Excessive body hair growth: how to deal with this problem. Increased hairiness

For some it is thicker and denser, for others it is almost invisible. Some are proud of their “vegetation”, while others try in every possible way to hide or remove it. Most glossy fashion magazines popularize men with perfectly smooth bodies without a single hair. But the overwhelming majority of women have a different opinion on this matter.

One way or another, today the hair on the body has lost more than 50% of its original relevance, although it still performs some of the functions laid down by nature thousands of years ago. Let's look at some interesting facts that men need to know about the hair on their bodies.

1. Hair on the body of a future man is formed and begins to grow during the period when the fetus is in the womb. This hair is called lanugo. Thin and almost imperceptible hairs, reminiscent of fluff, cover the entire body of the baby. But they fall out before birth (most of them). This explains the increased hairiness of children born prematurely: the lanugo simply does not have time to fall out. But no need to worry. They will fall out a few weeks after birth.

2. There are three opposing hair types. The first type is lanugo, which has already been mentioned. The second type is vellus hair. Occurs after lanugo. They are soft, thin and often colorless. The third type of hair is shaft hair. They appear as adolescence approaches. They are the complete opposite of vellus hair. They are tough, strong, attached to the sebaceous glands and subcutaneous tissue. With their appearance, a characteristic body odor arises. This occurs due to the connection of the hair shaft with the sebaceous glands.

3. Women prefer hairy men. Most women, according to surveys and research by scientists, prefer men with body hair. However, almost all women consider the presence of hair on a man's back unattractive. Women have the opposite opinion regarding chest hair: almost 70% of the surveyed representatives of the fair sex like it.

4. Every hair on the body is protected by tiny glands. During adolescence, most of the vellus hair is replaced by shaft hair. They grow from the subcutaneous layers. The shaft hairs are thickened and much larger in diameter than lanugo or vellus hairs. Accordingly, this makes the pores from which they grow much wider, opening up ways for the external environment to contact the subcutaneous layers. But nature took care of protecting the body by providing each hair with a sebaceous gland, which secretes a secret that does not allow harmful substances and microorganisms to penetrate the skin.

5. We exchanged body hair for fat. There is a hypothesis that links subcutaneous fat and body hair into one theory. How? It is assumed that as a person surrounds himself with amenities, in particular, comfortable housing and an abundance of food, the need for hair disappears. Previously, hair protected a person from cold, rain, cold, keeping warm. Now a person can hide from these weather phenomena in a cozy room. In addition, subcutaneous fat, a layer of which can be formed due to the availability of food in the modern world, has partially taken on the protective function from external climatic factors.

6. The amount of hair is directly proportional to the intelligence of its owner. Studies have been repeatedly conducted that have shown that the hairier a man is, the higher his intellectual abilities. Most likely, this is due to hormonal levels, which also affect the level of hair growth.

7. Hair has its own muscles. Hair follicles are equipped with smooth muscles that can contract. The result is a goose bump effect. This reflex is also called piloerection. It manifests itself in the form of raised hair when exposed to cold, the release of adrenaline into the bloodstream, and so on. This is a purely rudimentary reflex.

8. Hair on a man's body grows much faster in spring and summer. This is stated by Brian Thompson, a hair specialist from the USA. He suggests that this is due to a more intense metabolism than in the autumn-winter period.

9. Hair on a man's body promotes sexual attraction. Pubic and armpit hair accumulates and retains sex pheromones, as a result of which the latter can reach the sense of smell of individuals of the opposite sex. This is of great importance in attracting men sexually.

As you can see, hair on the body of men still plays a rather important role. But in the future we may be left completely without hair, since its significance is being lost every year due to the development of civilization.

Causes of increased hairiness in men

It is unlikely that any man will complain about thick and rapidly growing hair on his head, but if the hair on other parts of the body begins to grow beyond measure, this becomes a cause of discomfort and anxiety even for the stronger sex.

When the process of excess hair growth becomes pathological, it is called hypertrichosis. What is the cause of increased hairiness in men and how to deal with it? Let's figure it out. The term hypertrichosis refers to excessive hair growth in areas of smooth skin or on hairy parts of the body in places where, taking into account age, gender and national characteristics, there should not be hair.

Increased hairiness actually causes a lot of trouble for men, both physically and aesthetically. They begin to feel embarrassed and uncomfortable at the thought that everyone is looking at their hairy back, shoulders, arms, etc. Hypertrichosis, of course, needs to be fought, but for this it is necessary to find out the reasons for the appearance of increased hairiness in men.

Types and causes of hypertrichosis in men

There are several types of pathological hairiness in men. Let's look at each type of hypertrichosis and the reasons for its occurrence.

1) congenital hypertrichosis in men

Congenital hypertrichosis in men refers to all types of excess hair growth that can be detected in a child at birth. In this case, a person is already born with a pathology. The point here is a gene mutation, which results in a change in the structure of epithelial cells.

In general, a child in the womb has a body covered with primary vellus hairs, which are replaced by secondary ones after birth. But with a gene mutation, this process partially or completely does not occur. The germinal hair continues to grow and can reach up to 10 cm in length.

The occurrence of congenital hypertrichosis is possible both on the skin of the whole body and in limited areas. The mutation can be caused by infectious diseases during pregnancy or its abnormal course. In the future, the mutated gene is fixed in the genome and becomes the cause of increased hair growth in all subsequent generations.

It should be noted that this disease is very rare, mainly in South Asia. Local congenital hypertrichosis also includes birthmarks with densely growing hair. At a later age, such nevi are usually removed surgically.

2) acquired symptomatic hypertrichosis in men

Acquired vellus hypertrichosis often indicates the development of cancer. According to statistics, about 90% of people who were previously diagnosed with hypertrichosis soon after discovered malignant processes in some organs. Mostly occurs several years before the first symptoms of cancer appear.

Hypertrichosis can also be a symptom of traumatic brain injury, epidermolysis bullosa, anorexia nervosa, alcohol syndrome, endocrine diseases, and dermatomycosis. Excessive hairiness is especially pronounced during nervous exhaustion. Often, developmental defects of the psyche and skeletal system are combined with clinical manifestations of hypertrichosis.

