Treatment of herpes rashes with ordinary Corvalol. Treatment of herpes on the lips with Corvalol - when can it be used and when can it not be used? Cauterize herpes on the lips with Corvalol

To eliminate a herpes rash on the lip, it is recommended to use not only ointments, but also the drug Corvalol. Reviews from people who have encountered this problem confirm that with the help of this medication, itching and burning go away very quickly, and the infection is cured much faster.

Corvalol belongs to the category of sedative antispasmodics intended to calm the central nervous system. The drug helps get rid of insomnia, eliminates severe pain in the heart and suppresses various psycho-emotional disorders. In addition, the drug has powerful regenerative benefits. If they cauterize the wound, it stops hurting and heals in the shortest possible time.

The sedative contains the following components:

  • ethanol;
  • phenobarbital;
  • peppermint;
  • ethyl bromoisovalerate.

The drug is used as a sedative, but upon contact with the affected skin it acts as an antiseptic.

The mechanism of action of Corvalol on herpes

Corvalol acts as an antiseptic and analgesic for the treatment of herpes and is used only in the form of drops for this disease.

After applying the drug to the affected area of ​​the lip, the affected area is disinfected. It blocks the further spread of infection and helps destroy an existing disease. Peppermint, which is part of the medicine, stimulates the natural regeneration of the skin.

Corvalol is best used when the disease is just beginning to manifest itself. It is recommended to moisten cold sores on both lips before going to bed. By morning the rash will be almost invisible.

Main indications for use of the drug

  • the appearance of severe itching and burning on the lips;
  • the appearance of a rash. The use of Corvalol will stop the further spread of the disease and eliminate the source of inflammation;
  • as an additional medication in the complex therapy of herpesvirus. If you alternate the use of Corvalol with Acyclovir, the rash will no longer cause discomfort and will disappear much earlier.

Contraindications and restrictions

Corvalol is recognized as an absolutely safe drug. Moreover, every person suffering from heart disease or psycho-emotional disorders has the medicine. However, there are a number of contraindications and restrictions.

Corvalol must not be used:

  • in the presence of individual intolerance to individual components of the medication;
  • during pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • with acute renal or liver failure.

In other cases, the use of sedative medication to treat herpesvirus is allowed.

Instructions and methods of using Corvalol for herpes

Corvalol is available in two forms - tablets and drops. Each type can be used in different ways. Let's consider ways to use the medication for herpes:

  1. The first method is to apply Corvalol drops onto a cotton swab and apply it to the affected area on the lip. Keep for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure several times throughout the day until the itching and burning disappear.
  1. The second method - this procedure is used if herpes appears in the oral cavity. The Corvalol tablet must be placed in the mouth and held until completely dissolved. Before and after – you can’t drink for half an hour. Take the tablet on an empty stomach.

If you follow all the steps according to the rules, within a few days the rash will completely disappear without consequences.

Possible unwanted side effects

According to statistics, there should be no side effects from using Corvalol for herpesvirus. However, its use revealed undesirable consequences:

  • If you use Corvalol drops too often, your lips may crack or a small scar may remain. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the drug dries out the skin;
  • an allergic reaction occurs, accompanied by a new wave of rash;
  • the patient develops immunity to the medication (when using tablets), and Corvalol ceases to act as a sedative medication.


It is recommended to coordinate any preliminary manipulations to get rid of herpes with your doctor. If the disease continues to progress, it is better to undergo a full range of diagnostic measures.

Data Oct 16 ● Comments 0 ● Views

Doctor Maria Nikolaeva

Herpes is a viral disease that has not yet been studied enough, and today there is no way to completely get rid of it. The virus can make itself known at any time with rashes in the form of blisters on any part of the skin and mucous membranes of the body, causing discomfort, pain and deterioration of the psychological state. Most often it affects the lips and nasal mucosa. Therefore, it is important to have on hand a remedy that allows you to quickly and effectively stop a relapse and eliminate its external manifestations. Traditional medicine offers treatment of herpes with Corvalol, an inexpensive and effective medicine.

Taking the drug orally helps cope with sleep disorders, anxiety and stress. It contains ethyl alcohol, phenobarbital, and peppermint oil. When treating colds on the lips and other parts of the body, it is used only externally. It works like this:

  • quickly dries out rashes;
  • prevents them from spreading;
  • disinfects the skin surface;
  • relieves burning sensation;
  • accelerates healing.

Corvalol reduces the duration of virus isolation from the lesion and prevents infection from penetrating into wounds as a result of scratching and bursting of blisters. Treatment of wounds with the drug is painful, but provides a good result: the formations dry out faster, a crust appears, which soon disappears, leaving no scars. Efficiency in the treatment of viral diseases is higher if measures are taken at the first signs of infection. Treatment with Corvalol should begin before the rash appears, when there is only a slight tingling sensation.

