What benefits and harms does celery bring to humans? Calorie content and doctors' opinion. Celery for weight loss: beneficial properties, recipes and recommendations

In folk medicine, celery has been used for centuries as an effective antihypertensive agent. Modern pharmacological studies have shown that it is an excellent antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory activity, which helps stabilize blood pressure, lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease.

This wonderful vegetable contains a lot of fiber and is therefore very effective (there is even a separate celery diet). A high percentage of water and electrolyte reserves makes it indispensable for dehydration, and special compounds in its composition have a diuretic effect and reduce bloating. Celery, as a supplier of antioxidant flavonoids and polyphenolic phytonutrients, can improve the condition of the skin and eyes and have a beneficial effect on cognitive function.

How to eat celery

Celery was originally used for medicinal purposes, and only then began to be used in cooking. It can be baked, boiled and fried, like all vegetables. Try to avoid prolonged heat treatment as it will change the color of the celery. It is better to remove hard fibers from the stem, as they do not soften during cooking. The roots can be used to make a wonderful salad in combination with apples or carrots. Boiled roots are used to make puree, and the water in which they were boiled is used for soups or sauces. Fresh stems make a delicious crunchy salad with ricotta and walnuts. Smoothies and celery juice are frequent drinks for those who prefer to eat healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Although most people eat celery stalks, the seeds and leaves are also edible and healthy. For example, the leaves are a great addition to salads and soups. The seeds, which can be found either in whole or extract form, have impressive health benefits, as they are effective in reducing inflammation and helping fight bacterial infections. In some countries, celery is grown mainly for the beneficial properties of its seeds. The seeds are widely used as a spice and for rubbing, as they contain a special oily compound called apiol, an aromatic substance with antispasmodic and diuretic effects.

250 grams of chopped celery contains:

  • 16 calories
  • 0 fat
  • 1 g protein
  • 5 grams fiber
  • 5 mg vitamin K (37%)
  • 36 mg (9%)
  • 22 mg vitamin A (9%)
  • 263 mg potassium (8%)
  • 1 mg vitamin C (5%)
  • 40 mg calcium (4%)
  • 0.08 mg vitamin B6 (4%)

Health benefits of celery

Regular consumption of celery helps to avoid diseases of the kidneys, gall bladder and liver. It is effective against neuritis, asthma, obesity, high blood pressure, migraines and many other diseases. It also strengthens and contains substances that successfully fight cancer.

Helps reduce high cholesterol levels

Celery has the ability to reduce blood pressure, which improves and maintains heart health. It contains a unique compound called 3-n-butylphthalide, which has lipid-lowering effects. Scientists believe that it contains many other useful compounds that are still being discovered during research.

In a study conducted by the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Singapore, when rats were fed a high-fat diet for eight weeks, those that simultaneously took celery extract showed significantly lower blood lipid levels compared to a group of rats that did not receive it. extract. In addition, reductions in total serum cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein and triglycerides were found in the group fed the extract.

Reduces inflammation

Celery contains significant amounts of highly active bioflavonoids, apigenin and a powerful COX-2 inhibitor that can stop inflammation. All of these substances are effective as anti-inflammatory drugs. And a compound such as polyacetylene brings relief from rheumatoid, osteoarthritis, asthma, etc.

Removes bad breath

Celery seems to have been specially created to combat bad breath. The most common cause of this odor is believed to be poor oral hygiene. Without proper brushing and flossing, food particles on the teeth and back of the tongue allow harmful bacteria to grow.

Chewing the stem is beneficial for two reasons: its roughness removes bacteria from the back of the tongue, and the natural fibers help clean teeth. If you ever find yourself without a toothbrush, chewing on a celery stick after meals or first thing in the morning is a great solution.

Reduces blood pressure

Drinking celery juice every day for a week can significantly reduce your blood pressure. A compound called phthalide relaxes the muscles around the arteries, dilating the blood vessels and thereby normalizing high blood pressure.

Helps you calm down

Celery for stress relief? Oh yeah! The minerals contained in celery, especially magnesium, as well as the essential oil, calm the nervous system. To have a sound and restful sleep, just add a little celery to your evening menu.

Reduces menopausal symptoms

Celery, along with dill, fennel, anise and other members of the celery family, are moderately estrogenic herbs. They all have 40 to 50 phytochemical constituents and are a mixture of anethole, apigenin, kaempferol, luteolin and quercetin. These compounds are very effective in relieving symptoms such as hot flashes, and help prevent cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.

