All about milk and dairy-free buckwheat porridge “Malyutka”: advantages and disadvantages, how to breed, how to introduce infants into complementary feeding. Porridge “Malyutka”: review of the range, reviews Types of dairy-free porridges

The introduction of complementary feeding and, in general, the introduction of children to adult food is a fairly long and extremely responsible process. Products following breast milk should not lead to negative reactions - intestinal upset, allergic conditions and poor absorption of food.

Porridge is one of the best options for nutritious nutrition for babies.

However, it is not easy to understand their diversity: gluten and gluten-free, dairy and dairy-free, corn and buckwheat - which of them are best to prepare, when to introduce and give the mixture, with which one, which manufacturers to give preference to. All these nuances should be considered in more detail.

Introducing porridge into complementary foods usually begins in the second half of life, provided breastfeeding and normal weight gain. Artificial babies receive the mixture at 4.5 months.

Porridges are also indicated for persistent rotavirus infections accompanied by diarrhea. For such babies, high-calorie nutrition is necessary, which is what porridge is considered to be.

Optimally, the vegetable mixture should be introduced first, and only then it is time for the second feeding. Cereals begin to be given approximately a month after the introduction of vegetable puree.

There are 5 main “symptoms” by which parents can understand that it is time to prepare porridge for the baby:

  • the child begins to teethe;
  • he is already sitting confidently in his high chair;
  • he or a mixture;
  • he shows interest in adult nutrition;
  • he is able to lick liquid food from a spoon and swallow.

If these signs are combined, it means that the baby is potentially ready to introduce porridge as the first complementary food. It remains to determine which products are the best for infants.

The best porridges for initial feeding are considered gluten-free porridges - buckwheat, corn or rice. It is better to leave dishes made from rolled oats, wheat or semolina for later, since these cereals contain a probable allergen - the cereal protein gluten.

Children in infancy do not digest this food component well; they experience gas and abdominal pain. This problem is associated with a lack of special enzymes that perform the function of breaking down gluten in the body.

Porridges for the first feeding are divided according to a variety of reasons, so parents will be able to choose the best and most suitable products for the child:

The following products can also be classified as porridge:

  • Welling – cereal-milk mixture, which resembles a very thin porridge, can be given to an infant who does not tolerate thick food well;
  • instant cookies– hard slices easily dissolve in milk, and the resulting mixture resembles a thin porridge in consistency;
  • porridge muesli– the product contains fruit additives and pieces of cookies, which will help a 9-month-old child quickly master the ability to chew food.

What should be the best porridge for initial feeding? The best way to get acquainted is dairy-free, gluten-free, mono-component porridge without additives, cooked from buckwheat, corn or rice.

The composition of each cereal is unique, so baby nutrition experts have developed their own recommendations that take into account the order of introduction of cereals, serving sizes and other important nuances.

Having chosen one cereal, you should cook it for your child for 2 weeks. When children's tummies get used to the new food product, the next type of cereal can be introduced.

Many mothers are not sure what is best for the baby: giving cereal purchased at the pharmacy or preparing it themselves.

For example, WHO notes that commercially produced porridge should be used for initial feeding, since it has several advantages:

  • quick cooking (only takes a few minutes);
  • easy digestibility;
  • balanced composition, also enriched with useful microelements;
  • homogeneous consistency, does not thicken after cooling;
  • absence of salts, harmful dyes and additional components (of course, this is typical for the best manufacturers);
  • multilateral quality control;
  • a special manufacturing technique that makes the product easier to swallow and assimilate.

The advantages of baby cereals prepared at home include:

  • greater naturalness of products;
  • saving money, since children's dairy products are quite expensive;
  • homemade porridge simplifies the transition to an adult diet.

When it comes to complementary feeding, you should focus on the child. Children's impressions when feeding, the baby's appetite will tell parents which porridge is best - homemade or purchased.

How to cook?

If industrially produced cereal is used, then the question of how to cook porridge practically does not arise, since the technique for creating the dish is indicated directly on the packaging.

Most often, the dry mixture is poured with boiled water (you should carefully monitor the temperature) and stirred until completely dissolved. You should prepare porridge right before eating, following the following recommendations:

  1. Baby porridge, offered to an infant for the first time, must be five percent (consumption of 5 grams per 100 milliliters of water). This is the best product consistency for initial feeding. Then the porridge will be 10%.
  2. You need to start with a minimum volume - a teaspoon. It is best to “arm yourself” with silicone cutlery, suitable for children’s sensitive gums.
  3. The best introduced porridge is pureed, gluten-free, dairy-free, made from buckwheat or rice. You need to make sure that the resulting dish is free of lumps and other inclusions. After feeding the porridge, the baby is given breast milk or the usual formula.
  4. Gradually the portion of the gruel increases - by about a teaspoon per day. Over the course of a week, you should increase the volume of the dish to 150 grams (this applies to a 6-month-old child), then the single serving will only grow:
    • seven months – 160 grams;
    • eight months - 180 grams;
    • year – 200 grams.

