Origin of the name Elizabeth for children. What does the name Elizabeth mean for a girl: full description

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What does the name Elizabeth mean?

The name Elizabeth means - worshiper of God (Heb.)

The meaning of the name Elizabeth is character and destiny

A woman named Elizabeth always strives to look better than she is. This sometimes pushes her to extravagant actions, which she later greatly regrets. She is proud, unbalanced, overly impulsive, and suspicious. It seems to her that she is treated worse than she deserves, which is why she comes into conflicts with others. She tries to lead in women's society, but with friends she is sincere, gentle and responsive. A woman named Elizabeth is not gullible; she spends a long time testing the sincerity of her lover’s feelings, keeping him at a distance. She tries to get married early, family well-being, children are of great importance to her. She is not annoyed by her husband's relatives; she calmly endures their frequent visits. Elizabeth is able to forgive a lot, as long as peace continues to reign in the house. She attends various courses where they teach how to sew and cook, not because she is interested in it, but because she is driven by a peculiar sense of duty. A woman named Elizabeth is thrifty, but not because she is afraid of a “hungry winter,” but because she fears that her husband will be unhappy if one day his favorite salad is not at home. Work, friends, and entertainment are in the background for a woman named Elizabeth. At the same time, she is easy-going and does not need to be persuaded to go to the theater or concert. She values ​​her relationship with her husband and tries to give in to him. An attentive and gentle wife, however, she is not without feelings of jealousy. More often than not, Elizabeth gives birth to girls, and less often to children of different sexes.

Meaning of the name Elizabeth for sex

Sex for Elizabeth is the art of enjoying life, bringing great joy. She does not like rough caresses and pressure, and how intimacy ends is also important to her. She feels hurt if her partner immediately turns to the wall and falls asleep. She easily meets the desires of a man, she is not afraid of direct conversation about sex. Unlike many other women, a woman named Elizabeth does not hesitate to discuss some intimate details and call a spade a spade. Outwardly, Elizabeth does not look sexy, but in the arms of a gentle man, under his caresses, she opens up and blossoms.

The character and fate of the name Elizabeth, taking into account the patronymic

First name Elizabeth and patronymic....

Elizaveta Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yuryevna- the woman is very inquisitive and active. True, she is fickle and inconsistent in her actions. A woman named Elizabeth loves entertainment, noisy companies, and is devoted to her friends. Easily gains authority in women's society. She is restless, fussy, creates a lot of noise, but is unobtrusive, delicate and polite, a little sentimental. He has developed intuition, which he relies on more than he should. In intimate relationships, Elizabeth finds not only pleasure, but also peace, the opportunity to feel like a woman. She will never let go of a man with whom Elizabeth manages to achieve complete sexual harmony. She knows how to be seductive, flexible and compliant. Her marriage is quite strong and happy. She knows how to turn even the grayest everyday life into bright holidays. Elizabeth gives birth to children of different sexes.

First name Elizabeth and patronymic....

Elizaveta Alexandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna impulsive, energetic, hot-tempered. To hide her shortcomings, she tries to create the image of a strong, enterprising woman, tries to take the place of a leader. In family life, on the contrary, she completely trusts her husband and feels comfortable if he becomes the real master of the house. Stability in family life makes Elizabeth self-confident and arrogant, but she values ​​her husband and children very much, knowing that all her well-being lies in them. As a rule, the marriage of a woman named Elizabeth is strong, and if it breaks up, it is not through her fault.

First name Elizabeth and patronymic....

Elizaveta Bogdanovna, Vilenovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna- a person of strong character and strong convictions. She always achieves her goal. Sometimes it seems cold and calculating, but in fact it is a passionate nature. Elizabeth dreams of beautiful love, is waiting for the man of her dreams and knows who she needs for a happy marriage. A woman named Elizabeth marries a wealthy man, somewhat older than her, who knows how to appreciate her youth, temperament and devotion.