The drug does not affect the virus itself either when used externally or when taken orally. The pathogen may appear again under suitable conditions if the immune system is weakened.

Instructions for use of Corvalol for herpes

In what cases to use the product

  • rashes inside the mouth;
  • herpes on the lips;
  • for herpes zoster (apply lotions to rashes in the chest, neck, face and along the sensory nerves of the limbs).

Like other alcohol-based products, the medication should be used with caution to eliminate manifestations of genital herpes, because it can burn the mucous membrane. In this case, you cannot use a tampon; it is better to do point cauterization with a cotton swab. With an advanced disease, it may be ineffective.

Corvalol should not be used against herpes of the eyeball, as this can cause a burn to the cornea and loss of vision.

How to use correctly

  1. When swelling and mild itching occur Apply a cotton swab moistened with the product to the inflamed area for 3 minutes. This way you can prevent the appearance of bubbles, the disease will go into a latent form.
  2. If the rash cannot be avoided, it is necessary to lubricate it every 2-3 hours (up to 5 times a day). The disease will subside in 1-2 days. To carry out the procedure, it is convenient to use cotton swabs or disks, depending on the area of ​​damage.
  3. Corvalol can be alternated with antiviral ointments, for example, with Acyclovir, Cycloferon, and combined with general therapy (analgesics, vitamins B1, B12, etc.).

You cannot drip the medicine directly onto the skin; you must soak the medical material with it. The effect of the drug on the lesion should last no more than 10 minutes, otherwise you can severely dry out the skin or burn it. Each time after treatment, the area should be lubricated with a rich nourishing cream or sea buckthorn oil.

For treatment, you can use Corvalol in the form of tablets or drops. The drying and disinfecting effect of drops is most pronounced when the bubbles burst and infectious liquid flows out of them. The product will help prevent it from getting on open wounds on the body.

The tablets are ground, then mixed with water and a thin layer of the paste is applied to the rash 2 times a day. For herpes in the oral cavity, the whole tablet must be placed in the mouth and held until completely dissolved. The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach. You should not drink 30 minutes before or after it.

When the wound becomes covered with a crust, it must be cauterized carefully so as not to damage it. It is important not to spread the infection to other areas of the face, especially to the eyes, since herpetic infections of the organs of vision are difficult to treat. The crust cannot be removed - when complete healing occurs, it will separate on its own.

You should consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • if herpes does not go away for more than 2 weeks;
  • if pus appears in the wounds;
  • if the rash is close to the eyes.

8 remedies for herpes on the lips


When treated with Corvalol, allergic reactions are possible (most often to peppermint oil and phenobarbital) in the form of redness of the skin, a wave of rash and swelling of the mucous membranes. Then treatment with this remedy should be abandoned immediately.

You cannot dissolve Corvalol tablets for oral herpes with the following diseases:

  • severe dysfunction of the liver or kidneys;
  • severe heart failure;
  • diabetes;
  • respiratory diseases with shortness of breath;
  • depression;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • alcoholism.

Contraindications to the treatment of herpes with Corvalol apply to pregnant and lactating women. During these periods, it is better to use homeopathic antiviral drugs. It should not be used on areas of skin with burns. Corvalol has a strong and persistent odor, but inhaling its vapors is not harmful to health. The use of the drug for the treatment of children must be agreed with a doctor.

Also read with this

The occurrence of herpes primarily causes some discomfort to a person, a burning and itching sensation, especially if it occurs on the lip, and leads to a deterioration in the psychological state of the patient. Everyone knows that it is possible to treat a disease that occurs after a cold at home. For these purposes, Corvalol is used - an effective remedy when treating the disease in the early stages.

In the early stages of herpes, Corvalolom can relieve itching and burning on the integument.

What is Corvalol?

"Corvalol" is a medical drug that primarily has a sedative and antispasmodic effect on the body. This remedy is taken for insomnia, heart disease, irritability and some other pathologies. Corvalol contains ethyl ester of α-bromoisovaleric acid, which determines the properties and mechanism of action of the drug. Phenobarbital in the composition of the drug is endowed with the ability to enhance the sedative effect of other components of the drug, which causes a decrease in the excitement of the nervous system and it is much easier for a person to fall asleep. The composition includes peppermint oil, with the help of which the drug can relieve spasms in the body. Corvalol will help at home to cauterize wounds.

Advantages and disadvantages of Corvalol for herpes

If we consider this drug as a remedy against herpes, then you should pay attention to its positive and negative characteristics. The advantages include the following positive qualities:

  1. Hypoallergenic product. When using it, you do not need to worry about what may cause allergic reactions.
  2. The product can be used to treat a rash that occurs in the oral cavity.
  3. "Corvalol" is produced both in drops and in tablets, so everyone can choose what suits them best during treatment.
  4. The product can be used in combination with other treatment methods.
  5. When fighting herpes, the medicine helps with cauterization.

