Dream interpretation - chickens: why do you dream about red, black and white chickens? Why do you dream of a chicken laying eggs, pecking, boiled, with chickens? What does it mean when you dream of a Chicken? Chicken - interpretation of sleep

Sometimes prophetic dreams come not in direct vision, but in the form of various amazing symbols. So, in a dream, a variety of images can come to us, indicating one or another aspect of life. This article talks about the image of a chicken, which can appear in a dream in a variety of ways. Not only alive, but also already cooked, laying, with eggs (which, by the way, are a symbol of life), and many other images.

The various images of chickens you dreamed of can have several meanings at once. What do these symbols mean for different people, what role do they play, and when should you beware of the presence of this bird in a dream? The following describes the meanings from the most popular dream books, such as the dream book of Vanga, Hasse, Schiller, Mennegatti and others.

Dream interpretation of chicken general meanings

Why do you dream about a live chicken? Surprisingly, if you dream about a living bird, then its color plays a decisive role in the dream. Why do you dream about living birds of different colors? For example, a red hen is a symbol of femininity. Therefore, if a man dreams of her, then perhaps on his way he will soon meet a “red-haired beast”, a woman with a very ambiguous stormy character and great ambitions, an emotional and passionate nature. She won't necessarily be a redhead, but she will definitely have a very fiery character and it is very possible that she will have feelings for you. Thus, a very turbulent romantic adventure awaits you soon. A red hen will have a completely different meaning for a woman. Most likely, an envious woman or rival will appear on the horizon; if a woman is married, then the appearance of her husband’s mistress is not far off. You should keep your ears open.

White chicken in a dream

Why do you dream about a white chicken? A white bird in a dream will symbolize success and a good start in everything, even in the most difficult matters. So you can start a new business without fear, which you may have been planning for a long time. Seeing a white chicken only means success not only in your career, but in your personal life. If a man dreams of her, then we can say that your chosen one is waiting for a marriage proposal and will reciprocate your feelings. And if it’s a woman, then your loved one will soon propose to you for marriage. It's time to get ready for pleasant chores.

Large chicken

A large bird with colored plumage symbolizes future happy chores, a holiday or celebration. Why do you dream of a hen with chicks? It is very likely that future offspring will appear soon if the hen dreams of having chickens or hatching eggs. A dream book where there is not just one hen and chicks, but many of them, then it is quite possible that unexpected guests and distant relatives will come to you soon.

Why do you dream about a lot of chickens?

Also, a large number of birds indicates that you will face difficulties and obstacles in your career success; you may have to overcome obstacles in order to achieve career success or promotion.

If you feed animals, then you can assume that you will soon receive a pleasant surprise or an unexpected, but very pleasant gift. It can also symbolize a meeting that you have been waiting for a long time with a person pleasant to your heart.

If you dreamed of chickens pecking you, then you should pay special attention to this. It is likely that you will soon have major problems that you will not be able to resolve so easily. Your life may turn upside down, so it is worth making an effort to stabilize conditions not only at work, but also in the family.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to Vanga’s dream book, if a pregnant woman dreams of a lonely laying hen walking down the street in her sleep, then this means that a girl will soon appear in her offspring. But this could also mean the arrival of a good friend or relative with whom you have a very warm relationship.

Why do men dream about chickens?

Why do men dream about chickens if there are a lot of them? If you dream of a rooster and a hen at once, then this most likely means quarrels in the family, or some kind of conflict with relatives. If you only dream of chickens, then most likely this is the appearance of a woman, the beginning of a love relationship.

If you see chickens sitting calmly, for example on a roost, then this is a sign of happiness in marriage and love. Screaming or running hens indicate discord in the family and swearing. Anxiety in the house, scandals.

If the bird itself runs into your house, then this is a symbol of the arrival of a new person, a stranger, a guest in the house. If you dream of a chick with a lot of grain or feed, then this means quick and easy profit wealth. Perhaps you will soon receive an inheritance or win the lottery.

Eating chicken in a dream means a good turn in life. Improvement in business, disappearance of any problems. Why do you dream about big hens, roosters and chicks? A hen with chickens means a lot of troubles about offspring or parents, sisters, brothers, close relatives. Perhaps they are having problems and need your help in an important matter. If the chicken is just hatching eggs, then the meaning can be interpreted differently. If the chicken sits calmly on the eggs, then a pleasant, expensive gift will soon await you. Chicken meat that was prepared by other people, but in a dream you eat it, may mean that you have come under some influence of strangers, perhaps they are having a psychological and emotional effect on you.

