Which mineral water is most useful and can it replace regular drinking water? Mineral water, benefits and harm

The human body requires a considerable amount a wide variety of substances for the full functioning of organs and systems. The easiest way for the body to absorb microelements dissolved in water. From this point of view, natural mineral water with various salts is a storehouse of useful substances. However, the healing properties of such water depend on many factors, and before including it in your diet, it is worth understanding the secrets of natural mineral water.

Being an excellent natural solvent, water in underground reservoirs is saturated with salts various substances, the presence of which is typical for a particular area. For this reason, there are mineral water sources in different parts of the Earth. different composition, on which the healing properties of such water and its classification depend.

Based on the amount of salts dissolved in water, natural mineral water is classified as table water, medicinal table water, or medicinal water. And if in the case of table water its use can be practically unlimited, then water more saturated with salts must be drunk in doses. Typically, such water is prescribed by a specialist, and its intake is limited to repeated courses.

Table mineral water does not have foreign odor and taste. It has a positive effect on digestion and is recommended in its raw form. Such water is usually not used for boiling or cooking, because in this case the minerals form a sediment that is not absorbed by the human body.

Medicinal table mineral water contains more salts, which give the water a specific taste. With moderate consumption of such water, you can normalize salt balance and significantly improve performance various systems in organism. The effect of medicinal table water on internal organs depends on its composition.

Medicinal mineral water has pronounced healing properties, pronounced taste and even color shades. Its course intake is prescribed by a specialist, based on the indications, and can consist not only of oral use, but also, for example, for bathing or inhalation. Most often expressed healing effect observed during a course of treatment, taking into account the patient’s daily routine and diet. For this reason, water treatment is most effective in specialized sanatoriums located directly near mineral water sources.

Such treatment is called balneology in medicine. Experts are studying the composition of water from various sources and give recommendations for their use. This is how balneological resorts in our country and abroad gain the glory of hospitals with various directions. In general, this depends on the composition of the water, its level of acidity and radioactivity, which, with moderate dosage, can also be beneficial for the body.

Chemical composition of mineral water and its use

Depending on the predominant presence of certain substances in mineral water, it can be sodium, calcium, sulfide, silicon, bromide or radon. But the most common healing water hydrocarbonate, chloride and sulfate are considered. Also, natural springs can differ in their temperature: be cold, subthermal, thermal and hyperthermal, which is often used in balneological resorts for taking baths in natural conditions.

Bicarbonate mineral water is commonly used to treat gastrointestinal problems. It has an effect on reducing acidity and is recommended for heartburn, cystitis and diseases of the urolithiasis.

Chloride mineral water also stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and promotes the overall restoration of metabolic processes in the body. In the case of a medical canteen chloride water it is recommended for acute disorders digestive system.

Sulfate mineral water cleanses the body well of toxins and restores its overall performance. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gallbladder and liver, which makes it indispensable for patients with hepatitis and diabetes. It is important to note that sulfate water is not recommended for use by children and adolescents because it makes it difficult for the body to absorb calcium.

How to choose the right mineral water

When choosing bottled medicinal table mineral water, you should pay attention to the list of indications for its use. This information is usually located on the label. The bottle must also indicate from which source and well the water was obtained. It is worth remembering that mineral water has an expiration date, during which everything useful material it is stored unchanged. For glass containers it is usually one year, and in plastic bottles Mineral water can be stored for no more than six months. This information is also found on the label next to the bottling date.

Buying mineral water famous brands, you should be wary of fakes. Typically, counterfeit products use cheaper packaging and poor printing. Manufacturers also always try to provide the bottle with additional degrees of protection, which you should pay attention to.

The most popular mineral water on our market has always been Borjomi, Essentuki and Narzan. IN Lately Slavyanovskaya mineral water is gaining increasing recognition. To comply with standards for the extraction and bottling of water, GOST is used.

Contraindications for mineral water

Mineral water, especially medicinal water and medicinal water, should be treated as a medicine. There are several simple rules, following which you can get from drinking mineral water maximum benefit for the body, excluding possible negative effect. First, you need to limit your consumption of mineral water. Usually this is no more than half a liter per day. Moreover, to achieve a therapeutic effect in the presence of chronic diseases, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Excessive consumption of mineral water can lead to salt deposition and the development of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.