3) drug-induced hypertrichosis

It often happens that hair begins to grow after taking certain medications - this type of hypertrichosis is called medicinal hypertrichosis. The cause of increased hairiness is the use of drugs such as corticosteroids, cyclosporine, psoralens, diazoxide, penicillamine, minoxidil, streptomycin.

In this case, hair growth mainly occurs only in certain areas of the body. In this case, the development of hypertrichosis is a side effect. Also, increased body hair growth is caused by some hormonal or locally irritating ointments and patches that help increase blood circulation in the area of ​​application.

4) traumatic hypertrichosis

Traumatic hypertrichosis is caused by constant irritation of the skin, for example, after shaving, trauma (including a chemical nature), at the site of a scar. This leads to thickening, coarsening and darkening of the hairs, as well as to their increased growth. The rest of the body has ordinary hair.

Diagnosis and treatment of hypertrichosis

So, we have looked at the types and causes of hypertrichosis in men; it remains to answer the most important question - how to treat hypertrichosis. You need to start acting by identifying the cause of increased hair growth. Without identifying it, you may not be able to cope with the disease, and self-medication often leads to increased symptoms.

There is no single scheme for combating hypertrichosis; each case is individual. With this problem, a man needs to contact an endocrinologist and dermatologist. If excessive hairiness is caused by taking medications, they simply need to be replaced. It is important to exclude the hormonal nature of the disease. If everything is in order with hormones, treatment for hypertrichosis consists of hair removal in various ways.

There are a huge number of methods for getting rid of hair these days. In addition to the usual shaving of excess hair in problem areas, there are more radical and effective methods: waxing and laser hair removal, removal with cream. The most effective method of combating excessive hair growth is electrical hair removal. Let us dwell on each method of combating hypertrichosis in more detail.


The simplest and most affordable way to combat excessive hairiness is shaving. There are even special razors with a wide blade designed specifically for shaving a large surface, such as the back, although many people use a regular disposable razor.

The main disadvantage of this procedure is that within a couple of days after shaving, stubble appears, causing discomfort. Also, after shaving, skin irritation, dryness, and burning often occur, which does not allow the procedure to be carried out frequently.

Hair removal creams

Special hair removal creams are very popular these days. Their peculiarity is that the chemical component promotes the breakdown of protein in the hair, due to which the hair root weakens, and as a result, hair falls out easily. The effect of the cream lasts up to 1-2 weeks, but there is always a risk of an allergic reaction to the components of the drug. It is also not recommended to apply hair removal cream to sensitive areas of the skin.


Waxing is a fairly old and effective method with which even men can fight hypertrichosis. The essence of the procedure is that melted wax is first applied to problem areas, then special strips are glued to them, cooled and then torn off along with the hairs.

The method is painful, but the cosmetic effect lasts up to a month. To reduce discomfort, wax is often replaced with soy wax. Possible local skin irritation. Contraindicated in cases of severe skin damage.

Laser hair removal for hypertrichosis

Laser hair removal is one of the most popular ways to remove unwanted hair. It involves destroying the hair root using laser radiation. The hair follicle remains, so after some time the hair begins to grow again, but the effect of laser hair removal is quite long-lasting - about six months.

The procedure is practically painless, however, there are a number of contraindications for its use: cancer, diabetes, gray hair, etc. It is also worth noting the high cost of laser hair removal, which not everyone can afford.

Electrical hair removal for hypertrichosis

The most modern method of hair removal for hypertrichosis is electrolysis. To reduce pain, a local anesthetic is rubbed into the hair removal area before electrolysis begins. Then a needle bent at a right angle is inserted deep into the follicle, applying electric current to the hair follicle.

How deep it needs to be inserted depends on the thickness of the hair. At the end of the session, after removing the needle, the hairs are carefully removed with tweezers. Their extraction must take place without any effort, otherwise electrolysis will have to be repeated. It is important that the procedure is performed only by a qualified specialist.

The duration of an electroepilation session for hypertrichosis is about 30 minutes. During this time, you can remove from several to several dozen hairs, it depends on how the patient tolerates the procedure. Thus, for hypertrichosis of the chin, it is necessary to carry out about 50 electrolysis procedures over the course of a year; hair removal above the lip takes about 3-6 months.

During the entire period of electrical hair removal, it is important to use sunscreen to avoid spotty hyperpigmentation on the skin. Electrolysis works well for men with hypertrichosis of the chest, abdomen and pubis, since regular shaving of these areas of the body leads to even more hair growth.

Removing excess hair in men using electric hair removal is a very effective way to get rid of hair forever. Its only disadvantages are that the effect is not achieved immediately and requires considerable investment.

What does sudden growth or sudden loss of body hair indicate?

Translation: Anastasia Nazarova, editor of the Sphinx hair removal salon blog

Hair growth on the body is normal, and moderate hair growth in certain areas of the body indicates the health of the body. However, excessive body hair growth or sudden hair loss may be due to a number of factors that indicate certain health problems that need to be urgently addressed with the help of a doctor. So, what can cause increased body hair or sudden loss of body hair? Let's look at a few reasons.

1. Genetic predisposition

The intensity of body hair growth may depend on your genetic makeup and your nationality. Too thick hair on the body is usually characteristic of people of southern and eastern blood. The hair of representatives of “hot” nationalities is usually dark, thick and coarse, so in their case there is no need to worry about their presence. If you do not ethnically belong to eastern and southern nationalities, and your parents do not have thick, coarse hair, then the sudden appearance of thick dark hairs on your body may indicate hormonal disorders, especially if you were not previously prone to increased hairiness.

2. Autoimmune disorders

Sometimes a malfunction of the immune system can affect the functioning of the hair follicles. In this case, there may be a sudden loss of hair on the head and body in whole handfuls, and “bald spots” may form in certain areas or throughout the head and body. Such disorders are treated with systemic steroids, but it is not always possible to restore hair completely.

3. Hormonal disorders

A sharp increase in body hair or sudden loss of body hair can be the result of a disruption in the production of male hormones in the body in both men and women. If testosterone levels are higher than normal, then body hairiness increases sharply, and hair begins to become darker, coarser and thicker, and can also begin to grow even in areas where there was none before. Sudden hair loss on the body may indicate sudden changes in the production of female hormones, which is also not beneficial for your body. In both cases, it is necessary to contact an endocrinologist so that he can prescribe appropriate treatment with hormonal drugs.

