Green beans - health benefits and harms. What are the benefits of green beans for women, men, and children? Treatment and prevention of oral diseases

Among the many types of beans, string or green beans are not so popular. Some people find it not entirely useful. True, such negative statements are not supported scientific facts. Green or black Eyed Peas, as this type of bean is also called, is as nutritious as its other close relatives and is distinguished by the fact that it does not have developed beans and rough partitions inside the pod. Its benefits for the human body are not questioned by nutritionists and are readily included in their diets.

How green beans grow

These delicate, elongated green pods belong to the bean genus of the legume family, just like regular beans. Scientifically green beans called common beans. Inside the pod are small beans. Their preparation for cooking consists only of cutting off the ends and all that remains is to cut them to the length required by the recipe or based on your own preferences.

Many imagine beans exclusively with grains inside this legume, which are the basis for numerous delicious dishes. Green beans are nothing more than unripe bean pods.

Beans came to European territory only in the 16th century and long time used by people as an ornamental plant.

Only in the 18th century did Italian chefs appreciate the taste of the pods. And it is they who are considered the initiators of the development of the first variety without the presence of rough partitions in it. This is how the so-called French beans were born, the ancestor of modern green or asparagus beans.

Subsequently, breeders developed fresh green, asparagus, sugar and butter varieties, suitable for consumption in their entirety.

Like the beans familiar to many, green beans can be bush beans, i.e. when growing, it does not require additional supports, and climbing, for which you need to install supports. Growing this type of bean is no different from growing regular beans. The main thing is to collect the pods in a timely manner so that they do not become rough and, therefore, unsuitable for food.

In terms of shape and color, green beans can be green, golden, or variegated. Are different different varieties and the length of the pods themselves.

It is customary to collect them at the stage of milky ripeness, when the seeds do not have time to acquire density.

Green beans composition and calorie content

Despite its plant origin, green beans often become the cause of controversy among nutritionists and other consumers who are skeptical about such a food product.

But it’s worth looking at the chemical composition of this type of bean; all disputes can be resolved in favor of the latter.

According to research, green beans have:

The total calorie content of 100 grams of product is only 30 kilocalories.

The energy value of green beans (BZHU) is represented by the following percentage ratio - 59/1/40.

Green beans beneficial properties

Most nutrition experts agree that green beans healthy product nutrition. It is high in vitamins, which are very important for the human body, and low in calories. In addition, green beans are a good source of fiber, which improves digestion and intestinal function, protects the colon mucosa by reducing the time of exposure to metabolic products and binding carcinogens.

Dietary fiber can lower cholesterol levels by being reabsorbed in the intestines and binding bile acids.

One of important vitamins it contains vitamin K, which is responsible not only for normal blood clotting, but also participates in maintaining a healthy skeletal system.

Some health experts believe that green beans can be very beneficial in maintaining heart health. It contains several vitamins that help reduce high cholesterol, and therefore reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

Bean pods contain 17 percent vitamin A and 20 percent vitamin C from daily norm adult. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, an antioxidant, helps preserve vision and prevents night blindness.

Dietary fiber regulates blood sugar levels. Folic acid or vitamin B9, vitamin B6 regulate the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood. Homocesteine ​​is an amino acid that acts as a metabolic intermediate product, and increased levels in the blood are associated with the risk of heart disease.

We must not forget that it contains a number of minerals, which each individually play an important role for health.

The anti-inflammatory properties of green beans are important for treating arthritis and asthma. Studies show that these beans can reduce high blood pressure.

Vitamin C, combined with carotenoids, supports immune system and prevents damage to body cells by free radicals. Research shows that foods high in vitamin A, carotenoids, and vitamin C help prevent lung, gastrointestinal, breast, oral, pancreatic, cervical, and ovarian cancers. All this is presented in green beans in optimal proportions.

The benefits of green beans for the human body

As can be seen from the chemical composition and beneficial properties, green beans can benefit the human body and help maintain health.

Speaking about its benefits, we can highlight the following:

  • The absence of any harmful toxic substances in green beans (it simply does not absorb them from the environment during the growth period);
  • Digestible protein of plant origin;
  • Help in the fight against various intestinal infections(due to the iron and sulfur contained);
  • Promotion general immunity(that is, the processes of the body’s resistance to various pathogens of viral diseases are activated; for example, the influenza virus is destroyed);
  • Good expectorant effect and excellent anti-inflammatory effect for bronchitis, as well as tuberculosis;
  • Treatment of the gallbladder;
  • Improvement of liver function;
  • Normalization of acidity with reduced secretion;
  • Therapeutic adjunct in the treatment of rheumatism;
  • General improvement in carbohydrate metabolism;
  • Helps increase hemoglobin;
  • Reducing cholesterol levels (useful for atherosclerosis);
  • Strengthening the heart muscle and vascular walls(as a result, preventing the occurrence of arrhythmia);
  • Reducing high blood pressure;
  • Mild laxative effect on the intestines;
  • Activation of all digestive processes;
  • Bringing the hormonal levels of women back to normal, especially during menopause, pregnant women and teenagers (their hormones have not yet “evened out”);
  • Strengthening genitourinary system in men;
  • Diuretic effect, which helps relieve swelling and effectively cure diseases associated with the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • Acceleration of metabolism (an important factor in losing weight);
  • Normalization of the nervous system;
  • Acceleration of hematopoietic processes in anemia;
  • Removing toxic substances from the body;
  • Prevention of cancer;
  • Normalization of blood glucose levels (the main functions of insulin here are performed by arginine and glucokinin);
  • Slowing down the aging process;
  • Synthesis of collagen necessary to maintain the elasticity of the skin;
  • Regulation of protein metabolism.

Green beans are harmful

As you know, all varieties of beans are dangerous due to the presence of toxic substances in their grains, which are often contained in the skin and are destroyed during heat treatment.

Unfortunately, green beans were no exception, which is why we can identify the main contraindications to its consumption, which are as follows:

  • It is forbidden to eat green beans raw (they contain a toxic toxic substance, pheazine, which is destroyed only by heat treatment);
  • Eliminating the product from the diet of people suffering from gout (existing purines lead to increased levels uric acid in organism);
  • Complete exclusion of such beans in people with acute diseases gastrointestinal tract (for example, acute gastritis or ulcer);
  • It is undesirable to include the product in the diet of people suffering from intestinal colitis or cholecystitis;
  • Increased gas formation (although this can be minimized by adding dill or caraway seeds to the dish).

