How to treat colds at home. Effective folk remedies for colds: healthy decoctions and teas, procedures, inhalations. Montenegrin recipe for a runny nose with black pepper

Cold– extremely unpleasant illness, it often overtakes us quite suddenly, causing a lot of problems. Of course, the most best method The fight against every disease is its prevention. However, if you still failed to protect yourself from infection in a timely manner and you do not have the opportunity to see a doctor, you can treat the cold yourself at home. Treating a cold at home - basic recipes and tips.

Treating a cold at home

IN effective treatment flu, as well as any cold and cough at home in children and adults, the following recipes will help:

  • An excellent way to fight infection is with the most common foot baths.. Most effective mustard bath. To prepare it, you will need one tbsp. a spoonful of dry mustard powder and 5-7 liters of very warm, almost hot water. You need to fill the basin with water, pour it in mustard powder and stir thoroughly. After this, lower your feet into the prepared bath and keep it there as long as the water is very warm. After taking a bath, it is recommended to dry your feet very thoroughly with a cotton towel and put on warm socks made from natural materials.

  • The next simple, proven method is ordinary ginger. b. There's nothing easier than cooking it yourself healing drink for treating colds at home based on it. Take ginger root fresh. Finely chop it or grate it on a medium grater. To prepare a liter of drink you will need 3-4 teaspoons grated ginger, which is poured with boiling water and infused for several hours. By the way, you can add three tbsp to the drink. spoons of cognac to increase the warming effect - of course, if our patient is not a child.

When using this recipe to treat colds in children, add honey, cinnamon, vanilla or other spices to taste. A liter of drink is drunk in 1 day.

  • Another recipe for adults is ordinary mulled wine.. You can find many of his recipes on the Internet. As a rule, the most effective in treating colds are those that contain natural cranberry, apple and orange juice. It's useful and at the same time tasty remedy will help you get rid of infection in the body and “soften” a sore throat.

  • It has been proven in practice that ordinary baking soda is also excellent medicine for a cold. Our grandparents liked to use this method, however, it is still very popular to this day due to its simplicity and accessibility to everyone.

An excellent remedy when the first signs of illness appear is hot milk with the addition of soda in the proportion of 1 teaspoon per 250 ml of milk. This drink should be drunk in small sips and always very warm, and treatment should begin as soon as you notice any symptom of a cold.

In addition, simple soda is used to prepare good rinse, intended for the throat, this is a great way when you cannot tolerate milk. ½ cup of water with 1/2 teaspoon of soda added is used as a rinse several times a day.

  • Good old banks. Cupping is a technique that has been known to mankind for several hundred years; it was popular in Ancient Egypt and China.

Everything is simple here - hot vessels heated over a fire are placed on the patient’s back.

  • Propolis- a beekeeping product of great value that helps people with many ailments. The treatment of infectious diseases was no exception. Popular experts are confident that propolis can cure the disease in one night.

To do this, add to a glass of hot milk a small amount of propolis and is drunk by the patient, who must immediately go to bed, covered with a warm blanket. The next morning relief sets in, and the signs of the disease begin to quickly subside. A throat gargle is also prepared on the basis of propolis, for which you can use its alcohol tincture.

  • Oddly enough, but beer lovers, in the absence of contraindications, can treat a cold with their favorite drink. Hot (more precisely, very warm) beer is prepared by heating in a water bath.

A glass of foamy drink is drunk before bed.

  • Of course, when listing home recipes, one cannot fail to mention preparations based on medicinal plants. Thousands of different recipes for medicines prepared using flowers and herbs in all countries of the world are passed down from generation to generation, from century to century. IN in this case I will be effective fees based on:
  1. daisies,
  2. yarrow,
  3. wormwood,
  4. licorice (pronounced hormone-like, expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent, ideal for the treatment of bronchitis, relieves cough),
  5. mint,
  6. St. John's wort herbs,
  7. primrose and many others - it is not possible to list them all in one article.

Herbs are used both in mixtures and separately. For this, 2 tbsp. spoons of dry herb are poured with hot, just boiled water and left to infuse (preferably in a thermos).

Or cook in a water bath for 15 minutes and cool. After a couple of hours, you need to strain the product, and it is ready for use. It can be taken orally (honey is added to bitter decoctions), or can be used as a rinse.

  • By the way, as a rinse high efficiency Hydrogen peroxide has proven itself to be excellent. It is diluted in water in the proportion of 1-2 teaspoons of peroxide + 50 ml of warm water. Rinses are used 2-3 times a day until the signs of the disease disappear.

  • Separately to point about medicinal plants I would like to mention viburnum. A decoction of these red berries is taken very warm, adding honey. Take 1 tbsp per glass of water. spoon of viburnum berries.

This drink is also suitable for those who have a cold during pregnancy, as well as for nursing women and small children.

  • Another “adult” recipe – vodka with pepper. For 1 glass of vodka, take 1 teaspoon of ground red hot pepper, mix and drink in one gulp. After this, the patient wraps himself in a blanket and goes to bed.

