What is herpes - routes of infection, types of viral infection, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment and prevention. What is herpes? Why and where does the disease appear?

Most people on the planet have had herpes, but not all of them know what herpes is. This disease is viral in nature and is accompanied by the appearance of a specific rash. It is characterized by the presence of grouped blisters localized on the mucous membrane and skin.

Herpes on the lips is the most common form of infection; it is commonly called a “cold on the lips.” Herpes can also take other forms that affect the genitals and other areas.

Herpes appears in the blood for a number of reasons. The main reasons for the appearance of signs of illness in children are a reduced level of personal hygiene, unfavorable living conditions and overcrowding.

The routes of transmission of the virus in adults are varied: airborne or sexual transmission, as well as tactile transmission.

That is, it is very easy to introduce the virus into the body, but complete recovery is almost impossible. The vast majority of the population (up to 90%) of the planet are carriers of the herpes virus. However, not all of them develop symptoms of the disease, and not everyone requires treatment for herpes. This is due to the individual characteristics of the body. A person can be a carrier and not get herpes, which indicates strong immunity. As soon as a failure occurs in the protective system, the virus immediately manifests itself.

Among all the reasons leading to the development of the disease, the most common is neglect of personal hygiene standards. We touch many objects that contain a large number of microorganisms that cause disease.

Both hypothermia and overheating of the body can provoke the development of the disease, since such conditions have a bad effect on the immune system. When leading a promiscuous sex life, many health problems can arise, including herpes.

The state of hygiene in public toilets makes them record holders for the number of all kinds of microorganisms. If these premises are not properly maintained, they become hazardous to the health of visitors.

The virus easily enters the body through kissing people who are carriers of the herpes virus. This will answer the question of how herpes on the lips is transmitted. At the same time, there are often cases when diagnosis did not show the presence of a microorganism, but symptoms of the disease were observed.

What are the types of herpes?

Before treating herpes, you should understand what types it is. Modern medicine knows about two hundred types of herpeviruses, but only eight of them are dangerous to humans.

  1. Type 1 of the disease includes herpes on the face, which is considered simple herpes.
  2. The 2nd type of virus is also a simple one; it affects the genitals. Herpes viruses types 1 and 2 are ubiquitous, almost the entire population of the earth is infected with them.
  3. Everyone knows the 3rd type of herpes - and shingles. Thus, chickenpox and herpes are the same thing. Most children get it when they attend kindergarten or first grade at school.
  4. Severe pathologies include infectious mononucleosis. It is caused by type 4 herpesvirus.
  5. Cytomegalovirus is provoked by exposure to type 5 herpes. You should know that it is this type of virus that forms birth defects in a newborn baby during pregnancy due to the penetration of the pathogen into the mother’s body. Thus, such herpes in infants poses a mortal danger.
  6. There are two types of herpes type 6. The action of the pathogen leads to damage to T-lymphocytes. For healthy people, it is practically safe, but if the body’s protective functions fail, it becomes the cause of a number of diseases. This is especially true for children.
  7. Type 7 virus is common in medical practice, but it is currently poorly studied. As a rule, its presence in the body does not cause disease.
  8. Herpes type 8 is associated with Kaposi's sarcoma and a number of dangerous pathologies. Activation of this herpevirus has not been observed in Russia.

Symptoms of herpes type 1 and 2

Herpes simplex virus type 1 appears as a rash consisting of grouped blisters. This happens with ARVI, colds and other infectious diseases. These bubbles contain liquid and are located in the lips or nose area.

The affected area brings the patient a lot of unpleasant sensations, accompanied by a burning sensation at the site of the lesion. The blisters may burst and crust over, spreading the infection to nearby areas.

If herpes is not treated, there is a possibility of complications of the disease. For example, sores may form in the mouth, which leads to intestinal diseases.

The difference between herpes type 1 and type 2 is the location of the rash. However, herpes has the same symptoms in both cases. When suffering from type 2 herpes, the patient complains of pain and burning in the genitals.

In addition, the course of the disease is accompanied by discharge that was not previously present, and the formation of wounds and blisters. If no action is taken or treatment is carried out incorrectly, serious complications may develop.

The inactive form of herpes does not manifest itself for an indefinite period of time, and the person becomes its carrier. Manifestations of the disease occur as soon as the body’s defense mechanisms fail. Moreover, even after the patient has completed the full course of treatment, there is a high probability of relapse.

Symptoms of herpes type 2 can be striking or, conversely, the disease occurs without any visible signs or illness. With pronounced manifestations, pain deprives the patient of sleep and prevents the discharge of minor needs.

In this case, the affected genital organs are a source of pain, since it is there that the rash colonies are located, which are prone to the opening of blisters and the formation of ulcers.

In the shingles form of the disease, herpes appears on the body. In this case, headaches occur, an increase in body temperature is observed, the lymph nodes noticeably enlarge and the general condition of the patient worsens.


If you suspect herpes, the question arises what to do. There is no need to panic, but you should seek qualified medical help. As a rule, diagnosing the disease is quite simple and with a high degree of reliability.

The localization of herpetic ulcers in the genital area complicates differentiation to some extent, since the typical signs are similar to chancroid. However, specialists can easily distinguish diseases based on certain signs.