Hen with chicks

According to Vanga’s dream book, a hen with chicks dreams of care and troubles about offspring. If you have children, then most likely they need your help. Perhaps they are embarrassed to tell you about it or, fearing judgment from you, they hide their problems from you. Be understanding of their difficulties, even if they seem trivial to you.

Raw chicken

Why do you dream about raw chicken? If you dreamed about raw, uncut chicken, then this may symbolize some kind of dissatisfaction with oneself, hidden complexes, and more. If in a dream you nevertheless cooked a bird, then this symbolizes the arrival of important news, the news of which can change your whole life. Such important news can be not only positive, but also negative.

Boiled chicken in a dream

Why do you dream about boiled chicken? Boiled poultry can mean health problems that will manifest themselves in the near future. It's also possible that your subconscious mind is reminding you that it's time to rest. So, with strong physical or emotional stress, illness can occur. Therefore, it is worth taking a couple of days off and taking a break from all your problems to avoid overwork.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Why do you dream about a chicken carcass? If you dream of a dead bird, then most likely this means that you should avoid problems, because there will be nowhere to wait for help. Perhaps a loved one will refuse you financial or material support in the near future due to some personal problems, so you should not be offended by him.

According to Hasse’s dream book, buying a chicken in a dream is fortunate. A successful purchase in a dream symbolizes receiving a pleasant, expensive gift or sudden profit. It is also possible to get some top prize or winnings.

In this dream book, fried chicken has the meaning of monetary profit. Usually she dreams of high career growth, success at work, big profits, and a successful business meeting. If you dreamed of fried chicken, then most likely you will be promoted in the near future.

A frozen bird is dreamed of as a symbol of fatigue. Perhaps there are many obstacles on your way that you are unable to overcome. In this case, it is worth remembering that all bad things come to an end, and the black streak ends and a bright one begins, which is what this dream signals.

Why do you dream of fried chicken, what other meanings are there? If she is preparing for a holiday, then you have to understand that your cause will require allies. Perhaps soon you will have to complete some task and for this you need to gather people.

Schiller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a chicken coop? This dream book suggests that a chicken coop can have different meanings. For example, feeding chickens in a chicken coop in a dream means the attentiveness of the people around you towards you. You will have to speak in front of a large audience, tell a story or convince people of something and they will believe you.

According to Schiller's dream book, seeing a chicken in a dream means a successful deal and an unexpected win. Perhaps you will be lucky in a lottery or some kind of gambling and will win a prize in a drawing.

A plucked chicken carcass without feathers dreams of a big holiday, a party with many noisy guests. If at the same time fluff is in the air, then a large number of pleasant gifts await you.

Why do you dream about chickens laying eggs? Freshly laid eggs can mean entering into an inheritance, or a lottery win, unexpected profit. Get ready for pleasant events and big purchases.


A bird without a head dreams of bad events in life. Perhaps there is an enemy lurking in your circle, and betrayal awaits you. You should be more attentive to suspicious individuals who want to get closer to you and join your circle. They can pursue their goal.

If you dream of smoked chicken, then this is a sign of bad influence of magical forces from the outside. This way, strong spells can be cast on you, such as a love spell or damage. This dream book also says that frying chicken is a sign of good changes in life.

Eating chicken in a dream means a well-fed and happy life. So by taste you can determine how full your life will be. If the taste in a dream is bad, then perhaps financial difficulties await you in life.

A hen that is aggressive clucks this means quarrels, in which case it is recommended to avoid any disputes. You should not enter into dialogue with aggressive people, avoid conflicts. Either way, they won't end well for you.

A lot of laying hens running and clucking means losses and tears. Perhaps the loss of a loved one or the loss of something valuable. It is worth exercising caution and canceling any planned trips until a more opportune time. Don't ignore traffic rules while on the road.

Many birds running around the yard usually mean household chores and worries about upcoming events. General cleaning or other major household chores and concerns in the house, repairs.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

If a hen hatches a clutch of eggs, then this is a great joy. You may receive wonderful news about pregnancy. In this case, it’s worth starting to prepare for the baby’s arrival.