If herpes appears on your lip

For the treatment of manifestations of labial herpes ( older generation calls this phenomenon “cold on the lips”), there are several recipes:

  • Ointment with garlic and apple. A grated apple with a couple of cloves of grated garlic is mixed and applied to the affected area in the form of an application.
  • Earwax. Extracted from ear canal and is also applied to the affected area.
  • A cooled tea bag is applied three or four times a day for 15-20 minutes. to the area affected by herpes.
  • Cope with herpetic rashes Aloe or Kalanchoe also helps - their juice lubricates the area where there are manifestations of this infection.
  • You can prepare an ointment for herpes from the juice of calendula flower petals. 1 teaspoon fresh juice mixed with Vaseline in equal proportions, this composition should be lubricated with problem areas.

If your kidneys are affected

Note! If you experience symptoms that suggest kidney damage, you should immediately consult a doctor. In addition to the well-known pyelonephritis, there are other diseases of the renal system that require intensive care!

However, if you know that after hypothermia, mild pyelonephritis resulted from a cold in the kidneys, and you do not need hospitalization, and the symptoms are not severe, then decoctions medicinal herbs can help you cope with inflammation. Antibiotics and other medications can be effectively combined with them.

  • Ready-made herbal teas called “Kidney collection” are sold in every pharmacy. They have analgesic, decongestant, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects. They usually include:
  1. spiraea,
  2. raspberries,
  3. dandelion,
  4. raspberries,
  5. birch leaf,
  6. celandine,
  7. burdock,
  8. blooming Sally,
  9. chamomile,
  10. cetraria,
  11. cowberry.
  • In addition, as part of decoctions and separately, the following are used:
  1. elder,
  2. half-floor (erva woolly),
  3. poplar and others.

Two tbsp. spoons of herbs pour 1 liter. water, boil over low heat for 20 minutes. with the lid closed in an enamel bowl. Take 3-4 times a day daily for two months, sometimes the course is extended.

Treating a four-legged friend

If your dog has a cold, sneezes and coughs, then for him, as for a person, it is important correct mode, namely: timely good nutrition, warmth, sleep and access to water. Treatment of colds in dogs is generally not much different from that in humans.

If the animal lives in the yard, then it must be temporarily moved to a warm room and provided with constant access to fresh water. Walking in the cold season should be reduced to 20 minutes.

Try to ensure that your dog does not have contact with his brothers during the period of illness, since colds are also transmitted to dogs by airborne droplets, and also because your pet is now weakened and more susceptible to other infectious diseases.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat colds in dogs. herbal teas, immunostimulants, antibacterial agentsveterinary drugs and traditional methods, vitamin and expectorant preparations.

Note! Recipes that include alcohol and large amounts of honey are strictly contraindicated for animals! Toxic effect Alcohol's effect on a dog's body is extremely high! There are other contraindications, and if you are not sure that the drug can be given to an animal, do not risk it, since the physiology of a dog is different from that of a person, although we get sick in the same way.

At high temperature a dog, like a person, suffers and needs an antipyretic. You can give your animal paracetamol, however, it is important to calculate the dosage very carefully! It is better to have this done by a veterinarian.

More safe method drug reduction the temperature will be set for the dog rectal suppository from a number of children's antipyretics, for example, “ children's Panadol" On large dog Take ½ candle (cut lengthwise), ¼ for medium, 1/6 for small.

When a dog has a cold or cough, add a decoction (prepared according to a “human” recipe) to the water or drink it, including: coltsfoot flowers, licorice root and plantain leaf.

If you notice discharge from the animal's eyes or nose, wipe it carefully cotton swab, having previously moistened it in chamomile decoction or in regular weak solution furatsilina. If your dog has hard crusts on his nose, soften them using Vaseline oil, and then carefully remove. Treatment is carried out daily 2-3 times a day until symptoms disappear.


All homemade recipes presented in the publication are not only incredibly effective, but, in addition to this, are very easy to prepare and use, and are also accessible to absolutely everyone. Choose and use for your health!

There is no medical term for “cold”. This generally accepted concept combines respiratory pathology (ARD), viral infection (ARVI), and also includes influenza. Etiologically, this is absolutely various diseases, requiring therapy appropriate to each case. The main outbreaks of infection occur in autumn and early spring; the seasonal anomaly is transmitted by airborne droplets in crowds of people (transport, childcare facilities, places of work).

Based on the results of the study common cold in Salisbury (British Research Laboratory), Professor Walter Clement Alvarez published in the journal Medicine in America, in which he authoritatively stated that colds cannot appear from drafts, temperature changes, or wet clothes. The body's reaction to external influence does not apply to this pathology. The disease is caused by respiratory syncytial virus, rhinoviruses (pictured) or bacteria.

The disease has an infectious mechanism of development, but upon contact with a patient, not the entire environment may become infected. Factors that pose a threat to a certain category of people:

  • sedentary character labor activity;
  • weakened immunity;
  • stress loads;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • chronic diseases;
  • excessive drinking of alcohol and smoking tobacco.

