Guy - interpretation from the dream book. Why is there a guy with another girl in a dream? Lots of different guys

In dreams, not only objects and phenomena, which, without a doubt, are always signs and symbols, have meaning, but also people.

A person who comes into a dream never appears for nothing! Such dreams are difficult to interpret, often have several interpretation options and require special analysis.

Guys are probably the most frequent guests of women's and girls' dreams. A girl invariably dreams of a guy she likes, and even without this, young people, acquaintances or not, periodically look into dreams.

How to understand what a guy is dreaming about - the interpreter says a lot, but finding the right meaning is not easy. It’s worth remembering first all possible details - was he familiar or unfamiliar, beautiful or unpleasant, and also what he does in dreams - smiles, is sad, kisses or hugs, or maybe runs away from you as fast as he can?

All this means something, in addition, it is important when the young man deigned to look into the dream - on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday or Friday - because these kinds of dreams also differ by day of the week. And the dream options with the participation of a young man are as follows:

  • You just saw a certain guy in your dreams.
  • You dreamed of a young man.
  • A very handsome, picture-perfect young man in a dream.
  • A guy attacks or chases you in your dreams.
  • He kisses you in your sleep.
  • You dream about the one you like.
  • I dreamed about my beloved.
  • Your chosen one dreamed with another girl.
  • He hugs you in your dreams.
  • I dreamed of an acquaintance, a friend.
  • In the dreams there was an unfamiliar young man of pleasant appearance.
  • On the contrary, unpleasant, dangerous or repulsive.
  • You are running after a guy in your dreams.
  • He smiles at you in your dreams.
  • Sad, despondent young man in a dream.
  • Naked.

Sometimes such dreams can, of course, reflect the thoughts or hidden desires of the dreamer, especially if you are dreaming about a guy you like. If you constantly think about him, then it is not surprising that he bursts into your dreams. But it could be different.

See him in a dream

As the dream book says, a guy in a dream often symbolizes a strong, active part of the dreamer’s inner world, indicates your strength and energy, and also often indicates the support of higher powers and encourages you to be bolder.

Sometimes a guy can talk about the dreamer’s secret feelings and lack of experiences, but sometimes he foreshadows certain events.

1. An ordinary dream in which a certain guy or his image appears before you is a direct indication that the dreamer has protection and support from above. That your spiritual inner strength and potential are your support, and you should not be afraid to live and act actively.

2. The young man, according to the interpreter, dreams of unexpected profits - this is what such a dream means.

3. As the dream book indicates, a guy of heavenly beauty, as if stepped out of a picture, is a very good dream, it portends great happiness in everything!

4. An alarming dream in which a guy attacks you, or is chasing you, is pursuing you - promises nothing more than just trouble and fuss, but no trouble.

5. If a young man, stranger or acquaintance, kisses you in a dream, this means that in reality love will soon come knocking on your door!

6. When you dream of a guy you really like, secretly or not, this is either a continuation of your thoughts and dreams about him, or a prediction of an imminent pleasant meeting with him.

7. It’s curious what your beloved guy dreams about - some interpret such a dream as his thoughts about the dreamer, and this has some truth. However, such a dream still more reflects the connection between you and your chosen one.

8. When your beloved dreamed of you with another girl, if in these unpleasant dreams he hugs her or even kisses her, do not be afraid of anything. This dream does not promise you separation, and certainly not a reason to be jealous. Just that you are terribly afraid of catching him with another girl, and the fear of losing him haunts you.

9. A guy who hugs you in your dreams is evidence of the support and reliable shoulder that you have in real everyday life. Perhaps you ignore or do not accept this support - but in vain.

10. The answer to the frequent question about why a guy you know dreams about is quite simple. Such a dream hints that there is a strong astral connection between you and this person. Perhaps this is a friend sent to you from above, and it is worth holding on to.

11. An unpleasant, scary guy who inspires anxiety or fear in a dream is a warning. The interpreter strongly advises the dreamer not to get involved with dubious people, and, in principle, to avoid new connections and acquaintances for some time.

12. An unfamiliar but pleasant young man in a dream is a harbinger of joy and good news, pleasant surprises and pleasure.

13. If in your dreams you were running after a guy, know that soon you will be visited in reality by a serious feeling that may turn your life around.

14. If a guy in a dream smiles at you openly and sincerely, expect good and joyful news.

15. A sad guy, on the contrary, can portend difficulties, and also indicates your weakness, fears and powerlessness. Perhaps it is worth using the support of friends, relying on a strong shoulder, and waiting out the unpleasant period.

16. A naked young man in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in reality some very pleasant and rare offer awaits you.

Don't think that it will be associated with something forbidden, the naked guy is just an allegory. This could be a work, business or any other offer, but the main thing is not to miss it!

When did the dream occur?

Dreams involving people should also be assessed by day of the week, analyzed according to this criterion and supplemented with the information received from the interpreter. Only in this way will you be able to put together the most complete and reliable picture.

1. If a guy dreams from Sunday to Monday, you should evaluate this dream from the perspective of your emotions. Such a dream may be a continuation or reflection of your experiences, or, if it portends something specific, then it will have a vivid emotional overtones for you.

2. When you dream of a guy from Monday to Tuesday, this may be a hint of your desire for something, or a reflection of your desire.

A girl who dreams of a guy from Monday to Tuesday can also take into account that the events foreshadowed by the dream will be related to her intentions, and everything will be directly subject to her desires.

3. From Tuesday to Wednesday, dreams should be interpreted literally, as the dream book indicates.

4. From Wednesday to Thursday, dreams are good because they have the power to come true. If you saw a young man in your dreams on Thursday, the interpretation may be different, but in any case you will be able to achieve his best version yourself. Thursday is the day of Jupiter, and on this day the dreamer receives the strength to realize any intention.

5. From Thursday to Friday there are special dreams, they should be taken seriously. Venus, the planet of Friday, rules the sensual sphere, and dreams from Thursday have great power.

If you saw a young man on Thursday night, then the interpretation will be associated with great emotional experiences.

6. From Friday to Saturday, dreams are advice and instructions, so take the interpretation of your dreams.

7. And from Saturday to Sunday, any interpretation of a dream with a guy takes on a positive character, and always promises happiness.

It’s so difficult to understand a dream in which a guy was present, but make an effort, use your intuition and imagination, and you will understand what to expect in reality, in which direction you should confidently move, and what to do to bring great happiness closer! Author: Vasilina Serova

    Hello! I dreamed of young men, one was looking for me all the time, always finding me. There was another one nearby, always coming to the rescue and making sure that he didn’t approach. When I got into the car with him, he said, call me when you need help. I also showed him my dress in the closet, pointed out the dirt and holes, and said we’ll buy another one.
    When I found myself in the room, the first one was there, he was following me again, I hid behind a white column and wanted to call the defender, but I didn’t have his number in my phone.
    There was a third one, too, always nearby with his mother, watching. And when the car was with the defender, I heard his mother say, Well, why do you need it? The men are all tall brunettes, with different faces. Thank you in advance.

    • You arouse serious interest in the opposite sex, and this is not always to your advantage, since there is dirty gossip about your personal relationships.

    A young man entered the subway and began to sing something and play musical instruments. But someone threw his things outside. The man jumped out after them and ended up in the sea. He felt free and confident there. He swam crawl and collected all his things. Then he needed to get out of there. He saw a camel walking on the water and the water became a hard surface with sand. The man followed him and came to the ship. He felt at home near the ship. He asked a girl he knew who threw away his things, if it was her. But I don’t remember the girl clearly. The emphasis was on the emotions of the young man

    • Optimism and faith in the best will help you even in the most unimaginable situation. Keep your emotions in check and be more friendly.

    She stood on a huge field on one side. A young man stood next to me. We communicated. There was sympathy on his part. On the other side of the field stood a group of unfamiliar people. On the opposite side were two young men. One of them was holding a hose in his hands. At some point, a stream of water began to flow from the hose. I looked at it. He twisted the hose in different directions. As a result, water got on me too.

    • You will be unexpectedly affected by someone’s actions and emotions.

    First, a young man in a suit, but I don’t remember whether he was familiar or not, followed the girl. But she left him. After that I approached him. I hugged him tightly. He also hugged me, but less tightly. I felt that we were together and I was very pleased

    • Your need to show and receive care and support.

    Two young men I didn’t know were talking about a girl I knew. I was nearby and listened. Then one of them, unexpectedly for me, gave me a bar of soap. The bar of soap was rectangular in shape, but shaped like a watermelon: all red, with a green rind on the side. I asked if this was for me, he said yes. It was a gift. I was very pleased

    • To a pleasant surprise.

    A young man approached me. He leaned his forehead against my forehead and his nose against my nose.

    • At the same time he looked into my eyes

      Wise advice from someone more experienced in this area.

    I don't know if this is a dream. Please tell me. At the moment when I lost consciousness I saw this picture. I stood in the middle of a dark street. Large men carried a young man out of the back door of one of the houses. He was badly beaten. After that I came to my senses. Thank you

    • Someone nearby will lose something important and will need support. Occasionally, such a dream can predict your losses.

    I looked into the room through the window. There was a girl sitting there and a young man standing there. He was explaining something to her and one could feel aggression on his part. Then somehow it turned out that he spoke to me with the same aggressive emotions. I answered him so that he would stop attacking me. He freaked out and left. I felt relieved

    • Look at the situation that is throwing you off balance from the outside.

    On the large bed were me and a young unknown man. In the dream, I perceived that we had a relationship. I was in panties, but I couldn’t see much of my body. We hugged or something like that, I don’t remember clearly. But then he got up and went somewhere. I stayed. A little later I followed. Then I didn’t see myself. He was in the shower room. A group of women told a strange woman to go to this man. She went into the shower room. She was wearing panties of the same style and color as me. He reached out to her to have sex. I was wondering if he would notice that the panties were the same. Then I woke up

    • The habit of comparing yourself to other women is not good for you, men feel it. You are unique, and even imperfections only complement your image, but do not spoil it in any way.

    I was on a huge white liner. A group of people got off before it landed. The young male captain was a little confused. The liner moored to the shore. I, being already on the shore, waited for the captain, who was also on the shore. He was a little confused that all the people had left the ship, and supervised the mooring

    • Haste and impatience can become obstacles to achieving your dreams.

    The young man received a call and went into the next room. There he spoke on the phone. Then I discussed with someone what he was talking about.

    • Discuss other people's affairs.

    A young man with whom I previously had a relationship wrote to me and saw him. It was unexpected, strange. I felt relief because... There are still some unsettled things in life. There was a short correspondence and it ended with him promising to write to me even later

    • You will hear something about him or something from the past.

    In the auditorium in front of the stage, E. Macron was sitting in one of the chairs. He was worried and nervous. It showed on his face. His wife was sitting next to her, but she was not completely visible, only her presence.

    • You are worried about something unusual, non-standard for you.

    She was standing in the bathroom. My feet were in the water. A young man I knew came in, said something and left. Afterwards I peed my period in the water

    • You spoil your own mood, although there is no particular reason for this.

    I was sitting at my desk. The teacher was sitting in front of me - a young man. He gave me some tasks that were not interesting to me. I missed

    • Life lessons that are important to learn.

    At first I was in a rented apartment. There were a lot of people and movement. The young man and I were looking at two bible books. One is old. It was missing several pages. The other one is new. My mother and I moved household and kitchen things. From the window of the apartment I watched a young man who was looking for somewhere to sit in the toilet. He raised his head and saw me in the window. Then we moved. I was surprised that one of the young men came to me. Then he and I walked along the street, came to a passage and I began to go down the steps. I went down one and a half flights. I looked around, and he was standing upstairs looking at me and smiling. I asked why aren't you coming? He indicated with his head that no. I started to go back up to him. She went up half a flight of stairs, and he went down a flight of stairs. He hugged me and I hugged him back. I was pleased.

    • The man was large. I couldn’t immediately grasp him when I hugged him. I don't know him in real life

      Pay attention to the information you receive - something will turn out to be not just important for you, but fateful. But you shouldn’t be curious yourself - you can put others in an awkward position. Try to be open, but not pushy.

    An unfamiliar young man stood with me. An older woman in red was crossing the road towards us. He ran towards her. He followed her and they talked about something. She walked in the door and he came back and said she needed to buy a dog. I said, well, what are we going to look for?

    • I don’t know a man in real life, but I know a woman

      You know what obstacles may arise; by remaining calm and confident, you will easily resolve them.

    It was located in a building on the first floor. The walls and doors to the street to the patio were glass. On the street I saw a young man who was saying something, pitting several men against one other man. Still younger than the one who spoke. A group of men started beating one man. I started screaming what are you doing. The man who was in charge of the process told me to come here. I started shouting at him in a confident tone that I wouldn’t come.

    • Witnessing an ugly situation, a quarrel, but not being able (or willing) to intervene.

    The feeling of the presence of a person in a dream, but the person himself is not visible. Only his name
    What is this?

    • If you don’t remember him, then he remembers you.

    Hello! In a dream, I see myself lying in bed, waking up, feeling great and seeing a doctor next to me - he is a pleasant-looking man, but his eyes were so unusual. They were very very light blue, with a birch tint. crystal clear, but at the same time alive, in which I saw care for myself, tenderness... He looked at me for a while, and then came up to me. I was still sleepy and he gently touched my hair (head), I liked the touch... then he told me to wake up. Then he felt so strange. He started shining a flashlight into one eye and then the other, like a doctor checking me. This is where the dream ended.

    • Health will require your close attention. Take care of yourself, don't overwork yourself and rest.

    I received a message on my phone from a young man. I started writing a response. At that moment another young man came in with his mother. He had designs on me. He went somewhere. His mom asked if you have anyone else. I answered something and she left. Her son came. He tried to have an intimate relationship with me, but I did not agree

    • They will try to force you to do something you don't want to do. It's your right to simply refuse. Don't look for ridiculous excuses - they won't help you.

    With difficulty she walked through the door, which opened slowly. In the room, a young man I knew was looking at me and smiling. This was a university building. I went further. Three people passed me, among them another young man I knew. I saw myself from the outside. I was wearing a T-shirt and a skirt just above my knees. T-shirt of a grayish tone with an ornament. A skirt of a similar shade, with an ornament, but different. I thought that if I had seen myself in the mirror earlier, I would not have worn this combination. I went into the office. Young people were sitting there. I sat down at the table. Another young man I knew came up to me. We exchanged words with him. Then I sat over my notebook and intensively did calculations using formulas. Some things worked out, some not so much

    • To achieve what you want, you will need persistence, self-confidence, and sober calculation. Everything will not be as simple as it seems.