According to Meneghetti's dream book, a hen laying an egg will mean a great failure in business from a woman. Perhaps this is the boss at work. But if we are talking about personal matters, then most likely such a dream refers to your man’s envious person or mistress.

In a dream, killing a rooster means that you are surrounded by enemies and ill-wishers, envious people, most likely secret ones. You should be careful when communicating with unfamiliar people who are trying to get you to meet.

Catching a rooster symbolizes problems that are difficult to solve. If the bird was nevertheless caught, then success is promised to you, despite the difficulties. But a runaway rooster means huge worries and unresolved problems.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's dream book, seeing a chick means meeting in a family circle. Perhaps you are planning a celebration or holiday. Or distant relatives from another city will suddenly come to you. It could also just be a small family meeting with parents.

You can only hear the clucking of the chicken, but you cannot see it itself. Are you looking for a bird in your dream? This means the approach of problems, sadness and tears. A bad omen, signaling that you should be careful.

Seeing a chick in a dream means empty troubles that you don’t need to worry about, especially if the bird was caught. This is a clear sign that everything will work out and there is no need to worry.

Hens walk on the money or peck at it. This is most likely a signal of ill-wishers. There will be a big financial collapse in the future. Perhaps there will be a robbery, or you will be laid off at work.

If a chicken in a dream attacks another person, a guest who has just come to your house. This carries the meaning of an unkept promise. The person you relied on will not be able to fulfill his promise for personal reasons.

If a bird in the garden tramples the beds, then these are problems with other people, and they are younger than you in age. This may be related to children, for example, if you are a school teacher or educator somewhere. You may also be visited by distant relatives, who will cause a lot of trouble.

Old Russian Dream Book

If the crowing of a rooster prevents you from sleeping at night, wakes you up, then this is a sign of a cunning and insidious person next to you. He has already planned something evil and will soon carry out his plans and put them into practice.

A bad egg laid by a hen in a dream symbolizes the spread of bad rumors about you. People who envy you will spread some unpleasant news. It will turn out to be untrue, but it will be difficult to prove.

Are you dreaming of a bird farm or an egg factory? This most likely leads to career growth. A promotion or salary increase awaits you.

If a bird is rushing around the yard, then most likely you will have guests. Whether they are desired or not depends on the general environment and what is happening in the background, the general feeling of sleep.

Some female acquaintance can act as a chick. If the chicken is plucked, then the woman wishes you harm, but if she just pecks at the grain, then most likely it means your close friend who remembers you. Perhaps she will call you the very next morning.

Many different birds running around the yard mark a new acquaintance with different people. Maybe you have a work meeting or a corporate event waiting for you. Or maybe a big noisy party among friends, where strangers will also be present.

According to the ancient Russian dream book, a hen flying into your house through an open window means nothing more than a chance meeting. Most likely, you will meet a person whom you have long forgotten and who, it would seem, has left your life forever. Such a meeting can be either pleasant or not very pleasant, it depends on what happened in the dream. From the general emotional picture of the dream.

Cockfighting in a dream could mean a fight in real life. Try to avoid any conflicts and not respond to provocations. This will not lead to anything good. In such a dream, a fighting rooster means an aggressive person who will meet on your way soon.

Why do you dream of a chicken coop full of birds? Such a dream can mean many small worries and troubles that will soon fall on your head. This could be the illness of a loved one and their care. Or the arrival of guests who need to be served. Taking care of people will soon fall on your shoulders.

Stewing a chicken in a dream means one is very concerned about household affairs. Most likely, you are overloaded with things to do and thus the subconscious signals you that it is time to relax, take a break.

Why do you dream about a black chicken? A black bird that comes in a dream means the appearance of minor quarrels in the family, troubles and problems in relationships. If there are a lot of black birds, then this most likely means trouble and ruin. According to the ancient Slavic dream book, it is believed that this is a sign of drought, a bad harvest season, and famine. This dream book, where you dreamed about a black chicken, suggests that you should also be more attentive to your health. The manifestation of long-standing chronic diseases or the emergence of new ones is possible.


