What kind of pearl barley is there? Pearl barley - benefits, harm and the right recipe. Learning to choose cereals

Pearl barley was once a delicacy, highly valued for its nutritional and beneficial features, they called her pearl grains. Over time, the product spread everywhere, became familiar and accessible, lost its former popularity and was actively used only in the diet of soldiers. And quite recently it was replaced there with buckwheat. Has pearl barley really lost its value?

About the benefits of pearl porridge:

  1. The dish is rich in fiber, which is indispensable for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, is involved in digestion and cleansing of the body, and is a natural sorbent.
  2. The cereal is rich in selenium and is powerful antioxidant.
  3. Barley porridge useful for coughs. The mucus contained in the dish helps cleanse the bronchi, envelops the walls of the alveoli and trachea, thereby increasing their protective functions and helps repel bacteria.
  4. Pearl barley is a leader among other cereals in terms of phosphorus content. This item improves brain activity, necessary for people engaged in mental work.
  5. The mucus formed when cooking pearl barley porridge is useful for stomach diseases, helps relieve inflammation, and promotes the healing of ulcers.
  6. Lysine is involved in collagen synthesis. Therefore, pearl barley porridge can be safely called a dish of beauty. Anyone who eats it at least 2 times a week stays young longer.
  7. Porridge helps you lose weight. The calorie content of the dish is low, while the product has a high nutritional value, suppresses hunger well and satisfies for a long time.
  8. Pearl barley is an unusual cereal that differs from other cereals in its high protein content. This element is necessary for building and maintaining muscles. Cereals should be included in the diet of people involved in sports and leading active image life.

Pearl barley contains vitamins B, A, PP, E. The following microelements are also present: chromium, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, nickel. All these substances are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, regardless of the age and gender of a person.

Video: Elena Malysheva about pearl barley

How to choose grains and store them

Pearl barley is distinguished by numbers from 1 to 5. The higher the number, the finer the grain size. Cereal No. 2 is more suitable for soups. For porridge, it is better to purchase No. 3 and 4. The lighter and purer the grains, the better they are polished. The taste of the dish will be higher, it will cook faster, it will be light and beautiful. But much more useful is gray pearl barley, which contains more coarse fibers fiber.

What to look for when purchasing:

  1. Package. It is not advisable to purchase cereal packaged in a store by weight. A product packaged by the manufacturer is safer. The package must have a transparent window through which you can evaluate the color and type of grain.
  2. Flowability. Dry pearl barley will not stick together, form lumps, and there will be a light coating of flour on the grains.
  3. Production date, expiration date. Old cereal loses some of its beneficial properties, is tougher, and takes a long time to prepare.
  4. Impurities. How cleaner product, the less time it will take to prepare barley before cooking.

Pearl barley can be stored in sealed jars or containers in a kitchen cabinet for no more than two years. It is important not to pack the grains tightly, the grains should lie freely, it is advisable to leave an air gap. Periodically, the lid must be removed to allow the grains to ventilate.

How to cook porridge correctly

It is not possible to quickly cook pearl barley porridge from dry cereal. The grain is coarse, hard, and requires at least two hours of boiling. That is why it is recommended to soak the cereal in cold water in advance. You can do this the day before. The grains will be saturated with moisture, swell, and cook much faster. Before cooking, be sure to change the water and rinse the product: this will improve the taste of the dish.

Rules for cooking healthy porridge:

  1. Add no more than three glasses of water to the swollen cereal. If you need to cook dry grain, then the amount is doubled.
  2. Salt pearl barley porridge at the very end of cooking; you can use soy sauce for seasoning.
  3. The dish is sometimes prepared with milk, but it is added halfway through cooking.
  4. If you need to add oil to pearl barley porridge, it is better to do it in two steps. Add half at the beginning of cooking, and put the second part in the finished dish.

Interesting: In the old days in Rus', pearl barley was soaked overnight in yogurt. Then it was washed, poured cold water and cooked in the usual way. This technique is believed to increase taste qualities product.

Losing weight with pearl barley

Pearl barley porridge can be found in the diet of most different diets for weight loss. This is an essential product proper nutrition which inevitably leads to weight loss. The calorie content of dry cereal is 290 kcal, a dish cooked in water is only 100 kcal. At the same time, a serving of 150-250 g is enough to satisfy hunger. Diets based on pearl barley porridge are different, they differ in duration, severity, diet, but they all have one thing in common: satiety, cheapness and the benefits they bring to the body.

What is the value of the product for weight loss:

  1. Barley porridge prevents sharp jumps blood sugar level, satiates for a long time, prevents the appearance strong feeling hunger.
  2. The protein contained in pearl barley preserves muscle tissue.
  3. Contains practically no fat, only 2 g per 100 g of cereal.
  4. Has a low glycemic index.
  5. The product helps maintain skin elasticity, it will not sag during weight loss, and will remain young and beautiful.
  6. Pearl barley porridge is rich in plant fibers, which cleanse the intestines, which is also useful for weight loss.

