Herbal medicine as a method of treating infertility. How to determine infertility. Delicious remedies for the prevention of infertility in men

Ortilia one-sided, or hog queen used for violations menstrual cycle related to high level estradiol. A course of use of the herb for infertility effectively copes with inflammation of the appendages, ovarian cysts, and normalizes liver function, which in turn indirectly helps restore normal level hormones.

Sage is used to accelerate the growth of the endometrial follicle and to normalize the functioning of the ovaries. Herbalists often recommend taking sage decoctions to cope with infertility. classical ways fails.

Elecampane recommended. The decoction is prescribed in the second phase of the cycle to maintain the function of the corpus luteum. When pregnancy occurs, the embryo successfully attaches to the walls of the uterus if a course of herbal medicine with elecampane was previously carried out.

The red brush helps in the complex treatment of endometriosis, endocrine pathologies, diseases of the adrenal glands. At elevated level Androgens make it almost impossible to get pregnant. A three-month intake of red brush tincture normalizes hormonal background And long-awaited pregnancy is coming.

Knotweed is used for inflammatory processes that last a long time in the genitals and urinary tract. The most effective is taking knotweed decoction in the first phase of the cycle.

Wintergreen roundifolia is used to treat infertility if the reason for the lack of pregnancy is inflammatory diseases appendages, endometritis.

Plantain seeds restore the menstrual cycle, help cope with inflammation in the tubes and infertility, but only when used in decoctions as part of complex treatment.

Hemlock – poisonous plant. It is often used to treat infertility associated with adhesions in the tubes. It is recommended to use protection when using a poisonous plant. And after completing the course of herbal medicine, you can try to get pregnant again.

Comprehensive infertility treatment

If a woman cannot become pregnant, the first step is to undergo a thorough medical examination. The use of any herbal medicines for the treatment of infertility must be agreed with a doctor and used only in the composition complex therapy. Self-medication can lead to disastrous results. The woman will hope for miraculous healing and the help of herbs to treat infertility. And at this time, perhaps, more radical methods are already required.

I write everything I know. Sorry in advance if I repeat anyone!

ORTHILIA ONE-SIDED (hog uterus) Cormus Orthiliae secundae

Don't get too carried away and take it all the time. You can, for example, alternate it with women's herbal mixture"Anastasia". He also has a hog queen, but in a smaller dose. It is usually consumed for three months in a row with a break during menstruation. Borovaya uterus is drunk either immediately after menstruation or in the second phase of the cycle, if there is not enough estrogen according to test results. Methods for preparing Borovaya uterus:
Decoction. 2 tbsp. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over spoons of chopped herbs, leave for 2 hours, covered. Strain. Take half a glass 4 times a day before meals. Another cooking method:
Place 1 tablespoon in an enamel bowl and pour into one glass hot water, close with a lid and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes at room temperature, filter, squeeze out the remaining raw materials, bring the volume of boiled water to 200 ml, drink 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day. Douching. Infuse two tablespoons of the herb into a glass of boiling water for two to three hours. Sage.Salvia

It is a phytoestrogen, a substance plant origin, By chemical structure similar to estrogen produced by the human body. Estrogen is a female hormone involved in follicle formation. Therefore, Sage is recommended to be drunk in the first half of the cycle only to those women who have low own estrogen. Take sage with last day menstruation before ovulation (determined by the condition of the vaginal mucosa, basal temperature, special test systems). It is believed that sage promotes the growth of healthy follicles and ovulation.
You should remember to use sage in moderation: allergies may occur, and large doses can lead to poisoning. For brewing, a teaspoon per glass of boiling water is enough, and divide this portion into 3 parts. Drink by dessert spoon 2 times a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and at night. Course - 3 months. If it doesn't come desired pregnancy, then take a break for 2 months and repeat the treatment.

