Rinse the nose with a warm, weak saline solution. Rinsing the nose is an obligatory attribute of personal hygiene, which we are undeservedly afraid of. Folk remedies for personal nasal hygiene - affordable and effective

Rinsing the nose with a saline solution will help protect the mucous membrane from infections, and is also successfully used in the treatment of a runny nose. You can cleanse with salt at home. To do this, you need to know whether there are contraindications to the procedure, how to properly prepare the solution and the duration of treatment.

Water with added salt helps keep the nasal mucosa in normal condition and is used to prevent runny nose. In concentrated form, it successfully fights sinusitis and even purulent discharge. The product is harmless and can be easily prepared at home.

The use of such solutions helps:

When using a homemade solution, it is important to know how to prepare and apply it correctly. For infants and children under 4 years of age, you should consult a pediatrician, since the procedure also has contraindications (I will describe them below).

Sea or table salt: which is better for rinsing your nose?

In terms of its composition, sea salt is much more effective for rinsing the nose. It helps to quickly get rid of old and purulent discharge. Sea salt for the solution should be taken clean, not for preparing baths, since it contains aromatic additives and often coloring agents.

This can cause swelling and an allergic reaction. Table salt is more suitable for use for preventive purposes.

Useful minerals that make up sea salt and their properties:

Minerals Benefits of use
IodineFights infection.

Kills bacteria.

Promotes the drainage of pus

CalciumPromotes healing of small cracks in the nasal passage.

Reduces the inflammatory process.

Eliminates irritation and burning sensation.

MagnesiumCalms the nervous system, which reduces the likelihood of spasms, which in turn can cause swelling and congestion
ManganeseStrengthens the immune system.

Destroys pathogens of nasal discharge.

Copper, ironRestore blood vessels in the nasal cavity.

This helps normalize blood circulation.

Relieves swelling of the nasal passages.

Depending on where sea salt is mined, its composition may vary. Therefore, you need to pay attention when buying salt and do it better at the pharmacy. The naturalness and purity of the salt composition can be determined by its smell. It should smell like the sea and no other foreign odors. The color may be slightly dark.

Necessary equipment

You can rinse your nose with saline solution at home only if you follow all the preparation rules and have special equipment. You must also have the necessary ingredients (the solution is prepared from table or sea salt with the addition of iodine and soda).

For preparation, you need clean, distilled or mineral water without gases. Tap water may contain harmful bacteria or chemical contaminants. They will only increase swelling and cause further deterioration of the general condition. They can also cause allergies.

You can make your own water. To do this, it must be boiled in a metal container and allowed to stand for up to 5 hours. After this, only 2/3 of the top water is drained. The residues contain harmful substances and impurities. They need to be thrown out.

Before cooking, you need to prepare the container. The solution cannot be prepared in containers made of stainless material or cheap plastic. The container must be washed and disinfected; it is advisable to use antibacterial detergents.

They also wash the object with which the solution will be stirred (spoon, fork or whisk). After washing, all equipment is thoroughly rinsed and dried.

To pour the solution into the nose, the following can be used:

  • pear;
  • pipette;
  • mug with spout;
  • syringe with a volume of 20 cubic meters;
  • container with a special soft rubber tube.

These items should be washed thoroughly after use. If possible, they can be boiled.

Be sure to filter the prepared solution through cheesecloth. It must be clean and ironed. During the ironing process, the temperature destroys microbes. You can buy sterile gauze at the pharmacy for each time.

If you make the slightest mistake (not ironed gauze, poorly washed containers or poor-quality water), rinsing your nose can only do harm. The infection received during the procedure will settle in the nasal mucosa and begin to develop. Use fresh solution before each use.

Standard solution for adults for runny nose

Before preparing the solution, you need to decide for what purpose it will be used. If you need to eliminate a runny nose and there is already an infection, then you need to take sea salt; for prevention, use table salt.

Prepare equipment and solution components:

If the runny nose is not severe or is already ending, then you can prepare a solution of table salt for rinsing. To do this, take 0.45 ml of warm water, temperature no more than 37 degrees and 2-3 g of salt. The salt must be dissolved to the last grain. The resulting solution is filtered and divided into 2 parts for each nostril.