Naturally, all these properties are characteristic of pearl barley porridge cooked in water, consumed without oil, meat, fatty sauces and additives. IN otherwise The calorie content of the dish increases sharply, and the benefits decrease.

Advice: To lose weight, you don’t have to eat empty porridge without spices and sauces. To improve the taste, you can supplement the dish with herbs, fresh vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products. Helps boost metabolism spicy seasonings: pepper different types, ginger.


Barley porridge contains a large number of coarse fibers and is a natural sorbent. Using this product, you can cleanse the intestines of toxins, allergens, breakdown products, improve the functioning of the organ and even get rid of constipation.

Colon cleansing rules:

  1. Eat pearl barley porridge cooked in water and fresh vegetables for 5 days. The dish is consumed for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  2. Use fruits, juices, and fermented milk products as snacks.
  3. Season the main dish only with vegetable oil, reduce the amount of salt.
  4. Drink at least 2 liters of regular water per day. Be sure to consume 200 ml 30 minutes before meals.

If it is difficult to eat pearl barley porridge in such quantities, you can partially diversify your diet with oatmeal porridge. It also helps cleanse the intestines, but is gentler.

Video: Pearl barley porridge for beauty

Harm of pearl barley and contraindications

Barley porridge is contraindicated for people on a gluten-free diet. Cereals contain this complex protein compound, which can cause serious harm to people who have celiac disease or are predisposed to the disease. It is for this reason that porridge is introduced into the diet of pregnant women with caution.

Other contraindications:

It is believed that pearl barley porridge is large quantities negatively affects potency and reduces libido. To prevent the dish from causing serious harm male body, it is undesirable to use it more than three times a week. Women can eat it more boldly and get all the benefits from the product.

Video: How to cook delicious pearl barley

Unfortunately, this cereal does not appear on our tables very often. And this despite the fact that from all sides, nutritionists and doctors of various profiles claim the enormous usefulness of this culture. It's about about pearl barley, a cereal obtained from barley. With its help you can cook a lot various dishes, including cereals, soups. But not everyone likes it; the taste of the culture is usually blamed for this. But the problem is only one thing - we don’t know how to cook it. In any case, those of us who complain and reproach the cereal. Therefore, we invite you to take a short tour together of the story about this product. Let's consider in detail - what are the benefits and harms of pearl barley for the human body, can expectant mothers eat it, and at what age should it be fed? healthy cereal your baby. Let’s also clarify whether it’s true that pearl barley has a great effect on male potency, and if so, why?

History of pearl barley

The name “pearl” itself comes from the Latin “pearl”, that is, pearl. Indeed, in its raw form, the cereal is covered with a light pearlescent coating and is shaped like this precious mineral. Pearl pearls are produced from barley. With the help of technological processing, it is removed upper layer– the hymen undergoes the process of grinding and polishing.

An interesting fact: our ancient ancestors, no less than us, sought to include only healthy foods in their diet. Barley was among the best. Before the gladiators went out to fight, they for a long time They fed them porridge from cereals, including pearl barley. Pythagoras also wrote about the product, who, in turn, often organized diets with pearl barley. He claimed that thanks to pearl barley, a person’s memory, intelligence, concentration of mind improves, and gives energy and vigor.

When was pearl barley cultivated?

The culture is included in the list of the most ancient. In its wild form, it was used as food 20 thousand years ago. After 10 thousand years, they began to cultivate it, since the product turned out to be completely unpretentious and gave an excellent harvest. Barley is not afraid of cold weather and easily tolerates temperature changes, high humidity and heat. Can grow in poor soil. Suitable for preparing porridges and soups for people, it is also an excellent healthy food for livestock. In ancient times, pearl barley was a kind of measure of the well-being of a family and even a unit for calculation.

Few people know that in Rus' this culture was called “royal” and meant not only healing, but also taste benefits. In those years they understood a lot about natural food and knew how to cook amazing dishes from pearl barley. Not a single meal was complete without it, not only everyday, but festive.

Affordable cereals were popular both in rich houses and in the huts of the poor. Pearl barley was popular among doctors; it was prepared in hospitals and clinics so that patients would quickly regain their strength and recover.

Types of pearl barley

We already know that pearl barley is ground and polished barley grains. There are three types of cereals and when choosing, you need to rely on the following characteristics:

  1. Dutch is a variety that cooks much faster than other types. These are whole grains, freed from the bone and rolled into a ball using special machines. In soups and porridges, the cereal turns out tender and juicy.
  2. Ordinary pearl barley is whole grains without bran, intended for the preparation of casseroles, porridges, and soups.
  3. Barley (popularly called yachka) is crushed grains of barley, which are also used for cooking soups, porridges and making casseroles.

