Before menstruation, my breasts did not become engorged. The main signs of PMS before menstruation: description and assistance. Causes of pain

PMS - how many days before your period can you feel its presence? Concept premenstrual syndrome is familiar to absolutely every woman. But it manifests itself differently in everyone and begins in different terms. IN modern medicine There are about 100 manifestations of premenstrual syndrome. How long does it take for PMS to start? What is considered normal, and what should you consult a gynecologist about?

Every day monthly cycle transformations and changes in the reproductive system occur in a woman’s body. The first half of the cycle is responsible for the maturation of the egg - 14-16 days. In the middle it leaves the follicle - on days 14-16. The rest of the cycle, the body prepares to maintain the pregnancy, if it occurs, or to reject everything that is not useful. In the first half of the cycle, the woman feels just fine, but from the moment of ovulation the condition begins to change. Here is the answer to the question of how long before PMS begins - 1-2 weeks before the onset of menstruation. For some women, it begins immediately after ovulation.

The main cause of premenstrual syndrome is hormonal changes in a woman’s body, the activity of the central nervous system. Immediately after ovulation, the balance of sex hormones changes dramatically. Estrogen gives primacy to progesterone, which affects the body somewhat differently. Hence the change in well-being. In addition, from the moment of ovulation the nervous system is in a tense state. Nerves are like a tense guitar string. The slightest irritation leads to a strong reaction.

In general, how many days before PMS begins depends on individual characteristics body. But only its weak manifestations can be considered the norm. Strong pain, a failure in the nervous system with all the ensuing consequences is already considered a complex, terrible disease of PMS. He is being treated under the supervision of specialists. And the cause may be terrible diseases of the reproductive system, nervous system, pathological deviations in physiology. IN severe cases The condition of premenstrual syndrome occupies most of a woman’s life. The symptoms worsen and even pose a danger to the life of the girl and those around her.

PMS symptoms

A set of various symptoms that negatively affect the emotional, physical condition girls are usually called premenstrual syndrome. PMS symptoms begin before your period - about 10 days. This is the norm. IN best case scenario the girl feels its presence a week before menstruation. If symptoms last more than 10 days, you need to consult a gynecologist to find out the reasons. All symptoms of manifestations are usually divided into 2 parts.

Physical symptoms:

Psychological symptoms:

  • anxiety;
  • tearfulness;
  • panic;
  • touchiness;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • presence of fear;
  • nervousness;
  • depression;
  • irritability;
  • decreased self-esteem;
  • causeless fear;
  • fatigue;
  • forgetfulness;
  • aggression;
  • insomnia.

Surely every girl will be able to determine by her condition when PMS begins and its manifestations. On the one hand, these symptoms spoil life, on the other hand, they warn of an approaching red day. Pleasant emotional events can change your physical well-being during premenstrual syndrome. The central nervous system will affect your physical well-being. Consequently, unpleasant events in a girl’s life can increase the duration of premenstrual syndrome.

No breast pain before your period! There seemed to be nothing serious about it. Live and be happy! But women who have always felt pain in their breasts and nipples are worried about the sudden change. However, how complete absence painful sensations, and their weak manifestation is considered the norm. And in some cases, they indicate a hormonal change with a not entirely favorable outcome. To worry or not? For what reason do your breasts not hurt before your period?

Main causes of chest pain

Extremely sensitive women notice changes in their breasts after ovulation. In stage 2 of the cycle, the level of progesterone increases, which is responsible for preparing the body for pregnancy. Droplets of milk appear in the mammary glands, the breasts become fuller, increase in volume, and the nipples become sensitive. If the breast enlarges significantly, pain appears in the armpit. Progesterone stimulates the production of glandular tissue and increases blood flow. For this reason, changes appear.

When your body realizes that conception has not occurred, there is no point in preparing, progesterone levels drop, and menstruation begins. The glandular tissues return to normal, the nipples lose strong sensitivity, the breasts stop hurting and return to their usual size.

