Who did cauterization of cervical erosion. On what day is it better to perform cauterization? The degree of pain when using various methods

Article outline

Cervical erosion is a pathology affecting the mucous membrane of the cervix and the cervical canal. Benign disease in the absence timely treatment can develop into cancer, so every woman should be examined on time. The disease requires surgical intervention, among the most common methods of therapy is cauterization of cervical erosion.

Destruction is carried out only in case of pseudo-erosion. During the procedure, laser, electric, current, radio waves or liquid nitrogen are applied to the affected area, causing the pathological cells to die and healthy tissue to form in their place. How cauterization occurs, what consequences and techniques are used in medicine, the recovery process - these are the main issues that will be discussed in the article.

Characteristics of the disease

Cervical erosion is practically asymptomatic, so treatment is often prescribed for late stages. The causes of pathology are studied by almost all doctors in the world. Usually the disease occurs against the background hormonal imbalance, which increases the production of estrogen, which provokes strong tissue growth.

At the very beginning it develops true erosion, which after 2-3 weeks goes into another stage and gets the name -. Ectopy is a replacement squamous epithelium to cylindrical. This tissue is not able to trap infection and kill it, so there is a danger of bacteria entering the uterus.

Cauterization is prescribed in cases where conservative treatment does not produce results, the pathology progresses, and the area is constantly increasing. Destruction is performed in several ways; which one to choose is determined by the doctor, based on the results of the study.

Causes of erosion

It is possible to say exactly what exactly caused the erosion only after carrying out additional diagnostics. Most often, pathology is detected in young women, and the following factors can cause it:

  1. Infections of a sexual nature.
  2. Endocrine diseases.
  3. Various operations, abortions, childbirth.
  4. Weakened immunity, hormonal imbalance.
  5. Mechanical damage to the cervix and uterus.
  6. Chronic pathologies or concomitant diseases.

All these factors contribute to the occurrence of erosion, but it can also be congenital. This form cannot be treated; the woman is simply observed by a doctor and periodically undergoes tests for oncology, infections, etc.


It is difficult to suspect erosion; it is rarely accompanied by any symptoms. As the disease progresses, the woman notices:

  • Bright red or pale pink secretion discharged from the vagina;
  • Bleeding not associated with menstruation;
  • Redness and itching of the external genitalia;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen of various types;
  • Discharge of blood after or during sexual intercourse.

Is it necessary to cauterize erosion and is it possible?

After a woman has heard about her diagnosis, she is concerned about a fair question - is it necessary to cauterize cervical erosion? The treatment method is determined only after the study, so it is impossible to say unequivocally whether cauterization is necessary or not without results.

Congenital and true erosion is usually not treated; pseudo-erosion is cauterized in mandatory. If a woman is planning to conceive, it is necessary to carry out therapy before pregnancy, since the pathology interferes with fertilization and can cause miscarriages or premature birth. If you are already pregnant, cauterization is prohibited.

It is necessary to cauterize erosion only if it progresses, causes discomfort and unpleasant symptoms, not cured conservative methods and may pose a threat to the patient's health. In cases of calm flow, erosion is simply observed; after a while, it may disappear on its own.


Each destruction method has its pros and cons. Below are the popular methods of moxibustion and their advantages:

  1. Radio wave coagulation– painlessness, absence of scars and injuries, minimal risk of bleeding, fast recovery, almost 100% absence of relapses.
  2. Laser treatment – ​​this treatment method is used most often. Cauterization is safe, painless, at all stages the doctor controls the depth of the effect, so that healthy tissue is not affected. After the operation, no scars remain, the risk of complications is minimal, tissue restoration is rapid, and there is virtually no bleeding.
  3. Diathermocoagulation – removal by electric current. The method is simple, accessible and effective.
  4. Cryotherapy – freezing of pathological tissues liquid nitrogen passes quickly, without pain, bleeding, scars. The method activates the immune system, which improves the patient’s well-being.
  5. Argon plasma ablation is a quick procedure, does not cause discharge or pain, is excellent for nulliparous patients, healing occurs in the shortest possible time, and there is no risk of infection. This treatment method eliminates the occurrence of complications and relapse.

In addition to the advantages, moxibustion has its disadvantages, we will consider them below.


Some methods are not always so harmless, for example:

  • Diathermocoagulation is the most difficult cauterization - high risk bleeding, long rehabilitation, deep scars, pain during rehabilitation, not suitable for nulliparous women;
  • Cryotherapy – it is difficult for a doctor to control the depth of exposure, recovery is long, it is possible re-treatment, watery discharge often occurs;
  • Radio wave treatment - the disadvantages include only mild pain, similar to nagging menstrual pain;
  • Argon plasma ablation – pulling sensations in the abdominal area, high cost;
  • Laser cauterization is expensive.

Despite the disadvantages, these treatment methods are the most relevant.

Indications and contraindications

Erosion is cauterized in cases where the area is too large, the disease is actively progressing and conservative therapy Does not help. Destruction is prescribed if there is no doubt about the benign course, and erosion has not affected the cervical canal.

Contraindications to cauterization:

  1. Inflammation in the uterus or cervix.
  2. Infectious or fungal pathologies.
  3. Bleeding.
  4. Intrauterine devices.
  5. Infection with human papillomavirus.
  6. Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  7. Poor blood clotting.
  8. Pregnancy.
  9. Diabetes mellitus (decompensated).
  10. C-section.
  11. Schizophrenia, seizures and other psychological pathologies.
  12. Wearing a pacemaker.