Chemical composition of pearl barley

Now let's start with a brief study of the composition of the product. The value of pearl barley is difficult to overestimate and you will understand why. We suggest viewing the list of components. So, pearl barley consists of:

Dietary fiber, water, ash, protein, carbohydrates and fat.

The cereal contains micro and macroelements: bromine, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, molybdenum, iron, potassium, calcium, selenium, manganese, sodium, fluorine, magnesium, copper.

Important: 100 grams of boiled product contains 121 kilocalories, in its raw form only 100 kilocalories.

As for vitamins, there is a whole arsenal of them: choline (B4), beta-carotene (A), phylloquinone (K), thiamine (B1), folic acid(B9), riboflavin (B2), pyridoxine (B6), niacin (PP or B3), pantothenic acid(AT 5).

Barley is a filling grain, just eat it small portion and for a long time the feeling of hunger will not bother you. It contains a large amount of carbohydrates and dietary fiber, which the body spends a lot of energy digesting. This means that cereal is an excellent dietary product.

Useful and medicinal qualities of pearl barley

In addition to micro, macroelements, vitamins, cereals contain amino acids. According to scientists, it is a champion in the content of these essential substances for the body: tryptophan, leucine, threonine, isoleucine, lysine, cystine, methionine, tyrosine, phenialalline, arginine, valine, histidine, alanine. Glutamic, aspartic acids, serine, proline and glycine are also present.

  1. Lysine takes part in the production of natural collagen, a substance due to which the skin does not age for a long time, wrinkles do not appear, and the tone of all is maintained. internal systems and organs. This substance has antiviral properties and successfully copes with various microbes, including herpes.
  2. The amount of fiber in cereals is dominated by the well-known wheat grain. It has a mild laxative effect and relieves constipation, removes waste and toxins from the body. Fibers also reduce the level bad cholesterol in human blood.
  3. Pearl barley contains protein that is much more valuable than wheat.
  4. Vitamin D promotes calcium synthesis and strengthens teeth, hair, and improves skin condition.
  5. Pearl barley is a champion in the content of the antioxidant selenium. This component is vital, as it supports the immune system, endocrine and nervous system, prevents the development of cardiovascular, inflammatory and cancer diseases.

    Interesting fact: scientists decided to study the water in which pearl barley was soaked. A unique substance was identified in it - hordecin, which has an antibiotic, antifungal, and wound-healing effect.

  6. Decoctions of pearl barley are used as an antispasmodic, diaphoretic, bactericidal and diuretic. In former times, folk healers successfully treated with a decoction colds, dry and nonproductive cough, negative processes in the mammary glands and constipation.
  7. As dietary nutrition After operations or serious illnesses, you need to prepare the “sloppy” porridge. The mucus of the product envelops the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and acts as an antibiotic and relaxant. Thus, the microflora is rehabilitated, peristalsis and stool are regulated.
  8. Barley decoction has been used for many centuries to increase milk volume in a nursing mother.
  9. The product is a blood purifier and is used for poisoning, radiation sickness etc.
  10. The decoction is included in the diet as additional treatment oncological diseases at an early stage. The composition helps regulate metabolic processes, which is very useful for obesity.
  11. Due to its light carbohydrate content and minimum calories, pearl barley is indicated for diabetes, gallbladder disease, and the presence of stones.
  12. The cleansing properties of cereals allow you to cleanse the body and minimize allergic diseases.
  13. Thanks to its laxative effect, pearl barley both treats and prevents hemorrhoids and the occurrence of cracks in the rectum.
  14. Porridge or decoction is used for infectious and colds as an antipyretic and tonic product.
  15. Doctors strongly advise including pearl barley in the menu if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as it contains antacids - the best fighters against negative microflora and bacteria. The product is useful for pancreatitis, colitis, ulcerative processes, gastritis.
  16. The vitamin A content allows you to improve vision, hearing, hair, nails, teeth and skin.
  17. Pearl barley successfully reduces the level of bad cholesterol, which is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Many of us mistakenly believe that to improve blood composition and increase hemoglobin, we need to eat only red foods. For this reason, we often lean on the exotic and expensive garnet. We hasten to please everyone, pearl barley contains substances that will no less effectively improve blood, its quality, and increase the number of red cells. Besides this product It is much cheaper and is hypoallergenic.

Is it possible to eat pearl barley during pregnancy?

When preparing for motherhood, a woman must be aware of all her actions. In addition to regularly visiting a gynecologist and following his recommendations, you need to pay close attention to your diet. And among healthy products Pearl barley must occupy the top positions.