If the runny nose is more severe, thicker or already with purulent discharge, then the solution is prepared from 25-30 g of sea salt and 0.450 ml of filtered water. When the washing procedure was carried out correctly, no side effects were noted.

Rules for rinsing the nose:

If there are disturbances in the salt concentration, this can cause a burning sensation in the nose and even a burn of the mucous membrane. If side effects are observed when carried out correctly, then you need to inform the ENT specialist; perhaps adjustments to the constituent components are needed.

With iodine for sinusitis

For sinusitis, it is recommended to rinse the nose with iodine added to the solution. The drug is prepared with sea salt (the recipe is described above) and you need to add 3 drops of iodine to it. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise there will be a burn to the nasal mucosa. Iodine will enhance the bactericidal properties of the solution. The washing procedure should be carried out 3-5 times a day. It is no longer recommended; it can severely dry out the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.

For runny nose in children

Young children from birth can also rinse their nose with saline solution. Before preparing the product and using it at home, you need to check with your pediatrician about all the nuances of the procedure.

Before rinsing, the nostrils must be cleared of mucus using flagella. If the baby is very small, up to 1 month, then after cleansing, you can place a cotton swab soaked in a saline solution in the nostril. Hold for 15-25 minutes, and then clean the next nostril. You cannot plug both nostrils at the same time, this will scare the baby.

For children from the 2nd month to the year, the solution can be instilled into the nose using a pipette (1-2 drops). Rinsing with a syringe can damage the still fragile septum and damage the thin skin in the nasal passage.

Before the procedure, you need to prepare the baby so that he does not cry or resist. After instillation, the baby is seated on his knees and the solution is allowed to flow out. You can also remove the solution using suction. From 2 to 5 years old, children can clear their nose with a syringe over a basin.

The solutions are prepared the same for all ages of children. Take 2-3 g of sea salt per 180-200 ml of warm water. Mix thoroughly and strain. Before use, check the temperature of the product; it should not exceed 36.6-37 degrees.

If a child has dry nose or slight redness, the passages should be lubricated with baby bepanthen. It will relieve irritation. The next time you wash, you need to reduce the salt concentration. If itching is more severe, the procedure is cancelled.

Concentrated remedy for rhinitis

The concentrated product is rarely used. It helps eliminate purulent and thick nasal discharge, and is also used to remove foreign objects from the nose and coarse dust. The solution can be used no more than once every 2 days. Otherwise, the mucous membrane will dry out and burns.

Recipes for concentrated products:

The product helps well with advanced nasal diseases. Can be used for gargling. If severe itching occurs during use. It is not recommended to use the drug. It can be replaced with medications.

Washing with salt and soda

It is most often recommended to rinse your nose with saline solution at home together with the use of soda. It not only disinfects the nasal cavity, but also has analgesic properties, relieves inflammation and swelling. Unlike iodine, it does not cause burns.

To prepare, you will need warm water (50 degrees) 180-230 ml, 10-12 g of salt and soda. Everything is stirred well until the salt is completely dissolved and filtered through cheesecloth. When the solution has cooled to 36.7-37 degrees, it can be used. If sea salt is used, then 20-25 g will be required.

Combined product with soda and iodine

The most powerful remedy for treating a runny nose is a mixture of salt, iodine and soda. It helps fight purulent discharge, disinfects and restores normal microflora. But with prolonged use or with the wrong dosage, it can cause dryness of the mucous membranes and irritation.

From the ingredients you can prepare a solution for washing the nome or for instillation.

For the solution you will need:

Iodine is added when soda and salt are well mixed in water. The solution is used for up to 3 days. If no improvement is noted, the ENT specialist will prescribe medications.

To prepare the drops:

  • 50-60 ml of water at a temperature of 35-37 degrees;
  • up to 2 g of soda;
  • up to 3 g of salt (sea salt up to 5 g);
  • iodine no more than 3 drops.

Use as usual nasal drops. If the product causes severe burning or dryness, then it is better to use medications. Otherwise, the procedures can cause irreparable harm.

How many times a day should you rinse your nose?

You can rinse your nose with saline solution at home if the dosage is strictly followed when preparing the medicine and when using it. You also need to follow the course of treatment. An ENT specialist may prescribe this.