Reduces the risk of age-related dementia

Celery contains luteolin, a compound that has the ability to slow the progression of degenerative mental diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

Saves from ophthalmic diseases

One large stalk of celery supplies 10 percent of your daily requirement of vitamin A, as well as a group of nutrients that protect your eyes and prevent age-related vision changes.

Helps Digestion

The combination of fiber and high water content makes celery one of the most effective digestive aids. A fiber-rich diet is indicated for hemorrhoids, diabetes and heart disease. But, if you suffer, celery should be excluded from your diet.

Fights cancer

Two studies at the University of Illinois found that the flavonoid luteolin in celery suppresses the growth of cancer cells, especially in the pancreas. Another study found that regularly consuming celery can significantly delay the formation of breast cancer cells.

Helps you lose excess weight

Drinking celery juice regularly before meals can help you lose weight. Celery is very low in calories, but at the same time contains a large amount of fiber. This composition helps reduce the tendency to overeat and suppresses the feeling of hunger.

Strengthens immunity

Celery is rich in vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system. The numerous antioxidants that make up this healthy vegetable also play an important role in the beneficial effect on the immune system. Regular consumption of celery reduces the risk of infection and also protects you from a number of other diseases.

Treats joints

The anti-inflammatory properties of celery help reduce swelling in the area, which can be a great relief for people suffering from rheumatism, gout, etc. Plus, the diuretic effect slows down the accumulation of uric acid crystals, which leads to discomfort and pain in the joints.


One of the things about celery is that it produces its own "pesticide" to protect itself from fungi. This substance is called psoralen, and it is indeed very effective in protecting the plant. At the same time, there are people who are especially sensitive to psolaren. Therefore, if you have any skin problems after eating celery, it is contraindicated for you.

Some people with hypotension have noted that celery lowers their blood pressure even lower. Therefore, if low blood pressure is also your problem, it would be wise to use celery carefully.

Delicious celery dishes

There are many delicious and healthy celery dishes that will come in handy at any table. Here are just a few of them.

Celery is a healthy root vegetable, which since the time of Hippocrates has been considered a cure for all diseases. It has general strengthening properties, rejuvenates the body and cleanses it of toxins. Celery is useful for stomach diseases, rheumatism and various inflammatory processes in the body. In addition, this root vegetable helps fight excess weight.

Useful properties of celery for weight loss

Nutritionists say that celery is healthy from the top to the very roots. It is the leader among all vegetables in terms of nutrient content. This juicy root vegetable is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids and microelements that have a positive effect on the body's metabolic processes. It should be noted that it contains a large amount of fiber, for the absorption of which the human body has to spend additional calories stored in reserve. According to reviews of celery for weight loss, the more of this vegetable in a person’s daily diet, the more calories he loses.

Thanks to this unique composition, regular consumption of celery not only gets rid of extra pounds, but also generally helps to heal and rejuvenate the body, while slowing down the natural aging process and improving the condition of hair and skin. Doctors recommend consuming this root vegetable for gastritis, constipation, peptic ulcers, allergies and various inflammations in the body.

Regular consumption of celery not only relieves the body of excess water, but also stimulates the process of removing toxins, waste, various poisons, as well as their breakdown products, which, of course, has a positive effect on the process of losing weight. In addition, the systematic inclusion of this root vegetable in your daily diet helps fight fatigue, strengthen the immune system, improve sleep quality, increase human performance and prevent stressful conditions.

Recipes with celery for weight loss

This root vegetable is also considered unique for the reason that absolutely all of its parts can be eaten. For weight loss, celery root is boiled, fried and baked, the leaves and stems are eaten raw, and the seeds are used as a seasoning. Celery goes well with many foods, so it is used to prepare all kinds of salads and as a side dish for fish or meat.

Using this vegetable you can prepare many healthy, light, low-calorie and delicious dishes. If you practice eating such dishes every day, you can lose up to 2 or more kilograms in a week.

