Causes of cycle disruption in adolescents. Abnormal uterine bleeding. Causes of menstrual irregularities in girls

Menstrual irregularities in adolescents are possible due to various reasons. The first menstruation, also called menarche, can begin at any time during adolescence from 9 to 14 years of age. Only a third of girls have regular periods after menarche. In most cases, it takes time (from six months to 2 years) to menstrual cycle adjusted.

The delay in menstruation itself initial stage is caused by a new, unusual level for the body, which should pass on its own over time.

Therefore, irregular periods for two years are considered a completely natural and explainable fact from a medical point of view.

The harbingers of the first menstruation (menarche) are the following symptoms:

  • six months before menarche, hair begins to appear in the axillary area;
  • body weight gains at least 45 kg;
  • height 155 cm.

Such changes indicate the correct and gradual maturation of the girl, who is slowly becoming a girl.

Menstrual irregularities in adolescents

After the first menstruation, it can take up to six months and then begin next cycle. In many cases this is normal. Each organism is individual and adapts to changes in itself in its own way. But after a few months the process should improve and repeat itself after about 21-35 days.

If in the first few years girls have a menstrual cycle once every two months or, conversely, more often than once a month, this is also normal. At this time, periods are irregular, since the body is still learning to control the sex hormones produced in the vagina. endocrine glands. This is enough difficult process, which requires time to adapt a changing organism from the inside.

It happens that menstrual irregularities in adolescents can drag on and subsequently lead to infertility. Therefore, mothers need to be extremely attentive to the condition of their daughters.

If necessary, you should consult a gynecologist who will conduct a thorough examination and prescribe necessary examination to understand the cause of irregular menstruation.


The causes of irregular periods can be different, for example:

  • diseases internal organs(kidneys, liver);
  • viral or bacterial infection;
  • obesity;
  • exhaustion of the body, underweight or anorexia;
  • stress related to problems at school or in the family;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • the influence of certain medications;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • poor environment and nutrition;
  • abnormal development of internal genital organs;
  • hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • poor blood clotting.

Menstrual irregularities in girls can also be caused by traumatic brain injuries or diseases. meninges or brain (eg meningitis, encephalitis), chronic tonsillitis, as well as regular respiratory diseases(flu and ARVI). These diseases lead to disruption of the neuroendocrine communication between the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, which causes cycle failure.

There is another type of menstrual irregularity, which is most common in girls. This is the so-called juvenile bleeding.

Juvenile uterine bleeding

In young girls in the first years after menarche, juvenile bleeding (irregular bleeding in the uterus) occurs. Every new cycle Menstruation takes more than 7 days. Wherein .

This is dangerous because it can cause anemia (anemia). Anemia is characterized by pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, weakness, dizziness, headaches, tachycardia and other similar symptoms.

Heavy bleeding usually appears after long delays, for example, for 6 months. If even more time has passed, then they may begin bloody issues(small slimy blood lumps).

Juvenile uterine bleeding occur due to neuropsychological stress or severe emotional shock. In case of repeated juvenile uterine bleeding, which is often accompanied serious complications, you should immediately consult a gynecologist to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Diagnostics and timely treatment will help you save everything reproductive functions in order.

Is treatment required?

To know for sure whether treatment is required, you need to consult with a highly qualified gynecologist.

The main reasons (two years after menarche) indicating that you need to undergo a course of treatment are the following:

  • amenorrhea or within six months;
  • hypomenorrhea – scanty discharge, arriving on time;
  • oligomenorrhea – short discharge lasting 1-2 days;
  • proyomenorrhea - the menstrual cycle goes through twice within 25-30 days;
  • opsomenorea – rare menstruation, once every three months;
  • dysmenorrhea – severe pain during menstruation;
  • the duration of menstruation is more than seven days;
  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • changes in appearance: weight, oily skin, acne on the face, strong hair growth.