For rinsing, use 180-220 ml of solution per nostril. The solution should be no lower than 35 degrees and no higher than 37. Depending on the concentration, it can be used from 3 to 5 times a day. Concentrated solutions cannot be used for more than 5 days.

A weak remedy for prevention is used constantly, with an interval of 3-4 days, once a day (preferably in the evening). For treatment, a solution of medium concentration is used for no more than 15 days, 3 times a day.

Only an ENT specialist can prescribe the exact dosage and course. And also choose a replacement drug if the saline solution does not cope with the disease.


Saline solutions have contraindications. Therefore, it is better to use even a harmless weak solution after consultation with an ENT specialist. Improper treatment will trigger the disease, and the infection can enter the brain, which is very dangerous.

When nasal rinsing is prohibited:

Washing should not be carried out if there is a fever or if the immune system is severely weakened, as the body may react negatively to external influences with the solution.

Alternative drugs: saline solutions in the pharmacy

Rinsing with a homemade saline solution can be replaced with pharmaceutical preparations. They may also be prescribed by your pediatrician/GP or ENT specialist. You cannot choose on your own, especially for children under 1 year old.

Medicinal analogues of saline solution:

Rinsing the nose with saline solutions should be done after consultation with an ENT specialist to avoid side effects and identify contraindications. Only the correct dosage and preparation will bring benefits when using the products at home.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video: How to rinse your nose

How to rinse your nose:

Rinsing the nose with a salt solution is used for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, sinusitis and cleansing of the nasal passages in adults and children. Find out how to rinse your child’s nose with the “correct” salt water and do not neglect the procedure. After regular rinsing, children recover faster, get sick less often, and breathe easier when they have a runny nose.

In what cases is the procedure used?

Rinsing the nasal passages with saline solution is an absolutely safe procedure, every mother can do it. It is important to choose the right device, as well as the concentration of the product and the frequency of the procedure.

It is used both as a prophylaxis and in the treatment of sinusitis and adenoiditis. If you have a runny nose or nasal congestion, it is necessary to carry out the procedure several times a day. It is recommended for people of any age, starting from the neonatal period.

Benefits of the procedure

  • cleaning the cavity from dust, mucus, pollen;
  • disinfection;
  • increasing local immunity;
  • Relieving swelling, improving breathing.

Helps maintain hydration of the mucous membranes, especially if the air in the room is dry. For allergy sufferers, this procedure will help get rid of dust particles and pollen in the nose upon arrival from the street. The procedure is indicated even for healthy children to prevent viral diseases.

Recipes for saline rinsing solutions

A few simple ways to prepare a rinsing solution:

  1. Boil 1 liter of plain water, add 1 teaspoon of salt, stir. If sediment is visible at the bottom, strain the liquid through cheesecloth. Cool to a temperature of 25–30 degrees.
  2. Add 0.5 teaspoon of sea salt and soda to one glass of boiling water. This sea salt solution can be used in adult children in complex treatment.
  3. To remove severe contaminants from the nasal passages, adolescents can rinse their nose once with a concentrated solution: stir 2 teaspoons of salt in a glass of boiling water, strain, and cool.

Additionally, salt solutions can be enriched with herbal decoctions: calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort, or add a few drops of iodine. However, all of this can be used in children over 6 years of age.

How often can I wash?

Not knowing how often you can rinse your baby’s nose, many parents refuse the procedure. If you have a runny nose, wash your nose at least 4 times a day. For preventive purposes, saline solution is used every other day. Children with allergies to pollen should be washed after each visit to the street.

If vasoconstrictor drops or ointments are used, they should be applied after cleansing the passages with a salt solution. This way, the effect of the medications will be enhanced, since they will be applied to a clean, moistened mucous membrane.

Washing for sinusitis, rhinitis, adenoiditis, ARVI is carried out for 1–4 weeks. In case of chronic diseases of the nasal cavity, staying in a dusty room, or severe dry air in the room, you can rinse your nose every day at least once in the morning and in the evening.