RED BRUSH (Rodiola guadrefida)

Has a beneficial effect on the second phase of menstruation. Cycle (i.e., should be taken after you have finished taking sage), within 12 days after ovulation. In folk medicine, KSH is used by women to treat mastopathy, fibroids and uterine fibroids, erosion cervix, cystosis of the uterus and ovaries, endometriosis, painful and irregular menstrual cycles, also absence of menstruation associated with hormonal disorders, bleeding, tumors of various etiologies. Decoction: 1 tablespoon of dry crushed root is poured into 300 ml of water and boiled for 5 minutes in a sealed container, then allowed to brew for at least an hour. Take 100 ml 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals with a teaspoon natural honey. Taking KSH is incompatible with hormones (synthetic and natural origin). You can also douche with a decoction of the Red Brush. For douching: 1 tsp. Tinctures for 0.5 l warm boiled water. Douche morning and evening for 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment is 7 days. Then a 7-day break, repeat 2-3 courses if necessary.
Taking red brush is incompatible with hormones (synthetic and natural origin). Herbs include: hops, clover, licorice, cocklebur and other hormone-containing herbs. It is not advisable to use a brush when blood pressure above 180/100, because Red brush is a natural adaptogen. Nineforce. Elecampane tall (deviatisil, divosil, oman) - Inula helenium

Helps function corpus luteum, promotes attachment of the embryo to the uterus. It is drunk in the second phase of the cycle to maintain it for 7-14 days. Apply as follows. 1 tsp. L. Pour elecampane roots with a glass of boiling water in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then leave for 4 hours and strain. Take 1 tbsp. L 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. Can be used within 2 days (store in the refrigerator).

SPORYSH (bird knotweed).Polygonum aviculare

Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Helps ripening dominant follicle and the growth of the endometrium (the mechanism of action is not the same as that of sage), it should be taken in the first phase after menstruation. Knotweed is believed to stimulate ovulation. There is evidence that knotweed can stimulate a decrease in estradiol. There may also be an increase in androgens. Therefore, before use, it is advisable to carry out tests for hormonal balance. Application: brew 6 tsp. For 1 liter of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 4-5 hours. Drink a third of a glass before meals 20-30 minutes. Round-leaved wintergreen. Pyrola rotundifolia

Indications: inflammation of the appendages, endometritis. Renders good effect in the treatment of adnexitis. Leave 2 teaspoons of dry crushed leaves for 2 hours in a dark place in a sealed container in a glass of boiling water. Strain. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day before meals. Tincture: leave 50 g of dry crushed wintergreen leaves for two weeks in a warm and dark place in 0.5 liters of vodka. Take 30 to 40 drops 3 times a day with water. Plantain (seeds). Useful for female infertility if it is caused by an inflammatory process in the tubes. Application: boil a tablespoon of seeds in a glass of water over low heat for no more than 5 minutes. Let it brew. Strain. Drink 2 tablespoons 4 times a day. You can store the broth in the refrigerator for two to three days. You should drink the decoction either warm or at room temperature. Chinese traditional medicine recommends a decoction of seeds equally for men. For men with complete immobility of sperm, treat with a decoction of seeds from autumn to spring. During treatment it is useful to take medicinal baths: Infuse 50 grams of plantain roots and leaves for 40 minutes in a liter of boiling water. Strain, pour into a bath, the water in which is 36-37 °C. The bath can be taken at any time of the day, 15 days each season - autumn, winter, spring. MARYIN ROOT (extraordinary peony). Known as a powerful remedy against mastopathy and other female diseases. In terms of the power of impact on the female body, only the Borovaya Uterus and the Red Brush can be compared with it. All herbs, however, work differently. The advantage of Maryina root is its ability to restore metabolic processes in the body and normalization of the nervous system. Maryin root is harvested from mid-August, when the roots gain maximum strength. Dry it in the attic, i.e. in a dry, warm place. The plant itself is very beautiful and people are happy to grow it in their summer cottages. Not many people know that in terms of its capabilities, Maryin root is in no way inferior to such a popular plant as the Golden Us. According to popular beliefs, Maryin root protects a person from the bad influences of other people. This collection is also recommended for women's diseases, especially with “psychogenic” infertility, mental stress affects the hormonal balance, as a result, the problem of infertility worsens. Maryin root is poisonous, like all representatives of the buttercup family - pay attention to this, follow the dosage exactly. The course of treatment is 10 days, after which they take a break for 10 days and treatment can be continued. Infusion of Maryina root: brew 2 cups of boiling water, 1 tsp. Dry crushed roots, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 1 tbsp. L. 3 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals.