In addition, if a girl has reached the age of fifteen, and her menstruation has not begun, this is a serious reason to sound the alarm. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

A woman’s health is established from childhood. So that the girl has a good future reproductive system, parents need to monitor her timely menstrual cycle now. If they notice problems, then the best solution He will play it safe and make an appointment for his daughter with a gynecologist. A disease prevented in time will save a teenager from a lot of unpleasant consequences that women’s diseases bring with them.

In addition, personal hygiene good nutrition and a positive attitude will help the teenager cope with new hormonal changes in his body as quickly as possible. A girl will get used to innovations faster if she knows about them in advance. Therefore, mothers should pay attention to this and talk with their child about what menstruation is and how it goes. Then the child will be calm and more confident.

Video about the reasons for the failure

Menstrual or menstrual irregularities in adolescents account for about 60% of all gynecological pathologies at young girls. These disorders constitute a serious problem that can affect the future health of a young woman.

Puberty in girls begins at 8-9 years of age. At this time, there is an increase in the level of sex hormones, causing a number of changes in the body. There is an increase in the amount of adipose tissue, the growth rate increases, the pelvic bones grow and secondary sexual characteristics appear.

Secondary sexual characteristics appear in a certain sequence. So, first, the beginning of the growth of the mammary glands is noted, followed by the appearance of pubic and axillary hair and, finally, on average - at 12 years of age, menstruation. It is menstruation disorders in adolescents that are the main gynecological problem in this period.

What you need to know about periods in teenagers

Teenagers' periods are part of the menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle is a series of hormonal and physical changes in the body that prepare the body for pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, the body returns to its original state and a new menstrual cycle begins.

The duration of the menstrual cycle is measured from the beginning of one period to the beginning of the next. The average menstrual cycle lasts about 28 days. A cycle that is one week longer or shorter is still considered normal. Menstrual bleeding in teenagers usually lasts from three to five days, but for some girls it may vary from two to five days. The average volume of blood loss during one period in adolescents is 35-80 ml; normally, a pad or tampon should last for 3-4 hours.

During the first two years of adolescents' first period (menarche), their menstrual cycle may be irregular and unpredictable. In adolescents, the menstrual cycle is often anovulatory. This means that the egg may not be released. It takes up to two years for girls to establish a normal menstrual cycle, and regular ovulation appears even later. This does not mean that teenagers are infertile. This means that it is not known in which cycle ovulation occurs and in which it does not.

During the menstrual cycle, there are constant changes in the levels of hormones, the lining of the uterus and the egg. The following main points can be highlighted.

  1. Menstruation (menstruation). In a teenager, the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) is shed, accompanied by bleeding. Periods indicate the beginning of the menstrual cycle. Their duration varies different girls, it is largely related to the length of the cycle itself.
  2. Follicular phase. At this time, the ovaries are stimulated to produce a mature egg, which matures in one of their follicles. The endometrium thickens in preparation for the possible implantation of a fertilized egg in the event of pregnancy. The predominant hormones of this phase are estrogens.
  3. Ovulation. This is the release of a mature egg from the ovaries under the influence of luteinizing hormone.
  4. The luteal phase of the cycle lasts from ovulation until your next period. The endometrium continues to grow in preparation for embryo implantation. The follicle from which the egg was released turns into a temporary gland that produces the hormone progesterone. If pregnancy does not occur, a new menstrual cycle begins.

Menstrual cycle disorders in adolescents

The regularity and intensity of menstruation in adolescents is very vulnerable and sensitive to action various factors. Matter ecological situation, unhealthy family environment, heredity, stress, exercise stress, malnutrition, gynecological and non- gynecological diseases and some others.

Considering that teenagers' periods are often irregular and normal, parents of teenage girls often wonder when to start worrying? The main reasons for concern should be highlighted:

  • If a teenager does not have his first period until age 15 or breasts do not begin to develop at age 13.
  • My periods suddenly stopped for more than three months.
  • The menstrual cycle became irregular after becoming regular and predictable.
  • The menstrual cycle lasts less than 21 days or more than 40 days.
  • Menstrual bleeding lasts more than seven days.
  • Menstrual bleeding is heavier than usual or you need to change tampons or pads more often than every two hours.
  • There is bleeding between periods.
  • Menstruation is accompanied by severe pain.
  • Sudden rise in temperature and painful condition when using tampons.