Ways of infection: large crowds of people, lack of hygiene and precautions.


Symptoms manifest differently for each patient. Common ones include:

  • weakness, increased sweating;
  • hyperthermia;
  • loss of voice due to cold ( possible reason laryngitis in chronic form);
  • with inflammation of the larynx, the patient may become hoarse, especially in the first 2 days;
  • dry or wet cough;
  • severe runny nose, accompanied by headache and lacrimation;
  • partial hearing loss due to swelling and narrowing of the vessels of the auditory canal.

The child has general symptoms insomnia, anxiety, diarrhea and weight loss are added.

Quick and effective ways to fight a cold

There are no specific targeted medications to get rid of the infection. Therapy is carried out comprehensively using antihistamines (decongestants), antiviral, antibacterial and expectorants. If there is a temperature above 38 degrees, antipyretic medications are used. You can quickly treat a cold even at home by turning on conservative therapy recipes traditional medicine.

Pharmacy drugs

If the cold is not complicated chronic diseases, there is no particular need to visit a doctor. The infection is treated with pharmacological agents that are available without a prescription.


Relieves swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat, making it easier to tolerate symptoms:

  • "Mebhydrolin";
  • "Chloropyramine";
  • "Diphenhydramine";
  • "Clemastine";
  • "Cyproheptadine."

For elimination pain syndrome products are used in the form of lozenges:

  • "Strepsils";
  • "Grammidin";
  • "Stopangin."

Tonsils are treated with sprays:

  • "Lugol";
  • "Kameton";
  • "Ingalipt";
  • "Miramistin";
  • "Tantum Verde".

Bacterial plaque on the tonsils is removed with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.


Tablets with a protective and immune-supporting effect:

  • "Remantadine";
  • "Arbidol";
  • "Ingavirin";
  • "Amiksin";
  • "Anaferon";
  • "Ergoferon".

Immunomodulators also come in other forms:

  • Powders for solution - “Interferon”, “Reaferon-EC”.
  • Candles - “Genferon”, “Kipferon”.
  • Homeopathic compositions in the form of granules and capsules: “Isoprinosine”, “Oscillococcinum”, “Arbidol” - help cure colds in adults, but it is necessary to adhere to the dosage regimen.

The above drugs can be given to children only after visiting a doctor.

Bacterial infection

Pathology is eliminated with antibiotics:

  • "Macropen";
  • "Amoxiclav";
  • "Sumamed";
  • "Biseptol".

At viral cold their use is impractical. Medicines in this group inhibit the intestinal microflora, so at the same time normalizing amounts are recommended beneficial bacteria drugs: “Enterol”, “Acipol”, “Linex”.


For nasal congestion, the following are effective for rinsing the passages:

  • "Aquamaris";
  • "Aqualor";
  • saline solution

To relieve swelling and remove secretions during viral infection apply:

  • "Pinosol";
  • "Grippferon";
  • "IRS 19".

The bacterial stage is treated with pharmaceutical compounds such as Sialor, Isofra, and Polydex. Also, these drugs eliminate the spread of fungal infection.


The use of such drugs is indicated for dry and wet anomalies:

  1. "Glauvent", "Sinekod" based on herbal ingredients able to eliminate seizures.
  2. Anti-inflammatory: “Prospan”, “Sinupret”, “Ascoril”.
  3. Mucolytic medications: ACC, Mucaltin, Mukobene.
  4. Expectorants: “Sodium iodide”, “Licorin”, “Thermopsis”, “Doctor Mom”.

The purpose of the drugs is to clear the upper respiratory canals of mucus by liquefaction and removal, to stop coughing attacks and inflammation of the bronchi.

In case of fever, it is advisable to use antipyretics, the active substance of which is:

  • ibuprofen - “Ibufen”, “Nurofen”;
  • paracetamol: “Koldakt”, “Fervex”, “Teraflu”;
  • nimesulide - “Nimulid”, “Nise”.

These drugs also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

When treating a cold, it is necessary to take vitamin C. It can be purchased at the pharmacy or included in the diet of foods with high concentrations.

Folk remedies

For a favorable and uncomplicated course of the disease, it is necessary bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids and moderate food intake. Treatment can help the body cope with cold viruses at home without resorting to medications, or enhance their effect folk remedies, of which there are a sufficient number in the arsenal of alternative medicine. Recipes are based on plants or natural raw materials. Decoctions, tinctures, and compresses fight infection well.