Herpes simplex occurs in an acute form and is prone to relapse, which distinguishes it from syphilis. If there is any doubt, they resort to laboratory research methods.

When herpes is localized in the mouth on the surface of the mucous membrane, the manifestations of the disease are similar to pemphigus or exudative erythema, which is seasonal.

In this case, herpetic stomatitis is diagnosed on the basis of clinical manifestations, which are characterized by the behavior of the rash typical of herpes. Damage to the red border of the lips is accompanied by the transition of exudate to a bloody crust. The patient may have complaints of decreased appetite, increased salivation and discomfort when eating. Differential diagnostics can determine the disease.

If it is necessary to confirm the presence of the herpes virus in the body at the initial stage of the disease, the most accurate information can be obtained during a cytological study. For this purpose, biological material is selected by scraping. When examined under a microscope, characteristic giant cells with a large number of nuclei are clearly visible.

To obtain additional information and clarify the diagnosis, the PCR method is used, an immunofluorescence reaction is performed, and an ELISA is performed.


Modern medicine has no way to treat herpes simplex. However, there are many drugs that can effectively help fight the pathogen by reducing its activity.

Therefore, to the questions of how to quickly get rid of herpes on the lip or how to treat herpes in the nose, the answer from specialists is simple. To do this, you need to use ointments containing medicinal components at the very beginning of the disease, when its first signs began to appear.

In this case, the chances of avoiding the stage at which unpleasant rashes form are increased.

Treatment should be comprehensive, so doctors recommend intensively taking vitamin C for a week. After this, it is advisable to continue supporting the immune system with the help of a complex of vitamin and mineral preparations.

Treatment of the herpes simplex virus when it reaches the phase of the inflammatory process and the formation of blisters, in addition to local remedies, requires the use of medications that dry out the skin. If you want to open the blisters yourself, you should know the dangers of herpes on the lips. When the crust is removed from the lips, herpes continues to spread unhindered further on the face, which can cause the development of the disease on the eyelids and the mucous membrane of the eye.

To reduce swelling and inflammation, treatment of herpes on the body involves applying warm soda compresses or herbal infusions. Vitaon balm or mint extract will help relieve the condition.

During the entire period of therapy, it is necessary to reduce the amount of salty, spicy, sour and pickled foods in the diet. The restriction also applies to the consumption of citrus fruits. When wondering how to treat herpes, you should know that milk and dairy products contain lysine, which has a destructive effect on the herpes virus.

Treatment of herpes on the lip should be accompanied by the use of ointments that make the affected area of ​​skin softer. In addition to medicinal methods of treating the virus, a normal daily routine and a nutritious diet can simplify the fight against the disease.

Herpes and breastfeeding

Herpes during breastfeeding or during pregnancy is a serious problem that can cause complications. In this case, a nursing woman must show restraint and calm and follow the doctor’s recommendations.

The first thing that comes to the mind of a nursing woman in this case is weaning the baby from the breast. Such a desire is impulsive and unfounded from a scientific point of view, since breast milk contains antibodies in quantities that can create reliable protection for the baby.

If a woman is sick with herpes, then personal hygiene comes to the fore. Also, during the period of illness, you should avoid kissing the newborn.

Treatment of herpes during breastfeeding should be comprehensive and systematic. To do this, doctors prescribe the most effective and at the same time safe therapeutic techniques.

In most cases, acyclovir-based ointments are used, which have a local effect. It is important that the drugs used at the initial stage of the disease are not absorbed into the blood and are not present in mother’s milk. This will protect the child from their actions.

Prevention of herpes

The main importance in the prevention of herpes is given to strengthening the immune system. To do this, you should reconsider your attitude towards bad habits, change your lifestyle in favor of physical activity and avoid stress, a balanced diet and hardening of the body will also have a positive effect.

In case of widespread colds, you need to limit yourself in contact with them. It is recommended that people prone to relapses of the disease have an antiviral ointment on hand, which should be used at the first sign of herpes.

We tried to tell you in a general form about how to treat the herpes virus and what you need to do to avoid getting sick from it. Now you know how and with what to treat herpes on the lips and how to treat herpes in the nose, so you will do everything right even without visiting a doctor. However, it should be remembered that in difficult cases, self-medication is unsafe.

Useful video about herpes

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Photo: Valentina Razumova/Rusmediabank.ru

Did you freeze to the bone under the icy wind at a bus stop while waiting for a minibus, got your feet wet and caught a runny nose, or vice versa, did you overheat and “burn” on the beach? Are you stressed after being called on the carpet by your boss or have you just had a bad flu? At first glance, there is nothing in common between the situations described. And yet, in all these cases, very soon you may feel swelling and a local increase in temperature, notice redness and feel severe itching on the lips and wings of the nose, on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and eyes. At the beginning of the disease, general weakness and a slight increase in body temperature are also possible, and the process will end with the appearance of small bubbles with transparent watery contents in the affected area. That's right, this is that nasty herpes, also popularly called a “cold” or “fever.”

