Late onset of menstruation in girls. In girls, the first menstruation is characterized by discharge, which should not happen. What is menstruation

Puberty is a special period in the life of every girl. When her period begins, the girl must be mentally prepared. Modern children have access to almost any information, so many of them know about menstruation long before their onset. However, parents must find out whether the child perceives this information correctly and what thoughts and feelings it evokes in him.

As a rule, when the first critical days begin, a girl may experience a feeling of fear or anxiety, because such a process is happening to her for the first time. During hormonal changes, a child needs the support and attention of loved ones more than ever.

When does a girl normally start menstruating for the first time?

In the last century, girls began menstruating for the first time around the age of 18. Now the situation has changed - menstruation can begin in a child at 12–16 years old. Although the most optimal age for a girl to start menstruation is considered to be 12–13 years old.

According to doctors, early puberty is not a deviation - it is only an individual developmental feature. It is worth noting that hormonal levels have a huge influence on sexual development.

What determines how soon the first period comes? The following factors influence this process:

  • Past diseases: meningitis, chronic tonsillitis, encephalitis, frequent viral diseases. It happens that a girl who has often been sick or suffered serious illnesses may lag behind her peers in puberty.
  • Level of physical development. The height, weight and physical form of a girl have a great influence on puberty - stronger and taller girls usually have their period much earlier.
  • Lifestyle: sports activities, quality of nutrition. For full development, a growing body needs useful and nutritious substances - their lack can provoke a delay not only in physical and mental development, but also in sexual development.
  • State of the nervous system. Frequent stressful situations can either bring or delay menstruation.
  • Hereditary predisposition to early maturation. If one of the female half of the family began menstruation at an early age, most likely, the daughter (granddaughter) begins menstruation at about the same age.
  • Region of residence. According to statistics, natives of the south and east begin menstruation earlier than representatives of western and northern peoples.

In medical practice, there are cases when girls’ first periods come at the age of 9–10 years, and sometimes earlier. This is possible with hormonal imbalances and increased physical and emotional stress.

Delayed sexual development can be suspected if a girl does not have periods by the age of 17. The cause may be improper functioning of the ovaries, emotional stress, disruption of the thyroid gland, grueling sports training, and insufficient food intake (deliberate fasting, malnutrition).

Precursors and signs of the first menstruation

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How do you know when your period will start for the first time? Usually, mothers notice the signs of the very first menstruation, because they are the ones who constantly monitor the health of their beloved children. If a girl’s period has already begun, but the conversation has not yet been held, during this period the main thing is not to delay the moral preparation of the child for a new stage of life. In about 1–2 years, hairs begin to appear in the girl’s armpits and pubic area, her figure becomes rounded, and her breasts become more defined. During this period, some people experience acne on the face, neck and back.

Some time before the first menstruation begins, the child may be bothered by atypical discharge. If they do not have a strong odor and do not cause discomfort, then this is normal. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor.

How can you tell when your period is about to start? The most characteristic signs:

  • The mammary glands increase in size. There may be pain and tingling in the chest, and there may be clear discharge from the nipples.
  • Abdominal pain radiating to the lower back. The intensity of abdominal pain is individual for each girl; for some it causes slight discomfort, and there are cases when pain relief is necessary.
  • Acne on the face. The rash usually goes away with age, but can also bother mature women.
  • Intestinal dysfunction. The onset of menstruation is accompanied by the separation of the endometrium, as a result of which the uterus swells, therefore, it begins to put pressure on the intestinal walls, so disruptions in the functioning of the intestines and a more frequent urge to defecate are possible.

The listed symptoms are most pronounced a week before the onset of the critical days. There are also subjective signs that menstruation will soon begin: increased appetite, depression, noticeable swelling of the legs, face and chest. For several days before the onset of menstruation, you can observe signs of premenstrual syndrome in your child, which are typical for adult girls and women:

  • sudden mood swings;
  • increased irritability and aggressiveness;
  • apathy;
  • causeless headaches;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Features of the first menstruation

The normal menstrual cycle of a mature girl (woman) lasts from 28 to 32 days with a discharge duration of 3–7 days. In adolescents, hormonal changes can affect the regularity of the cycle. In general, this is a normal process.