Green beans may cause allergies in some people. In this case, it is also contraindicated for use.

Green beans contain oxalic acid, which can crystallize as oxalate stones in the kidneys or bladder in people with impaired kidney function. To minimize this side effect, you need to drink more water to maintain normal diuresis.

Green beans for pancreatitis

No matter how sweet, soft and appetizing the bean pods may seem, to be consumed in various stages pancreatitis (either acute or during remission) they are strictly prohibited. And there are several reasons for this:

  • Increased level of gastric secretion (it will irritate the pancreas);
  • Increased gas formation, which will put pressure on all abdominal organs and cause discomfort.

Only a decoction can do a “good” service bean wings, which can somewhat dampen inflammation and help normalize glucose levels in the blood and plasma (or serum).

Green beans for diabetes

But green beans are quite useful for diabetics. And this applies not only to people suffering from higher level glucose, but also for those who have hypoglycemia ( reduced level Sahara). On the one hand, having a low hypoglycemic index, such a product prevents high level sugar, and on the other hand, it allows you to diversify the menu.

People with low glucose in the blood (this often includes pregnant women), green beans will help level the glucose line. It sounds strange, but still.

Green beans for weight loss

Many nutritionists consider green beans to be a very attractive food product for weight loss. Firstly, it is a good source of dietary fiber, which means it normalizes the digestion process and metabolic products will not be retained in the body.

Secondly, these beans contain virtually no fat. Its content per 100 grams is less than 1 percent. But there are a lot of vitamins, minerals and almost 2 grams of protein.

Although bean pods taste sweet, there is actually just over 3 grams of it in one glass.

Frozen and canned green beans

Green beans do not lose their beneficial properties when frozen. It retains all vitamins and nutritional value. The calorie content of frozen beans is also preserved.

But this cannot be said with complete confidence about canned food. Although one cannot categorically deny its benefits. There is less cholesterol in it than in fresh. All vitamins and minerals are almost completely preserved.

It should be noted that in canned beans the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates decreases. Accordingly, there are fewer calories in it. But you need to remember that in addition to beans, the jar also contains other components that are used for canning. Based on the foregoing, you need to approach the choice of such a product more carefully and carefully read the composition label.

You can use these beans in salads, soups, and stews. You can simply pour a little vegetable oil and season with a clove of garlic. Another advantage is that it does not require time to prepare.

What is healthier, green beans or regular beans, find out from the video

Legumes are extremely popular in cooking. That is why domestic summer residents and gardeners strive to grow them. They are increasingly interested in green beans, the pods of which have a pleasant, delicate taste. It is not necessary to husk its grains; the entire juicy pod, which has enormous nutritional value, is eaten.

Green beans are commonly called immature legume pods. As a rule, asparagus varieties fall under this definition. It is green beans that have the best taste and have huge stock useful microelements.

It is characterized by long pods. If you buy a ready-made frozen product, you need to pay attention to ensure that they are not increased in volume. Otherwise, the product may contain coarse fibers.

The beans should break with a characteristic crunch, be juicy and young. They taste a little sweet.

Biochemical composition of the pods

Vegetable refers To dietary products . It is recommended for use by people who are overweight.

The plant has the unique property of not absorbing harmful substances from the environment. That is why it is considered one of the most environmentally friendly products.

Compared with common species of this bean, the green one is not so rich in protein, but the content vitamins somewhat more. These include:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin groups PP, A, C and E;
  • acids necessary for the body;
  • cellulose;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats.

Includes many minerals:

  • sulfur;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • chrome and many others.

According to its composition it is considered unique plant, capable of saturating the human body. At the same time, the number of calories consumed is reduced to a minimum.

Beneficial properties of green beans

Vegetables have an effect on the human body very beneficial effect. For a long time in folk medicine it was used to heal bronchial asthma, normalization of metabolism, treatment of rheumatoid.

Cosmetology has not been left out either. Our ancestors used the leguminous vegetable to eliminate skin rashes. In addition, these legumes have a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect. High argenine content has a positive effect on the condition of people suffering from diabetes.

In its effects, argenine is similar to insulin, which is why drinking a liter of bean and carrot juice helps the body begin to produce it on its own.

Green beans contain high percentage of iron. Thanks to this, it promotes the production of red blood cells in people suffering from anemia. But you shouldn’t overuse legumes, so as not to harm your health.

Pregnant women simply need to eat this vegetable. Thanks to her actively are being formed nerve cells fetus. Besides, this product helps improve visual acuity.

For chronic hypertension regular use beans help lower blood pressure. The consumption of green beans by men suffering from male diseases is also beneficial.

Harm from consumption

No matter how positive and healthy green beans may seem to you, they have a number of contraindications for consumption and, in addition to their benefits, can cause harm to the body. So, it is not recommended for people suffering from peptic ulcers and gastritis.

Those who suffer from such ailments should be very careful:

  • colitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis.

Under no circumstances should you eat raw pods, as they contain pheazine.

It is a toxic substance and can cause serious poisoning. To avoid this, beans need boil for 5 minutes.

Under no circumstances should green beans be consumed by people allergy sufferers both on the beans themselves and on certain of their components.


The use of green beans is quite wide. I use it in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. This product should definitely be included in the diet of patients with diabetes. It promotes natural production insulin. A decoction is also used for these purposes.

To people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, you should also eat green beans. The use of this product also has a beneficial effect on increasing hemoglobin, stimulating the functioning of the nervous system, liver and kidneys.

Due to its low calorie content, the vegetable is very widely used in dietary nutrition.

A huge number of dishes, preparations and semi-finished products are prepared from it. It is difficult to say for which dishes this legume plant should not be used. The neutral taste of the fruit allows you to experiment with a variety of dishes.

Vegetable can be combined with both meat and fish dishes . Even the most demanding and sophisticated gourmets will be satisfied with its taste.

Even in the most sophisticated restaurants you can find dishes made from green beans. As a rule, it is steamed, but pre-soaked in salt water. This is done so that the product does not lose its rich color.

