Understand whether menstruation will come or. Features and signs of the appearance of the first menstruation in girls. How to determine the beginning of the next menstruation

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There is one interesting opinion among the people that the child himself chooses the time of birth. But scientists say that this factor is directly influenced by the level of hormone activity, as well as how prepared the female body is for the upcoming birth. That is why doctors can determine the expected date of birth as accurately as possible. In some cases, it may be necessary to carry out certain calculations and also do an ultrasound. Due to these indicators, the due date may be adjusted.

But the predictions made by doctors are not always completely true. As a result, future parents become constantly nervous. But every woman who is expecting a child should closely monitor the state of her own body and notice even minor changes, monitor the “signals” that the body gives.

Preparing the female body for childbirth begins long before the first contractions. Before the birth of a child, women can have a very different emotional state - from complete relaxation to extreme overexcitement.

Psychological mood before childbirth

The female body is completely unique, because nature has taken care to prepare it naturally for the upcoming birth. But many expectant mothers in the last weeks of pregnancy are haunted by the question of when exactly this happy moment will happen. In order not to be nervous over trifles, women need to try to fully understand what signs appear before childbirth and do not forget to follow all the instructions and recommendations of their doctor.

As a rule, all pregnant women pay close attention to changes in their own body. In almost all cases, it is very difficult to miss the signs that indicate the imminent approach of labor.

It is extremely difficult to determine the date of birth with an accuracy of one day; this moment can occur at the 38th week of pregnancy, and in some cases at 40. This process is strictly individual and has many aspects, which are sometimes simply impossible to calculate as accurately as possible.

After the 36th week of pregnancy, the onset of labor can occur at almost any time, which is why you should always remain very careful and, if you feel the first feeling of discomfort or worsening of your condition, immediately seek help from a doctor.

How to understand that labor will begin soon?

The main signs that indicate the onset of labor include:
  1. As a rule, swelling disappears almost before childbirth, and with it a few extra pounds may also disappear. The fact is that at this moment excess fluid is removed from the body naturally.
  2. In some cases, the onset of labor is indicated by a drooping belly. This occurs because the baby gradually moves towards the birth canal. If this is your first birth, your belly may drop around 37 weeks of pregnancy. And for those who are giving birth not for the first time, this process may occur a little later. At this time, the pressure on the diaphragm and stomach begins to decrease, and the fundus of the uterus gradually drops by several centimeters. Most pregnant women notice that it has become much easier to sit, heartburn and shortness of breath have ceased to bother them.
  3. As a result of the increased pressure on the bladder, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. There is a feeling of pressure and severe heaviness in the lower back and sacrum. This phenomenon is directly related to the change in the position of the child, as well as the expansion of the woman’s pelvic bones. The fetus can put pressure on the nerve endings, causing leg cramps.
  4. Most pregnant women, including in the case of their first birth, may notice a decrease in the baby's activity - by the time of birth, the child has grown enough, so it becomes difficult for him to move in a small space.
  5. Intestinal motility increases as the body begins to actively prepare for childbirth. Possible loose stools, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
  6. As birth approaches, the “nesting effect” often appears, which was created by nature itself. Signs of childbirth may also include a change in the usual behavior of a pregnant woman - for example, there is a desire to stay alone or do some general cleaning in the house. Sudden bouts of activity are also unexpectedly replaced by peace, apathy and a sense of calm.
  7. Braxton-Hicks contractions, also called preparatory “false” contractions. It is these contractions that effectively train the body and soften the cervix before the upcoming birth. In these cases, tension occurs and the woman experiences virtually no discomfort. This type of contraction is not regular, and they are also not capable of dilating the cervix.
  8. Bloody mucous discharge in small quantities. This is a sure sign that the uterus is beginning to actively prepare for childbirth. This symptom may be a thinning or expansion of the uterus.
  9. As a result of shortening of the cervix, the mucous plug is discharged (in whole or in parts), which served as a natural barrier between the fetal membrane and the vaginal microflora. A nagging painful sensation in the lower abdomen may indicate the impending separation of the mucous plug. Most women simply notice the appearance of heavy discharge - the drainage of the plug occurs gradually. If it goes away immediately, a mucous lump appears, which a woman can notice while visiting the toilet. From the moment the plug comes out until the start of labor, quite a long time can pass - a couple of hours or several weeks.