First name Elizabeth and patronymic....

Elizaveta Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna somewhat straightforward and does not tolerate criticism. A woman named Elizabeth is honest and noble, which she expects from others. Very demanding of loved ones. Carefully chooses a life partner, taking into account all his qualities. Most of all, she values ​​intelligence and decency in a man. A born optimist, he always believes in the best. To achieve the favor of such an Elizabeth, a man will have to court her for a long time. But he will receive a faithful wife who will meet him halfway in everything and indulge all his desires. Outwardly, Elizabeth does not look sexy, but she knows how to maintain freshness of feelings for many years, she is always desired and loved by her husband. She gives birth to children of different sexes. She is a strict mother, but very caring.

First name Elizabeth and patronymic....

Elizaveta Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna hot-tempered, proud and willful. Not very delicate, impatient. What he values ​​most in people is the warmth of relationships and cordiality. Having gotten married, she solves all family problems herself, without listening to the opinion of her husband, which is why she often finds herself in unpleasant situations. In intimate relationships, she prefers to obey her husband’s wishes, so that at least in these moments she feels like a weak woman. In moments of intimacy she is sensitive and sentimental. For emotional stability, a woman named Elizabeth must have a reliable companion nearby. Elizaveta is a wonderful housewife, she manages everything. Her house is perfectly clean, she cooks deliciously, and loves to bake cakes. He often spoils his family with something delicious. Her husband happily rushes home to his family after work. Mostly sons are born to such an Elizabeth.

The name Elizabeth means in translation "God's Help" "honoring God" "My God is an oath", "conjuring by God."

Where did the name come from?

The word has an ancient origin, it is not known exactly where the origins come from. The roots of this name go deep into antiquity. It is believed that it came from the Hebrew "Eliseba" and from the ancient Greek "Elisabet".

How to affectionately call Elizabeth: Lisa, Lizonka, Lizok, Lizochka, Lizochek. Similar names: Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Betty, Fox, Isabella, Eliza.

What is the meaning according to the calendar and what is the character?

Angel Elizabeth Day is celebrated: May 1 (April 24) – day of St. Elizabeth - wonderworker and September 18 (5) – Day of Saint Righteous Elizabeth.

Elizabeth is a confident person. She is able to withstand conflict situations and avoid stress without showing it.

In fact, Lizaveta is very worried in her soul about every seemingly occasion.

Elizabeth – sociable personality, can communicate freely with people and always finds a common language in a team. If the team is female, then it tries to become a leader.

Lisa puts a lot of effort into appearing better to everyone than she really is. She cannot be forced to do what she does not want. Lisa will listen to everything you need and show a sweet, uncomprehending look, but she will do everything in her own way.

She stubborn and persistent, but often gives up ideas when he encounters an obstacle in his path. In appearance, Lisa is modest and shy, but in reality she can already make insidious plans. Elizabeth is strongly influenced by intuition, but is often deceived.

Woman stingy and thrifty, likes to complain and whine about the lack of money. Lisa is a hospitable hostess, she will always gather a full table and feed everyone. She loves to gossip with her friends.

Elizabeth succeeds in everything, she helps in this restless character. Lisa will not sit idle. Before doing anything, Lisa will plan and think through everything, she will not let important events take their course.

As a child, little Lisa often wants to attract attention and be in the center of all events. She always strives to be a leader in the class. Lizonka simply cannot sit still.

It can be difficult for parents to calm down and rein in their child because of her stubbornness. Lisa often uses the word “no”, is capricious and stands her ground.

Studying is easy for Lisa. She gives her preference to the exact sciences.

Is the name suitable for a girl?

Already in childhood, Lisa had many suitors swirling around her. She has a playful and mischievous character, the child finds language well with her peers. All children love Lisa for her sociability, ability to make friends and cheerful character. The girl loves to fantasize and dream about a fairy-tale prince on a white horse, traveling on a spaceship.