This disease has been known to people for a very, very long time. Description herpes is in the works Herodotus (1st century BC), he gave the disease its modern name ( from Greek herpein- crawl) due to the property of rashes to “spread” over the skin and mucous membranes in different directions from the original vesicle. However, only the capabilities of modern science allowed scientists to seriously engage in research into the family of so-called herpes viruses and the diseases they can cause.

Currently identified and described 8 types of herpes virus:
Type I– herpes simplex, causes rashes on the lips, wings of the nose, mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, mouth, eyes; In recent years, active research has been conducted to establish the role of this type of herpes in the development Alzheimer's disease, since this virus is found in the brain of 70-90% of patients;
Type II– also simple herpes, however, it is characterized by rashes on the mucous membranes of the genital organs;
III type– varicella zoster virus (Varicella-Zoster), the same well-known “chickenpox”, the same virus causes such a serious disease as shingles;
IV type– Epstein-Barr virus, pathogen infectious mononucleosis;
V type- dangerous cytomegalovirus, which poses a particular danger to pregnant women: this virus can not only provoke “chronic” miscarriages, it easily overcomes the placental barrier and can cause both severe malformations of the fetus and lead to its death;
VI, VII and VIII types herpes discovered relatively recently and still little studied; there is an assumption that virus type VI causes development chronic fatigue syndrome.

Doctors are seriously concerned about the triumphal procession herpesvirus family : if at the end of the last century it was believed that a virus herpes simplex type I About 80% of the adult population of the planet is infected, then according to some modern data this figure is close to 99%!

Infection with this type of herpes occurs in childhood; the virus spreads throughout the body through the flow of lymph and blood and is reliably “entrenched” in the peripheral nerve ganglia; it is able to penetrate the genome of cells of the nervous system. That is why, if the initial infection “has taken place,” it is impossible to get rid of the virus that has entered the body forever - it may not manifest itself for years and be in a “dormant” state. However, when exposed to a number of unfavorable external and internal factors ( hypothermia or overheating of the body, infectious diseases, stress, decreased immunity, pregnancy, drug and alcohol use) the virus can easily wake up and begin its destructive work.

Transmitted herpes virus type I airborne or contagious, infection is also possible through shared dishes, towels and other household items. The sight of a patient with a swollen lip or sores on the nose is not only extremely unaesthetic, such a person is dangerous to others due to the high probability of infection, for example, when kissing or shaking hands.

Distinguish 4 stages disease development and relapse herpes type I:

first stage characterized by general malaise, sensations of pain, burning and itching of the skin and mucous membranes in areas of future rashes; at this stage it is still possible to slow down the development of the disease and minimize its manifestations if you use antiviral drugs and traditional medicine;

- during second stage Quite painful rashes appear on the skin and mucous membranes in the form of blisters with watery contents, which can grow and merge with each other;

- when moving to third stage the bubbles burst and ulcers appear in their place; at this stage the patient is especially contagious;

- on fourth stage the ulcers become covered with crusts that cannot be removed or scratched due to the risk of bacterial infection; After some time, the scabs will fall off on their own and partial remission (recovery) will occur.

In most cases, relapse of the disease herpes type I passes without a trace. However, if the virus gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, in 60% of cases it is possible to develop blindness. This type of herpes can provoke in the patient viral meningoencephalitis, which can be fatal. Development is also extremely dangerous generalized herpes: in this case, herpetic rashes, in addition to the skin and mucous membranes, affect a variety of internal organs; the mortality rate of patients with this form of the disease can reach 90%.

Infection herpes simplex II type predominantly occurs sexually. Sometimes herpes viruses type I and II can “move”: so, virus type I can cause rashes on the genital mucosa, and virus type II– for example, on the lips. This “castling” is typical for oral sex.

"Good" virus type III the fact that I was ill in childhood chickenpox, you practically lose the chance to earn shingles, cross-immunity occurs.

Majority antiviral drugs for treatment herpes type I contain the same active substance, acyclovir , and differ only in dosage form ( ointments, creams, tablets, suppositories, injection solutions) and dose of the active substance. Zovirax, Acic, Gerpevir, Acyclovir– all these ointments and creams are essentially the same thing. More modern medicines stand out from this series: tablets Valaciclovir(based on acyclovir derivative, but much more effective), cream Fenistil-Pentsivir(active ingredient penciclovir). Ointments and creams are applied to the affected areas according to the instructions, sometimes every 2 hours.

It should be understood that “treatment” in this case is relative: the medications that medicine currently has are not able to completely neutralize the virus and remove it from the body. We are talking about shortening the acute period of relapse of the disease and weakening its manifestations. Medicines based on acyclovir and its analogues effective against viruses herpes simplex types I and II, and also in case herpes zoster And generalized herpes.

In case of extensive rashes or severe manifestations of the disease, in addition to antiviral agents, it is necessary to resort to the use immunomodulators (Cycloferon, Viferon, Amiksin and others).

There is no point in “cauterizing” herpes with alcohol or cologne - they do not have the slightest effect on the virus, but they additionally injure the mucous membranes and skin. But take advantage Corvalbreaker or Valocordin quite advisable: essential oils and menthol in their composition will reduce pain and itching. Rosehip oil or sea ​​buckthorn not only relieves inflammation, but also prevents wounds from cracking, relieves itching and promotes speedy healing. It also gives a good effect fir oil.