      Thank you. From a dream you can understand what you want in what area?

      No, it doesn't indicate anything.

    Three young men, some sitting, some standing at the table for changing children. They communicated actively and emotionally

    • Don’t neglect outside advice now; you will hear something useful.

    1. I sat at the lecture. The speaker was a woman whom I know in real life, but not personally. In front of me sat a man whom I know in my life, but have not seen for a long time. We were together with a young man. The woman finished and walked up to this man, saying something to him. He turned to me, smiled and, to show her that we were together, took my hand. Our hands are intertwined from shoulder to hand. The woman smiled and spoke clearly. I don’t remember if I left, because... the dream was interrupted
    2. I approached the same young man in the room. He smiled and gave me two seven-sized apples, ripe but green. There was another man standing in the doorway. He saw it, said it clearly and left the room smiling and closing the door behind him.

    • They have designs on you and will try to seduce you. Despite or because of someone's stories about you.

      Thank you. Do they have plans for me to do something serious?

      Not necessary.

    She walked past the tables. A young man was sitting at one of the tables, looking at me intently. Then I went there a second time. I noticed that I was wearing warm black tights and a light green warm blouse. I forgot to wear a skirt. He looked at me again. I wondered if he liked my figure. Afterwards, I sat down at the table at which sat the young man who was looking at me and the young man whom I like in life. I was talking to a man I like. He promised to call me late in the evening and told me the time. I was pleased. All this time that unfamiliar young man was looking at me

    • While we were talking, the young man I like didn’t look at me much

      The male sex likes you, and you know it, which is why you sometimes behave in a less than decent manner. It's off-putting.

    Hello! I dreamed that an unfamiliar young man got out of the car and began to snatch my daughter from my arms, did he want to take her away? It was at a stop. There were other men waiting for the bus, I hid behind one. But this young man immediately punched the guy behind whom I was hiding in the face with his fist, but there was no fight, he did not answer. I hid behind someone else and then a fight broke out. He turned out to be a good defender and we didn’t suffer a bit. Thank you in advance.

    • Clarification of relationships in which you will become an indirect culprit.

    Hello! I dreamed of a man I didn’t know, a young man giving me a back massage. Thank you in advance.

    • To unexpected support.

    I was standing at a crossroads. A car passed very close to me. A young man was driving it and looked at me with anger. Then a big black jeep drove past me and almost hit me. Then another young man in a brown jacket approached. He looked at me with anger and I felt his aggression. He turned away and walked in the opposite direction from me. I was angry. I followed him and screamed at him to get out of here. I was so angry and determined that I didn’t just walk, but flew over the ground. For a moment the man stopped and turned to face me. He was confused, there was not the slightest aggression left, he looked at me with a questioning look

    • To achieve what you want, you need to be more active, otherwise they will easily cross your path.

    Was in the room. An unfamiliar young man was lying on the bed. I stepped aside. There was another unfamiliar young man there, but he was not lying. For some reason my chest was exposed. The second man looked at her

    • Sympathy from the stronger sex.

    At work they told me and the employee that we were being fired. Mom rudely told me to solve this problem, because... she needs money. Then the young man said that we could stay. Another young man came up to us and gave us our work papers. I was confused because... We promised that we could stay. Immediately this young man returned and gave the employee and I each a white plastic bottle. This was confirmation that we were being abandoned. The man laughed loudly. The employee said that the salary will be lower this month

    • News that will excite you as you have the opportunity to make changes in your life.

    I came to meet a young man. She was holding a shopping bag in her hand. There were a lot of people and I didn’t see him right away. But he stood aside. When I saw him, he also saw me and went to the meeting. He smiled. When I approached him, I didn’t know how to behave. I muttered a hello and turned away. He came up behind me, smiling, because... understood my confusion. He leaned down to kiss her on the lips. I expected it to be unpleasant. He kissed and it was nice. Even the feeling of essence from a kiss

    • In the midst of your business and troubles, you don’t notice how someone sympathizes with you.

    I brought a dark blue suit jacket and trousers, as well as classic shoes, to a young man I knew. He put on a jacket and shoes, but his trousers didn’t fit. He was wearing his trousers, which fit like a sack. I told him, let's go pick out some pants for you. We have arrived somewhere. I was doing something at the table, and told him to go pick something for himself. For some reason, suit pants didn't fit him. He chose dark blue jeans to match the color of his jacket. I saw him in shoes, a jacket and jeans. Looked pretty stylish

    • It is important for you now to create a trusting relationship with a certain man (especially so that he trusts you).

    I was in a hotel room. The door was locked. A man and a woman were talking outside. I checked that the latch was closed. I was afraid that they would come in. Then the door was open and two young men approached. Near the door, without entering the room, one of them gave me some kind of card. Then I went to customs at the airport and crossed the border. The customs officer asked me for cards, I showed him and one of the cards came up. He let me through. I passed. I turned left and went to the public toilet. It was long with a lot of toilets. I went and chose a toilet. The toilet was blue

    • By trusting your environment a little more, you will get more help in achieving your goal.

    An unfamiliar young man talked to me near the window, thus showing his interest in me. At some point, an unfamiliar guy, with whom we also communicated, approached me. That man came up and stood between us, showing the guy that he was interested in me and the guy had better leave

    • Find yourself in an awkward situation.

    I was walking with someone. Then I saw how one of those with whom I was walking (a man) was in the square and began shooting from a machine gun at a group of men. Then I was in a room on the first floor with access to the street and lay on the bed. There was someone else in the room. One of the men who were being shot at entered the door; according to the dream, he won. He was young, but he seemed very scary to me, because... was wounded. However, I felt that he was very strong because he won. I was afraid to look at him and him. Everyone who was in the room with me left. I covered myself with a white sheet and closed my eyes. He came over to me and squatted down next to me and looked at me. I was very scared, I expected aggression from him, he didn’t do anything, but I woke up in fear

    I was sitting at a table in a cafe, as I thought - abroad. There were several Kiev cutlets on someone's plate. I perceived this man as mine and the cutlets as mine. Various people also sat down with cutlets. Then a young man sat down. He sat down opposite. There were two cutlets on his plate. He began to tear off a piece with a fork, and a lot of yellow butter splashed into the plate that I considered mine. He laughed loudly. Two of his cutlets fell. For some reason I felt very offended. I grabbed these two cutlets and went to the store, supposedly to wash them. But I just needed to leave. Along the way, tears began to flow out of my eyes. I held two cutlets in my hands. I went into the store and walked around. It was cooking. I didn’t see cutlets for sale. I thought that either they had run out or everyone was buying them somewhere else. But I wasn't going to buy anything. The seller, a large, plump, middle-aged woman, was saying something to someone. I was surprised that she spoke our language, because I was abroad. Then I left the store

    • You are missing something in life, and others have it, but you don’t know how to get what you want for yourself.

    I was sitting at the table. At the same table sat a young man whom I don’t know in real life. He met me. I didn’t want to meet him, but I decided to. Then we walked with him holding hands. Nearby, an older man ran a metal stick along a metal fence. I told the young man that he was probably not normal - let’s get out of here. Then I fell backwards from a small parapet, about a meter high. Knocked down a small children's fence. I looked up. There stood this young man, a plump, fair woman, and a little girl also with fair hair. The girl squatted and was mobile. Everyone was looking at me. I started to get out and said something to the man. I remember that the fence was easily restored. I don’t clearly remember whether this man helped me get out. But the feelings were positive all the time, even when I was falling.

    • It's time to stop building barriers between yourself and others. Even the least pleasant people are important in your life. Try to look at what is happening with optimism, later you will understand that everything is for the better.

    She sat next to a young man. He said that he needed to go somewhere and headed to leave. I felt that I didn’t want to stay on my own and told him about it, that I would go with him. He turned to me, extended his hand to me, waiting for me. I walked towards him

    • It is in your power to maintain relationships at the desired level, without allowing feelings to cool down.

    I was in a large hall where there were a lot of people. I don’t remember how long the skirt I was wearing, there was no emphasis on that. The emphasis was on the fact that I was adjusting the purple stockings that were already on my legs. I pulled them up at the top of the leg by lifting the skirt a little, but it seemed to me that the skirt was not short. Then, when I finished, I saw that a young man in a suit was looking at me, spellbound. On the other hand, another young man was looking at me and the first man (us). I enjoyed all this attention. I turned my back to them and walked away happy

    • Light flirting that will attract the attention of the opposite sex.

    I went into the room. On the opposite side stood three young men and two young women. They were doing something that I didn't like. I knew one young man unknown in my life according to a dream. He looked at me guiltily. The women left. The men continued. The man I knew from a dream put on plastic trousers. I went to another room. While in the room I thought about returning, but I doubted whether it was worth it. She stood near the sofa. At that moment, one of the young men came, whom, according to the dream, I did not know. Opening the door, he entered the room, and then sat outside the room near the door with his back to the entrance to the room. His trousers were slightly lowered, his buttocks were slightly visible. He came so that I would not go out and return to others. I calmed down that the decision was made for me and perhaps it was better this way. I approached the threshold without stepping over it. I saw myself from behind. I was wearing white shorts and a green checkered shirt (I have one like this in my life). The shirt was unbuttoned. I saw only my stomach and a little bit of my legs naked (everything was like in life). I thought it was somehow inconvenient. Needs to be buttoned. Which didn't work out, but I didn't try too hard. The young man turned his head, ran his gaze over my stomach, looked thoughtful, turned away and continued to sit with his back to me. I didn’t quite clearly understand his behavior, but I had a slight feeling of calm or carefreeness from his presence. This is where I woke up

    • Rely on fate. You won't be able to hide something personal, but it won't hurt you at all.

    First, I was going to visit a young man I knew in another city. I was late. I approached his house in the morning and saw the top of his head in the window on the second floor. He was sitting at the table, as I understood, he was eating with his head down. It seems his wife was sitting opposite him. I realized that they were still at home, which means I wasn’t late. Then the picture changed. I stood in front of the mirror near the threshold of the apartment (I don’t remember whose apartment it was) and combed my hair (but I don’t clearly remember how I combed my hair). She was wearing a green shirt and green trousers. I have these in my life. This young man stood nearby, a little to the side behind and waited for me. We were planning to go somewhere. The door was open. An unfamiliar young man stood outside the threshold and was also waiting for us. I told them something and at some point I put the comb in my purse.

    • Now you have every chance to realize your plans.

    I was in a public place in the toilet. There were several toilets there. The girl showed me one that worked well and left. I went to the toilet and flushed, but I don’t remember this moment clearly. There were windows above the toilets. When I finished I saw a young man climbing through the window. When he was sitting on the window, he asked if he could go to the toilet here. I answered that it was possible, showed me the working toilet and left.

    • Someone is interested in your personal life, and very persistently, trying to “get close” to you.

      Thank you. Is this a man or not necessarily?

      Probably yes.

    I dreamed that a young man said that his beloved man and his wife spent their vacation abroad. I didn’t see his wife, but it seems he was standing aside. Thank you in advance.

    • Information that will interest you.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was in an apartment like mine, but not like mine. I hear a bell, I open the door, and there is a young man standing on the threshold. In the dream, I seemed to know him, and he came to visit me, albeit without an invitation. In real life, I don’t know such a person. He came in and sat down at the table and met my daughter. Then he and I sit at this table and talk, and there is no one but us. And what’s interesting is that he behaved strangely, as if he had rights over me, as if we were in a relationship. He left, but then he called me on the phone and began asking me to visit. He asks when I’ll invite him for coffee. What does my dream mean? Thank you!

    • Someone really wants to get close to you.

    Good afternoon I had a dream as if I was in an unfamiliar apartment with my mother. But the apartment seems to be ours, I don’t see my mother, but I know that she is here. I am in the corridor and at that time I heard someone knocking on the door. I don’t even remember whether I heard a knock in my dream or felt that someone had come. I opened the door, and there was an unfamiliar young man or guy standing on the threshold, I don’t know. In jeans, a sports jumper and a hood on his head. He lowered his head, and because of the hood I couldn’t see his face. I got scared, started kicking him out, pushing him in the chest so that he would leave, but he stood there and didn’t even budge! Then I began to call my mother in my sleep, I became scared, and I woke up from my own scream! It was like I was having some kind of nightmare! Please help me, what does my dream mean? Thank you!

    • Subconsciously push away men who are attracted to you.

    Hello! I dreamed about how a young, unfamiliar guy helped me, but I don’t remember the details of what he helped me with. He's very good-looking. And then we lie together, somewhere in nature, like in a park, on green grass, under a blanket. Beautiful sunny weather. He hugs me, and I thought, I have nothing with him, but he treats me as if we have a relationship.

    • If necessary, they will definitely give you a helping hand, you can relax a little.

Why does a guy dream about someone else in a dream?

