Can a nursing mother eat herring (salted, smoked). Herring during lactation: benefit or harm

Every woman wants to see her child healthy and full of strength, especially if it is a newly born baby that requires maternal affection and special attention.

Most mothers feed their baby only breast milk in the first months. This is where the question arises: what should the nurse herself eat in order to only benefit the child?

Of course, the diet should be strict, but include products that will help replenish the supply of microelements in a woman’s body, but at the same time be harmless to the baby. The mother’s diet should contain food rich in amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, vitamin complexes. This type of food includes herring. Can a nursing mother eat herring?

Useful elements in herring

Of course, others have negative and positive reviews about this dish.

Let's start with the fact that herring is a fish. We have already discussed the topic with you - can a nursing mother eat fish - read the link.

A World Organization Health strongly recommends the regular use of this product for everyone, as it has a beneficial effect on the body, improving the condition of the cardiovascular, endocrine and central nervous system.

Herring contains such necessary elements as:

  • omega-3 polyunsaturated fats;
  • The protein content in herring is 17-19%; they have a well-balanced composition of amino acids. In particular, there is more methionine, which is responsible for reducing cholesterol in the blood and thereby preventing cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis, than in meat products;
  • Five times less in fish connective tissue what helps fast digestion, therefore it is useful for stomach diseases;
  • Herring contains iodine, copper, zinc, fluorine, so regular consumption will protect against exposure to small doses of radiation and prevent thyroid diseases;
  • Selenium contained in fish - strong antioxidant. It will protect cells from premature aging and degradation, will reduce the likelihood of cell mutation and tumor formation;
  • Fish oils are rich in vitamins A, B and D, which will help the body resist infectious diseases, will improve twilight vision;
  • At the same time, having such an amount of useful substances, this fish is low-calorie, and a woman does not have to worry about her figure.

But there is one “but” - this food can cause allergic reactions in some people, and babies, especially in the first few months, are very sensitive to new foods.

It is better to avoid salad in the first 1-2 months after childbirth.

And it’s not even a matter of the presence of herring, but large quantities various products and mayonnaise, which is usually used to season this salad.

If boiled carrots and beets do not belong to dangerous products, then babies often get rashes when they get store-bought chicken eggs.

Attention! If you really want to, then eat 1-2 tablespoons of herring under a fur coat with breastfeeding, but with homemade mayonnaise.

I know that many mothers make a salad with sour cream and add 1 tsp to the sour cream. mayonnaise to add a little taste.

How many herrings are there?

It is ideal if you introduce herring into your diet after the baby is 1-2 months old.

Important! But, if you don’t know how to salt fish or don’t want to do it, then after eating a piece of the finished salted product, carefully monitor your baby’s reaction. If allergies do not manifest themselves, you can gradually increase the amount you eat.

Individual intolerance

It’s so hard for a baby in the first months of life. Just born, but you need to get used to new conditions, learn to suck mother's breast, somehow survive the period of colic and gas.

By the way, you can help your baby cope with colic by using techniques from the course Soft Tummy: How to Protect Your Baby from Colic and Pain >>>

To minimize the occurrence allergic reactions, carefully study your diet.

Here is a list of foods that can cause allergies:

  • dairy products;
  • strawberries (read

Modern breastfeeding experts are of the opinion that a nursing woman’s diet should be varied, only then will it be possible to enrich the composition of breast milk with minerals and vitamins. However, in the first months after childbirth, the mother is recommended to follow a diet that limits the consumption of foods that can cause allergies or digestive problems in the baby. Let's figure out whether herring belongs to the category of permitted types of food during this period.

Composition and calorie content of herring

Herring - source valuable protein, which is easier to digest and absorbs better than proteins found in meat or milk. Herring contains unsaturated fatty acids necessary for maintaining healthy hair, nails, skin, regulation hormonal levels V postpartum period. The product is rich in minerals, including quite rare ones, such as iodine, zinc, sulfur. The only disadvantage of herring is its high allergenic status. Like many other types of fish, herring can cause allergic reactions in a baby, so you should eat it with caution during lactation.