In folk medicine, it is often advised to apply pieces of ice wrapped in a clean napkin to the lips before the rash appears - this soothes the itching and pain. To generally strengthen the immune system, tea with lemon, ginger and honey, and rosehip infusion are widely used.

There are also recommendations to lubricate the affected area with onion “milk” with a good grip around it before the bubbles appear (it will come out if you cut the onion at the roots) - this, if it does not completely prevent the appearance of the rash, will prevent it from “creeping” much.

Good health to everyone!

Anyone can become a carrier of the herpes virus. You may not suspect for years that an “aggressor” lurks inside the body. Stress and hypothermia often cause inflammation in the labial fold. Bubble formation appears in children whose immune system has not yet strengthened. How to cure herpes on the lips - choose an effective medicine to get rid of the disease.

Herpes is a virus that often affects the lips

Home Remedies

When a person gets herpes, it is difficult to think about anything other than this scourge. To prevent the disease from spreading over the entire surface of the lip fold, it is necessary to heal the blister.

At home, you can treat an itchy “disgrace” by using one of the following remedies:

  • salt;
  • toothpaste;
  • hot spoon;
  • earwax;
  • alcohol tincture of propolis;
  • aloe juice;
  • validol;
  • alcohol, brilliant green;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • slices of onion and garlic, lemon.

Sea buckthorn oil is an effective remedy for herpes

Inflammation can be eliminated on the second day. Over time, it will be much more difficult to remove the bubble.

Stages of the disease

The success of treatment depends on how quickly you respond to the symptoms of the disease. Let's figure out what stages of the disease are distinguished.

  1. Stage 1. There is a tingling and itching sensation on the lip. A small area of ​​the lip fold turns red.
  2. Stage 2. A cold manifests itself by the appearance of transparent blisters. The affected lip becomes swollen. By pressing on the problem area of ​​the skin, you may feel very severe pain. There is liquid inside the bubble formations. Opening a “pea” while washing a patient is a common occurrence. It also happens that a person scratches an itchy blister in his sleep. This situation can have a depressing consequence - the spread of the disease to healthy parts of the body.
  3. Third stage. The bubbles open. They burst on their own, without outside intervention. In place of the bubble formations you will see ulcers. These wounds are quite dangerous. Firstly, they bring severe discomfort to the patient. Secondly, drying microtraumas spread infection.
  4. Fourth stage. The wounds heal, the painful sensations subside.

Young ladies, noticing that an unpleasant “guest” has appeared on their lips, sometimes make a mistake. Instead of treating itchy herpes on the lips, patients try to hide the blemish with foundation. This is not recommended.

Acute herpes on the lips without proper treatment can become chronic. This type of disease has a devastating effect on human health. It is difficult to predict how much time and financial costs it will take to fix the problem. It would be much better to purchase drugs that stop the development of herpetic blisters.

Possible reasons

Men and women who strictly observe the rules of hygiene are scratching their heads wondering why every year their annoying “lip” disease worsens. Let us name the reasons for the occurrence of bubble formations:

  • nervous overload, depression;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • lack of sleep;
  • hypothermia;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • diabetes;
  • smoking;
  • deterioration of immune functions.

Doctors remind that herpetic formations very often occur in people who have had a cold or sore throat. Sometimes fever occurs in women carrying a child. If the herpetic disease is recurrent, you may need immunity correction.

Effective techniques

How to effectively cope with herpes on the lips, how to treat it? There are many options that will help get rid of the problem.

    1. Salt. If a “sore” has appeared on the skin and is not allowing you to live in peace, you will be glad to see any effective remedy that is inexpensive and will ease your suffering. Regular table salt is effective in the first 2 days after the onset of the disease. Experts advise applying small grains of it to the problem area.
    2. Toothpaste with herbal ingredients will help stop the spread of the inflammatory process. All you need to do is lubricate the affected area with it. Improvement occurs faster than when using special ointments. But such treatment will bring a good effect only in the early stages of the development of the disease, gradually the quality of action will decrease.
    3. Hot spoon. This method effectively combats rashes on the lip folds. Some people who used it were happy that the herpes went away within a day. How you can treat a fever with its help: a teaspoon is dipped into hot black tea, heated, then removed from the boiling water and applied to the affected area of ​​the lip. You need to do this 3-4 times a day.
    4. Earwax. If you have a herpetic pea on your face, you can use regular sulfur to eliminate it. You will need to extract some from your ear. This substance is used to lubricate an itchy blister on the lip. By doing the procedure 2-3 times a day, many patients have overcome the annoying disease.
    5. Propolis tincture. You can cure herpetic lesions by using propolis tincture. The bee product, known for its antiviral properties, will eliminate the symptoms of the disease within a few days. The tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy or made at home. It is easy to use for medicinal purposes. Place a couple of drops of the “potion” on a clean cotton swab and lubricate the problem area with it. The method is not suitable for people who are allergic to bee products.
    6. Aloe. This plant is familiar to most people, but not everyone knows that using its juice you can get rid of herpetic lesions. You will need to lubricate the inflammation with juice squeezed from the leaves of the plant.