WILLOW BARK. Contains flavonoids, tannins, vitamin C and acetylsalicylic acid. For this reason, it is believed that it may promote embryo attachment (implantation) in women with increased coagulability blood. Reduces the aging process of the body. Calms nervous system. Has a diuretic effect, anti-inflammatory effect, hemostatic (including uterine bleeding). You can take it like this:
1 teaspoon of dry bark per 2 cups of cooled boiled water, leave for 4 hours. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before meals

LIQUORICE ROOT. Indicated for impotence, decreased erection, infertility (male and female), oligospermia. Application: 3 tablespoons, rhodiola root 2 tablespoons, leuzea root 2 tablespoons, angelica root 1 tablespoon, sage leaf 3 tablespoons, sedum herb 1 tablespoon. Mix, pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 1 liter of water, boil over low heat under the lid for 20-30 minutes, leave for 4-6 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 4-5 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Hemlock. Used in the treatment of fibroids, endometriosis, and all types hormonal infertility. If there is a male factor, he advises both spouses to take hemlock. Before starting treatment, you need to do an HSG, because the only contraindication is complete obstruction fallopian tubes. In case of small adhesive process or partial obstruction pipes, it is recommended to take turpentine baths according to Zalmanov. Alcohol intake is strictly prohibited during treatment. Take alcohol tincture of hemlock as follows: starting with one drop, increasing by one drop every day and so on up to 40 drops, then decreasing to 1 drop. And so three courses. When treating infertility, week breaks are taken after each course. A very poisonous plant, used at least a month before pregnancy.

Problems such as infertility are becoming more and more common. It affects both men and women equally. There are quite a few methods to combat this. serious illness there aren't many. Sometimes, where traditional medical practice unable to help, becomes effective and efficient traditional therapy. ethnoscience adheres to the idea that everything that a person needs for health can be provided by nature. In many cases of infertility problems can be helped simple recipes based on herbs.

Herbs for infertility for women.

The percentage of women suffering from infertility is greater than that of men suffering from the same problem. It is equal to 60%. Female infertility can be a consequence of abortions, miscarriages, serious illnesses or improper treatment, sexually transmitted infection or defect reproductive organs. In any case, first of all, you need to diagnose the cause of the disease in order to know how to treat it. Herbs for infertility should be consumed wisely and regularly, in the dosages indicated in the recipes. Typically, to prepare a decoction you need 10 grams of herb per 250 ml of boiling water.


Sage has a unique set of substances that chemical composition incredibly close to female hormones - estrogens. A decoction of this herb calms the nervous system and stimulates the ovaries to work. Replacing a deficiency female hormones, sage gradually tones not only the ovaries, but also the entire reproductive system women. Treatment with sage takes on average three months. The infusion brewed with boiling water should be consumed three times a day. Starting from the last day of the end of menstruation. Drink half a glass before meals. After three months of use herbal decoction, a break of two months is required. After this time, treatment must be resumed.

Borovaya uterus.

The name of this herb speaks for itself. Borovaya uterus is used in the treatment of any diseases affecting the female reproductive system. It stops the development of endometriosis, relieves inflammation and fights tumors. Borovaya uterus is taken both separately and in combination with other anti-inflammatory herbs, such as chamomile, calendula, plantain, fireweed, knotweed and others. If the problem is hormonal imbalance or in violation of ovarian function, then in combination with the boron uterus, sage, wintergreen and wintergreen are excellent combinations. You can make an alcoholic infusion or drink decoctions from the boron uterus. You need to start using it after the end of menstruation, on the 4-5th day of the cycle. The treatment is a course and involves six months of treatment with periodic breaks during menstruation. A decoction of boron uterus is also used for douching, which treats cervical erosion and inflammation.


Relieves inflammation, stops bleeding, has a diuretic and disinfectant effect. Wintergreen is used to treat infertility caused by infections, inflammatory diseases, decreased uterine tone, and decreased ovarian function. It is effective in case of failure of the fallopian tubes, formation of adhesions and purulent discharge. An infusion or decoction of the herb is taken 4 times a day, a glass, for three months.

White bloodroot.

Infertility can be associated not only with diseases of the female reproductive system, but also with performance disorders thyroid gland. Cinquefoil affects the endocrine system. It helps establish the hormonal levels that are necessary for pregnancy. It also helps maintain the level of necessary hormones that promotes calm, healthy flow pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. Cinquefoil should be taken three times a day, half a glass of decoction.

Red brush.

The red brush is used for adjustment endocrine system. This herb is equally beneficial for women and men. IN female body it lowers the level of male hormones, and in the male body, on the contrary, increases it. For women, it also serves as an assistant for the treatment of diseases such as fibroids, erosion, endometriosis. For infertility, you need to take a decoction of the herb three times a day, half a glass, for three months.