The pods can be preserved by freezing. To do this, they are washed, crushed, dried and placed in containers or freezer bags. The shelf life of this product is about six months. At any time, even in snowy winter, you can enjoy the taste of a healthy product.

Growing vegetables is quite simple. She unpretentious, does not take up much space on the site. You can plant the crop between other plants.

Its taste is very high, and the content of nutrients and microelements is simply enormous. That is why many gardeners are now trying to allocate space in order to plant such a valuable crop. The scope of its application is unusually wide, and traditional medicine has long used this legume for medicinal purposes.

Beans, which were once a purely ornamental plant, are regaining their well-deserved place on the table of fans. healthy eating and just vegetable lovers. We tried the American guest, brought to Europe by the Spaniards in the 16th century, only 200 years later. It was liked by the Italians, who tried it in an unripe state, in the form of tender green pods. Since then, new varieties have been developed, which are called asparagus, green beans or simply green beans. This plant of the legume family is an excellent dietary and healing product that has great benefits for the human body. But do not forget that if used incorrectly, beans can cause harm.

The chemical composition of the plant is so rich that beans are used in therapeutic diets for various diseases, it is used to prepare healing infusions and used for weight loss.

Beans are rich in vitamins and microelements

Table: chemical composition of beans

Useful material Amount per 100 g of beans
Beta carotene 0.5 mg
A 67 mcg
WITH 20 mg
E 0.3 mg
RR 0.5 mg
IN 1 0.1 mg
AT 2 0.2 mg
Folic acid 36 mcg
pyridoxine 0.2 mg
Pantothenic acid 0.2 mg
Minerals and trace elements
phosphorus 44 mg
iron 1.1 mg
iodine 0.7 mg
sulfur 9 mg
sulfur 9 mg
zinc 0.18 mg
selenium 1.4 mcg
Calcium salts 65 mg
Magnesium salts 26 mg
Sodium salts 2 mg
potassium 260 mg
Copper 33 mcg
silicon 5.25 mg
cobalt 1 mcg
fluorine 2.5 microns

The nutritional value The product is a balanced ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats to optimally meet the vital needs of the body. The nutritional value of green beans puts it among the healthiest foods. It is a source of vegetable protein, organic acids, dietary fiber, saturated fatty acids, sugars and starchy substances.

The calorie content of beans may vary. It depends on the form in which the vegetable is consumed: boiled, steamed, fried or stewed. . You can freeze beans, and then you can get a dose of vitamins even on winter days. Raw beans contain 28 kcal per 100 g. But they cannot be eaten in this form, they contain toxic substances that are destroyed during heat treatment. Boiled or steamed beans contain from 47 to 145 kcal, depending on the variety. Fried beans contain 175 kcal, and stewed beans - 136 kcal.

Green beans do not accumulate harmful substances coming from the environment: from soil and water, so they can be considered environmentally friendly pure product. Another advantage of the vegetable is the preservation of up to 80% of nutrients even during prolonged heat treatment.

Beneficial features

So what are the benefits and harms of green (asparagus) beans? To use the product correctly, you need to understand this nuance. The first thing nutritionists talk about is the inclusion of green beans in the diet of patients with diabetes. Thanks to arginine, an insulin-like substance, blood glucose levels are normalized. People who constantly consume beans experience stress more easily and are less susceptible to infectious diseases. That is why beans are used in folk medicine.

Eating green beans is beneficial for everyone, but it is especially recommended in the following cases:

  • at cardiovascular diseases, it lowers cholesterol levels, protects against the effects of free radicals, slows down tissue aging;
  • to prevent the formation of tartar;
  • to normalize fat metabolism;
  • for the prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • in case of hormonal imbalance;
  • for healing the liver and intestines;
  • when it is necessary to improve the quality of blood, since the substances contained in the product promote the formation of red blood cells;
  • for improvement cellular respiration and increasing local immunity.

Green beans are also necessary for those who care about their appearance. It helps improve the condition of skin, hair and nails.

canned green beans retain all their beneficial properties

General rules of use

Eating beans every day can help relieve pain and inflammation from bursitis. Infusions are used to treat gout, urolithiasis, rheumatism and hypertension. Having a diuretic effect, beans remove extra salt and promotes the dissolution of small stones in the urinary and bile ducts.

For various hepatitis, green beans help stop inflammation and restore the functioning of liver cells. The presence of copper in the pods of the plant promotes the synthesis of hemoglobin and the production of adrenaline. Men need the vegetable for prostate adenoma and sexual dysfunction. Phthisiatricians recommend that tuberculosis patients eat beans in large quantities.

Pancreatitis is characterized by severe pain that is very difficult to relieve medicines. will come to the rescue decoction from the shells of bean pods. To achieve stable remission, it must be taken for 10 days.

Behind low calorie content and its balanced composition, green beans are loved by nutritionists, who include them in weight loss diets. In particular, it is recommended as part of the Dukan diet when alternating “protein” and “vegetable” days. Diets for quick weight loss also include green bean dishes. You need to eat it every day in small portions as a main course. Beans can be substituted green pea in salads, potatoes in side dishes and even bread. Thanks to its low glycemic index, green beans can satisfy hunger quickly and for a long time.

The green bean diet involves eating green beans every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They can be varied. For example, for breakfast you can eat a salad of beans and any other vegetables, and for lunch you can cook diet soup, and for dinner - steamed beans. There are 3-day and 7-day green bean diets. In the 7-day diet, beans are consumed twice a day - for breakfast and dinner.

Before using this diet, you should consult your doctor.

If you have no contraindications for eating green beans, it is advisable to include them in the menu several times a week in any form.

Diets with green beans - effective method get rid of extra pounds

Use as a medicinal plant

As aid In the treatment of diseases and as part of diets, green beans are used in the form of decoctions, salads, dietary side dishes and soups.

Decoction for the treatment of pancreatitis

Brew 1 tablespoon of dry bean leaves in a glass of water, boil for 3-4 minutes over low heat, take 3 times a day half an hour before meals. It is best to brew the beans immediately before use, rather than preparing the decoction for future use.