This natural process is familiar to most women from menarche to menopause. At a certain point, a woman may notice that her breasts do not hurt before menstruation or that the pain is less pronounced. What is the reason for such changes?

My chest stopped hurting

Since the cause is increased level progesterone, look for the reason for the absence discomfort follows also in hormones. The end result can make you happy or sad. Because there are several reasons.

  • Hormonal surge

Usually your breasts don’t hurt before your period, when your hormonal levels are close to ideal. The reproductive system works like a clock. Menstruation is always on time. Moreover, the manifestations of PMS have decreased. Such changes occur in a woman’s body after hormonal surge. For example, after childbirth, restoration of a girl’s monthly cycle, if she has regular sex life. If your breasts do not hurt before your period after such events, there is nothing to worry about. Your hormonal levels are absolutely fine.

  • Hormonal drugs

Before menstruation, breast pain stops due to taking hormonal drugs. Often these are contraceptives. And the same reason is a decrease in progesterone levels. The tablets regulate your hormonal levels in their direction - so that conception does not occur or the fertilized egg cannot attach to the walls of the uterus. Your body begins to function differently. Therefore they change premenstrual symptoms. The intrauterine device changes the hormonal background. If there are no others alarming symptoms, Your body does not require treatment.

  • Recovery, normalization of life

Before menstruation, breast pain stops if a woman got rid of diseases in the previous cycle, changed her lifestyle and diet. Exacerbate symptoms of PMS disease gastrointestinal tract, nervous stress, severe depression, mastopathy. Nutrition plays a big role. Strict unbalanced diets, unhealthy food burdens the body, leads to a deficiency of vitamins, minerals, contributes to disorders hormonal levels. If your body has stopped reacting painfully to the arrival of next menstruation, it means you are moving in the right direction.

  • Pregnancy

One of the first signs of pregnancy is the appearance of pain in the chest and increased sensitivity of the mammary glands. However, some women notice a completely opposite situation - their breasts no longer hurt at all. Everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the level of hormones that are present in each cycle before menstruation. If your body reacts to pregnancy this way, there is nothing pathological about it. But you should tell your doctor about this. You may need to take medications for some time to increase the amount of progesterone in your body. At first, it is he who is responsible for the successful development of pregnancy.

A small part of women, in general, have never experienced discomfort in the chest on the eve of menstruation. All that remains is to congratulate them and, deep down, envy them. Since there are problems with women's health No, sex life full-fledged, no stress and others unpleasant phenomena. But such lucky women on earth small part. Stop appearing painful sensations during menopause. Then the fading occurs reproductive function. The balance of hormones changes. Various consequences are possible.

Pathological causes of changes

You should look for pathology in hormone levels. Since the chest begins to hurt under the influence of progesterone, which in the second phase takes the lead, it may stop due to its deficiency. Women who have not given birth but plan to have children in the future should especially pay attention to this. The alarming situation is accompanied by other signs of menstrual irregularities.

  • impossibility of conception;
  • pregnancy ends in miscarriage in the early stages;
  • the cycle duration is disrupted;
  • there are skin rashes;
  • painful critical days;
  • the nature of the discharge changes;
  • and so on.

To study hormone levels, you will have to donate blood on certain days of the cycle. There is no point in trying to regulate it yourself. Treatment must be professional.

If your menstrual cycle functions without disturbances, the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome are reduced, which means you can enjoy good work reproductive system!

Usually a week before your period or a little before women begin to experience irritability, headaches and back pain, increased appetite, breast engorgement and problems with stool. This PMS symptoms.

What signs may indicate imminent attack menstruation

Few women can say with confidence that they have never noticed any discomfort before the onset of menstruation in their lives. They learn about such a phenomenon as the harbingers of menstruation only from the stories of their friends. Well, one can only envy these lucky women. Meanwhile, medical statistics clearly determine that between the ages of nineteen and twenty-nine, every fifth woman suffers from premenstrual syndrome of varying severity. With age, this figure only grows, and in women after forty years of age it reaches 55%.