4. Ovarian problems in women

If women experience irregular periods in addition to increased body hair, this most likely indicates problems with the ovaries. Most often, increased hairiness in combination with irregular periods indicates the presence of a disease such as polycystic ovary syndrome. In this case, in addition to the above symptoms, there is also a sharp increase in weight. Contact your doctor immediately for timely treatment.

5. Tumor

A sharp and sudden increase in body hair may be a sign of a tumor in your body. As a rule, in this case, the tumor most often affects the adrenal glands or ovaries, so these glands need to be examined with particular care.

6. Iron deficiency or thyroid disorder

Sudden hair loss on the head and body may indicate a lack of iron in the body or thyroid disorders. Most often, people who suddenly switch to vegetarianism suffer from iron deficiency. Thyroid disorders are often accompanied by loss of eyebrows, the formation of grooves on the nails and sudden baldness of the head and body. In this case, it is necessary to urgently donate blood for analysis and begin treatment for the thyroid gland. Also, sudden hair loss can occur in women due to pregnancy or abrupt cessation of contraceptive use. In this case, hair loss is short-term and does not require intensive treatment with medications.

7. Bad habits

Smoking and drug use lead to the death of hair follicles, because the follicles and hair roots do not receive the nutrients necessary for nutrition and hair growth. The obvious solution to baldness in this case is to stop smoking or taking drugs.

Reasons for a lot of hair on a man's body

Since ancient times, people have tried to find a relationship between men's sexuality and their appearance. For example, the ancient Greeks believed that men with big noses were the sexiest. They called hairiness of men another important sign of sexual strength. In their opinion, the most passionate lovers are men with thick, coarse and curly body hair.

Psychotherapist, sexologist and candidate of medical sciences A.M. Poleev claims that currently the existence of a relationship between human hairiness and his temperament has been fully proven by science. Men with thick hair on their chests and legs can rightfully consider themselves endowed with a strong temperament. Scientists have found that the growth of body hair and especially its stiffness are directly related to the content of the male hormone in the blood - testosterone. The coarser and thicker the hair on a man's chest and legs, the more testosterone in his body.

As you know, a man’s sex drive depends on the amount of this hormone. However, you should not hope that a man with a strong temperament will turn out to be an excellent lover in bed. After all, the concepts of “temperament” and “sexuality” are completely different, although they are often passed off as one and the same. Sexuality depends not only on a man’s temperament, but also on his attitude towards sex life. If a man is shy and doesn’t know how to meet people and start relationships, then, despite his hairiness, he may turn out to be worthless in bed.

Hairiness is inherited and depends on nationality. Body hair begins to grow in the womb. The body of a newborn baby is almost completely covered with thin and small hairs called lanugo. After birth, they fall out and vellus hair grows in their place. This hair is almost invisible on the body; it is not attached to the sebaceous glands and subcutaneous tissue.

During adolescence, shaft hair appears on the body; it is already associated with the sebaceous glands and contributes to the appearance of odor. This smell is not always repulsive; emanating from some parts of the body, it serves to attract the opposite sex. This is how the hair in the armpits and pubic area retains special hormones secreted by our body and contributes to their drying, thereby enhancing the effect of attracting the opposite sex to this smell.

From a scientific point of view, hair on the human body performs two functions. The first function is to retain heat in the cold season, the second is to retain moisture in hot weather and prevent overheating of the body. Apparently this is why the majority of hairy men are among the population living in warm countries. Increased body hair growth can cause hormonal changes in the body. However, you should not believe those who claim that as you lose hair on your head, hair on your body begins to grow faster. It’s just that as you go bald, hair on other parts of the body attracts more attention than with thick hair.

In astrology, a person’s hairiness is associated with his energy. The more and longer the hair on the body, the more dependent a person is on other people. But you need to take into account where hair grows faster and thicker. If there is more hair on the favorable side of the body, then the person is luckier, since he receives a lot of useful information from the outside.

Today it is fashionable to shave chest hair. This is evidenced by photographs of men with bodies without hair, which fashion magazines are full of today. If we look at this problem from an aesthetic point of view, then the hair on a man’s body, coming out from under the sleeve and collar of his shirt, growing in his nose and ear, speaks of his sloppiness and must be removed in any way. But many girls like hair on the chest and armpits of men. Remember the James Bond movie with Sean Connery, Alik Baldwin, Burt Reynolds and other cinema giants who became sex symbols in those years and charmed women all over the world with their bare, hairy torsos. This is the reason why older women believe that body hair makes men attractive and masculine. However, as surveys show, modern girls do not share their opinions.

80% of girls prefer guys with smooth chests. Most likely, this is also the influence of fashion. Remember the movie stars who showed off their naked torsos in the 90s. These are Sylvester Stallone, Brad Pitt, Van Damme and others. They changed the minds of women around the world regarding the sexuality of hairy chests. Therefore, the majority of women in the USA, Russia, Sweden, Japan, China and Germany prefer men with smooth chests, while women in New Zealand, Brazil, India and Cameroon prefer hairy men.

10 facts about male body hair

It seems that the man's entire body is covered with hair. Some men are proud of their thick body hair, others want to get rid of excess hair, especially when summer comes and the body is exposed more.

Lanugo is the first type of hair to appear, followed by soft, fine, colorless hairs called vellus hair. Vellus hair is not attached to the subcutaneous tissue or sebaceous glands. They are the complete opposite of another type of hair - shaft hair, which appears during adolescence. They are much tougher, attached to the subcutaneous tissue and sebaceous glands, which contributes to the appearance of body odor.

According to one American psychiatrist, the more body hair you have, the smarter you are. In a 1996 study, Dr. Aikarakudy Alias ​​stated that chest hair is more common among doctors and highly educated people. When the academic performance of students was compared, they found that hairy men had higher grades, and some of the smartest men also had thick hair on their backs. However, anyone who was born with smooth breasts should not be upset, since among smart men there are also many “hairless” ones, including Albert Einstein.

8. Body hair has muscles.

According to Brian Thompson, an American hair specialist, body hair actually grows a little faster in the spring and summer. Why is this happening? There are suggestions that this is due to faster metabolism during these months. In any case, faster growth applies to androgenic hair, that is, hair on the head and those hairs that are influenced by hormones.

