Show all medicinal herbs. Belarus has a huge supply of chamomile, calendula, and thyme. What is needed to generate income from what is under your feet?

In the summer, many people want to get out into nature. Even if you just take a walk in the forest, by a river, in a meadow, breathe in the fresh air, admire the sunset, you will already feel healthier. But at the same time you can collect not only strawberries or mushrooms for aromatic soup, but also to find medicinal plants. Of course, you need at least basic knowledge. Here, too, sometimes you get confused among mushrooms - where is edible and where is poisonous, to say nothing of the rich variety of herbs. Therefore, before you start collecting medicinal plants, you need to at least know them in person. It is also advisable to master at least basic rules procurement and storage of medicinal raw materials. We hope that our next issue dedicated to this topic will also help you navigate the amazing kingdom of healing flora. We asked to conduct unique master classes on the pages of “NG” experienced specialists from the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences and experienced herbalists. Let's bow to the green doctors together, friends!

Tops and roots

Collecting medicinal raw materials is a whole science, and here everything must be done according to the rules

Many people believe that the preparation medicinal plants- a trivial matter. But in reality everything is not so simple. She told us how to collect and dry plants that are often found in our forests and meadows. Researcher Laboratory of Biodiversity of Plant Resources of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences Inna Savich.

If the buds and bark of trees are harvested in early spring, and seeds, fruits, roots and rhizomes are harvested closer to autumn, then in the summer months, as a rule, leaves, flowers and grass are harvested. The above-ground parts of plants (leaves, flowers, grass, fruits) are collected in dry weather after the dew has dried and before the appearance of evening dew. Roots and rhizomes - throughout the day. You need to collect raw materials only from healthy, well-developed plants not damaged by insects or diseases. It is not recommended to collect it near large industrial enterprises and on the sides of roads with heavy traffic (closer than 100 m from the roadside), as well as within large cities, along polluted ditches and reservoirs.

Some types medicinal plants may cause allergic reactions, dermatitis, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nasopharynx,” the specialist recalled. - Therefore, you should not use such drugs without consulting your doctor.

Before use medicinal fees consult your doctor!

Sandy immortelle

The sunny inflorescences of this regular in forests and meadows delight us from June to August. Medicinal raw materials are inflorescences cut before the flowers bloom. The infusion is used as choleretic agent for acute and chronic diseases of the liver, gall bladder and biliary tract. The inflorescences are cut with scissors or pruners. Dry them by spreading them in a thin layer in well-ventilated, shaded places for two to three weeks, turning them over periodically. Herbs dried in this way can be stored well in regular paper bags for 3 years.

Dandelion officinalis

All parts of this plant have healing properties. Young dandelion leaves can be added to salads and soups as a vitamin remedy. But the most valuable biologically active substances are in its roots. They are used in the form of a decoction, a thick extract as a bitterness to enhance the secretion of the digestive glands and as a choleretic agent. The roots are dug up in the fall, when the leaves are withering, washed and cut into pieces. Dry in dryers at a temperature of 40-50 degrees or in a low-heat oven. Drying can be completed when the roots become brittle. You can store such raw materials in glass jars, having previously tied the neck with linen cloth.

Cornflower blue

It is not only a decoration for bouquets, but also an excellent medicine. For cooking healing infusion and cornflower tea, the marginal flowers plucked from cut flowering baskets are used. These are mild diuretics for kidney disease and Bladder. The collected raw materials are laid out in a thin layer on Blank sheet paper or cotton fabric. Dry, turning constantly. Dried flowers are stored for about a year in paper bags in a dry place.

pharmaceutical camomile

It's unpretentious annual plant. Chamomile flowers collected at the beginning of flowering have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. They are used for making teas and rinses. When collecting flowers, they are picked by hand or cut with scissors. You can dry chamomile under a canopy in a shaded place, while the raw materials are constantly turned over and ensure that they do not fall on it. Sun rays. Chamomile can also be dried in a special home dryer at a temperature of 40 degrees. Dry chamomile is stored in cardboard boxes or tightly sealed glass jars in a dark, dry room. If these rules are followed, chamomile flowers will retain their beneficial properties throughout the year.

Hawthorn blood red

Now is the time to start harvesting the flowers of this shrub. They contain biological active substances, which have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system. Flowers are collected at the beginning of flowering in dry weather, quickly delivered to the drying site and dried under a canopy or in dryers heated to 40 degrees.

Creeping thyme (creeping thyme)

Herbs collected during the flowering period and dried outdoors in the shade or in dryers at a temperature of 40 degrees are used as medicinal raw materials. Before packaging, the dried grass is threshed and large stems are removed. It is used as an antispasmodic, expectorant and carminative. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years.

Cinquefoil erecta (wild galangal)

Rhizomes harvested during the flowering period are used as medicinal raw materials. The decoction is used as an astringent and hemostatic agent for diseases gastrointestinal tract, in the form of rinses for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Rhizomes are dried outdoors in the shade and in dryers at a temperature of 40 degrees.