Aloe juice effectively treats herpes

  1. Validol. He helped many people get rid of a “fresh” blister on the skin of their lips. The tablet must be crushed and the resulting powder applied to the affected areas. This remedy will not help those who have a chronic illness. Without strengthening your immune system, you are unlikely to be able to cure herpes on the lips as quickly as you would like.
  2. Alcohol, iodine, brilliant green. When herpes appears on the lips, treatment should be immediate. Lubricating blisters with alcohol is a rather harsh therapy option. However, the remedy is effective for small herpetic “peas”. Iodine and brilliant green are also suitable for eliminating herpes. If a child is sick, you cannot cauterize a herpetic lesion using these methods. Otherwise, you will not be able to avoid getting a burn on your baby. Young children should be treated with ointments. Sea buckthorn oil will also work. The wounds left on the skin after herpetic blisters are annoying with itching and cause discomfort. To make them heal faster, lubricate the affected areas of the skin with sea buckthorn oil.
  3. Garlic and onion. To cauterize the problem area of ​​the lip and prevent the virus from spreading further, some patients use garlic. It is better to rub blisters with it before going to bed. If you can't stand the smell, you can use fresh onions. A “paste” is made from it, which is applied to the area of ​​inflammation. If you repeat this procedure 4 times a day, you will soon notice that the blister has decreased or completely gone away.
  4. Lemon. If you are suffering from a cold on your lip, try lemon treatment. Citrus juice should be applied to the area of ​​inflammation. But you should not abuse it for medicinal purposes. The juice of this fruit is known for its bleaching effect. To get rid of a blister and not get an “unfortunate surprise” in the form of a pale area of ​​skin, use lemon alternately with other, mild remedies to eliminate the problem.

Help a child

Having noticed a herpetic lesion in a child, an experienced physician will understand that the cause of the trouble is contact with a carrier of the virus. In adults, fever may not appear. External signs of the disease occur in the most vulnerable family members.

If the herpetic lesion is small, you can try treating it with earwax or aloe juice. If the blisters on the child’s labial fold hurt and do not want to go away, it is worth showing the little patient to the doctor. For children of preschool and primary school age, pediatricians prescribe antiherpetic drugs in the form of ointments.

If a herpetic lesion appears in a person with enviable regularity, this indicates a decrease in the body’s defenses. Nobody wants to infect their loved ones. Prudent people ask doctors how to properly organize protective measures in order to protect household members from infection.

In most cases, people acquire the virus through intimate contact or kissing. The second route of infection is household. You may not know what herpes on the lips is, and you won’t be treated for the disease if you take personal hygiene seriously. Using dishes from which a sick person ate, the habit of wiping your face with someone else’s towel - all this “plays” in favor of the herpes virus.

The cause of infection for some people was a visit to an unscrupulous tattoo artist. If the tattoo was made with a needle that has not been sufficiently sterilized, the virus can enter the bloodstream.

If a woman has had herpes, there is a chance that she will pass the virus on to her unborn child. Moving along the birth canal, the baby can become infected. In infants, the symptoms of herpetic lesions manifest themselves differently than in adult patients. Your baby may develop rashes all over his face. Itchy rashes sometimes appear on the genitals. A young mother should be attentive to the slightest changes in her baby’s well-being. Only an experienced doctor can treat herpetic disease in infants.

Herpes in a nursing mother is treated with special ointments. If you notice that a blister is lurking on the lip fold, you should take precautions. Do not kiss your child so as not to pass on an annoying sore to him. The presence of blisters on the face is not a reason to stop breastfeeding your baby. The virus is not transmitted through breast milk. Moreover: when fighting the virus, a woman’s body produces antibodies. These substances present in milk protect the baby from disease.

Use of biostimulants

Each case of the disease is individual. It is clear that the recovery time from a cold varies from patient to patient. If you started to fight a herpetic lesion as soon as your lip turned red and began to hurt, treatment for herpes on the lips can last only a day. For people with diabetes, treatment may take more than a month.

Diabetics can fight herpes for more than a month

To strengthen the body's protective reserves, therapists advise using immune stimulants. Preparations of natural origin have helped many patients overcome the disease faster.

Echinacea tincture is known for its strengthening effect on the immune system. 20 drops of alcohol solution are diluted with a glass of water. Then the drug is drunk. By taking a diluted echinacea tincture once a day for 10 days, you can eliminate the chronic type of herpetic inflammation.

Pomegranate juice can give strength to the body and make it less vulnerable to viruses. Fresh cabbage, spinach, oranges and lemons also strengthen the immune system.

By eating citrus fruits, fresh cabbage, spinach, boiled turkey and baked mackerel, you can get rid of herpes on your lips for a long time and forget how to treat it with tablets and ointments.


How to properly treat herpes on the lips: drug therapy consists of using ointments. Tablets also give good results. People who have serious immune disorders may be prescribed drugs in injections.

  1. "Acyclovir". The drug blocks the reproduction of the virus in cells and eliminates foci of inflammation. The medicine is available in three versions: as an ointment, tablets and solution for injection. The ointment eliminates herpetic blisters within 1-2 days.
  2. Tetracycline ointment. To treat inflammation on the face, 3% tetracycline ointment is used.
  3. "Viferon". This modern remedy contains a protein compound that inhibits viruses. With the help of Viferon you can cope with different types of herpes. The drug is available in the form of gel, ointment and suppositories. The latter are used for genital herpetic lesions. Ointment will help eliminate colds on the face.