When the very first critical days are already behind us, how long should we wait for the cycle to become regular? Regularity is usually established within two years after the start of menstruation. During adolescence, the amount of bleeding during menstruation should be moderate or small. Increased bleeding is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

The first critical days can cause general weakness, dizziness and increased fatigue. Pain in the lower abdomen, which often bothers girls during their first periods, should disappear three days after their onset. If the pain is too severe, you can try to relieve it with medication.

How long do they last?

The normal duration of menstruation is from 3 days to a week. The amount of bleeding in girls is usually larger at the beginning and gradually decreases until it stops. If the discharge is heavy and lasts more than a week, the girl should be shown to a specialist. Until the regularity of the cycle is established, the break between periods in adolescents can range from 21 to 34 days. The regularity of the cycle is influenced not only by the emotional state, but also by climate change and physical activity.

When does the cycle return to normal?

Menarche in girls is no different from menstruation in adult women, so the normal duration ranges from 3 to 7 days. A duration longer than this period is abnormal - in such cases a visit to a gynecologist will be required.

The phases of the cycle are formed and established during the first two years. During this period, some failures are possible, which will pass over time.

How to prepare a girl?

The period of growing up is quite complex and unpredictable, so it is important that parents treat their children responsibly during this special time. When the first signs of approaching menarche appear, it is necessary to have a warm, friendly conversation with the child. A prepared girl will have a much easier time coping with the onset of menstruation.

What should you talk about with your daughter while waiting for the first critical days? First of all, you need to tell your daughter what personal hygiene products are used during menstruation, how to use them and where to get them. The girl must learn that she will encounter this process every month, so she will need to keep a special calendar to track the regularity and calculate the frequency of the cycle. It is important to tell how you should behave during your critical days, because excessive physical activity is dangerous during such a period.

The girl needs to be explained that her body is already ready for the birth of a new life. Parents should pay special attention to the issue of protection against unwanted pregnancy and ways to prevent infections that are transmitted through sexual contact. You need to talk kindly and calmly so that the child does not hesitate to ask questions that may arise in the future.

What should parents pay attention to?

What should parents do if their child has abnormal periods? Menarche progresses differently for each girl. Some people do not feel any special changes in their condition, and for some it is very painful. Parents should closely monitor their daughter’s condition and know in which cases a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

The problem of puberty in Russia is relevant in our time. It so happens that in many Russian families, discussions with children about issues of sexual development, marriage, and childbirth are left “behind the scenes.” But not only parents, but also teachers in schools need to hold conversations with children and schoolchildren, striving for competent sex education for our descendants.

Puberty, as a physiological process, occurs in a certain sequence.

In prepuberty, rapid growth and the appearance of the first signs of femininity in the figure are observed: the hips are rounded as a result of the growth and uniform redistribution of fatty tissue, and the female pelvis is formed. Many girls begin to feel embarrassed about such changes. Therefore, during this important and responsible period, the mother needs to talk extremely gently and carefully with the girl about sexual development.

In the puberty phase (10 - 12 years), the mammary glands grow, which is called thelarche; The beginning of pubic hair growth is noted (11 years - 12 years) - this is called pubarche. The end is the onset of the first menstruation - menarche (menstruation begins in girls aged about 12 - 13 years), coinciding with the completion of body growth in length.

What are periods (menstruation)?

Menstruation, and from the medical side - menstruation, is the rejection of the endometrium (the mucous membrane of the inner layer of the uterus), a rhythmic process that repeats at certain intervals. Menstruation is the completion of a physiological process - the menstrual cycle, which lasts 3 - 4 weeks.

During puberty, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland begin to produce gonadotropic hormones (FSH-follicle-stimulating hormone and LH-luteinizing hormone), which trigger the mechanism of follicle growth, steroid production and egg maturation. In the mucous membranes of the uterus, vagina, and cervical canal, cyclic changes occur that correspond to the phases of the menstrual cycle.

Cycle phases

The menstrual cycle has several phases:

  • the phase of endometrial rejection, which has individual durations from one day to several days. This is a very complex process, after which the process of endometrial growth immediately begins, which occurs with extraordinary speed;
  • then the proliferation phase begins (with a normal 4-day cycle) begins on the 5th day and lasts until the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. Every day the process of endometrial growth increases, and by the end of the proliferation phase, the growth of the endometrium in thickness reaches its maximum;
  • after the proliferation phase, the secretion phase will begin from the 15th to the 28th day of the menstrual cycle. In this phase, the growth of the endometrium stops and its preparation begins for the reception of a fertilized egg, or for rejection (if fertilization of the egg does not occur).