The benefits of pearl barley for a pregnant woman

We already know that the composition of barley grains is a true storehouse of valuable vitamins, micro and macroelements, amino acids, etc. A large amount of potassium and phosphorus is an excellent chance to obtain “building” materials for the fetus naturally. Thanks to folic acid, they prevent birth defects in the embryo, since this substance forms the nervous system. Therefore, doctors unanimously repeat that pearl barley and its derivatives are not only allowed, but should be consumed by women in an “interesting” position, the main thing is to know when to stop!

  1. The product is highly nutritious and nourishes the body. This allows the pregnant woman not to gain excess weight and at the same time receive important components.
  2. The cereal has a low calorie content, which also prevents excess weight.
  3. Fiber effectively cleanses the body, eliminating toxins and waste.
  4. Phosphorus regulates the baby's metabolism.
  5. B vitamins, folic acid and other substances are involved in the process of hematopoiesis, hemoglobin production, and replenish energy reserves.
  6. Calcium and phosphorus are the “building blocks” in the structure of muscle and bone structure fetus
  7. Tocopherol - vitamin E increases blood circulation and supplies oxygen to all cells.
  8. Retinol increases protective forces body, protects against colds and infections.
  9. Niacin - PP has a beneficial effect on the nerves, eliminates tearfulness and irritability in a pregnant woman, and also reduces the level of bad cholesterol.
  10. Barley has a diuretic property, prevents swelling and removes excess fluid from the body.

Important: barley porridge and soups should only be consumed warm.

What harm can pearl barley cause?

Pearl barley is great product, but even it has some “disadvantages” that should be paid special attention to.

  1. The product contains gluten, which can cause an allergic reaction.
  2. Excessive consumption can cause calcium to be washed out of the body.

Important: you should not include pearl barley in the menu if you have an individual intolerance.

As we see, special contraindications no, and an allergic reaction occurred in very in rare cases. So feel free to prepare delicious porridge and enrich your body with valuable components. And we will definitely tell you the recipes a little later.

Is it possible to feed a child pearl barley?

This question in Lately began to meet more and more often. The reason for this is the growing popularity of cereals thanks to active actions nutritionists. They constantly trumpet from all television screens that pearl barley has been undeservedly forgotten, it is useful and valuable product. Therefore, we hasten to answer - it will not harm the child in any way if you follow the recommendations.

Important: pearl barley is difficult to digest, so you can’t include it in your baby’s menu before the age of 3!

You can replace pearl barley for use up to a year with a barley, also in stores in the departments baby food Cereals that have undergone certain processing are sold. It boils quickly and does not create problems with the children's stomach.

You need to start feeding your baby in tiny portions. Give the boiled, almost liquid porridge and pay attention to whether there are any negative processes after consumption. Allergic reaction manifests itself through:

  • redness of the skin anywhere on the skin;
  • rash (urticaria);
  • swelling;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • headache, etc.

It is better to cook cereals in water; milk can also cause negative reactions, especially if the baby had diathesis.

You should also pay attention to your beloved child’s tummy; if bloating, flatulence occurs, he tightens his legs and cries from colic, stop taking pearl barley.

Important: breastfeeding mothers should also not include pearl barley in their diet in the first months of their baby’s life. Although cereals are involved in increasing milk production, they should be consumed 4-5 months after birth.

What are the benefits of pearl barley for men?

The arguments that pearl barley has a positive effect on the sexual functions of men come not only from specialists. Yes, as with other products, scientists long time conducted experiments and identified the effects of regular consumption of this cereal. This is also stated by those who voluntarily eat pearl barley at least 1-2 times a week. It is men who willingly share that sexual intercourse has become longer, sperm activity and sensitivity have increased. Let's find out why this happens.

  1. Barley is a filling product that prevents people from overeating. This allows you to lose weight and get rid of the so-called visceral fat. The substance is located in the abdominal area of ​​men and creates all the conditions for the development of pathogenic processes in all systems, especially the genitourinary. As a result, oncology may develop, inflammatory processes: adenoma, prostate cancer, etc. And, of course, the problem can affect potency, which is why barley, which reduces the level of bad cholesterol, cleanses the blood, helps to lose extra pounds and gain a lot of energy, is so useful for strong half humanity.
  2. Barley lowers blood sugar levels, which is important for people with diabetes.
  3. Antioxidants, vitamins and minerals help strengthen defense mechanisms.

Harm and contraindications for consuming pearl barley

Men should not get carried away with cereals; its excessive consumption can lead to digestive problems.

Losing weight on pearl barley

Losing excess weight by consuming cereals has now become very fashionable. And it’s not just that diets are suggested by trendy nutritionists. It’s just that eating foods like rice, oatmeal and barley can really take the extra load off the body. At the same time, we get rid of toxins and receive a complex of valuable substances and elements.