It is believed that the larger the carcass, the more nutrients it contains.

The calorie content of herring is not too high, which allows you to include it in your diet without fear of gaining excess weight. However, it is worth observing moderation in portions. The calorie content of the product may increase if fats - vegetable oil or butter - are used during the cooking process.

Table: chemical composition and nutritional value of Atlantic herring

Nutrient Quantity Norm** % of the norm in 100 g
Calorie content 246 kcal 1684 kcal 14.6%
Squirrels 17.7 g 76 g 23.3%
Fats 19.5 g 60 g 32.5%
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.03 mg 1.5 mg 2%
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.3 mg 1.8 mg 16.7%
Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid 0.9 mg 5 mg 18%
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 0.4 mg 2 mg 20%
Vitamin B9, folates 18 mcg 400 mcg 4.5%
Vitamin B12, cobalamin 10 mcg 3 mcg 333.3%
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid 2.7 mg 90 mg 3%
Vitamin D, calciferol 30 mcg 10 mcg 300%
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 1.2 mg 15 mg 8%
Vitamin RR, NE 3.9 mg 20 mg 19.5%
Potassium, K 310 mg 2500 mg 12.4%
Calcium, Ca 60 mg 1000 mg 6%
Magnesium, Mg 30 mg 400 mg 7.5%
Sodium, Na 100 mg 1300 mg 7.7%
Sera, S 190 mg 1000 mg 19%
Phosphorus, Ph 280 mg 800 mg 35%
Chlorine, Cl 165 mg 2300 mg 7.2%
Iron, Fe 1 mg 18 mg 5.6%
Iodine, I 40 mcg 150 mcg 26.7%
Cobalt, Co 40 mcg 10 mcg 400%
Manganese, Mn 0.12 mg 2 mg 6%
Copper, Cu 170 mcg 1000 mcg 17%
Molybdenum, Mo 4 mcg 70 mcg 5.7%
Nickel, Ni 8 mcg ~
Fluorine, F 380 mcg 4000 mcg 9.5%
Chromium, Cr 55 mcg 50 mcg 110%
Zinc, Zn 0.9 mg 12 mg 7.5%

Norm** - approximate figures calculated for a middle-aged nursing mother

Is it possible to eat herring while breastfeeding?

The most popular type of herring is salted. However, during breastfeeding this method of preparation is not the most suitable. Salted herring contains a lot of salt, which retains fluid and creates additional stress on the kidneys and cardiovascular system, causing edema. Fluid stagnation also negatively affects lactation, reducing the amount of milk. The taste of the milk may also change for the worse, and the baby will not like it. We must not forget that herring is an allergenic product. But this fish has an undeniable advantage - rich in vitamins. mineral composition. The high nutritional value of the product during lactation is difficult to overestimate. Let's weigh the pros and cons to understand whether it is possible to eat herring during breastfeeding.

In general they say that fish is an allergen and you shouldn’t eat it during breastfeeding, but I didn’t eat anything, try but not much, look at the baby’s reaction, if everything is fine, then eat as much as you want.

Anastasia Davydova–3340437/

I also eat everything in moderation, but my daughter had diarrhea eating herring under her fur coat, my daughter is 5 months old


Milk takes substances from the blood, there will definitely be no herring there and the milk will not stink 100%!!!–67512042/

Benefits of the dish

If a woman is not allergic to herring, and this product was consumed frequently during pregnancy, then most likely there will be no problems during lactation. The body is already familiar with the crumbs nutrients contained in herring. In this case, regular dosed consumption of fish (1-2 times a week) will benefit mother and baby, help the woman’s body strengthen after childbirth and enrich breast milk with valuable minerals and vitamins. Let's take a closer look at the main advantages of herring.