For men: 10 interesting facts about body hair

It seems that the man's entire body is covered with hair. Some men are proud of their thick body hair, others want to get rid of excess hair, especially when summer comes and the body is exposed more.

In fashion magazines, men increasingly appear with smooth chests, although women have conflicting opinions on this matter.

What do you need to know about body hair?

1. Body hair begins to grow in the womb.

The first thing men should know about body hair is that it starts growing before birth. Of course, it's quite difficult to imagine a cute little hairy man in the womb, but by the time a baby is born, he will lose some of his first body hair, called lanugo. These small and very fine hairs cover almost the entire body of the baby. Some babies who are born prematurely may see fuzz covering their entire body, but there is no need to worry as they will eventually fall off.

2. There are three different types of body hair

Lanugo is the first type of hair to appear, followed by soft, fine, colorless hairs called vellus hair. Vellus hair is not attached to the subcutaneous tissue or sebaceous glands. They are the complete opposite of another type of hair - shaft hair, which appears during adolescence. They are much tougher, attached to the subcutaneous tissue and sebaceous glands, which contributes to the appearance of body odor.

3. Most women prefer natural, but neat

What do women think about men's body hair? At different times, women had different attitudes towards hairy men, but it was always considered socially acceptable.

In Western culture, women themselves are expected to be flawlessly smooth when it comes to any hair on their body. However, surveys of women revealed that many would not mind men also tidying up, although in most cases their demands are much more modest. It can be said that shaving hair on the legs, arms and armpits is too risky. When it comes to chest hair, women are divided into two opposing camps: some are very turned on by it, while others prefer smooth breasts. As for the hair on the back, although women are ready to put up with it, they do not mind seeing at least an attempt to tame the excess hair.

4. Each hair is protected by tiny glands

As mentioned, with the onset of adolescence, men lose most of their vellus hair and they are replaced by shaft hair. These thickened hairs are protected by sebaceous glands, or glands that produce sebum. It protects the skin and hair follicles from bacteria. This is the positive side. However, the bacteria decomposes, which is what causes body odor.

5. We traded body hair for fat.

There is an interesting hypothesis regarding the connection between body hair and body fat. People began to shed their fur as they acclimatized to living near the sea. The less hair a person had on his body, the easier it was for him to swim and fish, and the large amount of adipose tissue helped compensate for the loss of protective heat.

6. Body hair plays two main roles.

For the most part, humans have evolved in such a way that they do not need body hair to survive, but they still have a few basic functions. In cold weather, body hair helps retain heat, and in hot weather, as we sweat, body hair helps absorb moisture from the skin, keeping us cool.

7. The amount of body hair is associated with intelligence.

According to one American psychiatrist, the more body hair you have, the smarter you are. In 1996, in his study, Dr. Aykarakudi Alias(Aikarakudy Alias) stated that chest hair is more common among doctors and highly educated people. When the academic performance of students was compared, they found that hairy men had higher grades, and some of the smartest men also had thick hair on their backs. However, anyone who was born with smooth breasts should not be upset, since among smart men there are also many “hairless” ones, including Albert Einstein.

8. Body hair has muscles.

Your body hair actually has muscle cells. You may have observed this when the effect of goosebumps or goosebumps appears on the skin. The smooth muscles of the hair follicles contract under certain conditions, such as exposure to cold, fear or pleasure, and the hair rises. This reflex is called piloerection.

9. Body hair grows faster in summer

According to Brian Thompson(Brian Thompson), an American hair specialist, body hair actually grows a little faster in the spring and summer. Why is this happening? There are suggestions that this is due to faster metabolism during these months. In any case, faster growth applies to androgenic hair, that is, hair on the head and those hairs that are influenced by hormones.

10. Sexual attraction comes from body hair.

It is the hair on the body, and not on the head, that serves as a method of attracting the opposite sex. This is how pubic hair and armpit hair hold and help dry out the special hormones secreted by our body so that they float in the air and reach the sense of smell of the opposite sex.

Male hairiness: should I remove chest hair?

Let's start from the beginning: why do men, on average, have more and coarser hair? Hair follicles are susceptible to the action of dehydrotestosterone - this is the most powerful androgen, formed from free testosterone under the influence of the enzyme 5α-reductase. Testosterone is secreted in the adrenal glands in representatives of both sexes, but in men it is also produced in incomparably larger quantities in the testicles. This hormone regulates sexual behavior and erectile function, promotes the growth and development of prostate cells in men. The activity of the enzyme 5α-reductase in the skin is determined genetically and does not depend on gender. Therefore, an individual man, even with higher levels of free testosterone in the blood, may be less hairy than an individual woman, although on average for a given region of residence and race, men are characterized by more hairy bodies.

Men want to become “a little less” hairy for the same reason that women - a deep conviction that THIS is not normal in a cultural or medical sense. But it is much more difficult for men to go bald (longer and more painful): the hair is thicker, thicker, and the follicle lies deeper. In general, it is much more difficult to say goodbye to hair than to someone who convinces you that you are abnormal while you are hairy, poor, hungry, talkative, thin, stupid, smart... So hair on your stomach, chest, face, beard, legs, on the fingers and toes, in the armpits and crotch - this is the norm, it couldn’t be more normal. Here are some stellar confirmations:

Sean Connery "Captain America" ​​Chris Evans Alec Baldwin

Cultural Reasons for Hair Removal in Men

Sometimes the activity of 5α-reductase is so high that hair begins to grow on the back, neck, above the elbows and on the buttocks. It gets to the point where on the beach children point their fingers at you, and in the heat of a quarrel your wife calls you a monkey and advises you to climb back up the tree. Very disappointing. After all, your hairy back is simply a hereditary feature that has nothing to do with your habits, intelligence, lifestyle and health.

Humanity has spent most of its life in civilization intolerant of traits that are rare in the human population. Albinos, people with heterochromia (different eye colors) or vitiligo (a disorder of skin pigmentation, often in the form of spots), too tall, too small, too smart (by the way, they say, this is why the brain of a modern person is smaller than that of his predecessor) were persecuted. too stupid, too hairy. The desire for the average is also characteristic of animals simply because deviation from the average can be a consequence of illness. Therefore, masculine hairy women seem unattractive - very often hirsutism in women is associated with the inability to bear children. But provided that hair does not suddenly begin to grow, hairy male backs are recognized in medicine and genetics as a variant of the norm. Just very rare.