If at least one of the signs listed above appears, you can be sure that the moment of childbirth will come very soon. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Today, experts distinguish several main signs that are sure harbingers of the onset of labor. They need to be monitored very carefully, as they need to seek qualified medical care in a timely manner. As the due date, set by the doctor, approaches, it is necessary to collect all the necessary documents and things that will be needed in the maternity hospital.

Leakage of amniotic fluid

If the pregnancy proceeds normally, and there are no abnormalities or complications, the discharge of amniotic fluid occurs immediately before the onset of labor, at the moment when the cervix dilates.

Quite often you can encounter a situation where there is a risk of rupture of the amniotic sac before labor begins. In this case, the woman will not experience any accompanying sensations that portend this phenomenon (for example, spasms, contractions).

In such a situation, it is necessary to go to the maternity hospital as quickly as possible. The fact is that the waterless period cannot last longer than 12 hours. During pregnancy, upon reaching the 37th week, the breaking of waters indicates that premature labor has occurred, so doctors may need to prepare the baby for independent breathing.

If there is constant, slow and periodic intermittent leakage of amniotic fluid, there is a risk of premature labor, the development of intrauterine infection, as well as other serious complications for both the health of the child and the pregnant woman.

If one of the above reasons occurs, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible. If there is no onset of labor, the doctor will prescribe medical stimulation.


The appearance of contractions (regular labor contractions), which are accompanied by unpleasant and quite severe nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, contributes to the onset of dilatation of the cervix.

In primiparous women, signs of the onset of labor may be minor contractions, the duration of which often reaches a day and at the same time they gradually intensify.

At first, the contractions will not be too strong in terms of pain or duration (about 10–15 seconds), and they occur periodically. In the pauses that appear between contractions, the uterus relaxes, which allows the pregnant woman to rest a little.

There is a gradual development of labor and contractions begin to become more frequent - both the pain and their duration increase. Now the rest period will be approximately 15-20 minutes, and at the time of birth 2-3 minutes.

Contractions also include pain that manifests itself in the lower abdomen, lumbar region, calves, thighs and rectum. Quite often these symptoms are accompanied by chills. After a 10-minute break is reached between contractions, the duration of which is at least 60 seconds, this is a sure harbinger of the onset of early labor.

Both primiparous and multiparous women exhibit exactly the same signs of labor. In this case, the main difference is the greater speed of births subsequent to the first.

Experts say that with repeated births, it is quite common for the waters to break prematurely before contractions begin. If none of the above signs of labor have appeared before the 40th week of pregnancy, you should be examined by a doctor to determine the condition of the baby.

What is the difference between true contractions and false ones before childbirth?

False contractions have all the features similar to prenatal ones. However, their main difference is the interval and dynamics. If you lie down, move around a little, or take a shower, the discomfort may stop.

Unlike prenatal, when false contractions occur, a pregnant woman can fall asleep. Training contractions are irregular in nature and interval, but they will not increase in intensity and will not begin to lengthen. When they appear, the cervix does not dilate.

The appearance of false contractions at 39 weeks of pregnancy may be perceived as prenatal. But in some cases they can appear at 30 weeks.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that in each case, pregnancy proceeds on a strictly individual basis, and the woman will not necessarily exhibit the symptoms listed above. That is why the expectant mother needs to closely monitor the state of her own body and listen to the signals it sends that indicate the onset of labor.

How to determine when you need to go to the maternity hospital, watch this video:

Many women get upset when menstruation comes suddenly, forcing them to change planned activities. To avoid such problems, every girl needs to figure out how to understand that her period will begin soon. For this purpose, it is worth paying attention to accompanying symptoms. But it is necessary to take into account that severe painful manifestations may indicate the development of a serious disease.

