Rules for selecting women's sunglasses according to face shape. Women's glasses according to the shape of the face from the sun, for vision with diopters, fashionable square. How to choose the right one

Everyone knows that the sun can not only warm you gently. It can also have harmful effects. To protect our eyes from the sun, we use glasses. The choice must be approached responsibly, because glasses should be a striking addition to the image and the finishing touch to the image.

Choosing the right one

When choosing sunglasses, consider the following points:

Since sunglasses are not only a fashionable addition to your look, but also an important accessory that will protect your eyes and preserve your vision. The following selection criteria are put forward:

  1. Glasses must correspond to fashion trends and modern design.
  2. It is not recommended to choose glasses whose frame follows the contour of the face.
  3. The contour of the bottom of the frame should match the bottom of the face.

Material for making lenses

There are two types of lenses for sunglasses: plastic and glass. The main requirement for lenses is that they have a high degree of protection against ultraviolet radiation. High-quality glasses must be marked UV - 400 nm.

Glass lenses


  • high degree of protection from harmful sun exposure;
  • Objects are less distorted;
  • The surface of the lenses is not scratched.


  • require careful and careful storage, as glass breaks easily;
  • heavy;
  • Not recommended for children.

Plastic lenses


  • special coating increases the degree of protection;
  • lungs;
  • ideal for sports;
  • Can be worn by children, as the plastic does not break.


  • the surface of the lenses is scratched;
  • plastic lenses distort objects, which makes your eyes quickly tired;
  • lenses get scratched and quickly become unusable.

Convenience and comfort

  1. When choosing the right glasses, the load from the temples should be directed only to the area behind the ear and above the ear.
  2. You shouldn't buy glasses if they are small and too tight. The frames will deform over time, but they are unlikely to become comfortable to wear.
  3. Glasses should not fall off when you turn or tilt your head.
  4. For maximum comfort and benefit, you need to select glasses in specialized stores.

Face shape

An important factor when choosing an accessory is to choose the right shape of sunglasses that matches the shape of your face.

The face shape is oval, you can choose any frame shape for it, taking into account the following points:

  • for soft face shapes, select frames without sharp corners;
  • with this face shape, it is not recommended to wear frames that are too massive or, conversely, too small;
  • For an oval face, we recommend: butterfly glasses, rectangular, square frames, aviator frames.

A circle-shaped face needs to be visually made more oblong. Therefore, choose the following frames:

  • rectangular or square shape;
  • with wide arms;
  • with narrow nasal bridges;
  • colored and black;
  • It is not recommended to wear massive frames with decorative ornaments and rhinestones.

A triangle-shaped face can be divided into two types:

  • narrow chin and high forehead;
  • “heavy” chin and narrow forehead.

In the first case, glasses in the shape of an oval or round shape are suitable.

In the second case, you need to choose a frame that is rectangular in shape with rounded corners. Frames with decor will also cope with this task perfectly - the face will look harmonious and proportional.

A square face shape needs to be softened. The following frames can handle this task:

  • bright or dark shades, which will distract attention from the lower part of the face;
  • with low jumper;
  • with decor and rhinestones;
  • Not recommended: small, round glasses, as well as square frames.

If you have a rectangular face shape, you should choose the following frames:

  • "aviators";
  • round;
  • Square frames, as well as narrow and small ones, are not suitable for those with a rectangular face shape.

An oblong face needs to be visually rounded. The following frames can handle this task:

  • wide and massive, decorated with rhinestones;
  • rectangular, oval and round shapes;
  • You cannot purchase glasses with small or narrow frames.

The diamond shape needs visual proportionality and proximity to an oval shape. This can be achieved using the following frames:

  • rectangular and square shape;
  • round shape;
  • shape widened towards the bottom.

  • If you have eye diseases or poor vision, you should choose sunglasses on the recommendation of an ophthalmologist.
  • When choosing sunglasses, pay attention to the markings and insert, which indicate the main characteristics of the lenses:
    • the amount of ultraviolet rays that the lenses can transmit;
    • ability to remove glare;
    • degree of adaptation to bright sunlight.
  • It is better to choose sunglasses with large lenses, so not only your eyes, but also the skin around the eyes will be protected from the sun;
  • High-quality and properly selected sunglasses will last for many years.


How to check your sunglasses:

How to choose:

On sale today you can see many different models of sunglasses, which even makes their choice somewhat difficult. It is important that they are not only visually attractive and comfortable to wear, but also really protect your eyes from the sun, because this is precisely their main function.

Sunglasses for the summer come with both light lenses and very dark ones, which are more suitable not for everyday use, but for relaxing on the sea coast with bright sunshine or for high mountain areas. Lenses with barely visible darkening are usually chosen to protect the eyes on days when the sun is not too blinding. The level of darkness is noted on the label supplied with the glasses; it is marked with numbers from 0 to 4.