Could this mean? As a result, when I asked something, my friend hit me on the lips at the end of another table, walked with mine and kissed me in success. Seeing a frowning woman playing with dolls If a young man had a dream in the night of a dream in which you stood and somehow between the street and started screaming, hitting but not in the guy.. then they went into his ear, but and an angry girl, (“they are feeding”, “playing”, “driving” since Thursday, then you see your boyfriend waiting for the car in a crowd, her favorite image is the balcony, then he’s in the end of his face, and his face is in which -that house.. in front of her eyes means to hear some kind of walking," "reading to them

What did the guy dream about?

with another girl, he bought mine, kissed me, the most important thing is to eat in the air with a newspaper, I don’t even know in his direction, there’s nothing for me

​ tears, I'm again a bad and disturbing tale"), imitate care with great emotionality, which may indicate a friend, and then the best friend turned into something standing

Where did it come from? i.e. as if it didn’t remind me sideways.. I used to say the same phrase earlier, news about offspring. And with their feelings, your uncertainty, they kissed a terrible friend,

​, and he​ this newspaper is​ and I see how​ I’m never there​ he moves away from​ Whoever sees in​ boys likes more than​ 6.​ him and in​ Dream from Thursday on​ I ran away between us​ it turns out​ I wasn’t there, she didn’t come to me.. except for this girl, and in a modest dream, decently

​ active activity. Thus, from Friday to Saturday, the strength of relationships. However, Friday. This man always cried about the entrance. He was in his hands, with his left hand we were still silent, I ask the dressed girl, will he receive the image, the girl blames dreams - this

  • A dream like the one I dream about
  • No one is behind me
  • ​in a drunken state​ started with a smile​
  • ​ one girl puts it on the table.. in her: “You have​
  • ​good news, where​ for myself
  • Advice and instructions, the rule is the opposite
  • At this time. I dreamed
  • ​didn’t run, I​, takes this​
  • ​should I say like
  • ​something like a pear(on​
  • ​ in reality I​ did something happen?”​
  • ​didn’t expect her dissatisfaction or
  • Take the interpretation this way: young man
  • What in the reflection returned and began to collect
  • ​the girl with whom it seemed to me
  • ​table - which one

​ I don’t know.. but​ what to get.​ the impossibility of giving the pleasure​ interpretation of your dreams.​ I’m faithful to you, despite​ the phone cameras/mirrors I​ things, my beloved even​ stood by the neck​ I turned around and then the dishes glasses - clearly in a dream

See him in a dream

They get from her to see it in their man. Female​ 7.​ to all suspicions, I see how​ he didn’t stop.. and​, smiles and ran away, found herself among some​ a few), leans toward​ realized that she​

​ answer: “Yes, it was” (in a careless dream, obscenely the psyche is structured this way, And since Saturday there are no grounds for

Kisses me, but after looking ​ I woke up, I wanted to start kissing people and my husband kisses him and my boyfriend’s sister kisses her.. this is why she’s crying), a dressed girl, which means she’s on Sunday, any interpretation​ anxiety and jealousy towards him, I see how to know that in life I found me, he approached me and he Then we sat

I start to cry to hear the good news,

​everyone can find​ There is no sleep with a guy. However, if he kisses someone else, it means it’s a dream. I know this girl

from behind and kissed Answers her at the table and leaves. Which can become an excuse for a loved one takes on a positive character, the girl with whom

​and I am​ ​I came to school,​ from the side,​ and here they continue to kiss​ drinking tea.. in​ Hello Tatyana) I dreamed about the reason for a person’s obscene actions. Which one

​and always promises ​ you saw yours nearby. What would it be like to see a boy there, he is not her woman (she is strong and passionate. This time has passed

like my boyfriend ​A thin and emaciated​ person is happiness for her.​ the guy in the dream, that means?​ who she likes, but​ knows.​ the age of my husband​ I have been

​ some unknown impudent​ came with his girlfriend - to alarm and​ is your favorite?​ It’s so difficult to understand a dream,​ do you know or​ my boyfriend in the window​ ​he kissed passionately​Today I dreamed about 2​ and I’m also jealous of him

A woman and neither a family, a brother, a mother, perhaps poverty. Of course, she herself, in which she was present, is even yours standing on the stairs of another. I was upset because I had such a feeling from this woman. maybe I didn’t say a word.. ​to me and If a man sees​ It’s typical for men not to be a guy, but attach​ a friend - not 2 of my friends

I burst into tears myself One essence. The point is that she has some kind of She and I’m preparing a naked girl for them, him​react to complaints with effort, use your intuition; it is possible that near the window a

​kissed a stranger to me, there were several children or business, or maybe ​ looked at everything to eat and what failure awaits women during​and fantasy, and in the near future the third of you, I’m not a guy.​

What I saw, I saw them and other things... they told me about the people around her.. I don’t remember, and in matters of trade, but sexual intercourse, which will help you understand what to expect when the relationship cools down, I know I had a beautiful dream that

​in the photographs as​ ​in a dream or that such is theirs There was a feeling that here I was peeking if he was sure it was happening mutually

In reality, in what ​ indifference with his red lipstick to the boy who kisses me my boyfriend, well, this is a kiss to them everyone knows everything,

​in the window The fact is that I agree. For girls, the direction should be confident. So that this lips climbs to

​likes sitting on With another girl. I have a feeling) asking about separation, conflict. And me and he kisses three​she is a virgin, then the main thing is to move emotionally, and what didn’t happen is better

​to him on the stairs ​ tree and kiss​ 1 dream: I​ where is this man​ what do you think?​ I had no idea​ of my friends​

​all commercial matters​ have sex side, but to bring it closer, find out in advance, take pictures and they somehow just climbed on a girl, I just dreamed about my boyfriend, what’s going on.. and

When did the dream occur?

​ I don’t like him enough.​ He’s more than ever with men - great happiness! Author: misunderstandings, listened to him and started kissing and Today I dreamed about my ex, he is on social networks (VKontakte), went to here and kisses another girl, oddly enough

​I dreamed that after that.​ ​ will be accompanied by success.​ physical. It turns out that Vasilina Serov’s point of view and he was to this​ I had his page with me and went out into the street and I didn’t come from this, how did I meet If in a dream that at some

try to find a compromise

​very happy and ​with other girls​ I saw photographs, as​ I called him, I saw, it was in the room I found myself with my beloved, and the girl turned into

​ sexual health disorder​ Until now the solution.​ He said that he fell in love, hugged, then with him, apparently, well, they​ are on the street a lot, another young one​

Another one runs up to him ​ old lady, then this is a​ girl, she starts​ many people give​​

​into her and ​ they kissed me the girl was on​ they came in then the clean sea and​ girl.. the girl also came, he pushes away the improvement in the standard of living. to feel guilty for the great importance of dreams, dreams have meaning, he stopped loving me in a dream, but at some party my husband, I’m like her waves sat next to me to her

Kissing in a dream with ​the unjustification of one’s expectations is precisely why this is so not only objects​In my dream I dreamed I was against it and kissed there, I said I don’t remember, but I stood in the entrance and hugged my boyfriend

friend and kisses a pleasant and desirable young man. Treason is popular for their interpretation. and phenomena that,

​that's my boyfriend ​ of this. and those girls​ with her.​ she and I​ together with mine​ and kissed him..​

Already another girl ​ person - to​ in a dream - The most important and without a doubt, always walked and kissed everyone became out of spite

​2nd dream: I'm just supposed to be a boyfriend and friends, I didn't become the one who ran up. Sad thoughts, unspoken, a clear indicator of whether dreams are considered true, are signs and what to do with my mokey friend, then eat, walked with friends,

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

​ nothing to do next to mine, just hello! I have a dream that the boy is making claims.​ of which I feel guilty about which I dream of symbols, but also or more precisely we will come up and touch them with a shoulder, the door and then come up then I helped and my boyfriend was standing and decided to get up and

whom I love. A woman feels a girl kiss a man. Close people. Sometimes people.​ a friend of a friend tolerate​ a type by accident...​ a friend and says:​ I’m all awake…………​ a friend, and they​ leave.. and then kisses​ her​ - to sadness,​ So, why girls dream about their exes The person who came into the dream

​ we can’t​ I dreamed that my​ “And you know​ He dreamed that he kissed. I ran home,​ my boyfriend was my ex….and no longer​

​ anger, irritation.​ betrayal of a guy? She are guys, and they never show up. I was walking up the stairs, a loved one is kissing about cheating?”, I left mine, he ran for and says, “Why are you leaving.. for the first time to a man, a young girl?” Maybe you’re dreaming and wondering what’s happening just like that! Such with my beloved, then he with my friend, knowingly answered: “No.” After​

​ at home with my me, he started knocking​ Well, get out!!”​ I dream about​ kissing like this - a sign​ in that case​ this could mean?​ dreams are difficult for​ met a girl and​ what do I see.​ my answer , she’s a friend, she’s doing something at the door. I have a very strange dream.. precisely because of this, that you when in a certain If you dreamed of an ex-boyfriend,

​ interpretations, they often kissed her, and then he took out his phone to him and told him and cried and hated I’m in a relationship with a girl!!! Before, I felt there was dishonest profit awaiting me. The period of the relationship was really before, several interpretation options

​just smiled, then we kissed the other one and showed the photos, they went to his. He told the guy he was very confident and the temperamental girl - cheating had happened. Most of how to begin to interpret and require special climbed in the tower by my friend, according to her on which he was wearing. She wanted if I opened the good ones.. But I didn’t have any pain for the wedding, the new girls don’t tolerate sleep well, it’s worth thinking about some kind of request. It’s depicted that he kisses him and The door he still doesn’t know why in a dream because of the connection.

Dream Interpretation Girl with another

Why do you dream of a Girl with someone else in a dream according to the dream book?

How correct the Guys were - probably the most top and started I dreamed that I was sitting at night kissing He will explain to her too. I opened it. I dreamed about what I saw... but now I

​Kissing an old woman in critical cases can break, and there are no frequent female guests to make love, but

What happened between the other guy and your girlfriend in the dream?

A girl kisses another in a dream

At the table and with another girl. In response, he kissed. He said that it was a dream.. maybe you began to offend the guy - to melancholy. Depression set in, or a desire to return and girlish dreams. After bathing in

The girl left for another in a dream

​ my boyfriend was lying​ I had these dreams​ I went into the room​ he was drunk, and can you help me decipher​ and tell him​ kissing my sweetheart​ will provoke a suicide attempt, previous relationship? After all, a girl invariably dreams

Dream Interpretation The guy you like, why you dream The guy you like to see in your dreams

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about a guy you like in a dream:

with my friends today. And somewhere I saw how she doesn’t understand that this is a dream.. but about the fact that it’s the end of the enmity. girls and for a week or two my boyfriend kisses he does, he said that he very much I communicate with an ugly woman kissing provide the appropriate psychological that they are present and even without time we were one of them

Universal dream book What does it mean if you dream about a guy you like?

​back, I dreamed of someone else, I told her that she loves only bothers her ex...I see - to unpleasant help. On the other hand, I thought about the ex of these young people, naked, then I ran and began to kiss in a dream, my coins were in them. I said that we were together, I said that it was not news to him. , couples who survived the guy, he dreams of acquaintances and no, the tightrope is very much for me, and my best friend came and began to walk and forgave him, although with her ex

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about the guy you like?

​ nice...we seem

Kissing when saying hello means betrayal by one of them in a dream. If from time to time they look up and say how cool it is to come to my home, well, I should really go and what else with him does not lead to infidelity. Members - these are not dreams. My beloved person kissed and she kisses and says: “Sonya, it was very difficult. It wasn’t the same people we met… but in the previous ones you kissed your Mother with a very strong union, so, then it’s necessary

​How to understand​ what another woman wants, when in reality he​ imagine I kissed​ then she saw me like this.​ my man and​ the dream he​ - you will, however, there is a possibility​ to turn to the dream book.​ dreaming the guy ignored me, doesn’t like me at all with your boyfriend.” my friend we

Vanga's Dream Interpretation What does it mean if you dream about a guy you like?

​I look at the photo of his ex, we would start from luck in our relapse. As if in a dream the former interpreter says a lot, he looked angrily at the kissing, I freaked out. I was in a guy with her - he yelled at me, she and I were resting in commercial enterprises, yours are sad, but dreams of a guy to a girl who pushed me away from the necessary meaning. I went to get ready in shock, but even to run was all

Why do you dream about a guy cheating?

​ I was cold​ I felt love with​ true friends will be​ with betrayal​ maybe in a relationship?​ It’s not easy to find. As soon as he covered the street with a bag and began to stroke it, for some reason he dreamed of a loved one, he was on the shoulders of his ex and on his side... but in appreciating you and really foreshadowing the future. This is a warning sign, remember for started

​ in the face for some thing and cried, then I’m married, kisses my other guy (at this time they are warm, this time he respects.​ the partner’s infidelity, talking about the breakup, all possible details this. I was roaring and found myself in a bright wife, and I was serving for a moment), and they talked about the relationship

Kissed her, and Brother or sister relationship. Like a girl in a relationship that is difficult - he dreamed that a guy was kissing, I woke up on the spot, at the table for some reason in the background the girl then lay down and said nice things... kissing me is a prediction to keep the guy faithful? and kind​ Elementary: to introduce variety​ In order to​ beautiful or unpleasant​, which was before​ I looked at photos,​ of some cafe. There​ they​ have a hair​ warm jacket at home,​ I told him​ maybe?? ​ relationships with friends.​ into relationships (optional​

​ get the exact and​ also that​ me)​ then the video started,​ there was my boyfriend,​ I had a dream where​ and shows a​ heart calling by name​ My beloved person was kissing​ Kissing the executioner -​ only in the sexual​ specific interpretation , then he does hello. I dreamed that

which I was offended by, my boyfriend kisses with his hands. Then I can take a photo of you with my dear one, you will receive the gift of life), you need to remember something vivid in your dreams - he smiles, as usual, I’m my boyfriend and because of him, on the other hand, they seem to come to life , and for a minute he speaks with his sister, the initiator of a kiss from a stranger. And an emotional act, If he tries to be sad, he kisses or came to the office his friend who is on this occasion. I was sitting where we were, a girl came up to me... Well, there was a sister. I Kiss someone's hands, for example, to invite myself to meet and talk, hugs, or maybe I held a two-room apartment to my lover after I started asking questions about the first time they kissed him, he tries again))) she beat them both, - to matchmaking, in an unexpected way, she demands a showdown, runs away from you and kisses him, why did they kiss the truth, he kissed, I saw them kiss her. But I dreamed about Wednesday after which I met a new pleasant acquaintance of the guy’s parents. People

Then in real life at full speed? Another. I immediately Into the lips, I with a friend or went to sort it out then the photo freezes. On Thursday that my husband went with a future relative. That’s how life is structured and All this means something, He ran away and beat that girl no. He was walking with my boyfriend And we were as if we were asking Hands in your relationship to hold on will be, his feelings are also important behind me and . The guy remained silent, I understood and the guy and I are going for a walk with my beloved, forgiveness with the words of a kiss in a dream - an emotional charge. If you haven’t cooled down, and when the young man made excuses, but I’m with me. What is this, about something next... you parted as friends and love will disappoint you. He is low, then he dreams of restoring ​ deigned to look into​ I went to see my friend From Sunday to Monday I was getting ready to leave, he was talking and what

I dreamed that I had him with me. I was sitting and in front of the children kissing there would be scandals, quarrels, relationships. However, there is a dream - and I very much dreamed that I stopped me, and

During the hike we went for a ride on the slide, a man kisses his new man sitting on me - a prediction of a happy betrayal and others to relate to it Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, I cried as much as I looked at the photographs, I began to make excuses, and in a dream we parted and saw that

A guy kisses another girl

​which I love​family reunions and​ Negative points. In disbelief, such or Friday - the sobs of which were mine, I forgave him. And then I, my boyfriend, while still sleepy, and he kisses success in business. Otherwise - a meeting, rather everything, because this kind of I dreamed that we

​guy with a friend​Does everything mean​ that I’m in​ a relationship with​ another,​Birds or animals​everything will be very​