If you are going to cook the porridge on your own, the proportions and rules described above remain in effect. Just don’t forget to grind the cereal before cooking to avoid lumps, which the baby will not approve of, and then you can add milk formula or mother’s milk to the dish.

Rating of the best cereals

Baby porridge is an extremely popular product, so you can buy products from various companies and manufacturers on the domestic market.

When choosing the best dairy-free or gluten-free cereals, you should take into account not only the reviews of other mothers, but also the opinion of the best independent “specialist” - your own child.

An interesting assessment of industrial cereals was given in the popular program “Test Purchase”. We must pay tribute to all manufacturers - no unsafe impurities were found in the cereals, but only two companies made it into the rating: Heinz and Bebi.

Cooked products from other companies, including the popular Malyutka porridge, contained unpleasant lumps.

So, we suggest that you take a more detailed and thorough look at the rating of the best baby cereals with which you should start feeding small children, as well as reviews from parents that will help you understand which mixtures you should avoid.

1. Heinz

Experts are confident that the best porridges are found in the product line of these manufacturers.

Parents will be able to choose baby food based on the age and needs of the child.

There are many cereals sold in pharmacies and stores:

  • dairy-free with additives;
  • with milk;
  • low-allergenic dairy-free;
  • delicacies (multi-grain with fruit).

Heinz porridge is easy to prepare – just dilute it in some water.

This baby formula is non-clumpy, has a pleasant taste and is relatively inexpensive. However, reviews from parents show that the consistency of some products does not always resemble traditional porridge.

Heinz dairy-free First Oat porridge with prebiotics (from 5 months) 180 g

2. Baby

Some of the best low-sucrose cereals are produced by this company.

Manufacturers offer a wide range of different products for all age groups.

Parents will be able to please their child with cereals:

  • dairy-free (both “pure” and containing fruit);
  • dairy (rice with berries and nuts);
  • low-allergenic dairy-free with prebiotics (belong to the premium class);
  • premium dairy products (mono-component and multi-component).

Many mothers choose Malyutka porridge for their little ones. And this is not surprising; more than one generation of kids has grown up with them. The choice of parents is based on the high quality of the industrial product, which is excellent not only for first feeding, but also for feeding older babies.

“Malyutka” contains only natural and beneficial substances, as well as a complex of minerals and vitamins. Porridges are perfectly absorbed by small organisms, as they are made from an adapted milk mixture. And no less important, kids love this porridge very much because it has an excellent taste.

Features of the first complementary feeding

Of course, how and what to feed your baby during the first feeding should be guided by the pediatrician’s recommendations. For early complementary feeding Cereals that do not contain gluten protein (buckwheat, rice and corn) are ideal. Buckwheat contains a large amount of iron, so buckwheat porridge is given to toddlers with a low level of hemoglobin in the blood. Cereals will be even more useful if prunes are added to it.

Buckwheat porridge can be given as early as 5 months, and by 6 months other cereals are gradually added. Consisting of several components, it is recommended to give to babies only from 8 months. During this period, you can start pampering them with porridge with prunes and other dried fruits.

In the first year of life, many children are allergic to milk protein, so the best option for complementary feeding at this age – dairy-free. In addition, baby food without milk protein is useful for children who are overweight. Another important point is that a dairy-free product naturally accustoms the child to the natural taste of cereals.

Assortment of porridges “Malyutka”

Pediatricians often recommend starting the first complementary foods with cereal porridges. They will be especially useful for active and energetic children who sometimes have trouble gaining weight. So, from the assortment you can choose gluten-free and dairy-free rice, corn or buckwheat porridge. If the child eats it with pleasure and there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then you can safely add seven-grain porridge or oat-wheat porridge to the menu.

The range of milk porridges "Malyutka" is very wide, but the following cereals can be purchased at pharmacy chains or specialty stores:

  1. Regular wheat and wheat with banana or pumpkin. Wheat cereal contains carbohydrates, proteins, and potassium. Various vegetable and fruit supplements help normalize the proper functioning of the stomach and intestines.
  2. Corn and rice.
  3. Multigrain. The product contains millet, wheat, rye, rice, barley, oats, corn and vitamins. But there is also a version of this porridge with other cereals and additives (fruits, cookies, honey).
  4. Buckwheat-rice with apricot. The porridge has an excellent taste and is sure to please even the pickiest toddlers. It is also rich in vitamins and microelements.
  5. Regular buckwheat and buckwheat with prunes. The prune supplement improves the child’s intestinal function.
  6. Oatmeal and oatmeal with fruit. Oatmeal contains a whole range of useful components that are necessary for the proper development and growth of the baby.
  7. Rice. This product is ideal for children who have digestive disorders.