Determining the start date of menstruation

Let's take a closer look at how to understand that your period will start soon. The menstrual cycle is divided into 4 stages.

Let's consider how many days each of them lasts:

  1. From 1 to 5 days . Against the background of a decrease in the level of progesterone in the bloodstream, epithelial detachment in the uterus occurs, which causes the onset of discharge. At this moment, the appearance of a follicle is noted, which participates in the formation of an egg.
  2. From 5 to 14 days . I don't have my period at the moment. Blood clots are removed through the cervical canal. Estrogen levels are increased, which causes the follicle to open. At this time, the eggs are located in the fallopian tubes, where fertilization can occur.
  3. 15-23 days . In the absence of conception, estrogen levels decrease. The appearance of the devastated follicle becomes similar to the corpus luteum, responsible for the development of progesterone.
  4. 23-28 days . Women need the presence of progesterone in order to carry a baby to term and to give birth in the future.

Do you have any interruptions in your cycle?

Yes sometimesNo

In the case where conception does not follow, the woman will soon notice the presence of precursors heralding the onset of regulation - the removal of dead cell tissue from the uterine mucosa. At this time, slight discomfort appears, expressed in the form of certain symptoms. Guided by these signs, you can find out when your period will begin.

Signs of the onset of menstruation

Symptoms manifest themselves individually in all women; as a result, you need to pay attention to which day of the cycle symptoms and signs appear, as well as which of them are more pronounced:

  • The mammary glands enlarge and become coarser. Itching and nagging pain in the chest are noted. There may be a clear discharge from the nipples, which subsequently curdles. Every woman's body reacts differently to changes in hormonal levels. Painful manifestations are similar to the sensations that appeared during breast growth during adolescence.
  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region. The abdomen is swollen due to detachment of the uterine epithelium. Acute pain may appear 3 days before the onset of regulation. Although this is due to the individual characteristics of the body and the girl’s pain threshold.
  • . This symptom is typical for teenagers, although it can also appear in an adult woman with oily skin. The reason for this is changes in hormonal levels that occur during the 3rd stage of the menstrual cycle.
  • Intestinal dysfunction. During the separation of the endometrium, the uterus swells, causing it to compress the intestinal walls. As a result, the woman has bowel movements more often. Changes in metabolic processes play an important role at this stage. The body, being in a stressful state, gets rid of everything unnecessary.
  • Psychological disorder, nervousness. This phenomenon is typical for only 5% of women. The girl becomes irritable, tearful, her mood often changes, her head hurts and feels dizzy, and general weakness appears.

Such symptoms are acutely expressed during the last 7 days before the onset of critical days. Based on it, you can make assumptions about the beginning of the next period.

PMS is one of the signs

The premenstrual period is a combination of your individual feelings, indicating the imminent onset of regulation. Signs of PMS occur due to changes in hormonal levels. Each time a woman may notice that the symptoms manifest themselves differently. The duration of this condition is at least 2 days.

PMS manifests itself in two groups of common symptoms:

  1. Psychological. They manifest themselves in the form of drowsiness or insomnia, causeless touchiness, anxiety, fear, aggressiveness, and sudden changes in mood.
  2. Physiological. In this case, the girl notes the appearance of: nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, dizziness, vomiting, an increase in the volume of the mammary glands, a rash on the skin of the face, a slight increase in temperature, an increase or decrease in libido.

Having noticed the appearance of any of these symptoms, you should not immediately think about the onset of PMS. To know for sure that it is premenstrual syndrome, you need to monitor your own feelings for several months. It should be noted that the duration of PMS is not eternal. If you experience too much pain or other pronounced signs, you should seek medical attention. help to a gynecologist.

I have a stomachache

One of the most common symptoms of approaching regula is severe pain in the abdomen and chest. In some cases they are simply unbearable.