Particular care should be taken in the treatment of menstruation disorders in adolescents. You should not put off getting examined by a doctor. A common mechanism for menstruation disorders in adolescents is an increase in the synthesis of the hormone prolactin by the pituitary gland. As a result, the production of other hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle is reduced, which can lead to disorders that threaten infertility in the future, for example, polycystic ovary syndrome.

It is this mechanism that is influenced by the German herbal preparation Cyclodinone. Its only component, twig extract, stabilizes the level of sex hormones, promotes their rhythmic production and normalizes the periodicity of menstruation in adolescents.

The advantage of Cyclodinone is high level its safety, since menstrual irregularities in adolescents often require long-term treatment. Minimal amount contraindications contributes to the possibility of using the drug in adolescence. The low toxicity of the drug allows it to be used to prevent menstrual irregularities for girls who have already encountered them. Cyclodinone can also be used in parallel with hormonal therapy or after its completion.

Appears between 9 and 14 years of age and is often irregular.

Normally, menstruation should have a cycle of 21–35 days and a duration of 3–6 days. If each time blood appears unexpectedly on your panties, sometimes after 3 weeks, sometimes after 6, this indicates instability of the menstrual cycle.

Modern mothers should know what irregular periods are in a teenager and take timely measures if critical days develop into pathology.

Features of the menstrual cycle in adolescents

During the first few years after menarche (the first bleeding from the genital tract), not all teenage girls have a regular menstrual cycle. Its instability is associated with hormonal changes in the body and changes in work endocrine system. Therefore, gynecologists consider frequent periods at the age of 12, 14, 15 years to be the norm.

Within 2 years, the menstrual cycle must be established. If more than 3 years have passed since menarche, and critical days continue to come different time, mom should show her daughter pediatric gynecologist for timely detection of diseases.

The reason for urgent appeal Any deviation may come to the attention of a specialist:

  • Absence of menstruation for three or more months.
  • Blood is released every 2 weeks for 2 to 3 months.
  • For several months in a row, the cycle lasts more than 45 days.
  • The duration of each menstruation exceeds 7 days.
  • Intense bleeding forces you to change the hygiene product every 2 hours or more often.
  • Sudden weight fluctuations.
  • The skin becomes oily and acne appears.
  • Hirsutism is observed - overgrowth hair on the face and body.
  • Symptoms of pregnancy if a girl is already 14–16 years old sex life(sometimes periods continue even after conception).

Medical statistics show that more than 50% of puberty girls experience an unstable menstrual cycle. Delayed menstruation and complete absence In gynecology, a teenager is defined by the term amenorrhea. If the cycle duration exceeds 35 days, doctors diagnose oligomenorrhea.

Safe Causes of Irregular Periods in Girls

Let's consider what reasons for an irregular menstrual cycle may occur in growing girls at the age of 14. Let's talk about the impact right away external factors. The functioning of the reproductive system can be affected by both the unfavorable environmental conditions in the place of residence and the unhealthy atmosphere in the family. Antisocial behavior of parents and lack of attention depresses the child’s psyche and affects his development.

Other causes of unstable periods during puberty:

  1. Stress – frequent troubles and worries negatively affect the state of a young girl’s body. Psycho-emotional overload increases the likelihood of irregular periods.
  2. Hereditary predisposition - if the mother has gynecological problems Most likely, they will be genetically passed on to the daughter.
  3. Physical activity - intense sports, improper daily routine, lack of hours of sleep create excessive stress on a fragile body. Working in enhanced mode, it does not have time to fully cope with all functions.
  4. Poor nutrition - an abundance of fast foods and other unhealthy foods, as well as a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, are harmful in adolescence. In order for menstruation to stabilize as soon as possible, the girl must adhere to proper diet nutrition, monitor weight and avoid excessive thinness or obesity.