Types of buckwheat porridge “Malyutka”

Buckwheat is considered slightly allergenic, so it is recommended to start the first complementary foods with it. In addition, it contains B vitamins, beneficial amino acids and minerals, which are simply necessary for the full development of the baby’s body. Buckwheat porridge "Malyutka" can be included in the baby's diet from 4 months.

Types of buckwheat porridge “Malyutka”:

Dairy-free and dairy-free buckwheat porridge “Malyutka”

These two types are considered the most popular; mothers give them to their children more often than others. Why they are so useful, we will consider further.

Characteristics of dairy-free porridge

Nutritional value of dairy-free buckwheat porridge (375 kcal) per 100 grams:

  • proteins – 11.4 g;
  • fats – 2.7;
  • carbohydrates – 76.4 g.

One package contains 200 grams of product.

Little porridge - native porridge from our native fields! Our recipes are based on selected cereals from the Russian fields of Altai, Stavropol, Krasnodar, grown and selected to high quality standards. When creating our porridges, Nutricia specialists were inspired by the nature of the Russian regions. Each serving contains proteins, vitamins and minerals necessary for development, as well as carbohydrates that give the baby energy for growth.

Malyutka porridge is all the power of Russia for tasty and high-quality complementary feeding for your baby. “1 spoon. A caring start."

  • Native porridge from native fields
  • Energy for growth
  • No preservatives
  • No added sugar or salt
  • With vitamins and minerals
  • Low allergenic
  • Gluten Free

Milk-free dry instant buckwheat porridge, low-allergenic Malyutka, for feeding children from 4 months, in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan. For optimal growth, development and health of the baby, the World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life and subsequent introduction of complementary foods while breastfeeding continues. Nutricia fully supports these recommendations.

Consult a specialist before using the product.

  • For baby food.
  • It is recommended to cook the porridge immediately before consumption.
  • Never use leftover prepared food for later feeding.
  • When introducing complementary foods, it is recommended to teach the child to eat it from a spoon.
  • Close the packaging carefully after each preparation.
  • It is not allowed to be administered to children who are allergic to any component included in the product.

Feeding table:

  • from 4 months - up to 150 ml,
  • from 8 months - 180 ml,
  • from 9 months - 200 ml.

The secret of making Malyutka porridge:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing baby food.
  2. Pour 150 ml of boiled water, cooled to a temperature of 50 ° C, into a clean bowl.
  3. Treat the spoon with boiling water. Using a dry tablespoon, gradually add 22 g of dry porridge (approximately 2.5 tablespoons), stirring continuously.
  4. It is recommended to use a fork to stir the porridge.
  5. Before giving porridge to your child, make sure its temperature is 36-37 °C.

Compound: buckwheat flour, maltodextrin, vitamin-mineral premix (contains minerals (Ca, Fe, Zn, Cu, I), vitamins (C, E, niacin, A, D3, K, pantothenic acid, B12, B1, biotin, B6, folic acid, B2)), Ca (calcium carbonate).

Contains sugars of natural origin.

The nutritional value*

Indicator name

100 gdry porridge

100 g ready-to-eat porridge

Energy value, kcal (kJ)

Carbohydrates, g

Incl. dietary fiber, g


100 g of ready-to-eat porridge contains (% of the daily intake for Russia/Kazakhstan):

Calcium (Ca), mg

Sodium (Na), mg

Iron (Fe), mg

Zinc (Zn), mg

Copper (Cu), mg

Iodine (I), µg


Vitamin A, mEq

Vitamin D 3, mcg

Vitamin E, mEq

Vitamin K, mcg

Vitamin C, mg

Niacin, mg

Vitamin B 1, mg

Vitamin B 2, mg

Pantothenic acid, mg

Vitamin B 6, mg

Folic acid, mcg

Vitamin B 12, mcg

biotin, mcg

*Average values

Storage conditions: The shelf life of an unopened package is 18 months. Store unopened packaging at temperatures from 1 °C to 25 °C and relative humidity not exceeding 75%. After opening the package, store the product in a cool, dry place, but not in the refrigerator, tightly closed, for no more than 3 weeks.