To improve your well-being, physical activity should be reduced before the onset of discharge. Often in this way you can prevent pain in the abdomen and chest area.

Some girls have pain in the lower abdomen so strong that they have to change lifestyle. If they occur regularly, you should immediately seek advice from a gynecologist.

My chest starts to hurt

The breasts become too sensitive and painful even with a slight touch. Often the symptoms are a sign of the development of a disease such as diffuse mastopathy. This disease is characterized by rapid transmission through the chest tissue. This is the cause of the appearance in the mammary glands small nodules, which disappear with the beginning of the cycle. If left untreated, a mild form of pathology can develop into serious illness. In such a situation, you should carefully monitor your own feelings, and at the slightest suspicion, consult a doctor.

Elevated body temperature is one of the signs

Minimal changes in temperature are common before menstruation. Although changes in this indicator are due to the stage of the menstrual cycle. The highest value is determined against the background of ovulation. When the cycle ends, the temperature remains between 35-37 °C. The source of its increase is the rupture of the follicle and the synthesis of progesterone.

But there may be other reasons for increased body temperature. If you suspect that the problem lies in the development of the disease, you should seek help from a specialist.

If a woman complains about the irregular appearance of her period, experts give some advice on how to understand that her period will begin soon:

  1. Calendar management . Almost every girl has a calendar that marks the beginning and end of her period. This method helps to remember at the right moment the end date of the last discharge. During a visit to the doctor, the calendar will help you calculate your individual menstrual cycle, detect the time when a malfunction occurs, and determine the cause of the problem. This method is also needed to calculate the days when you can conceive and when to exercise.
  2. Temperature measurement . During phases 3-4 of the menstrual cycle, the temperature rises slightly, which is evidence of the onset of ovulation. To determine the moment of egg release, daily measurement of basal temperature is required. That is, every day in the morning, without leaving your bed, you need to measure the temperature in the anus. During phases 1 and 2 of the cycle, its indicator is 36.5-36.8 °C. Then there is a decrease until ovulation occurs. When the egg is released, the temperature increases by 0.5-0.6 °C. This indicator remains at the same level for several days, then gradually decreases by the time of menstruation. Having noticed when the highest indicator is determined, we add 2 weeks to this number and get the estimated date for the onset of regulation.
  3. Taking an ovulation test . The easiest method for determining ovulation is to use a special pharmacy test. It helps to calculate the date of the onset of the ovulatory period, and by adding 14 days to it, we get the day of the next menstruation. The test helps you easily calculate when it is best to visit a gynecologist and get tested.
November 28, 2012 23:13

When do girls' periods start?

Menarche (from the Greek “men” - month and “arche” - beginning) or the first is the main signal from the girl’s body that puberty has occurred, and from now on she can already.

In most cases, the first period occurs between the ages of 11 and 13 years. The onset of menstruation in girls under 9 years of age is considered too early. And too late is the absence of menstruation after 15 years or for more than 2.5 years after the start of breast development (usually it begins between the ages of 7 and 13 years).

In both cases, the girl’s parents are required to seek help from a pediatric gynecologist and endocrinologist if the deviation in the onset of menstruation is significant (more than 2 years - later or earlier than the generally accepted period).

Such disorders can be the result of quite serious diseases:

  1. Failure of the normal functioning of the endocrine system;
  2. Hormonal imbalance in a girl's body.
The sooner the cause of a health disorder is identified and treatment is started, the more effective the result will be. This will help avoid many problems in future adult life.

Menstruation is a sign of a woman's health. Usually, bleeding first begins at about 12-15, give or take a couple of years. Their approach is indicated by special signs of menstruation, which every girl should know.

Those who have not yet had a period should carefully monitor the changes that occur in the body. So, what signs can signal the approach of your first period?

First of all, this is physical and puberty: breast enlargement , their sensitivity and even pain, hip expansion – from girlish, almost boyish, they transform into feminine. Also indicates approaching menstruation pubic and armpit hair growth , which means the beginning of the functioning of the gonads. In addition, in most cases, the first signs of menstruation manifest themselves as light creamy discharge .