Widely used herbs for colds for preparation medicines:

  1. It is effective to drink milk (1 glass) with honey (1 tbsp) with the addition of egg white before bedtime.
  2. Collection from elecampane root, coltsfoot leaves, pharmaceutical chamomile, oregano, taken in equal quantities. Three tablespoons of dry raw materials per 0.5 liter of liquid, boil for 15 minutes. Allow the product to cool, strain, divide into equal parts, and drink instead of water.
  3. Anise, wormwood herb (tsp each), linden blossom and fir needles (2 tsp each) per 0.2 ml of boiling water. Let the composition brew for 4 hours, drink before bed.
  4. Warming compress, for which you can use vodka or medical alcohol. A moistened napkin is placed on the chest, polyethylene is placed on top, and wrapped.
  5. For inhalation, propolis tincture is made as follows: take 25 grams of raw material per 0.5 cup of alcohol and leave for 14 days.
  6. If your ears are blocked due to a cold, treatment is carried out using geranium juice mixed with onions in equal parts. The product is instilled 2 drops into each ear canal.
  7. For a runny nose, a tampon soaked in the composition (35 g of sea buckthorn oil, 15 g of honey, 10 g of propolis) is inserted into the nostrils one by one.
  8. For treatment and prevention, a mixture is made of ginger and lemon, which are ground in a meat grinder. The ingredients should be equal, the third part consists of linden honey. Take 1 tsp. 3 times.

Throughout the day they drink tea from rose hips, lemon balm, raspberry branches and black currants. It has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, helps eliminate toxins and relieves symptoms. Dry mustard is poured into warm socks at night, provided there is no fever.

Safe treatment of children and pregnant women

When carrying a fetus, a woman’s body works with double load, a protective reaction immune system weakens, hence frequent colds appear. During this period many pharmacological agents contraindicated. The best decision would be to consult a doctor for a prescription. Grant yourself emergency assistance, you can without resorting to medications:

  1. Increase fluid intake by warm milk with honey, tea with lemon.
  2. Breathe in the evaporating juice of finely chopped garlic or onion.
  3. At a temperature, wipe with a napkin soaked in a solution of water and vinegar in equal parts.
  4. Relieve pain and sore throat by gargling with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, sage, taken according to Art. l. per liter of water (boil for 10 minutes). You can also dilute a teaspoon of soda and salt in water (0.5 l) with the addition of 3 drops of iodine.
  5. Inhalation based on herbs or saline helps with cough. Chest collection from the root of marshmallow, oregano, coltsfoot, take 2-3 times a day. You can buy it at the pharmacy.

When using traditional medicine, the following herbs are prohibited for pregnant women: wormwood, celandine, oregano, tansy, hellebore, and pennyroyal.

The list of medications for treating colds in a child, as well as for pregnant women, is strictly limited. At the first signs, it is recommended not to self-medicate, but to seek advice from a pediatrician.

When deciding to cope with the infection on your own, you must take into account the age limit specified in the instructions for the drug. It is not recommended to give antipyretics if the temperature is less than 38 degrees.

Medicines allowed for children:

  1. Antiviral: “Viferon”, “Nazoferon”, “Ranferon”, “Arbidol”.
  2. Antihistamines: Fervex, Theraflu, Coldrex, Nurofen.
  3. Antitussives: Ambroxol, Bromhexine, Lazolvan.
  4. For a runny nose the following are prescribed: “Naphthyzin”, “Aquamaris”, “Otrivin”, “Sanorin”.

As an effective antipyretic alternative medicine offers a decoction of dried berries cherries (100 g per 0.5 l of water), boiled over low heat for 25 minutes. Tea with lemon is suitable for strengthening the immune system.

Treatment of runny nose and colds by fasting

Refusal to eat does not get rid of the infection, but helps cope with it in short time and relieves symptoms. During the course of the disease, excess mucus is formed, which is concentrated in the channels and ducts of the body, causing stagnation. It gets in with food. When the supply of products stops, pathological processes decrease accordingly.

Treatment of colds by fasting is carried out for two days with the use of warm water, which washes away excess secretion. It is necessary to take into account the algorithm for exiting the state of refusal to eat. The first meal is a small portion of food, not fried, preferably liquid, with the obligatory inclusion of vegetables in the diet. Then the volume gradually increases to the usual one.

Drinking plenty of fluids helps me - cranberry juice and water with lemon. Press the cranberries into a container, then pour boiling water over them, adding a little sugar if desired. You should drink two mugs of this fruit drink every hour and alternate it with two mugs of water with lemon (cut the lemon into slices, squeeze out the juice, and pour boiling water along with the peel). A powerful dose of vitamin C is what you need to fight the disease! ( Svetlana, 55 years old)

The recipe my mother suggested helps me get back on my feet quickly. You need to drink a glass of dry red wine at night. It is important that the wine is slightly hot. ( Galina, 25 years old)

Black radish juice relieves many cold symptoms (I squeeze it in a juicer along with the peel). A kilogram of radish yields about half a liter of juice. A little salt is added to it so that it does not disappear, and then we put it in the refrigerator. Three times a day, half an hour before meals, you should take a teaspoon, preferably even a tablespoon. Even asthma can be cured with this method. Swelling of the neck and throat is relieved, and the condition of the upper respiratory tract is normalized. I think that the rest of the body is not against such a procedure. But those around you can get the most: some people can’t stand the smell of radish. I usually carry out this procedure when I don’t have to go to work. ( Sergey, 44 years old)

It’s good to massage your feet when you have a cold; at night, thoroughly massage each toe and foot with “Star” balm. This is a 100% remedy, it will go away in the morning! ( Yana, 29 years old)

Why do Rostovites call their children this way?