Decoction for diabetes

It can be prepared in two ways:

  • Finely chop 50 g of pods and pour 250 g of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 8 hours. Take 100 g 30 minutes before meals three times a day.
  • Boil ½ cup of finely chopped pods in 1 liter of water for 10–15 minutes. Drink 1 cup before meals.

Infusion of green beans

For diabetics, an infusion of green bean leaves is also useful: 3 tablespoons of dry raw material, brew 1/2 liter of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 6 hours. The filtered infusion is taken half a glass three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Green bean juice

Green bean juice can treat bursitis (100 ml twice a day for two weeks), mastopathy (400 ml of a juice mixture of carrots, beets and beans per day for a month), and normalize hormonal levels during menopause. Squeeze the juice from young, tender green pods.

Any decoctions, juices and infusions can only be a concomitant treatment in the composition complex therapy prescribed by a doctor. The duration of the appointment is also regulated by the doctor.

Dishes included in the diet

Dishes made from green beans can be varied by combining them with other products.

Diet salad for weight loss

Boil 300 g of green beans (you can take green and yellow varieties), cut the onion, add 100 g of green olives, any herbs to taste, pepper, salt, lemon juice and 30 g olive oil.

Side dish of boiled beans

Steam 200 g of beans, grind basil and rosemary (dried) with a small amount olive oil and lemon juice. Pour the resulting sauce over the prepared beans. Serve with chicken breast, meat and fish dishes.

Green bean soup

Boil the chopped green beans for 15 minutes, add the chopped Bell pepper, 4 tomatoes, 1 carrot, 1 onion. Cook for another 7 minutes. Add a glass tomato juice and greens, cook for 3 minutes.

Green bean soup is a delicious part of a healing diet

Green beans retain their beneficial properties when frozen and canned.

To make your dishes tasty, you need to know a few subtleties of its preparation:

  • the longitudinal hard vein must be removed before cooking;
  • cook the pods for no more than 10 minutes;
  • if the beans have wilted a little, they need to be kept in cold water;
  • if you cook beans in an aluminum container, they will lose their bright color;
  • always salt a dish with beans at the end of cooking, so they will retain their rich color;
  • if you cooked beans for future use and are not going to use them right away, rinse them after cooking cold water;
  • Avoid repeated defrosting and freezing of the product, as this will cause it to lose its beneficial properties. It's better to freeze it in small portions.

Before preparing any dish, green beans should be boiled in salted water for several minutes.

Green beans for women's health

Green beans contain substances similar to the female sex hormone - phytoestrogens. By including delicious bean dishes in your menu, you can maintain normal hormone levels. For girls in adolescence and women during menopause, eating beans will help normalize and maintain hormonal levels. Women during menopause are recommended to eat green beans every other day for lunch or dinner in any form.

Green bean juice will be an excellent addition to the diet of a woman over 40 years old. In addition to increasing the level of female hormones, it will help improve your health digestive system, will provide the necessary vitamins and help get rid of inflammatory processes. 100 ml of juice per day will be enough to heal the body. You can combine it with others vegetable juices, for example, carrots.

Beans are useful for pregnant women:

  • the high protein content allows you to partially replace meat with beans;
  • fiber promotes timely and effective cleansing intestines;
  • is the prevention of anemia;
  • nicotinic acid in beans normalizes arterial pressure, strengthens nerves, normalizes metabolism;
  • prevents pigmentation.

Green beans can be consumed during pregnancy

When eating beans during pregnancy, it is advisable to follow several rules:

  • the beans must be well cooked to avoid indigestion;
  • to avoid flatulence, beans should be soaked in cold water for several hours before cooking;
  • do not combine beans with meat products, and eat it as a separate dish.

Breastfeeding mothers are advised to include green beans in their diet. Its rich composition will benefit not only the mother herself, but also the baby. This type of legume will not cause excessive gas formation in the child, but, on the contrary, will normalize his stool.

To avoid anemia, support the kidneys and ease the digestion process, pregnant and lactating women are recommended to eat green beans 2-3 times a week as a separate meal throughout the entire period.

In the nutrition of children: infants and not only

Green beans can be used to make delicious and healthy dishes for children.

Green beans can be added to vegetable puree for feeding a child after 5 months, when he masters vegetables. Fresh beans are boiled and pureed. Test portion (for allergies) - 1 teaspoon. If all is well, you can give it as part of a mixture with vegetables already familiar to the child or in pure form, gradually increasing the amount to 60 g at a time. It is best to feed your baby beans at lunch. It is not advisable to combine it with meat dishes so that there is no increased gas formation. It is good to add dill to dishes with green beans. You should give them to your child no more than 3 times a week. Older children can eat beans as they are prepared for adults.


A vegetable so rich in substances necessary for the body has some restrictions and contraindications for consumption:

  • allergy;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • period of exacerbation of pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • colitis;
  • increased levels of uric acid in the blood, gout.

If there is a tendency to bloat, then during cooking you need to drain the first water in which the beans were cooked. Adding spices during cooking will help avoid situations where your stomach is swollen. Fresh pods contain a dangerous poison - pheazine. It breaks down when boiled for 5–7 minutes.

Green beans are young shoots of the most common beans. It is collected when it is green, when the leaves are still young and quite tender in structure. The bean is sometimes called asparagus bean. Due to its nutritional and beneficial properties, the product has earned special love among healthy eating enthusiasts.

This product is extremely beneficial for health. The vitamins and minerals contained in green beans enrich the body with useful substances. It is recommended to eat it to boost immunity, improve digestion, cardiac activity and brain function.

Found green beans wide application in cooking, but its use does not end there. Beans have long been included in many traditional medicine recipes. Let's look at how to use green beans for various purposes below.

Natural composition and calorie content

Unique properties green beans due a huge amount useful substances included in its composition. Beans contain a number of vitamins and microelements that improve health and increase protective functions body and resistance to various bacteria and infections.

The chemical composition is presented:

  • vitamins A, C, E, K, PP, elements of group B (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9);
  • folic acid;
  • macro- and microelements: iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, molybdenum, sulfur, copper, zinc;
  • fiber;
  • ash;
  • starch;
  • mono- and disaccharides;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • organic acids;
  • dietary fiber, etc.