  1. Contains unsaturated fatty acids. Omega-3 and Omega-6 stimulate brain activity and help the development of the baby's nervous system. These components are also responsible for feminine beauty- normalize metabolism, promote tissue regeneration, help synthesize sex hormones. The body can obtain such essential fatty acids only from food, and their concentration is high in herring.
  2. Rich mineral composition. Herring contains rare microelements - cobalt, chromium, zinc, which have a positive effect on the health of the entire body as a whole. Iodine is necessary for full functioning thyroid gland. Selenium, also present in this fish, is natural antioxidant, helps remove from the blood heavy metals and fight cancer cells.
  3. Variety of vitamins. Herring is rich in B vitamins, which are necessary to stabilize the nervous system and improve hematopoiesis. Vitamin A takes care of the vision of a young mother. The concentration of vitamin D in herring is a record - about 300% daily value. This vitamin, in combination with phosphorus, creates favorable conditions for high-quality absorption of calcium, which is necessary to strengthen the bones and teeth of a nursing woman and baby.

Contraindications and risks

Herring is included in the list of allergenic foods; it is not recommended to consume it in the first 3 months after childbirth. Besides, this product may negatively affect your well-being for the following reasons.

Contraindications to eating herring during breastfeeding:

  • individual intolerance;
  • allergy;
  • gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis;
  • high blood pressure;
  • kidney and bladder diseases;
  • the occurrence of colic and allergies in the child.

Rules for use during breastfeeding

The more time has passed after the mother consumed the product before applying it to the breast, the less the degree of its effect on the baby’s body.
  • do not eat herring in the first 3 months after childbirth;
  • eat herring own ambassador, previously frozen, or boiled;
  • start introducing into the diet with 20 g, gradually increasing to daily norm- no more than 250 g and no more than 2 times a week;
  • exclude from the diet if a rash, redness of the skin, or signs of digestive disorders appear in the baby;
  • do not combine herring with store-bought mayonnaise (“Herring under a fur coat”, mincemeat and other dishes).

How to select and store a product

A cloudy film on the fish’s eyes should alert you
  • The scales of fresh fish should be shiny, without damage or rusty deposits. When pressed with a finger, no dents remain.
  • It is worth giving preference to large, uneviscerated carcasses. Such fish is easier to clean from bones, and nutritional value it is higher than that of small individuals.
  • The fish's eyes should be transparent. A cloudy film indicates that the product is not fresh.
  • No suspicious odor. If the carcass has a putrid odor, its freshness is questionable.
  • Frozen fish should not have a thick layer of ice on it. This indicates repeated defrosting and freezing of the product, which negatively affects the quality.

If you do not plan to immediately consume the purchased fish, take note of the rules for storing it.

  • Before putting the herring in the refrigerator, it is recommended to gut it, rinse it under running water and dry it with paper towels.
  • The shelf life of chilled herring in the refrigerator is no more than 2 days.
  • Herring can add flavor to dairy products in the refrigerator bad smell, so it’s worth keeping it separately.
  • When planning to freeze herring, first keep it at the lowest possible temperature until completely frozen. Then seal it in an airtight bag and put it in the freezer.
  • Frozen herring can be stored for up to 6 months.

Cooking methods and recipes

The preferred method of preparing herring for a nursing mother is steaming or baking in the oven. At the same time, the amount of salt in the process heat treatment less than with salting. It is not necessary to completely give up your favorite salted herring. Prepare it at home, following the cooking technology. Then you will be sure that the amount of salt is not exceeded, there are no unnecessary spices in the composition, and the salting period is sufficient to destroy pathogenic bacteria.

Salted herring at home

There are two ways to pickle herring - hot (in brine) and dry. Both cooking methods are safe for a nursing mother; the fundamental difference lies only in the cooking technique.