The cause of irregular periods at the age of 13 in girls and adult women can also be climate change. Changing your place of residence, traveling abroad and spending time at sea in your own country force the body to acclimatize. Because of this, cycle failures occur.

The first menstruation in girls comes after the pubic and axillary zones become hairy and the breasts begin to grow. Doctors say that the body becomes ready for bleeding at the moment when the volume of adipose tissue is 17%. But for a regular cycle, the body needs 22% fat tissue. Observations have shown that fat girls Menstruation begins earlier than in thin people and is established faster.

Irregular periods in adolescents as a sign of disease

If a teenage girl's irregular periods are not related to physiological factors, she needs to be examined for the development of a serious disease. First of all, the doctor should pay attention to the condition of the genital tract and ovaries. Fistulas, injuries genitourinary organs, oncological changes, working imbalance between the pituitary gland and ovaries negatively affect the menstrual cycle.

Chlamydia and human papillomavirus can make menstrual periods unstable - infectious diseases. They are characterized by juvenile bleeding. This heavy bleeding more than 7 days, debilitating the body and leading to the development of anemia. Heavy bleeding often occurs after a missed period. New menstruation may not be observed for 2 to 6 months.

Traumatic brain injuries also disrupt the menstrual cycle in teenage girls. Output female hormones assigned to the pituitary gland. After an accident or strong blow with damage cranium The pituitary gland becomes injured and begins to work incorrectly. As a result, periods are constantly delayed.

What other diseases disrupt the menstrual cycle in girls:

  • Ovarian failure.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Underdevelopment of the uterus or ovaries.
  • Increased levels of prolactin in the blood.
  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland.

In girls, as in adult women, the causes of unstable bleeding can be endometriosis and endometritis. Both pathologies disrupt the synthesis of hormones and lead to irregular periods.

Diagnosis and treatment

Girls with irregular menstrual cycles mandatory undergoing examination:

  • Examination on a gynecological chair.
  • Measuring body mass index.
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity.
  • Tests to clarify hormonal status.

Do not treat regular cycle During menstruation in adolescents, doctors should take into account the cause of the disorder. A girl athlete or a responsible child who diligently does her homework and prepares for exams, does not get enough sleep and is constantly worried, must change her daily routine and set aside time for proper rest.

If a girl is dieting to imitate her idols and is driving herself to the point of exhaustion, she will need help child psychologist, nutritionist, nutritionist.

If the cause of your irregular cycle is diabetes, adrenal hyperplasia or hypothyroidism, how to treat the underlying problem and accompanying illnesses, the doctor will decide based on clinical picture– after this, the “wrong” periods will be regulated.

Drug regulation of the menstrual cycle in adolescents is carried out as follows:

  1. Hormone therapy – the optimal drug is selected for the patient and the level of hormones in the blood is monitored during the treatment process.
  2. Vitamins - the doctor focuses on proper nutrition and appoints multivitamin complexes with a predominance of vitamins E and B.
  3. Homeopathy - a teenager is prescribed the drug Cyclodinone (drops or tablets) if the body is not allergic to its components. For a young body herbal remedy has a gentle effect. The dosage regimen is developed by the doctor, taking into account the cause and symptoms of the disease. The drug is usually taken in the morning and at night.

Birth control pills are prescribed even to virgins to regulate the menstrual cycle. The drugs selected by the doctor are harmless.

If, after another delay, heavy bleeding occurs and dizziness and general weakness, the girl is sent for a curettage procedure. Before the procedure begins, the hymen is injected with Novocaine. Injections will protect the tissue from tearing.

If a teenager’s irregular periods are not associated with a disease, parents are given recommendations on normalizing the child’s daily routine and nutrition. It is important to surround the girl with care and love and protect her from stress and worry. But if, despite all efforts, the cycle still does not improve, it makes sense to undergo a thorough examination and identify the characteristics of the body. Perhaps the reason for the failure of menstruation is harmless and individual.