Calorie content The product contains 23 calories. The nutritional value presented: proteins - 2.5 g, carbohydrates - 3 g and fats - 0.3 g.

Useful properties of green beans

Green beans - very valuable nutritious product, which has gained wide popularity due to its beneficial properties. Green beans have an anti-inflammatory effect that helps resist various infectious, viral and respiratory diseases.

  • violation cardiovascular activity(vascular problems, arrhythmias, risk of stroke/heart attack);
  • anemia and anemia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • susceptibility to infectious intestinal diseases;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • bronchitis;
  • hormonal disruptions and disorders;
  • rheumatism;
  • urolithiasis and pyelonephritis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • skin rashes, etc.

Due to their low calorie content, green pods are recommended to be included in diets. A large number of fiber promotes satiety, and a rich vitamin and mineral reserve supplies all the necessary substances that the body needs during the period of weight loss.

The vegetable has a cleansing effect. Digestion improves when consuming this product. The abundance of certain elements in its composition helps to remove waste and toxins from the body.

It is also recommended for use by people suffering from diseases of cardio-vascular system. Green beans are recommended to be eaten as prophylactic from heart attacks, strokes and other diseases of the cardiac system.

The bean product normalizes blood glucose levels and actively participates in carbohydrate metabolism. Due to this property, it is considered especially useful for people suffering from diabetes.

Green beans are indicated for people who suffer from metabolic problems. The product increases metabolism and promotes rapid digestion of food.

One of the properties of green beans is considered to have a diuretic effect, so it is often recommended to include it in the diet for urolithiasis, cystitis and edema of various natures.

Green beans are especially useful for a woman’s body. It has a beneficial effect on hormonal levels and improves the overall condition of a woman during menopause. The abundance of useful substances in beans improves the functioning of the nervous system and stabilizes the emotional and psychological state, helping a woman cope with stress and nervous disorders.


Green beans are considered a very valuable product. Due to the abundance of useful substances, it is used in various fields. For example, it is actively used in dietetics. This vegetable contains a lot of fiber. It promotes long-term saturation and replenishment of the body with vitamins and minerals.

Green beans improve digestion, remove harmful substances from the body, and eliminate slagging that impedes weight loss.

Green beans have found wide use in cooking. Many healthy and tasty dishes are prepared from it. It is included in soups, side dishes and salads. Green beans are often called “asparagus beans” due to their visual and taste similarity to asparagus.

Nutritionists recommend including this product in your daily diet. It is better to cook it in a double boiler or oven. However, green beans grown in our country are much cheaper and more accessible than asparagus brought from abroad.

Young bean shoots are used in folk medicine. This product can eliminate the symptoms of many diseases. For medicinal purposes, special decoctions and infusions are prepared. At home, compresses, inhalations and rinses are often used, recipes for which will be discussed below.

Green beans for diseases

IN Not traditional medicine The beneficial properties of green beans have been known for a long time. This vegetable is useful not only in the form of various culinary dishes, but also as medicinal drugs.

Green beans help with various diseases:

  • inflammation of the mucous membranes,
  • wounds and burns,
  • high sugar in blood,
  • pancreatitis,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • arrhythmias,
  • rheumatism,
  • urolithiasis.

Green beans are mainly used as decoctions and infusions.

Green bean infusions

Boiled bean pods are often used to treat certain inflammatory and infectious diseases. For example, to eliminate inflammation of the oral cavity, and unpleasant odor And white plaque on the tongue, it is recommended to rinse with bean broth oral cavity 5-6 times a day.

To boost immunity, The following decoction is prepared: pour 20 g of chopped green beans with a liter of boiling water. We bet on water bath and simmer over low heat for 2-3 hours, but some of the liquid will not boil away. Take a decoction of 150 ml three times a day (20 minutes before meals).

For burns and wounds prepare this decoction of green beans: 1 tbsp. l. Grind the dried green bean seeds and pour 150 ml of boiling water. Let it cool, then strain. Let's take it cotton swab, soak it in the infusion and apply it to the damaged area 2-3 times a day.

For diabetes A decoction of green beans with the addition of several ingredients is effective. To do this you need:

  • Take two parts each of green beans, oat straw, blueberry leaves and 1 part flax seeds.
  • Finely chop all ingredients.
  • 3 tbsp. l. Pour three cups of boiling water over the resulting raw material.
  • Then place in a water bath.
  • Cook over low heat for 20 minutes.
  • Use medicinal decoction 3 tbsp. l. three times a day. The course of treatment is 30 days.

There is another option for diabetes. We take green beans (dried leaves), blueberry leaves, nettle leaves, and dandelion root in equal proportions. Grind all components and pour 1 tbsp. l. medicinal collection two glasses of boiling water. Next, boil our broth in a water bath for 15 minutes (over low heat). After this, cool, strain and drink half a glass three times a day.

For inflammation Bladder take 4 tbsp. l. dried chopped green beans and fill them with 350-400 ml hot water. Boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Then filter and use the product 3 times a day in an amount of 100 ml. The course of treatment is one month.

Infusions from bean pods

A wide variety of infusions are prepared from green beans to help treat diseases. For example to lower blood sugar you can resort to interesting recipe. Three tbsp. l. Brew dry leaves in half a liter of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 6-7 hours. Drink 100-200 ml three times a day, half an hour before meals.

For the treatment of rheumatism Dried pods are used. To prepare the infusion correctly, you must follow the steps described in the recipe:

  • To do this, fresh shoots are dried while still fresh.
  • Then the valves are crushed.
  • Take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials and pour two glasses of boiling water.
  • Let it brew for 3-5 hours.
  • Use 3-4 times a day for rheumatism, as well as severe swelling, especially those caused by kidney disease.

Easy to prepare medicinal infusion from the doors for dropsy and rheumatism. Take 40 grams of leaves and brew them in one liter of water. Cover the container with a lid and wrap it well. Let it brew for 3-5 hours. We take the infusion three times a day.

People who frequently include green beans in their diet look younger because their bodies age more slowly and their skin looks better.

Recipe with green beans for atherosclerosis, arrhythmia and hypertension next: 4 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and let it brew for 5-6 hours. You need to take the product 2-3 times a day for a month. The intake should be 30 minutes before eating.