Features and methodology of the procedure for children

You can rinse your baby’s nose using special devices: a pipette, a regular syringe without a needle, a watering can, a “pear” with a soft tip. It is important to know how to rinse children of different ages:

  1. For newborns and infants, the nose is washed while lying down. You need to tilt your head back a little, put a diaper or rolled up towel under your neck. 3-5 drops of solution from a pipette should be injected into each nasal passage. After 5 minutes, the nasal cavity is cleaned with an aspirator.
  2. Older children can rinse their nose over the sink. Before washing, you need to blow your nose. The child tilts his head forward and opens his mouth. First, 15–20 milliliters of saline solution from a syringe or a special vessel are injected into one nostril, then into the other. The solution will flow into your mouth and should be spat out.
  3. Teens can simply scoop the saline solution into a low bowl, lean over it, and sniff the liquid through their nose, then spit it out.

Contraindications and side effects

In some cases, saline rinsing may be contraindicated:

  • nosebleeds;
  • neoplasms;
  • obstruction of passages;
  • abnormal structure of the nasal septum;
  • allergic reactions to the components of the solution.

Be sure to keep your mouth slightly open when rinsing with a syringe or watering can. Otherwise, increased pressure will be created, which can cause otitis media. When rinsing your nose with a syringe or syringe, do not press hard so that the saline solution under pressure does not enter the Eustachian tube.

Rinsing the nose is the simplest and most effective way to get rid of excess mucus during a runny nose, disinfect the mucous membrane and cleanse the passages of pollen and dust. Using the correct technique, the procedure will also be useful as a preventive measure - maintaining the proper level of hydration of the mucous membrane. And this is protection against viruses and pathogenic microbes. The famous pediatrician Oleg Komarovsky recommends rinsing the nose of all children attending kindergarten or school every day.

It is known that the most effective method of treating a runny nose is rinsing the nose with salt water. With its help, you can completely cleanse your nose of all pathogenic microorganisms that penetrate deep into the nasal passages. Some people believe that rinsing your nose with salt is only possible when there is excessive secretion from the nasopharynx or when it is congested. But this statement is incorrect, since even at the first signs of a cold or general malaise, such a procedure can stop the development of a runny nose.

This procedure is also useful for absolutely healthy people in order to maintain normal functioning of the respiratory system. However, few people use this method of personal hygiene, and not everyone knows exactly how to rinse the nose with saline solution. Having decided to cleanse the nasopharynx in this way, you must first familiarize yourself with all the nuances and features of its organization.

Benefits of the procedure

Salt relieves swelling and inflammation, strengthens the tone of the vessels of the nasal cavity

Many people are interested in how often to carry out the procedure, and whether it is dangerous for the mucous membranenasal cavity. After all, like any other method of therapy, cleansing the nose can bring not only benefits, but also harm. However, if you know how to rinse your nose with salt water and follow all the recommendations, the procedure will only bring positive results. The therapeutic procedure will have the following effect on the body:

  • effective removal of dust microparticles and other possible allergens from the nasopharynx, eliminating the likelihood of allergic manifestations;
  • strengthening capillaries and improving cell activity in the nasal cavity, thereby increasing local immunity;
  • disinfection of the nasopharynx, which reduces the likelihood of developing an inflammatory process;
  • facilitating nasal breathing by relieving swelling of the mucous membrane.

Regular implementation of the procedure for sinusitis, sinusitis and rhinitis reduces the treatment time for diseases and speeds up the recovery process. Also, rinsing the nasopharynx with saline solution allows you to avoid the development of unpleasant complications in case of advanced runny nose.

The benefits of rinsing the nasopharynx with saline solution are also evidenced by the use of such products in otolaryngology, presented in the form of a solution of sea salt - Aquamaris, Salina, Humera.

How to prepare the solution?

Add 2 tsp to 200 ml of boiled water. salt and stir until the crystals are completely dissolved

  1. In a glass of warm boiled water you need to dissolve 2 tsp. salt. If the salt crystals have not completely dissolved, the solution must be filtered, since their entry into the nasal cavity can cause serious damage to the mucous membrane.
  2. A drop of iodine can be added to such a saline solution, which has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membrane.
  3. For people with sensitive nasal mucosa, you can prepare the following solution for rinsing the nose with salt: take 1 tsp. soda and salt, dilute them with a glass of warm water.