It should be noted that menstruation is not only changes that occur in the reproductive organ - the uterus, but manifestations of changes in the whole organism.

Changes in the body

Before the onset of menstruation, the body signals this various manifestations, among them:

  • nagging pain in the lower back and sacrum;
  • headache;
  • feeling overwhelmed;
  • tension in the nipples;
  • weight gain;
  • in many girls and young women, a few days before the onset of menstruation, heavy mucous discharge begins;
  • possible, but not always, increased body temperature, fluctuations in blood pressure.

In addition to the above changes, the first signs of menstruation in girls can be manifested by changes in the psychological sphere: weakening of memory, irritability, tearfulness, insomnia.

The amount of blood released during menstruation, on average, ranges from 50 ml to 150 ml. Menstrual blood is darker, unlike arterial or venous blood.

In the first 1.5 years after menarche, the frequency of cycles with ovulation (that is, cycles in which the egg matures) reaches 60%. In 1/3 of girls, the first 3 to 5 years after menarche, menstrual cycles are characterized by insufficiency of the corpus luteum, but most often the cycles are anovulatory. This explains the high incidence of dysfunctional uterine bleeding during puberty.

What factors influence puberty (onset of menstruation) and at what age do girls start menstruation?

It should be said that the time of onset and course of puberty is influenced by a large number of factors. These include hereditary factors (race, nation), constitutional factors, health status, and body weight.

For example, girls with a large body weight get their periods earlier, unlike their peers who have a lower body weight.

To the question, what time, on average, does a girl’s period begin, there is an answer: when she reaches a body weight of 47.8 +-0.5 kg, when the fat layer makes up 22% of the total body weight (on average 12 - 13 years )

In addition to the listed factors, the onset and course of sexual development are also influenced by other factors (external): climatic (illumination, altitude, geographical location) and a balanced diet (with a sufficient content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements and vitamins).

Also, sources can be diseases such as heart disease with heart failure, tonsillitis, severe gastrointestinal diseases with impaired absorption of nutrients, insufficiency of kidney function, and insufficiency of liver function. All these conditions weaken the girl’s body, inhibiting the normal course of puberty.

How many days does the first period last?

According to the World Health Organization, in 38% of girls the menstrual cycle from menarche to second menstruation lasted more than 40 days, in 10% - more than 60 days, in 20% - 20 days.

The duration of the first menstruation ranges from 2 to 7 days, but it can last longer, up to 2 weeks, and on average a girl uses from 3 to 6 pads. But usually girls' first periods are heavy and long.

What does Doctor Komarovsky say?

An article by the famous children's doctor O.E. Komarovsky states that the final establishment of the menstrual cycle takes from 8 to 12 years and for a large number of adolescents its duration is from 21 to 45 days.

The first three years, the menstrual cycle is on average 28 - 35 days, but with age it shortens, which is associated with the work of the ovaries.

Highlight the following fluctuations in the menstrual cycle in adolescents:

  • the first year after menarche - 23 - 90 days;
  • fourth year - 24 - 50 days;
  • seventh year - 27 - 38 days.

All this suggests that the menstrual cycle, individual for each girl, is finally established by the age of 19 - 20 and should not begin and end the same for everyone!

It should be noted that there are signs and conditions that should alert parents and force them to promptly consult a specialist.

These include:

  • absence of menstruation for 6 months;
  • symptoms of endocrine system disorder (diabetes, obesity);
  • polycystic ovaries;
  • active sports (which is common among 12-year-old girls);
  • loss or lack of appetite, or vice versa, when girls’ appetite begins to increase rapidly;
  • taking certain medications, drugs;
  • tumors of the pituitary gland, ovaries, adrenal glands;
  • blood diseases.

Exist menstrual irregularities:

  • amenorrhea when there are no periods for more than 3 months (it is worth saying that there is a physiological absence of periods during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and in other cases amenorrhea is pathological and requires treatment);
  • oligomenorrhea- the interval between menstruation is more than 35 days;
  • polymenorrhea— the period is less than 22 days;
  • hypomenorrhea-duration of bleeding less than 3 days;
  • hypermenorrhea- more than 7 - 10 days;
  • menorrhagia when bleeding continues for 10 - 14 days or more;
  • opsomenorea- infrequent periods with an interval of more than 35 days and scanty periods.