Cauterization is not used after childbirth if lochia is present. They try to treat the pathology during menstruation, when the cervix is ​​slightly open and all tissues are softened. The procedure is prescribed on the 2-3rd day of menstruation, but if bleeding is heavy - on the 5-6th day.

Is it possible to cauterize erosion during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, cauterization is not used; it is advisable to cure the pathology before fertilization. The doctor postpones therapy until postpartum period, because sometimes it goes away on its own. Treatment is carried out only after complete recovery. If erosion threatens the patient’s life, cauterization may be prescribed even during pregnancy, but this rarely happens.

Is it possible to cauterize erosion for nulliparous women?

Modern medicine does not stand still; today there are gentle ways to treat erosion that do not leave scars and do not deform the uterus. These include cryodestruction, radio waves, laser exposure, argon plasma ablation and chemical cauterization special drugs. The methods are gentle, and after them there are practically no deep scars.


Preparation for cauterization of erosion involves careful examination. Before prescribing cauterization, the doctor checks the woman for infectious diseases, and if they are present, treatment is carried out with antibiotics, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal drugs.

What tests need to be taken

Testing before cauterization of cervical erosion will show whether the procedure can be performed. A woman must undergo the following studies:

  • HIV test;
  • Biochemical, clinical analysis blood;
  • Hepatitis test;
  • Clinical urine analysis;
  • Colposcopy;
  • Biopsy if required.
  • Smear for oncocytology;
  • PCR analysis for the detection of urogenital infections.

After all the data is received, the doctor determines whether preliminary therapy is needed. If there are no deviations, the cauterization method is determined. The choice depends on age, desire to give birth in the future, stage of development of the pathology, and its course.


During the examination, the doctor will definitely notice erosion, but in order to determine the type of epithelial cells and whether there are atypical changes in them, colposcopy is used. During the procedure, the affected area is viewed under 30-40x magnification. In short, colposcopy is needed to determine the benign or malignant course of erosion. If an oncological process is excluded, cauterization is prescribed.

When to cauterize erosion

Before treatment, a woman asks the question - when to carry out cauterization, before or after menstruation? The erosion is cauterized during menstruation, on the 2-3rd day. At this time, the gynecologist can see all the changed cells, so it is easier for the doctor to avoid injury to healthy tissue. When is the best time to perform the operation, and on what day of the cycle should it be performed, is determined depending on the abundance and duration of menstruation.

It is important that the cervix is ​​open and its tissues are softened. Sometimes erosion needs to be cauterized a few days after menstruation. Ideally, the stupa should fall off before the next menstruation so that in place surgical impact healthy tissue remained. Manipulation is indicated on the 2nd day after the end of menstruation. The time of the operation is selected strictly individually.

Methods of cauterization of erosion

Cauterization is symbol groups of methods. Treatment is direct and non-contact, when diseased cells are destroyed at a distance. After the procedure, the pathological cells die off, a scab appears in their place, then it falls off, leaving behind a healthy area. Below we will consider the types of cauterization in more detail. To cauterize erosion correctly, it is important to take into account all the nuances of the procedure.


Electrocoagulation of cervical erosion is a traumatic method that involves treating the affected area with electric current. The procedure takes approximately half an hour and is performed under local anesthesia. This technique has been used for a long time and causes tissue to disintegrate under the influence of heat.

Rehabilitation takes 1-3 months, but after healing, scars remain. Sometimes a woman experiences pain during rehabilitation. If surgery is scheduled in the first phase of the cycle, healing will occur faster. Cauterization of erosion with electric current is not recommended nulliparous girls, since electrical exposure does not guarantee the absence of scars.


During cauterization of cervical erosion with liquid nitrogen, the damaged tissues are frozen, and sharp spasm blood vessels and their expansion. The technique is gentle, does not cause pain or bleeding, and healthy cells are not destroyed. Cryodestruction of cervical erosion activates the immune system, so that the skin receives vitamins and minerals in the right quantities.

Cryotherapy is very effective, but during the procedure it is difficult for the doctor to monitor the depth of the effect, so sometimes a relapse occurs or re-freezing of the cells is required. Healing after cryocoagulation lasts 5-6 weeks; during this period you should not visit saunas and steam baths, overwork or be sexually active.

Laser treatment

During the operation, cauterization (non-contact) of pathogenic cells occurs with a laser beam. Treatment is prescribed on days 5-6 of the cycle, and the procedure itself lasts no more than 30 minutes. The device (colposcope) does not touch healthy cells, the entire process is controlled, and tissue elasticity is not impaired. A safe and painless technique is relevant for girls who are planning to give birth.

There are no scars or bleeding. Healing is fast and almost asymptomatic. relieves inflammation, restores tissue, improves blood circulation. The risk of relapse is minimal; after treatment, you should not go to the pool, be sexually active, or engage in physical activity.

Chemical coagulation

This treatment is used for minor injuries. Chemicals do not leave scars and do not cause bleeding. Most often, cauterization of erosion is prescribed with Surgitron and Solkovagin. A mixture of both products is applied to the affected area under the supervision of a colposcope. Acids destroy pathogenic cells, they are rejected, and healthy tissue appears in their place. The therapy is cheap, gentle, and suitable for nulliparous girls.

Radio wave coagulation

The radio wave cauterization procedure is expensive, but for complete treatment only one session is needed. The method does not cause bleeding, is painless, and low-traumatic. The recovery period lasts no more than 1 month. Optimal time operations – 5-10 days after menstruation.