Do not assume that a diet based on cereals is an innovation. Remember a regular fast, during which you need to give up animal products, but the menu should include porridge.

By cleansing ourselves of toxins and toxins, our mind is also cleansed. It becomes clear, we focus faster. Moreover, our thoughts become positive; there is no place for negativity in them, which is introduced by poisons, fats and sugars. So, we propose to lose everything unnecessary in every sense with the help of the following recipe.

Pearl barley porridge recipe for weight loss

First of all, it is important to know how to cook cereal correctly. To avoid wasting time on cooking, rinse and soak the product overnight in cool water. The ratio should be 1:5 (cereals and water, respectively). By morning it will swell and you can put it on the fire. Pour the same amount into three glasses of water and simmer over low heat for about one hour. Then remove from the stove and wrap with a thick towel.

Important: you cannot add milk, salt, sugar or butter to the porridge.

Scheme: consume porridge for 5 days (in 4-5 doses per day), while you need to drink at least 2 liters of water, herbal. You can eat no later than 19 hours.

As for children and pregnant women, the above recipe is also suitable for them. But in this case you can add to the dish vegetable stew, white meat, butter, salt, sugar.

Pilaf with pearl barley

For this dish, in addition to cereal, we need 4-5, 3 medium onions, 1 sweet pepper, tomato, meat (pork, chicken, beef, etc.), vegetable oil, seasoning for pilaf, ground black pepper, salt. Soak the pearl barley overnight.

Cooking: cut the meat into small pieces, peel and cut the carrots into strips, do the same with the peppers, onion into half rings.

Pour 100 grams of oil into the bottom of the cauldron, heat it, add a pinch of salt. Send the meat there and fry until golden brown, add the onion and cook until golden brown. Then fry the carrots, bell peppers, add salt, ground pepper, pilaf seasoning and 2 tablespoons of tomato. Mix thoroughly, fry for 2 minutes and add water. Simmer for 20-25 minutes, add pearl barley so that the water covers one and a half phalanges. If there is not enough liquid, add. When it is absorbed, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Serve hot.

Pearl barley is a cheap product, but invaluable in terms of usefulness. If you cook it correctly, it will become your favorite dish. family table. Even children will happily eat pearl barley if you make the same cabbage rolls with it, only instead of rice you need to make minced meat with pre-prepared cereal. The pickle also turns out delicious, in which it is impossible to imagine any other product than pearl barley. In less than a month, with regular consumption (1-2 times a week), not only your health will improve, but your skin, nails, hair and teeth will also become more beautiful. Add to this lightness and high spirits. What else is needed for life, right?

Bye everyone.
Best regards, Vyacheslav.

Pearl barley is a type of processed barley. Pearl barley is obtained by removing the bran, husk and steaming from barley. The degree of purification of the cereal may vary - the more the cereal is cleaned, the less beneficial properties it will retain.

Pearl barley is often used as a side dish. It is added to salads, soups and desserts. This cereal can be eaten both hot and cold.

Pearl barley has fewer beneficial properties than whole barley.

Composition of pearl barley

Pearl barley contains antioxidants and a lot of fiber. Chemical composition 100 gr. pearl barley as a percentage of daily value presented below.


  • B3 – 10%;
  • B1 – 6%;
  • B6- 6%;
  • B2 – 4%;
  • B9 – 4%.

Pearl barley is used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. It improves immunity, improves skin condition, prevents osteoporosis, heart and intestinal diseases. And these are not all the beneficial properties of pearl barley.

Pearl barley is good for bones, thanks to its rich mineral composition. Not taking enough of these substances can lead to bone loss.

Copper in pearl barley reduces symptoms rheumatoid arthritis. It is necessary for the flexibility of bones and joints.

High blood pressure And high level cholesterol provoke the development cardiovascular diseases. Soluble fiber in pearl barley reduces levels bad cholesterol and increase the level of goodness, and also normalize blood pressure.

Pearl barley is a source of vitamin B3, which protects the heart and blood vessels. Cereals prevent and strengthen the walls blood vessels, reduces platelet count and lowers cholesterol levels.

The copper in pearl barley is needed to maintain cognitive function in old age, the health of the nervous system and the production of red blood cells. Manganese in pearl barley is important for brain health and strengthening the nervous system.

Antioxidants and selenium in pearl barley reduce the likelihood of asthma, which is accompanied by narrowing of the airways.

Barley eliminates constipation and diarrhea, and also relieves bloating and increased gas formation. It reduces inflammation and symptoms of ulcerative colitis.

Cereals increase height beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. This is important for maintaining a healthy balance and increasing probiotic activity.