Secondly, medicinal table and medicinal mineral water is not recommended for children. You can add a little table mineral water to their diet. Any other options are possible only with a doctor’s prescription.

Thirdly, under no circumstances should you drink mineral water. alcoholic drinks. This can lead to metabolic disorders. On the contrary, when you have a hangover, it is recommended to drink mineral water to restore balance.


Mineral water, benefits and harms for the human body, what medicinal properties it has, all this is of great interest to those who lead healthy image life, monitors his health, and is interested in traditional methods treatment. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

The use of mineral water is associated with diet therapy. Treatment will be more effective if the diet is combined with the use of mineral water recommended by the attending physician.

The use of mineral waters in medicinal purposes great importance given by such outstanding domestic clinicians as S.P. Botkin, A.A. Ostroumov, M.Ya. Mudrov.

In one of his lectures, the founder of the Moscow Therapeutic School, Professor G.A. Zakharyin said: “So many times I have seen the cure of patients with catarrh of the stomach, constipation, gallstones and kidney sand, who used powders for a long time and unsuccessfully, correct use mineral water."

Natural mineral water differs from ordinary fresh water increased amount salts, gases, organic substances. The specific properties of a particular mineral water, primarily the presence of biologically active substances, allow it to be used as remedy both at resorts and at home.

The total mineralization of water components is the sum of all substances dissolved in water, expressed in grams per liter. There are waters of low mineralization (up to 2 g/l), low (from 2 to 5 g/l), medium (from 5 to 15 g/l) and high (from 15 to 35 g/l).

Based on their ionic composition, mineral waters are divided into hydrocarbonate, chloride, sulfate, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and combined waters, for example, hydrocarbonate chloride, hydrocarbonate sulfate, etc. Hydrocarbonate waters can be sodium, calcium, or magnesium based on the content of cations.

Among biologically active ingredients mineral waters contain such mineral trace elements, such as iron, cobalt, copper, manganese, iodine, bromine, silicon.

The water reaction (pH) is also one of the indicators of the characteristics of medicinal mineral waters. Water can be strongly acidic (pH less than 3.5), acidic (pH from 3.5 to 5.5), slightly acidic (pH from 5.5 to 6.8), neutral (pH from 6.8 to 7.2) , slightly alkaline (pH from 7.2 to 8.5), alkaline (pH above 8.5).

Based on temperature, cold waters are distinguished (up to 20 °C); warm, or low-thermal (from 21 to 35 °C); hot, or thermal (36–42 °C); very hot, or high thermal (above 42 °C).

Here are some examples of the use of mineral water for ailments.

At peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, and chronic gastritis With increased acidity gastric juice, the attending physician may recommend sodium bicarbonate waters (they are also called alkaline) - “Borjomi”, “Dilijan”, “Sairme”, as well as hydrocarbonate sulphate waters– “Slavyanovskaya”, “Smirnovskaya”, “Jermuk”, Kislovodsk “Narzan”.

A course of treatment with alkaline mineral waters promotes recovery physiological mechanisms acid formation in patients with peptic ulcers and chronic gastritis. By reducing the acidity of the stomach contents, mineral water helps prevent pyloric spasms and accelerate the evacuation of food from the stomach, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

As a result of treatment with mineral water, complaints of heartburn, belching, and a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region are eliminated. Thanks to the intake of mineral water, there is often no need to use medications such as Vikalin and Almagel.

For peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, as well as for chronic gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice, it is recommended to start drinking alkaline mineral waters with small quantities (50–100 ml) warm (38–40 °C), and if well tolerated already on the 3rd–4th day of “drinking” treatment, take up to 1 glass of water (250 ml) at a time.

By reducing the acidity of the stomach contents, mineral water helps prevent pyloric spasms and accelerate the evacuation of food from the stomach, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

When giving recommendations on the drinking regime for patients with peptic ulcers and chronic gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, the attending physician takes into account individual characteristics gastric secretion, as well as the body’s tolerance of mineral water. At the same time, in resorts and at home, drinking treatment is usually carried out in compliance with traditional principles, i.e., through single doses of mineral water 1 hour before the main meal. However, if you complain of heartburn, taking mineral alkalizing water can be timed to coincide with the expected appearance of heartburn, “hungry” pain in the epigastric region, i.e., taken 1 hour after eating or even later.