Will Elizabeth have success in her career?

If you are “lucky” to become Elizabeth’s subordinate, then do not expect mercy. Elizabeth is an imperious boss who demands responsibility and hard work from her subordinates. Lisa does not know the word “rest”; at work, her will and consciousness are completely subordinated to her career, the growth of the company and moving up the career ladder.

Most often, Elizabeths achieve success in pedagogy, scientific activities, television and radio broadcasting.

Elizabeth quickly finds a common language with men. She is attractive and flirty. She manages to get from men what she has in mind: dinner in a luxurious restaurant or a serious love relationship.

In her youth, Elizabeth had many admirers, but after choosing one single husband, she remained faithful to him until the end of her days.

    Male names for strong and long-lasting family relationships:
  • Anatoly;
  • Afanasy;
  • Boris;
  • Basil;
  • Gleb;
  • Zakhar;

    Male names with which you should not build love:

Elizabeth devotes herself entirely to her husband and caring for her children. When she comes home, work takes a back seat.

Lisa copes well with household duties, she is a loving wife, a good mother and a hospitable hostess. She is ready to pamper her husband with delicious gourmet dishes and indulge his weaknesses regarding food.

The husband is always the boss in Lisa’s family, but the whole family listens to his wife’s opinion.

Elizabeth's first marriage is unsuccessful, but in her second marriage she finds happiness, as she values ​​her husband more deeply. Lisa gets along well with children and raises the children to be kind and smart.

Will a girl with that name have good health?

People with this name are often prone to respiratory diseases and viral infections, have weak immunity. Elizabeth usually has problems with metabolism, which is transmitted through the maternal line.

Lisa needs to carefully monitor her diet. Diseases are also possible gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, cholecystitis. Nervous system Also at risk, there are neuroses and neurasthenia.

Due to the girl’s eccentric nature and her restlessness, there are often injuries and burns that are common to her even in adulthood.

Before reaching the age of one, the child may hardly get sick, but with the first teeth a cold may develop.

Born in winter: susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular system, rheumatism in adulthood. In infancy, rubella is possible. Such children need to limit their consumption allergenic products: chocolate, strawberries, oranges and honey.

They often suffer from skin diseases, perhaps psoriasis. Susceptible to throat diseases, sore throats, and flu.

Elizabeth born in summer

“Summer” children have weak bronchi. There are problems with the large intestine; in childhood, gas accumulations in the tummy are difficult to pass. Such children usually react to changes in weather, and as adults they are usually subject to mood swings.

Elizabeth’s first birth may have complications, but the second usually has no problems. In old age, vision becomes weak, perhaps phlebeurysm or something very similar.

As a child, Lisa loved animals very much. If parents forbid a girl to keep pets at home, then she will not argue on this issue and will back down, remember this.

Adult Elizabeth is in no hurry to have cats or dogs in the house, but she may agree at the request of the children. Lisa will pamper her pets and take care of them herself.

Animal symbols of the name: Fox and Waxwing.

What does fate have in store?

In the history of the whole world the name Elizabeth belonged to powerful women of the royal family. Famous women rulers: Elizaveta Petrovna, Elizaveta Alekseevna - Russian empresses, Elizabeth I, Elizabeth II - English queens.

Suitable consonant patronymics: Yuryevna, Aleksandrovna, Ruslanovna, Danilovna.

Meaning: dedicated to God, reverent of God, my God is an oath

The meaning of the name Lisa - interpretation

The name Lisa is an American interpretation of the common name Elizabeth. The etymology of these names is identical. It has many synonyms all over the world: Alisawa, Elasaj, Ilse, Elisabeth, Alzhbeta, Isabel, Olisavya, Elisheva, Elish and others.

How is this extraordinary name interpreted? Scientists are sure that it is of Hebrew origin. The literal translation of the word means “conjuring God,” “honoring God,” “My God is an oath.” Lisa, like Eliza, Veta and Louise, is a short form of the name Elizabeth, but in the West it has become an independent name. Several centuries ago it was considered royal or royal. It was often used to call children in the highest circles of society.