Stress has a great influence on the menstrual cycle. If a girl is constantly exposed to stress (at home, at the institute when taking a test), her periods may be delayed, scanty or completely absent; this is the so-called stress amenorrhea.

It should be noted that menstruation can begin earlier than twelve years, at the age of 8 years, the so-called early menstruation. This will not be considered a pathology if the girl’s mother or grandmother had the same thing (there is a genetic factor), however, such an early onset of menstruation may be a sign of pathology (concomitant diseases, stress, pituitary tumors and others).

And it happens that the first menstruation begins later: at the age of 16 - 18 years. The reasons for the late onset of menstruation may be underweight, pituitary tumors, previous infectious diseases (measles, rubella), stress, and psycho-emotional stress.

What is better to use: pads or tampons?

When our grandmothers had their periods, they used gauze and rags, then washed them and used them again.

In the modern world, a huge number of pads and tampons have been developed and put into widespread use.

This is really very convenient, because using them allows you to continue to lead an active life without fear that something will leak somewhere. The question remains what is better to use: tampons or pads.

It must be said that the use of pads is safer than tampons, because when using cotton cylinders, safety and hygiene measures must be observed.

A tampon can be left in the vagina for no more than 2 hours, and longer use creates a favorable environment for the growth of pathogens.

  1. Since a girl’s first blood may appear not at 12 years old, but at 11 years old, and sometimes at 10 years old, it is necessary to tell the girl about menstruation in advance.
  2. It is necessary to take a closer look at the child to see how actively he shows interest in “forbidden” topics.
  3. You need to find suitable literature that explains in accessible language how to tell a girl about menstruation and at what age they should start (books, magazines, video lectures).

Common questions from teenage girls: “Does it hurt?”, “How much discharge is there?”, “How long does the first period last?”

Try to explain that the harbingers of the first menstruation are unpleasant sensations and moderate nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Discharge flows out evenly, sometimes in the form of clots, lasting several days (for example, if menstruation began on December 1, then her next period will begin on December 28).

When a girl approaches 11-12 years of age, she begins to wait for her period. During this period, you can purchase hygiene products - pads or tampons. If the girl is not yet sexually active, then these will, of course, be pads. It is necessary to explain to the girl that the pads need to be changed every 3-4 hours or as they get dirty, take a shower twice a day (morning and evening) and wash each time the pad is changed.

In addition, explain to the girl that the onset of menstruation indicates that there is a possibility of pregnancy and from this stage the girl should take more responsibility for her health and life.

Each body is individual, so it is difficult to say exactly when a girl’s first period should begin. But there are norms, deviation from which should alert parents.

What are periods and at what age do they begin in girls?

  • sudden mood swings;
  • increased fatigue;
  • absent-mindedness, decreased attention;
  • there may be a deterioration in appetite or, conversely, an increased need for food;
  • skin problems: .

It is not difficult to notice the girl’s emotional state, as well as skin problems. Don't miss such signs. Therefore, the mother should tell her daughter in detail about what to expect when the menstrual period begins. You need to agree with your daughter so that she reports less obvious signs of the imminent onset of menstruation.

These symptoms are:

  • enlargement of the mammary glands, their swelling just before the start of regulation;
  • heaviness in the lower abdomen, possible mild pain;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • spasmodic in nature.

It is important to understand: no matter how well a girl is aware of what will happen to her during her first period, the onset of menstruation will still be stressful for her. It is better to constantly be near her during this period, try to calm the child down, be tolerant of her nervous state and outbursts of irritation or, conversely, possible despondency.

The first period can last from three days to a week. The cycle is not established immediately: in the first year for a girl it can vary from 21 to 35 days. Any painful sensations during menstruation, too long gaps between menstruation or periods are reasons why you should consult a specialist in order to avoid serious illnesses.

If your period starts early

Puberty that is too early is not in itself something painful or wrong. But if a girl’s period began before the age of nine, she should consult with doctors and understand what risks such rapid maturation may entail.

Previously for psychological or physiological reasons. If a girl has been sick since childhood, has low immunity, is emotional, and has difficulty withstanding stress, then she may have early menstruation.