Herring in brine

Spices and spices for salting during breastfeeding should be used with caution


  • herring 2 pcs.;
  • water 800 ml;
  • salt 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar 2 tsp.
  1. Bring water to a boil, add salt and sugar, stir.
  2. Rinse the herring under running water and place in a food container.
  3. Cool the brine and pour over the fish. Let stand for 1 hour at room temperature, then refrigerate for 2 days.
  4. Before use, remove bones and skin, cut and sprinkle vegetable oil.

You can store this herring for up to 7 days in the refrigerator.

Dry salting method

Salt and sugar are mixed, then distributed over the entire surface of the fish


  • herring 1 piece;
  • sugar 1 tsp;
  • salt 1.5 tsp.
  1. Mix salt and sugar. Gut the herring and cut off the head.
  2. Sprinkle with a mixture of salt and sugar and rub over the entire surface.
  3. Wrap the fish in cling film and place in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Stewed herring with vegetables

Standard recipe provides for the addition tomato paste, but during lactation you should do without this ingredient


  • herring 1 piece;
  • carrots 1 pc;
  • onion 1 head.
  1. Gut the herring and remove skin and bones, cut into pieces or use small carcasses whole.
  2. Peel and chop the vegetables.
  3. Place vegetables on the bottom of the saucepan, pour in some water and place fish fillets on top.
  4. Add salt to taste and simmer covered for 30 minutes.

Herring baked in foil

Lemon juice improves the taste of fish, but the fruit itself should not be eaten - it can cause allergies in babies

Herring belongs to the herring family; it can be Atlantic, Azov-Black Sea, Caspian, Pacific, depending on its habitat. All the variety of species can be seen in the photo.

The most useful are considered to be fresh frozen fish, lightly salted fish in jars and barrel herring. You should not purchase the product in fillet form or in various marinades - such products contain many harmful chemical ingredients.

Herring contains a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids, good cholesterol, antioxidants. IN chemical composition contains vitamins B, E, D, PP, ascorbic acid. Fish is also rich in microelements necessary for health - potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine and iron. Glycemic index product –0.

Nutritional value of different types of herring (per 100 g of product)

Type of herring Proteins (g) Fat (g) Carbohydrates (g) Calorie content (kcal)
Fresh 16–17 10–12 90–140
Salty 17–18 8–9 240–270
In oil 16–16,5 26–27 290–310
Boiled 20–22 10–12 120–140
Fried 21–22 17–18 170–190
Pickled 16–17 12–13 3,4 140–160
Lightly salted 17–19 11–12 200–210
Smoked 20–25 12–16 210–230

100 g of herring contains 3 daily doses of vitamin D, and 250 g of fish can cover daily requirement adult human in proteins.

Herring is an oily fish; it contains the daily requirement of protein, but the product does not contain carbohydrates. Concerning nutritional value, it all depends on the type of herring. On average, fish contains a lot of vitamin B, PP, D, as well as magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, and cholesterol.

100 grams of salted herring contains:

  • 257 kcal;
  • 14 g protein;
  • 17.6 g fat;
  • 1.46 g omega-3 fatty acids;
  • 167% Daily Value of Vitamin D;
  • 81% selenium;
  • 70.4% vitamin B12;
  • 17.6% vitamin A and niacin each.

The benefits of herring

Due to its high Omega-3 content, herring has a beneficial effect on work of cardio-vascular system, prevents the development of atherosclerosis. With a deficiency of fatty acids in the body, the likelihood of developing oncological diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, immunity decreases.

What are the benefits of herring for the body:

  • reduces the size of fat cells, which significantly reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes;
  • slows down the aging process, protects the body from negative impact external factors;
  • helps strengthen bones;
  • has a beneficial effect on kidney function, increases hemoglobin;
  • stimulates the thyroid gland;
  • reduces the manifestation of psoriasis;
  • improves vision and brain function.

Herring is included in diets for the treatment of neuralgia, dermatological and ophthalmological diseases.

Fish is good for children - it prevents the development of rickets, improves memory, promotes the formation of strong bone tissue. You can include it in your child’s diet from the age of one year.