Herbs for infertility for men.

Reason male infertility may also become severe past illnesses, chronic diseases, incorrect treatment, stress, congenital or acquired defects of the genital organ, bad habits. Before starting treatment, you need to accurately diagnose the cause of infertility.


The medicinal properties of knotweed have an effect on male body strongest impact. It affects metabolism, accelerates blood circulation, strengthens capillaries and blood vessels. Knotweed strengthens immune system, increases the body's endurance and affects the production of male hormones. Drinking knotweed decoction calms the nerves and normalizes hormonal levels. This herb contains flavonoids, vitamin C, A, E, K, essential oils, acids and trace elements. To treat infertility, you need to drink half a glass of the decoction, three times a day. This helps fight infections, inflammation and adhesions that interfere with the passage of sperm. For prostatitis, microenemas from a decoction of knotweed are used.


Plantain seeds will help cope with infertility, which is caused by sperm immobility or lethargy. Plantain affects sperm activity. Treatment with a decoction takes six months. Brew a tablespoon of seed with a glass of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Take two tablespoons 3-4 times a day. Plantain also strengthens the nervous system and fights inflammatory processes in organism.


Flowers and herb colza affect male sexual potency. The decoction stimulates the production of hormones, increases sperm activity, and also treats the prostate and impotence. You should take a decoction of 50 grams, four times a day. The treatment period should take at least three months.


Ginseng root is used to treat infertility. It has unique healing properties. In addition to its general strengthening effect on the body, ginseng affects reproductive system a man. It is a natural potency stimulant, and when course treatment fights infertility caused by disruption of the endocrine system. Ginseng also affects sperm activity. Alcohol infusions or decoctions are prepared from the root. The infusion is prepared over three weeks in 70% alcohol. Take two tablespoons of infusion three times a day. The course of treatment should take 3 months. Boil the herb right before use and drink half a glass three times a day for the same period.

In combination with these medicines you can use others herbal remedies. So, herbs for infertility are combined with herbs that have a calming effect (mint, chamomile, motherwort), fight inflammation (chamomile, calendula, nettle), and also simply strengthen the body and increase immunity (rose hips, sweet clover, clover, hops).

Dear readers! What can you advise a woman who has been diagnosed with infertility? Modern methods Infertility treatments are varied and very effective. In addition to the medications prescribed by your doctor, you should definitely take herbs for infertility.

Many people perceive infertility as a life sentence. Actually this is not true. There is always a place in our soul in which hope glimmers. The main thing is to determine the most appropriate method of treatment individually for yourself. Many generations of women have successfully used them. Let us also look at what can help our women solve this problem.

Infertility - in biology - loss of the ability of plants and animals to reproduce sexually.Infertility - in medicine- the couple's inability to childbearing age Conceive a child with regular sexual intercourse.

Infertility is considered to be a condition of the animal and human body in which its reproductive function, and pregnancy in effect physiological abnormalities doesn't come. The causes of infertility sometimes lie in the most unexpected conditions of the body.

Many women have to overcome frequent gynecological problems: thrush, colpitis, adnexitis, cervical erosion and many other ailments. This vulnerability can also be caused by hormonal disorders in a woman’s body, weakened immunity, qualitative changes microflora of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, neglect of contraception.

It also happens genetic predisposition to infertility in women and men. Surely many of you have heard about married couples who cannot conceive a child long time, and then, after breaking up, they conceive a child with a new partner without much effort. Many people unknowingly mistake this incompatibility for infertility.

Infertility can be primary, when a woman has never become pregnant, and secondary, as a consequence of various inflammatory pathologies.

Is it possible to cure infertility?

If the cause is inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system, then certain treatment, a woman can become matter again. To do this you need to go through:

  1. anti-inflammatory therapy;
  2. resorption therapy;
  3. promotion protective forces body.

The treatment process is long. I join positive feedback and I will say that this is exactly the path my eldest daughter went through when, after a miscarriage, she could not give birth for several years. It only took one and a half to two years and the result of her treatment is now 12 years old. So you shouldn’t despair, but you just need to focus on your treatment purposefully.