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Against cough

It's old but very effective recipe from a wet cough. Take one medium-sized onion, chop it finely, put it in a jar, pour two tablespoons of honey (it is important that the honey is natural). Place the jar in a warm place so that the juice begins to form. Take one tablespoon three times a day. There will be no smell, don't worry! ( Alena, 33 years old)

Cut out the middle of a fresh white radish and add a tablespoon of honey inside. Place in a warm place for several hours, wait until the radish releases its juice. This juice should be taken one tablespoon per day. Helps well with wet cough. (Sergey, 56 years old)

To combat a dry cough, you can rub it at night. chest goat fat or honey, then wrap yourself in cellophane or cling film and sleep until the morning. Another way to prevent complications associated with respiratory system, – drink a glass of warm milk at night. A piece should be dissolved in milk butter, soda on the tip of a knife and a teaspoon of honey. The drink does not taste very pleasant, but within two days it relieves cough and its consequences. ( Anna, 26 years old)

Any type of cough can be cured in one day if you drink a mixture of raw egg, a tablespoon of vodka, a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of melted butter, a tablespoon of milk, a teaspoon of soda. If it doesn’t help the first time, repeat the procedure again - it will definitely help the second time. ( Ekaterina, 23 years old)

Is not independent disease, it's more likely popular name groups of infections that occur against the background of hypothermia. Nevertheless, Alternative medicine offers similar methods and remedies for healing inflammatory processes. They come down to making ointments, infusions, heating, inhalations, etc. Although some diseases may have their own specific therapeutic measures: for example, for flu and sore throat, this will be rinsing.

You can make your own folk remedies for colds using home recipes. For this purpose, a variety of herbal preparations are used, common pharmaceutical drugs, honey and its derivatives, as well as food and household chemicals.

Teas and decoctions for oral administration

In case of acute respiratory infections, most often occurring against the background of hypothermia, great importance drinking large amounts of fluid. It reduces the severity of symptoms of intoxication, washes away mucous secretion and pus containing pathogenic microorganisms from the surface of the pharynx. In addition, hot drinks cause increased sweating. This warms up the body, which helps it fight infection.

Traditional medicine advises using the following drinks during illness:

Important! Raspberry leaf is contraindicated for pregnant women, since its decoction can cause contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterine wall.

  • Rosehip decoction. Alternatively, you can use syrup, tincture, or an extract sold over the counter. At independent procurement It is advisable to collect raw materials in September-October, when the fruits are already sufficiently ripe and have red or Orange color. The main component of rose hips, which has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, is vitamin C. It is powerful antioxidant regulating metabolic processes in organism. In addition, rosehips contain other vitamins that have a general stimulating effect - groups PP, P, B, K. Rosehip is an effective folk remedy; its use as a pharmacological raw material has long been practiced with the approval of official medicine.
  • Mineral water. The drink contains calcium, magnesium, chlorine, bicarbonates and sulfates. They normalize water-salt balance in the body, which is disrupted during colds. Besides, mineral water It has alkaline environment, unsuitable for life of most pathogenic bacteria.
  • Tea with viburnum fruits. Harvesting can be done in late autumn when fully ripe or after the first frost, then the berries will not have a bitter taste. Fresh fruits can be eaten with sugar, letting it brew, dry ones - adding tea. The raw materials contain simple sugars(glucose, fructose), free amino acids, flavonoids. These substances improve the body's resistance and have a beneficial effect on metabolism. As antiseptics tannins can be found in viburnum fruits, ascorbic acid. They also contain iridoid compounds, which have an immunomodulatory effect.

These drinks can be drunk in sufficient quantities large quantities. However, when sweating, they need to be alternated with plain water to replenish fluid loss from the body and prevent thickening of sputum. Since the active compounds are contained in small concentrations, for therapeutic effect it is necessary to consume teas and decoctions in large quantities. The only thing to be wary of is allergic reactions . To warn them V childhood.

you need to give drinks gradually, observing the state of the body

Nasal rinsing If a cold manifests itself in and (runny nose), then doctors and traditional healers recommend . Some experts advise this procedure

not only during illness, but also as part of daily hygiene measures. Before rinsing, you need to get rid of nasal congestion using the drops intended for this. Take a regular syringe without a needle (disinfect the device by boiling). Draw the solution into a syringe. With my head tilted to the side, gradually Inject the solution into the upper nostril, the liquid should flow freely from the lower nostril. During the procedure you need to breathe through your mouth. As therapeutic agent

  1. can be used: Isotonic (saline) solution. The dosage should be 0.5-1 teaspoon per 200 ml boiled water . Salt inhibits growth and reproduction pathogens
  2. , thins mucus and promotes its removal. Iodine-salt solution.
  3. Add a few drops of iodine to the water along with salt. This enhances the antiseptic properties of the solution. Soda or iodine-soda solution.