Herring in cosmetology

Regular use fatty fish improves the condition skin, hair and nails. In cosmetology, caviar and fish fat Herrings are used to create anti-aging masks. Herring scales are added to lipsticks and varnishes to give products a pearlescent sheen.

Recipe for a rejuvenating mask for all skin types - grind 5 g of unsalted herring caviar, mix with 15 ml of olive oil or flax seeds, after a quarter of an hour add beaten yolk quail egg. Apply the mixture to the face and neck and leave for 30 minutes.

Herring for weight loss

Is it possible to eat fatty fish while losing weight? Herring contains beneficial lipid compounds that reduce the accumulation of fat cells in the body and accelerate metabolic processes in the body, therefore it can be classified as a dietary product; it can be used without restrictions for Kremlin diet.

People who watch their weight adhere to proper nutrition, you should avoid salted and smoked herring, steam the fish, bake it with vegetables, and eat it boiled.

Main beneficial properties

It's hard to find a fish that has as much useful components like in a herring. In Sweden they say that when there is herring on the table, there is no need for a doctor.

Many studies have proven that herring contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acid, which improves the functioning of blood vessels, the heart, and also normalizes cholesterol levels - increases the level of lipoproteins. These substances help protect against atherosclerosis and other serious pathologies.

Proven! Herring fat significantly reduces adipocytes, so by consuming healthy fish, you will be reliably protected from diabetes. In addition, herring contains many beneficial antioxidants.

Please note that herring is rich in vitamin D, which is needed for bones to grow faster and kidneys to function better. Vitamin plays great importance for kids. They really need it in winter, it is at this time that there is not enough sun rays.

Protection against heart disease

It has been proven that omega-3 fatty acids, abundantly present in herring, contribute to:

  • reducing triglyceride and cholesterol levels;
  • normalization of blood pressure and heart rate.

In addition to omega-3 fats, herring is rich in vitamin D and the microelement selenium. The deficiency of these two substances is associated with increased risk development cardiovascular diseases.

Treatment of chronic inflammation

Can pregnant women eat herring?

With a lack of calcium and elevated level expectant mothers often want progesterone salted fish, but you should not thoughtlessly follow your desires, but carefully weigh the pros and cons. In the absence of contraindications or a tendency to swelling, it is recommended to regularly consume herring during pregnancy - the fish has a beneficial effect on the formation of bone tissue and brain development.

The salty product should be consumed in moderation; there are no restrictions on boiled and baked herring. The healthiest herring for pregnant women is Atlantic, it contains a lot of vitamin E, phosphorus and calcium.

A strong and sudden desire to taste herring is often the first sign of pregnancy for women. Against the background of increased progesterone synthesis, smooth muscles relax and decrease arterial parameters– the body needs additional doses of salt to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Harm to herring

Fish has not only beneficial and medicinal properties, but also certain contraindications. Potential Harm salted, pickled and lightly salted herring is healthy due to high content salt, which leads to fluid retention in the body, swelling, and increases the load on the kidneys and heart.

When not to eat salted herring:

Persons with similar problems Fish should be consumed boiled or baked. If you really want salted herring, you should first soak it in milk or black tea.

Smoked fish should not be consumed by people with diseases of the liver, digestive and biliary systems. Since such food is considered high-calorie, with obesity and a tendency to excess weight It’s better to refuse it.

Herring – fatty fish, dietary product, from which you can prepare many simple, but satisfying and healthy dishes. The product has many useful and medicinal properties; it is used in cosmetology and is also useful for weight loss.

beauty and health

A contraindication for eating herring is an allergy to fish.

Those who take monoamine oxidase inhibitor antidepressants should not eat herring, as these drugs are not compatible with foods rich in omega-3 compounds.

Is salted herring harmful?

Most people who want to know whether herring is harmful have in mind the salted version of the fish. And they are afraid not of herring as such, but of the fact that it contains a lot of salt.

Don't be afraid.