This should not be taken lightly, because painful symptoms can be so serious that they sometimes even require drug treatment. Don't be afraid of prescribing medications. They will help adjust hormonal levels, relieve painful symptoms and normalize the entire menstrual cycle. Of course, a doctor should prescribe medications and their dosage; self-medication has never benefited anyone. But first, it’s worth understanding how the female body works, which processes and symptoms are physiological, and which require specialist intervention.

All symptoms before menstruation can be divided into two groups: objective and subjective. Both of them can cause inconvenience with to varying degrees expressions can be combined with each other or appear separately.

Objective symptoms:

  • skin rashes;
  • nagging pain lower abdomen;
  • lower back pain;
  • loose stool.

Before menstruation, the mammary glands swell, increase in size, and sometimes may appear small discharge from the nipples. These symptoms should not cause alarm. Going normal child. Skin rashes do not manifest themselves in everyone, and this is usually due to hormonal levels, as well as with the intensity of sexual life. Single pimples most often appear on the face.

Lower back pain is associated with the location of the pelvic organs. The uterus, where changes occur, is located very close to the lower back. Rejection of its inner shell - the endometrium - occurs due to the contraction of the smooth muscles that form the uterine walls. Simply put, . This explains the nagging pain in the lower abdomen and pain radiating to the lower back. Just like the muscular wall of the uterus, the smooth muscles of the intestine also react to the time of approaching menstruation. Hence all the problems associated with stool during this period.

Subjective symptoms include headaches, many complain of depression and irritability.

Very rarely in girls or face. As a rule, all of the above symptoms disappear during menstruation. But sometimes the painful period continues more than a week, but to refuse work, study, communication and active image No one wants to live, especially since this happens every month for many years. It is impossible to erase such a significant part of your life just because you don’t feel well. It is better to find a way to get rid of troubles and live in a normal rhythm.

Without exception, everything directly depends on the features female body. This difficult process, in which almost all organs and systems are involved, can be described as a continuous cycle, including several stages and taking about a month. On average, the menstrual cycle lasts 27-28 days, but this indicator is quite individual.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is a sequence of specific stages.

  1. Follicular phase (maturation dominant follicle) begins on the first day of menstruation and lasts until an egg breaks out from the follicle, which has matured in the ovary.
  2. The ovulatory phase is the period of time when a mature egg is capable of fertilization, according to various sources, ranging from 2 to 4-5 days.
  3. characterized by the fact that the follicle is transformed into corpus luteum, the main function of which is to maintain the optimal level of progesterone and estrogen in the blood for pregnancy.

The luteal phase lasts approximately 12-14 days before the start of menstruation, if there is no meeting with sperm in the current cycle. The unfertilized egg moves into the uterus, and the corpus luteum is destroyed. At the same time, hormonal changes occur. Progesterone levels drop, the growing endometrium is shed, and menstruation occurs.

Such sharp fluctuations Hormone levels are what cause menstrual symptoms.

Most often, the combination of these symptoms is abbreviated as PMS. Many people tend to be skeptical about the ailments that a woman experiences and attribute irritability to bad character and excessive impressionability. But it is necessary to understand that this is not a physiological process, but a violation of it, so you should consult a doctor at the first symptoms and together find a way to get rid of it. unpleasant manifestations or at least reduce their strength. After all, not only health and psychological condition women, but also good mood everyone around.

What is premenstrual syndrome

PMS is a complex pathological symptoms, occurring about a week before the start of menstruation. Usually all signs disappear from the first day of menstruation. It is customary to group monthly symptoms into groups according to clinical manifestations.

A sign of the edematous form of premenstrual syndrome is significant engorgement and tenderness of the mammary glands, swelling of the face, in rare cases Swelling of the legs and fingers may appear. A woman predisposed to this form of the syndrome also experiences symptoms such as sweating and itchy skin.

The neuropsychic form is characterized by irritability, aggressiveness, sudden changes in mood, and sometimes even real depression. Such patients complain to the doctor about increased sensitivity to smells and sounds. The described symptoms of menstruation cause a lot of trouble not only for the woman herself, but also for everyone around her.