Teenage years - difficult period both for the children themselves and their parents. Physical changes During puberty, they are often forced to experience discomfort.

In girls, this occurs with the appearance of the first. The onset of the menstrual cycle can be frightening, especially if it is accompanied by certain problems, such as irregular periods or

Common menstrual problems

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Before menstruation begins, women often experience symptoms such as mild bloating or breast tenderness. In addition, it is accompanied by a number of emotional symptoms, which begin in the second half of the menstrual cycle and end after the start of the period.

PMS includes a variety of physical and emotional symptoms, such as:

  • Bloating
  • Chest pain
  • Headache
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Increased feeling of hunger
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety

PMS worsens 4 days before the start of menstruation and disappears 2 to 3 days after it begins.

Although the exact cause of PMS is unknown, it appears to be due to changes in hormone levels in the body. In the second half of the menstrual cycle, the amount of progesterone in organism. Then, about 7 days before your period begins, both progesterone and estrogen levels begin to drop.

Some girls are more sensitive to hormonal changes, than others. Talk to your daughter's doctor if the symptoms she is experiencing are interfering with her normal activities.


Girls often experience lower abdominal cramps during the first few days of their period. They are called chemical prostaglandin. These involuntary contractions can range from slight to sudden and intense.

Ibuprofen will help get rid of cramps, which is recommended to be taken during the first 2-3 days. If the spasms progress to severe seizures that keep her from going to school or going out with friends, see a doctor.

Irregular cycle

In teenagers The cycle becomes regular up to 2 - 3 years after the first menstruation. During this time, the body adjusts to the influx of hormones that characterize puberty. Typical cycle adult woman amounts to 28 days, although for some it may be 24 or 38.

Changing hormone levels affect the length of menstruation. In one month it may last only a few days, and in the next it can last a whole week. In addition, one month menstruation may be completely absent, and the intensity of bleeding may also change.

If after 3 years the cycle has not stabilized, consult a doctor to find out the reason. It is worth consulting a doctor if the cycle is less than 24 days or more than 38 days, as well as if there is no menstruation for 3 months.

Late menarche

Girls reach puberty at different times. Some ( medical term, denoting the first menstrual bleeding) occurs at age 9 or 10 years old. For others, at a later age. So just because your daughter is a late bloomer doesn't mean anything is wrong.

Genetics plays an important role in the beginning of the menstrual cycle. Very often, girls' first periods begin at the same age at which their mother or grandmother began. In addition, some ethnic groups pass through puberty before others. For example, African American girls experience puberty earlier than Caucasian girls.

Or 3 years after the onset of puberty, which begins with breast development.

Serious menstrual problems

Although most menstrual problems are not serious, a few conditions still require medical care. These include:

Amenorrhea (lack of menstruation)

Girls who have not started menstruating by age 15 or 3 years after the first signs of puberty have primary amenorrhea. The cause may be genetic problems, hormone imbalances, or problems with the development of reproductive organs.

Hormonal imbalance can lead to secondary amenorrhea, when a girl with a regular menstrual cycle suddenly stops menstruating.

Since pregnancy is the most common cause of secondary amenorrhea, taking a pregnancy test is recommended. In addition to hormonal imbalance and pregnancy, Other factors that can cause both primary and secondary amenorrhea include:

  • Stress
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Anorexia
  • Stopping birth control pills
  • Thyroid diseases

Intense training, especially in ballet, figure skating or gymnastics, in combination with poor nutrition can also lead to amenorrhea.

Abnormal uterine bleeding

Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) occurs with heavy, prolonged and irregular menstruation.

Most cases of AUB are caused by an imbalance between levels estrogen and progesterone in the body, which leads to thickening of the endometrium. A thick endometrium can lead to heavy bleeding.

Girls have to change pads or tampons every 1-3 hours, and menstruation itself can last more than 7 days. This can lead to complexes and reluctance to appear in public places these days due to the lack of ability to control bleeding.