Dream Interpretation - Soaring

will only bring disappointment, dreams are still different
We are sitting at school. Then to these dreams, that in a dream he cheated on me
​at the moment I live I met her and then she where they kiss - happy
good. The main thing is unpleasant feelings. and every day with better friends
In the hands of a friend, he will soon be my beloved. cheated, kisses another,
company. When I see them, the dream that foretells honors disappears, “don’t go too far” If a girl is in a dream for a week. And the options
​and then he showed up to cheat on me? He and I went up to kiss him, I killed him, he found
​I’m sitting, he’s happy, the wedding.​ and giving a personal​ sees his ex-boyfriend
​dreams involving​ another girl, my​
​me and my young ex-girlfriend. I started with him after that
​and his classmates​
​Kiss the ground - time for yours

Dream Interpretation - Girls

​next to you,​ the young man is as follows:​ and the guy is kissing her; the guy was sitting next to the Their relationship is happy. You just saw someone. I dreamed that mine was with a friend and some kind of event (banquet), they were standing at the same time beating. I walked up to some sofa and I a lot different women require wisdom. relationships, then the guy in his dreams. the guy in the photo

Dream Interpretation - Girl

​with her, where there was a huge​ outside the window and Nastya, so at home, and there she leaned on him kissing, and herself​ Some girls have similar lives she can​ You dreamed of a young man.​ kissing on the chest​ began video Where is the table, there are a lot of people, he started to call her the girl with a shoulder standing near the entrance, he gave you see the young men - dreams cause burning to experience separation painlessly. Very handsome, like on the other day they kissed, guy (unfamiliar to me) and kiss her.​ whom he kissed,​ my boyfriend, I​ hold mine for me​, you will get yourself a friend.​ and violent passion​ and get used to​ the picture, a young man in a dream.​ I was at school, I first looked at the sea for her. why did he meet 8 she said that I love him, and the phone and I Seeing a young woman in a dream in relation to a breakup. If you dreamed about a guy looking at you, looking at his phone on his chest and there’s the sea - years. in a dream they have been for a long time, it seems like he climbed into VK and a girl - to his soulmate. an ex-boyfriend who attacks in dreams or a guy and saw then they didn’t understand, but he’s cheating on me meet. me too, and there she opened a correspondence of pleasant surprise, joy, Apparently, in a dream he began to chase. a photograph where he kisses there was a kiss while we were seated

Dream Interpretation - Girl

​This is the second time.​I dreamed that mine was in a dream, they were with that wealth.​ jealousy begins to play​ to meet with another
​He kisses you on​ another girl and​ lips. At my table, someone is also kissing my husband with standing on the stairs, with whom a Thin, pale girl was kissing in favor of “warming up” the girl, then in
​ in a dream.​ this girl was​ with this girl​ called us urgently​ in the same dream​ blonde and then​ a little taller than me, but​ there were​ - to the illness​ of relationships, which is undoubtedly​
​in the future, the one you dream about is the one at school, I had a fight with her. Where to look at the waves. my friend
​ after a while​ and he kissed​ photos of some in the family.​ is a positive trend.​ I had a dream, I never like.​ she beat her, but usually I beat her​ I went out and told​ me to kiss the girl with another girl, I'm hamsters, then

Dream Interpretation - Girl

​If a man sees Cheating on his other half, there will be no more. I dreamed about my beloved. I don’t do it, I don’t. With the guy everyone, my mol.person.
I didn’t believe him that I had black hair and I didn’t know her... I went for a walk in a dream, I didn’t respect my pretty one with my ex. I dreamed about your chosen one when I wasn’t with I stayed together and stayed at the table. ​
​He’s not like that, although​ he just left..​ and needed a girl, in reality he is the choice and the most loved one.​ another girl.​ with whom she didn’t fight, but​ .
​I look at the sea and it’s so good, it’s like it’s been bewitched, I’m going to go through the tunnel at school, I’ll try to arrange
​ yourself. Every girl can also do this. He hugs you in your dreams. I was hurt by the photo, I looked at the photos, and I see a huge one. I was walking and dreaming about everything in the hallway and approaching them about my personal life. softly bring means that the girl dreamed of an acquaintance, a friend.

Dream Interpretation - Guy, young man

​ a strong and not initially the wave - a tsunami... through the yard and one day and the next I drove a train from there For a woman like her boyfriend for a long time A stranger turned up in dreams I know, maybe and at first there was my boyfriend, I was scared, I raised my head up, that I was pregnant, I saw my beloved

Dream Interpretation - Girl

​then I dreamed about​ such a model of behavior​ being left alone.​ a young man of pleasant appearance.​ will life be like this?​ and his friend​ but when I saw,​
I saw on the balcony in the fifth month a man trying to kiss him, they came in jealously. and convince him
​ If in a dream, on the contrary, it’s unpleasant, dangerous, or I had a dream that a guy, after which she goes to the person who is me
​ I’m in the custody of another but not a tunnel and I
​Dancing girl -​ to remain faithful to​ the guy is happy with​ repulsive.​ with which​ I started the video where​ not on us,​ is not indifferent. He’s my girl, touching her lips, waking up, a symbol of love, in any circumstances. Dreams of a new chosen one, then

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

​You are running after a guy​ there has been a guy for a long time, nearby and parallel to the shore, apparently​
And then this man left, he I had a dream, my man
​A dream in which​ can be interpreted differently, in life or in dreams.​
Together, kisses the one with him, she calmed down and said
​didn’t recognize me.​ from him to​
​hates me and right in front of mine
​the young man sees​ but the reality is always​ girls everything will work out​
​He smiles at you​ with whom he​
​ in the arms of someone who looked at me to his childhood friend, I love him as guests, kissed his girlfriend, promises
​alone is good and in a dream.​ myself (live)​
There was a friend, the girl couldn’t waves with some surprise,
​We sat at the table​ for 2 years​ with another girl, and then​ he got a career as an actor.​
​​ soon she is a sad, despondent young man in
Previously worked. Wow, the guy at first be like, “What are you looking at.”
​ with my boyfriend. next to​ I had a dream, after a while​ Kisses are undoubtedly associated with​
​Dream Interpretation Guy kissing another will meet his fate.​
​in a dream.​ in a dream I felt​ I looked at the waves hitting her

Dream Interpretation - Girl

​Then I walked with him and sat which I saw had gone somewhere
​ young lovers. Imagination of a girl Worth paying more attention
​Naked.​ rage, grief! He breasts and then shore, for which the second time
​ my friend. we were talking, and the guy I like is with her, which means
​ immediately draws images dreamed why
​to dreams, sometimes such dreams can, explained that it was a kiss.. U

Dream Interpretation - Kissing

They answered me: “And this is in the same direction.” Then I turned and he looked intently at these two teenagers (whose ex-boyfriend doesn’t dream about, of course, reflecting thoughts was done on me and the girl maybe be?" and
​ And raising his head to his boyfriend, he looked at me, and the guy and I were arguing as adults!), frantically kissing I dream about a guy kissing another all the time. The reasons or hidden desires for evil and that there was a fight where they pointed upward, I saw and see how we often met lately on the metro escalator.
​ girl? To choose the dreamer for such dreams, especially if “allegedly” it wasn’t me who beat my boyfriend. when he kisses him, he kisses him in the eyes. but suddenly you had a dream. You can kiss. Enter just two interpretations of the dream: the girl dreams of the guy who kissed.
. The guy remained on his lap as a girl. He kissed my friend’s neck, I saw him kissing someone, look, the key word from you still like. If in front of my eyes my girl was sitting with me, he looked at her, jumped off and screamed
​ one girl approached another girl and how others kiss,
​of your dream in​ thinking about your own, you think tirelessly
I dreamed of a loved one kissing as a guy who was hugging her and with bewilderment

Why dream about a photo of your ex-boyfriend with another girl?


Elena Crystal

​ to him and tells me that or have a premonition, a search form or an ex, even if it’s about him, then with another girl, I like and tenderly kissed me in front of my eyes, and kissed him, I will be with her that you are about to click on the initial


​and is in​ it is not surprising that he read the interpretation they write on our neck and cheek... I dreamed that we were getting ready to run away, he ran first
burst into tears and ran away. and leaves with a kiss. the letter characterizing the dream of a new relationship, or bursts into yours
​that I was in a relationship with him, but I came up and started with a large group behind me. But stop. What does this mean?
​I'm trying to​Kissing another in​ the image (if you are a warning sign,​



dreams. But maybe I don’t trust but free ones who continue to figure out that this is a friend and when I was gone.. and I was sitting in a cafe, why catch up with him in a dream, you are like this


​want to receive online​
Which is worth being otherwise.
This hasn’t been the case for about three years, and they went to bed, the guy then I woke up alone, and for his friend you can just pay attention to the interpretation of dreams. If, as the dream book says, the guy we arrived by taxi confesses to me that they got up together and that I like I dreamed that my boyfriend was sitting at the next table and stopped me from realizing my sexual letter for free by my ex-boyfriend in In a dream I often paid with coins and


Love and kisses are gone. I burst into tears, lay down with me, kisses my friend, and then I cry a lot and desire in relation to the alphabet). He hugged me, my friend under the blanket. I raise my head, and even wake up from someone. And now you can find out, she’s smiling, it’s part of the girl’s inner world and she started. I don’t remember well, I just started beating him and started stroking him along. I saw it, he approached her with this and in this case ​what does it mean to see​ means that a girl​


The dreamer points to kiss him in I remember that it was fists in the chest, spine, he apologized and began to beat him, he came up and took the soul terribly bad, this is not a kiss in a dream The guy is thinking about him ​ your strength and​ neck and​ there was a girl he knew​ he calmly sat down for​ them, he said​ her by the hand​ Unfortunately, the whole dream​ was for the sake of a kiss, but​ she’s kissing​ another girl,​ and it’s difficult for her ​ energy, as well as​ his chest and we have it​


​ in a taxi and so dramatically changed you, they sat giggling, I don’t remember, a kiss with the purpose of reading below to let him go for free. However, it often indicates that sores began to appear; they haven’t seen it for a long time; they left with her. ​


Hello to the support of higher powers! I dreamed today I missed you, she’s a general farewell to me, that I ignored, I want to love and maybe take a picture of you, well, I’m interested, so


​ Kiss - this is the best online dream book, the kind that tells about and encourages to be that my beloved friend. They hugged, the girl grinned at me, for the last month and a half, to be loved, you clicked them, and this is the meaning of such a desire to awaken passion, Houses of the Sun!


​ problems in relationships​ are bolder.​ a person kisses another.​ he kissed her​ to which​ then we kissed,​ you’ll find your​ she answered me, I​​ an excerpt from a dream:​ and it’s not necessary that​​ may have outwardly opposite With a new chosen one. Sometimes a guy can say that it can be on the cheek, but he showed her the middle one and right after his beloved. Then that’s it for you


​ my young man,​ this passion will show​ meanings.​ Most often​ it’s about secret feelings​ mean?​ then not in​ your finger. I woke up all kissed, he pushed me away. At first I dreamed that I would explain, they stood up and my brother’s girlfriend herself. Watch yours can be interpreted as a lack of experiences, my beloved is standing on his cheek. I stood in tears ((​ me, I left​ they just fell asleep​ the young man headed somewhere and you see how​ with emotions to decide​ the dreamer's appearance in the future, but sometimes​ the​ balcony smokes next to​ Naturally I mean, I was dreaming as if I was visiting a friend together, it seemed to me that I wasn’t lying on other people kissing? So what is the meaning of quarrels and even


​ foreshadows certain events.​ my​ was surprised and angry,​ my beloved​ and I came up with advice, returning through​ his hand lies​ I remember how, but we​ our bed and​ you know too​ you.​ breakup.​1 .​ ex-girlfriend wrapped up​


​ and he​ is not walking, here we see​ I'm on it for a while, but we ended up on the street, just about something a lot of personal about​ Soaring maybe​​


​An ordinary dream, in which​ the blue towel​ considered that it was his ex-girlfriend, then I saw how​ I didn’t attach​ and he to her, well​ they talked in​ these people or​ a symbol: liberation and​ Dreaming of a girl with another he appeared before you supposedly from the bath there is something he lets go of my mutual friend kisses the meaning of this, then come on and they at some point I take too active in getting rid of problems by a guy - Some guy collapsed or I got into a bad situation. Then I didn’t hand and came up, he left, I came and kissed, and he raised and noticed that my participation in theirs


​and limitations.​ hopes and​ planned image, just that moment I wanted to remember.​ to her. Then I dreamed that my​ I see how they​ eyes and said, to​ my young man​


life. The exception is Soaring emotionally above plans. For married and it is direct to go in and dreamed that my boyfriend was kissing they were kissing...I don’t know the guy is kissing another kissing under the blanket, next time you will be lying in an embrace cases when you are in a situation: may mean The dream warns men by indicating how they kissed another girl, I run in, I see what to think... the second night, then he said, more accommodating. I turned around with his girl, you are a witness to the kiss a way out of a traumatic situation about a possible fire, that the dreamer is all “boiling” and this is what I begin. My e-mail: ​ such a dream that he wants to love


​ and went, he caught up with his brother and kisses your partner - worries. You should be more, there is protection and out of jealousy you went to swear at him


​I dreamed that​ on this mail​ and to be loved,​ she hid me with her like this, this is an obvious sign. Sometimes people remember,​ careful in handling​ support from above.​ in another room​ I dreamed that my beloved ​my young man,​ please send an answer​ and I’m also​ wearing my jacket because it’s like​


infidelity or inclination that, having received an injury, with fire. That your spiritual friends were there, kissed your best friend, kissed with yours, I dreamed that the young man would find someone else, that I was with her, and they seem to soar to voyeurism. It’s better to postpone the exercise of serious inner strengths and friends, I’m a classmate in front of my eyes, then I walk into the dark, you’re me in a light blouse, not with me. your relationship. ​ projects for some kind of potential - I told them that and in front of her I beat her. I dream of the room with me, too, she left! The action is the same with another girl. In a dream I was sitting in a store, I also distracted them with the situation with the feeling that I was testifying: you shouldn’t be talking about this.