We offer you several simple recipes with celery for weight loss, the preparation of which will not take you much time and effort:

  • Weight loss salad made from celery, chicken and apples. Combine 250 g of boiled and finely chopped chicken fillet with 200 g of chopped celery stalks and the same amount of chopped green apples. To this mixture you need to add 150 g of finely chopped bell pepper, 200 g of diced tomatoes and 100 g of onion. Salt the finished salad, sprinkle with lemon juice and season with a mixture of sour cream (100 g) and a small amount of olive oil.
  • A weight loss salad made from celery and beets perfectly cleanses the intestines. The ingredients for it are taken at a 1:1 ratio. Boiled beets should be grated on a fine grater, and celery should be finely chopped. You can use sour cream, olive oil or lemon juice as a dressing for this salad.
  • Celery root cutlets for weight loss. Using a meat grinder, grind 500 g of celery root, 100 g of onions, 100 g of carrots, 100 g of peeled potatoes and one medium-sized clove of garlic. Add a raw chicken egg, pepper and salt to taste to the resulting mass. The finished minced meat should be thoroughly kneaded, formed into cutlets, rolled in breadcrumbs or flour and fried on both sides in olive oil.
  • Celery root puree soup for weight loss. To prepare this dish, you will need: 150 g of white cabbage, 300 g of celery root, 100 g of carrots, green beans, bell peppers and onions, 200 ml of tomato juice, fresh herbs, salt and ground black pepper to taste. All vegetables need to be chopped, placed in a pan, pepper, salt and tomato juice poured into them. As soon as the contents of the pan boil, add a little water and continue to simmer over low heat for 30-40 minutes. After this, let the soup brew for 10-15 minutes, grind its ingredients using a blender and sprinkle with chopped herbs.
  • To stabilize weight, as well as to prevent obesity, it is useful to take celery juice daily. Drink it 3 times a day, 2 tbsp. spoons half an hour before meals. This juice removes all excess fluid from the body, cleanses the bladder and kidneys.

Celery Soup Diet

According to reviews of celery soup, the most effective for weight loss is a 7-day or 14-day diet based on it.

This celery soup recipe is incredibly simple. For 2 liters of water take 400-500 g of celery, 1-2 carrots, 2 tomatoes, greens and leeks. Vegetables need to be finely chopped, thrown into a pan, filled with water and placed on low heat. After the soup boils, add onions fried in sunflower or olive oil, add bay leaves and spices to taste and boil for 10 minutes.

According to reviews of celery soup, you can eat it at any time of the day and in any quantity to lose weight.

Celery is a very popular product in Western countries, and much less common here. Many people prefer not to mess with it, buying more familiar vegetables, but in vain, because it is very useful and worth it to become one of the products regularly appearing in the diet. So, let's see what traditional dishes celery can be used in and what special things you can cook with it.

Celery has been used since ancient times as a medicinal plant, and it was only invented to be used as food in Europe in the 18th century. In addition to its use in folk medicine, celery was also used in ancient times as a “lucky talisman”: along with garlic and onions, it was hung in rooms, believing that it brought happiness. Well, in Ancient Greece, wreaths were made from celery for the winners of competitions, and they also decorated tombs with it. In the USA, where this vegetable is extremely popular today, it began to be consumed in the 19th century.
The celery capital of the world is Arvada, Colorado, USA.
Celery has long been known in our country, but it can hardly be called widely popular. Only about 5-10 years ago it began to appear everywhere on vegetable shelves in supermarkets, which is explained by the growing fashion for healthy eating, and before it could not be found in every store. However, when they see celery on the counter, very few people buy it, not knowing what can be cooked with it and why eat it at all, since there are many other more common vegetables.
But you really need to eat celery: it is extremely healthy due to its high content of vitamins C, A, B1, B2, B6, phosphorus, potassium, etc. Regular consumption of celery helps improve immunity, strengthen the cardiovascular system and bones, reduce cholesterol levels, and normalize water-salt and acid-base balance.
Celery, among other beneficial properties, has a positive effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system, and therefore is considered an excellent aphrodisiac.
This variety of beneficial properties makes celery one of the most worthy candidates for inclusion in the daily diet. In terms of the content of nutrients, it leaves far behind many popular vegetables that are in great demand in our country. By the way, the word “vegetable” is the answer to the question of how celery can be cooked: like any other vegetables, it can be used for salads, as well as boiled, stewed, baked, fried, added to soups and main courses.

“Three-faced” celery – what to buy?

On sale today you can see 3 “types” of celery: root, stems and greens, which are essentially three components of the plant. Different parts can be used in different ways:
Celery root is used to prepare a wide variety of dishes from soups to casseroles; it can be stewed, boiled, baked, put in salads, dried and used as a seasoning for vegetable stews and soups;
Celery stalks, crispy and juicy, can be eaten raw, including added to salads or eaten as an independent snack, and also used for making juices and a wide variety of first and second courses;
Celery leaves are usually used for salads and as a seasoning in dried form.