Prominent representatives of the name are Dr. Lisa (Elizabeth Glinka), Lisa Della Casa, Elisabetta Sirani, Lisbeth McKay, Lisa Marie Presley, Liza Minnelli, Elizabeth Taylor and Lisa del Giocondo. Some researchers are confident that it is the last owner of the sonorous name who is depicted on the legendary canvas, which has caused a lot of controversy and speculation over several centuries.

Name Lisa in other languages

Years later

As a child, Lisa is funny, active, and restless. She is inquisitive and strives to get to several places at the same time, since she cares about everything.

The baby likes to look at beautiful pictures in children's books and magazines. The girl loves to listen to fairy tales and sits calmly when they are told to her.

At school, Lisa often becomes the center of attention of her classmates. Her peers love her for her ability to make friends and her cheerful character. Often a girl enrolls in several sections and clubs. She usually does this in company with her friends.

He can do everything, but little by little. The girl does not have enough patience for a long time to diligently do one thing.

Possessing a large number of advantages, Lisa always leaves a pleasant impression after communicating with herself, but still, pride and impulsiveness sometimes get the better of her, and then the girl tends to commit rash acts that can have negative consequences.

By nature, Lisa is a leader. She often subjugates weaker people. She strives to please everyone, but sometimes this behavior of hers does not lead to anything good.

When she becomes a girl, Lisa dreams a lot and often. Her fantasies concern the future. The girl often imagines herself as a film star, intelligence officer, doctor. The girl herself rarely comes up with something new. She usually passes off other people's ideas and thoughts as her own.

Grown women know their worth, she is smart and ambitious. Named Lisa, they are impulsive women, but they manage to restrain their impulses. Outwardly they are calm and balanced.

The owner of a beautiful name loves herself very much and does not give in to outside influences. Meekness is only a mask. Lisa always does only what she wants. If she doesn’t like the request, she can pretend not to understand. She always does and says what is beneficial. Persistent, but does not withstand strong resistance.

Lisa is not afraid of change; if she is disappointed in her business, she will boldly and confidently radically change her life. It is important for this woman that peace and tranquility reign in her life. It happens that she cannot take responsibility for her actions, but she tries to clearly think through her actions.

Lisa's character

All Lisas are inquisitive and charming. They strive to please others and need compliments.

Women are great at communicating with strangers and have a great sense of humor. Generosity is another positive trait of this name. Determination and leadership qualities accompany her on the path to achieving great heights.

Selfishness and selfishness are negative qualities characteristic of all women with this name. Lisa commits many rash actions in her life, but does not regret it.

The opinions of others are an empty phrase for her; she always does as she wishes. Reluctance to listen to others and authority are obstacles in communicating with others and building your ideal world.

Lisa's fate

From childhood, Lisa grows up as a cheerful child, and she often retains this trait throughout her life. She is friendly and often becomes the life of the party, doing funny things with her friends.

Already in high school he begins to plan his future life. She dreams of something “bright and great”, associates herself with a model or singer, wants to help people, imagines her own magnificent marriage with a charismatic man. For some women whose parents gave this melodious name, their dreams come true.

Lisa is an impulsive person, but she hides it carefully. Gives vent to emotions when in the circle of loved ones or relatives. Her words may differ from her deeds, but she always defends her interests. A meek appearance and shyness are the outer shell, Elizabeth is persistent and tries to achieve her goal in life.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Lisa's character is contradictory, and this manifests itself in relation to career and finances. She is wasteful and knows how to save.

He can quickly climb the career ladder or work as a teacher or mid-level specialist all his life.

He approaches work with a certain degree of irony, lives in the present and does not care about the future. But some owners of the name are distinguished by their analytical mind and acumen, which allows them to achieve certain successes in their careers.