At renal failure and urolithiasis a certain set of ingredients is suitable:

  • 3 tsp dried green beans,
  • the same number of blueberry leaves,
  • similar number of thorn flowers,
  • 3 cups yarrow,
  • 6 hours horsetail,
  • an equal part St. John's wort.

Grind all ingredients and 1 tbsp. l. From the resulting collection, pour 350 ml of cold water. Leave it like this for six hours. Then put the mixture in a water bath, bring to a boil and cook for 3-4 minutes. We use the medicine one glass twice a day. We drink in small sips.

For chronic pancreatitis another infusion is being prepared. To prepare it, take 2 tbsp. crushed raw materials and steam in a thermos. Let it brew for 5-7 hours. We take the product 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals. Course - 2.5 weeks.

In home cosmetology

Bean masks are incredibly beneficial for the skin. At home, both green beans and the seeds themselves are used. This valuable product perfectly nourishes the skin and enriches it with vitamins.

Green beans are often used to whiten skin, eliminate enlarged pores and skin rashes. The substances in its composition stimulate the production of collagen and increase the tone of the epidermis.

Fresh green bean juice Recommended for use as a lotion. To do this, the beans are crushed, the juice is squeezed out and the skin is wiped with it. The remaining cake is recommended to be used to treat wounds and burns. To do this, it is applied to the damaged area and a gauze bandage is placed on top.

Can be cooked rejuvenating mask. Take one green bean and a little avocado pulp, grind them to a puree. Add 4-5 drops of jojoba and orange oil to the resulting mass. Mix everything and apply to the skin for 15 minutes. Wash off cool water.

Mask for problem skin prone to rashes It’s even easier to prepare than the previous one. Grind the green beans until pureed. Add 1 tsp there. lemon juice and 3-4 drops of tea tree oil. Mix all ingredients and apply to face for 15 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

For a nourishing mask Take 40 g of green beans and chop them. Mix with 15 grams of grapefruit juice and 15 grams of olive oil. Bring the mixture to a smooth state and apply to the skin for 15-20 minutes. Then wash off with cool water.

Green beans in cooking

Green beans have been used in cooking for a long time. Many culinary delights are prepared from this product. It is added to soups, stews, side dishes, sauces, casseroles, etc. At proper preparation this vegetable retains all its beneficial properties.

Salads combine green beans with mushrooms and vegetables perfectly. Green beans with eggs are a great recipe for breakfast, and green beans with meat are a hearty and healthy lunch. Green beans are boiled, fried, pickled. It can be stewed, baked in the oven and cooked in microwave oven. Green beans in a slow cooker turn out very tasty. And the most dietary dishes from green beans, those that are steamed.

Green beans are low-calorie - 24 kcal per 100 g. They help speed up metabolism, as they contain what is necessary for good metabolism.

Cooking green beans will take a minimum of time. Green beans are so tender that you only need to cook them for 3-5 minutes. But experienced cooks advise: before cooking green beans, soak the pods in cold water. This way they will restore lost moisture.

Cream soup

Green beans make a very tasty puree soup. To pamper your family with this gourmet dish, you will need:

  • green (asparagus) beans - 700 g;
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • milk - 400 ml;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • Rye bread.

Boil 200 g of beans separately. Then take a container for potatoes. Peel the potatoes, cut them into cubes, boil them in a liter of water. Grind the remaining half a kilo of beans in a blender and add them to the potato broth. When the potatoes are cooked, you need to homogenize all the vegetables with a blender. Add milk to the resulting creamy mass, butter and spices to taste. Serve the dish with the addition of whole bean pods, and don’t forget to decorate it with rye croutons.

Green bean stew

Green bean stew - very hearty dish, which will please the whole family. To prepare it we need certain ingredients:

  • green beans - 400 g;
  • chicken fillet- 500 g;
  • tomatoes - 300 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.

Wash the chicken, cut into cubes and fry in vegetable oil in a multicooker in the “Baking” mode. Add the onion cut into rings and grated carrots. After three minutes, pour the beans and tomatoes, cut into four parts, into the multicooker bowl. Salt and pepper, set to “Stew” mode for 40 minutes


Despite the enormous benefits, green beans misuse, can cause harm to the body in the form of various side effects. It is very important to pay attention to the contraindications of the product.

  • Increased acidity stomach;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive problems (gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers, etc.);
  • Tendency to flatulence and strong gas formation;
  • Unstable stool and tendency to diarrhea;
  • Colitis;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Gout;
  • Tendency to allergic reactions;
  • Individual intolerance to the components that make up beans.

During pregnancy and lactation, before consuming green beans, it is better to consult a doctor.


What are green beans?

What are green beans, the benefits and harms of green beans for human health, what medicinal properties do they have? All this is of great interest to those who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in traditional methods of treatment, including with the help of vegetables and grains. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Green beans (colloquially green beans) are unripe pods of common beans that are used as food. They are often sold frozen or canned. The cooking methods are varied - stewing, boiling, frying. Due to its high lectin content, consume raw beans should be in moderation.

The main producers of green beans are China, Indonesia, Türkiye, and India. Kenya leads in terms of export volumes. In the European Union, the leading position is occupied by France and the Benelux countries. Bean pods are an ingredient in many Belgian dishes.

Beans (lat. Phaseolus) are a genus of plants in the Legume family. Beans are one of the oldest cultivated plants on the planet. Currently, beans rank second among legumes in the world after soybeans.


Beans are an annual plant with a branching herbaceous stem. The root system of beans is taproot type. Like all legumes, bean roots contain nodule bacteria that fix nitrogen from the air and enrich the soil with it.

Vegetable beans are an ornamental crop, especially during flowering. The leaves of bean plants are large, pubescent, the flowers are bisexual, moth-type, collected in inflorescences. The fruits are spade beans with 5–10 seeds. Depending on the variety, the beans can reach a length of 5–20 cm. The beans also differ greatly in color. The shapes of spatulas are very diverse. Also, based on the structure of the bean shells, shelled, semi-sugar and sugar varieties are distinguished.

The bean has a receptacle with a cup-shaped disc. The wings of the moth corolla are more or less fused with the boat, the long pinwheel of which, as well as the stamens and style, are spirally twisted.