Depilation (temporary removal) in this case is a waste of time. Hair removal with laser or electric current can solve the problem, but both procedures are time-consuming, expensive and have contraindications. (Read about a guy who wanted to get rid of hair on his back, but it became even more overgrown - this is a complication that occurs in 10% of cases of laser and photo hair removal).

Professional reasons for hair removal in men

However, there are cases when you are forced to remove hair due to your profession. Well, the advertiser doesn’t want to see an advertisement for his underpants with a woolly model, and it’s not customary for bodybuilders to appear with hair that hides the relief of her Herculean beauty. For such periodic “baldness”, depilation is suitable - shaving, cream removal, waxing or sugaring.

Arnold Schwarzenegger: powerful and hairless

Unusual but safe hair for men

Often men suffer from nasal hair, nasal hair or ear hair. This is vellus hair that has begun to acquire color. By plucking them, you increase blood flow to the area, triggering the transformation of nearby hairs from vellus to terminal hairs. While the hairs are weak, you can remove them with electrolysis in a shorter time. Inside the nose and inside the ears, hair is cut or pulled out because electrolysis is prohibited in these areas.

Radhakant Bajpai entered the Guinness Book of Records because of his hair

Another problem is ingrown hairs. When shaving, the skin is injured, but quickly heals with the formation of a barely noticeable crust. The hair cannot get through it and begins to bend and grow into the skin. The sebaceous sac located next to the follicle continues to secrete sebum until inflammation occurs. Then you pick out the hair, then shave and it all starts all over again. The easiest way to remove this defective hair is by electrolysis. In principle, one procedure should be enough, since your task is to kill this particular deformed follicle.

A unibrow can be corrected using laser hair removal or electrolysis. Several procedures will be required (see eyebrow electrolysis for more details).

There are men who find sparse hair on their chest or around their nipples unsightly. Several electrolysis treatments should help.

Gender reasons

Transsexuals and transgender people suffer from “male” hairiness in much the same way as women diagnosed with hirsutism. And both of these groups would like to get rid of hair forever and quickly. For extensive hair growth, there is only one 100% way so far, and as you understand, it is strictly dangerous and prohibited (read “The only effective way to quickly remove hair forever”). Well, those who also want to live later have to choose between expensive, temporary, little-studied (laser hair removal) and long, painful, relatively studied (electrolysis) methods of hair removal. There is also depilation, but not everyone has the opportunity to hide for several days every 2 weeks while 3-5 mm of hair grows. Read a separate article about hair removal for transgender people.

Medical reasons

Medical reasons for men are very rare. The first thing that comes to mind is unexpected hair growth (even vellus hair) in places that do not depend on hormones. This phenomenon is called hypertrichosis. In this case, you need to run to the doctor as fast as you can to rule out life-threatening causes of such hair growth.

The cause of increased hairiness in men is hypertrichosis. This concept refers to excess growth of terminal and vellus hair in areas where normal hair growth is quite normal. In this case, the age and national characteristics of the person must be taken into account. For example, hair growth on a man's chest is considered normal. But increased hairiness indicates hypertrichosis. Hypertrichosis can be congenital or acquired. With congenital hypertrichosis, hair is observed at birth. This phenomenon may occur as a result of taking certain medications and chemicals.

Congenital hypertrichosis

The term “congenital hypertrichosis” refers to the appearance of hair on a child’s body at birth. Sometimes this pathology is noticed even before the baby is born, when he is in the womb. The cause of hypertrichosis here is hereditary syndromes. In this case, both terminal and vellus hair can grow. Increased hairiness is observed differently in all children. For some, hair is distributed throughout the body, while for others it is located in some specific areas. There is an opinion among people that increased hairiness affects a man’s temperament. However, this theory is wrong. The error of this opinion has been proven by experts.

Acquired hypertrichosis

The occurrence of acquired hypertrichosis in men is usually observed due to the use of certain medications. Also, the occurrence of this phenomenon could be influenced by mechanical influences, exposure to ultraviolet radiation or certain chemicals, such as diphencipropenone, dinitrochlorobenzidine, psoralen.

Increased hairiness - decoration or defect?

Increased hair growth in a man indicates a high level of testosterone in his body. Some people believe that this indicates a sign that a man is highly sexual. In fact, these concepts are completely unrelated. If a woman likes brutal men, then for her his increased hairiness will naturally be a sign of attractiveness. Some also link brutality with aggression.

Many people perceive men with increased hairiness as attractive and sexy individuals. This usually occurs due to the fact that they have increased levels of testosterone in the body, and this substance is a “male” hormone.

There are many opinions regarding the sexuality and attractiveness of men. Different sources talk about this in their own way. Sometimes baldness or long fingers are considered attractive. For each woman, the concept of male attractiveness is purely individual.

Hair is characteristic of many mammals, including humans.

Initially, it performed a protective function, but in the process of evolution, most of the hair on the body lost its significance.

Hair growth begins in utero, but by the time of birth most of the fine, delicate hairs have fallen out.

An adult normally has bristly hair (on the head and face, in the armpits, in the groin), which has limited localization, and vellus hair, which is barely noticeable and covers the entire body.

However, some people have thick, coarse hair that covers areas that are not typical for their gender. Why does hair grow on the chest, back, upper and lower limbs? There are many reasons for this increased hair growth, and sometimes this phenomenon is associated with serious diseases.

The number of follicles and hair structure depend on the gender and age of the person.

Many people believe that absolutely smooth skin is the standard of beauty and, indulging in aesthetic perception, shave off all the hairs.

However, it should be remembered that hair is needed to maintain healthy skin, since each bulb is surrounded by adipose tissue, has stem cells that promote rapid regeneration, and is well supplied with blood.

The main reasons for increased hair growth:

  • heredity;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • malignant hormone-producing tumors;
  • long-term use of certain medications.

In rare cases, traumatic hypertrichosis may occur - increased hair growth at the site of a scar or wound.

In men

A shaggy chest is considered a sign of masculinity in society and gives its owner a certain sexuality.

Therefore, most men do not suffer from chest hair and do not resort to depilation.