The essence of the procedure is to heat the liquid contained in the cells, causing them to evaporate. lasts about 20 minutes, recovery takes 1 month, and an insignificant secretion appears that disappears after 10 days. The method is suitable for all women, even those who have not given birth.

Argon plasma ablation

For cauterization, argon is used, which acts on the epithelium from a distance of 0.5 cm. Electromagnetic waves heat and evaporate pathological cells, and healthy tissue is formed in their place. A scab does not appear at the treatment site; a thin crust appears. Thanks to this, the healing process is fast, and cauterization of the erosion with argon itself is painless.

Is it painful to cauterize cervical erosion?

The question of whether it is painful to cauterize erosion or not worries many patients, since fear is the main reason for ignoring pathology. Fearing pain, women postpone therapy, thereby starting the process. The operation is practically painless, there is no nerve endings, so the symptoms are mild. Modern methods do not cause pain and discomfort, moreover, if the patient has increased pain threshold, the doctor offers anesthesia.

How much does it cost to cauterize cervical erosion?

The cost of treatment is determined depending on many factors - the chosen clinic, availability of studies, type of therapy, etc. It is difficult to give specific numbers, so we will give approximate prices cauterization of cervical erosion, based on the treatment method:

  1. Radio waves - from 3 to 7 thousand rubles.
  2. Laser – 4-8 thousand.
  3. Electric current – ​​up to 3 thousand.
  4. Chemical coagulation – about 800 rubles.

Moscow is rich in various clinics, where a woman can calmly, without queues, undergo treatment, of course, for a fee. Private clinics do not provide insurance, so you will have to pay for everything - from consultation to cauterization.

How long does the operation take?

Modern methods make it possible to quickly eliminate the outbreak, even if the stage is advanced. Typically the procedure takes from 10 minutes to half an hour. The time depends on the chosen method. In some cases, repeated therapy is required, then cauterization is done a little longer, about 20-60 minutes.

Postoperative period

Recovery after cauterization takes from 4 weeks to 3 months, depending on the chosen method. The gentle effect does not cause much injury, and therefore full recovery comes faster:

  • Diathermocoagulation – up to 2 months. During this period, the cycle goes wrong, unusual discharge appears, sometimes with blood;
  • Radio waves – after manipulation, the wound heals within 1-2 months. The discharge is insignificant, sometimes there is a nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Laser – recovery takes 27-30 days. The method is progressive, safe, low-traumatic.
  • Cryodestruction – rehabilitation lasts 1.5-2 months.
  • Chemical coagulation - healing occurs after 3-4 weeks.
  • EMA – epithelization lasts 45 days.

During the healing period, you should not swim in ponds, take a bath, overwork, lift weights, visit saunas, be sexually active, etc. More details about contraindications can be found in the article below.

Sex after cauterization of erosion

Sexual activity is strictly prohibited until complete recovery. Doctors prohibit having sex until the tissue is completely closed to avoid infection. Sexual rest should not last less than a month. During this period, the area will fully recover. If you break the rule, the crust may peel off and the process will take a long time.

Anal and oral sex, since no contact with the wound occurs. Before starting to actively have sex, a woman should definitely consult a gynecologist to rule out complications.


There is no ideal cauterization procedure. Each method has both advantages and disadvantages. It's important to find good specialist who will pick up the best way treatment.

Consequences of cauterization of cervical erosion:

  1. Inflammation fallopian tubes or ovaries.
  2. Menstruation disorders, amenorrhea.
  3. Heavy bleeding.
  4. Complete scarring cervical canal.
  5. Relapses of erosion.
  6. Scarring of the underlying layers.
  7. Endometriosis.

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen and discharge are not complications; this is a natural process of wound healing. It is important to understand that the more aggressive the treatment method, the more secretion is released. If the discharge does not disappear for a long time, it has bad smell, you need to see a doctor.


Secretion occurs in any case. After cauterization of the erosion, the scab is gradually rejected, the damaged glands intensively produce a secretion that can be painted any color.

Normal and pathological discharge:

  • Bloody - disappears after 10 days, may have a pinkish or more saturated tint. Blood appears when the scab passes and can occur against the background of vascular damage. This process is considered normal;
  • Pinkish - the secretion gradually changes color, turns brown, and after a week disappears completely;
  • Light bleeding – may occur between 8 and 21 days. Normally, it ends within 2 hours; if this does not happen, complications are possible;

The normal healing process looks like this: first a watery secretion appears with minor impurities of blood, then a thicker pink secretion appears, which gradually turns brown.

During recovery, you may notice dark pieces - a coming off scab. If you bleed for a long time, the discharge has an unusual color and an unpleasant odor, an infection may have occurred. You need to see a gynecologist urgently.

According to scientific medical literature, prevalence benign diseases cervix among female population ranges from 39 to 70%. Special attention Pseudo-erosion (ectopia) of the cervix, which is more often than other diseases, is detected during preventive examinations, deserves attention from gynecologists. Although ectopia is currently considered a variant of the norm and cannot be treated, we should not forget that with this condition there are ideal conditions for the introduction of infectious agents. Infection contributes to the complicated course of ectopia, leading to dysplasia and cell atypia.

It is important to understand that not all cervical changes require radical treatment. Just a few years ago, cauterization of cervical erosion was performed on almost all women in whom it was detected. But today the approach to this issue has changed. Practicing doctors have come to a consensus that only complicated forms of ectopia and precancerous conditions need to be treated.