If earlier, when drinking mineral waters for treating diseases of the digestive organs, exceptionally great importance was attached to normalizing the acidity of gastric juice, now no less attention is paid to studying the influence of quantitative and quality composition mineral and organic substances dissolved and present in water on the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, as well as on metabolism in general.

The anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect of alkaline mineral water for peptic ulcers and chronic gastritis is no less important than the effect of water on gastric secretion.
For chronic gastritis with low acidity gastric juice, the attending physician may recommend taking water of medium mineralization (5–15 g/l), which in its ionic composition belongs to chloride, hydrocarbonate chloride and chloride sulfate waters. As an example, let’s name “Essentuki No. 4” and “Essentuki No. 17”, “Arzni”, “Izhevskaya”, “Druskininkai”, “Vytautas”, “Mirgorodskaya”, “Nizhneserginskaya”, “Kuyalnik No. 4”, “Berezovskaya”. Start drinking these waters at room temperature (18–24 °C) with a quarter glass, bringing the single dose to 1–1.5 glasses. Take them 3 times a day 15–30 minutes before meals.

The effectiveness of mineral water treatment depends not only on the right choice water, but also on the rules for its intake (dose, frequency, time connection with food intake, water temperature).

For intestinal diseases (enterocolitis, colitis, intestinal dyskinesia) accompanied by disorders (diarrhea), use mineral waters of low and medium mineralization, hydrocarbonate or hydrocarbonate sulfate: “Slavyanovskaya”, “Smirnovskaya”, “Jermuk”, “Borjomi”, “Sairme” etc. Drink water heated to 40–45 °C 3 times a day, 0.5–1 glass, 30–50 minutes before meals.

For intestinal diseases with a predominance of reduced motor function and complaints of constipation, we recommend waters of medium and high mineralization (up to 1520 g/l), chloride and chloride sulfate in ionic composition: “Izhevskaya”, “Novoizhevskaya”, “Essentuki No. 17”, “Druskininkai” ", "Vytautas", "Semigorskaya", etc. Drink water at room temperature (18–24 °C) 1 glass 3 times a day 30–50 minutes before meals.

For severe atonic constipation, laxative mineral waters - “Batalinskaya” or “Lysogorskaya” - are prescribed - 0.5 glasses on an empty stomach or at night.

For diseases of the liver and gall bladder, predominantly hydrocarbonate, bicarbonate chloride or hydrocarbonate sulfate waters of low or medium mineralization are recommended: “Borjomi”, “Essentuki No. 4” and “Essentuki No. 17”, “Arzni”, “Jermuk”, “Slavyanovskaya”, “ Smirnovskaya”, etc. Drink water heated to 36–42 °C, 0.5–1 glass 3 times a day, 1 hour before meals. Taking mineral water increases protective function liver, helps reduce congestion and inflammatory phenomena V gallbladder.

At diabetes mellitus drinking treatment has a beneficial effect on carbohydrate metabolism, as well as on accompanying illnesses gastrointestinal tract. They use hydrocarbonate, hydrocarbonate chloride, hydrocarbonate sulfate waters: “Borjomi”, “Jermuk”, “Dilijan”, “Polyana Kvasova”, “Berezovskaya”, “Slavyanovskaya”, “Smirnovskaya”, “Essentuki No. 4”, “Essentuki No. 17” . Drink water at a temperature of 25–30 °C, 1 glass 3 times a day, 40–50 minutes before meals.

For gout, hydrocarbonate and hydrocarbonate sulfate waters of low mineralization are recommended: “Slavyanovskaya”, “Smirnovskaya”, “Borjomi”, “Dilijan”, “Jermuk”, “Polyana Kvasova”, “Isti-Su”. Drink water heated to 36–42 °C 3 times a day 40–50 minutes before meals, 1–1.5 glasses (if there are no contraindications for taking a significant amount of liquid from the outside of cardio-vascular system). These mineral waters help remove excess uric acid from the body and lead to alkalization internal environment body, which has a beneficial effect on gout.

The effectiveness of treatment with mineral water depends not only on the correct choice of water, but also on the rules for its intake (dose, frequency, time connection with food intake, water temperature). Drinking treatment should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor, strictly following his recommendations.