When preparing a solution for rinsing the nasopharynx, it is better to use sea salt instead of table salt, since it is rich in many useful minerals and has a healing effect on the mucous membrane. To prepare it, you need to dilute a tablespoon of sea salt in a liter of warm water.

Carrying out the procedure

To rinse your nose with saline solution, you can use the most suitable and convenient method among all existing ones:

  1. Pinch one nostril and through the other inhale the prepared solution with salt to rinse the nose. It is very important that the fluid drawn into the sinus passes through the nasal passages and flows into the mouth. If necessary, any remaining mucus can be blown out of your nose.
  2. From India came to us a method of cleansing the nasopharynx from mucus, bacteria and allergens, called “Jala-neti”. To implement this you will need a special small teapot. You need to insert it into one nostril, tilt your head, and pour in the liquid so that it comes out through the second nostril. Repeat such manipulations with the second nostril; a small part of the solution can be drawn into the nasopharynx. This therapeutic action should be carried out 3 times throughout the day until complete recovery.
  3. To cleanse the nose, you can use a small syringe or syringe. You need to tilt your head to the side and pour the liquid alternately into both sinuses, then blow your nose well. If the nose is very stuffy, drops that have a vasoconstrictor effect must be instilled into it 15 minutes beforehand.
  4. For some people, this procedure is so unpleasant that they refuse this method of treating a runny nose. As an alternative, you can opt for nasal instillation of saline solution. To do this, you need to drop 5-7 drops into your nasal passages and after 30 seconds, blow your nose well. Of course, deep rinsing is much more effective than instillation, but still, it can also bring significant relief to the patient.

It is important to remember that if you are prone to ear diseases - otitis media, you should avoid this procedure when treating a runny nose.

Rinsing the nose with salt water is widely used not only in folk medicine, but also in traditional medicine, since doctors always prescribe the use of sea water-based sprays when treating a runny nose. To effectively carry out the therapeutic procedure, it is important to follow all the recommendations of specialists.

Saline solution is one of the most affordable and safest medicines for a runny nose. The product is used for swelling of the mucous membrane and inflammation, a feeling of dryness and purulent discharge. Rinse the nasal passages with a salt solution and gargle to speed up recovery. Home remedy is allowed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Suitable for children, even newborns. The main thing is to know how to prepare the right drug and how to use it.

Sea or cook

The effectiveness of the solution depends on the quality of the main component - sodium chloride. For a mild runny nose, the nasal passages are washed with a medicine made from table salt. The spice disinfects the mucous membrane, preventing bacteria from descending into the throat and bronchi.

Thick purulent discharge of a greenish or brownish tint is recommended to be washed out with a solution of sea salt. Choose a food variety that does not contain flavorings or dyes. Chemical additives irritate the nasal mucosa, increasing swelling.

Sea salt contains minerals that make breathing easier:

  1. Calcium heals small cracks in the mucous membrane. Removes burning and irritation, helps with inflammation.
  2. Copper and iron restore the functioning of capillaries and small vessels. Blood circulation is normalized and swelling is reduced.
  3. Iodine has antiseptic properties. The mineral is recommended for infectious rhinitis, bacterial rhinitis and sinusitis. The substance disinfects the nasal passages and throat mucosa, improves the outflow of purulent secretions.
  4. Manganese increases local immunity. Helps the body fight runny nose pathogens.
  5. Magnesium normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and relieves spasms, which can cause swelling and congestion.

Sea salt works more effectively than the table variety. It’s not for nothing that pharmaceutical solutions are prepared from ocean water. But if you don’t have sea salt at home, regular food spice will also come in handy. You can use the iodized variety; it also has antibacterial properties.

Liquid for solution

It is prohibited to rinse your nasal passages with tap water. Unfiltered liquid contains bacteria. They enter the mucous membrane, weakened by infectious or allergic rhinitis, and increase inflammation.

A high-quality saline solution will be obtained from distilled or mineral still water. It is free of germs and impurities that can irritate the nasal mucosa.