Pearl barley contains selenium, which is important for the metabolism of thyroid hormones.

In the kidneys and gallbladder Stones may form, which over time lead to pain and require removal. The fiber in pearl barley prevents their appearance and protects the urinary system from illness. It not only speeds up the passage of food through the intestines, but also reduces the secretion of bile acids, an excessive amount of which leads to the formation of stones.

Barley contains selenium. It improves the health of skin and hair, and also restores metabolic processes, saturating cells with oxygen. Pearl barley helps maintain skin elasticity and protects it from early aging.

Pearl barley protects against cancer and slows down its development. Selenium stimulates the production of substances necessary to fight cancer cells.

Barley for diabetes

Magnesium and soluble fiber pearl barley protects against diabetes and reduces the risk of its development by lowering blood sugar levels and improving insulin production. binds with water and other molecules when passing through digestive tract, slowing down the absorption of sugar into the blood. Therefore, moderate consumption of pearl barley is beneficial for diabetes.

Barley for weight loss

Eating pearl barley reduces hunger and provides a feeling of fullness, which will lead to weight loss over time. This happens thanks to fiber. It slows down digestion and absorption nutrients. Moreover, soluble fiber affects abdominal fat, which indicates metabolic disorders.

Cereals bring many benefits to the human body due to their significant content vegetable proteins, microelements and vitamins, but pearl barley porridge is often undeservedly deprived of attention. Barley, useful and harmful properties which is a constant topic of discussion on forums, can be appetizing, but for this you need to be able to cook it correctly.

Product properties

Pearl barley is made from barley. Porridge made from it preserves everything valuable qualities this cereal. Barley is rich in fiber, which acts on the intestines like a broom, perfectly cleansing the gastrointestinal tract of harmful deposits and helps eliminate chronic constipation.

In addition, the benefits of pearl barley for the body include the following valuable properties of the product.

  • It is a powerful antioxidant that counteracts the effects of free radicals. Barley contains a significant amount of selenium - 6 times more than rice groats.
  • Pearl barley porridge is rich in essential vitamins and phosphorus, which are involved in the absorption of calcium and regulation of the central nervous system. In addition to phosphorus, the product contains many trace elements (zinc, chromium, nickel, manganese, molybdenum, cobalt and bromine).
  • Barley porridge is valuable dietary product and can be used for both weight loss and therapeutic nutrition for diabetes. The calorie content of dry pearl barley is about 320 kcal, which is slightly more than that of buckwheat.
  • The benefit of pearl barley for the body is that it contains the natural antibacterial component hordecin, which exhibits pronounced activity against bacteria and fungi. Thanks to this substance, the water in which the cereal is soaked for several hours before cooking does not acquire unpleasant odor and remains transparent.
  • Barley contains important amino acids, including several essential ones. The benefits of pearl barley porridge for immune defense the body is that it is rich in lysine, an amino acid involved in the formation of immunity. Lysine is also important for the synthesis of collagen, which slows down the formation of facial wrinkles and preserves fresh look skin. In addition, lysine is needed to preserve visual function eye lenses, as well as ensuring the growth and regeneration of damaged tissues. The content of this amino acid is more than enough to prevent diseases of many important organs human body.
  • Silicic acid, found in porridge, is useful for stones in the kidneys, gallstones and bladder. This substance has a destructive effect on sand and stones in these organs. Thus, even with two times daily consumption Pearl barley porridge can have a therapeutic effect on the body.
  • For inflammation of the gastric mucosa, a decoction of pearl barley is successfully used. It can be used after intracavitary operations on the gastrointestinal tract. A decoction of both water and milk works equally well.
  • The value of pearl barley also lies in the fact that it contains the polysaccharide beta-glucan. This substance reduces the content of cholesterol that coats the walls of blood vessels. Systematic inclusion of barley porridge in the diet can significantly improve the situation and facilitate the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Pearl barley porridge contains a significant amount of provitamin A, which is necessary to ensure the body's immune defense. Retinol increases the resistance of mucous membranes to the effects of pathogens and prevents infections from entering the respiratory tract.
  • The benefits of pearl barley for weight loss are: high content protein and fiber, due to which the product is often used in diet menu, as well as nutrition for athletes.

Interesting fact

It is reliably known that drinking fresh barley decoction slows down the progression of oncological diseases located on early stages, by suppressing the process of cancer cell division.

The value of pearl barley for women

Pearl barley porridge is considered a product for preserving youth and beauty, thanks to the antioxidants, vitamins and microelements it contains. Regular use slows down age-related changes, improves the condition of hair and skin.

British scientists have found that the product is beneficial for a woman’s body before and during menopause, and reduces the possibility of osteoporosis and breast cancer. This is due to the fact that cereal contains a large amount of selenium, which is a powerful antioxidant that suppresses the effects of free radicals.