Prepared in a similar concentration. Soda creates an alkaline environment in the nasal cavity, unfavorable for the growth of colonies of pathogenic microorganisms. Traditional recipes for nasal rinsing may vary, but when using them it is important to remember: the liquid should enter the nose gradually

, otherwise it may enter the middle ear cavity and spread the infection.

Nasal rinsing technique

The complex can promote the outflow of liquid secretions from the nasal cavity special exercises. They will help improve your condition in an emergency situation when there is no pharmacy or other options nearby. health treatments. The massage was not detailed scientific research, so it’s difficult to judge its effectiveness. There is also no established system, since each traditional healer tends to bring something of his own to the technique. IN general view it can be reduced to the following steps:

  • Forehead massage. With light movements of all fingers, palms are drawn from the middle of the forehead to its periphery. Repeat up to 12 times.
  • Massage of the wings of the nose. It is carried out from top to bottom simultaneously on both sides with the index fingers. Another description advises massaging with the first phalanges of the thumbs. The pressure should not be strong, but noticeable. You need to repeat the movements 10-12 times.
  • Massage the corners of the nostrils. At the lowest points under the wings of the nose it is necessary to place index fingers and make circular movements up to 9 times.
  • Massage in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses. Top down outer side the thumbs are rubbed. Exercises are repeated up to 12 times.

Contraindications for the procedure are elevated body temperature (more than 37°) and skin irritation.


Can be used as a therapeutic measure not only for diseases affecting the lower Airways, but also with a common runny nose, as well as all types, since liquid secretion in any case can flow down, causing . Then the procedure will help to remove it and relieve irritation of the larynx.

For rinsing at home you can use:

  1. Saline, soda solutions;
  2. Breast preparations prepared independently or purchased at a pharmacy;
  3. Propolis tincture;
  4. Hot milk with honey.

Warming up

One of the traditional ways for our country to fight influenza and other colds is the bathhouse. Essentially this is special case such medical procedure like warming up. This also includes drinking plenty of hot drinks and mustard plasters. For viral and bacterial infections they speed up recovery because they contribute to an increase in body temperature (locally, in the area of ​​the source of infection or throughout the body).

You can also influence the affected organ reflexively. Principle this method consists of the statement that an increase in temperature in one part of the body stimulates its increase in another (foot baths). The possibility of such a connection has not been proven, but neither has it been refuted by official medicine.

Warming up creates unfavourable conditions for the life of bacteria and viruses, although, it must be said, some microorganisms are insensitive to high temperatures. In addition, as the famous pediatrician points out E.O. Komarovsky: « Thermal impact leads to the dilation of blood vessels, to the activation of blood circulation in the organ subjected to thermal influence.” This accelerates the flow of immune system cells to the site of infection, increasing the symptoms of inflammation. Warming up cannot always be used. It is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • At high temperature.
  • During purulent processes.
  • For complications of unknown nature.
  • During pregnancy.
  • When there is a risk that cold symptoms are due to allergies.

It is necessary to understand that when severe course diseases, warming will make clinical manifestations even more pronounced, which can cause harm to the patient.

The procedure is often considered as a prevention against hypothermia and the risk of colds. In some cases, it is combined with taking medications, which gives a complex therapeutic effect.

Steam inhalations

The folk method involves simultaneous heating and entry into the nasopharynx cavity active substances. The good thing is that the allergenic load on the body is practically minimal, and the necessary components go directly to the source of infection. Inhalations should be carried out in a well-ventilated, but not cool, area. With the traditional method - deep breathing over a container with a decoction, the procedure time should be 10-20 minutes.

The following are used as initial solutions:

  1. Decoctions of chamomile, calendula;
  2. Coniferous tree buds soaked in boiling water;
  3. Honey with milk;
  4. Boiled potatoes.

For dry inhalation use:

  • Garlic;
  • Lemon zest.

These products have antiseptic properties, which allows you to sanitize the oropharyngeal cavity and cure colds without the use of antibiotics or immunomodulatory drugs.

Body rubbing

This is another one radical way treatment of colds with folk remedies at its first symptoms. It can be a variant of local heating (when only the legs, back or chest are rubbed) or general (the whole body is rubbed). Rubbing is often used in cases of hypothermia, when it is not possible to resort to medical care or visit a pharmacy (while hiking, during expeditions, in remote populated areas). The main products used include:

You can add to the selected product essential oils propolis, eucalyptus, caraway. Another home remedy is a mixture of vodka, vinegar and water in a 1:1:1 ratio. The temperature of the resulting product should be comfortable, room temperature.

Rubbing is carried out in circular, stroking movements, avoiding excessive pressure. During the procedure, it is not recommended to touch the heart area and groin. After rubbing the patient needs to wear warm clothes, Special attention focusing on the feet and hands. It is advisable to go to bed after the procedure and try to sleep.