Many mineral waters, for example “Borjomi”, “Narzan”, due to their pleasant taste and ability to quench thirst, are widely used as table waters. However, those who suffer from diseases of the digestive system, as well as metabolic disorders, should not use mineral waters systematically without consulting a doctor.

When prescribing a course of mineral water, the attending physician must make adjustments to drinking regime: reduces the amount of tea, compote, and other sources of water, so as not to overload the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Based on the book by Mikhail Gurvich “Nutrition for Health. Advice from a gastroenterologist."

Mineral water has long been famous. People go to its sources in the hope of receiving healing. Drinks with this name are sold in stores. Doctors recommend taking this liquid. There are many traditional medicine recipes based on it. But is this always useful and what are the benefits and harms of mineral water?

Where does mineral water come from?

People began to drink such water even when they could not explain its quality. There is nothing supernatural here. Groundwater, passing through various layers of the earth's crust, is saturated with microelements. Coming to the surface, they bring dissolved natural components to people.

Types of mineral water

The variety of such waters depends on their composition. Based on their chemical composition, there are five types:

  • carbonate contain salts of carbonic acid;
  • sulfate include salts of sulfuric acid:
  • chloride ones are saturated with chlorine compounds;
  • magnesium absorbed magnesium compounds;
  • ferrous include iron salts.

Healing natural waters are classified according to the degree of mineralization:

  1. Table water is low in microelements. Healthy people It is permissible to drink mineral water every day only when it contains few minerals.
  2. Medicinal table water has high mineralization. It should be taken in courses.
  3. The healing waters are highly saturated with minerals. Their uncontrolled use is unacceptable. They are prescribed by a doctor as a medicine and sold in pharmacies.

Chemical composition and calorie content of mineral water

From a chemical point of view, the composition of natural sources depends on dissolved salts, which are contained in larger quantities. The remaining components are represented by varying amounts of all other elements present on earth.

Natural moisture contains no proteins, no fats, no carbohydrates, so its calorie content is zero.

The healing properties of mineral water

The healing qualities of a liquid saturated with minerals are determined by its chemical composition:

  1. Carbonate water used for stomach diseases caused by increased acidity. It increases the alkali content and normalizes the balance of acids and alkalis. Taking it will help eliminate heartburn, relieve belching, and reduce heaviness in the stomach.
  2. Sulfate moisture gives a choleretic result. It is used to treat the liver and biliary tract.
  3. Chloride water is used in the treatment of gastritis with reduced secretion. It stimulates the formation of gastric juice, improves peristalsis, increases acidity, and helps improve pancreatic function.
  4. Magnesium waters strengthen bones and joints. Magnesium is necessary for normal heart function. It activates kidney function and counteracts atrophy muscle tissue, puts the nervous system in order, helps in the fight against stress.
  5. Ferrous waters are the most suitable for constant use. Their composition increases hemoglobin, stimulates hematopoiesis, and improves the functioning of the digestive system.

Mineral water for pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. Ideally, pancreatic enzymes should enter the intestines, but the diseased organ is not able to fully perform its functions, so the enzymes begin their action before reaching ultimate goal. As a result, they begin to digest the pancreas.

Treatment with mineral water is possible only during remission. All actions are aimed at reducing enzymatic activity. For this purpose, alkaline carbonate options are used that suppress the formation of hydrochloric acid. Coal salts relieve spasms.

Attention! If you constantly drink water from carbonate sources, problems with the pancreas go away and digestion improves. How often to drink mineral water to treat pancreatitis will be advised by a gastroenterologist, based on the results of the examination.

Liver cleansing with mineral water at home

Cleansing the liver with mineral water can be quite effective. Chlorinated water should be used. Borjomi, a unique liquid of volcanic origin, is also suitable.

Important! The procedure should be carried out after consulting with a specialist.

Tubage is unacceptable for people with stones in the liver and gall bladder. Shifted stones block the bile ducts. Surgery will be required to eliminate the consequences.

In other cases, home tubing gives positive results:

  • bile dilutes;
  • bile ducts expand;
  • the functioning of the choleretic organs improves;
  • blood is refreshed.

The process of cleansing the liver at home is shown in this video:

Mineral water inhalation for cough

Inhalations with mineral water – good addition To drug therapy And folk medicine. The balanced composition of microelements perfectly penetrates the body through the mucous membranes, providing anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. Inhalations reduce asthma attacks.