The cephalgic form is characterized by severe headaches, nausea and dizziness may occur. Some patients complain of pain in the heart, numbness in the fingers, and the headache is characterized as throbbing. Sometimes it can radiate to the area of ​​the eyeballs.

The crisis form of premenstrual syndrome gives women less trouble. The most frequent symptoms: up to critical, pain in chest, provoking panic attacks and fear of death.

In practice, it is common to distinguish light form PMS, when symptoms appear 2-3 days before menstruation, and severe, if the painful period stretches for 10-12 days and is complex. IN the latter case premenstrual symptoms appear all together.

From the above, it becomes clear that intense pain during menstruation, as well as a few days before menstruation, is a reason to visit a doctor. However, you should first try to follow a few simple rules. Perhaps this will help reduce unpleasant symptoms and pain or get rid of them completely.

How can you help yourself

The most important thing is positive attitude. You need to get enough sleep, rest more, try to avoid heavy physical activity and playing sports, if possible. The diet should include fruits and vegetables, and coffee, alcohol and strong tea It's better to exclude it completely. It is necessary to reduce the amount of liquid consumed, salt and pepper food less. And here Herb tea with honey it will turn out, by the way, like never before.

Herbs such as centaury, horsetail, mint and valerian have medicinal properties for PMS. You can purchase a ready-made mixture at the pharmacy or mix all the herbs in equal proportions and prepare decoctions yourself. The only thing you need to consider is the availability allergic reactions on this or that grass.

Severe pain in the lower abdomen can be relieved by an antispasmodic, but it is better to consult your doctor for drug treatment.

The onset of menstruation in women is a normal physiological process, but sometimes it still causes a lot of inconvenience and is accompanied by pain. It can be useful to track the moment when critical days begin to approach. But don't give up active life because of pain symptoms. You just need to be more attentive to your health, don’t be shy about talking to your doctor about your condition and follow simple recommendations.

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This complex of symptoms before menstruation is specific special sensations, which are associated with physiological restructuring body. It manifests itself differently in every woman, as a rule, it is pain in the chest and lower abdomen, spotting before menstruation, irritability, weight gain, etc.

Development of PMS

Up to 40% of women note the development of premenstrual syndrome; with age, symptoms become more pronounced. Usually signs of PMS develop 2-10 days before appearance menstrual flow. Women celebrate increased fatigue, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, depressive state or attacks of aggression.

The main signs of premenstrual syndrome:

  • tearfulness, feeling of depression;
  • the occurrence of inexplicable anxiety and aggression;
  • feeling of uselessness and hopelessness;
  • fatigue, headache;
  • detachment and desire to hide from everyone;
  • absent-mindedness, inability to solve daily problems;
  • drowsiness or insomnia;
  • flatulence;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • sensitivity and .

Usually a woman experiences several symptoms at once. If they cause discomfort, then you need to visit a doctor who can prescribe effective therapy. But it’s worth taking a closer look at each symptom and its main causes.

Weight gain

Almost every woman notes that her weight increases a few days before the appearance of menstrual flow. This phenomenon is associated with fluid retention, which is determined by changes in the levels of progesterone and estrogen, excessive salt intake or hypovitaminosis. As a result, swelling of the limbs occurs, a feeling of heaviness, and maybe... After your period ends, symptoms usually disappear.

It can also lead to weight gain increased appetite. On this moment It was not possible to establish for certain why women want to eat before menstruation. But there are 2 factors:

  1. Hormonal component. During the luteal phase, which precedes the onset of menstrual flow, increased production estrogen and progesterone against the background of a decrease in luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. As a result, appetite sharply increases, which is associated with a decrease in blood glucose levels under the influence of estrogens. It is the lack of sugar that will become a signal to make up for the created deficiency.
  2. Psychological factor. Quite often the development of symptoms is not due to hormonal changes, but with their constant expectation. A woman realizes that premenstrual syndrome can justify bad character, laziness or excessive consumption of sweets. This does not mean that she wants to lie to others. Typically, a woman believes that she is developing PMS, which causes behavior changes.