If you, as a teenager, noticed one or more of these symptoms, you need to inform your mother. There is nothing to be ashamed of, because this is a natural process of growing up. Read more about your first period

If you are an adult woman

It is not difficult for an experienced woman to determine the signs of menstruation in a week - this is when they appear. Usually this:

  • engorgement of the mammary glands - they increase in volume, become denser and more sensitive. Also, in some cases, there is soreness in the nipple area. Sometimes, along with breast enlargement, dry mouth appears;
  • In young girls, signs of the onset of menstruation are expressed in increased acne, localized on the forehead. Of course, if you are approaching the noble age of 45-50 years, then this symptom will most likely be absent. But according to statistics, up to 30-35 years of age it is observed in 99% of women;
  • Another pronounced sign before menstruation is nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Most often, they appear immediately before the onset of menstruation and accompany bleeding for 2-3 days. Such sensations are complemented by aching pain in the lower back.

Although these symptoms are considered normal, their intensification may be a sign of some kind of abnormality. Therefore, visit your gynecologist regularly and monitor your cycle using a calendar.

This annoying PMS

Some women mistakenly refer to normal period symptoms as premenstrual syndrome. After all, this is not just breast swelling, acne or abdominal pain, but a whole set of neuropsychic symptoms that signal endocrine disorders. Signs of PMS before menstruation are divided into 4 types, depending on the form of the syndrome.

  1. In the neuropsychic form of the disease, a woman becomes irritable, tearful or aggressive, feels weak to the point of nausea, and becomes depressed. Among the physiological signs of PMS of this form are flatulence.
  2. The edematous form of PMS manifests itself as acute pain in the breasts, swelling of the face, ankles, and hands. Patients also experience bloating, itchy skin and increased sweating.
  3. The cephalgic form occurs accompanied by migraine, irritability, nausea and dizziness. Often these symptoms develop into pain in the heart area, numbness of the fingers and swelling.
  4. The most severe, crisis form of PMS is characterized by a jump in blood pressure, heaviness in the chest and a manic fear of death.

Remember, premenstrual syndrome is not just a sign of menstruation. This is a complex condition that requires treatment.

Symptoms are present, but menstruation is late

Sometimes it happens that there are signs of menstruation, but no menstruation, and this worries any woman. If you have experienced all the required symptoms, and your period is late, this most likely indicates pregnancy.

Doing a test before the delay is useless, since the hCG level is still too low. If, even after a long wait, the critical days still have not arrived, and the test is still negative, you need to urgently go to the gynecologist and have an ultrasound done.

A similar picture may indicate a tumor on the ovaries, hormonal imbalance, metabolic disorder or acute infection. The cause of amenorrhea (prolonged delay of menstruation) can be abortion, miscarriage, stress, overwork or a long absence of a sexual partner.

What should concern you

Usually the menstruation itself is preceded by light whitish discharge, this is normal. But if the spotting before your period becomes abundant or changes color, it is better to go to the doctor:

  • If thick, curdled flakes are discharged from the vagina, thrush may be suspected. It’s not scary and can be treated quickly, but you shouldn’t delay going to the clinic;
  • if you have recently given birth and your cycle is just recovering, your period may be preceded by black spotting;
  • pink discharge, reminiscent of ichor, warns of cervical erosion. This may also be a symptom of endocercevitis and other infectious diseases;
  • if brown spotting begins before your period, which is usually a harbinger of endometriosis and hormonal imbalance, you need to get tested by a gynecologist;
  • The most dangerous thing is the thick mucous greenish-yellow discharge, signaling purulent cervicitis.

Of course, all these phenomena may be random and not pose a danger to women's health. But to make sure of this, you should visit a doctor and listen to his recommendations.