No medical treatment can destroy the virus forever. But it is possible to silence the disease.

By taking care of proper nutrition, hygiene, and devoting enough time to sleep, you can strengthen the body’s protective reserves. Then you won’t have blisters on your face for many years.

Where do cold sores come from?

Colds on the lips always appear in one pattern. At first, you feel an unpleasant itching and tingling sensation - this means that bubbles with liquid inside will soon appear, which will hurt and itch. After a while they will burst and become crusty, and then disappear. The entire life cycle of the bubbles lasts 7–10 days.

The rash is caused by the herpes simplex virus, a common infection that cannot be cured. She lives inside the body for years

Usually it does not affect a person in any way, but during an exacerbation the same bubbles appear. This happens after:

  • Other diseases: ARVI, exacerbation of chronic infections, injuries.
  • Severe stress.
  • Fatigue and overwork.
  • Sunburn.

Sometimes herpes becomes active in women before menstruation.

How to treat rashes

For the treatment of herpes simplex, there are ointments and tablets with acyclovir. They will not destroy the virus forever, but will help remove sores faster. Ointments with dexpanthenol are also used to heal wounds and crusts.

When the blisters burst, to prevent the infection from spreading, you can use antiseptics, but without alcohol. For example, chlorhexidine or miramistin.

In order not to irritate the inflamed areas, during an exacerbation you should not eat spicy, sour or salty foods, or use lipstick or aggressive cleansers.

Why is herpes on the lips dangerous?

There are many herpes viruses, they cause chickenpox and shingles, roseola infantum, and in severe cases - serious diseases, including cancer.

Herpes simplex does not deal with such horrors, it only reminds of its existence from time to time with rashes.

If this happens less than five times a year, then there is nothing to worry about - just get treatment and monitor your health. But if a cold occurs more often, then this is a signal of problems with the immune system - you need to be examined

The sores themselves are unpleasant, they interfere with eating, and another infection can spread to the burst blisters, which will make it more difficult to recover. In severe cases, when the body is weakened by immunodeficiency, herpes simplex can lead to encephalitis.

How to avoid getting infected with a virus

There is little chance of this. According to WHO, almost 70% of the world's population is infected with the virus and infection occurs in childhood.

Herpes simplex is transmitted mainly through direct contact. The most contagious period is when the blisters are already large and can burst at any time. Then their contents, along with the virus, appear outside

But even if there are no visible manifestations of the virus, a person can be infected (and not even know it). And the virus can be transmitted through saliva, on dishes, even through sneezing. It is almost impossible to resist infection, although there are precautions.

How to strengthen your immune system

Herpes becomes active when the immune system weakens. It is logical that if the virus is already in the body and cannot be pulled out, then you need to act from the inside and not give herpes a reason to pop up in the form of sores.

But immunity is a system that can only be improved by lifestyle. Immunomodulators and stimulants have no proven effectiveness, although there are many of them in pharmacies. But daily walks, healthy food and good sleep are a good way to help yourself.

Just one walk will not dissolve the herpes on your lips. But if you make it a rule to actively spend 30–40 minutes outdoors every day, then perhaps this cold will be your last.

Can herpes appear not only on the lips?

There are two types of herpes simplex. The first one just causes a cold on the lips. The second type is the cause of genital herpes, in which the same ulcers and blisters appear on the genitals.

Sometimes the first type of virus also leads to rashes in intimate places.

But these are only those cases that are clearly visible. In general, herpes lives in nervous tissue, so it can appear anywhere there are nerves. It is easiest on the mucous membranes, so herpes can affect internal organs, the oral cavity and eyes. So, if your herpes has become active, it is better to give up contact lenses for a while or carefully maintain hygiene when you put them on or take them off.

How to deal with herpes so as not to pass it on to others

A person whose disease has worsened must follow certain rules:

  • Until the rash goes away, do not kiss other people.
  • Avoid oral sex.
  • Eat from separate dishes.
  • Do not share your healing ointments.
  • Wash your hands after touching the inflamed area.

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Herpetic infection is one of the most common among all viral diseases. The tendency to one form or another largely depends on the woman’s immunity. Genital herpes is one of the varieties, constant relapses of which have a negative impact on a woman’s health and her reproductive function. Infertility, miscarriages and infection of newborns are not a complete list of possible complications. Is there an effective treatment for genital herpes in women?

In ancient times, herpes infection was called “creeping”. This name is due to the clinical picture. Initially, the herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 2 was considered “sexual,” but sexual liberation has long blurred the boundaries between types of the virus. Today, HSV types 1 and 2 occur on the genitals with equal frequency. They have no fundamental differences in treatment, health prognosis and prevention. The viruses of the first and second types themselves have 50% identical structure.

What kind of infection

After the herpes virus enters the cells, it then strives to penetrate the nerve endings, where it remains in an inactive state for a person’s life. During immunodeficiency (for example, stress, serious illness, pregnancy), the infection is activated, which is expressed in a vivid clinical picture.

How can you get sick

Herpetic infection is transmitted in the following ways.