Since many teenagers experience minor hormonal imbalances during puberty, girls often face the problem of heavy periods. But in some cases, heavy menstrual bleeding can be caused by problems such as:

  • Fibroids ( benign tumors) or polyps in the uterus
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Poor clotting blood
  • Swelling, irritation, or infection in the vagina or cervix
  • Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)

There are two types of dysmenorrhea, which can prevent a girl from going to school, studying, sleeping and leading a normal lifestyle:

  • Primary dysmenorrhea very common in adolescence. This condition may be caused by prostaglandins. A large number of prostaglandin may lead to nausea, vomiting, headaches, back pain, diarrhea and severe cramps. Fortunately, these symptoms usually last no more than two days.
  • Secondary dysmenorrhea- this is pain caused by polyps or fibroids in the uterus, endometriosis, inflammatory diseases pelvic organs(PID) or adenomyosis. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.


With endometriosis, the endometrium, which is usually found only in the uterus, begins to grow outside of the uterus - in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or other parts of the pelvic cavity. It can cause abnormal bleeding, dysmenorrhea, pelvic and lower back pain.


To understand what treatment is needed, the doctor needs to perform an examination. In addition, you may need blood or urine test ultrasound examination or CT.

Polyps or fibroids, can often be removed, and endometriosis eliminated with medications or surgery.

If the reason is hormonal imbalance, the doctor may suggest hormone therapy birth control pills or other hormonal drugs.

When to see a doctor

While most menstrual problems are not serious, some symptoms may indicate a more serious condition.

You should see a doctor if a girl has:

  • Didn't start menstruating by age 15, and the cycle did not become regular after 3 years of menstruation.
  • Menstruation has stopped or become irregular. Also tell your doctor if your menstrual cycle is less than 24 days or more than 38 days.
  • Heavy and prolonged menstruation. In some cases significant loss blood may cause iron deficiency anemia. Besides, heavy bleeding may be a sign of thickening of the uterine walls, problems with thyroid gland or infections.
  • Painful menstruation. Presence of cramps for a couple of days - normal phenomenon, but if the girl cannot lead her usual lifestyle, and the spasms do not stop within 3 days, tell the doctor.

How to Help Your Teen Feel Better During Menstruation

You can make life more comfortable for a girl during her period. Offer her:

  • Eat a balanced diet With big amount fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Reduce salt intake(salt holds water) and caffeine(caffeine increases irritability and anxiety)
  • Use more products with calcium that help cope with PMS
  • Try over-the-counter pain relievers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, which will help with cramps, headaches and back pain
  • Go for a walk or bike ride to relieve stress and pain
  • Take a warm bath or place a bottle of water on your stomach hot water which will help you relax

The most important, talk to your child and explain that the most annoying or uncomfortable symptoms of menstruation are completely normal and may subside over time. Be understanding when a girl becomes moody or sad. After all, no one is perfect 24 hours a day.

“I must be dying!” – this is what the heroine of the novel “The Thorn Birds” thought when she got her first period. However, even today, in the age of Internet technology and universal literacy, such incidents happen not only to girls, but even to their mothers, who do not always know what is normal and what is pathology during the formation of the menstrual cycle.

“9-10 years today is no longer considered a pathology...”

What is the age limit for the onset of the first menstruation? And how significant is the deviation from them?
In the Siberian region, the onset of menstruation usually occurs no later than 14.5 years. There are girls whose periods begin at 9-10 years old - today this is no longer considered a pathology. But if this happens before eight or after 14.5 years, then health problems can already be suspected, and mothers should immediately sound the alarm and have their daughters examined.

What problems are we talking about?
Very wide range: endocrine diseases, genetic pathologies, and in general among girls with chronic diseases menstruation starts later. Very often, children who are diagnosed with disorders in the central nervous system at the time of birth are also susceptible to delays. But in girls with ischemic lesions at birth, menstruation often begins earlier due date. But now, the first menstruation (menarche) has increasingly begun to occur at the age of 9-10 years, and no violations have been identified.