The benefit of pearl barley for women also lies in the abundance of lysine, which promotes collagen synthesis, slows down aging and provides a strong antiviral effect in the fight against the herpes virus and colds. The substance hordecin provides, in turn, an antibacterial and antifungal effect. Also the benefits of pearl barley for women during breastfeeding consists of maintaining lactation and providing the mother’s body with the necessary nutrients.

Product value for men

The benefit of barley for men is that this porridge is a valuable high-energy product containing a significant amount of vegetable protein. It is included in the nutrition of athletes, military personnel and people experiencing severe physical exercise and those employed in jobs that require high energy consumption.

With this inexpensive product You can saturate your body with fiber, as well as increase endurance and build muscle mass. Barley porridge is good to eat with nuts, butter, milk, heavy cream and dried fruits. It is important to remember that such a high-calorie diet is only indicated for regular training for expansion muscle mass, because at sedentary life, it can lead to obesity.

Contraindications for use

The harm of pearl barley is a subjective concept. Porridge has undoubted benefits, but not every body is able to receive it. There are conditions in which the use of a product in food can be dangerous - for example, cereal intolerance is absolute contraindication to the use of pearl barley.

TO relative contraindications relate:

  • increased stomach acidity;
  • pregnancy;
  • tendency to chronic constipation;
  • flatulence.

With gastritis or peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, consumption of the product should be reduced, since barley porridge increases the load on the diseased organ. But porridge should not be completely excluded from the menu - provided that small quantities it is well tolerated and does not cause exacerbations.

Even healthy person The product should not be overused, as it is quite difficult to digest. The harm of pearl barley as such is that it often causes intolerance, and in large quantities it washes microelements out of the body, which leads to brittle bones. If the intake of gluten into the body is small, enzymes are able to process it. But if gluten is consumed in significant quantities, the body may not be able to cope.

Pearl barley in cooking

You should know how to cook porridge in several ways, preserving valuable properties, vitamins and microelements. The basic recipe involves pre-soaking. To do this, wash and soak the cereal in cold water for two hours so that it absorbs moisture and swells. Then the water must be drained, and the barley should be transferred to a saucepan and boiling water should be added in a ratio of 1:3. Cook for 60 minutes over low heat, add salt and add vegetable or butter.

You can prepare porridge from pearl barley much faster. To do this, take a liter per glass of cereal cold water, after boiling hot water drained, and the cereal is again filled with cold water and cooked until the end. At the end of cooking, butter is added, the porridge is covered with a lid and infused for several minutes.

Barley for weight control

A diet using pearl barley porridge is quite effective. According to reviews of women who used this method, body weight loss ranges from 0.5 to 1 kg. At the same time, the technique, like all mono-diets, is very strict and can cause harm to an unhealthy body.

The nutrition system allows you to consume only pearl barley porridge in water, without flavoring additives. In addition, you can drink water. The benefits and harm to the figure depend on the amount of product consumed, the duration of the diet is from 5 days.

At the beginning of the diet, the body is cleansed, while urine excretion and intestinal cleansing are enhanced. It is important that such nutrition rids the body of harmful substances, while the useful ones are preserved. Additional food comes with the porridge valuable substances, important for maintaining health.

Choice of cereals

You can purchase both packaged and weighted products. When choosing cereals, you need to pay attention to important sign– it should be a warm golden beige color, without black spots.

When purchasing, you need to make sure that the grains do not stick together. This indicates a violation of storage conditions and temperature regime. The humidity in the granary may have been increased.

If the product is purchased by weight, then you should check the cereal for the presence of an unpleasant odor. There should be no notes of rancidity, this indicates that the cereal is stale. The shelf life of the dry product is no more than a year, so you need to be careful and avoid old cereals.

There are ready-made canned pearl barley products on sale. This porridge retains its beneficial properties and is quite suitable for consumption in camping conditions. When choosing, you need to look at the date of manufacture; in addition, the jar should not have dents or swell.

Thus, if there are no contraindications, pearl barley is very beneficial for the body. It has a beneficial effect on the process of hematopoiesis and the heart, endocrine background and the state of the nervous system. Doctors recommend consuming pearl barley porridge during lactation, as well as to improve vision and prevent osteoporosis. Barley dishes strengthen the immune system and are an excellent natural product for the prevention of cancer pathologies. Daily use Pearl barley porridge will make you feel healthy, energetic and maintain youth.


Pearl barley is obtained from barley, whose grains have been removed from bran and subsequently ground and polished. The name of this healthy and affordable variety of cereal comes from the Old Slavic word “perly”, which means “pearls”. Pearl barley porridge is considered a dietary product that can be used to combat overweight. Maybe for this reason, many are interested in the questions - what is the calorie content of pearl barley porridge, what are the benefits of pearl barley porridge and what are its dietary properties. First, let's clarify how this product can be useful for you and me.