Marriage and family

Lisa starts a family early, but her first marriage is rarely successful. She finds happiness with her second husband. She is a caring wife and loving mother, enjoys receiving guests and gets along well with her husband's parents.

After her official marriage, she stops communicating with her friends and devotes little time to her career. The woman puts the home at the forefront. She very rarely cheats on her spouse.

Sex and love

Lisa is witty and attractive, she always has many fans to whom she does not refuse affection.

Intimate relationships for women with this name are a real pleasure, but they rarely care about bringing carnal joy to a man. This shows the selfishness of their character. Lisa is capable of mutual affection only with those who are dear to her.


Until one year old, little Lisa practically does not get sick, but ailments begin to appear one after another after the parents send the baby to kindergarten. The reason is weak immunity.

Girls born in winter are prone to heart disease and allergic reactions. “Spring” babies experience stomach problems and have to carefully think through their diet throughout their lives. Liz, who was born in the summer, has weak lungs. The diseases that constantly plague them are bronchitis and pneumonia. “Autumn” Lisa is prone to depression and nervous disorders.

Interests and hobbies

Lisa is a creative person. Her hobbies often include drawing and handicrafts, which result in the creation of very beautiful things.

If a girl is brought up in a religious family, then she can sing in a church choir; some people write music or devote themselves to charity.

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Elizaveta (Liza) - a detailed description of the origin and characteristics of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Elizabeth. Lisa, Lizochka, Lizonka, Lizunya, Lizavetka, Elizavetka, Veta, Lilya, Betsy, Eliza, Ellie, Alice, Bess, Lizzie, Lisetta, Lisela, Liesel, Lisa, Liss, Ela, Beth.
Synonyms for the name Elizabeth. Elisaveta, Elisaveta, Lizaveta, Lisaveta, Alisava, Olisavya, Elisava, Elizabeth, Elish, Elasaj, Isabel, Isabel, Alzhbeta, Elzbeta, Elishka, Ilse, Elisheva.
Origin of the name Elizabeth. The name Elizabeth is Russian, Jewish, English, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Elizabeth is of Hebrew origin and literally means “my God is an oath,” “honoring God,” “conjuring God.” In Hebrew this name sounds like Elisheva.

In Western Europe there is also the name Isabella (Isabel, Isabel), which is a form of the medieval Provençal name Elizabeth (Isabeu). These names were considered royal and were common among the highest circles of society.

Eliza, Lisa, Louise, Veta are short forms of the name Elizaveta and its analogues in various languages. But recently these names have become independent and are also used as independent names.

The name Elizabeth is widespread in the world, and in addition to European forms that have become independent names, it also has Asian variants. So the name Elzira is a Kyrgyz name that appeared from the name Elizabeth.

Capricious and domineering, categorical and narcissistic, Elizabeth often feels underestimated, so she often gets into conflicts and does crazy things. These are powerful women who dream of building a small kingdom around themselves. Elizabeth is stubborn, envious, boastful, she is constantly tormented by doubts, she always has a lot of problems and tries to tell absolutely all her relatives and friends about it. Nevertheless, with people dear to Lisa, she shows herself to be a kind and sympathetic woman.

She is an introvert, reserved and does not always say what she really thinks. Elizabeth knows how to adapt to the people around her. She is curious and balanced, she always brings the things she starts to a victorious end, and her interests will come first for this woman. She perceives her own failures very painfully.

Lisa's conflict negatively affects her relationships with colleagues. Elizabeth loves to weave intrigues and spread gossip; in dealing with women she prefers to be a leader. In general, professional activity is not the most important area of ​​​​life for Lisa. The ideal profession for Elizabeth is a radio and television reporter; these women are always interested in the latest developments in the field of radio electronics. However, secretly from everyone, Lisa dreams of being scouts or investigators.