Irritability before menstruation

Almost every woman notices increased irritability immediately before the onset of menstruation. It's connected with high sensitivity nervous system to changes in hormonal levels during this period. Many people note sudden change mood, depression may develop.

Acne occurrence

3-6 days before menstruation, many women may experience acne on their faces, regardless of age. This symptom is purely individual, but it manifests itself in almost 98% of the fair sex before middle age. The occurrence of acne will be determined by the phase of the menstrual cycle.

During the follicular phase, there is an increase in estrogen production, which can reduce activity sebaceous glands and increase synthesis hyaluronic acid. The skin becomes more oily, but remains moisturized. The luteal phase is characterized by an increase in the production of progesterone, which activates the sebaceous glands. Acne occurs before menstruation due to the ability of the hormone to provoke skin reaction to harmful factors and allergens. Acne causes stressful situations, poor nutrition, increased synthesis of androgens.

The appearance of blood before menstruation

If a woman uses intrauterine device, then may periodically appear bleeding, for example, after sexual intercourse, examination by a doctor.

If appears, then this is a variant of the norm. However, bleeding before menstruation, which is accompanied by pain, may be a sign of insufficient blood clotting, inflammatory processes, endometriosis. Towards the emergence heavy bleeding can lead to stress and disruption of hormone production.


After ovulation occurs, the woman’s body begins to prepare for possible pregnancy, therefore, there is a decrease in progesterone production. If conception does not occur, then it begins menstrual bleeding on the background sharp decline levels of female sex hormones. Many women do not notice any changes, but more sensitive ladies complain that they have a headache.

Also, the occurrence of pain may be associated with dysregulation water-salt balance. After all, an increase in estrogen production will contribute to fluid retention, which can even lead to swelling of brain tissue. This will lead to a headache of a pressing and aching nature, localized in the occipital region.

The development of migraine before menstruation deserves special attention. After all, the end of the menstrual cycle can act as a trigger that provokes the occurrence of pain. Migraine is characterized by severe throbbing pain, which is localized in the temporo-frontal-orbital region. During an attack occurs sharp spasm vessels with subsequent pathological expansion, which leads to irritation of pain receptors.

Frequent urination

This problem is quite common among women. Frequent urination may be accompanied by pain in urethra. Frequency of visits to the toilet more than 10 times a day is considered pathological. If you have this symptom, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Establishing the causes will allow timely initiation of therapy to prevent the development of severe complications.

Frequent urge to urinate may develop due to hormonal imbalance, tumors Bladder, stones, neuroses, diabetes mellitus, uterine prolapse, organ fibroids.

Changes in the uterus and ovaries before menstruation

The cervix begins to descend before menstruation and gradually opens, which allows for withdrawal bloody discharge lighter. There is also an enlargement of the uterus, which can manifest itself as bloating. This symptom causes virtually no discomfort and will completely disappear after the end of menstrual flow.

Many women note that their ovaries hurt, which may be due to their enlargement. This sign indicates the imminent appearance of menstrual bleeding.

Also quite often, women have a stomach ache; the development of this symptom is associated with a decrease in the production of estrogen and progesterone, which provokes detachment of some part of the overgrown endometrium.

Abdominal pain may occur due to follicle rupture during ovulation. Almost 5% of women experience this symptom every month. It is completely normal and therefore does not require special therapy. However, if ovulation occurs immediately before menstruation, this may indicate the presence of gynecological pathologies.

Possible causes of abdominal pain:

If the arisen pain syndrome is very strong, you need to urgently contact a specialist.

Treatment of unpleasant symptoms before menstruation

Usually for PMS treatment used symptomatic therapy, which allows you to eliminate symptoms that cause discomfort. At the appointment, the doctor must carefully interview the patient and prescribe the necessary diagnostic measures, for example, determination of hCG level, ultrasound thyroid gland, breast and pelvic organs, examination for venereal diseases, determination of hormonal levels.