As you can see from this description, the symbol of a chicken in a dream has many meanings. In order to correctly interpret it, you must first of all pay attention to exactly what events occur in a dream. If there are more hectic, fast movements, then most likely the value will be negative. But a calm walk around the yard with chickens, for example, carries only positive meanings. In addition, it is worth paying attention to weather conditions. Wind and rain carry symbolism of destruction and ruin. But warm summer time or snow (but not snowfall or a whirlwind) will only have a positive effect on the overall picture of what is happening. When deciphering a dream, trust not logic, but first of all your intuition, because dreams are part of the manifestation of our subconscious.

Why do you dream about live chickens?

A dream where you see a chicken can have positive or negative connotations.

In some cultures, such a dream is a very positive sign. This dream is a sign that you will be happy and prosperity will come to your home. The chicken symbolizes creative power and fertility, as well as feminine qualities.

For Native Americans, chicken has always been associated with fertility and with ancient rituals of holiday sacrifice. Some ancient peoples performed fortune telling rituals using chicken eggs. For example, it was considered a bad omen if a hen hatched many eggs. In Christian culture, farmers rejoiced when their chickens laid eggs on Good Friday, as it was a sign of fertility and success in all areas of their lives.

A chicken can also have negative symbolism in a dream. For example, some cultures believe that seeing these birds in a dream indicates a lack of willpower or even cowardice. A chicken in a dream may indicate a lack of common sense in a certain situation or represent circumstances in which you must exercise caution and view them with skepticism.

There are many variations of the dream, and you must remember all the nuances: whether she is running or pecking grains, how many chickens you saw, and what color they were. When interpreting, all details must be taken into account.

A chicken in a dream is a woman in our subconscious: a woman is a mother, a woman is a spouse.

In women's dreams, she is interpreted as a symbol of an exemplary housewife, busy only with housework and raising children.

A woman's dream, where she sees black chicken, has a rather negative aspect and predicts troubles, bad news or sorrow for you. A red chicken is a sign of good news, and sometimes it can even be a scandal.

For a young lady a red chicken means falling in love.

Both men and women dream of white chickens for a wedding. And if the latter are already married, then the wedding will be with the children of friends or their own children.

Such a dream pregnant women dreams of the successful birth of a girl.

When men have a dream, the plot of which develops around a chicken, this is a sign of gossip and bad talk. The dream book interprets that relatives or just acquaintances slander him and give stupid advice on how to build a love relationship.

Chickens running around the garden or around the house: You will find yourself in a noisy company in a crowded place and have a good time.

You dream of one chicken in your dream; if there is a significant person in your life, expect an invitation from him, for example, on a date.

Chickens come your way everywhere, crossing the road in the middle of the street, meet on the way to school or office: you will soon receive a surprise.

To clearly feel a chicken pecking you in a dream means that your spouse or lover will find out secret information about you and will be upset, and his behavior will change towards you.

If a chicken runs away from you in a dream, you will become a participant in a big holiday or a fun feast with distant relatives whom you have not seen for a long time. The dream also marks the birth of a child.

In a dream, chickens also mean a pleasant family reunion with additional members.

One who pecks grains in a dream means that you will avoid all financial problems.

In terms of weather, chicken predicts rain.

The hen pecked the chicken: This is an alarming dream, foreshadowing a possible serious illness. You may not have seen a doctor for a long time and are not taking any preventative measures.

The chicken flock promises successful completion of the business, financial independence and huge profits.

Hunt the chicken in a dream means success awaits you in obtaining legal and easy profit.

Sleep and see: chicken climbed a tree: You will have an unexpected win.

Rubber chicken toy in your dream this means that you are very ambitious, you go straight towards your goal and you have all the traits of a leader, you are a bright star. But sometimes you may react to something like a stupid person.

Buy chicken, for example, at a fair: this means good news that you will receive very soon. The dream in which you eat chicken has the same meaning.

If you dreamed about how chicks are born, this is a reminder: your children require more care and attention than they actually receive.

Turns into a chicken in a dream: You will be healthy and happy, people around you will appreciate and respect you in your real life.

Another negative aspect of such dreams appears if you suddenly saw in them black chicken. In life, anything can happen, and the dream suggests that the time has come to give up something and sacrifice your own desires and needs.

Chicken on the roost: joy in business, happiness in love.

Hen's crest: remorse and fears.

Miller's Dream Book

You will be busy with family affairs and pleasant meetings with relatives. Comfort and peace will reign in your home.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

means sad news.