The most important thing in Elizabeth's life is her family. Lisa is a wonderful housewife, thrifty and thrifty. She is an excellent cook and often pampers her husband with various culinary delights. Elizabeth treats the visits of her husband’s friends and relatives calmly, and she also communicates calmly with her neighbors.

In family relationships he seeks tranquility and peace. The first years of Lisa's married life may be characterized by tension in her relationship with her husband, but later all problems disappear. In her youth, Elizabeth had many admirers; as a rule, she became happy only in her second marriage. Having met her lover and become his wife, Lizaveta will be faithful to him even when she is widowed.

Elizabeth loves to lure into her network a shy man who doesn’t even know where he’s ended up. She dreams of throwing herself into the arms of her loved one, but hides her desire, which is why she may look cold. Elizabeth always looks for the best, including a partner. Outwardly, Lisa looks like a charming but cunning coquette; she loves to dress brightly.

Elizabeth gets along with new people very easily. When communicating with others, she shows herself to be capricious and narcissistic; only close friends know her as a kind and balanced woman. Elizabeth has a very developed intuition, which she successfully uses to choose friends. Lisa loves noisy companies and entertainment, however, when choosing between friends and family, she always chooses family.

Sound. Elizabeth is a rather long name, consisting of five syllables. Majesty is the main characteristic that stands out from him. Almost always they also note the beauty (91%), mystery (86%) and strength (84%) of the sound of the name. Some also hear a certain femininity in him (82%). The names that are closest in phonosemantic profile are Veronica, Diana and Ekaterina.