When buying a celery root, knock on it: if the sound is loud, it means it is empty inside; when you knock on a good root, the sound will be dull. At any time of the year, celery root contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients; it can be bought all year round. It is better to store root celery in the refrigerator, wrapped in foil.

Where to add celery: using the vegetable in traditional dishes

The simplest option: add celery to a simple “tomato + cucumber” salad, which so often appears in our diet in the summer. However, in general, the number of salads that can be prepared with it is huge. The most popular combinations are:
Petiole celery and soft or hard cheese in 1:1 proportions, seasoned with olive oil;
Celery and cucumbers in a 1:1 ratio, avocado and olive oil as a dressing;
Celery root and carrots in 1:1 proportions, parsley root and lemon juice + vegetable oil as a dressing;
Grated celery root with mustard and heavy cream dressing.

A very original salad can be prepared by mixing rhubarb with celery, which is similar in structure, to create a sour-salty salad that can be seasoned with oil, lemon juice, mustard, sour cream or other sauce to taste.

As for various soups, celery root can be added to borscht and cabbage soup along with other roots, and with the stems you can prepare a delicious pickle with pearl barley. Often, pureed soups are prepared with celery roots or stalks, boiled with other vegetables and mashed. In general, due to the fact that soups with celery are quite light, they are an excellent option for first courses in the hot season. You can combine celery in soups with broccoli, regular cabbage, beans, tomatoes and many other vegetables.
Listing the options for second courses that can be prepared with celery is a topic for a separate discussion, because there are very, very many such dishes: vegetable stews, side dishes, casseroles, lobio, mousses, purees, etc. You can prepare both independent dishes and side dishes from celery; you can combine it with seafood, meat, poultry, leeks, avocados, cheese, mushrooms, carrots, cabbage, potatoes, peppers, herbs, apples and many, many other products.

Recipe for pickle with celery and pearl barley
You will need: 1.5 liters of chicken/vegetable broth, 300 g of stalked celery, 100 g of pearl barley, 2 bay leaves, red onions and boiled eggs, 6 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 bunch of green onions, zucchini to taste, pepper, salt, sour cream.
How to cook pickle with celery. Rinse the pearl barley with hot water until the water is clear, pour boiling water in a ratio of 1 part cereal to 3 parts water, simmer for half an hour over low heat, place in a colander. Cut the onion, zucchini, celery into cubes, fry in oil for 3-4 minutes in a thick-bottomed pan, pour in the hot broth, add pearl barley, boil for 7-10 minutes, add salt and pepper, season the pickle with bay leaves. Before serving, add chopped green onions, boiled egg quarters and season the soup with sour cream.

Celery puree recipe
You will need: 6 celery roots, 2 hard-boiled eggs, ½ cup milk, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. wheat flour, salt.
How to make celery puree. Peel the roots, cut them into arbitrary slices, boil in salted water, drain the water, leaving a little broth. Rub or crush the celery into a puree, add flour, fry it in oil and dilute with a small amount of the broth left after cooking, milk, salt and mix, bring the puree to a boil. Serve the puree with hard-boiled eggs, cut into slices.

Celery Casserole Recipe
You will need: 4 celery roots, 1 cup sour cream, 2 tbsp. grated cheese, 1 tbsp. wheat flour, salt.
How to make celery casserole. Peel the roots, cut into strips, add water, add salt, boil until soft, drain the liquid, place the boiled vegetable in a greased form and pour in sour cream mixed with flour, sprinkle with cheese on top, bake in the oven until tender.

Celery, cabbage and apple salad

You will need: 100 g each of apples, celery root and white cabbage, 1 tbsp. vinegar, vegetable oil, wine, sugar and salt to taste.
How to make a salad with celery. Cut the apple into strips, removing the seeds from it, and cabbage, grate the celery, poach it or use it fresh. Combine the apple with cabbage and celery, season the salad with vinegar, wine and oil, sugar and salt to taste, mix and serve.