The situation with salted fish is exactly the same as with salted lard, the benefits of which significantly outweigh the harm.

A person cannot live without salt. AND salt-free diet hazardous to health.

Fish selection

Always remember that not all salted fish is considered healthy. It is very difficult to choose high-quality, safe herring that will not harm your health. The main thing is to take into account these basic selection criteria.

The first criterion is gills

This part of the herring should be dark red, elastic, and not have an unpleasant odor.

The second criterion is the eyes.

Fatty and salted herring will always have red, clear eyes. To select herring with caviar, look for fish that have cloudy eyes. Always remember that fish with caviar is low-fat, because it spent all its fat on insemination.

The third criterion is elasticity

High-quality herring has an elastic body; it is free of plaque, cracks, and cuts. Touch the fish with your finger and you will immediately notice how elastic the product is. In addition, the herring should not have brown rust. If there is one, it indicates that you are not storing it properly.

Attention! Buy fish only in trusted stores, and not at the market from someone unknown. Do you doubt the quality of herring? Don’t even try to taste it; it’s better to throw it in the trash, otherwise you may be seriously poisoned.

Main beneficial properties

Yes, diabetics can diversify their menu with herring, but not often!

Tasty herring is acceptable for diabetes mellitus, but only with some features:

The shelf life and storage conditions of herring depend on its type - frozen fish can be stored for up to six months in the freezer, provided that the product is not defrosted and re-frozen.

Fish is best stored in brine. After you have bought the herring, take a large jar, put the herring in it and fill it with brine. You can prepare the marinade yourself, so the product will definitely not spoil. The shelf life of herring is no more than 5 days.

You need to extend the shelf life of herring by more long time? You need to freeze it, but first do not forget to clean the fish, cut it into pieces and put it in an airtight package. This way you will increase the shelf life by six months. Do not try to store herring in plain packaging, otherwise the product will oxidize.

Delicious recipes

Herring is used to prepare salads, pates; to better reveal the taste, you can use sauces and fillings based on sour cream, mayonnaise, vinegar, sunflower oil, herbs and spices.

Herring under a Fur Coat

Herring under a fur coat is a simple and satisfying salad that is suitable for family dinners and holiday feasts. Housewives have their own cooking secrets, but also classic version the dish turns out very tasty.

Ingredients for preparing classic herring under a fur coat:

Remove the bones from the fish, cut into small pieces, finely chop the onion, chop the beets and potatoes into cubes. Place the salad in layers on a flat dish - fish - onions - potatoes - beets - mayonnaise, repeat again. You can make additional layers from boiled carrots, green apple. For dressing, instead of mayonnaise, use a mixture of sour cream and mustard.

How to pickle herring

There are many recipes for properly salting herring at home; everyone adds spices at their own discretion, because fish harmonizes perfectly with almost all spices. First you need to remove the gills and wash the carcass well under running water. In its entirety, the product will salt faster; if you cut it into pieces, it will absorb the salt more evenly.

What is needed to salt 2 carcasses:

  • water – 900 ml;
  • sugar – 5 g;
  • salt – 50–60 g;
  • carnation inflorescences – 4–6 pcs.;
  • bay leaves– 3–5 pcs.;
  • peppercorns – 8–12 pcs.

Bring the water to a boil, add the remaining ingredients, and pour the cooled brine over the fish. The herring should be placed in a glass or plastic container and covered with cling film on top. It will take 2–3 days to prepare lightly salted herring; to completely salt it, you need to keep the herring in brine for 6–7 days. To improve the taste, you can brush the carcasses with mustard before salting.

Baked herring

Prepare sunflower oil(2 tablespoons) fresh frozen herring (one piece) garlic clove. You will also need ginger root, coriander, mustard, you can use a mixture of different peppers.

The herring is completely cleaned of bones, gills, and head. Garlic, onion, and ginger are crushed in a blender. Separately, prepare an onion marinade with vegetable oil, mustard, pepper, and coriander. Take the parchment, place the fish on it and bake for 20 minutes.