If unpleasant symptoms are associated with a hormone imbalance, then it is necessary to use hormonal therapy, which usually lasts 3 months. The presence of infections will require admission antibacterial drugs. Therapy for bleeding before menstruation often involves curettage. Also drug treatment should include the prescription of sedatives, hormonal and psychotropic drugs, antihistamines medicines which will reduce swelling.

To reduce the severity of the symptom complex, it is enough to change your lifestyle, including daily physical activity, reduce your intake of salt and sweets, which will prevent fluid retention. It is worth paying attention to hidden sources of salt: soy sauce, soups, canned food, delicacies. Give preference healthy food: fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grain. It is best to avoid consuming large doses of caffeine and alcohol.

Doctors also recommend avoiding fatty and smoked foods, which can also retain fluid in the body. Withdraw excess liquid The prescription of diuretics will allow a woman to leave her body, but they must be prescribed by a doctor.

If PMS symptoms make life very difficult, it is better to consult a specialist. Care about own health will help to avoid serious problems and eliminate pathologies in a timely manner.

Every month a woman's body reproductive age undergoes hormonal changes. The monthly change in the concentration of hormones that promotes the release of the egg and prepares the uterus for pregnancy is called the menstrual cycle. If there is no fertilization of the egg by the sperm at the end of the menstrual cycle, the woman begins her period.

Due to changes in hormone balance, premenstrual period and menstruation itself is accompanied different sensations. They can be minor and not affect a woman’s life in any way, or cause significant discomfort. Normally, a woman can pay attention to the appearance of such unpleasant sensations before menstruation:

  1. Discomfort in the lower abdomen or mild tingling;
  2. Weakness, fatigue, decreased ability to work;
  3. Swelling of the mammary glands and their slight soreness when touched;
  4. Feeling of moisture before menstruation in the perineal area;
  5. Headache, slight nausea, change in appetite;
  6. Irritability, impaired attention and memory, aggressiveness.

Such sensations appear in 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation and disappear after 1 day of menstruation.

In the case when they begin to cause discomfort, they begin 1-2 weeks in advance and accompany all days of menstruation, they are unbearable, we're talking about O pathological condition, which in medicine is called premenstrual syndrome. This condition requires consultation with a gynecologist and the appointment of special therapy.

The main reason for the development of premenstrual syndrome is ovulation and associated hormonal disorders in organism.

The first place among the causes of premenstrual syndrome manifestations belongs to an increase in estrogen levels and, against this background, a decrease in progesterone levels. Progesterone deficiency leads to decreased kidney function and decreased urine production. As a result, all microelements and water are retained in the body, which causes the appearance of clinical symptoms.

The balance of fluid and electrolytes in the body is regulated by the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Before menstruation due to hormonal imbalance this system undergoes a number of changes, stands out a large number of aldosterone. As a result, urine formation decreases and the level of all microelements in the blood is disrupted.

Failure of the autonomic nervous system is also involved in the formation of pathological premenstrual syndrome. The tone increases sympathetic division, which is responsible for controlling emotions and stimulating all body systems.

Psychosomatic disorders, disorders of the central nervous and hypothalamic-pituitary systems are components in the formation of premenstrual syndrome. Failures in the operation of these systems lead to changes in exchange steroid hormones, water-salt and carbohydrate metabolism.

In addition, the reasons for discomfort in the vagina before menstruation are:

  • Increased synthesis of prostaglandins;
  • Deficiency of microelements such as zinc and magnesium;
  • Lack of vitamins B6 and C in the body;
  • Violation of the synthesis of hormones such as prolactin, endorphin, serotonin and melanstimulating.

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Symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

By severity clinical manifestations premenstrual syndrome is divided into:

  1. Easy;
  2. Moderate;
  3. Heavy.

The symptoms are the same for all degrees, however, they manifest themselves differently.

The first symptom is pain. It is aching or manifests itself in the form of spasms. It is localized in the lower abdomen and can radiate to the rectum, lower back, and kidneys. The woman is forced to lie with her knees close to her stomach (this position eases the pain). Touching the stomach and trying to move increases the pain. Not only the stomach, but also the mammary glands can be painful. This symptom is called mastalgia. The breasts also increase in size and swell due to edema. The nipples become rough.

