicated in the presence of acute pathologies associated with the gastrointestinal tract or kidneys. Also, you should not take grains if you are prone to diarrhea. In most cases, sprouts are extremely beneficial.

3. Still, it is worth considering some factors. Do not take this product if you are gluten intolerant. You should also keep in mind that when you first get acquainted with the composition, you will most likely encounter an upset stomach.

4. Don’t be upset; such a reaction is quite normal to a new type of herbal product. But if after some time the symptoms do not go away, it is better to avoid grains altogether. Children are only allowed to sprout from the age of 12. Carry out the manipulation gradually.

Sprouted wheat will bring undoubted benefits to the human body in the absence of contraindications. If the composition is abused, significant harm will be caused to the body. Therefore, before taking sprouts, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for consuming raw materials.