  • During sexual intercourse. Herpes viruses are easily transmitted from man to woman and vice versa during unprotected intimate relationships. Both traditional sex and other types - oral, anal - matter. The lesions are localized on the external genitalia, vaginal mucosa and cervix.
  • By airborne droplets. It occurs less frequently, and requires close contact with a sick person, for example, the virus is transmitted by kissing or talking at a distance of up to a meter. In this case, the rashes will be located on the lips, mucous membranes of the mouth, and nose.
  • Contact and household path. In this case, genital herpes can be transmitted by sharing hygiene items, towels, and dishes with a sick person (during the period of rashes). In this case, foci of herpes will be in those places where there was contact with the pathogen.

In the presence of a primary focus of herpes infection, the virus can infect all other organs and parts of the body, penetrating into these areas through the hematogenous, lymphogenous route or through nerve endings.

Infection can only occur if there is an active infection. If it is easy to notice herpetic rashes on visible parts of the body, then when localized on the vaginal mucosa or cervix, this is impossible for an ordinary person. Therefore, any sexual contact can potentially become dangerous.

Manifestations of genital herpes in women

Classic symptoms of herpes on the genitals are pain, itching and rashes. When localized on the vaginal mucosa and cervix, a latent and asymptomatic course is characteristic. In this case, a woman may notice only a slight increase in discharge or signs of thrush. Therefore, it is important, even with the slightest complaints, to consult a doctor and undergo a full examination. The classic symptoms are as follows.

  • Itching and pain. In the area of ​​virus activity, an unpleasant sensation and a desire to scratch arise. Itching is accompanied by pain and persists throughout the entire period of the disease.
  • Rashes. By the end of the first to the beginning of the second day from the moment of the onset of unpleasant sensations, blistering rashes appear. Most often this is a group of small ones, but there can also be single ones. As you recover, the blisters are replaced by crusts. The latter disappear on their own after complete restoration of the epithelium in this area. A bacterial infection may occur, then the herpes rash becomes covered with a yellow coating.

In addition to the main manifestations, genital herpes in women may cause the following:

  • ulcers on the skin and mucous membranes- are formed if the bubbles immediately open, and the woman notes that this place itches and the burning sensation intensifies after visiting the toilet or shower;
  • discharge increases- if herpes viruses are activated on the cervix, white or transparent discharge appears, thrush may occur;
  • lymph nodes enlarge- this is a reaction to inflammation, most often the regional (inguinal) lymph nodes become enlarged;
  • signs of cystitis- when the virus enters the urethra and then into the bladder, a typical clinical picture of urethritis and cystitis occurs with pain and pain when urinating.

Damage to the uterine cavity leads to the clinic, ovaries - inflammation of the appendages. Sometimes a woman finds out about herpes by chance, for example, during examination for sexually transmitted infections, that is, with recurrent colpitis, or even without associated complications.

Risks of complications

Herpes does not pose a danger to women whose immune system does not allow the virus to actively multiply and lead to various diseases. But for those whose body’s defenses may fail, the pathogen is dangerous and must be fought. Most often, exacerbation occurs in the following situations:

  • during pregnancy;
  • on the eve of menstruation;
  • with inflammation in the vagina;
  • after serious illness or surgery;
  • against the background of chronic fatigue and stress.

Those women who are prone to viral diseases should be especially careful in preventing the disease during these periods. In addition to unpleasant symptoms and anxiety, genital herpes is dangerous due to its complications. The main ones include the following.

  • Pathology of the cervix. The role of herpetic infection in the development of leukoplakia, dysplasia and cervical cancer along with the human papillomavirus (HPV) is undoubted and has long been proven.
  • Chronic inflammation. Recurrent herpetic infection causes inflammation not only in the cervix, but also in the cavity (chronic endometritis), in the fallopian tubes and ovaries. In this case, characteristic rashes can be detected on internal organs at the time of operations, for example, caesarean section.
  • Fetal infection. With an active infection in the cervix, pathogens easily enter the cervical canal and penetrate the amniotic membranes to the fetus, causing infection. In addition, infection of the baby can occur at birth through the natural birth canal if the mother has a rash at that moment. Active herpes in the cervix and external genitalia is an indication for a cesarean section.
  • Pathology of pregnancy. A herpetic infection can cause a non-developing pregnancy, miscarriage at any time, or premature rupture of amniotic fluid. Therefore, it is important to maintain immunity during pregnancy and prevent recurrence of infection if you are prone to herpes.


Depending on the location, genital herpes in women can be divided into the following stages:

  • the first stage - with only external localization of lesions (on the labia, in the area of ​​the vestibule of the vagina);
  • second stage - established if the virus is detected on the cervix, in the urethra;
  • the third stage - when the infection spreads into the uterine cavity, appendages, and bladder.

How to confirm the disease

Diagnosis of herpetic infection is not difficult with a typical clinical picture. In the case of a latent or chronic course, a diagnosis can only be made using additional examination methods.