If the onset of menstruation before the age of nine is caused by physiological reasons, this is already a cause for concern. Rapid puberty is associated with the functioning of the brain and possible disturbances in its activity. Thus, the cause of early menstruation may be disturbances in the impulses of the cerebral cortex or any changes, including tumors, in the area of ​​the hypothalamus or pituitary gland.

There are also simpler reasons for early menstruation. It can be triggered by the following factors:

  • an overly active lifestyle among girls who are professionally involved in sports from an early age;
  • hormonal imbalances caused by long-term use of hormonal drugs in the treatment of any diseases, for example, allergies;
  • structural features of the body, for example, being overweight or underweight;
  • heredity, when in the family the mother and grandmother also had earlier sexual development.

With the early onset of menstruation, even if the regularities were observed only for two or three months in a row, and then suddenly stopped, it is worth seeking help from specialists. It is necessary to identify the reasons for the onset of menstruation before the age of 9 years, and, if possible, undergo treatment in order to even out the development and activity of the reproductive system. The consequences of starting menstruation too early can be vegetative-vascular diseases, diabetes, joint pathologies and breast tumors.

Late onset of menstruation

The onset of menstruation in girls over fifteen years of age is considered a deviation from the norm. Usually this process causes concern for mothers by the age of 14. In such a situation, when puberty has already occurred, but menstruation has not yet occurred, adolescents begin to complain of poor health. Girls may experience the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • blood pressure problems;
  • fainting.

Serious diseases that can result in a delay in menstruation are defects in the development of the uterus in girls or any malfunction of the pituitary gland caused by congenital disorders or the development of tumors.

But more often, late periods are the result of a girl’s mental state or her unhealthy lifestyle. Nervous, overly emotional teenagers have a late onset of regulation, as well as girls who are prone to weight loss or those who, using a variety of diets, achieve frequent weight fluctuations.

When the body does not receive enough fatty acids, the production of the hormone estrogen decreases, which leads to the absence of menstruation. By normalizing the diet, the problem is solved. But it is advisable to establish the causes of delayed sexual development in a girl as quickly as possible and seek treatment. In the future, late onset of menstruation may lead to a risk of developing cancer.

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Any mature woman perceives menstruation as a natural and familiar phenomenon in her own body. But the first menstruation is a purely individual situation that can become both a pleasant and a terrible memory for any girl. The first menstruation with normal development of the body begins in the period from 11 to 14 years, subject to the correct development of the genital organs and stable hormonal levels. Early or late periods often occur, and hereditary factors play a significant role in this (the onset of menstruation in girls coincides with their onset in mothers).

The appearance of menstruation at 12 years old is a generally accepted norm

Age norm for first menstruation

Over the last decade, there has been a significant decrease in the threshold for the onset of the first discharge due to the rapid maturation of adolescents, so the onset of menstruation at 12 is the most optimal option, indicating the health and successful subsequent development of the female body. With normal nutrition and a proper lifestyle, estrogen is fully produced, which is responsible for the sexual development of adolescents, and in older age, for reproductive function. The successful entry of a girl into adulthood is the correct moral preparation for the first menstruation on the part of her parents. After all, the further perception of the most important manifestation of female nature depends on the general mood.

In the era of the development of the Internet and the availability of any information, a girl is able to independently learn about the intricacies and primary symptoms of the first menstruation, but electronic pages cannot explain the changes in the girl’s body using experience and maternal affection.

What is menstruation and what to expect from your first period?

The menstrual cycle itself is a hormonal and physical change in the female body, leading in the future to a full pregnancy. If fertilization does not occur, the body returns to its normal state, repeating the same processes. From the day of birth, up to one hundred “young” eggs are stored in the girl’s ovaries and after a “signal” from hormones, one of the eggs begins to mature. After 8-15 days from the beginning of the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs, it is at this moment that a full-fledged egg falls into the fallopian tube. After ovulation, the egg enters the uterus, and if fertilization does not occur, the thickened uterine lining is rejected, leading to uterine bleeding.

In girls 12 years old, the menstrual cycle is established no earlier than two years, it is then that the release of eggs and the body’s preparation for pregnancy is called completely completed.

Girls' periods should not be an unpleasant surprise.

The first period should not confuse the girl

When do the first critical days occur in 12-year-old girls?