For alkaline inhalations Essentuki No. 4, Borjomi, Zelenogradskaya are used.

The result of inhalation will be:

  • moisturizing the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract;
  • facilitating the removal of accumulated mucus;
  • ease of breathing.

The therapy is completely safe. It is worth carrying out inhalations with mineral water at home using a nebulizer - a special device.

The benefits of mineral water for gout

Healing water is used in the treatment of gout. It is a good preventive measure for this disease. Alkaline bicarbonate water is used for treatment. It is distinguished by the taste of soda. The healing liquid is slightly mineralized.

Important! You should remember how to take mineral water. You should drink it no more than three times a day.

The amount is calculated individually: 4 milliliters per 1 kilogram of weight. There is one more rule of administration: drink it warm, eliminating gases.

Mineral water for diabetes

This water is useful for patients with diabetes of any type. It is drunk at the same time as taking medicines. Mineral water enhances the therapeutic effect of medications, promotes the removal of decay products and normalizes the functioning of all body systems. Regular use reduces sugar levels and improves metabolism.

Attention! The liquid taken must be of natural, not industrial origin. Excessive fluid intake is harmful to the patient.

The benefits of mineral water in case of poisoning

Vomiting and diarrhea - frequent companions poisoning Mineral water will help cope with unwanted symptoms, avoid dehydration, and remove toxins.

In case of poisoning, you should drink water with high content microelements that benefit digestion:

  1. Potassium will restore the functioning of the digestive system.
  2. Sodium helps to equalize fluid concentration in the body.
  3. Magnesium normalizes intestinal function.

Can pregnant and lactating women drink mineral water?

During pregnancy, you should drink low-mineralized non-carbonated drinks. Healthy water perfectly quenches thirst, replenishes loss of minerals, normalizes water-salt balance. From mineralized industrially water must be discarded. It will not bring any benefit to the body.

Drinking mineral water after childbirth will help protect your figure - there is not a single calorie in the drink. Thanks to the mother's consumption of healing water, the baby will be provided with microelements. To avoid an overabundance of minerals, intake should be regulated.

Important! If you have kidney disease, you should not drink liquids containing calcium.

Is it possible to give mineral water to children and at what age?

All the baby’s systems are still so imperfect that even products that bring undeniable benefits cause harm to them. Children should not be given water from natural sources. before a year life. The drink should be low-mineralized. Gases should be removed from it. Table water is quite suitable for this purpose. The doctor prescribes medicinal water for children at least 7 years old.

The benefits of mineral water for weight loss

The benefits of groundwater for weight loss are already indicated by the fact that they contain absolutely no calories. Mineral water helps reduce weight, regulates metabolic processes, cleanses the body. For the purpose of losing weight, you should use exclusively water from natural sources.

How to drink mineral water correctly

When drinking water, you must adhere to following rules:

  1. You can drink up to 1.5-2 liters of low-mineralized table water per day. It can be used for cooking. They make tea with it. The exception is people who have contraindications to use.
  2. Medicinal table waterprophylactic many diseases. It is taken in courses and only on the advice of a doctor.
  3. Healing mineral water- this is auxiliary medicine. It is prescribed by a doctor. The dosage is calculated by a specialist.

How much mineral water to drink per day

Table mineral water is drunk just like regular water. Its consumption rate is up to one and a half liters per day. The use of medicinal food should be limited to one liter per day. Upon admission medicinal water it is necessary to follow the instructions of a specialist.

Mineral water on an empty stomach

A glass of table water in the morning on an empty stomach will help get rid of many problems:

  1. Cleanses colon, which starts the suction process.
  2. Helps speed up metabolism.
  3. Stimulates the renewal of body cells.
  4. Supports the functioning of the lymphatic system.

The use of mineral water in cosmetology

Moisture from the depths of the earth is used to rinse hair, remove makeup and daily cleansing of facial skin. To do this, mineral water is slightly heated, then the face is cleaned with a damp swab.

Mineral water for face

Face masks are useful. A cotton towel is dipped in warm mineral water and applied to a previously thoroughly washed face. You should lie there until the towel has completely cooled down. The procedure can be repeated several times. Then the face is wiped dry.