Why has menstruation become so “younger”?
To be honest, no one knows this, although research is being done. It is not known why they start up ovaries before, the central nervous system reacts earlier. It is known that puberty occurs faster in girls of southern nationalities - that’s probably all.

How important is it that the onset of menstruation correlates with other secondary sexual characteristics?
If a girl's period begins without the development of secondary sexual characteristics, this indicates a very serious problems. Most likely, this is oncology: tumors of the ovaries, adrenal glands, the genital area in general, or serious lesions of the central nervous system. You definitely need to see a pediatric gynecologist. Because it's always enough serious pathology, parents need not just to worry, but to sound the alarm!
Still sexual development should begin with the growth of the mammary glands, then axillary-pubic hair growth, and only then - the beginning of menstruation. It is believed that 2-2.5 years should pass from the beginning of mammary gland growth to the first menstruation.

When should a regular menstrual cycle begin?
After menarche, a regular cycle can be established within a year. A cycle is considered to be the period from the first day of the previous menstruation to the first day of the next. They must arrive in no less than 21 days and no more than 35 days. Duration - maximum 7 days (with all spotting). If menstruation occurs more often, or after a year the cycle has not established itself, you should definitely contact a pediatric gynecologist.
There is a situation when a girl has her first period and... does not end. Parents need to monitor the situation very carefully because it may be due to a bleeding disorder. Abundant and prolonged first menstruation - also serious reason consult a doctor.

“No hot foot baths, no heating pads, no ice on the stomach!..”

Are your first periods painful?
The first period should not be painful. If this happens, in Once again I advise you to definitely go to the doctor! There can be many reasons, including underdevelopment of the reproductive system.

Physiological causes of strong painful sensations
In an adult woman, the endometrium in the uterine cavity seems to fragment and come out in “pieces”. And in girls, the bend between the cervix and the body of the uterus is quite sharp, and inner layer, separated by a “cast” rather than fragments, gets stuck at the exit from the uterus. The uterus must contract vigorously to push all this out. These increased contractions of the uterus are perceived by girls as pain. What can you do? Try to find a position during which this pain goes away. Either lie on your stomach or take a knee-elbow position.

Can it be used to relieve pain? medications?
Grandmothers used to say that “we need to warm our feet.” In fact, this should never be done if you have pain during menstruation! No hot foot baths, no heating pads, no ice on your belly! It was once believed that antispasmodic drugs, such as no-shpa, were very helpful; we used them quite widely. They helped some, not so much for others. Today the best drugs for painful periods, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs based on indomethacin, mefinamic acid are considered: nise, ketonal (namely ketonal, not ketans!) That is, drugs that act on pain mediators and relieve inflammation.
If the pain lasts an hour or two, then this is normal. The girl drank tea, lay down, got distracted, and the pain went away. But if pain syndrome pronounced, and it lasts more than a day, then you need to take pain relief. The pain cannot be tolerated.
Very often girls who have problems with neurology, this pain is perceived more acutely. Some complain (in addition to pain in the lower abdomen) of nausea, vomiting, dizziness, even fainting. In this situation, you definitely need the help of a neurologist. You need to contact a specialist twice a year to carry out treatment that improves cerebral circulation may require courses sedatives, physical therapy. All this is indirectly aimed at pain relief.