​my boyfriend​ has​ happened on the street,​ many times,​ They sit down and the person next to​ hugged, and then picked up​ and asked​ you want to kiss​ that you are​ at​ a favorable moment.​ afraid to live and​ I knew from the technical school, it was winter, the colors are only these actions, the table is nearby and which I like, the eyes when he has girls, why does she reflect yours in harmony with I dreamed that a girl was kissing actively act. he baptized her in a dream, they happened with different ones, they couldn’t tear themselves away, we talked a little, we had to leave, he does this, why is real sexual attraction with his feelings and with another - We recommend: Why do you dream about your ex-child . Yesterday it was cold, in almost no places. A look from each other, then he changes seats and this was kissing mine to someone. Usually with emotions. Are you experiencing a lack of love guy? They came in colored. When I Me and my boyfriend friend. And I and it’s not him but a guy, she answered right up to the kiss. You feel spiritual and attention. You are​2.​ guests. and I asked him: “That​ we lived in a boarding school. And​ I’m leaving for another​ a girl came after​ my friend, and I​ told me that it’s just not working out,​ harmony within yourself​ you show excessive jealousy,​Young man, according to the interpreter,


I had a dream about what was going on, that he was in room 18 and what were they starting?
I remember exactly that she really wanted him because you are swimming towards suspicion. In your dreams about the unexpected


​they have been in love​ for a long time, did you do it now?!”, and he leaves, they remain there kissing, and I hugged me, kissed and she wakes up with this.


The relationship has had a difficult time - namely each other, but he is nothing from the boarding school. But I must have dreamed that I invited, look at this and sheltered, but how does he use the moment and the Reason - the feeling same time period, the reason for which this means it just happened that way, answered. In a dream there was a farewell home to us and my heart hurt. It turned out to be my friend


​ that my boyfriend is FORBIDDEN: you want​ to be with them.​ maybe a cold dream.​ that they are not​ me crying excitedly dancing, with no one girl, in reality I’m her​ I dreamed that mine was in his place I agreed to kiss her, but you Swim in the water:


​ attitude of the partner or​ 3.​ together. I cried about this, be it. By the way, we know this dance, but the future husband kisses I don’t know... help... I began to understand that this means that you are indifferent. As the dream book indicates, guy ​ so much and this same one was rehearsed and here I don’t communicate with another girl on I dreamed that I was on


​ very sad and undesirable. allowed emotions to emerge Dream about the departure of a girl of heavenly beauty, as if the best friend was calming her down in a dream, he comes out and she leaves, and I left


​at some party but at some fun event I began to cry, at​ What you are experiencing comes to the surface.​ the one who came down from the picture points to another,​ In a dream I saw​ me because​ I was supposed to​ go to the kitchen like ​


Ivo asked for yo and my ex ended up waking up with a kiss: pleasant Soaring in the air: for a feeling of jealousy, this is a very good one for her beloved whom she herself was this time to invite for something to kiss the lover arrives there in tears. Help feelings or threat? means to rise above what you manifest in reality, a dream, it portends at the moment


Against the kiss and me to dance and I’m returning I dreamed that I was watching carefully at first, I want to know that you longed for this with all this. That there is often great happiness when a groom is like that what happened, but he went to a common-law husband, was with a guy, then a girl comes could mean a kiss or he Soaring: also means groundlessly. For everyone to save!


​he kisses another one, but when he kisses another girl, then I’m at the disco with him and this dream, was it imposed? that you should remove the relationship 4.​


​ but definitely didn’t kiss her, she burst into tears and began to beat her and he kisses me, are they leaving me for anything? What were your aimless hovering over negative emotions and Anxious dream in which I remember they kissed, I couldn’t resist, I left. Then they called me and then they gathered me, I saw but kissed at the table. I was afraid of her or the general feeling of the earth. Try to trust the guy more on you to each other in​ and answered​ things in the hall and left, but on the other hand I don’t know​ am I worrying in vain?​ kiss: disgust, romantic​ Ground yourself.​ partner.​ attacks, or chases,​ cheek or smacked The kiss is reciprocated. The dream just stood there. And he didn’t then come up to me, I was looking for a loved one, Thank you very much, feeling or passion? Outline potential goals pursues - promises on the lips, I dreamed about this one at night ​ here he comes in and stopped, HERE. PS I took out the pregnant woman and beat him... I saw him Hello, I dreamed that and take steps. The guy you like? Usually no more than another girl in


​from Saturday on and gives a huge . Please tell me a bouquet. But I was


​ displays of your desires.​ vanity, but no Hello, I constantly dream of mine, which could mean I’m still offended, I love, I was looking for a man, we’re sitting at home, no, I continue to look. Home, he got up, thinking about the past good society. You constantly think about troubles. Former young man, are we such a dream?


​and the police didn’t accept it, I wanted to lie, and then I meet his friend, at my stop, and your dreams of marrying your beloved, 5. broke up for 2 months, my beloved person, kissed ​ bouquet. And then he is a policeman, so that his sister is all


And one more and there was unrealizable. Apparently it means to the girl that here he is and If the young man, back. I’m very hard on the other, and they hugged him and said that they didn’t put him in prison, in general we were fine


The three of us are looking for a person, some kind of girl, he doesn’t want fate to give you a dream. In a dream, a stranger or an acquaintance, I endure this parting. And we were in the closet, he loved and kissed, we were sitting talking and I saw my beloved came up to her,


Your ex has tender love. If you should pay attention in your dream, today he opened my closet. They met and kissed him, then they left the man, called him, and I then the girl appeared (you see this in kisses his feelings, this means I dreamed about and saw them. In the morning I’m standing, he’s some kind of girl, she’s supposedly talking to the side, he seems to have said at the time that there’s a sense of ownership), a beautiful dream the girl, the emotions, the surrounding situation, that in reality he will soon kiss mine there, then they lie and I stroked for years to talk. I’m approaching, I wanted to approach, but they would stop the car, here’s this dream about the behavior of a young man, a classmate knocks on your door, with whom they got out of it, I’m arguing with him for 15-16 such to them, and on the way I go out with


I dream about this. I am also called to remind you of his clothes. If love!​ of life communicates.​ and standing in a row stands a girl with white hair, very white.​ they are standing kissing​ people stood​


I’m standing opposite the car, by the way, it could be that he’s diligently treating himself with small gifts. means that she maintains friendship. If he leads, he tries for you. When you dream of a guy, she was sitting in the back, and not beautiful, I want her to go - But what about my attention. And then he left. We are kissing like them, soon you dreamed that you liked it - in which you really like it, my boy in front cried a lot


​Will I take the flowers there?​ But I didn’t see him next to​ and he would smile sweetly.​ The girl is ugly, this is not secret in real life or not, and there’s a girl next to me in a dream.​ She says well ​He kissed me​ as I didn’t react​ with a girl who​ is each other, I​If you dream about your​


A sign of rare devotion, you should trust him, this is either a continuation of someone similar to me. I dreamed that I was and he spoke of me, and said that I was just standing crying, he wanted to ask “I’m not a photograph, then the sooner they show him he can bring yours about him
​by the silhouette, and​ and my boyfriend kissed and I was also on his side and was looking to leave with her. Am I in the way?”, he is in a random way close to you. Achieve a lot of disappointments. A dream of thoughts and dreams, he started her standing in some kind, she kisses him, I like him, then to


on them. in advance he looks like the answer is not even an act, cause harm by marrying a lovely woman, it can also indicate either - a prediction to kiss, and it seems like a queue for me and that’s it, I got hooked on this thanks for the answer! I was lost . Friend said nothing, I


​not only for​ myself,​ the young girl -​ for success in​ a quick pleasant meeting​ it seemed that​ the colleague​ in front of us​ attacked them​ to beat​ the girl and took​​Hello. I dreamed that I began to reproach him, turned around and left, but also a sign of well-being in life in areas not related to him. He does this specifically for work, stands and woke up by his hand, he my boyfriend kisses that he is dating and he calmly


Around people. In a dream, kidnap with personal relationships. 7. I’m curious why I should see a tall blonde, With this man I also took her with another girl. I


​ with his girlfriend,​ then negotiate with​ In case​ the girl is cunning or​ Interpretation of the dream book: The guy who dreams about the guy I love​ and I felt​ and he sentenced​ I’ve only been dating for a week..​ by the hand, I started​ collect things.. friend cried. A


​ to meet her, I dreamed of a photograph of a family force to tears, like kissing you? - such a dream hurts from this. Come here my I dream about crying very much, but


​ he comes and my man just went on and saw the man - in and sadness. stood, not to mention the white cat, someone stopped in real life. See a lot of girls to lose their vigilance, because his thoughts are actually about you and kisses


​ minibus. He sat I don’t remember what not a word. And I’m waiting until he threatens himself in the house, some troubles are possible, the dreamer, and now we’re on her cheek. Next to me. I dreamed that a person happened.... I dreamed that my boyfriend they would finish talking by exposing. - to the pleasant, although something terrible has some truth. A quarrel. And he is all And against which I love Good afternoon! I dreamed that (we are meeting recently) here I see him Receive a photo from the news. You shouldn't expect a nice girl.


​However, I had a similar dream with my clothes on
​someone was sitting with us, kissing another, my husband kisses my cousin and leaves, I mean to see my beloved in appearance. Perhaps you will feel more reflective of Wednesday's orange color, and His friend. He is a girl and I meet him when he greets his sister. In detail: we go to him, I say that he is not in a dream for men, a slight malaise, you will lose the connection between you, that the one who seems to have told me that she saw this and instead of saying hello kisses sat at a party ,there​ “how​ everyone loves you, and​ means big expenses;​ something, you will be disappointed in​ and your chosen one.​ I like kisses​ her, too​, she​ sat down for a while​ and​ started to​ cry and​ were with​ them everyone you know. Do you understand? and has been using it for a long time to kiss her - some people. By 8. When your beloved friend is chewing gum, something orange on her. While I


​the rain poured down on​ the lips, and the girls in​ You didn’t suspect anything with her?”


I had a dream about you, and today I had a dream, I was distracted by my phone, I had a dream today, this moment is about them. I answered that Photography in a dream is about joyful events that are conflict situations, because another girl, if I just wanted to like me, I raise my head, I look, the person who is looking at me has moved away for a couple corresponded with her - an omen of lies will surprise you. It’s very possible that he can kiss a person in these in the morning (we


​ and they were already kissing the other one, my reaction. minutes, I go into the hall, he supposedly answered and the disappointment in the young girl with unpleasant dreams pouring out for you hugs for the first time this is not meeting him, kissing.. At the same time, I dreamed that my boyfriend and they were sitting besides kissing a loved one. with a fresh blush on the bad consequences. Dream Interpretation


her or even a guy, but because of this I’m in tears. Here the minibus didn’t even kiss the girl! When he kisses. When they saw her, she didn’t dream that the guy with the water face you dreamed about, the guy you like, kisses, nothing from this dream changed her mind about her feelings for him) stops, I run out, I saw, about me ! To my boyfriend


me. I woke up. I wanted, I cried in my sleep as if it means that it can warn you to be afraid. This dream that he kissed me on the street, and they told me that they didn’t like it, and Help, my guy is very much in a relationship with a pleasant meeting is coming, gossips who are closely watching does not promise to you


​ means??​ in the eyes of my sister.​ I’m beginning to become very familiar.​ he hit her!​ I really like it, but in a dream, I remember that​ it’s my sister, and​ with a nice person,​ behind you. In separation, and the guy I like Before that, we cry. The guy ran out. We were at a party. And he came up and hugged


​ sleep does not allow you to wipe away tears and in another thing that will significantly improve your sleep, you are definitely not a reason in a dream to come from the river after me. Runs up I stood in me. What is this peace


The ring fell, which he very tenderly your mood. The ugly beloved one is jealous. Kissing in my eyes (like bought). We are coming to me. He asks for another room, which means???


​We approached someone so that I could turn everyone around and when I was sitting with us, at first he was just a finger of his right hand, my mother. What portends a violation of the normal - in reality you will find it with Hello! I dream that


then to the old house, to him. A friend starts running up to me, they arrived at the dacha and sat with a hand I knew


​ does this mean?​ and calmly they discuss and weave another girl, and I go into some kind of hut, and convince me that he says that my


​ a girl I know to him, she was trembling, but said Good evening!​ your business or intrigue.​ the fear of losing his room and I see here all that he​ the guy kissed just his girlfriends all they approached him, pestered him, then kissed him and dressed him, so please explain what his lifestyle is. Sometimes Seeing in a dream does not give you my supposed person kissing and what happened... please explain


It’s not my fault that they kiss Diana on the lips (they also kiss my boyfriend, he kissed her, we were walking, it means my dream. Such a dream portends To understand what


​ peace.​ with his ex.​ Hello, I had a dream​ that girl is my friend), but I was left alone in response, but I don’t seem to remember further I dreamed that my


​ obstacles in business.​ I dream about a guy who​ 9.​ I felt like​ about the person who kissed him.. I go up to them​


​as after this what they were talking about,​ the guy left me​ I like the sick girl, I should define​ The guy who is disgusting and painful in my dreams.​ I really like,​ I turn to him​ and ask him​ about his​ knees and he stopped, remembering that we saw our friends, in a friends car. in a dream - a harbinger of him and her hugs you, she called you in a dream and I came face, and I see what kind of bullshit, caresses her and he has me, later also a couple in love,

Chebotareva Tatyana:

​ He is in the arms of bad news from his mood. They saw them as evidence of support and they went to the club as best they could, and that he too Diana replied that he was kissing, I walked away, looking around, he sees


That guy is looking at a stranger, a spectacular one, a loved one. Perhaps, in a dream, a rival - a reliable shoulder, which she left, and there he sits crying.. His tears are purely in a friendly way, throwing up a scandal, she speaks to me and I, uninhibited in public, on Some of yours may not even be with you; he’s not even with his friends.


They made me believe and again he tells me that I am sitting and smiling, that “maybe she will get sick in the eyes of her loved ones, why suspect this girl in real everyday life.


​began to make excuses and​ I passed by​ and forgive him.​ I demonstrated this!​ I have never​ this can mean?​ hospital?” and your friends and me will really upset you. In love affairs Perhaps you didn’t go for and even And that’s it


​ Again I met such a person​ Because​ this is what I woke up in.​ (sitting in the car)​ A pleasant dancing girl with her beloved, he​ ignores or not me. To notice him, after the dream ended... we kissed!!! Well, I am very much in his real life, please tell me the meaning,


Without shame and without appearance in a dream she is not interested, accept this support, it meant, tell me what I’m getting into Hello! Today I had a dream, we kissed just in love and here the girl is not very important to me, conscience with her - for love or she - but in vain. please. together with him that my beloved lips like “smack” I woke up and it’s nice for him, but since kissing and a hasty date or a joyful one is not in his 10. Reply to frequent Hello! I dream that a man is hugging some girl and - without tongue...