The benefits of washing with mineral water

The benefits of natural water for facial skin include: minerals Oh. It is better to wash your face with mineral water twice a day. You should wash your face in the morning cold water. After washing, rub your face with a hard towel. This stimulates blood circulation and activates all processes occurring in the epidermis. Evening washing should be done warm water after preliminary cleansing of the face. There is no need to wipe your face, you need to let the moisture dry. This will help enrich the epidermis with minerals. After washing natural water the feeling of dryness and tightness disappears.

The benefits of mineral water for hair

Mineral water should be considered as a wonderful natural balm. It strengthens the hair roots, moisturizes them, and tones the scalp. Rinsing your hair with mineral water helps get rid of dandruff. To improve hair health, you should use water with a low mineral content. If the water is highly mineralized, it will only spoil the hair, making it dry and lifeless.

How is mineral water used in cooking?

Mineral water is used in cooking. The brand is important for use:

  1. The kebab should be marinated in fresh Narzan.
  2. Volvis will improve the taste and quality of the biscuit.
  3. Selters will keep the stuffing light and fluffy.
  4. Carbonate mineral water will make the dough soft and fluffy.

How to choose and store mineral water

You should only buy mineral water in glass bottles. Glass allows you to preserve the natural composition longer. All information about the source, composition and manufacturer must be indicated on the bottle.

Important! The shelf life is indicated on the container. Optimal storage temperature is from +3 to +30 C.

Harm of mineral water and contraindications

Mineral water can be harmful. It is contraindicated for people with inflammation of the stomach and intestines. This is especially true for periodically exacerbating diseases. Mineral water for urolithiasis provokes involuntary release of stones and strong renal colic. Abuse can lead to an overload of the body with various minerals. This will cause great damage to your health.

Attention! You should not drink water if after drinking it you experience trembling of the hands, increased blood pressure, arrhythmia, or insomnia.


The benefits and harms of mineral water depend solely on the person. If you drink mineral water on the recommendation of a doctor, do not abuse it, and when choosing, focus on the state of your health, then it will only bring benefits.

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It is necessary to support the most various methods, because metabolic processes in the tissues of the body are carried out exclusively in the presence of this substance. The daily fluid intake for a person usually includes not only clean water- replacement with juices, tea or mineral water is appropriate. What does it represent latest product? What classification is it subject to? Is it big benefits of mineral water for the body?

Historical information

As a rule, society is of the opinion that water from healing springs can do the impossible: it relaxes, relieves irritation, calms, and also resists aggression and bad mood. Is it so?

The history of the existence of mineral water is determined by hundreds of years. It all started with the fact that in ancient times, not far from holy springs, Greek tribes built sanctuaries for the god Asclepius (he was considered the patron of medicine), and the Romans practiced the construction of temples in the name of Aesculapius. It is important to note that Greek archaeologists discovered the ruins of what was apparently a hydropathic clinic, which was built in the sixth century BC. Thus, from generation to generation, the transmission of oral traditions about truly magical properties mineral waters that never stopped coming out of the ground.

The process of formation of mineral waters

Mineral water is water of rain nature, which an unimaginable period of time ago went deep into the bowels of the earth. In the process of penetration of the product through the pores of various layers of rock, the many-sided substances of mineral origin located there dissolved in it. Thus, from standard water Natural water found in open reservoirs and subsoil water is distinguished by the presence of substances of mineral origin in its composition. In addition, in the process of product formation, the depth of mineral water plays an important role: the deeper, the better degree cleansing the product and saturating it with carbon dioxide, as well as minerals, which, as it turned out, accumulate naturally as the product passes through geological formations. So, mineral water is, first of all, water from underground sources.

Distinctive features of mineral water from table water

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to be able to distinguish between drinking and mineral water. Codex Alimentarius, the main UN standard with nutritional information, defines data distinctive features at the following points:

  • Mineral water is extracted from natural sources and wells formed by drilling. Thanks to this approach, it is absolutely eliminated external influence both physical and Chemical properties natural mineral product.
  • Mineral water is a product containing a certain amount of salts as well as trace substances.
  • The process of collecting mineral water is carried out under conditions that definitely guarantee the initial purity at the microbiological level, as well as the stable chemical composition of the components contained in the product.