Herring with curry sauce

Buy half a kilogram of lightly salted herring and one onion. For the sauce you need to take curry (2 teaspoons) mayonnaise (4 tablespoons) teaspoon ginger 2 teaspoons mustard. The herring is cut into fillets, seasonings are mixed with mayonnaise, and the herring is added to the sauce. Leave everything to brew for 20 minutes. Ready herring should be consumed together with onions, cut into rings.

So, herring is delicious, healthy fish, which must be eaten with caution; you cannot get carried away, otherwise everything can end in serious consequences. Prepare a dish using different interesting recipes. Bon appetit!

Do you like herring? This means you are suffering from a lack of fat. Also, cravings for herring may be due to the fact that you eat little protein foods.

Is herring milk healthy? If you love this part of the fish, it is not forbidden to eat it, just make sure that it is clean. If fish is not stored properly, the insides begin to decompose. The eggs or milt are affected first.

Did you know that in Finland, October 2 is celebrated as Herring Day every year. A huge exhibition is being held in Helsinki, which attracts many people who love this delicacy.

During breastfeeding, some foods affect the baby. Many mothers are afraid of an unexpected reaction from the food they eat. After childbirth, the body takes a long time to recover, and you often want to eat something tasty. But how will gastronomic joys affect the baby? What to do if you want to try fish, for example, herring. Can a nursing mother eat herring?

Beneficial features

Fish is rich in microelements and useful material. The composition contains iodine, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, copper, protein. Essential acids are also present. Everyone knows that Omega-3 acid is necessary for the development of the brain, vision, and heart muscle. Fish contains vitamins A, D and group B.

The presence of iodine helps fight thyroid diseases. Besides this inexpensive product, which can often be found on the tables of compatriots.

Mothers are often concerned about their baby's allergies, but children react very rarely to fish. If the mother does not have an individual intolerance to the product, then it should not cause skin allergies in the baby.

Salted herring during lactation

Can a nursing mother eat salted herring? Despite the strict diet during breastfeeding, there are no strict restrictions on the consumption of salted fish. But you shouldn’t eat such fish in the first month of your baby’s life.

It is advisable to choose fish without the addition of mustard, sauces, vinegar and mayonnaise. If possible, it is advisable to use natural home-salted herring.

An important rule: salted fish should not contain preservatives, dyes, spices or seasonings. It is important to keep track of the product’s expiration date and the method of salting it.

It is worth buying a whole fish, but you need to pay attention to the integrity of the scales, the general appearance. Fish with soft meat, the herring fillet should be elastic. It is better to buy from trusted manufacturers.

How much herring can you have?

During lactation, it is advisable to exercise moderation in food. Herring is allowed during lactation, but you need to eat it in reasonable quantities. Some experts believe that a large amount of salt in breast milk changes its taste. The baby may feel that the taste of the milk has changed and refuse the breast.

Sometimes when large quantities eating salted fish may cause a reaction. How much salted herring can a nursing mother eat? IN small quantities You can eat herring three to four times a week. This volume will cover the nursing mother’s need for fatty acids and iodine.

It is important to monitor the condition of the baby after new food. After consuming a new product, you need to wait for the reaction. Sometimes after some food the baby behaves restlessly and cries. In this case, it is advisable to give up the product for a while and then try to eat it again. If there is no reaction, you can eat the food without fear.

Salad “Herring under a fur coat” during breastfeeding

Another controversial dish when breastfeeding is the “Herring under a Fur Coat” salad. It is not recommended to be included in the diet of a nursing mother due to the high mayonnaise content. If the fish boiled carrots and potatoes are not prohibited during lactation, then mayonnaise is among the prohibited foods. Why?