White predicts good news.

Brown - promises money.

Clucking promises exciting gossip, and if chickens peck, it means you can return and start something again.

The laying hen indicates prosperity.

Killing a chicken predicts ups and downs.

Psychoanalytically, chickens in a dream can represent acceptance of the potential for growth. It can also mean a desire to belong to some group, for women it is usually a reflection of her true purpose - maternal love and procreation.

Such a symbol in a dream can also represent character traits such as stupidity and cowardice in a person.

Regardless of what kind of dream you had, whether it was bad or not, you should live with pleasure and notice only positive aspects in everything.

Even if the dream is too disturbing and negative, it gives a positive charge to think about the future.

People quickly get used to the things they encounter every day and stop noticing them. Therefore, dreams with such things usually do not arouse keen interest. Meanwhile, everyday things can tell the dreamer a lot.

For example, a person may dream of chickens. What associations will such a dream cause? Most people won't even remember it. Only people who have previously seen yellow chicks only a few times will be interested in such a dream.

They will associate chickens with village life, bustling life, clean air and tranquility. Pleasant associations, but dream books allow you to find out exactly what such a dream means.

Why do you dream about small chickens?

A lot of little chicks in a dream, according to most dream books, portends numerous troubles. But more often than not, such a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously without taking into account the features of the dream.

Chicken feather color

Any detail of the dream is important for an accurate interpretation of the dream. Of particular importance is chicken color.

  • People with poor health may dream of a small chicken with yellow feathers. Such a dream indicates that the body’s strength is running out. It is imperative to visit a doctor to prevent the possible development of the disease.
  • A black chicken can be dreamed of by people who in reality have a lot of things to do that need to be completed. Such a dream speaks of the need to overcome stagnation in life and take the path of progress. This dream encourages action.
  • A chicken of a non-standard color can be dreamed of by a person who is always looking for something. Such a dream portends good life changes.
  • Why do you dream of a gray chicken? This is a sure sign of the need to search for the source of mental tossing. After such a dream, a person is recommended to seek help from a specialist.

Appearance and condition of the chicks

To correctly interpret a dream, you must remember as many of its details as possible.

Why do you dream about dead chickens?

Many people get very scared when they dream death of a person or animal. In fact, such dreams have nothing to do with death, but indicate possible troubles. In fact, these are dreams - harbingers. If you respond to them in time, you can avoid problems.

  • A dead chicken seen in a dream indicates the dreamer's emotional vulnerability. Someone from your inner circle wants to take advantage of this feature of the human psyche to solve their own, not always good, problems. The dreamer is advised to avoid conflict situations if possible.
  • A dying chick in a dream represents close relationships between people. This is a symbol of some kind of crisis and quarrels. It indicates a fading interest between close people. If the dreamer cares about his soulmate, then he needs to be more patient.

What did the chickens do in the dream?

To correctly interpret a dream, you need to remember not only the characteristics of the dreamed object, but also actions that were carried out with him, or, if it is a living object, he performed it himself.

Why do you dream of a hen with chicks?

Many chickens with chicken in a dream indicate an imminent arrival of expected guests. The troubles associated with this will be pleasant for the dreamer.

You can also dream of a hen with chicks as an addition to the family.

If the dreamer saw a chicken sitting on eggs in a dream, then in reality he will get rich.

In addition, a hen with chicks in some dream books is interpreted as a symbol of the upcoming wedding.

Dream interpretation of chicken with chicks

A hen with chicks seen in a dream can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, these are joyful events and fun, and on the other, strife and separation. The details of the dream will help us correctly interpret this plot.

Your behavior

Hen and chicks symbolize troubles and missed opportunities.

It is important for each of us that peace and prosperity reign in his home. For family people, a hen with her chicks indicates a properly organized home life. You are happy and loved, and your household communicates with each other like close friends.

For single people, what they see in a dream promises a quick marriage and the birth of children.

Watch the hen with her chicks

This plot is dreamed of pleasant troubles and worries. Perhaps distant relatives or friends from your youth will come to visit you. The house will be filled with laughter and fun. The dream book advises you to warmly welcome those who come, even if the visit turns out to be unexpected for you.

Mother hen with babies

Roosters appearing on the horizon can signal a treacherous enemy or a worthy opponent. If in a dream roosters attack a hen with a brood, then in reality you will have to defend the interests of your own family.