The bean is bivalve, between the seeds with incomplete partitions of spongy tissue. Herbaceous plants, often annual, mostly climbing, with feathery leaves. There are 3 leaflets, very rarely 1. Both the entire leaf and each leaflet are equipped with stipules. Flowers in axillary racemes. The seeds are rich in legumin and starch.

This plant has been known to mankind since very ancient times. The earliest mention of beans in ancient written monuments dates back to the 2nd millennium BC. e. It was used in writing in ancient China. And archaeologists discovered the first bean seeds while working on excavations of monuments of pre-Incan culture in Peru. This plant was common among the ancient Incas and Aztecs, and the ancient Greeks and Romans used beans not only as food, but also as a medicine. The Slavs became acquainted with beans around the 11th century.

Beans came to Russia quite recently - in the 16th century - from Turkey and France. At first it was called beans and was specially grown only for decorative purposes. Beans began to be grown as a vegetable only in the 18th century. IN last years beans became more popular.

About 150 species are known in the warmer regions of both hemispheres. Bred for their fruits and seeds - and some species also for their flowers - called Turkish beans.

Phaseolus multiflorus Willd, a flowering bean with red flowers, is often grown as a beautiful flowering climber.

Common, faba or Russian beans (Vicia faba L.) belong to the genus vetch.

Of the many types of beans that exist today, common beans are the most common. According to the nature of the growth of the crop, bush, semi-climbing and climbing forms of beans are divided. Plants of bush forms grow in height 30–70 cm, the length of the stem of semi-climbing forms is no more than 1.5 meters, but plants of climbing forms of beans can grow in almost unlimited growth - reaching a length of 5 m or more. Russian gardeners prefer bush varieties that are more cold-resistant, early ripening and compact.

Beans came to Europe from the New World in the 16th century, where they were called “Italian beans,” and to Russia two centuries later, probably from Poland. Unripe vegetable beans are eaten as food.

Useful properties and contraindications of green beans:

Green beans began to be used in culinary purposes much later than shelling beans, brought to Europe by Dutch and Spanish sailors back in the 16th century. The Italians were the first (in the 18th century) to think of trying green pods by heart, and then began to actively use unripe beans in various dishes. However, several more decades passed before Europeans developed a special variety of beans that bore a harvest of long, sweetish, juicy pods. These beans were called French or green beans. Today there are dozens of varieties of green beans - climbing, semi-climbing, bush. In Russia, gardeners love bush beans most of all - such beans bloom very beautifully.

All sugar varieties can be divided into 2 types - these are beans with and without a parchment layer. Those varieties that lack this layer are the most valuable and expensive - they are called asparagus. They are prepared for consumption very simply - by boiling. It is this type that is the most, so to speak, fleshy, and their quality component is the highest.

Beans have a lot in their arsenal useful vitamins and microelements - protein alone in certain varieties contains up to 6%. Vitamins of group B, A, as well as calcium, vitamin C, vitamin PP, iron.

In addition, scientists have long documented beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on health. human body. In this sense, Lima beans, otherwise known as Moon beans, are highly valued. It is generally accepted that this particular variety has the greatest medicinal properties. After much experimentation, it was discovered that this variety contains agglutinins. These are substances that cause bad microorganisms caused by infectious diseases to stick together. Thus, it is this element that helps overcome various ailments and strengthen the immune system. Today, scientists are trying to understand whether agglutinins have properties to fight cancer problems.

Green beans - tender, newly born pods that cannot be more than a week, – eaten whole, without removing the grains. This variety of bean came to Russia only in the 16th century, from France, and first as an ornamental plant. There are many varieties of green beans: Chinese long beans, Kenyan beans, yellow wax beans and the so-called “dragon tongues”, which appear in vegetable markets in Moscow in the spring.

Green beans cook quite quickly: they should be boiled in boiling water (or better yet, blanched) for no more than 5–6 minutes, steamed for about 8–10. Frozen beans cook in 2-3 minutes. The tips of the pods are usually cut off before cooking - they are quite hard, and in some varieties the fibers running along the edge of the pod are also removed. After the specified time has passed, the beans need to be thrown into a colander and mercilessly doused with cold water - then they will definitely not fall apart, they will be bright green, plump, and appetizing. The main thing is not to overcook.

There are highly nutritious varieties of salad beans. In general, beans are a waste-free crop; the legumes themselves and the straw from them are an excellent vitamin-rich feed for livestock.

Traditional medicine has also been used for a long time healing properties this culture. For example, a decoction of bean seeds or pods is used as a diuretic for edema of renal origin or due to heart failure.

And yet, not everyone can eat bean dishes. Elderly people should avoid them as beans cause bloating. Since it contains purines, it should not be eaten if you have gout or nephritis. Doctors do not recommend including beans in the diet for gastritis, peptic ulcers, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, and colitis.

However, beans reduce the risk of cancer. Scientists at the University of Colorado conducted an experiment in which they fed rats beans of the varieties that can be bought in a regular supermarket. By the end of the experiment, they found that the incidence of cancer in experimental animals had decreased by almost 30%. In addition, in those rats that did develop cancer, the number of tumors was more than 2 times less than the average.

Beans are so healthy that they are used even in for cosmetic purposes. Made from beans nourishing masks. Boiled fruits, rubbed through a sieve, in combination with lemon juice and vegetable oil give the skin necessary nutrition, make it healthier, eliminate wrinkles.


It would seem that such a useful product can be used in the diet of all people without exception. But green beans can also cause irreparable harm for the body. People who have been diagnosed with:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • cholecystitis;
  • internal ulcer;
  • spicy inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • intestinal dysfunction;
  • colitis.

Green beans contribute to the formation of flatulence, so elderly and elderly people and all those who suffer should not get too carried away with this vegetable. chronic constipation. But main harm Green beans can be detrimental to the body if they are not prepared correctly. It is strictly forbidden to eat beans raw, since both the pod itself and the grains contain a toxic substance, which is resolved by heat treatment.

Delicious green beans for the winter, recipes:

Beans sterilized in brine:


  • young green beans

For filling:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 20 g salt

Peel the beans and rinse with water. Place in a pan of boiling salted water and cook for 5 minutes. Immediately cool in cold water, drain and let dry.