What does "cauterization" mean?

“Moxibustion” is a collective concept for all methods of cervical therapy using both pharmacological drugs, so physical factors (electric current, low temperatures, radio waves, laser radiation, argon).

The essence of using all the techniques used is to remove the changed area within healthy tissue.

Modern methods of cauterization benign formations The cervix must meet the following requirements:

  • Elimination of factors that led to the development of the disease;
  • Preventing the transition of detected changes to a complicated form;
  • Complete removal of the pathological focus;
  • Use (where possible) gentle methods of therapy, especially in nulliparous women young age;
  • Oncological alertness. Excessive watchful and expectant tactics can lead to the progression of pathology and the development of cancer;
  • High effectiveness of treatment and minimal risk of relapse;
  • Good tolerability: no pain during the procedure and no complications after the procedure.

Today, there are many methods for treating cervical erosion, among which are cryodestruction, as well as chemical, radio wave and laser destruction.

Is it necessary to treat erosion at all?

Of course, gynecologists are not supporters of the widespread and unjustified use of destructive (destructive) methods of influencing the epithelium of the cervix. But if with ordinary uncomplicated ectopia you can use watchful waiting tactics (in many women, ectopia disappears after the first birth), then. Prolonged waiting can lead to the progression of the pathological process and even its transition to malignant.

The following conditions definitely require treatment:

  • Complicated ectopia in combination with chronic cervicitis, endometritis;
  • Ectropion;
  • Leukoplakia and dysplasia;
  • Cicatricial deformation of the cervix due to trauma during childbirth or abortion.

On a note

There is only one cervical condition that does not require radical treatment. This is ectopia - congenital and uncomplicated. In this case, observation with cytological and colposcopic control is recommended once every 6 months.

Ectopia (pseudo-erosion) is a common gynecological phenomenon affecting the mucous epithelium of the cervix and cervical canal. As a rule, it requires observation rather than treatment.

Contraindications to cauterization of erosion

Cauterization of erosion is not carried out in the following conditions:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Postpartum period;
  • The presence of inflammatory processes in the genital area;
  • Uterine bleeding;
  • Malignant lesion of the cervix.

Treatment methods for underlying cervical diseases

When a doctor chooses a cauterization method, he takes into account many factors: age and general state the woman, her reproductive history and desire to have children after treatment, cytological diagnostic data, colposcopic picture, as well as the area of ​​the lesion.

For elimination pathological changes in the cervical area, there are two methods of cauterization - medicinal (or) and destructive.

Most old way treatment - medication - consists of local application medicines, having cauterizing properties or improving tissue regeneration. The method of pharmacological cauterization is based on the phenomenon of chemical coagulation of biological tissues. This method is easy to use and attractive due to its accessibility, but it is not very effective, since during the procedure only surface layer epithelium. This does not affect the deep layers of cells, which is the cause of frequent relapses of the disease.

Common destructive methods of treating cervical pathology are:

  • Diathermoelectrocoagulation;
  • Laser treatment;
  • Radio wave surgery;
  • Cauterization with argon.

Not all destructive methods of treatment are ideal. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, indications and contraindications, varying effectiveness and frequency of use in practice.

Let's look at each of these methods and identify their positive and negative sides.

Diathermoelectrocoagulation (DEC)

At this method Electric current is used to destroy the pathological focus. This is a fairly common but outdated method. Known since 1926. This method of cauterization was widely used for treatment pathological conditions cervix throughout the last century and into the early 2000s. It is still used today, but much less frequently.

It should be noted that currently the indication for DEC is only cervical dysplasia. But even in this case, the doctor can suggest other gentle methods of influence (if there is technical feasibility). To treat everyone else background diseases It is better to use other types of cauterization.

The diathermoelectrocoagulation method can be used in the treatment of dysplasia if it is not possible to use other methods.


  • Availability;
  • Ease of use;
  • Minimum economic costs.

The method, however, is not perfect. Subsequently, it turned out that the incidence of complications with its use is quite high.

Disadvantages and complications:

  • Slow healing;
  • Damaging effect on muscle fibers, blood vessels and nerve endings, leading to scar formation;
  • Bleeding during scab sloughing;
  • Abundant and prolonged discharge from the genital tract;
  • Damage to healthy tissue;
  • Possible disruption of menstrual and reproductive function.

This type of cauterization is not suitable for nulliparous women, since its use causes the formation of connective tissue scars in the cervix and creates a mechanical obstacle to the penetration of sperm into the uterus. Because of this, problems with conception may arise, and the woman will have to be examined and treated for infertility.

If DEC was done earlier and pregnancy occurred without any problems, then vaginal birth birth canal not contraindicated. But pregnant women with a history of diathermocoagulation are considered to be at high risk for birth injuries, which is explained by the presence rough scars on the neck.

Many women, after treatment for erosion, want to maintain their ability to bear children. Therefore, other methods have been developed that do not have a traumatic effect on the cervix.

This method is based on the use of low temperatures. Most often, the cauterization procedure is carried out with liquid nitrogen, the boiling point of which is -196 ° C. Nitrous oxide or carbon dioxide. A low temperature (-20° C) is created in the affected area; after thawing, erythema (redness) appears, and after re-freezing, the area aseptic necrosis(tissue death). The scab disappears on the 10-14th day. After 8 weeks, the cervix is ​​completely covered with “correct” stratified squamous epithelium.

During cryodestruction using low temperatures go impact on the affected area of ​​the cervix, as a result of which pathological cells die and are rejected, and then replaced by healthy tissues.