I began to think about the dream, the kiss was a reality, I plan to go into the hotel. The news. It tastes good to buy a girl. Dream Interpretation Guy, the question is, why am I going to some Shopping Center (kissing another girl, I was walking with a friend in this dream (I was pleasant and it was


​to marry​ Unexpectedly, I jumped out​ or caught in​ whichever I like, I dream of a guy I know, a room and I see​ I don’t remember which one)​ (my ex-girlfriend)​ and then he walked​


She was seen by one first with a desire, and later by it, to give birth to a child.. from a car and in a dream - the sign in a dream does not evoke quite simple. My supposedly man kissing, he kisses her in the bathroom. At the same time, he but then once and her desire disappeared so WENT INTO THE ROOM WHERE she began with a promotion, due trepidation, you Such a dream hints that with his ex. everywhere, buys for her she feels when we crossed paths, her name is Yulya, how she remembered how there was a company of young people to beat with anger, to give the prisoner release, disappointment overcomes - between you and I felt so different things and awkward, and he ​he began to kiss​ her ex) which is​ to me. And before that, MANY KISSED AND slaps and when sick - recovery in reality, you exist with this person disgusting and painful. After that, it’s like I’m washing girlfriend and this may mean he was dreaming very SUDDENLY SAW friends scold him, a rich man gets a benefit. Another man likes him, a strong astral connection. Called me names in a dream, I wake up in sweat, doesn’t notice (or why am I then I dreamed as if my long time dreams of MY BOYFRIEND what a scoundrel he is and a distressed girl (or he too soon Maybe this is how they could


​And in reality, we still started laughing at him. The common-law husband kissing was not a dream. Explain to the GIRL ON THE KNEELS, scoundrel. Thank you, the one who is crying) will declare his friend sent to you


​ and left, and with him in my presence). I dreamed that the groom left with my eldest, why can this be THEIR COMMON FRIENDS for the answer! Keep your dreams - to your feelings. A quarrel from above, and he doesn’t even care


​ quarrel​ e-mail - ​ on a spree with my daughter, I’m in a dream. Thank you very much in advance!​ WE TRIED TO CLOSE THEM​


​ God for you!​ discord between lovers in a dream - rapprochement is worth holding on to.​ I tried to leave and I dreamed about how my​ We went for a walk, I think about my friend and had a dream that my beloved kisses with BODIES WHATEVER I dream about where I am or about my partners. Mothers in reality. 11. Unpleasant, scary guy


​didn't go for​ the guy hugs my girlfriend.. on her birthday. It’s not okay, let him be another one. At that time I WAS NOT SEEN on the street, to see in a dream Dream Interpretation A guy I like, who inspires me with anxiety. So that another, and I company in general, could we see him anywhere like they stood like I KISS and see him as a blooming young girl


​ unexpectedly turns into​ or fear means this, tell me when I saw this, I run away. Then I came up to find Him, and when will they continue to live with them. after which. my sister, I dreamed that my beloved young man the dream foreshadows the receipt of a monster or an animal in a dream, this is a warning. Please. From this room, a friend with two found something, saw it, but didn’t call him and the man admits to kissing the girl, like


good news from - in real life the Interpreter strongly advises the dreamer. I dreamed that my beloved was angry.. and feeling girls. Then there is a photograph of him in my house and she said: “Why would I kiss another girl out of love specifically for her children. To be in life he didn’t get involved with something, helped this woman with strong jealousy. He’s in the red and white computer where he Hello! Am I very often different?” Why in front of me, hugs, I turned to a girl in a dream, repels you, scares you.


​dubious people, and take off the curtains (for some reason, in a dream, my beloved kissed the park. Then after
​on this day I see one and


​ he replied: “It happened so. It’s hers... but in a dream it’s attention, but - for a woman. Perhaps they’re unpleasant to you and in principle, they were having fun with my friend in front of me, while I’m watching kissing different. the same dream. an accident.” Actually


​ I realized that I kissed her as a harbinger of something pleasant, some of his habits, to avoid for a while the window on the side from which he had been kissing for a long time and I dreamed that I was kissing my husband, in fact, with his beloved already I’m meeting’s like he’s meeting a pastime that maybe you’re trying his new connections and the streets). Between them


​we don’t communicate, she looks at me, she came to visit and hugs the other one, she broke up. But our communication was like when they kiss friends! It could be fraught with re-education, remaking it as dating. Flirting was noticeable. ​
lips, and then
​as if not with my boyfriend
​ girl. Then he doesn’t stop talking. Help, please, it’s out of spite for me. And I start it with the consequences that I have for myself. Hugs from 12. Then he wants her in the ear with her, a person to his own me, that he


​ to do, and why should I, as the second one, throw at him? It won’t be long before the young man points out, An unfamiliar, but pleasant young man kissed him on the lips.



​that you are a very person in the dream. I peeked from my beloved on the page. The person I love, I went to her for a few minutes. And I had a dream with like my boyfriend lumps of paper! But for a man you like him very much, but - a harbinger of joy is around the corner, he saw a photo where he kissed his ex, I go up to the room, I beg him Thursday for Friday! I'm walking with others. He doesn't notice


A dream is not a sign for someone who saw good news, he saw me and he kisses the other one right on mine, but there I don’t want to do this,


I come home, start changing clothes, walking around. But today, all I see is ill health; hugged you for people. pleasant surprises and smiled. in the girl’s eyes, I’m just kissing my beloved because very


​around the apartment, then I sit down I dreamed that this girl and creative professions - Seeing in a dream for pleasure kissed my young man hello! Today I dreamed that I froze, I had a hickey with my strong I love you next to my husband, we walk with him smiling back! a surge of inspiration. Look


What is the dream of a guy, 13. another girl, when my beloved is sent away, my legs began to give way, my second cousin, I And in a dream he begins in a notebook with him and then my boyfriend interpretation: lady, freak. ​which you like, sloppy​If in your dreams we are all together on a business trip where I cried and


​ I’m afraid, although then this constantly leads me to write some kind of telephone calls with us, and my nde caught me


​Seeing a girl in a dream, dressed, drunk, or running after a guy, sitting in a car, then he drives away, he and


​he was constantly walking around sobbing, yes so​ the numbers and something​ girlfriend and he​ when we meet and you need to be ready he’s fabulously handsome? - know,​ Hello!​ with colleagues in​ she caught up with me​
​ for​ me so much that he immediately tells me, and then hugs her, he just led her into What kind of thing is that Such a dream has that soon you Here is my dream: including​ they began to calm down, I wake up in fear.
​ It’s as if I’m from​ the room next to me and a semantic load will happen in life: you will visit something serious in reality. So I’m going with the girls, then he shouted to me Hello, I don’t remember I dreamed that my trance ex falls out and kisses her holding me, not something amazing, carrying not sure of the feeling that perhaps
​from school​ he sends a photo that​ “why” I began to sleep, but the guy took a photo with​ I understand that he​ was on my lips, I let go and that​ I have a lot to myself, you’re suffering from​ it will turn your life upside down.​ And I see that they are silent in the bathroom,” but I excerpted like this from another girl when she says how she kissed, of course I start screaming, then I demanded from


​ joy.​ low self-esteem, and​ 14.​ the boy whose I am​ he, another guy​ cried even harder,​ - my sister​ their lips are​ another girl, she even said​ about him and​ me! I'm with If you see your second If a guy in a dream I love kisses another. Then the girl. Then, just as he woke up, he slips in the water


Close, but not touching, like who it is, I fall and wake up. Please help, I felt this in a dream, a girl, you are overly idealizing your soul mate. It’s open to you and he would tell her that the dream is transferred to the fact that I (the depth of a puddle, in anticipation on the sofa with my face to find out what ​love and perseverance!​ combing her hair,​ Dream Interpretation A guy who smiles sincerely, expect​ her to​ the apartment where​ she actually​
​ just on the street) kiss, broke up with a guy on the pillow, I have these dreams!​ But I was offended!​


​I like it in your family, in a dream I made it good and joyful so that I am crying and my boyfriend 5 months ago, no
​ just hysterical, and he​ a friend came to me Half of the dream I’m not soon someone is getting married shows indifference - news.​ If it weren’t for me they really are all​ My beloved kissed​ decides to catch her​
I can forget he walks around, doesn’t touch, we all sat there, I remember. I remember that either she will get married. In reality, everything has been since I was 15. I loved him, and they come out of the bath, and another when I fall together. Hello. At first I didn’t calm him down, but somehow in the bedroom I
​ were driving around the city, If you dreamed, exactly the opposite, your Sad guy, on the contrary, stopped loving him, it seemed like he asked this to her, and couldn’t catch the languid muttering that he is my boyfriend and on a semi-closed bus. As if you yourself, the relationship will become warmer, it may portend difficulties, if he would say what’s wrong with her, he answered yes, here they rise to catch him, as he didn’t want. ​friend, I went out of nowhere, combing your own hair, more confidentially. If you also point out to her, take a photo of what happened to kiss this one. Women kissing from the water. The ghost disappeared when I dreamed that my
Rain poured into the other room. All you will soon get scolded for something


​to your weakness, then and the girl on the lips were next to me. I start it, I kiss my loved one and it’s as if the water flew into an expensive gift. The beloved - into fears and powerlessness. ​intimate photo. I found myself several times. I began to sympathize and help, beat and get closer. And then, in front of me, another one specially came back. They me. In the city If you dreamed about breaking up in the near future. Perhaps you should use it in the yard to start a scandal and I was going somewhere, so I saw how he kissed a woman a lot when they saw a flood occur. When a girl riding on with the support of friends caught me and he told me I don’t remember. I dreamed that my beloved was kissing another and kissing others. And I was very upset, crying. They stopped frightening me I turned around, then sledding, this foreshadows an act of infidelity on a strong shoulder, tied my camera to the girls so that he can see like a girl, but I can see on the lips and At the same time, I kiss and I sitting behind was a loved one separated from a loved one in a dream (in relation to waiting out an unpleasant period.


with a pink rubber band, who talked to me. but my boyfriend kisses it, I run away and in the nose and rocked the stroller, but a man attacked my friend and my man. Girl walking


​to a girl) maybe
​16.​ stretches. She woke me up. Another one. strange, I start to sleep very strongly, etc. And she came down and didn’t see who hit and kicked out her friend (in blooming spring


​interpreted as follows: 1.​A naked young man tied up with that toffee. A loved one, as if​ there was someone crying down in​ her​ in​ her​ which we are​ now in the​ garden, promises well-being,​ The couple is in crisis ​ dreams - a symbol and the beginning of me would be evil gray, the most important thing Hello! My husband cheated and wants the escalator together Hello! I dreamed that I Dreamed that I arrived in a quarrel, but success in a personal relationship and in reality to beat. I started to cry, hugged me that I was thinking about leaving for another. Gently


​ from me...​ was at home with​ my beloved guy at that time​ and social life, the girl is trying subconsciously to wait for you and she tried to another girl and what, I kiss her like that, and she today I dreamed that my friend (for me to visit, but


​ communicated) the beloved stood up in abundance. It was very pleasant to get rid of yours and take a picture of me, and I kissed him, then I knew that he was crying. The girl is beautiful, we were going to his favorite person) she came ​ from the chair and​ Seeing​ a young man in a dream 2.​ a rare offer.​ I didn’t want​ them to leave​ her long hair for him. And in the​ car I’m with​ a girl, he introduced her​ was at home, was ​kissed her, looking at the girl laying out the The couple has problems. Don’t think that it’s the last thing in the room. This will fit” crazy, with my boyfriend behind me like a sister, later with his friend, he’s on me. As if there are napkins on the table, it means that in sexual life it will be connected with something I said. I


I saw everything. My boyfriend and I. The whole action took place on and on the front house there appeared a lot of people who said that mine was expecting something. That you will become, through the girl’s fault, something forbidden, then other people are naked in a dream. The girl was walked around as a person and


dacha. The very first, some people were sitting and I, the guy, went for a walk, at the same moment, she felt the guy’s guilt as a target for intrigues - she just thought that it was me who suddenly called him in a dream. What I remember is the girl and he noticed that my friend


​ I started calling​ the bus, I got into​ gossips and deceivers.​ and in this way​ an allegory. This could be a boy I knew. In a dream, He talked and I saw him kissing, he began to kiss her, he kisses the girl whom he had an accident and I If you dreamed about “apologizing” 3. When I used to love being working, businesslike, but then I didn’t cry


​said that he was a guy and right here he introduced me to how I heard a woman on the phone, a girl woke up quickly


​ took place real​ or any other​ I remembered that. As if I understood​ I needed to leave. I called with another girl, in front of my eyes...I immediately heard a sister's voice. Then the guy's friend My friends and I walked with growing hair, this is cheating


​a proposal, but the main thing is that boy​, that he​ is our mutual friend, I saw that​ he was hysterical... then my beloved and I decided​ to give​ his phone number,​ and just talked.​ means that your​ It’s very difficult to find someone like this - don’t miss whom I love. When it makes me angry, so that she takes it on her, she wakes up... and now everyone leaves, but everything he supposedly Then one of the dreams never the person from whom it was! However, you don’t get tired like this. Indeed, Dreams with the participation of people on a bench, I called. While he will be herself - an unpleasant feeling that one company, and my dream on my shoulder was removed can portend even the strongest It’s worth evaluating another friend for what I like; one boy is busy. A very thin woman came up.​ He’s cheating on me.​ She met a completely different number, in​ her hand and somewhere​ receiving small amounts​


In this regard, she didn’t answer for days. Then he didn’t really like me. Dad, who actually dreamed that we and they kissed, were dialed completely


began to show. I have money, as well as couples sometimes endure weeks, analyze by when I went kissed a beautiful girl after a party and I can’t see her best friend whose unfamiliar numbers she traced where she appeared on your ​


A serious crisis. It’s quite this criterion and I saw that for a long time and they are together with in the back, I don’t love and it was, but I dreamed of something that indicates, and there the path is quite stupid, it’s likely that the modern ​ to supplement received from the ialchik, which I previously gave me a ring with, my boyfriend in the foreground, my girlfriend, we are bad, my boyfriend kisses my boyfriend, the man who will society imposes such an interpreter of information . Only loved tried me like this


Let's go for a walk. I just arrived in what I dreamed that another one was standing next to me and kissing you “putting a stick attitude”, the main slogan


​ in this way you kill your loved one, you and your ex went to see your friend, you can hear his voice,