“Can a nursing mother have salted herring,” you think when your hand is already reaching for a piece of fish. There are boiled potatoes and greens on the table, and you really want something salty. Having put a piece in my mouth, I understand that the fish melts in my mouth, but taking into account the fact that I have not yet found out whether it is possible to eat herring while breastfeeding, I restrain myself so as not to gobble it all up.

IN recent months pregnancy due to swelling and large set I had to consciously give up salty weight. With the birth of a toddler, all these restrictions should theoretically end, but not everything is so simple. The visiting nurse who came answered my question evasively. Herring during breastfeeding, of course, does not top the list of prohibited and allergenic products during breastfeeding, but in the first three months it is not recommended. Let's figure out why.

Everything that a mother eats after 4-5 hours can be partially found in her milk, which the newborn feeds. The first months after birth, mother and her baby have general microflora, since the baby eats the same thing as his mother, but he gets it through breast milk. You need to understand that some foods consumed by the mother can harm the baby, leading to colic, bloating from gases, and even intestinal disorder or .

The child will naturally become restless and whiny. Pediatricians include these “dangerous products”:

  • Cocoa and chocolate
  • Citrus
  • Strawberry Raspberry
  • Canned mushrooms, corn, etc.
  • Cow's milk
  • Legumes
  • Mushrooms

However, do not forget that everything is individual. If even a slice of orange burns you out, there’s a good chance your child will have a similar reaction. But in the situation with everything can be the other way around. Let's return to our question about whether a nursing mother can eat salted herring.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have salted herring? Let’s look into it further. Fish in general common allergen in modern children. Lightly salted herring home salting is not so dangerous, because you carefully selected the fish, washed it well, and most likely it will be salted in “sanitarily correct” conditions. It’s better not to put yourself and your little one at risk, and refrain from buying herring for the first months. If it’s really unbearable, let one of your relatives try it in front of you, and if they don’t get upset, then you can afford to spread caviar from this fish on some bread. This will put you off the hunt and will even be enough for a couple of sandwiches.

Why you should avoid eating herring while breastfeeding

  • When salting herring in industrial quantities, analysis shows the presence of sodium benzoate and other preservatives in it, so that it can be stored longer in a plastic container.
  • Salted herring contains up to 14 g of salt, and a gram of salt binds 100 ml. water.
  • Fish that is stored incorrectly often harbors all sorts of living creatures.
  • In addition to the above, all hypertensive patients, as well as people with diseased kidneys and everyone who suffers from edema of different nature, any salted fish It is worth eating very, very moderately.

Do you still have a question about whether a nursing mother can eat salted herring, especially in the first days after childbirth? It's not worth the risk.

I don’t want to end on such a sad note, so a few words in defense. The fish itself is incredibly healthy, and caviar is generally a storehouse of necessary and healthy Omega acids, but... not in salted form. This brings us to a negative answer to the question of whether a nursing mother can salt herring. In the first month, no and no and no!

When can herring be introduced into the diet during breastfeeding?

After the third month of breastfeeding, start introducing lightly salted herring into your diet, and of course, home-salted herring is better. If you don’t want to bother, buy fish not by weight, but small portion in a plastic container. This way you will definitely avoid the tasty temptation and eat only a couple of pieces, and not half the fish.

A few lines about how to choose herring

Pay attention to 3 main indicators: gills, eyes, elasticity.

  1. Gills. They are supposed to be elastic, dark red in color and not smell suspicious.
  2. Eyes. Fatty salted herring simply must have clear red eyes, but if you want to choose a herring with caviar, then you need to look for fish with dull eyes. However, do not forget that fish with caviar will not be fatty, because it spent all its strength and fat on procreation.
  3. 3. High-quality herring has an elastic body without mucus and plaque, cuts and cracks. You can check the fish for elasticity like meat with a stick, or even with your finger. Also take a closer look to ensure that there is no “rust” on the herring. Brown, because this indicates not the right conditions storage

I hope that this article on the topic of whether or not to eat herring while breastfeeding has answered all your questions. Don't forget to share it on in social networks with other moms.