  • The procedure is painless and bloodless;
  • Practically does not lead to the development of cicatricial narrowings and stenosis of the cervical canal;
  • Does not have a negative effect on reproductive function women and the process of cervical dilatation during childbirth.


  • Inability to accurately control the depth of exposure;
  • Copious and prolonged watery discharge after the procedure, which worsens the quality of life of patients in the postoperative period.

Laser treatment

Laser destruction – relatively the new kind treatment based on the use of high-energy lasers. During cauterization using a laser beam, energy is released and tissue evaporates over a clearly limited area and depth.

The scab is formed on the 2nd day, its rejection begins on the 4-5th day, epithelization is completely completed by the 22-27th day. The speed of healing depends on the extent of the pathological process.

On a note

There are laser vaporization and laser conization. If during vaporization the temperature effect of the laser beam occurs on the pathological area and “evaporation” of the changed cells, then during conization the beam acts as a scalpel, excising a fragment of the affected tissue in the form of a cone. At the same time, under the influence of the beam, coagulation of blood vessels and nerve endings occurs, so there is no bleeding or pain during this manipulation.


  • Laser tissue incision is practically bloodless and painless;
  • Short healing time for “laser wounds”;
  • There is no copious formation of secretions and discharge from the genital tract;
  • Damage to healthy tissue is minimized;
  • There is no scarring or narrowing of the cervical canal;
  • Complications are rare.


  • It is difficult to achieve the desired depth of necrosis;
  • If the affected area is large, repeated manipulation is required;
  • Dependence of the effectiveness of the procedure on the volume of the pathological area;
  • Expensive equipment;
  • The need for an equipped office and a trained specialist.

Radio wave surgery

In the case of treatment of cervical pathology (in particular, precancerous diseases) in women who have given birth and who are not planning motherhood, DEC and laser conization are used.

What does the cervix look like after cauterization?

The photo shows the view of the cervix before, during and after cauterization of erosion using the radio wave method.

Radio wave coagulation is a highly effective method of treating cervical erosion. Complete healing occurs 30-40 days after the procedure.

What worries a woman before the procedure?

For experienced specialist Cauterization of the cervix is ​​a simple procedure. But for a woman this is a serious manipulation, and it is completely natural that she is worried. In addition, she is interested in what can and cannot be done before and after surgery, whether treatment of the cervix is ​​necessary after cauterization, and much more. So, what questions most often bother the patient?

Is cauterization of the cervix painful?

Perhaps this is the most frequently asked question. Fearing painful sensations, many women delay treatment, which is completely in vain. There are very few nerve endings on the cervix, so all its diseases are asymptomatic, and manipulations with it are practically painless. Sometimes during the procedure, a woman may feel a slight nagging pain in the lower abdomen. It's not dangerous at all. In addition, if the doctor notices fear or anxiety in the patient, he may suggest local anesthesia.

Where is the procedure performed?

To cauterize the cervix, you do not need to go to the hospital. This is an outpatient procedure and is performed in antenatal clinic. At the same time, the woman’s ability to work is completely preserved.

On what day is it better to perform cauterization?

It is considered optimal to perform the operation in the first phase menstrual cycle, better immediately after menstruation (on the 5-7th day of the cycle).

When can you plan a pregnancy after moxibustion?

If after treatment a woman is going to give birth, then the main thing is to correctly decide on the choice of cauterization method and use a more gentle method.

It will take 1-2 months for complete healing and restoration of the cervix. This is how long you need to wait before planning a pregnancy. Before conceiving, experts recommend waiting until the menstrual cycle returns and undergoing a follow-up examination with a gynecologist.

Can erosion reappear?

Yes, relapse is possible. It can be triggered by abortions, cervical injuries received during childbirth, and rough, inept douching. Reappearance erosion is caused by chronic infection cervical canal, when complete restoration of the epithelium is delayed. Therefore, during the healing period, in order to prevent inflammatory processes of the cervix, it is possible to use vaginal tablets"Terzhinan" and other local antiseptics a month after cauterization.

Vaginal tablets "Terzhinan" have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect and are used during the rehabilitation period after cauterization of cervical erosion.

When can you have sexual intercourse again after cauterization of the cervix?

After cauterization, sexual rest is recommended to avoid unnecessary trauma to the cervix, not to tear off the crust from the healing wound and to prevent inflammation. Sex after treatment of erosion is allowed after 1-2 months. But in any case, before resuming sex life, you need to see a doctor and make sure that the cervix has fully recovered.

Is discharge after cauterization normal?

For recovery period after cauterization with current and liquid nitrogen, abundant watery discharge is characteristic, which is considered a peculiar disadvantage of these methods. Minor bloody, sanguineous or pinkish discharge from the genital tract. It's physiological.

Causes for concern are copious discharge with blood, significantly exceeding the volume of blood loss that a woman loses during menstruation, and does not stop for a long time.

How long does the operation take?

No. The duration of the operation does not exceed 5-10 minutes.

When can you play sports?

If a woman is a professional athlete, then she can return to sports a week after cauterization so as not to lose her athletic shape. But training should not be too intense.

In all other cases, fitness classes, shaping, dancing and other activities related to physical activity, it is recommended to resume a month after cauterization.

Is it possible to swim in the sea after cauterization?

In order for epithelization of the cervix to be successful, it is forbidden to swim in the sea and other open water bodies, as well as visit a pool or sauna for a month.

Is it possible to drink alcohol and smoke after cauterization?