Warming can be carried out even for colds in children under one year of age, but in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Important! Do not use in infancy camphor oil because it can have a bad effect on cardiovascular system child.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky on the treatment of acute respiratory infections in children without medications

Taking alcoholic beverages

Another favorite the folk way in Russia is to take alcohol containing alcohol at the first sign of malaise. hot pepper. I must say that such therapeutic measure has a right to exist, since both alcohol and pepper, firstly, have a warming effect, and, secondly, prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

However, this
the measure is only permissible:

  • In adulthood;
  • If the patient does not have kidney, liver, or gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Before starting antibiotic therapy.

In addition to pepper, you can add salt to vodka, which also has antiseptic properties. Hot beer warms the throat well, however, the taste of such a drink leaves much to be desired. Many people use mulled wine by heating wine with spices and citrus fruits. This method of treating colds at home is much more pleasant. The main thing is not to overdo it with alcohol intake, as with other methods; after taking 50 grams of vodka or 100-150 ml of wine or beer, it is better to go to bed.

Treatment for colds on the lips

In addition to various types, when cooling, specific “sores” on the lips often appear - labial herpes. Traditional medicine methods involve the use the following means for their treatment:

  1. Baking soda;
  2. Fir oil;
  3. A bag of black tea.

The selected product is applied to the affected area and left until dry. Their principle of operation is the same, due to the tannins they promote the desquamation of mucosal cells and the emergence of new ones that are not affected by the virus. They do not actually fight herpes, but they can speed up recovery. When treating colds on the lips, strong cauterizing agents should be avoided. They can significantly injure the mucous membrane, which will lead to the appearance of a scar.

You can treat a cold yourself without consulting a specialist only if it is mild and has positive dynamics during the first 2-3 days. IN otherwise It is better to consult a doctor to avoid the development of complications and the process becoming chronic.

Video: a cold in the program “Live Healthy!”

Various types of diseases, popularly called “colds,” lie in wait for adults and children not only in cold weather. winter period. Signs of a cold, or in the medical language of acute respiratory infections, often appear during the period of autumn and spring slush, after dipping in cold water or overusing the air conditioner on a hot summer day. How to cure a cold at home quickly and without medications, and is it even possible? Fortunately, our body is a very complex and wisely designed mechanism by nature, which, in case of danger, launches a self-defense system and functions to resist diseases. You just need to help him a little with the same natural and natural medicines.

Such a term in medical reference books you won't find it. The concept of a cold implies a number of diseases caused by hypothermia: ARVI, pharyngitis, laryngitis, influenza, common herpes, sinusitis, etc. They talk about a cold as a disease for the reason that many viruses that cause infectious ailments “live” with us all the time, but the immune system stands guard and prevents their activation.

The concept of a cold implies a number of diseases

Exposure to cold - stressful situation, which slows down the immune system and gives impetus to viral revelry. An army of leukocytes comes to the aid of the body, increasing their number and activity. This struggle is manifested by increased temperature and the appearance purulent formations and plaque - particles of defeated viruses. The frequency and extent of such diseases is individual for each person and depends on the stability of the immune system.

Unfortunately, there is no single pill that would eliminate the symptoms of the disease, despite all the publicity stunts and praise of a miracle cure. Ignoring the first signs is also fraught with the transition of the disease to severe form and the development of complications. Eat whole list human conditions in which the use of pharmaceutical chemicals is contraindicated. In the forefront are children, pregnant women, and those who have severe individual intolerances.

It is quite possible to cure a cold at home quickly for a child or an adult. How to do it? With the help of medicinal herbal teas, compresses, inhalations and other simple procedures.

The main rule: you need to start treatment as quickly as possible, at the first signs, when the disease has not caused more serious complications.

Common cold symptoms

The general symptoms of diseases caused by hypothermia do not necessarily appear all at the same time; sometimes the disease manifests itself only with a runny nose, sometimes it goes away without an increase in temperature. The following are the main signs of a cold:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Sore and sore throat.
  • Aches in bones and joints, muscle pain.
  • General weakness.
  • Sneezing and runny nose.
  • Mild cough.
  • Headache.
  • Herpes.

Mode and nutrition

How to cure a cold at home quickly? First of all, give your body at least a short rest. Treatment while actively working will not lead to anything good.

The diet must be strengthened with a heavy dose of vitamins: salads from fresh vegetables, citrus fruits, freshly squeezed juices. If there are no gastrointestinal diseases associated with increased acidity, try to eat whole lemon– sometimes this one procedure relieves all the initial symptoms. It is better to exclude foods that are difficult to digest, such as fatty meat, during periods of illness - there is no need for the body to waste extra energy.

If you smoke, try to give up this habit for a while, or at least reduce the number of cigarettes.

Drink plenty of fluids: teas, cranberry juice, viburnum and raspberry drinks, water with honey and lemon, warm milk with honey, cocoa - everything is beneficial.

A special word about alcohol. Alcohol does not help the immune system, but only temporarily inhibits the degree of perception. But, 50 - 100 grams of vodka with a spoon of pepper increases sweating and the functioning of the immune system. Naturally, this method is not suitable for children, pregnant women and those for whom alcohol is generally contraindicated.