Attention! Sunglasses should darken but not distort colors. You should pay attention to this when trying on this accessory.

And, of course, in addition to the level of darkness, when choosing this accessory, you need to decide on your preferences regarding:

  • frame shapes;
  • lens colors;
  • lens and frame material.

What color and lens material do you prefer?

As for the color of lenses, the most acceptable for the eyes include brown, gray, and green. Blue lenses are considered quite harmful. The eyes in such glasses get tired, in addition, they are even dangerous for vision. Also undesirable colors include red-pink shades.

Remember that glasses with bright lenses are harmful to your eyesight.

Everyone has different preferences regarding lens material. And here we can distinguish two groups, each of which has its own pros and cons. Lenses for sunglasses are:

  • glass - resistant to scratches on the surface, transmit light well, but can break due to carelessness and damage the eyes with splinters;
  • plastic - lightweight, safe and comfortable to wear, practically do not distort the image compared to glass lenses. However, the plastic is very easy to scratch, which can be attributed to its disadvantages.

An important point is the correct selection of frames so that they are comfortable and suit the chosen clothing style, hair color and face shape, which is important for both women and men.

Advice. When purchasing an accessory for sun protection, you need to pay attention during fitting so that the glasses only touch the bridge of your nose and do not lie close to your face. In addition, the temples should not press. You need to choose a model that is comfortable enough and does not cause any discomfort. After all, even slightly unpleasant sensations, which seem insignificant at first, will ultimately lead to fatigue and spoilage of mood during prolonged wearing of glasses.

Choosing sunglasses according to your face shape

To make sunglasses look beautiful and stylish, ideally suit your appearance, and not look like an alien element, you need to select them according to the shape of your face. An incorrectly chosen frame can distort everything that is advantageous in one’s appearance, and bring to the fore what is undesirable—those facial features that one would like to hide.

Today, several face shapes are conventionally distinguished:

  • oval - with soft lines, this type can be called ideal;
  • round - in the form of a circle, in which the widest part is the cheeks;
  • square - with a large chin and a hairline in the form of a square;
  • rectangular (oblong) – elongated, with long straight cheekbones;
  • triangular or “heart” - with a small chin, large forehead and high cheekbones;
  • diamond-shaped - with wide cheekbones and a narrow chin.

Most glasses models will suit those with an oval face shape. They have virtually no problems choosing the right option, so they can experiment with different frames. But it is advisable that the top of the glasses does not coincide with the line of the eyebrows, and that the frame itself is not too narrow or, on the contrary, wide. It's better to stick with the middle option.

Models without frames are well suited for heart-shaped faces. People with this face shape should avoid glasses with many small details.

It is better for chubby people to choose narrow models. Glasses of a square or rectangular shape, but with slightly rounded edges, and thin frames are suitable. Round glasses are not even worth considering, because in them your face will look like a ball.

Those with a square face with a massive chin can opt for round glasses of a fairly large size, which will soften their shape somewhat. Frames with a rounded bottom will also look good. Massiveness will be smoothed out by models such as aviators, butterfly and other drop-shaped shapes. Square and rectangular glasses are completely unsuitable for this type of face.

People with long faces should take a closer look at models that can visually reduce their shape, which is usually achieved by adding volume along the width. Small glasses or square shapes are not recommended for this face type. Raised frame edges or panoramic glass will look good.

For those who have a diamond-shaped face, it is better to avoid sharp corners. When choosing glasses, it is advisable to focus on soft lines. Frames in which the top part is larger than the bottom part work well. Decorative elements won't hurt either.

Shape of glasses for oblong faces

Sunglasses for men: features of choice

The above visual correction options can be called relevant for the stronger half of humanity, but with some clarification. People with rectangular and square shapes are less critical of their appearance than women. After all, a heavy chin in a man indicates that he has willpower. And others perceive the angularity of the face as an indicator of masculinity.

Oval face shapes are more often adjusted by men to give the face some rigidity. Square or rectangular frames that are large in size and slightly rounded at the edges will help with this.

Stylish sunglasses are a must-have accessory for summer days. Their correct choice is important for both men and women. A correctly selected model can advantageously emphasize all the winning aspects of the image, while hiding everything undesirable.

How to choose the right glasses: video

The article is about how not to get confused when choosing the right sunglasses and following the tips to purchase quality glasses.

Glasses are not only a must-have accessory, but also an excellent means of preventing wrinkles around the eyes, as well as powerful vision protection from harmful ultraviolet rays. Correctly chosen glasses will highlight not only your facial features, but can also add mystery to your image. It’s not for nothing that they are constantly used by show business stars and other famous personalities.

How to choose women's sunglasses?