It should be said that smoking causes vasospasm, and alcohol causes vasodilation, which can ultimately cause bleeding. Therefore, it is better to abstain from them for the first two months.

Drinking alcohol and smoking can cause bleeding.

Does the nature of your periods change?

That happens. The first periods after cauterization are heavy, with small clots. This is considered a variant of the norm.

Menstruation may come either ahead of schedule, or after some delay. This is the result of the body's stress response to manipulation.

After DEC, if the cervical canal narrows, menstruation may be scanty.

Complications after manipulation

  • Smell. The appearance of an unpleasant odor is not normal and indicates either a violation of the rules intimate hygiene, or about the addition of an infection. If the first is easy to eliminate, then the second requires treatment;
  • Purulent discharge. Greenish discharge, sometimes accompanied by itching - a sign of inflammation. In this case, you need to visit a doctor and take a smear to identify pathogenic microflora of the vagina;
  • Bleeding. The cause of bleeding can be either rejection of the scab or “exposure” of blood vessels. This complication is most often characteristic of DEC. Anyway the real reason bleeding can only be determined by a doctor after a gynecological examination;
  • Temperature and pain in the lower abdomen. Normally, after cauterization there should be no increase in temperature or pain in the lower abdomen. In such a situation, you need to consult a doctor to rule out inflammation.

If after cauterization an unpleasant odor appears and purulent discharge, itching, bleeding from the genital tract, pain in the lower abdomen and fever - do not delay visiting a doctor. All of the above clearly indicates the addition of an inflammatory process and suggests that without medical care not enough.

To pay or not to pay for a service?

Most women, not wanting to stand in queues, prefer private clinics. Saving their time, they are ready to pay for the cauterization procedure.

The cost of an operation to cauterize erosion consists of many factors, and it is difficult to name a specific price for the procedure. This will depend on the status of the clinic, the chosen treatment method and place of residence.

Of course, in Moscow the cost of the service will be much higher than, for example, in regional center or a small town. Besides, in private clinic You will need to additionally pay for a doctor’s consultation, as well as the necessary examinations and tests before the operation.

IN public hospitals, working on the system health insurance, erosion treatment is provided free of charge.

The choice is up to the woman.

“I want to tell you about my experiences. After our wedding, my husband and I started planning our pregnancy. When I visited the gynecologist, I was very scared and upset. It turned out that I had erosion. Moreover, after taking all the tests, it turned out that it was not just erosion, but leukoplakia; and there is also an inflammatory process. How so? I have only one sexual partner, and I’ve never had problems as a woman. The doctor reassured me and said that everything could be fixed. In general, first I was treated for inflammation, and then on the 7th day of the cycle I was prescribed radio wave cauterization using the Surgitron device. The gynecologist said that this is a gentle method that does not form scars and is suitable for nulliparous women.

On the day of cauterization, I was a little cowardly, because I found out that there would be no pain relief. It turned out that I was afraid in vain. It all went away in one minute and was almost painless (I only felt a slight stretching in the lower abdomen).

The doctor warned that there may be discharge like water, and in ten days - bloody issues(this is when the crust starts to fall off). There was discharge, but very scanty; daily pads were enough.

They were invited for follow-up after 1 month. They said that everything was fine, the scab was wealthy. After 3 months I found out that I was pregnant. She gave birth herself. The cervix opened without any problems. There weren't even any breaks.

My advice to cowards: don't be afraid. Treat your erosion on time!”

Alina, 22 years old, Altai region

If you have been informed that your erosion needs to be cauterized, do not be afraid and do not delay your visit to the doctor. As can be seen from the above, there are several treatment methods. You just need to wisely choose the cauterization method that suits you.

How to choose a reliable and effective method for treating cervical erosion

Useful video about when cervical erosion needs to be cauterized

Erosion is education ulcerative defect on the mucous membrane uterine cervix, which is asymptomatic.

Therefore, a woman can only learn about its existence during a gynecological examination.

To treat this pathology, they are used, each of which has its own disadvantages and advantages.

The first question that arises in patients when choosing treatment methods is their pain. To solve the problem, there are methods without frightening odors or blood; they are quite humane, but at the same time effective.

Is it painful to cauterize cervical erosion, and how is the cauterization procedure performed?


Unlike other methods, this technique is the most gentle. Removal occurs with the Surigon device, which is very often used to eliminate many gynecological problems.

During the procedure, slight short-term tingling may occur. and an unpleasant odor.


Occurs through the influence of cooled gases on tissue.

Its main drawback is complete removal affected area, which makes it impossible to study under a microscope cellular composition, for exclusion at its early stage.

This procedure may cause minor nagging pain and rushes of blood. Therefore, its implementation does not require pain relief.

Laser vaporization

Complete evaporation of the lesion guarantees rapid rejection of the pathological film and tissue healing.

It is performed at the beginning of the cycle, without pain relief, and lasts on average from 20 to 40 minutes.

The laser action is aimed only at damaged areas. The treated area is protected by a coagulative film, which prevents bleeding and prevents inflammatory processes.

Due to the rapid impact laser vaporization procedure is painless.

Chemical method

Chemical cauterization is the least effective and outdated method of combating erosion.. It is carried out with the drugs Solkovagin or Vagotil, and is now prescribed quite rarely.

The manipulation itself occurs during colposcopy, which helps to apply the medicine to the lesion with maximum precision. During the procedure, the surface layer is destroyed.

After a few days, the layer of dead cells is rejected, promoting the formation of new healthy tissue.