Few women can boast of a regular cycle. What can we say about girls whose menstruation has just begun and the cycle has not yet been established. To help teenagers, information is provided on how to calculate the menstrual cycle and recognize the harbingers of upcoming menstruation, and how to find out when menstruation will begin. And most importantly, how not to confuse ordinary PMS symptoms with signs of serious illnesses?

What is the menstrual cycle?

A woman's menstrual cycle is on average 28 days. Menstruation can begin 21-35 days after the last menstruation, which will not be considered a pathology or deviation from the norm. Calculating the cycle is simple: from the first day of menstrual bleeding, ending with the first day of discharge in the next month. To understand when the critical days will begin, you need to understand the internal processes that occur every month in the girl’s body.

Gynecologists usually divide the menstrual period into four phases. Let's consider each stage separately:

  • First phase. Lasts on average 5 – 7 days from the start of bleeding. At this time, the concentration of progesterone (the female sex hormone responsible for pregnancy) decreases. If conception does not occur, the process of epithelial detachment in the uterus begins. When the epithelium separates, the vessels burst, which causes pain in the lower abdomen. At the same time, the hypothalamus (the part of the brain that regulates the release of hormones in the body) gives the command to prepare a new egg. The production of another female hormone, estrogen, necessary for the next stage, will immediately begin.
  • Second phase (from 5 to 14 days). Your period ends, but mucus continues for a few more days. These two to three days are the lowest chance of getting pregnant. From the 10th day of the cycle, the concentration of estrogen increases rapidly. Under the influence of this hormone, the follicle in the ovary ruptures and a mature egg is released. Now the time has come for possible conception. The rupture of the follicle wall itself can be felt by a woman with mild pain in the iliac region.
  • Third phase (from 15 to 23 days). The egg moves slowly through the fallopian tubes, awaiting fertilization. If conception does not occur, the concentration of estrogen gradually decreases. The remains of the follicle turn into the corpus luteum - the source of the hormone progesterone. He, in turn, starts the processes of the last phase of the reproductive cycle.
  • Fourth phase (from 23 to 28 days). It is during these days that the girl feels discomfort and pain. At the last stage, progesterone promotes the rejection of the epithelium from the inner walls of the uterus, which comes out in the form of dark clots from the vagina. With the onset of discharge, a new menstrual period begins.

In the last 7 days of the cycle, the woman’s genitals are tense and painful, and the mammary glands swell under the influence of progesterone. All these are clear signs that critical days will begin soon.

The main symptoms of approaching menstruation

There are a number of harbingers by which any girl will understand that her period will soon begin. Each organism will have them individually, with varying degrees of severity. Therefore, it is worth monitoring which signs appear more clearly and which are mild or unnoticeable. It is also important to understand what specific day they occur. This way you can calculate your individual menstrual schedule literally down to the day or even the hour.

So, how do you know when your period is about to start? Main symptoms:

  • Enlargement and engorgement of the mammary glands. Nagging pain, itching and tingling in the chest. There may be clear discharge from the nipples, which later curdles. The reaction of the glands to hormonal changes is different for each girl. The soreness should resemble the first sensations of breast growth in adolescence. Therefore, if you experience severe or acute pain in the chest, you should consult a gynecologist to prevent dangerous diseases.
  • There is a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back. Swelling of the abdomen. This occurs because a layer of epithelium in the uterus breaks away. Acute painful sensations can occur in the last three days before menstruation, but it all depends on the characteristics of the body and the pain threshold of the woman. Some feel no pain at all, and note a slight stretching and discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  • Rash on face. It occurs mainly in adolescence, but also occurs in adult women with oily skin. This reaction is caused by a change in hormonal levels in the second half of the cycle.
  • Intestinal disorder. When the endometrium is separated, the uterus swells, puts pressure on the intestinal walls and this contributes to more frequent bowel movements. The general metabolic process also affects during this difficult period. The body experiences stress and tries to get rid of everything unnecessary.
  • Psychological discomfort, irritability. This difficult condition is called premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It does not occur in every girl, but only in 5% of the fair sex. It manifests itself in the form of nervousness, sudden mood swings, tearfulness, headaches, dizziness and general weakness in the body.