If there is no filtered sterile liquid in the house, prepare it yourself. Fill a ceramic or iron pan with tap water, bring it to a boil and leave for 4-5 hours. The top layer is carefully drained and used to rinse the nose. The lower one, in which sediment floats, cannot be used. It is poured into the sewer.

Sterile equipment

Not only the water should be clean, but also the dishes intended for storing homemade medicine. The cup or jar in which the solution is going to be prepared is washed with antibacterial soap. The container is rinsed several times so that no film of the chemical remains on the walls, and then doused with boiling water.

The spoon or fork used for stirring the solution is also disinfected. The medicine must be filtered through sterile gauze, which is washed and ironed after use or thrown away.

Disinfection cannot be neglected. Salt will not be able to destroy all the bacteria living on the walls of a cup or spoon. They will get into the nose, increasing inflammation, and provoke an exacerbation of rhinitis or sinusitis.

Important: Do not mix salt and water in containers made of stainless steel or low-quality plastic. They release substances that increase irritation and swelling.


A solution that is too weak simply washes away the purulent discharge, but does not destroy the bacteria that caused the runny nose. Concentrated burns the mucous membrane, increasing swelling and congestion. You need to rinse your nasal passages with a five percent medicine. The product moisturizes, heals cracks and has antiseptic properties.

A solution for adults is prepared from a teaspoon of table salt and 500 ml of boiled or distilled water. The ingredients are stirred until the spice is completely dissolved. If the medicine consists of filtered water and sea salt, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. dry ingredient.

In children, especially newborns, the nasal mucosa is very sensitive. The solution for a child includes 5 g of table salt or 10 g of sea salt and two cups of boiled water. It is better not to use distilled.

Concentrated home medicine is used in rare cases:

  • with purulent sinusitis;
  • to soften crusts in the nose;
  • to thin out too thick secretions;
  • to remove foreign objects from the nasal passages.

The solution cleanses the nasal passages of dirt and even washes away coal dust. The product is used once a day. If more often, irritation and discomfort will appear.

Concentrated medicine from table salt is prepared from 2.5 tsp. dry component and a half-liter jar of water. Wash the nasal passages with the solution and gargle. You will need 2 times more sea salt. Take 3-4 tsp for 0.5 liters of liquid. ingredient.

Cooking methods

The concentrated solution must be brought to a boil. First, distilled water is poured into an enamel pan. The liquid is heated, then table or sea salt is added. Stir with a wooden spoon until it boils. Remove the pan with the nasal rinse from the stove. Wait until the solution cools to room temperature.

The five percent version of the medicine is prepared from hot water. Pour a spoonful of salt into a jar or cup of liquid and stir. Set aside for 5–10 minutes so that the particles of the dry component settle to the bottom.

The concentrated and regular solution is filtered through sterile gauze before use. The piece is folded in four and secured to the jar. Water is poured in a thin stream.

The fabric will retain small salt crystals. Spice particles fall on the mucous membrane during rinsing, leaving small scratches on it. Bacteria penetrate into cracks and wounds, which increase inflammation and slow down healing.


The solution prepared from sea salt contains all the necessary minerals: iodine, calcium, magnesium and iron. Sometimes soda is added to the product at the tip of the knife to enhance its antibacterial properties.

Dissolve 2 drops of iodine in a glass of table salt medicine. The drug disinfects the nasal passages and maxillary sinuses, destroying the cause of rhinitis. The supplement is contraindicated for young children. It causes irritation and can cause swelling of the mucous membrane. Iodine is not used if the saline solution is intended for rinsing the nose for allergic rhinitis.

A remedy prepared from a chamomile solution will moisturize dry mucous membranes and relieve burning. Boil a tablespoon of flowers in a cup of water. The warm drink is filtered and mixed with 10 g of sea salt. Apply as a regular solution. Instead of chamomile decoction, herbal infusions of St. John's wort and calendula are used.

Before the procedure, homemade medicine is heated to 29–32 degrees. A solution that is too hot burns the mucous membrane, causing irritation and congestion. Cold reduces local immunity, leading to worsening runny nose and complications.

The solution is injected into the nasal passages with a small rubber syringe or a watering can with a thin spout, tilting the head to the left or right. During rinsing, the mouth is slightly opened to prevent liquid from entering the ear canals. The head is tilted to the side, and the solution is injected into the nostril, which is on top.