  • Doctors have long postulated that protecting your eyes from the sun is much more important than protecting your skin. That is why, when choosing sunglasses, you need to study the quality of the optics, the material from which the glasses are made, the availability of certificates and, of course, the country of origin.
  • Plastic glasses are not bad. Most manufacturers today make sunglasses from very high-quality, impact-resistant plastic, which is not inferior in quality to glass. At the same time, it is not always possible to apply additional filters from UVA and UVB rays to the glass, and glass itself has the ability to block only part of the sunlight.
  • Before buying glasses, always ask the seller for a passport for the glasses. It will contain all the information about the manufacturer, which ultraviolet waves they are able to filter. High-quality glasses must be certified to block waves of at least 400 nm.

Shapes of sunglasses: photo

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

Sunglasses - 5 levels of protection against sun: tips for choosing

how to choose sunglasses?

Sunglasses are divided into five categories of protection:

  • Zero protection (the number is “0”) - these are glasses with a light translucent coating for cloudy weather, which transmit 80 - 100% of light.
  • Protection level “1” - requires glasses for partly cloudy weather, and are suitable for early spring, when there is not much sun yet.
  • Protection level “2” - glasses with a medium degree of filter spraying, which are suitable for sun protection in the middle zone, but not in the south.
  • Protection level "3" - glasses, one of the most common and are in demand and almost universal in all latitudes with predominant sunny weather.
  • Protection level “4” - these glasses have polarized lenses and they transmit only 8 - 10% of light. They are recommended for use high in the mountains or at sea to neutralize bright light and glare.
  • To make sure your glasses are right for you, go outside. If you continue to squint in the sun, then this light protection is not enough for you.

IMPORTANT: The color of the glass does not determine protection from UV rays. If the glasses are of high quality, then even with group zero they will filter up to 70% of the light.

How to choose the right one Sunglasses?

how to choose the right sunglasses?
  • When buying sunglasses, always pay attention to the fact that this is not only an element of your image, but also an important accessory for protecting your eyes. Therefore, of course, you should always buy glasses specialized stores. After all, by saving and buying a cheap product for the sake of beauty or a copy of a brand, you risk the health of the retina.
  • If the lens is not properly coated, the pupil will dilate and all the light through the glasses will directly penetrate the retina.
    Our eyes, according to researchers, are most comfortable in glasses with lenses of brown and gray-green shades.
  • You should avoid bright palettes in lenses, because ophthalmologists claim that they have a harmful effect on vision.
  • If you have the opportunity and big glasses suit you, then it is better to give preference to just such models. It is glasses with large lenses and a wide base that will more reliably hide your eyes from the penetration of side rays of light.

Sunglasses with diopters: how to choose?

how to choose sunglasses with prescriptions?

Thanks to new innovations, people with poor vision can now purchase sunglasses along with diopters, which is very convenient. In a room where there is little bright sun, they change the color of the lenses and become transparent, helping to work productively with documents and the computer. And in the sun they darken, showing protection from all types of harmful rays. Such glasses can be purchased at any optical store, after first measuring your level of vision.

IMPORTANT: Many users of such glasses complain of discomfort at first. This is normal - your vision gradually gets used to such color differences in the lenses and subsequently you will feel comfortable.

How to choose the shape of sunglasses?

how to choose the shape of sunglasses?

The fashion for the shape of glasses changes from year to year, but your style and the glasses that will fit it perfectly will remain unchanged.

  • There are large-sized mask glasses that look very creative, and are mainly produced with thick frames.
  • Drop glasses with mirrored lenses are also a trend this season and continue to attract originality.
  • Classically shaped Ray Ban glasses continue to conquer the market precisely because they look great on almost any face and have a large number of colors and frame options.
  • Round glasses in the style of John Lennon will also find their owners among extraordinary young people and those who like to stand out from the crowd.

How to choose women's sunglasses according to your face shape?

how to choose sunglasses?

You should also choose glasses according to the shape of your face:

  • For those with a narrow face, oval or rounded models are more suitable.
  • For those with a round face, it is better to opt for glasses with a square or rectangular shape.
  • For people with an oval face shape, glasses of almost any shape are suitable. You can especially pay attention to the shape of the “cat eye” glasses. For the second season now, she has been pleasing her owners, making their look original and unforgettable.
  • The well-known aviator glasses are very popular, but unfortunately they are not suitable for everyone. They look very stylish on a triangular-shaped face, emphasizing the sophistication of their owner.

Who suits square women's sunglasses?

how to choose sunglasses?

IMPORTANT: square glasses contraindicated owners of a square face shape, due to the fact that they emphasize the angularity of the shape.

how to choose sunglasses?
  • Square glasses with contrasting colors - plain lenses and bright frames - will suit younger girls. And more mature ladies will suit calmer shades with translucent glasses.

Women's sunglasses for oval faces: how to choose?

how to choose sunglasses for an oval face?