The negative side is that it is not always possible to use Corvalol; for example, if herpes causes a rash on the eyes, then it is not recommended to use it to avoid burns.

Treatment for herpes

Therapy for herpes "Corvalol" consists of cauterizing the affected areas.

Treating herpes with Corvalol is not difficult. This process involves cauterization. The action of the drug is based on the drying effect. They can disinfect the wound. More often, the disease manifests itself after a cold and instantly, but it is better to start treatment in the early stages. Cauterizing herpes is effective when lesions form on open areas of the body. Most often, the medicine is used against herpes on the lips, but if the lesions are located on the neck or back, then the effect of the drug will give a positive result.

Today, there are many different remedies for herpes on the lips. One of them is Corvalol. It is a medicinal product that contains mint and ethanol, as well as the substance phenobarbital and ethyl bromizovalerant. Due to the action of alcohol and mint, a healing and antiseptic effect is formed.

Despite the fact that the medication is intended for other purposes, it is often used to eliminate herpesvirus infection, because due to the action of its components, the itchy wound heals quickly.


Pathology can be cured if you approach its elimination wisely, following the advice of a doctor. Corvalol is often prescribed for herpes, as it localizes the source of inflammation and prevents the virus from spreading to other areas of the skin, accelerating the healing process.

If you start using the medicine in the early stages of the infection, its use will prevent the formation of wounds with painful blisters. In cases where an ulcer or blister has already appeared on the lip, the drug is also effective. Thanks to its drying and antiseptic properties, the affected area heals faster (it can cauterize the wound, and it will not grow).

Doctors prescribe cauterizing rashes even on the oral mucosa with Corvalol. This is due to the fact that it is hypoallergenic and goes well with other medications.


  1. Cauterization with a solution is carried out every 2 hours until all symptoms disappear. This way the bubbles don't spread.
  2. The substance is also used in tablets. To do this, first grind the tablet to a powder state and then stir it in a glass of water. The resulting mixture is applied to the herpetic rash. Use several times a day, also until all signs disappear.


Like every drug, Corvalol has contraindications:

  • intolerance to one of the components of the substance;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • renal and liver failure.

The drug "Corvalol" against herpes is used to eliminate associated symptoms. It is worth understanding that this medication does not affect the pathogen, which means that it cannot be used independently for the treatment of herpetic disease. If we limit ourselves only to the use of Corvalol, then a relapse of the disease will not take long to occur, which is why it is often prescribed in combination with medications, the main purpose of which is to treat herpes.

Composition and therapeutic effect

Corvalol is available in the form of drops and tablets. However, medication in the form of drops, which contains the following components, helps against “colds” in the lips:

  • diethyl ether;
  • peppermint oil;
  • phenobarbital;
  • stabilizer;
  • distilled water.

The drug accelerates the healing process of ulcers.

Corvalol has found wide use for herpes on the lips for a reason. When applied to the skin, the medicinal substances of the pharmaceutical product in question have an antiseptic and healing effect. Since it is found in almost every first aid kit, this allows you to start treating herpes with Corvalol at home at the first manifestations of the disease. As a result, it will be possible to prevent rashes and speed up the healing process. Cauterization with Corvalol will relieve severe itching and dry out watery blisters.


Cure of herpetic disease is not the main purpose of the pharmaceutical product Corvalol. The annotation indicates the following pathologies when it is most appropriate to use the described medication. These include:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased irritability;
  • neuroses;
  • intestinal spasms caused by neurovegetative disorders;
  • hypertension and VSD as part of complex therapy;
  • tachycardia.

How is it useful?

The drug is hypoallergenic.

Despite the fact that the pharmaceutical drug is not able to kill the herpes virus, it copes well with itchy blisters, burning and other discomfort that usually accompanies herpes disease. In addition, Corvalol prevents the spread of the virus to other parts of the body, relieves the inflammatory process and speeds up recovery. And if you start cauterizing herpes on your lips when the first signs of the disease appear, you can avoid herpetic blisters. A significant advantage of using Corvalol in the fight against herpes is its hypoallergenicity and the possibility of combination with other antiherpetic drugs. It is worth noting the low cost of this medicine, which differs significantly from antiviral drugs used in the treatment of herpes.

How to treat herpes with Corvalol?

The duration of treatment with a pharmaceutical drug depends on the severity of the disease, but it should last until there is no trace of herpes left. To get rid of herpesvirus infection on the lips, you need to use Corvalol as follows:

  1. Moisten a cotton pad with the medicine.
  2. Rinse lips with water and pat dry.
  3. Apply the compress to the rash and leave for 5 minutes.
  4. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times a day.

You should pay attention to the fact that the medicine in question can cause a burn on the skin, therefore it is strictly contraindicated to keep the compress for longer than the specified time.