After the procedure, the mucous membrane is lubricated with Vaseline or sea buckthorn oil. The salt medicine flushes out purulent discharge along with natural lubrication. There is a feeling of dryness in the nose, and sometimes a slight burning sensation. Vasoconstrictor drops are used after rinsing to relieve congestion. They absorb faster and work more efficiently.

Patients with infectious or bacterial rhinitis, sinusitis or sinusitis are recommended to use saline solution for 1-3 weeks. A common runny nose will be cleared up with a home remedy in 3-6 days.

For ARVI and colds, as well as sinusitis, the nose is washed with saline solution 4-5 times a day. For allergic swelling and congestion, use a home remedy three times a day.

People working in dusty areas are recommended to clean their nasal passages twice a day. If the air in your home or office is too dry, use a saline solution in the morning and evening to moisturize the mucous membranes.

Homemade medicine is used for chronic diseases of the nasopharynx:

  • sinusitis;
  • adenoids;
  • sinusitis;
  • rhinitis.

The nasal passages are irrigated with the product twice a day. The solution is used morning and evening to prevent colds, infectious and viral diseases, as well as influenza.

Children wash their nose 4 times a day if they have a runny nose and inflammation of the mucous membrane. For prevention, 1 procedure per day is sufficient.

Patients with pollen allergies are advised to irrigate their nasal passages after each walk in the park or street. A weak solution is prepared for washing. It gently cleanses the mucous membrane of allergens, but does not cause irritation with frequent use.


Saline solution is an effective and cheap treatment, but it is not suitable for all patients. The nose should not be washed if a person has:

  • curvature or abnormal structure of the nasal septum;
  • bleeding occurs regularly;
  • there are polyps or neoplasms;
  • obstruction of the nasal passages;
  • otitis.

Saline solution causes allergic reactions in some patients. The mucous membrane turns red and swells, a burning sensation and nasal congestion appears, and a clear liquid secretes. In such cases, you need to take an antihistamine and consult a doctor.

Alternative drugs

Homemade medicine cannot be stored for a long time. Doctors advise preparing a new rinsing liquid before each procedure. Pharmacies sell analogues of saline solution that help with rhinitis and are stored for one to several months. These include:

  • Aquamaris;
  • No-salt;
  • Salin;
  • Aqualor;
  • Dolphin.

A budget analogue is nine percent sodium chloride. Saline solution is sold in glass bottles with rubber stoppers. The lid must not be removed, otherwise the preparation will quickly deteriorate. It is better to pierce it with a syringe and collect the required amount of product.

Preparing the saline solution takes 5–10 minutes. You need to mix the ingredients, chop the dough and strain. The result is an inexpensive antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent that helps with allergic and infectious rhinitis, treats sinusitis and sinusitis, and also protects against colds and viral diseases.

Video: how to rinse your nose

Rinsing your nose with saline solution at home does not require any special knowledge or skills. The method is completely painless and can be carried out individually and in combination with medications.

Since preparing a saline solution for rinsing the nose is not difficult, even a schoolchild can use this method of rinsing. The mixture consists of salt, which can be ordinary or pure, and pure water.

Before starting the procedure, you should know all the subtleties of using the method and its effect on the human body.

Rinsing the nose at home has a number of indications. The method is recommended for diseases of the ear, nose and throat:

  • acute inflammatory throat diseases;
  • (spicy and);
  • adenoiditis;
  • allergic diseases of the nasal cavity;
  • pneumonia;
  • headache;
  • nervous fatigue.

Saline solution can be used from infancy.


The recipe for making salt liquid is simple. Dissolve 2 teaspoons of salt in a liter of water (previously brought to a boil and cooled to room temperature) and stir well.

If sea salt is used, it must be used in its pure form, that is, without flavorings or dyes. Sea salt must also be checked before use for the presence of small stones, as it can injure the nasal mucosa. To do this, it is recommended to strain the resulting solution through ordinary gauze.

The prepared recipe is intended for an adult.

If desired, iodized drops can be added to the saline solution, which promotes a therapeutic effect.

Another effective recipe is to add a spoon to the resulting solution of salt and iodine.