What counts for girls? heavy discharge and meager?
During menstruation, no more than 80 grams of blood should be released. One pack of pads should be used for the entire menstrual period. As a rule, in adolescence, complaints about scanty discharge are extremely rare - this is the prerogative of older people. Most often, the root of the problem lies in an increase in male sex hormones. Menstruation that lasts less than 2-3 days is also a violation, as is menstruation, during which there is little discharge.
If the pads are changed within an hour and a half, this already indicates bleeding. Bleeding is dangerous due to anemia, a drop in hemoglobin levels, and many other problems can arise against this background. Heavy menstruation should suggest that there are problems with blood clotting, possibly related to heredity. There are laboratories in Novosibirsk that study hemostasis, including at the genetic level. It is necessary to identify the causes and then choose treatment tactics. Such an analysis is performed once in a lifetime, and a girl who will become pregnant and give birth in the future should be aware of the existence of these problems.
If girls experience spotting in the middle of their cycle, this may be a reaction to ovulation, although most likely it indicates hormonal imbalances. Ovarian cysts, endometrial hyperplasia... Accurate diagnosis can be determined by your attending physician.
Finally, sometimes girls in adolescence develop uterine bleeding, which are called juveniles. At irregular cycle At first they can be confused with menstrual ones, but they differ in their acyclic nature and duration - if they appear, you should definitely consult a doctor!

Treatments juvenile bleeding depends on their cause. But, it is important to note, many parents are scared when they are prescribed to stop bleeding (if this cannot be done in any other way). hormonal drugs. Hormone therapy used both to stop bleeding “here and now” and to prevent such situations in the future.
There is no need to be afraid of hormonal drugs! Very often, people who do not know about the mechanism of their action paint terrible pictures in their imagination. In essence, the situation is no different from the problem, for example, with poor eyesight. If a person sees poorly, he puts on glasses. If a girl doesn’t have enough hormones, we add them. Hormonal medications are a blessing!
Dose active substances V modern drugs so low side effects so little that there is nothing to fear. In addition, when hormonal drugs are prescribed to girls, they are prescribed for a very short period of time. Trust your doctor: if he prescribes them, then it’s necessary! Find common ground and help your child.

What else do parents need to pay attention to? aniye?
On the skin of the thighs, buttocks, and mammary glands, sometimes adolescents develop red stretch marks, like pregnant women, called stretch marks. Parents think that this is caused by the fact that their daughter has gained weight sharply, and this hormonal disorders. If you see stretch marks on your girls (sometimes they happen on boys too), you need to be alarmed.
This is a fairly serious pathology associated with dysfunction of the hypotalar system of the brain. And this violation, in turn, is often a consequence ischemic damage to the central nervous system, which was diagnosed in the child at birth! Parents treat this disease for up to a year, look after the child, and then consider that everything is over. In fact, ischemic lesion The central nervous system does not go anywhere, it remains with a person for life. And at a later age, if the child is not treated or observed, it may manifest itself hypothalamic syndrome, including weight gain, menstrual irregularities, and even infertility in adults. Deterioration may be caused by viral infections and stress: exams, parental divorce, death of loved ones.
Everything is interconnected, so don’t be surprised if at your reception teenage gynecologist They will start asking you how the birth proceeded and whether the girl had an acute respiratory infection!

“A daughter with all her problems should turn to her mother for help and advice...”

How to choose the right hygiene products? Can a girl use tampons?
For girls who are not sexually active, using tampons is strictly not recommended. A tampon that has been in the genital tract for some time swells. The infection “clings” to it, and by removing it, you can damage the hymen. Some young athletes, however, try to use tampons, sometimes successfully, but here everything is very individual.
Teenage girls, as a rule, do not yet have the same self-control as an adult woman; they can simply forget about the tampon. And he should stay in the genital tract for no more than one and a half hours, maximum 2.5 hours.
Appearance inflammatory processes in the external genitalia is often caused by allergies! Therefore, for the first menstruation, it is recommended to choose hypoallergenic pads. If not allergic reaction, then, of course, you can use whatever you want, including pads with fragrances.

A girl's mother should be a friend so that my daughter turns to her for help and advice with all her problems. Of course, menstruation needs to be talked about long before it occurs. During the first period, you need to help with hygiene, and also teach the girl how to keep a menstrual calendar! A girl must come to an appointment with a gynecologist with menstrual calendar, where you need to mark the days of menstruation - then you can immediately see how regular the cycle is.

Ask a question or make an appointment with a pediatric gynecologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist medical center"Shine" can be done through the form on the website or by calling 2-000-515 (Krasny Prospekt, 100)