The first chest hair in men appears during adolescence and serves as a criterion for puberty.

Hair growth is regulated by male sex hormones - androgens (in particular, testosterone). When its level in the blood increases, the rate of appearance and rigidity of the hairline increases; if there is a deficiency, the skin remains smooth and soft.

In women and girls

If for a man a hairy chest is the norm, then for the fair sex the appearance of dark and coarse hair on the chest is always a sign of ill health.

This phenomenon is called hirsutism and is often explained by hormonal imbalances in the body, because increased hair growth is provoked by male sex hormones.

Hormonal disorders

Hirsutism is increased male-pattern hair growth in women. Thick and coarse hairs begin to grow on the chest, in the mustache and beard area. This is directly related to changes in hormonal levels in a woman’s body. A large amount of male sex hormones leads not only to aesthetic defects, but also causes increased deposition of subcutaneous fat, changes in the menstrual cycle up to infertility, and an increase in blood pressure.

In some cases, chest hair growth is reversible. Thus, the hormonal imbalance that occurs during pregnancy goes away after childbirth. However, in most cases, the appearance of hair on a woman’s chest requires a thorough examination and the appointment of hormonal corrective therapy.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

The main causes of hirsutism are:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • tumors of the adrenal cortex;
  • pituitary tumors;
  • androblastoma of the ovaries.

Genetic predisposition

There are a number of hereditary diseases, one of the symptoms of which is increased hair growth.

These include adrenogenital syndrome - a genetic disease accompanied by a defect in the synthesis of cortisol, which stimulates the adrenal cortex and leads to excess production of androgens.

Another hereditary disease, Cushing's syndrome, is characterized by excessive deposition of subcutaneous fat and increased production of glucocorticosteroids. Acromegaly, as a genetic abnormality, is also often accompanied by increased body hair growth.

There are cases of hereditary hirsutism, when in several generations of the same family, hair growth is observed on the body and face of women with normal levels of male sex hormones. The etiology of this phenomenon is still unclear.

Side effects of certain medications

Most often, increased hair growth is provoked by drugs that contain hormones or cause their increased production in the body.

  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • glucocorticoids;
  • anabolic steroid;
  • anticonvulsant medications (Phenytoin);
  • cytostatics (Cyclosporine);
  • drugs for alopecia used in cosmetology (Minoxidil).

How to deal with hairs?

In men, hair growth on the chest or back does not require any intervention, however, a sharp increase in hair growth with an increase in excess weight is a reason to consult a doctor.

Women are more concerned about the presence of excess hair.

If thin dark hairs are concentrated only along the edge of the nipple alveoli, then there is no need to fight them.

Moreover, you cannot pull them out yourself; the skin in this area is delicate, easily wounded and can become infected if mechanically damaged.

Excess hair removal products can be divided into three groups:

  1. Mechanical. Trimming or shaving as a mechanical method of hair removal is now used quite rarely. This method is ineffective due to the fact that the hair follicle remains in the skin and the cut off part continues to grow. Black dots in areas of shaved hairs look unsightly, the skin can be injured by the razor blade, and infection will lead to inflammation. In addition, after shaving, the hair will grow even stronger and its structure will change - it will become thicker and tougher. Mechanical removal using wax strips is a fairly effective method, but painful. This may leave skin irritation and redness.
  2. Chemical. The chemical method involves the use of depilatory creams and gels. They soften the hair structure, make it more permeable, and facilitate easy separation from the hair follicle. Removing hairs treated with cream is not difficult. In addition, most creams contain special additives: oils, d-panthenol, vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the skin and prevent irritation.
  3. Instrumental. Modern and effective means are electrolysis (hair removal using current) and laser hair removal. They are carried out using special equipment and give lasting results. The mechanism of action is based on the destruction of the growth zone of the hair follicle. In this case, the hair not only falls out, but also new hair stops growing in this place.

After mechanical removal, a common complication is ingrown hairs, which can cause discomfort.

All these methods have only a cosmetic function, giving the skin a smooth and pleasant appearance. However, you can get rid of excess “fur” only by eliminating the cause of its appearance, and for this you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination.

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Modern trends suggest an almost complete absence of hair on the female body, except for the head. But, unfortunately, some representatives of the fair sex have to turn to specialists regarding excess hair growth in places where they should not be.

This is already hirsutism, that is, hair growth occurs according to the male type. Increased hairiness in girls is observed on the back, décolleté, face and abdomen. In this article we will try to understand the reasons for this phenomenon and describe how to deal with it.

Types of increased hairiness

In medicine, there are several definitions of this pathology in women:

1. Hirsutism. With this phenomenon, hair growth is observed above the upper lip, on the chin, chest, back, lower abdomen, and in the nipple area. The reason most often lies in too many male hormones that are released in the female body.

2. Hypertrichosis. In this case, vellus hair grows rapidly, covering almost the entire body, and terminal pigmented thick hair in the places intended for it.

Each type of hairiness has its own reasons. Only by installing them can you choose the right course of treatment to get rid of the problem.

Causes of the problem

If hirsutism develops, then soft vellus hair turns from thin and almost invisible to hard and pigmented. Increased hairiness develops in girls, the reasons can be very diverse, here are some possible options:

1. In the first place is hyperandrogenism - increased production of male sex hormones-androgens. This condition can develop against the background of several factors, for example:

  • Ovarian function is impaired. This can be caused by neoplasms, polycystic ovary syndrome, chronic anovulation, hypothalmic aminorrhea. Not only does menstruation disappear, but infertility and ovarian atrophy also develop.
  • Problems in the functioning of the adrenal glands as a result of the appearance of tumors, congenital or acquired hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex. All this leads to increased production of androgens.
  • The functioning of the pituitary gland is disrupted. This may be a concomitant symptom of acromegaly, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome.

2. Familial hirsutism. In this case, the decisive factor is hereditary and chromosomal characteristics that are passed on from generation to generation. Caucasian and Mediterranean women are most susceptible to this.

3. Taking certain groups of medications, for example, corticosteroids, progestins, cyclosporines, androgens, interferons, can lead to the development of increased hairiness in a girl.

4. Idiopathic syndrome of excessive androgen production. This is how they are expressed when it is not possible to determine the cause of excessive hair growth. In such cases, the menstrual cycle is usually not disrupted, the hormonal levels are slightly changed, and external manifestations are not so pronounced.