See the hen

Your efforts will not be in vain, and hard work will definitely bear fruit. The dream is considered positive and encouraging.

A woman sees a lot of chickens in a dream

You will soon become a mother. Long-awaited dreams will come true!

For free girls, a hen with a large brood of chicks portends anxiety and fuss.. You should think about your own purpose. It may happen that a young lady seeks to hide from the outside world and is afraid to express herself. However, remember: hiding behind the structure of everyday life, there is a high probability of losing your own “I”.

Version for men

For men, a flock of chickens led by a mother hen promises profit, successful business, and financial stability. If a person working in the banking industry has a dream, then he will definitely be able to conclude a very profitable deal and move up the career ladder, which many will not be happy about.

Why dream of feeding a family of chickens? And besides, you are a very wise and experienced mentor. Young and still “green” colleagues need your knowledge and skills. Be patient and be sure to pass on your skills to them . Never refuse help!

Feeding a brood in a dream

Catching a fluffy brood

The dreamer devotes himself entirely to something that is not what he would like. You constantly have to put in a lot of effort for meager and not worth the results. The dream book advises you to think about changing your job and stop doing ignoble work.

Why do you dream of collecting chickens?

If in a dream you have to put baby chickens in a cage again and again, then in reality you are incredibly tired of routine and everyday hassle.

  • The chickens have scattered around the house - you need a break from household obligations.
  • Fluffy balls are scattered throughout the yard - the sleeping person lacks quiet time and privacy.

The birth of chicks

Seeing chicken eggs in a dream means difficulties. It will take a long time before you achieve your goals. The dreamer should decide what his soul really is about and do one thing.

Do you want to know why you dream about a hatched chicken? The project that you have been nurturing like your own child will soon be realized. However, for this, the dream book advises mobilizing all your best qualities: hard work, determination, resourcefulness and sociability.

Seeing hatching in a dream

Eggs from which chickens have just hatched indicate that there are many vulnerable and touchy people around you. They can be touched to the core by a thoughtless phrase or a word thrown into their hearts.

Seeing eggs mixed with chickens in a dream means the need to show concern for others. Eggs symbolize fragility. You should become more attentive and sensitive towards your family. They will need your support more than ever.

Why do you dream about a hen with chicks according to dream books?

When starting to decipher a dream, you should not be guided by the opinion of just one dream interpreter. Be sure to check out other views on what you saw during your stay in the kingdom of Morpheus.

Miller's Dream Book and its interpretation

Seeing a chicken means a new addition to the family and a pleasant time with your loved ones.

Eating small chickens or eggs means becoming a hostage to your own selfishness. Your business will be shaken, and there will be a rush at work. Relationships with the opposite sex will be in a suspended, uncertain state.

Miller's dream book gives a couple more interpretations of similar scenes seen in a dream:

  • seeing a chicken brood means pleasant troubles;
  • hearing a chicken clucking is a serious illness of a loved one;
  • stumble upon eggs - witness someone else's conflict;
  • barely born chicks next to a hen - good luck in business and endeavors;
  • the brood enters the chicken coop in the evening - your enemies are not asleep and are plotting evil deeds against you.

Position of the modern dream book

Seeing eggs in a nest in a dream

This dream book believes that dreaming about a family of birds means unexpected profits. The main thing is not to scare away luck and show restraint.

Seeing eggs is a sign of long-awaited news from distant relatives. The news will certainly be pleasant.

White chickens promise the dreamer a prosperous and well-fed existence, which many will envy. However, a rich life will not come easy to you. To become wealthy, you will have to work very hard and persistently, not only mentally, but also physically. The dream book advises to ignore envious people and not enter into conflicts with them.

Dream Interpretation Maya

Dreaming about birds means wealth.

Plucking a chicken means disappointment in your own work. You need to take a break and rethink everything that is happening in your life. Perhaps the dreamer really should change his field of employment.

Eggs can also dream of unresolved problems. The dream interpreter recommends putting all your efforts into eliminating minor troubles that prevent you from breathing deeply.

Shereminskaya's conclusion

The chicken symbolizes an unexpected guest, whose appearance on the threshold of the house will be perceived with hostility.