Place into jars and fill with boiling liquid.

Cover the jars with lids. Sterilize at 85–90 °C:

Cans with a capacity of 0.5 l - 20 minutes,

1 liter jars - 25 minutes.

After sterilization, seal the jars hermetically, turn them upside down and cool.

Store in a cool place.

Pickled beans:


  • 500 g green beans
  • 1 liter of water
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 50 ml wine vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of salt
  • 100 g sugar

Wash the beans, remove the ends and the side “string”. Place in boiling salted water for 5 minutes. Drain in a colander and rinse with cold water.

Place the beans in a sterilized jar, trying to place the pods vertically. Place peeled garlic cloves on top.

Boil water with sugar, salt and vinegar. Pour the boiling marinade over the beans. Seal tightly and let cool completely.

Store in a cool, dark place.

Marinated green beans with honey:


  • 200 g green beans
  • 500 ml water
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 2 teaspoons 9% table vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • ground black pepper

Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add vinegar, honey, vegetable oil, salt, pepper and Bay leaf. Boil everything together for 2-3 minutes.

Then add green beans to the pan and cook over low heat for 10-12 minutes. Then add chopped garlic and cool.

Place the mixture in a sterilized jar, close the lids and place in the refrigerator.

Beans are a high-protein crop. Her whites are chemical composition and biological value are similar to proteins of animal origin. Beans are rich in essential amino acids, which are very important for the human body; bean proteins are equal to dietary proteins chicken eggs. Their digestibility is 75%. Thanks to the rich content essential amino acids beans are certainly included in vegetarian diets and diets for many intestinal diseases.

Bean carbohydrates are sugar compounds (glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, stachyose, starch and fiber).

It contains a lot of organic acids (malic, citric, malonic), carotene, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP, folic acid. Beans are considered a valuable source of vitamin E, which regulates the metabolism of fats, proteins and nucleic acids.

In addition, beans are a real pantry minerals. Among them are potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper, etc. In terms of copper and zinc content, beans are ahead of most vegetables. As is known, zinc is involved in the synthesis of certain enzymes, insulin and hormones. This is why beans occupy a significant place in dietary treatment.

It is used in folk and traditional medicine to treat diabetes mellitus, inflammatory diseases kidneys and bladder, urolithiasis. Extracts from bean pods and bean husks are a powerful hypoglycemic agent that reduces blood sugar. Bean husk tincture has antibiotic properties. Also in ancient Rome bean flour was used as an effective cosmetic product for whitening facial skin, treating some skin diseases, as well as for disorders of the digestive tract.

At the same time, the variability of gastronomic consumption of beans is very wide - soups, porridges, side dishes are prepared from beans and other legumes, they are canned, and ground to produce flour.

Beans can be eaten different stages ripening: tender green pods and tough, mature beans. However, for each period of maturation you need special approach: Green pods and beans should be carefully picked, handled and washed, and be careful not to overcook during cooking.

How to treat infectious diseases of the stomach and intestines with green beans?

Recipe 1

100 g of green beans and 1 tablespoon of a mixture of calendula and chamomile flowers, pour 0.5 liters of water, boil over low heat for 15 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 100 ml 4 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is 3–5 days.

Recipe 2

Pour 1 tablespoon of bean leaves and 1 teaspoon of yarrow herb into 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is 3 days.

How to treat rheumatism and gout with green beans?

Recipe 1

Pour 4 tablespoons of bean shells into 1 liter of water, boil over low heat for 20 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 100 ml 2-3 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is 21 days.

Recipe 2

Pour 4 tablespoons of bean leaves and 1/2 pod of hot pepper into 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 7 days, strain. Rub the tincture on the affected joints 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 7–14 days.

Diuretics for edema associated with kidney and heart diseases

Recipe 1

Pour 200 g of bean pods and 1 tablespoon of bearberry herb into 1 liter of water, boil for 20 minutes, strain. Take 100 ml 4 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is 3 days.

Recipe 2

Pour 2 tablespoons of bean leaves, 1 teaspoon of dill seeds and 1 tablespoon of corn silk into 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 3 hours, strain. Take 2 tablespoons 6 times a day. The course of treatment is 3–4 days.

Treatment and prevention of oral diseases:

Recipe 1

Pour 1 tablespoon of bean leaves and 1 teaspoon of oak bark into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Rinse your mouth 3-4 times a day for periodontal disease, gingivitis, and gum injuries. The course of treatment is 7 days.

Recipe 2

Pour 250 ml of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of bean wings, leave for 30 minutes, strain, add 1 teaspoon of propolis solution. Rinse your mouth 2 times a day for stomatitis, toothache, and periodontal disease. The course of treatment is 7 days. To prevent periodontal disease, rinse your mouth with the drug once a day (in the evening) for 10 days. Prophylaxis should be carried out 3 times a year.

How to treat diabetes with beans?

Recipe 1

Pass 200 g of beans through a meat grinder along with the pods, add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Take 50 g 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of prophylaxis is 7 days.

Recipe 2

Pour 300 ml of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of bean leaves and 1 teaspoon of bean flowers, leave for 3 hours, strain. Take 100 ml 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. The course of prevention is 21 days.

Recipes from the book by D. Nesterova “Healing with vegetables. Healers from the gardens."

Video about beans. Worth a look!

Are green beans used in weight loss diets?

Beans for weight loss are used in different options. One of them is to supplement your proper diet meals from different types this vegetable. You can also improve your figure with bean diet. There are a lot of options.

The bean diet is a healthy weight loss system without the feeling of hunger. It is very effective in combating the problem of excess weight, since the main product of the menu is low-calorie and filling. In addition to legumes, the diet includes dairy products, vegetables, water, coffee or tea, berries and fruits.

In salads and side dishes, green beans combine well with other ingredients and add an original taste to the dish. It is the least high-calorie of all legumes.

Steamed green beans:

  • Green beans (can be frozen) – 200 g;
  • Olive oil – 2 tsp;
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Rosemary, basil - a pinch.

Steam the beans in a steamer (11 minutes). Grind rosemary, basil and olive oil in a mortar. Then add lemon juice to the herbs. Pour the prepared sauce over the beans. This dish is combined with boiled chicken breast, fish and tofu cheese.