  • PCR. For the study, a special smear is taken from the surface of the cervix, cervical canal, and, if necessary, from the urethra. Detection of HSV DNA indicates relapse of infection. A negative PCR test does not indicate a complete cure, but rather that the virus is not active at the moment and the immune system is coping with herpes.
  • ELISA. For the study, blood is drawn to determine the presence of antibodies to the herpes virus. Titers of immunoglobulin M (IgM) indicate the acute stage of infection, immunoglobulin G (IgG) indicate a previous illness, and IgA indicate a recent episode of the disease.

Other methods and tests (for example, virological) have no clinical value for genital herpes.

Is it possible to be cured

The peculiarity of a herpes infection is that it is not possible to completely get rid of the pathogen; the virus will still remain in some quantity in the nerve endings and can be activated at any time.

The main goal of any treatment regimen for genital herpes is to reduce the number of copies of the virus to a minimum and strengthen the immune system so that it blocks any attempts by HSV to relapse. When examined using the PCR method, viruses should not be detected when taking material from the cervix or vagina. Based on this, prevention of genital herpes in women with a tendency to this infection should be carried out throughout their lives.

Therapy in the acute period

If viruses are detected based on PCR results, treatment is prescribed aimed at reducing the amount of HSV. For this, the following antiviral drugs are used, internally and externally in the form of ointment or cream. The main ones are:

  • "Acyclovir"- 200 mg (one tablet) up to five times a day for a week or in the form of an ointment;
  • "Valacyclovir" - 500 mg (one tablet) once a day for a week;
  • "Famvir" - 150 mg three to five times a day for 10 days.

Various ointments and gels with antiviral action can be used locally - Virolex, Cyclovir, Epigen, Panavir-gel, Foscarnet.

Therapy in the subacute period

After relief of the main symptoms of the disease, it is important to undergo a course of immunomodulatory therapy to create a background in which the body can then cope with the remaining pathogens on its own. The following drugs are used for this:

  • "Cycloferon" - 12.5% ​​solution, 2 ml intramuscularly once a day for 10 days;
  • “Arbidol” - 200 mg once a day for two to three weeks;
  • “Viferon” - in the form of rectal suppositories, 500 thousand units, one at night for 10-14 days;
  • "Lycapid" - 10 mg twice a day for 10-14 days.

The regimen and combination of drugs, as well as the duration of therapy, are determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease. To prevent recurrence of herpes, courses of immunomodulators are recommended to be taken continuously, for example, in the second phase of the cycle, as well as during illnesses, severe stress, and moving.

How to give birth

During pregnancy, a woman's body experiences immunodeficiency, which is necessary for a successful pregnancy. This is associated with frequent episodes of recurrent infection, including after childbirth.

An active herpes infection at the time of birth is highly likely to lead to infection of the child. Indications for performing a caesarean section are as follows:

  • during an episode of rash on the genitals- two weeks before birth;
  • for PCR detection of HSV in the genital tract- two weeks before birth;
  • if genital herpes occurs for the first time- a month before the upcoming birth.


After complete recovery, vaccination can be used to prevent repeated episodes of genital herpes - this is a proven remedy for the disease, but the developing immunity is not always enough for a long time. 0.2 ml is administered every three days - repeated five times. Then the course should be repeated, but with an interval between injections of ten days (also five times).

In addition, the following procedures are effective to strengthen antiviral immunity.

  • ILBI. This is intravenous laser irradiation of blood. The procedure is painless and highly effective. During it, the ulnar vein is punctured and laser radiation is applied through a special conductor for some time. ILBI enhances antiviral immunity and helps achieve stable remissions of the disease. Reviews from doctors and patients who have used this treatment method confirm its effectiveness.
  • Plasmapheresis. This is a method of “blood purification”, in which it is distilled through a special device with filters. The procedure also helps reduce the number of episodes of illness and increases the body's defenses.
  • Hemosorption. The procedure is similar to plasmapheresis in terms of methodology and the resulting effect.

Traditional methods of fighting the virus

Folk remedies at home should be used with caution, observing all safety measures. This way you can try to cure herpes with obvious rashes in places accessible to treatment.

  • Three plants. Calendula plus birch and plantain. It is necessary to prepare a solution based on calendula flowers and plantain. To do this, you need to take them in equal quantities, pour boiling water over them and keep in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then strain and use as sitz baths. You can add a few drops (or powder) of potassium permanganate.
  • Honey and celandine. You need to take a tablespoon of liquid honey and a few drops of celandine. Mix and apply to the affected area, cover with gauze. This way you can gently cauterize the outbreaks of herpes.
  • Kalanchoe juice. You can apply the pulp of fresh leaves or squeezed juice on a cotton pad to the area of ​​the rash. At least two to three applications should be applied per day until complete healing.
  • Fir oil. It is useful to use fir oil to speed up healing - you need to apply it to the rashes several times a day. You can add camphor and tea tree oil to it.

Genital herpes does not always manifest itself with the usual rashes. Often it has a hidden course, which creates an imaginary impression of health. Therefore, it is important to undergo regular examination by a doctor for timely detection of the disease, as well as to use barrier methods of contraception (condoms) to prevent HSV infection.

Treatment of genital herpes must be comprehensive, and both sexual partners must undergo it. But influencing the causes of genital herpes in women, that is, the virus itself, does not always avoid relapses in the future. Throughout your life you will have to maintain your immunity using medications, herbs, vitamins and other methods.