This composition contributes to:

  • reducing the inflammation process;
  • elimination of dust particles and bacteria;
  • relieving swelling of the nasal mucosa.

The solution is also required to be filtered before washing.

Rules for application

Violation of normal breathing through the nasal cavity creates discomfort for a person, and often makes breathing difficult. This can happen for various reasons - through the ingress of microbes or dust particles that settle on the mucous membrane of the sinuses.

The formation of a runny nose can be of various origins:

  • viral;
  • allergenic;
  • bacterial in nature.

To understand how to rinse your nose with salt water without aggravating the inflamed nasal mucosa, you must follow certain rules.

The method cannot be performed if there is sinus congestion. It is necessary to first stimulate the narrowing of the inflamed mucosa by instilling appropriate drops and clearing the nose. A prerequisite is that the water moves along the partitions by gravity. Do not suck in liquid.


How to rinse your nose at home carefully and not end up wet yourself, you can follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • pour the prepared saline solution into a container with an elongated nose (teapot, small watering can);
  • bend over in front of the sink, simulating morning washing;
  • Having tilted your head to the right, you need to lift it up;
  • when inhaling, the breath is held, the mouth remains open;
  • the spout of the teapot is leaned against the right nasal passage and tilted so that the liquid flows in a slow stream;
  • salty liquid will pour out through the opposite nasal passage;
  • The duration of the manipulation is 5–10 s.

After each session you need to blow your nose. Rinsing is done 2 times in each nostril.


There are a number of methods by which a nasal rinse solution is used at home.

Flushing with a syringe is a method used for sinus congestion. The mixture is poured into a syringe and injected alternately into both nasal passages. When rinsing, the mouth is in an open position. The accumulated mixture will exit through the oral cavity.

Rinsing the nose with a saline solution using a syringe is an effective method both for the initial signs of a cold and during the entire treatment. The method of execution is similar to the previous method, but instead of a syringe it uses a syringe.

Cleaning the nose using a reusable sanitary device (Esmarch mug) - different composition (silicone, rubber, etc.) The device is installed in the bathroom in front of the sink.

The distance from the sink to the container should be at least half a meter. The tube of the device is fixed close to the nostril passage. Breathing is done through the nose. The salty liquid will slowly flow into one nostril and flow out through the opposite. The procedure takes about 5 minutes for each nasal passage. After finishing, intensive nose blowing is not recommended.

Flow rinsing - this method is used when two nasal passages are congested at the same time. In front of the sink, the head is lowered so that the nostrils are one under the other. Saline liquid is poured into the upper nasal sinus, and will be poured out through the lower one. To prevent it from getting into the throat, you should make the sound “and” when rinsing.

Frequency of the washing process

Depending on the severity of the disease and the age category of the patients, the frequency of washing is also determined.

For preventive purposes, children need to clear their nose with saline liquid no more than once. In the presence of any severity of the disease, a maximum of 4 times is allowed. The frequency of application of the procedures is on average 2 weeks.

It is worth keeping in mind that before starting the washing process, be sure to check for the following signs:

  • weakened condition of the vessels of the nasal cavity;
  • excessive swelling;
  • various kinds of growths.

If these signs are detected, you must contact a medical facility.

Possible contraindications

Rinsing your nose with a saline solution at home is the first thing to do when you have sinus congestion.

Since making a saline solution for rinsing the nose (any recipe of your choice) is quite simple and suitable for almost everyone, do not forget about possible contraindications to the procedure. These include the presence of pathologies:

  • epilepsy;
  • any degree;
  • growths of the nasal cavity;
  • any diseases of the ear.

People who are prone to nosebleeds should carry out the rinsing procedure with extreme caution. In this case, you should first consult your doctor.

During the procedure, you need to start with slow rinsing, watching how the solution flows out.

Please note that the following symptoms may be present during the first washes:

  • headache;
  • feeling of ear fullness;
  • redness of the eyeball;
  • burning;
  • sneezing sensation.

The saline solution made for both adults and children is an effective preventive measure.

Since everyone needs to know how to properly rinse their nose at home, this skill will help to avoid many consequences in the future.

Video: How to rinse your nose