Dietary properties of pearl barley porridge:

Those of us who include barley in our diet hardly need to worry about vitamin deficiency - pearl barley porridge contains almost the entire spectrum useful substances, necessary for a person. It contains vitamins from group B (“responsible” for the normal functioning of the nervous system, for the beauty of hair and for clean skin), vitamin A (a person needs it for health visual organs and protection against infections), vitamin E (prevents the body from aging prematurely), and vitamin D (provides strength bone tissue and teeth).

In addition, pearl barley contains a large number of minerals - among them are iron, calcium, copper, iodine. But still the most important mineral component pearl barley is phosphorus; in terms of its content, pearl barley is almost twice as high as all other grains. Phosphorus is not only an important part metabolic processes and a substance necessary for brain function. It is also called “the main microelement for athletes,” since it is phosphorus that is responsible for the speed and strength of muscle tissue contractions.

This is the rich composition of pearl barley porridge. One more property of pearl barley should be mentioned – its high lysine content. This amino acid has antiviral effect(especially for microorganisms that cause herpes and acute colds), supports vitality and is responsible for heart health.

Barley porridge has one more important feature- prevent cell destruction caused by free radicals. Those who regularly consume pearl barley porridge receive a boost of vitality and improve their immune defense.

Now let’s clarify what nutritional value pearl barley porridge has.

Its calorie content is approximately 109 kcal per 100 grams. product

Thus, this porridge is quite high in calories, and, as a result, filling. It’s hardly worth denying yourself this useful and, by the way, delicious dish. The main thing is to take reasonable measures.

What is the calorie content of pearl barley porridge, cooked different ways? And here it is:

Calorie table for pearl barley porridge, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of pearl barley porridge prepared in different ways is as follows:

Table of nutritional value of pearl barley porridge (BZHU), per 100 grams of product:

How to prepare this dish at home? Yes, very simple. Here is one of the recipes:

Crumbled pearl barley porridge:


  • Pearl barley - 1 cup
  • Water - 3 glasses
  • Butter - 2-3 tablespoons
  • Salt - to taste

Pearl barley, pre-sorted and washed, is poured hot water. Bring everything to a boil. Then the water is drained, and the porridge is again filled with hot salted water. Add the butter, mix the mixture well, cover with a lid and place (until ready) in the oven - the water should be completely absorbed into the cereal. Then the porridge is stirred again.

The finished porridge is served with milk, butter or cracklings and onions. And they eat with gusto. Enough high calorie content pearl barley porridge will not cause you to gain extra pounds. It is better to exclude butter, milk and cracklings from this dish.

Pearl porridge for weight loss

The pearl barley diet is well suited for people who want to get in shape. Nutrition based on it reduces the consumption of fats and carbohydrates, promotes the regulation of metabolism and normalizes it.

An undoubted advantage is the low cost of the cereal, which is combined with great benefit for the body. The barley kernel included in its composition has a grain shell that persists even after processing.

The pearl barley diet is quite popular among people who want to lose weight; reviews from those who have lost weight made it possible to identify the three most effective ways. The first one is for the most persistent ones the greatest restrictions. The second allows the use additional products. The third is the softest with a fairly varied menu.

Only unsalted and not seasoned with fat porridge is suitable for dietary nutrition. 10-12 hours before cooking the porridge, soak 1 tbsp. cereals in 1 liter of cold water. After this time, drain the water. Add fresh fluid (1:3 or 1:3.5). Cook the porridge over low heat for about 40 minutes (until thick). Then wrap the dishes and leave for a while so that the porridge reaches the desired condition.

If you don’t have time to soak, you can pour boiling water over the washed cereal and boil for 5 minutes. After this, place the pearl barley in a colander and let the liquid drain. Place the heated cereal into boiling water and cook until tender (the proportions are the same). Don't forget to cover the pan and leave it like that for a while.

Option number 1 of the pearl barley diet

The diet of this diet is not particularly varied, because for all five days you need to consume only one porridge (barley), boiled for ordinary water and without adding salt or oil. It is recommended to drink water (mineral) as liquid. green tea(unsweetened) and decoctions (herbal).

Option No. 2 pearl barley diet

The diet is not so monotonous, for this reason its duration can be increased to 7 days.

Breakfast: pearl barley porridge (lean) with prunes (soaked in plain water) or grated apple (green).

Lunch: pearl barley porridge (lean), salad (vegetable), a small piece of meat or fish (no more than 100 grams).

Dinner: 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, 250 ml of kefir. It is recommended to consume only green tea (unsweetened) and water (mineral) from liquids.