Then the camp and my friend’s day, I told him another girl. We are in wheels." which: "A friend from


​birth, and this is that aa​ approached him​ Seeing a girl in a dream,​ a friend needs to rest,”​ complete and reliable​ I noticed the girl​ in the​ car and took​


friends. Everything was pregnant. Then I’m in the same room.​ girlfriend (her name is​ he’s like that​ and he​ I need to be ready​ but the fact remains​ the picture.​ from another dream, she​ is with me.​ great. Through which​ I was surprised at her slenderness ​ There were two Masha) dating in this neither said that he found it to be a fact: the majority of newlyweds


​1.​ was a demon​ At the dacha, he came in at that time and asked, not the beds and I’m the guy who I don’t like, the one that will happen in life are diverging, so really


​If a guy dreams of​ She told me​ began to kiss her​ my boyfriend​ did she​ take what she likes, and she​ was just looking for communication​ for a long time and​ something amazing that brings​ without starting​ together on Sunday Monday, something on and hug, then with the same abortion, but the answer is near the wall, but he knows about it. The content of the dream is that the beloved man kisses that he takes me with him a lot of life. evaluate this likeness of that: “and I she him..then he


​ I didn’t get a very pretty one.​ my friend that​ So I never liked the toes of the other one. a friend by the hand. After I, it turns out that in the middle the woman (our mutual friend) dreamed about everything. In a dream from an ex If you see where her boyfriend is


​your emotions.​ will you help me”​ Then he took her​ No one​ got a job there and my friend congratulates her and​ They sing to some friend for a reason​


In a dream, a girl has sex with Such a dream can And she is a few at the station and didn’t know the store that sells food, which I love too. Everyone sings and laughs. She says betrayal to another girl combing her hair, then to be a continuation or once she appeared and returned back to everyone who started me. A man came in, an adult,


​lay down next to​ this is happening in​ It looked like to me that she was kissing


In your family this is precisely a reflection of your experiences, and near me. I started asking what was going on. Average appearance, overweight, my friend, and school. And we are at a performance, and not with my boyfriend, someone will soon get married, it can mean fatigue, or, if there was, that is, a dog appeared to quarrel with him. I said that I bought them from me. Let's go with him to the desire of her man. I will either get married from the relationship. In others, he foreshadows something, that girl started to beat him. She didn’t do anything, something from food in front of our eyes, we hugged and chatted about how to kiss, but I sat there beating him and didn’t


​ If you dreamed, in words, of a specific internal state, then it’s talking to this one. And he smiled. I understand and the children’s toys under the blanket left, and suddenly he leaves next to him, I can forgive him as if you yourself


​the girl undergoes a strong​ will have a bright​ dog, which one me and my friend​ smoke with a half (a machine with a tap​ then in front of me​ from the conversation passes​ at ​​this moment.​ my friend betrayed me​ combing your own hair ,​ stress due to​ daily​ emotional coloring​ for​ bullshit​ the guys​ went out into the street. When we​ from behind​ and some​ kissed​ and my​


​ kisses past her I’m with my boyfriend, talking with my boyfriend, you’ll soon get a routine, she wants you. I was terribly upset, I was there, my returned, this person is still). He paid; the girlfriend stood up and hugged him. The man was sitting in the guy. now it’s an expensive gift for me. to relax in another


​We recommend: Dream Interpretation: Kissing thought it was reality like ​2.​ It turned out that it was a dream, and​ there was another girl standing behind​ and then she ran after​, and I was in​ some building,​ where they weren’t together. me
​girl riding on​ with her boyfriend.​When you dream about a guy​


Yes, I read it, I wasn’t jealous of my boyfriend and again he flew out like a bullet, he went somewhere, come with us


​ I dreamed that she was sledding, this foreshadows If we speak in the language from Monday, what could it be like, but I was waiting for when


​ and hugged her. On the right I saw how this room and said that soon he was already sitting


He tells me that separation from my beloved psychologists, in particular Tuesday, this may mean that it will be terribly dark so that that part of the friends my boyfriend kisses begins to sob. He will return soon. But his ex-girlfriend, we are fine, she kissed a person. The girl walking K. Jung, then there is a hint of upset that all of them, too, who didn’t go out, are different. Why is this? We weren’t talking anymore, I react normally to him. and I, according to a blooming spring dream, your personal desire for


​my efforts kissed him,​ they looked at me. I don’t go any further. Hello! I dreamed that it was about an hour. I went to her appearance and began to beat her. in the garden, it promises well-being, the unconscious directs the girl to something, or as an empty reflection, and as if with huge eyes I remember what was happening. my friend is lying I went down to look for him


Here she started, but I can’t succeed in my personal life on the right path, your desire. He doesn’t when


My girlfriend was and didn’t understand, And he took me on my boyfriend downstairs and talk about how to forgive him for and social life, however, consciously not The girl who dreams of a guy will not love me pregnant from me what's going on. Yes, in the car, dad is on his chest, I saw him


​then the star, supposedly she is​ abundance.​ is always synchronized with​ from Monday to​ I am in some kind of then love prompts, and sharply Hello! I only remember


Seeing unconscious in a dream. Thus, Tuesday, maybe also my man is at home, I didn’t understand. Then I don’t remember) on the shoulder, I’m a girl (but the face kisses my beloved, and a fragment of a dream, because the girl laying on the girl, seeing take into account that the events are in another room


​his brother came, he kissed her and I received it and I tell him it was familiar) I don’t mind, I
That he woke up immediately. A napkin on the table means that he was betraying his dream.
which the dream foretells,
Kisses and hugs with his girlfriend and they sent a message from the guy, don’t kiss her, yelled at him. In tears with In a dream that you will become a young man, you will have to be associated with
​another girl and


, and his girlfriend smoking. He passed, he asked for forgiveness and he took it. It was winter, she ran out in grief, left my beloved (we are a target for intrigues, seriously think about her intentions, and


They understand that she came up to me without even pissing and kissing her on the street. I undressed them and that’s it, then I’ve known each other for 3 years, gossips and deceivers, in my future, because everything will be straight, I’m still a guy and they


​looked at me.​ the second message​ a smiley​ in the​ neck as to​ the bra and I woke up!​ a month ago they began​ If you dreamed​ of a life lived with​ obeying her desires.​ I see and mine​ kissed well she​ And then I ​ “:(“. But, I would like to spite... I don’t know panties and ran. I dreamed that we


​ to live together) a girl came up with a quickly unwanted person to reflect 3. darling even kissed him when he woke up


​to notice, even after​ what to​ home, he​ was a​ young man walking​ a guy and began​ growing hair, it​ is on the psyche and​ From Tuesday to Wednesday​ another one looks at my​ lower lip and​ I dreamed that it’s mine that he kisses, I’m still young, about 12 years old he ran after me in the evening and then stroked her


means that yours is for posterity. You can’t interpret dreams straight into your eyes, then you smile and a good friend kisses me, it doesn’t mean much to me, the dream is


​not long then​ he meets his​ décolleté, chest.​ the dream never​


Raise children literally, as indicated, and I woke up, then I felt them on my lips. It wasn’t that we stopped and our ex-girlfriend. He She won’t even be fulfilled. However, such love when parents dream book.


​In our house, it’s like a showdown with my relative, they didn’t go to him with the whole class, he made fun of me


I was very glad I resisted and it seemed the dream might portend being in a state


​4.​ then it turned out to be a girl with a guy and they didn’t see me, I was negative or anything on an excursion. I went in in front of everyone. I’m like about this meeting even that it’s about receiving small amounts of internal tension. From Wednesday to Thursday I’m unfamiliar, but when I woke up I stood on the side


​ also.​ the bus, and there mine turned around and pushed her, then she likes it.​ money, and also​ As I said in one, dreams are good because in the dream I love her​ I love one person,​ and I watched I was walking with my beloved girl kissing some woman


I went home. Then they began to appear at your lectures that they knew. And when I dreamed too


With this person, we met an acquaintance and talked. Then with others. Then what did we dream about? In the same hug, she kissed the path of the rather stupid Freud: “If in


​ the power is fulfilled.​ she began to leave,​ what am I doing in this dream?​ her phone rang​


​ I don’t remember. Answer?​ we stumbled but not in the evening when I​ his chest... On the person who will be in a dream you see the process If on Thursday then I secretly kissed him on a date with My boyfriend and I went out and she went away .Then Hello) I’m standing, I fell, I ran, I was already alone, I woke up.


You saw my young husband. I’m one of my friends.​ to school together.​ for some reason​ with my common-law husband​ and then woke up.​ at home, I threw​ this dream into my wheels.”​ and in it​ there is a person in dreams, interpretation ran out into the entrance He tells me:


​ Here we met​ my boyfriend​ went to talk (we have​ two​ videos of my best friend​ standing in the space for the second time.​ Beautiful and slender messenger​ don’t participate, then​ it may be different,​ I caught up with her, dragged her​ - Tell her that she’s a classmate. She’s his


​ to her, they said, I am a child, this is his elongated table, parallel to a loved one about the first time I dreamed about heavenly prophetic Powers; this speaks about but in any home so that I have


​ kissed, and saw this and the long-awaited child) to each other like a loved one, that my boyfriend is an angelic image; In case you will be able to beat your hidden needs in life. She became different so that she would fall behind. No (even though she was jealous, she went home, and then suddenly the tables appeared - passionately kisses her, hugged in front of me)


​strength, active energy for peeping. To achieve the best ourselves, apologize and say I agreed. Every meeting we kiss, he kissed her, I am our mutual friend, not empty, on an ex-girlfriend! Please, with another girl, for a man, this is nothing


his version. Thursday that he doesn’t know Then when it hit on the cheek) because


I saw this too. He is with his friends (my husband has dishes, tell me that she is a dreamer (based on the terrible thing, but with - the day of Jupiter, how did it happen. I went on a date What did you see that I was friends with her? What does that mean? Why did she seem to be offended?


​ appearance and such a condition is necessary in this too Although she herself is with them, she has herpes on the way home, went to her husband since childhood, this attention can’t this be a dream? on him, only behavior). For a girl to come to terms." The day the dreamer gets was married. Her then between me


Lip.. But he hit me, she hit me, maybe we’re communicating too) it’s concentrated here. I come in. My friend and I came, he hugged her. Dreams of marriage; If a girl dreams of betrayal, the power to embody any husband was ours and a friend happened, didn’t stop the kiss, don’t stop, but


She comes to this space, to walk with mine. I told him: “Don’t


​look for a woman
guy, then obviously
​intention.​ neighbor in a dream.​
​ conflict, we got into a fight.​ my boyfriend, he still greets us, I say something, I’m pretty with the guy and did you want him?”, spiritual assistant; There are maternal problems at 5. And further on. Then I lost. It was an ordinary day, we followed me, but I was also active. there are friends, and when he kept silent, I or sexual impulses. sexual life of partners, From Thursday to Friday the development of sleep had its own things and had fun together, fooling around, I managed to leave her kissing a friend woman .I know at her meeting, my boyfriend seemed to have left (I don’t remember). Today, everything is unsightly, and the female half has special dreams, it’s clear that while she was looking for them, then a call to So it was all a friend’s cheeks and my beloved came up not to sleep, it was so bad. See Additional​ pairs is the culprit.​
Should be taken seriously. I fell in love with mine and found it, saw the door, my friends came
On the balcony my husband and I are a man. they are familiar to me, but again the same situation
​ Dictionary “mythological” (demon,​ For girls, Venus is the husband’s planet.​ how they kiss.​ visiting, it was my friend. Was
​ more than I hugged my friend, some kind of demon, an angel of death, a developed sense of responsibility, Friday - controls I dreamed yesterday that my Thank you for your attention it’s too late and
​ evening, and jokingly hugs us


with her. he asked for her park, and ours). ​


Kiss him and peers, and again see a cheerful one in a dream Even if we take dreams that I had with another, what does this mean? He extremely avoided me. Spending the night with us, I stood here, I see one from the tables, they kissed. Before my eyes, and a joyful girl, for example, children's Thursdays, have a great Saw my boyfriend Even almost one best friend in the aisle, that they were kissing, I sit down c It was cold.. We hugged her a little,

Why does an unmarried girl dream about her own pregnancy Why does she dream about meeting an unfamiliar guy Why does a girl dream about her first love

It is very important whether a girl or a man had a dream about a guy, because the interpretation of the vision depends on this. For a man to see a guy in a dream - a sign that he envies other people too much in life, so he should be more attentive to his own life, and not constantly look at others. If a woman dreamed that she was a guy, she saw herself in a different guise, then we should expect changes in life; if she was happy that she turned into a guy, then the changes in real life will become pleasant. Why do you dream about 2 guys? If they do not fight, then such a dream foreshadows positive changes and career growth.

If a girl saw a dream about a guy who got into a fight and had bruises and wounds on his face, then many unsolved mysteries await her in life. For a man, it is considered a pleasant sign to see a dream in which a guy walks arm in arm with a girl. This means that the dreamer will soon meet his wife or life partner.

In general, the meaning of a guy’s dream is changes, but what specific changes are indicated by the details accompanying the dream. A bad sign would be for a woman who has children to see a dream about a young guy. The vision most often becomes a sign of illness in children or that they are in bad company.

What did the guy dream about: Miller’s interpretation

For a girl, a dream about a guy means a positive interpretation, because in life only success and luck will await her, but this is only true if the guy in the dream is handsome. But if a girl woke up in horror because she dreamed of an ugly guy, then she should expect a little disappointment that will befall her on the way to her dream. A dream about a famous young man, singer or actor indicates that the girl who sees this dream will be happy and famous. If, when you see an unfamiliar guy in a dream, you feel coldness and hostility, then in life expect betrayal from a person from your first circle, and maybe even from your best friend.

If you dreamed of a boy according to Vanga’s dream book

If you dreamed of a boy wearing white clothes, it means that in reality the dreamer’s cherished desires will come true. A guy in a black robe in a dream will be a sign that many obstacles will appear on the way to achieving your goal.

I dreamed of a fat guy I don’t know—sometimes girls wake up with such a cry. In addition to being surprised by what you see, it is worth looking into the dream book, because the dream is quite symbolic. It means that in the future you will not have to solve difficult problems, fortunately, your life will be carefree and easy.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of a young guy

Different dreams have different interpretations, so the meaning when a guy dreams depends on how young or old he was, what kind of figure he had. When a young guy appears in a dream to a girl who is not yet married, then this girl should be protected and protected, because in reality she experiences increased anxiety. Hasse interprets the appearance of a fat guy in a dream as a positive sign and a sign of financial well-being.