Interesting features of mineral water

Mineral water is The product is quite capricious in nature and requires careful handling. There is an opinion that natural water is much more delicate than precious wine. And this is actually true, because water from the source should be lifted very carefully, which is very difficult to do, because depth plays a qualitative role. Packaging a product in a convenient and extremely safe container is also not an easy task, because during this operation it is necessary to preserve unique properties mineral water, which were originally provided by Mother Nature.

Natural water is perfectly absorbed by the body: when it enters the stomach, it reacts qualitatively with gastric juice, releasing carbon dioxide and stimulating the secretory work of the organ. Of course, as a result of such “magic”, appetite and mood significantly improve. Mineral water, the benefits and harms of which we consider, has a beneficial effect on our body. That is why, for example, the French, on the dinner table in mandatory They usually place a bottle of mineral water next to the bread.

Statistical data

Today, Russia is experiencing a real mineral boom. This fact can be confirmed by calculations of the State Statistics Committee, as a result of which the number of types of mineral water throughout the country is equal to 700. However, there is a significant lag behind the industrial developed countries, judging by the criterion of the volume of product consumption per capita. According to statistics, one European today consumes approximately one hundred liters of mineral water per year. An Austrian is able to drink 72 liters of water over the same period of time, a Frenchman - 80 liters, an Italian - 116 liters, but the consumption of natural water by the average resident of Germany reaches 129 liters per year. And now the main fact: a Russian citizen drinks only 10 liters of mineral water during the year, which is not at all impressive, although in times Soviet Union this indicator was half the size. It should be added that the natural water market in Russia is estimated at approximately 1.2 billion liters per year. In addition, this market is growing by 10-15 percent every year.

Species diversity

Today there are certain indicators that are the basis for the classification of natural waters. Thus, it is customary to distinguish the following types of product:

  • Depending on the mineralization: low-mineralized, mineral waters of low, medium, high mineralization, brine and strong brine natural waters.
  • From the point of view of balneology, there are dining rooms, medical and
  • Depending on the chemical composition: hydrocarbonate, chloride, sulfate, sodium, calcium, magnesium and mixed mineral waters.
  • By temperature conditions: very cold, cold, cool, indifferent, warm, hot (otherwise called thermal) and overheated (otherwise called high-thermal).
  • According to the degree of acidity: neutral, slightly acidic, acidic, strongly acidic, slightly alkaline, alkaline.

Popular mineral waters today

As it turned out, today the range of mineral waters is extremely rich. This means that it would be advisable to consider the most popular product brands:

  • "Borjomi" is carbonated sodium bicarbonate water. The benefits of mineral water of this manufacturer is to treat liver diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, urinary tract, as well as in preventing and normalizing the consequences of metabolic disorders. The Borjomi source is located in Georgia (800 meters above sea level).
  • 17, 20) is a system of mineral waters, the first representative of which is a medicinal and table product, the second is a medicinal product, and the third is exclusively a table product. This product has no analogues in terms of healing properties, and by taste qualities. Mineral water is characterized by the influence of a complex focus on everything functional systems body (from the book "Mineral waters to protect health"
  • "Narzan" is water of carbonate hydrocarbonate-sulfate-calcium origin. Its source is located in Kislovodsk and is called similarly to the brand. This product can increase appetite, enhance the secretory activity of the digestive system, increase the quantitative indicator of urine, and so on.

Mineral water benefits and harms

On initial stages existence of mineral water, its healing purpose is highlighted as the main direction justifying the use of the product. Therefore, selling mineral water exclusively in pharmacies would be extremely fair. What are the health benefits of mineral water?? There is no information in the world that determines the maximum quantity and acceptable quality of mineral water - everything is individual! However, in the process of drinking mineral water, you should adhere to the following rules: it is necessary to exclude regular intake natural water, and use it only during periods of active loss of salts by the body. To achieve a satisfactory effect, you should carefully read the information on the labels and be inclined to buy only quality product, and also, if possible, choose mineral water with elements of natural origin.

Benefits of sparkling mineral water

As it turned out, natural water is endowed with a structure mixed type, which together with biologically active substances significantly enhances the therapeutic effect of its consumption:

  • Iron is a powerful barrier in the fight against anemia.
  • Iodine normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Calcium is an excellent tool for maintaining ionic balance in the body, and also has a beneficial effect on the process of blood clotting.
  • Magnesium serves as an excellent regulator of carbohydrate and energy metabolism, in addition, it promotes normal operation nervous system.
  • Sodium - good support blood pressure fine.
  • Potassium is essential for the functioning of the heart and kidneys.
  • Fluoride is an essential element of bones and teeth; in addition, it is very useful for pregnant girls.