Even in the last millennium ago, the first menstruation appeared in girls at a fairly mature age - 18 years and older. Over the years, puberty among adolescents has accelerated significantly, and at the moment, the appearance of the first menstruation at the age of 12 is called the most optimal and correct option. It is difficult to calculate the exact time, because the maturation of female organs is a purely individual and unique process, but monitoring the delay of the daughter’s first menstruation is a must for every caring parent. The occurrence of menstruation depends on a number of general factors, such as:

  • diseases suffered in childhood;
  • hereditary characteristics;
  • improper and irregular nutrition;
  • non-compliance with the girl’s living standards;
  • obesity, anorexia, other problems with normal weight.

Heredity plays an important role in the development of a girl. If mothers and grandmothers have experienced early menstruation, then there is a high probability of the situation repeating in their daughter. If a girl grows up frail and sickly, her puberty will occur later than her peers. Lack of vitamins and microelements necessary for the growth of the body contributes to a delay in the first menstruation. About the position of the hormonal background, its disruption leads to early menstruation (8–9 years).

Deviation from the norm (months later than 12 years) up to 17 years is called tolerable, but later it is a signal for a quick response from parents, because the list of reasons for the absence of the first discharge is huge (from insufficient functioning of one or two ovaries to disorders of the pituitary gland). Delays in such cases are inappropriate and extremely dangerous for the health of the girl, the expectant mother.

Unhealthy diet affects when your period starts

Preparing in advance will ensure peace of mind for your young daughter.

Until recently, there were many rumors about menstruation, which led to an inexplicable fear among girls about the appearance of menstruation. Some girls were forbidden to leave the house while their body was cleansing itself, others hid the fact of their periods from their family and friends. The lack of truthful information gave rise to crazy rumors and superstitions, but today such situations are sadly rare, nothing more. The mechanism of menstruation has long been studied and described down to the smallest stages, and in sex education lessons for teenagers, changes in their bodies and processes in the body are described in detail. Relying on the fact that your daughter herself will understand all the intricacies of becoming a woman is unjustifiably stupid and dangerous, especially for the girl herself.

The mother should have casual conversations about the woman's future, how she reaches childbearing age and share the importance of such an event as her first period. Many problems in adulthood can be avoided if you correctly perceive and respond to any kind of changes in a girl’s body.

If deviations are not observed in girls, then at the age of 12 there is a high probability of menstruation. Signs of impending menstruation are visible to the experienced eye of the mother, and can be completely ignored by the girl herself. It’s all to blame for children’s naive views, when an immature psyche deliberately does not attach importance to frightening metamorphoses. The first thing that becomes unusual is the daughter’s figure (by about 12 years old), the hips are noticeably rounded, small breasts appear (a layer of fat appears on the mammary glands), and the first hair begins to grow on the genitals. Another unpleasant sign of approaching menstruation can be a rash on the face and back. Having noticed all the signs, the mother, like the girl herself, should prepare for the first discharge.

A couple of months before the first discharge, girls begin to experience atypical discharge on their underwear (minor). Clear, brownish-yellow marks are considered normal and should not cause panic or concern. But a strange smell and itching is by no means a good sign, and if such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a gynecologist.

Three or four before the start of the first critical days, girls 12 years of age and older experience the well-known PMS syndrome (premenstrual syndrome), accompanied by sudden changes in mood, excessive tearfulness, an aggressive or too passive state, causeless headaches and nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Pain in the lower abdomen can begin 3-4 days before the start of menstruation

First menstruation and its features

The first menstruation proceeds completely differently from the long-established critical days in women. For girls, this is a dark, brown discharge that looks like blood. Their quantity on the first day can be abundant or meager. The first menstruation is 150 ml of blood (small volume). The second day of the first critical days is called more significant in terms of the amount of discharge, and then menstruation slowly ends. The duration of the girl’s first discharge is from three to seven days without severe blood loss. The general condition during critical days is weak, with a constant feeling of discomfort and nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Subsequent menstruation can be absolutely painless and calm. Another feature of the first menstruation is a strong odor (strong functioning of the glands of the vulva).

To avoid fear and nervousness in girls (12 years and older), the mother should explain in advance what is normal during menstruation, including pain and unpleasant-looking and smelling discharge.

In a gentle, calm tone, the mother can talk about what the menstrual cycle is - a critical cycle occurs every month (with normal functioning of the body) with an average period of 28 days. It is also worth mentioning that after the first critical days, the cycle “jumps” for about two years and there is no need to be alarmed by such inconstancy.