Migraine-type headaches also appear. It is localized in the temporal or frontal areas. The pain is accompanied by dizziness, nausea, sometimes vomiting, increased body temperature, rapid heartbeat and general weakness.

Violated mental condition women, she may become depressed or, on the contrary, become irritable and aggressive. Even minor irritations of the auditory, visual or taste analyzer lead to manifestations of aggression.

Whitish discharge also appears, which leads to the feeling of phlegm before menstruation.

Based on the predominance of one symptom over another, premenstrual syndrome is divided into several forms:

  • Neuropsychic (mental disorders predominate);
  • Edema (swelling of the whole body predominates);
  • Cephalgic (headache and dizziness predominate);
  • Crisis (prevail general symptoms– increased body temperature, sweating).

Diagnosis of premenstrual syndrome

The diagnosis is made based on the patient’s complaints, which appear 1-2 weeks before the onset of menstruation. However for differential diagnosis between premenstrual syndrome and general diseases the body are carried out additional methods research:

  1. A blood test to determine the level of hormones in the body (estrogen, progesterone and aldosterone);
  2. Functional diagnostic tests;
  3. Electrocardiography to exclude heart pathology, which can also cause such symptoms;
  4. Electroencephalography is used when neuropsychic disorders predominate in a woman;
  5. Ultrasound of the adrenal glands;
  6. X-ray of the skull.

Diagnostic tests should be performed in the second half of the menstrual cycle. It is imperative to consult, in addition to the gynecologist, a neurologist, ophthalmologist and endocrinologist to exclude pathology from other organs.

Treatment of premenstrual syndrome

At mild degree For premenstrual syndrome, drug treatment is not indicated. Psychotherapy is prescribed using psycho-emotional relaxation and behavioral techniques. A woman should normalize her work schedule and devote enough time to rest. Coffee, salty, fatty food, alcohol and sugar aggravate the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome, so they must be avoided. Massage lumbar region helps stimulate the nerves that regulate the functioning of the genital organs, which reduces pain. A woman needs to exercise to normalize metabolism and the balance of hormones in the body, as well as maintain the tone of the muscles of the uterus.

In case of severe and moderate severity During premenstrual syndrome, drug treatment is necessary. Applicable hormone therapy gestagens. It is also necessary to take vitamins E and B1. They help normalize the balance of hormones and reduce all symptoms.

Depending on the severity of symptoms, the following groups of medications are also used:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They relieve pain, reduce body temperature and inflammation. Representatives of this group are ibuprofen, analgin, tamipul.
  • Sedatives. Used to reduce pain and mental disorders. IN this group includes valerian tablets.
  • Aldosterone antagonists. They are diuretics and are used for pronounced edema. This group of drugs includes veroshpiron.
  • Antihistamines. Prescribed in case of increased levels of histamine and serotonin. A representative of the group is diazolin.
  • Homeopathic medicines. Used for migraines. The group of drugs includes Remens.

Treatment should last at least 3 menstrual cycles and be prescribed by a doctor after full examination patients.

Prevention of premenstrual syndrome

To prevent unpleasant sensations before menstruation, a woman must follow several rules:

  1. Exercise regularly, avoid sedentary lifestyle life;
  2. Eat a properly balanced diet, do not abuse sweets, coffee, fried and fatty foods;
  3. Sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  4. During work, take breaks for rest and food;
  5. At the beginning of spring, when the body lacks vitamins, eat vegetables and fruits, as well as additional vitamin complexes, which can be found at the pharmacy;
  6. Sex should be protected to prevent contracting sexually transmitted diseases;
  7. Get rid of bad habits.

Hormonal imbalances are significantly affected by abortions and diseases of the female genital organs. Therefore, to prevent unpleasant sensations before menstruation, it is necessary to refrain from terminating pregnancy and avoid diseases of the reproductive system. Also every woman with for preventive purposes should be examined by a gynecologist every six months.