The oval face shape is the standard among models, and glasses of almost any shape are suitable for it. Therefore, the main task remains to maintain the harmony of facial proportions.

Tip: It is very successful when the width of the frame itself coincides with the widest part of the cheekbones, and the top line runs exactly along the line of the eyebrows.

If you have very delicate and soft facial features, then smoothly shaped frames in the shape of a butterfly, cat eye or teardrop glasses will suit you. If you have sharp facial features, then glasses with strict classical shapes will suit you better.

Women's sunglasses to a narrow face: how to choose?

How to choose sunglasses for a narrow face?
  • For those with a narrow face, you need to carefully select the shape of glasses that can visually give your face more volume.
  • Most suitable for them are rectangular models with massive arms and expressive lenses.
  • Also, butterfly-shaped frames with slightly raised outer edges will give your face more expressiveness and volume. You should avoid square-shaped glasses, which will simply make your already angular chin heavier.

Women's sunglasses on the face: photo

how to choose sunglasses? How to buy inexpensive sunglasses on Aliexpress?

how to choose sunglasses?

You can inexpensively buy analogues of branded sunglasses on the Ali Express website by following this link: buy sunglasses on Aliexpress.

how to choose sunglasses?

Every girl dreams of looking stylish and harmonious. It is the right glasses that can help with this:

First, determine the shape of your face and choose glasses based on this. By following the tips above, you can highlight the strengths of your facial features and hide your flaws.

Always buy glasses with the right protection to suit your needs. This way you can protect your retina from the sun's harmful rays.

Video: How to choose sunglasses?

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Glasses are not only the main summer accessory, they protect our eyes from harmful radiation, reduce fatigue and harmoniously complement the image. If, of course, you choose them correctly.

website I decided to figure out how to choose glasses specifically for your face shape and how to distinguish good lenses from bad ones. And at the end there is a bonus for you.

How to determine your face type

Take a washable marker, lipstick, soap or pencil. Stand in front of a mirror at arm's length. Without deviating, outline the contour of the face, starting from the chin and ending with the hairline. Take a step back and look at the resulting shape.

The goal is to visually lengthen the face, so choose dark-colored frames. They narrow the face and bring it closer to an oval. To balance your facial proportions, choose frames that are wider than they are tall.

Suitable for round face shape:

  • Pointed, rectangular, square glasses.
  • "Cat" frames.
  • Butterfly glasses.
  • Glasses with a narrow bridge of the nose.
  • "Aviators".
  • "Wayfarers".

Not suitable for round face shape:

  • Round glasses.
  • Narrow frames.
  • Glasses with sharply defined corners.
  • Glasses in the form of geometric shapes.
  • Color contact lenses.
  • Eyebrow-covering glasses.

The main task is not to disturb the harmonious proportions of the face, so avoid glasses that are too massive. It is better if the width of the frame is equal to the width of the face or slightly wider. Make sure that the top of the frame coincides with the eyebrow line.

Suitable for oval face shape:

  • Frames of smooth shape: rectangular, oval, round.
  • Butterfly glasses
  • "Aviators".
  • "Cat" frames.

Not suitable for oval face shape:

  • Frames with sharp angles.
  • Frames are too massive.
  • Frames too wide.
  • Narrow frames.

Rectangular or square sharp shapes will overload the face. Rounded frames will help visually balance and soften the proportions of the face.

Suitable for square face shape:

  • Big glasses.
  • Glasses with frame widths equal to the width of your face.
  • Glasses with colored frames.
  • Oval, round, drop-shaped frames.
  • Rimless glasses.
  • "Cat" frames.
  • "Aviators".

Not suitable for square face shape:

  • Square frames with sharp corners.
  • Small, narrow and petite.
  • Glasses with frames wider than the face.

You should visually expand your face. Choose large, chunky glasses. Transparent glasses - with thin frames to match your skin tone.

Suitable for rectangular face shape:

  • Large frames.
  • "Aviators" (with large frames).
  • Round frames.

Not suitable for rectangular face shape:

  • Narrow frames.
  • Small frames.
  • Bright colored frames.

The goal is to balance the upper part of the face while weighing down the lower part. Massive ones will make the top even heavier, we don’t need that. Choose glasses whose width is equal to the width of your face, preferably teardrop-shaped. Aviators are perfect.

Suitable for heart-shaped faces:

  • Rounded, round glasses.
  • Small frames with a narrow bridge.
  • Low set temples.
  • "Aviators".
  • "Wayfarers".
  • Rimless glasses.
  • Light and neutral color of glasses.

Not suitable for heart-shaped faces:

  • Heavy and large frames.
  • Sharp forms.
  • Eyebrow-covering glasses.
  • Butterfly glasses, drop glasses.
  • "Cat" frames.
  • Frames with bright colors.