Seeing chickens pecking at grain means money. The coming days will become truly “golden” for you.

Try to see only positive moments in every dream and live with firm faith in a wonderful future.

A chicken in a dream can have a dual meaning.

  1. On the one hand, it symbolizes homeliness and thriftiness.
  2. On the other hand, pettiness, fussiness and squabbles.

Let's look at the description from the dream books in more detail.

  • If the chicken is alive, with beautiful plumage, you can expect family happiness and prosperity.
  • If a chicken is accompanied by chicks in a dream, this means minor troubles. The dream warns - do not waste time and energy on trifles, use it for more important things.

There are other interpretations for young girls

  1. Thus, chickens can represent home, which means that the girl should soon expect the appearance of her own family.
  2. Also see a hen with chicks in a dream– means the likelihood of receiving protection from a strong person. But in order not to scare him away, you should hold back your ambitions and remain calm.
  • According to the dream book, a hen with chicks (21st century dream book) can also mean excessive worry about your own children. This means that you need to calm down and not worry for no reason.
  • The Medea dream book claims that such a dream gives a signal that your parents are very worried about you, and, quite possibly, not without reason. Talk to your family, reassure them.
  • According to Hasse’s dream book, a chicken with chicks for an unmarried woman is a signal that very soon she will have a loved one, as well as her own children.
  • According to Vanga’s dream book, this is a signal to expect pleasant worries and troubles.

Chickens are just as adorable as other small animals and birds. Different dream books interpret the appearance of these chicks in a dream in their own way.

  1. Freud's dream book warns - it's time to think about your own health. And if a woman feeds a chicken in a dream, then in the near future she will have to meet a young man who is inexperienced in intimate matters.
  2. An intimate dream book interprets this symbol as a signal of imminent anxieties and love experiences. A hatched chick can signal the beginning of a long romance, which will require considerable patience from the woman.

If in a dream you want to lock chickens in a chicken coop, perhaps a conspiracy is being hatched against you.

If you dream of dead chickens, there may be failures in love, big quarrels with your partner, and even divorce.

And eating chickens in a dream means that in the near future you will become infatuated with a man much younger than you and bring upon yourself problems and difficulties.

  • According to the esoteric dream book, you devote too much energy to small chores that do not deserve your attention. It is worth turning your attention to more significant problems.
  • According to the gypsy dream book, seeing chicks in a dream means you should expect income and profit. And if you feed chicks, then troubles and failures are possible.
  • According to the dream book of the “Modern Woman,” eating chicken in a dream means the manifestation of selfishness and ambition in life. It’s worth calming down and reconsidering your views on life.
  • According to Aesop's dream book, you should not rush to conclusions after seeing chickens in a dream. Such a dream may indicate that there is a weak and helpless person in your life who needs help. If the chick drinks water, then in real life you run the risk of incorrectly assessing this or that problem and rushing to conclusions. A chick trying to fly is a symbol of good news.

Many women often wonder - Why do you dream about a chicken hatching from an egg?. This symbol can be interpreted in different ways. First of all, this is a signal about the emergence of new opportunities in your life.

If the chick hatched successfully, then life’s affairs will turn out successfully. And if a lot of chickens have hatched, then troubles await you, although most likely pleasant ones.

Well, if a girl dreamed of black chickens, difficulties and problems are soon possible, in solving which you can only rely on yourself.

Seeing a brood of chickens in a dream means troubles and worries. However, some of them will benefit you.

Very small or barely grown chickens portend successful endeavors that will require physical endurance from you.

Seeing chickens entering the chicken coop in the evening means that your enemies are plotting evil against you.

Eating chickens in a dream is a sign that selfishness will harm your good name. Affairs and love relationships will continue to be in an unreliable, risky state.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Chickens

A brood of chickens dreams of troubles and worries. However, some of them will benefit you.

Dreaming of tiny chickens foreshadows successful endeavors that will require physical endurance from you.

If in a dream you went into a chicken coop and saw chickens there, then be prepared for the fact that your enemies are plotting some kind of evil against you.

I dreamed of a small, yellow chicken - take care of your health. You are too careless about your body and you may end up getting sick.

If in your dream you ate chicken, then you should moderate your selfishness. Someday he will greatly harm your good name. As for your official affairs and love relationships, they will still not be particularly reliable.

Interpretation of dreams from