Celery, mushroom and sweet pepper salad
You will need: 300 g of fresh mushrooms, 200 g of celery root, 50 g of lard, 5 cloves of garlic, 3 sweet peppers, ½ cup of vegetable oil, 2-3 tbsp. wine, 1 tbsp. vinegar, pepper, salt.
How to make celery salad. Grind the garlic with salt, finely chop the lard into cubes, peel and wash the mushrooms, dry them finely and fry in oil. Add garlic and lard to the fried mushrooms, fry together for 3-5 minutes, pour in wine, simmer for 5-7 minutes over low heat. Peel and cut the celery root into small strips, prepare the peppers and cut them into strips, combine all the prepared ingredients, season with vinegar, pepper, add oil, mix and serve the salad.

You can cook delicious traditional and original dishes with celery, try it - this vegetable should be present in the diet of every person who strives for proper and nutritious nutrition.

Because of its specific aroma and spicy taste, celery is not very popular among our compatriots, so it is not surprising that many have no idea how to peel celery, and does it make sense to do it at all, or is it permissible to eat stalks and root vegetables unpeeled?

How to properly prepare celery root vegetables for consumption

If, after reading this, you decide to include it in your diet, it would be a good idea to immediately learn how to properly peel celery, so as not to spoil your first impressions of this amazing vegetable plant. After all, with the right approach, celery can become your indispensable assistant in the kitchen: soups with the addition of roots become richer and more aromatic, grated fresh root vegetables give salads a tart taste, stalks go well in salads with seafood and make vegetable stews tastier. In addition, celery produces wonderful freshly squeezed juice, the healing properties of which are extremely high!

There are usually no problems with celery greens - it is enough to rinse it under the tap and finely chop it to add to soups, main courses, sauces, salads, or to decorate cooked dishes with delicate leaves. But we will look in more detail at how to peel root and stalk celery.

Video about proper cleaning of celery

So, are you holding a large, scary-looking, gnarled celery root vegetable in your hands for the first time and don’t know which way to approach it? In fact, there are no special tricks on how to peel celery. But to make your work easier, try to choose root vegetables in the store that are firm, less knotty, and have smooth skin. In terms of weight, they may seem quite heavy for their size. The greens remaining on the top should be green, not yellowed or withered. Such root vegetables will be much easier to clean, and there will be less waste during cleaning.

To make your work easier, try to choose root vegetables in the store that are firm, less knotty, and have smooth skin.

It’s worth noting right away that it is necessary to peel root vegetables; only completely peeled, well-washed roots are added to dishes.

How to peel celery roots:

  • first of all, the root crop should be thoroughly washed, and then the top of the root and its lower part should be cut off with a knife;
  • celery roots are quite large - half or a quarter of one root may be enough for you to prepare one dish, so for convenience, cut the root into the required number of parts and put those that are not needed in the refrigerator;
  • from those parts that you are immediately going to use for food, carefully remove the skin with a sharp thin knife or a vegetable peeler;
  • scrape out all the recesses and cut out dubious places on the white pulp;
  • the spongy parts have no taste, so they can also be cut out immediately;
  • now all that remains is to rinse the peeled parts of the root vegetable and use as you wish: grate, cut into small cubes, large pieces, strips, slices, etc.;
  • Pour cold water over the chopped pieces to prevent them from darkening.

Uneven, knotty root vegetables can be easier to clean by cutting them into small pieces.

If you plan to eat celery root for the purpose of losing weight, you should not cut out the spongy parts - they are coarse dietary fiber, the processing of which the body spends a lot of energy.

Uneven, knotty root vegetables can be easier to clean by cutting them into small pieces.

Petiole celery - is it worth peeling, and what is the best way to do it?

Conflicting opinions can be heard regarding celery petioles: some argue that the stalks must be peeled before eating, others limit themselves to only washing the petioles in running water, without bothering to clean the stalks. So, is it necessary to peel celery?

Video about cleaning celery stalks

It all depends on what petioles you come across in the store. For example, in young stems growing inside a bunch, the fibers are not felt at all, but old petioles may turn out to be tough and fibrous - without preliminary cleaning, eating them will not be so tasty. Therefore, you should carefully select petiole celery in the store: the plants should have fresh, bright green leaves and straight stems, but if some leaves and petioles are missing, this may mean that the celery is stale. It is best to buy unwashed celery if possible, because it tastes better than stalks that have been washed before sale.

In young stems growing inside the bunch, the fibers are not felt at all, but old petioles may turn out to be tough and fibrous

Before peeling celery stalks, rinse them under the tap with warm water. After this, you should carefully remove the fibers and hard veins from the surface of the petioles with a sharp knife or a vegetable peeler.