Famous people with the name Elizabeth

  • Lisa del Giocondo, Lisa Gherardini ((1479 – 1542/1551) wife of the Florentine silk merchant Francesco Giocondo, possibly depicted in the painting by Leonardo da Vinci, known as the Mona Lisa or Gioconda)
  • Eliza Radziwill ((1803 - 1834) Polish aristocrat, bride and first love of the German Emperor Wilhelm I)
  • Elizabeth Taylor ((born 1932) English-American film actress)
  • Elizabeth of Thuringia ((1207 - 1231) Christian ascetic, widely revered in Germany)
  • Lisbeth Palme ((born 1931) Swedish politician, wife of the late Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme)
  • Elizabeth Yaroslavna ((XI century) daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, wife of the Norwegian king Harald III Sigurdarson, Queen of Norway)
  • Elizaveta Petrovna ((1709 - 1762) Russian Empress, daughter of Peter I and Martha Skavronskaya (later Empress Catherine I))
  • Elizabeth I ((1533 - 1603) Queen of England, daughter of Henry VIII Tudor and Anne Boleyn)
  • Elizabeth II ((born 1926) Queen regnant of Great Britain)
  • Elizabeth of Valois, Elizabeth of France ((1545 - 1568) daughter of the French king Henry II and Catherine de' Medici, queen of Spain, third wife of King Philip II of Spain)
  • Elizabeth of Bavaria ((1837 - 1898) Austrian Empress, wife of Emperor Franz Joseph I; was known in Austria under the diminutive name Sissi)
  • Elisa Bonaparte ((1777 - 1820) Grand Duchess of Tuscany, sister of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte)
  • Elizaveta Vorontsova ((1739 - 1792) Russian aristocrat, favorite of the Russian Emperor Peter III)
  • Elizaveta Tyomkina ((born 1775) daughter of the Russian Empress Catherine II and Prince Grigory Potemkin)
  • Liza Minnelli (American film actress and singer)
  • Lisa Marie Presley (American singer, daughter of Elvis Presley)
  • Elizaveta Khitrovo ((1783 - 1839) nee Golenishcheva-Kutuzova; daughter of commander M.I. Kutuzov, owner of a secular salon in St. Petersburg, friend of A.S. Pushkin)
  • Elizaveta Bykova ((1913 – 1989) chess player, world chess champion)
  • Elizaveta Dmitrieva ((1887 - 1928) married - Vasilyeva; Russian poetess, better known under the literary hoax pseudonym Cherubina de Gabriak)
  • Elizaveta Kulman ((1808 – 1825) poetess, translator, spoke 11 languages)
  • Elizaveta Lavrovskaya ((1845 – 1919) singer, soloist of the Mariinsky Theater)
  • Elizaveta Sadovskaya ((1872 - 1934) Russian Soviet theater actress)
  • Elizaveta Dvoretskaya (Russian writer (fantasy, historical novels))
  • Elizaveta Boyarskaya (Russian theater and film actress, daughter of Mikhail Boyarsky)
  • Lisbeth McKay (American stage and film actress)
  • Elspeth Gibson (English fashion designer)
  • Bette Davis ((1908 - 1989) American film actress)
  • Bessie Smith ((1894 - 1937) African-American blues singer)
  • Betsy Blair ((1923 - 2009) American film actress)
  • Lizzy Caplan (American film actress)
  • Eliza Dushku (American film actress)
  • Elissa Down (Australian film director)
  • Elsie Ferguson ((1883 - 1961) American stage and film actress)
  • Elisabeth Röckel ((1793 - 1883) German opera singer (soprano); according to one version, Beethoven’s famous piano piece “Fur Elise” was dedicated to her)
  • Elsa Bernstein ((1866 - 1949) German writer and playwright)
  • Else Maidner ((1901 - 1987) German artist)
  • Ilse Werner ((1921 - 2005) German film actress and singer)
  • Bettina von Arnim ((1785 - 1859) German writer)
  • Elise Fugler (French writer)
  • Lisette Lanvin ((1913 - 2004) French film actress)
  • Elisabetta Sirani ((1638 - 1665) Italian artist)
  • Elsa Andersson, Elsa Andersson ((1897 - 1922) the first Swedish female pilot)
  • Elisabeth Dons ((1864 - 1942) Danish opera singer (mezzo-soprano))
  • Lisa Della Casa ((born 1919) Swiss opera singer (soprano))
  • Elisa (Italian pop singer)
  • Elizabeth Bathory, Erzsebet Bathory ((1560 - 1614) Hungarian aristocrat, countess, who went down in history as the most massive serial killer)
  • Elizaveta Chavdar ((1925 - 1989) Ukrainian Soviet opera singer (coloratura soprano))
  • Elizaveta Bryzgina (Ukrainian athlete)
  • Elisaveta (Elisaveta) Karamikhailova ((1897 - 1968) Bulgarian physicist)
  • Elzbieta Starostecka (Polish theater and film actress)
  • Eliza Orzeszko ((1841 - 1910) Polish writer)
  • Eliska Krasnogorskaya ((1847 - 1926) Czech writer, poet and playwright)
  • Lisa Lindgren (Swedish film actress)
  • Lisbeth Stuer-Lauridsen (Danish badminton player)
  • Lisbeth Haaland (Norwegian politician)
  • If you believe that a person’s name, as well as his origin, have a certain influence on his character and destiny, then this article is for you. And the topic today is: what does the name Elizabeth mean?

    It is believed that its origin is connected with the Hebrew language and the old name Elizabeth. The meaning of the name Elizabeth in translation is: “oath of God,” “honoring God.” It is also a well-known fact that the origin of this name is directly related to the Venerable Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, who died in the desert, where she had to hide with her son. She healed the sick with the power of prayer and had the ability to cast out demons that had entered a person.

    The name is also common in Western Europe, where its origins are related to the Provençal name Elizabeth, which was previously borne by royalty. It was also used in shortened forms: Eliza, Louise, which today have become independent names.

    But if Elizaveta is the full name, then its abbreviated forms are as follows: Lisa, Lizochka, Lizonka, Lizzie, Lizunya and others. Bearers of this name celebrate name days twice a year: May 1 and September 18.