Way to reduce temperature

An elevated temperature is a positive indication that the body has started the process of clearing viruses. You cannot take antipyretics up to 38°C. Marks above the specified indicator already show dangerous condition. There are many ways to reduce fever without pills.

  • It is quite possible to reduce the fever and cure a child’s cold at home quickly. As soon as the temperature exceeds critical levels, use vinegar compresses and rubdowns. This procedure is effective and popular, the method is suitable for young children. Regular table vinegar is diluted with water, about 2 tablespoons per glass of water. Moisten cloth napkins generously in this solution, wring them out and apply to your forehead and soles, under your socks. Change when dry. You can wipe the baby all over the body, or wrap the baby in a sheet soaked in warm solution, and wrap it in a blanket.
  • A compress of finely grated potatoes with the addition of 1 tablespoon of vinegar will also help reduce the temperature.
  • This method of reducing temperature is considered extreme, but those who decided to try it recommend it to everyone who does not know how to quickly cure a cold in an adult at home. So, attention:

You cannot take antipyretics up to 38 C.

At high temperatures, pour cold water into a bathtub or deep basin. ice water so that it covers the entire foot, down to the level of the bones. Take a stopwatch, or ask someone at home to keep track of the time. Stand in this water for exactly 1 minute, then put on warm woolen socks and stomp at an intense pace, jump, move your legs as much as you can, also for 1 minute. Next - under the blanket, you can drink any Herb tea and wrap yourself up. After these actions occurs heavy sweating, so have your clothes ready to change. Usually the next morning a person wakes up cheerful and healthy.

  • Teas with the addition of dried raspberries or raspberry jam, viburnum.

At the first sign

The easiest way to get rid of viral infection at its first manifestations. There are many ways to cure a cold at home quickly, literally in 2 hours, provided that treatment is started without delay.

  • Cold symptoms will not get worse if you take hot bath with salt, preferably sea salt. You can use a few drops of turpentine or vegetable oils as bath components.
  • This type of foot bath has a stronger effect: you need socks made of pure wool. Heat a glass of water until hot enough to wet your hands, dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt in it. Soak your socks in it, quickly wring it out and put it on. Put plastic bags over your socks and keep your other socks dry. Leave this compress until the morning.
  • Get rid of initial cold Mustard powder poured into socks helps, or mustard plaster placed on the heels for 2 hours (if you can tolerate it).
  • Hot baths with the addition of salt and mustard are also done before bed, combined with medicinal tea.

Healing drinks

Healing drinks can help cure colds

  • Traditional healers know how to cure a cold in an adult at home quickly, almost overnight. They recommend preparing and drinking this drink before bed: mix half a glass of raspberry jam, one tablespoon of honey and melted butter, 50 g of vodka, half a teaspoon baking soda. Drink everything in one gulp.
  • A drink of this composition has the same effect: mix half a glass of warm milk with a beaten egg, a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of butter.
  • A glass of hot milk with one tablespoon of honey or a teaspoon of propolis.
  • Tea made from mint (1 tsp per glass of boiling water) and honey. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
  • Mix raspberry fruits and linden flowers in equal proportions. Steam for half an hour at the rate of 1 tablespoon of the mixture per glass of boiling water. Drink a glass 3-4 times a day.

Nasal rinsing

The mucous membranes of the nose are the most favorite place accumulations of pathogenic viruses.

  • It is recommended to rinse with warm salt water daily for preventive purposes (1 tsp per glass of water). For a cold, add 1 teaspoon of soda and 4-5 drops of iodine to the salt solution. Rinse the nose and throat: suck through the nose so that the throat is also washed.
  • To rinse the nose and throat, prepare a mixture of onion juice and honey (1:1).
  • Place 5 drops of fresh aloe or Kalanchoe juice into your nose every 4 hours.


If you do not have a special device at home for steam inhalations, for these purposes, use a saucepan covered with a lid with a hole (these are usually used for sterilizing jars) or a kettle with a funnel made of thick cardboard placed on it. Inhalations are done in the morning and evening, half an hour after meals, for 15 minutes (7-8 minutes for children).

Inhalation good helper for a cold

Effective compositions for inhalation:

  • A teaspoon of onion juice in 4 cups of water.
  • 5-10 drops of iodine for the same amount of boiling water.
  • A small amount of “Star” balm.
  • 3 tablespoons pine buds, heated in two glasses of boiling water for 5 minutes.
  • 3-5 drops of menthol or eucalyptus oil per glass of water.


Very often, trying to quickly get rid of a cold, patients or their loved ones act thoughtlessly and aggravate other chronic diseases.

We must not forget that traditional medicine methods are also usually used in certain quantities and proportions, the excess of which can be harmful.

Hot foot and general baths should not be done when elevated temperature, they are also contraindicated for hypertensive patients, pregnant women and the elderly.

Honey and other bee products should not be used by allergy sufferers. Such patients should also be careful when using herbs.