Harm of mineral water to the human body

Mineral water is harmful to health: Is it so? The answer to this question is extremely simple: it is a matter of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the use of this product. Thus, the frequency of taking mineral water therapeutic type, and daily dosage depend on the quality composition of the product and, naturally, on the doctor’s recommendations. As a rule, it is correct to drink mineral water 15-30 minutes before eating in case of low level gastric secretion, and in 45-60 minutes with adequate secretion. If the secretion of the organ is increased, then you should drink mineral water an hour and a half before meals.

It is important to note that today artificial gasification of water is very common, which fully justifies the loss medicinal properties product after some time. However, there is a workaround here: to eliminate carbon dioxide, the open bottle should be shaken thoroughly, after which the artificial gases will evaporate. IN otherwise a highly carbonated drink can be an increasing factor in the acidity of gastric juice.

Choosing mineral water is a task that requires an individual approach

Which mineral water is good for health?? The answer to this question is very multifaceted, because just like the features human body, the properties of mineral water are individual. As it turned out, mineral water natural origin- this is a specific collection of salts and their ions dissolved in water, therefore to form artificial composition Today you can easily, if only you had the desire and the appropriate knowledge. Only crude counterfeits (water, salt, soda) pose a particular danger, which, fortunately, have been practically eradicated.

When choosing a product, you need to pay close attention to factors such as the integrity of the packaging, the cleanliness of the bottle and the content of impurities in the water. If in the process of drinking mineral water a burning effect is felt or extremely Strong smell chemical nature, it is better to get rid of this product as soon as possible. But in general, natural water It is advisable to purchase only in trusted places, for example, in pharmacies.

There is a very wide variety of different mineral waters on store shelves and everyone, of course, has heard about its benefits. But not everyone knows that it varies in properties and composition and, if used incorrectly, can cause harm to the body. In this article we will look at: what for health and beauty, what it is and how to use it correctly.

The benefits of mineral water

Mineral water is drinking water that contains minerals. Our body needs minerals and therefore such water is an excellent source of their replenishment.

When we move actively and play sports, the necessary microelements leave the body along with sweat. Mineral water will help fill this deficiency, and also quench your thirst. It contains substances such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, fluorine, etc.

Mineral water is often used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver, and gall bladder. Drinking mineral water is beneficial for high cholesterol, excess weight, anemia, constipation, diabetes, and cough.

For respiratory diseases, inhalation with mineral water through a nebulizer has a good effect.

Types of mineral water

Mineral water can be medicinal, table and medicinal - table. The distinction is based on the amount of minerals it contains.

Water with mineralization less than 1 gram per liter is called table water. This water can be drunk without special restrictions. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves metabolic processes in the body, and also promotes the elimination of toxins.

Water with mineralization from 1 to 8 grams per liter is considered a medicinal table water. It is not recommended to drink more than two glasses of this water per day.

Medicinal water contains the highest concentration of minerals compared to other types of water: 8 - 12 grams per liter.

Medicinal water should only be taken in courses as a medicine as prescribed by a doctor, and not used to quench thirst, since a large amount of minerals contained in it can lead to the formation of kidney stones and also cause other diseases.

When buying mineral water, pay attention to the fact that it is natural and not artificial, only then will it be useful.

The benefits of mineral water for beauty

Our skin also loves mineral water. It is useful to wipe the skin of the face and décolleté with it several times a day instead of tonic. This tones the skin and fills it with vitamins.

For oily, combination and porous skin, water with a high salt content, for example, Essentuki, Narzan, Borjomi, is more suitable. It will help remove oily shine and tighten enlarged pores.

For normal and dry skin, it is better to use low mineralization water.

Mineral water for the skin should be used without gases, since carbon dioxide greatly dries the skin and in some cases can cause irritation.

It is very simple to free water from gases - just leave it open for 40 minutes and all the gases will come out.

It is also useful to wipe the skin with frozen mineral water. You can make various masks based on mineral water.

In addition, mineral water can be used to strengthen hair and nails. To rinse your hair, it is better to use low-mineralized water, but water with a large amount of salts is an excellent remedy for brittle and peeling nails. To