    Character Lizavet

    It is quite difficult to keep a child with this name in one place, since Lisa is very mobile in childhood. Girls do not listen to their parents' comments, are always in a good mood and easily find a common language with other children.

    The child's character is such that she is very sociable and will gladly support a friend. Often, for the company of someone, Lizavetas enroll in various circles. But the most suitable activity for a girl named Elizabeth is knitting.

    Due to excessive mobility, parents simply need to pay more attention to Lisa in order to keep track of her, because at an early age the child has practically no sense of self-preservation. The girl’s school years are fun: thanks to her sociability, Lisa has many friends. But academic achievements directly depend on mutual understanding with teachers. If it is not there, you should not expect success in this subject either.

    Elizabeth's fate is planned as follows: a beloved and loving husband, a well-paid job, a strong family. Love and relationships are a priority for her, but Elizabeth assigns secondary importance to communication with her friends. Family is the most important thing she has.

    In it she values ​​peace and tranquility. He also prefers peace and warmth in relationships with friends and neighbors. She most often chooses a shy man as a future partner. The fate of almost all Lizas is such that they become happy only in their second marriage.

    The name Elizabeth and its origin make the girl open and sociable, which attracts people to her like a magnet. However, her character is such that sometimes impulsiveness and selfishness get the better of her, and then she is unable to control her emotions. From time to time, on this basis, Lisa commits rash acts, so self-control is what she lacks.

    Being in a women's team, she strives to prove herself as a leader, which is why those same rash actions also happen. The meaning of the name Elizabeth reveals in her a strict and demanding boss. Those who are lucky enough to be under her will have to remind her more than once that there is life outside of work. And all because her character does not imply rest. After all, Elizabeth attaches great importance to everything that helps her achieve perfection.

    The origin and meaning of the name also influenced her character in the sense that Lisa always tries to think through her every step. This is due to the fact that she does not know how to lose and experiences any failure very painfully. Therefore, you need to joke with her carefully - a joke taken incorrectly can lead to offense. This is due to vulnerability - a trait that her character possesses.

    In addition, Lizaveta practically does not know how to relax and rest. Even among her closest and dearest people, she remains tense. The main thing here is not to put pressure on her, but to give her time to get used to it; this process should happen by itself.

    But despite this, she is cheerful, there is always laughter in her family and company and a warm atmosphere reigns. She is looking for a husband to match herself, because it is quite difficult to endure her lifestyle and get used to such a woman. But the one who can do this will win her heart and will be endlessly happy next to her. That's just her character.

    What male names is it compatible with?

    A happy future awaits Elizabeth next to men bearing the following names:

    • Alexander.
    • Sergey.
    • Ivan.
    • Michael.

    Both Lisa and her character are such that they are monogamous. Therefore, their marriage promises to be ideal and very happy. Each of them will give themselves to their soulmate.

    And with the advent of children, the couple’s love will transfer to them. These spouses have complete mutual understanding in everything, including in the intimate sphere. In fact, they subconsciously search for each other until they find each other, because Alexander is the best thing that Lizaveta can have in life, and Lizaveta is the best thing that Sasha can have.

    At first glance, the opinion about the couple Ivan and Lisa is that they don’t need anything from each other and there are no feelings between them. But in fact, they have strong feelings, backed by trust. Everyone found in their partner exactly what they were looking for and was completely confident in their loved one.

    Here, the basis of the relationship is precisely this, and not fleeting passion. But passion is also present, only it is not ostentatious, but manifests itself when lovers are alone.

    And Elizabeth. This couple is truly something indivisible. And each of them is half of this whole. The main component of their relationship is caring for each other and dedication. Each of them gives their partner the last thing they have, without asking for anything in return. This applies to absolutely all areas of life: emotional, intimate and financial. They make not only good spouses, but also excellent parents.

    Elizabeth should not connect her future with men named Valentin and Nikolai. Marriage with them will bring a lot of trouble and disappointment. Author: Natalia Chernikova