The chemical method of removing pathology is often very painful, with high probability the occurrence of scars and burns.

Recovery period after surgery

Wound healing after erosion is a fairly long recovery process.

Most women understand the treatment of painful processes in the uterine cervix as “cauterization of cervical erosion.” Although cauterization itself can characterize only one method of treating erosion - treatment with electric current, however, in principle, this concept can also include all methods of treating erosion of the uterine cervix. How do they cauterize and is it painful to cauterize cervical erosion?

The essence of cervical erosion

Cervical erosion is benign pathological process, characterized by damage and then desquamation of the flat multilayered epithelium of the uterine cervix of the vagina with the formation of a violation of the mucous membrane and its further covering with the help of columnar epithelium (in normal conditions This epithelium lines only the cervical canal).

Today there are several methods of treating cervical erosion. The choice of treatment method depends on the structure and size of the damage, medical history, duration of the disease and the presence of contraindications. Therapy for erosion of the uterine cervix can pursue the goal of eliminating pathologically changed tissues after preliminary treatment of the inflammatory process (this occurs in 90% of situations).

Methods for treating cervical erosion

Let's consider methods of treating uterine cervix erosion:

Diathermocoagulation (electrocoagulation, or direct “cauterization”);

Chemical coagulation;


Radio knife “Surgitron” (processing via radio waves);

Laser vaporization.

How do they cauterize and is it painful to cauterize cervical erosion?

Diathermocoagulation of cervical erosion is an old, traditional and widely used method, as well as the answer to the question of how to cauterize cervical erosion. Its essence is to treat the damaged part of the uterine cervix with current. Electrocoagulation is carried out in the first phase of menstruation (4-7 days), preferably after menstruation. After treatment, a scab appears in the cervical area, which begins to gradually soften by 5-7 days, which is accompanied by rich leucorrhoea, probably mixed with blood. Complete healing occurs by 7-9 weeks.

The advantages of the method are accessibility and simplicity, low cost, efficiency (75-98%). The disadvantages of this method are pain, the likelihood of developing a narrowing of the cervical canal and rigidity of the uterine cervix, which causes complications during childbirth, Great chance bleeding during and after the procedure, risk possible development cervical endometriosis, prohibition of use in nulliparous women, the appearance of scars - the so-called. coagulated uterine cervix syndrome.

How effective is it to cauterize cervical erosion?

What is its effectiveness? Is it possible to burn through cervical erosion for all women, without making any exceptions? We will try to answer all these questions objectively in this article. How can you distinguish pseudo-erosion from genuine erosion of the uterine cervix? True erosion is a consequence of disruption of the integumentary tissue, accompanied by the rejection of epithelial cells.

When we talk about pseudo-erosion, then such erosion is no longer a wound, but a significant change in the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the uterine cervix. In this case, the epithelium begins to become smaller and smaller, and over time it is replaced by another. In fact, pseudo-erosion of the uterine cervix can occur much more often than genuine erosion. Now let's return to main topic, namely, to methods of treating erosion, and we will try to answer the question of whether it is painful to cauterize cervical erosion.

How to cauterize cervical erosion - from the history of the technique

As we have already noted above, today there are a great variety of methods for treating cervical erosion. They try to treat erosion of the uterine cervix not only with the help of multi-wave surgery, but also thanks to laser coagulation, so-called liquid nitrogen and certain other methods. One of the ways to treat erosion of the uterine cervix may be cauterization. Cauterize cervical erosion - radical way therapy for this type of disease. This technique was first used back in the eighteenth century.

At that time, erosion of the cervix was cauterized using a specialized hot device, reminiscent of a blowtorch in its entire appearance. Today, cervical erosion is cauterized using electric current, and in medicine it is called electrocoagulation or diathermocoagulation.

It should be noted right away that cauterization of cervical erosion is possible only in the case of pseudo-erosion. For genuine cervical erosions, this treatment method seems quite dangerous and painful.

Some organ diseases reproductive system in women there are practically no symptoms. About the existence of a serious gynecological problem they often find out during a doctor's visit to preventive examination or to confirm pregnancy. Meanwhile, inflammatory processes, cervical erosion and others benign changes in the tissues of the genital organs cause precancerous conditions. When choosing a treatment method, the woman’s age and her desire to preserve childbearing ability are taken into account.

Erosion is cauterized in cases where the affected area is large, relapses of the disease occur, and conservative treatment Does not help. How cervical erosion is cauterized depends on the results of the preliminary examination, the characteristics of the woman’s physiology, and contraindications are taken into account.

Cauterization is carried out only when there is no doubt about the benign nature of the lesion, and the erosion has not spread into the cervical canal of the cervix.


Erosion is not cauterized in the presence of an inflammatory process in the vagina and cervix, fungal or other infectious disease genitals. Before cauterization is prescribed, the pathologies that caused the formation of erosion are eliminated.

In young nulliparous women, cervical erosion most often disappears on its own. It is enough to get rid of inflammatory processes or regulate hormonal background. The condition of the affected area is only monitored.

Addition: Scars that remain on the surface of the cervix after cauterization using certain methods can make labor difficult. Therefore, they are not used to treat women planning to have children. If necessary, only gentle methods are used.

Erosion is not cauterized during pregnancy, after childbirth (in the presence of lochia), and also if it was carried out C-section. Cauterization is not done if the woman has blood diseases, diabetes, uterine bleeding is observed. A contraindication is the presence of an intrauterine device.