5. A separate point is made regarding age-related and physiological changes in the female body. This usually occurs during postmenopause and pregnancy.

The choice of treatment will depend on what causes the girl’s increased hairiness.

Consequences of high androgen levels

Increased hair growth on the body causes women not only cosmetic problems, but also has a strong impact on the functioning of the entire body. Excess male hormones can lead to:

  • To the development of infertility.
  • The appearance of uterine bleeding.
  • Menstrual irregularities.

If treatment is not started on time, then increased hairiness in a girl, as the photo demonstrates, is accompanied by the appearance of masculine features:

  • The voice becomes rougher.
  • Muscle mass increases.
  • The chest loses its usual shape.
  • Fat deposits are redistributed according to the male type.
  • Changes in the genital organs are observed - the clitoris enlarges, the labia decrease, and the production of vaginal lubrication decreases.

If at first excess hair growth is not a dangerous factor for health, then in the absence of the necessary treatment such a danger appears.

Before starting a conversation on the topic “Increased hairiness in girls: what to do,” you need to familiarize yourself with what you absolutely cannot do. If you neglect this, you can harm not only your appearance, but also your health:

  1. You should not attempt to remove hair by mechanical means, such as shaving or plucking. This technique can not only damage the skin, but also lead to even more increased hair growth, which will become coarser and darker each time.
  2. Do not use various bleaching agents: ointments, masks containing mercury, as well as exfoliating agents, such as bodyagu. All of them only irritate the skin more, cause blood flow and, accordingly, increased hair growth.
  3. Try to avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
  4. Do not use nourishing creams and masks containing hormones and biostimulants - by nourishing the skin, they enhance hair growth.

How to assess the degree of hairiness

In order to do something against excess hair, it is necessary to determine the degree of hairiness. It usually depends not only on the amount of male hormones, but also on ethnicity. For example, the beautiful half of humanity in the Mediterranean differs from women from the Far East in the large amount of hair on their bodies.

Often, increased hairiness in girls with dark skin and dark hair is the norm, unless other abnormalities are observed.

In order to determine whether excessive vegetation on the body is normal or abnormal, the Ferriman-Gallwey scale is used. The amount of hair is determined in several places: above the lip, on the stomach and chest, on the back and pubic area, on the arms and on the inner thighs.

The degree of hairiness is determined on a scale from 0 - no hair, to 4 - pronounced hair growth. If the result of calculations is 8, then we can talk about hirsutism, that is, male-type hair growth.

Diagnosis of the disease

People often ask: “If girls have increased hairiness, which doctor should they consult?” Several doctors can help solve this problem: a dermatologist, a gynecologist and an endocrinologist. Consultation with several specialists is often required.

After a conversation and examination, the doctor will find out the reason for the increased growth of body hair. During the appointment, the doctor determines the following:

  • What medications is the patient taking?
  • Are there any irregularities in the menstrual cycle?
  • Do you have any relatives with the same disease?
  • How quickly the problem develops.

As a rule, to establish the exact cause it is necessary to undergo some tests:

  • Blood for hormone levels.
  • Blood for sugar.

An ultrasound of the ovaries is also performed.

If these tests do not provide an accurate picture of the disease, then a CT or MRI will have to be prescribed to rule out adrenal tumors.

What to do if you have excessive hairiness

Representatives of the fair sex always find a way out of any difficult life situation, so increased hairiness in girls is immediately tested for strength by various means. Among them are the following:

1. Cutting. Manicure scissors are used for this, but this method gives a very short-term effect and requires a long time to remove every hair, especially on open areas of the body.

2. Galvanic electrolysis. It is carried out in a beauty salon. Under the influence of a weak electric current, the hair follicles are destroyed. This method is considered quite reliable and effective, but the duration and cost of treatment will depend on the amount and rate of hair growth. The disadvantage of this method of combating hairiness is not only the high cost, but also the pain during the procedure and the need to repeat it frequently.

3. Laser hair removal and photoepilation allow you to achieve quick results, but their side effects are the danger of burns and scars.

4. Wax hair removal gives a long-lasting effect, hairs grow more slowly and become thinner. It is advisable to have the procedure done by a specialist, although it is possible to do it at home. To do this, you will need special wax, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. It must be heated to 37 degrees, applied to areas with increased vegetation in a layer of 2-3 centimeters, and after hardening, jerk it off the skin.

5. You can use special creams and lotions that slow down hair regrowth.

6. Bleaching with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, add 1 tsp to 50 grams of peroxide. ammonia and dilute shaving cream. Apply the mixture to problem areas, and after drying, rinse with water.

If a girl has increased hairiness, then these remedies can only temporarily get rid of the problem, but the cause of the disease is not eliminated.

Traditional medicine in the fight against hirsutism

Despite the fact that traditional healers offer their own equally effective methods of combating excess body hair, it is advisable to consult a doctor before using them. What if she has increased hairiness? Traditional healers advise using the following recipes:

  1. Periodically lubricate your skin and hair with walnut juice (from its green peel).
  2. You can use the ash left after burning walnuts. It is diluted in a spoonful of water and applied to problem areas.
  3. Pour 200 ml of vodka over the walnut partitions and leave for 14 days. You need to take this drug 1 tbsp. l. every day.
  4. An effective way is to lubricate areas with increased hairiness with milkweed juice.
  5. To carry out the procedure, you can use dope along with the root system. You need to take 150 grams of raw material, add 1 liter of boiling water and simmer for half an hour over low heat. Cool, and then moisten the napkin and apply to those places where there is increased hair growth, and leave until completely dry. Do this 3-4 times during the day.

Therapy for increased hairiness

Increased body hair growth in women is not only a cosmetic problem, but also an indication that some kind of malfunction in the hormonal system has occurred in the body. Therefore, hirsutism is treated primarily with hormonal therapy.

Oral contraceptives with antiandrogenic effects are often prescribed as medications. Products such as Finasteride and Spironolactone are very effective.

Metformin can be used as an auxiliary drug; it increases sensitivity to insulin and is used in the treatment of diabetes.

If a girl is diagnosed with a congenital form of the disease, then Prednisolone and Cortisol are prescribed. Hormonal medications are taken for a long time, at least 3 months.