The mother should tell her daughter in advance about the specific aspects of menstruation

Forewarned and forearmed

Conversations with adults greatly simplify the life of a girl who will soon have her period. The most suitable option is, of course, a mother with whom her daughter has a trusting and warm relationship. In no case should an explanation of the essence of menstruation and its features be strict and instructive; the task of parents is to prepare their child for inevitable changes, thereby preventing unwanted fear and neglect of important rules of behavior during menstruation. First of all, the mother should calm her daughter down by telling her about her own first discharge, because this is how the girl will feel that metamorphoses in the body are not a disease or a defect, but completely natural things and processes.

Next we should talk about personal hygiene products. Choosing pads and tampons for the first time, accompanied by a patient mother, will teach the girl to wisely monitor her own health and not be ashamed of her feminine essence. Many complexes can be avoided at a young age, without delaying “for later.”

The blood released from the female genital organs is a favorable environment for the proliferation of harmful microorganisms and bacteria, therefore the regular change of pads or tampons, as a ritual, should be observed by girls unquestioningly. Stagnant blood with prolonged interaction with the genitals also harms the genitourinary system. Finally, the topic of the first menstruation concerns the risks of sexual relations. During her period, the girl is actually ready to conceive and bear a child, so the girl should know about the consequences of sometimes rash actions.

The girl should be explained the difference between pads and tampons

First visit to the gynecologist

There is a cliché that the need to visit a gynecologist arises only after a girl has started having sexual relations. This is a dangerous misconception, and since parents do not take a 12-year-old girl to the doctor, she herself, for obvious reasons, will not make an appointment with him. Parents are the main link between their daughter and mentors who can protect her women’s health. While the reproductive system is being formed, serious diseases of a woman’s genital organs in the future can be identified at an early stage. Getting a teenager used to visiting a gynecologist is not so difficult, but then putting up with deliberate delays with undesirable consequences is not easy. The gynecologist, as an outsider but an informed person, can answer the girl’s questions that she is afraid to ask her parents due to embarrassment or fear. The choice of contraceptives or personal hygiene products remains a sensitive topic even in modern society.

The first critical days are not easy in any case, because it is stressful for the body and psyche. Even though preparation for them takes place over a long period of time, in the end such a process cannot be called simple. This is a little panic and anxiety, and the accompanying pain and discomfort makes you completely despondent. The girl cannot be left alone with the unknown, because her growing up is just beginning.

And although for mothers menstruation is a familiar and boring phenomenon, for her young daughter everything is new. The time spent talking with a girl at 12 or 17 are minutes that cannot be neglected under any circumstances. Girls' periods are a wonderful part of growing up and support can never be too much. Such an attitude on the part of parents will only strengthen the bond with the child. Take care of your own daughter’s future while she herself has no clear idea about it, and one day the new life she gives will become the highest reward. Don't turn away and be tolerant of your own children as they grow up.

Menstruation comes sooner or later in the life of every girl. Menarche, as the first menstruation is called in medical language, plays a big role in the development of a teenager. A girl should be prepared for the onset of menstruation. If previously girls learned about menstruation from friends or older sisters, today there is a lot of information on this topic on the Internet. It is not surprising that even before menarche, girls know almost everything about menstruation: how long the first menstruation lasts, and at what age girls begin menstruation. However, even the most advanced sources of information do not provide answers to all questions. Therefore, menstruation is an excellent reason to talk with your mother not only about the physiological process itself, but also about what a woman should be and what role menstruation plays in her life.

When do they start

Most often, the first menstruation occurs at the age of 13, but this is a relative concept. For many girls, they begin at age 10 or 15, and sometimes later. This depends on many factors, including:

  • heredity;
  • living and food conditions;
  • diseases;
  • developmental features.

Typically, southern peoples, gypsies and many others begin their periods for the first time at age 11 or even earlier. Most often, such girls even look more mature than their peers, and by the age of 15–16 they even look like mature women. This is connected not only with a subconscious psychological attitude, when in gypsy families the onset of menstruation is considered the beginning of adult life and soon after it the daughter is married off, but also with developmental characteristics. Therefore, for those who have people of southern blood among their relatives, menstruation may come for the first time at the age of 12 or earlier.