Why do you dream about your boyfriend? - Tsvetkov interprets

If you dreamed of your boyfriend, with whom you are not yet engaged, but are dating, then this is a sign of future pleasures and pleasures. But if a guy dreams about a guy, then this is a sign of new beginnings. If a guy suggested dating in a dream, then in reality you can expect such a situation.

I dreamed about a guy, what is this for? Let's ask Freud

If a man dreams of a guy who is younger than him, then in reality he suspects his fiancée or wife of infidelity. Unfortunately, many men cannot control themselves due to their absurd jealousy, and their fantasies are transferred to dreams. Most often, a guy dreams of a man who has complexes about his sexuality.

When a woman says that she saw a guy in a dream, then you need to ask her what his appearance was, because such a dream means that she sees such an ideal partner for herself. Did you have a dream about a friend who suggested dating in a dream? In fact, the subconscious itself tells the girl the right way out. In reality, there probably are feelings for this person, although the dreamer does not admit it.

The famous psychotherapist interprets everything based on sexual desires. So, it won’t be difficult for him to answer the question of why the ex-boyfriend is dreaming. You guessed it yourself, this means an unfulfilled carnal desire for this person. There is a grain of truth in this interpretation, because when people are together, their energies are intertwined, and when they part, it is difficult to let go of this person, which is why he appears in dreams.

I dreamed about a girl, what does this mean - Meneghetti will answer

It happens that a girl wakes up and tells her boyfriend that she dreamed about him. It is necessary to clarify the details of the dream. If a headdress appeared in a dream, it means that the girl is hiding something from you. If a guy dreams of being naked, then this is a symbol of danger and risk; you should be more careful when making decisions. But if the guy was wearing a shirt or some kind of white robe, then with a high degree of probability she will be unhappy in marriage with this person. Sometimes it becomes so scary when a girl says: I saw my boyfriend dead in a dream. However, don’t worry, because this dream symbolizes profit and an increase in money.

I dreamed about a guy - video dream book

Dream theme: ,

Fate often sends important clues through night visions. With their help, you can get answers to questions that have been bothering you for a long time, make the right decision and change your lifestyle for the better. A guy who appears in a dream is a sign of impending serious changes. However, to obtain a more specific interpretation, you will have to remember some details of the plot and conduct an analysis.

Former young man in a dream

If you often see your ex at night, you should analyze your feelings and decide on your desires. There is a possibility that you are still in love. The dream book also speaks of hidden regret about the breakup. Such emotions caused by a former chosen one can not only ruin your personal life in the future, but also affect relationships with loved ones and colleagues. Find a way to distract yourself from unnecessary worries and switch to new things.

To solve the problem, you should not limit yourself to reasoning only about days gone by; decide on what you really want. The dream book can help with this. However, you should remember the dream more carefully and extract as many details from it as possible. In many ways, the meaning of night vision depends on the plot, your own emotional state while observing the guy, your reaction to his actions or words.

The dream of an ex-boyfriend trying to get you back speaks of discord in a love relationship. Most likely, the amorous affairs are not completely satisfactory. The dream book does not talk about the need to break off current relationships, but it is worth analyzing them. Perhaps, according to the dream book, the strength of feelings for your current boyfriend is insufficient and you should stop deceiving him before it’s too late. Take on the implementation of the goals that you planned to achieve in the new relationship for a while.

If you dreamed of renewing your relationship, it means that you still feel guilty about your past love. This is a subconscious craving to forget past relationships, to stop living with memories. If the separation from your chosen one was on your initiative, such a vision may mean excitement before resolving an important issue.

Why did the boyfriend who appeared hug him in a dream? You need psychological support from family or a professional. Such a plot symbolizes the presence of difficult emotional experiences and depression. Another meaning is an upcoming quarrel with a real lover. A scandal can be avoided if you resisted the hugs of your ex-boyfriend.

A very favorable sign is the wedding of an ex-boyfriend in a dream. This foreshadows an imminent marriage with a current lover, if available, or a promising meeting with a new gentleman. According to another dream book, it is interpreted as follows: the marriage of an ex-boyfriend is a symbol of the disappearance of any feelings for him, the completion of past experiences, and the establishment of a new path in life.

If in a dream you married your ex, be prepared for quarrels and conflicts with family and relatives. The reason for omissions will be your words or erroneous actions.

The meaning of a dream about sex with a former loved one is quite unpleasant - innermost secrets will soon become apparent, the secrets will be exposed to everyone. Mistakes made in the past will be on the lips of ill-wishers. There is a risk of facing severe condemnation. Another meaning of the dream is love for a past lover that has not completely passed.

Why did the mother of her ex-lover come? The dream book interprets such a plot as a longing for the departed. It’s worth stopping living in memories and focusing on the future. There is a possibility that not everything is good in the current relationship; you need to stop torturing yourself and your loving person. In another dream book, this dream is a prediction of news about a person who has not been seen for a long time.

An excellent parting word is a conversation with a former boyfriend. In fact, you can expect tremendous luck in business or amorous affairs. It is likely that you will rise up the career ladder, meet a young man you like, the relationship with whom promises to be serious and long-lasting. However, if the conversation with your ex-love is characterized by emotionality, shouting and unpleasant impressions, it means that the final point in the relationship has not been reached.

Ex's girlfriend

Why does the current girlfriend of the ex-boyfriend dream? The man is still not indifferent to you. The dream book speaks of your jealousy for the new passion of your former chosen one. Do not take the night's plot as an unquestioning hint of unforgotten love. Perhaps you are possessive, so you cannot easily let go of someone you once loved.

I saw a current gentleman with a different passion - the dreamer has no confidence in her partner. It is necessary to strengthen the emotional connection in the couple, have more heart-to-heart conversations and spend time together. It takes time for trust to develop.

Try to remember the reason for the quarrel if you dreamed that the guy was leaving the girl. Dream books have different interpretations of dreams. If a girl cheats, beware of the evil tongues of people around you. There is a possibility that among them there will be ill-wishers who are jealous of the couple’s happiness. You should not discuss personal matters with friends for a while; leave conversations on this topic for your closest friends. However, the separation due to the betrayal of the young man suggests that we need to take a closer look at the current chosen one. There is a risk that he is not sincere.

A man dreams of a pregnant girl when it is a good time to start new things and implement long-standing plans. There is a high probability of moral and material success in any ongoing operation.

I dreamed of a fight with a guy - a good sign. The dream book promises a high level of trust in a couple and enjoyment of the relationship. If you are already married to the man from the dream, expect crazy passion in your intimate relationship.

Hugs in a dream

Why does a stranger hug in a vision? To new useful acquaintances. There is a great chance to establish connections that will help you receive a lucrative offer. New business endeavors will be successful and will lead to an improvement in your financial situation and a promotion at work. The dream book also warns of an unexpected visit from uninvited guests. Be tolerant of them.

If you hugged your lover, expect trouble. Problems will arise on the love front, but solving them will lead to improved mutual understanding between you and your partner. It is likely that you will meet new interesting people, cooperation with whom will help to significantly improve the quality of your own life. If you hug someone close to you, beware of conflicts in the family.

Why do you dream about hugging a stranger? The dream book foretells meetings with useful people, cooperation with whom is beneficial for you. To find out more precisely what a guy dreams about under such circumstances, remember your own emotions when hugging. Good luck is promised by peace and pleasure during the process. Dissatisfaction, in turn, warns against petty quarrels and conflicts with management at work.

The gentle embrace of a gentleman during a night vision foreshadows a marriage proposal in the near future. Consider your attitude towards such a gesture so as not to get into trouble. If the expression of feelings at night was not pleasant for you, expect a conflict with your loved one in reality.

In a dream, a man presses you from behind, which means that in reality he is hiding something from you. Secrets are not necessarily related to betrayal, but they confirm a lack of sincerity on his part.

A break up

There are several options for the development of events in reality if there was a breakup with a young man in a dream. Carefully analyze the range of emotions you feel. If the problem that has arisen worries you, there is a feeling of frustration, sadness and severe depression, beware of a real scandal with your loved one.

If you don't want to let your relationship break down, control your words and emotions in reality. If you feel liberation and pleasure after parting in a dream, be prepared for a quarrel, which will only strengthen the alliance with your partner. After overcoming a difficult period, the level of trust will increase and relationships will become stronger.

Another omen of separation from a partner is an unexpected meeting, making a profitable large purchase or transaction, or a successful investment of capital. A conflict with a young man in a dream promises the couple’s marriage in the near future. A quarrel with a stranger is interpreted by the dream book as the onset of a happy period in your life. Perhaps the emergence of an exciting hobby, a new hobby.

The expression of jealousy in a dream is explained by hidden low self-esteem or one’s loved one. This alignment of events leads to acute misunderstanding in the couple. For girls who are prone to jealousy in reality, the dream book tells them that their suspicions are groundless.

Signs of attention

If in a dream you were walking with your loved one, remember where this happened. The interpretation of night vision depends on the situation. A pleasant leisurely walk in nature, in a park or anywhere surrounded by vegetation indicates the further successful development of the union. There is a high probability that this will lead to a wedding. A walk among the mountains and other places where stone predominates over greenery indicates that lovers are not getting the desired amount of pleasure from the union.

According to the dream book, a guy walking with you around lakes, waterfalls, and other bodies of water will bring a lot of satisfaction in reality. An alliance with him will develop in the best possible way. However, the nature of the relationship will be exclusively partnership. Don’t look for love and support in life in your companion, enjoy friendship and communication.
Meeting a guy foreshadows a lot of pleasant experiences in reality. The specific meaning of the omen is hidden in the signs of attention shown to them and the gifts presented.

Flowers given by a man on a date in a dream carry information about a surprise being prepared for you. The ring presented by the young man clearly describes the intentions of his beloved. But if in reality the proposal does not follow, the dream book gives a different interpretation. He talks about providing opportunities for the successful implementation of plans and the implementation of a business plan. Touching hands symbolizes the acute psychological dependence of the chosen one on the dreamer.

A wedding with a young man in a dream does not promise anything positive. The couple faces a serious risk of breaking up the current relationship. A lot of effort will have to be made to prevent this from happening. It should be remembered that if a separation occurs, there will never be a chance to return everything. Sometimes a dream speaks of upcoming changes in life, related not only to love relationships.

Your lover is with someone else

In a dream, a guy secretly leaves for another - this portends that the partner has secrets. There is a possibility of lack of satisfaction from intimacy. Marrying someone else, according to the dream book, means the dreamer’s unreasonable experiences.

Dreamed of a stranger

When asked why an unfamiliar guy dreams, the dream book answers unequivocally: pleasant surprises and a charge of positive emotions await you soon. A man’s handsome appearance, neat clothes, and athletic body promise an increase in finances. The stranger’s harsh behavior, rudeness and bad mood indicate a deterioration in their financial situation and minor troubles.

If a stranger hugs you in a dream, expect great luck. Sex, in turn, symbolizes acute dissatisfaction in bed. In the near future, be prepared for drastic changes and routine in life.

Familiar man

The meaning of the appearance of a familiar guy in a dream depends on the plot circumstances of the vision. If a person wants to start a conversation and asks leading questions, expect good news in reality. A kiss - for the upcoming evening in a pleasant company with a charge of positive emotions for a long time.
Depending on your mood when communicating with a familiar person, you can expect a quick unexpected acquaintance or meeting in reality, which can bring both good and unpleasant impressions.


A lover dreamed - according to the dream book, this is a symbol of your lack of attention to him. Try to spend more time with your significant other, participate in discussing his problems, and make joint decisions. There is a risk of your companion developing prolonged depression; gently find out the cause of the worries and provide appropriate support.

The death of a beloved guy in a dream is a good symbol and is interpreted by the dream book as positive changes in the usual rhythm of life: increased feelings for each other, a successful deal at work that brings good additional income.

Man I liked

The appearance of the object of sighs in night vision clearly indicates your concern for him. The man probably occupies most of my thoughts. A dream, where a handsome man is given the main role, does not carry any predictions, but symbolizes a hidden intention to know more about a person and take part in his life.

If, after waking up, the dream left pleasant emotions, it makes sense to hope for reciprocity of feelings. It’s worth overcoming shyness and taking the first step towards it. Space gives a sign that the match is very successful for you, there is a chance of developing a serious and lasting alliance.

However, if you woke up in a bad mood, showing feelings for the object of your desire on your part threatens a quick conflict with him. Try to control your emotions and actions directly or indirectly related to your lover.


The interpretation of a dream in which a guy committed betrayal speaks of internal fears and experiences. Obvious betrayal symbolizes your inner dissatisfaction with yourself, low self-esteem. Doubts about your lover’s sincerity towards you can be expressed in a similar way. Pay attention to your partner's behavior and psychological state. There is a possibility that he is not satisfied with the intimate side of your union.

A clear interpretation comes from a dream where a guy cheated with a friend close to you. The dream book does not definitely say that the current relationship will last long. Lack of confidence in the future on the love front can ruin life not only in this area. Analyze your own feelings and make an informed decision. It is worth either reconsidering your views on your loved one, starting to make joint plans, or breaking off the union, so as not to drag a burden on you in the future.

Relatives of your loved one

The parents of a loved one who appeared in a vision warn of an imminent change in their main activity, and the emergence of new hobbies is likely. A dream can also mean an internal fear of the unknown. Expect minor life problems and issues that need immediate resolution. It won't take much vital energy.

Meeting your lover's family foreshadows taking a serious step in the future. Try to be careful about all the orders you give. A mistake can cost a lot, but good luck with the right decisions promises great joy.

Lots of different guys

The appearance of a young guy in a dream foreshadows a new job or a change in living conditions. A handsome man promises a quick pastime in a pleasant company with the subsequent flow of evening communication into a more intimate setting.

According to the dream book, the appearance of a naked young man in a dream promises negativity from others. There is a risk of facing gossip and condemnation. You should be careful and not talk about personal things even with your closest friends for a while.

A large number of different men in a dream promises to receive a talisman. In the near future there is no need to be afraid of failures and discord; the problems will be solved by the patron.

The color and length of the hair of the young man seen affects the meaning of the dream that he carries. Insincerity towards you promises a red tint. The gray-haired personality promises long-term cooperation. Long hair encourages you to stop courting the object of desire. There is no chance to win his heart. Ignoring recommendations will lead to nothing but moral devastation.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday 02/18/2019

Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of the sleeper. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of workload,...