If a woman decides to become a mother, then hormonal medications must be discontinued. But it is often necessary to stimulate ovulation, and in some cases IVF and ICSI procedures will be required, otherwise it is impossible to get pregnant.

There are cases when increased hairiness in a girl is not a sign of any disorder, so you don’t need to use special treatment methods, but use only cosmetic products and methods.

In the treatment of hirsutism, increased physical activity and sports, adherence to the principles of a healthy diet can help. This will increase metabolic status and improve insulin sensitivity, thereby significantly reducing excessive hairiness.

It is worth considering that if increased hairiness is observed in girls, complex treatment will be required, since often hirsutism is not an independent disease, but a symptom of a more serious problem in the body. It needs to be identified and eliminated.

Once the cause of increased hairiness has been identified, treatment can be carried out in two directions: with an endocrinologist, who will select medications for oral administration, and with a cosmetologist, who will help cope with the cosmetic problem.

Every woman who seeks help in the treatment of hirsutism should know that the course will be long, it cannot be interrupted in the middle, otherwise a severe malfunction will occur in the body, and the consequences will be more dire.

The influence of various factors on hairiness

Many representatives of the fair sex are frequent visitors to solariums, trying to make their skin tanned and attractive. But they don’t even realize that ultraviolet exposure to the body can also trigger increased hair growth.

Almost every woman at home uses tweezers to remove excess hair or shaves, but these manipulations actually increase hair growth. It turns out that what we fight with is what we get, only with even greater effect.

Before visiting solariums or performing depilation, you must visit a doctor, consult about the consequences of such procedures and find out if you have any contraindications to them.

Excessive hairiness and heredity

It has already been scientifically proven that increased hairiness in girls will definitely manifest itself in future generations. This phenomenon can be congenital. During embryonic development, it does not disappear, but, on the contrary, develops.

But only a predisposition is inherited, and a malfunction in the endocrine system can provoke and give impetus to the development of this phenomenon. The most alarming symptom is the appearance of excessive hairiness during puberty and menopause.

The development of hirsutism may also be accompanied by frequent headaches and seborrhea. It has also been established that hairiness depends on the race and climatic conditions in which the woman lives.

Increased hairiness during pregnancy

If increased hairiness is observed in girls, the reasons may be hidden in an interesting situation. Often, expectant mothers are horrified to discover that their stomachs have become too hairy and hairs have appeared on their faces. They rush to the doctor for help.

But the question of why girls have increased hairiness during this period is very easy to answer. During pregnancy, the body experiences increased production of androgens by the adrenal glands, and the hormonal activity of the pituitary gland increases.

Most often, the doctor reassures his patients and assures that after childbirth everything will return to normal. But the gynecologist may be wary if increased hairiness was observed before pregnancy. Too much male hormones can negatively affect the development of the baby. If the tests confirm the increased content, then even during gestation the fetus will have to be adjusted and treatment thoroughly taken after childbirth.

Women's health is vulnerable, and their condition largely depends on hormonal levels, which are not constant. If you find abnormalities in yourself, feel unwell, or have excess hair where it is not supposed to be, you must not sit at home and blame everything on menopause or pregnancy and adolescence, but go to the doctor, find out the cause and undergo treatment.

Only in this case can you be sure that women’s health and beauty will be preserved for many years.

Hair growth on the body is normal, and moderate hair growth in certain areas of the body indicates the health of the body. However, excessive body hair growth or sudden hair loss may be due to a number of factors that indicate certain health problems that need to be urgently addressed with the help of a doctor. So, what can cause increased body hair or sudden loss of body hair? Let's look at a few reasons.

1. Genetic predisposition

The intensity of body hair growth may depend on your genetic makeup and your nationality. Too thick hair on the body is usually characteristic of people of southern and eastern blood. The hair of representatives of “hot” nationalities is usually dark, thick and coarse, so in their case there is no need to worry about their presence. If you do not ethnically belong to eastern and southern nationalities, and your parents do not have thick, coarse hair, then the sudden appearance of thick dark hairs on your body may indicate hormonal disorders, especially if you were not previously prone to increased hairiness.

2. Autoimmune disorders

Sometimes a malfunction of the immune system can affect the functioning of the hair follicles. In this case, there may be a sudden loss of hair on the head and body in whole handfuls, and “bald spots” may form in certain areas or throughout the head and body. Such disorders are treated with systemic steroids, but it is not always possible to restore hair completely.

3. Hormonal disorders

A sharp increase in body hair or sudden loss of body hair can be the result of a disruption in the production of male hormones in the body in both men and women. If testosterone levels are higher than normal, then body hairiness increases sharply, and hair begins to become darker, coarser and thicker, and can also begin to grow even in areas where there was none before. Sudden hair loss on the body may indicate sudden changes in the production of female hormones, which is also not beneficial for your body. In both cases, it is necessary to contact an endocrinologist so that he can prescribe appropriate treatment with hormonal drugs.

4. Ovarian problems in women

If women experience irregular periods in addition to increased body hair, this most likely indicates problems with the ovaries. Most often, increased hairiness in combination with irregular periods indicates the presence of a disease such as polycystic ovary syndrome. In this case, in addition to the above symptoms, there is also a sharp increase in weight. Contact your doctor immediately for timely treatment.

5. Tumor

A sharp and sudden increase in body hair may be a sign of a tumor in your body. As a rule, in this case, the tumor most often affects the adrenal glands or ovaries, so these glands need to be examined with particular care.

6. Iron deficiency or thyroid disorder

Sudden hair loss on the head and body may indicate a lack of iron in the body or thyroid disorders. Most often, people who suddenly switch to vegetarianism suffer from iron deficiency. Thyroid disorders are often accompanied by loss of eyebrows, the formation of grooves on the nails and sudden baldness of the head and body. In this case, it is necessary to urgently donate blood for analysis and begin treatment for the thyroid gland. Also, sudden hair loss can occur in women due to pregnancy or abrupt cessation of contraceptive use. In this case, hair loss is short-term and does not require intensive treatment with medications.

7. Bad habits

Smoking and drug use lead to the death of hair follicles, because the follicles and hair roots do not receive the nutrients necessary for nutrition and hair growth. The obvious solution to baldness in this case is to stop smoking or taking drugs.