It is no secret to anyone how advanced herbal medicine has been in solving problems with female infertility. Nature has everything necessary to maintain human health, we just can’t always manage it meaningfully, and this happens due to a lack of information. Herbs for infertility are currently available raw materials. Every woman should know that in most cases it can be avoided surgical intervention or long drug treatment, trusting the forces of nature.

And yet, how to help a woman overcome infertility? No matter what advice and guarantees doctors give, you should rely only on yourself, on the resources of your body. Healing will not happen instantly; infertility treatment is a long process.

Treatment of female infertility

Over the centuries, people have accumulated and passed on information about the most effective recipes for treatment various ailments through his descendants. At the beginning of the twentieth century, herbs were not trusted too much, but rare cases there were appeals to herbalists. And when the recipe brought long-awaited relief and complete liberation from the disease, people’s faith grew stronger, the healer became surrounded by people.

Today official medicine appreciated some herbal remedies, which became a real breakthrough of our time. Herbal preparations have many advantages, including multifunctionality, aftereffect, lack of side effects when using and discontinuing the drug

Hog queen

Surely many of you have heard about such a plant as the hog queen or ortilia lopsided... This is a natural healer that grows in the Northern Hemisphere of our planet in forest belts and rough terrain. The plant is so unpretentious that it

you can even transplant it to your own country cottage area, where it will quickly begin and begin to thank the person with its beneficial healing power.

Some pharmaceutical companies have begun to produce drugs to treat female infertility from raw materials of boron uterus. This alcohol tinctures and teas.

Alcohol tincture. All above-ground parts of the plant are used to prepare the tincture. Take 50 grams of dry crushed plant and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave to infuse in a dark place for 3 weeks. Then strain and take 25 drops three times within an hour. If you bought pharmacy tincture. then it should be taken in the same way, but 30 drops.

Important: It is necessary to observe the periods when boron uterus preparations will be taken. Before starting use, it is necessary to undergo an estrogen level test because taking the drug lowers its level. When estrogen levels in the blood are normal, Ortilia unilateral is taken starting the day after the end of the cycle and no later than the seventh day, regularly. If the level of the hormone is reduced, taking it is permissible only in the second half of the menstrual cycle. This needs to be monitored closely.

The course of taking boron uterus tincture is long, at least 3 months. When taking it, it is necessary to take into account the woman’s age and hormonal levels and be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Infusion of boron uterus herb. To prepare a decoction, take 10 grams of crushed dry raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for an hour, strain and take a tablespoon an hour before meals. An infusion of boron uterus can also be used for douching for inflammatory gynecological diseases.


Some of you have paid attention to gardening ornamental plant cuff Cuff is rightfully considered a “female” herb. The ancient Latins called the mantle the herb of alchemists, believing that the plant was made magical powers. It is capable of accumulating in the center of its leaves healing dew, which ancient people used to treat infertility, obesity, and tuberculosis.

Nowadays, herbalists use the entire above-ground part of the plant to prepare medicinal drugs. Collection of raw materials can be carried out only after sunrise and the dew on the leaves has completely dried. You can store raw materials in glass jars, paper bags, and cloth bags for no more than a year. After a year of storage, the raw material ages and acquires a bitter taste. Treatment with such raw materials is not recommended.

ABOUT therapeutic effect and the use of cuff grass. This plant has progestogenic activity: with the help of the cuff, the production of the hormone progesterone is stimulated, which ensures the onset of pregnancy (gestation) and its further maintenance.

The infertility cuff is best used in combination with herbs similar action. Here is one of the recipes:

  • common mantle grass – 1 tbsp.
  • pepper mountaineer – 1 tbsp.
  • cinnamon bark – 1 tsp.
  • black pepper – 3 peas.

Mix everything and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and simmer in a water bath for 10 minutes. The decoction is drunk instead of tea or water throughout the day. Prepared the next day fresh decoction. The course of treatment is several months.

Prevention of female diseases

Anti-inflammatory drugs made from medicinal herbs, should not be used spontaneously or immediately after diagnosing the disease. Prevention should be established in the life of every woman gynecological diseases. Thus, the herbs that we talked about here must be taken cyclically for at least three courses a year, 21 days from the waxing moon (according to herbalists, this is due to lunar phases) with a break of 7 days before the start of a new course. At some point, carry out a course of treatment with a boron uterus, and after six months - with a cuff.

I really hope that our article will help women overcome infertility and will receive positive feedback.

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Best wishes! I was with you Taisiya Filippova.