These signs become acute in the last week before menstruation. Just based on these sure symptoms, you can guess when your next period might start.

Menarche in a girl

The onset of the first bleeding in girls is called menarche. This is a very exciting time for teenagers. To prevent panic, mothers should tell girls the main points related to the cycle:

  • why do you get your period?
  • how to determine that they are coming soon;
  • how to use pads;
  • why keep a calendar;
  • When will your next period appear?

Normally, discharge begins between the ages of 11 and 13. For overweight girls, it can come earlier - at 9 – 10 years old. This is due to the fact that in adipose tissue there is a transformation of male hormones into female ones, which affect the onset of menstrual flow. Obese girls are at risk of receiving high doses of estrogen at a fairly early age. And this, in turn, can provoke hypertension, strokes and heart attacks in the future. It happens that menstruation comes late - in the period from 14 to 16 years.

Any deviation from the norm is a serious reason to show the girl to a pediatric gynecologist.

What signals indicate that your first period will begin soon:

  • Whitish discharge visible on panties.
  • Enlargement of the mammary glands and nipples.
  • Rash, pimples on the face, back and chest.
  • Increased sweating, activation of the sweat glands.
  • Hair appears on the pubis and armpits.
  • The hips are rounded.

The above symptoms will appear a year or two before your first menstrual bleeding. And even if there is no menarche yet, it is worth having a conversation about the changes in the girl’s body. Tell her that she is becoming a girl and all these processes will help her become a mother in the future.

How to calculate the start of your period?

Those girls whose periods come irregularly (sometimes ahead of schedule, sometimes late) are recommended to use the following methods for calculating their critical days:

  1. Maintain a calendar.

Almost every woman keeps her own “red calendar”, marking the first and last day of discharge. This method has been tested for several generations, but is more suitable for girls with a regular cycle. In any case, the calendar will not let you forget when the last critical days were. When visiting a gynecologist, using a calendar, you can calculate your personal menstrual cycle, see when a malfunction occurred and identify the cause. Also, favorable days for conception and a “safe” period are calculated by dates.

  1. Measure the temperature.

A slight increase in body temperature is observed in the second half of the menstrual cycle and indicates the beginning of ovulation. To know when the egg is released, you need to measure your basal temperature daily. To do this, every morning, without getting out of bed, the temperature in the anus is measured.

In the first half of the cycle, the temperature will be 36.5 – 36.8 C°. Then it gradually decreases until ovulation. Immediately after the release of the egg, the temperature rises sharply by 0.5 - 0.6 C°, lasts for several days and gradually decreases towards the beginning of menstruation. If we understand on what day the temperature rose sharply, all that remains is to add 14 days to this date. And it turns out the expected day of the beginning of menstruation.

Important! Taking hormonal medications does not allow you to accurately measure basal temperature.

  1. Ovulation test.

An easier way to determine the ovulatory period is to use a special test that is sold at any pharmacy. Using the same test, the day of ovulation is calculated, two weeks are added to it, and the date of future menstruation is obtained. Thanks to the test, it is easy to calculate the day favorable for visiting a gynecologist and getting tested. And, of course, the best day to conceive.

In what cases is it necessary to see a doctor?

Women mistake some symptoms of serious illnesses for signs of upcoming menstruation.

What should you be wary of?

  • Sharp pain in the lower abdomen may indicate the development of a tumor, infection, or the onset of endometriosis.
  • Pain in the chest - there may be diffuse mastopathy (formation of nodules in the mammary glands).
  • Transparent discharge indicates the possible development of cervicitis, endometritis or cervical erosion.
  • Brown discharge causes polyps and endometriosis.

Nervous breakdowns before menstruation do not always mean PMS, but may indicate a serious hormonal imbalance in a woman.

Even a developing pregnancy in the first weeks can give the same symptoms as the upcoming menstruation. Therefore, any alarming factors should be a reason to contact a gynecologist.