Exploratory survey

An examination carried out before prescribing treatment allows you to find out the degree of changes in the tissues of the cervix, detect the cause, the size of the affected area, and the presence of tumors.

Apply following methods examinations:

  1. Analysis bacterial microflora vagina. The contents of a smear from the vagina and cervical canal of the cervix are inoculated. The presence of an inflammatory process is revealed.
  2. Smear analysis for the presence of sexually transmitted infections (genital herpes, chlamydia, human papillomavirus infection and others). It is carried out using ELISA and PCR methods.
  3. Smear analysis for the presence of cancer cells.
  4. Colposcopy is an examination of the erosion site using optical magnification and lighting.
  5. Biopsy and cytological examination tissue sample taken from the affected area to detect cancer.
  6. Blood test for syphilis, HIV infection, hepatitis B and C.

Mandatory general analysis blood for leukocytes and coagulability, blood sugar, general urine analysis.

Video: When and how to cauterize erosion

Methods of cauterization of erosion

Cauterization is the conventional name for a group of methods that involve either direct treatment of the surface of the cervix damaged by erosion, or non-contact destruction of diseased cells. The procedure is usually carried out on days 5-9 of the cycle, so that by the beginning of the next menstruation the treated surface has time to heal slightly.


Erosion is cauterized using electric current high frequency. The entire procedure lasts about 30 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia. On the spot heat treatment A scab forms, which after a while falls off, leaving a scar. Complete healing of the wound occurs after 6-10 weeks.

Within 1 month after cauterization, copious transparent discharge with blood may appear.

Warning: The crust is easily injured, so after such a procedure a woman should not exert herself physically, have sexual intercourse, or resort to douching. To avoid bleeding, it is not recommended to take a hot bath.

The advantages of the method are its effectiveness, accessibility and comparative cheapness. The main disadvantage is the painfulness of the procedure. Due to the formation of a scar, the cervical canal narrows, the elasticity of the tissue decreases, which subsequently complicates childbirth. The method is not used to treat nulliparous women.

After such cauterization of cervical erosion, complications are possible: bleeding, tissue inflammation, endometriosis. During the first month, a woman should be examined every 4-5 days.

Cauterization with laser

Depending on the degree of erosion of the surface of the cervix, laser exposure is applied varying intensity. The beam is directed to individual points on the surface. Damaged tissue are removed with a laser scalpel. A thin protective film is formed, which is torn off within a few days. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

The advantage of the method is that the laser beam does not affect healthy tissue. The surface is disinfected, which prevents the occurrence of postoperative complications. There are no scars left on the tissues, erosion is completely eliminated, and recovery takes place within 1 month.


Damaged cells are frozen with liquid nitrogen, which is directed to the eroded surface using a special probe. The procedure takes 5 minutes. Local anesthesia is performed. The surface is regenerated in 2-3 months.

The method has contraindications. It is not used if the diameter of the affected surface is more than 3 cm, or there are tears in the cervix. Cryodestruction is not performed if a woman has fibroids, inflammatory diseases organs of the reproductive system.

The advantages include the fact that such cauterization can be performed on nulliparous women; there is no scarring or bleeding. Disadvantages - the duration of recovery, accompanied by watery discharge. This method cannot treat tissues that are deeply damaged. Sometimes it becomes necessary to repeat the procedure.

Video: Treatment of erosion using cryodestruction

Radio wave coagulation

This method is the safest. Erosion cells warm up to high temperature using radio waves directed at the affected area. At the same time they evaporate. The procedure is absolutely painless. The possibility of infection penetrating the treated surface, as well as the occurrence of bleeding, is completely excluded, since damaged capillaries are sealed at high temperatures.

The treatment process lasts 20 minutes, healing occurs within 1 month, healthy tissue is not affected. The disadvantage of the method is its low availability, since the complexity and high cost of the equipment do not allow its use everywhere.

The method is not used if the patient has a pacemaker. Radio wave coagulation is contraindicated during exacerbation of any chronic diseases. 1 procedure is enough to cure.

Argon plasma ablation

Ionized argon is used for cauterization. An argon plasma torch is brought to the eroded area at a distance of 0.5 cm. Ionization occurs under the influence electromagnetic waves high frequency.

Local heating and evaporation of damaged cells occurs. The procedure is painless and healthy tissue is not injured. A thin crust remains at the processing site. Rapid healing occurs.

Chemical cauterization

The cervical pharynx is treated with the drug “Solkovagin”. Drug using cotton swab applied to a dried surface. It takes 3 minutes to process. The accuracy of application is controlled using a colposcope.

The advantage is that the procedure is painless and is performed without anesthesia. The method can be used to treat nulliparous women. The disadvantage is the need to repeat the procedure several times, the ineffectiveness of treatment for deep damage and a large affected area.

Pregnancy and childbirth after cauterization of erosion

When using gentle methods of cauterization of cervical erosion, pregnancy is quite possible; they do not have any effect on its course. Childbirth takes place without complications, since when treating the surface of the cervix, it is not injured and its plasticity is not impaired. During such operations, the depth and boundaries of epithelial treatment are carefully controlled.

After cauterization for 1-2 months (depending on the method used), women should not lift weights, play sports, or become hypothermic. To avoid injury to the surface of the cervix and possible bleeding, you must abstain from sexual intercourse at this time.

You cannot use hygienic tampons, douche, or do an ultrasound using a vaginal sensor. You should avoid visiting the pool, bathhouse, swimming in natural bodies of water, and staying in the sun.