Common calamus (swamp calamus)

This herbaceous perennial is also called cinquefoil, yavara, and Tatarian grass. Decoctions from the root of this herb are used to treat eye diseases, toothache. Rhizomes are medicinal raw materials. They are harvested towards the end of summer, throughout the autumn or spring. Used in the form of a decoction as an aromatic bitterness, which increases appetite and improves digestion. Dry after preliminary drying in well-ventilated areas and attics.


Oregano contains a large number of vitamin C, essential oils. The herb of this plant is used as a medicinal raw material. It is used as part of chest, diaphoretic, carminative preparations for colds and other respiratory diseases as an anti-inflammatory and expectorant. But oregano preparations and teas should never be consumed during pregnancy! For medicinal purposes, oregano is collected during flowering (June - August), cutting off the leafy tops up to 20 cm long with pruners. Drying in the shade under canopies or in rooms with good ventilation.

Not so long ago, herbs were the only accessible means in the fight against a wide variety of diseases. Belarusians have been studying plants for centuries, and almost everyone has heard about magical properties St. John's wort, nettle or chamomile. Today, the need for such knowledge has disappeared, but the magical power of herbs has not disappeared anywhere. We found out where in Belarus you can learn in detail about medicinal herbs and borrow experience from the past.

"Apothecary Garden"

On the territory of Narochansky Park, 15 kilometers from the village of Gatovichi, there is an entire excursion and tourist complex dedicated to herbs. It's called the "Apothecary Garden".

It is not surprising that this phytocorner appeared precisely on the territory of the Naroch region, where 1,400 plant species grow.

"Apothecary Garden" is a place away from cities and even villages, where on a small piece of land you can see dozens of useful herbs not in dried form, but while they are growing, so as not to confuse them in the field with other plants in the future.

Guides of the unusual garden will share useful information about the use of herbs from the centuries-old experience of not only Belarusians, but also European monasteries that were actively involved in herbalism.

You can walk around the Apothecary Garden on your own or book a tour to get to know the plants in detail. In addition to excursion activities, the “Apothecary Garden” is also engaged in the procurement of herbs. Here, herbs are grown and dried on an industrial scale, and then sold throughout Belarus. You can also buy local products in the garden, in a special herbal shop, where you will be advised what tea to drink to sleep well or to boost your immunity. And you can try everything at your local herbal bar.

By the way, herbs here are used not only for teas and medicines. They are also used to make skin and hair care products, aromatic sachets and steaming baths.

Museum of Aromas of Herbs and Plants in Grodno

Last year, the Museum of Aromas of Herbs and Plants opened in Grodno, where Special attention pay attention to odors. A simple but exciting idea came to the minds of the employees of the Ecological and Biological Center for Children and Youth, on the basis of which the museum now operates.

In the summer, students and teachers collect medicinal herbs, which then become museum exhibits. Dried herbs are placed in small jars, which museum visitors open and try to guess the plant by smell. Here you can not only remember how they smell different herbs, but also learn how and why they are used. For example, rosemary improves immunity, and geranium repels moths.

Now the museum displays about 70 plants. But this summer employees are going to increase this figure. Herbs, by the way, are collected not only from fields and forests near Grodno, but also grown in their own garden. The museum also makes aromatic sachets and soap and plans to expand the range.

Museum of medicinal herbs in the village of Strelno

In the village of Strelno, not far from the city of Ivanovo in the Brest region, like in all other Belarusian villages, there used to be many housewives with encyclopedic knowledge of herbs. But it was in Strelno that people were found who wrote down everything that local residents knew about herbal medicine and opened a museum there.

Several notebooks with handwritten secrets of using medicinal plants, a herbal calendar and hundreds of dried bouquets hung in the attic can now be found in the Museum of Healing Herbs in Strelno. For 27 years, tourists from different countries they go there to become more familiar with Belarusian folklore and learn the health secrets of past generations. And museum workers are still collecting information about herbs from old-timers in the region so that traditional medicine at its best is not forgotten. In addition to the excursion, they also offer to try healthy and, of course, very aromatic teas.

Herbalist's house in Rubezhevichi

At first glance, the herbalist’s house in Rubezhevichi is no different from other herbal pharmacies operating throughout Belarus. But those who know the history of this House of Herbs and the people who dedicated it long years tireless work, understand why this pharmacy stands out from the rest.

The herbalist's house appeared in Rubezhevichi in 1875. All residents of the village then actively collected herbs, which were then sold in the pharmacy. In the 1940s, a doctor and part-time hobbyist became a local herbalist. traditional medicine Stanislav Vilkotsky. He read so much literature on this topic that people from all over the area began to come to him for advice, because at that time plants were still the main means of treatment.

After some time, herbal medicine was recognized as useless, and herbal pharmacies began to close throughout Belarus. But the Herbalist House in Rubezhevichi was so popular that it continued to operate. Over time, the name of Stanislav Vilkotsky ended up on a memorial plaque on the pharmacy building, and he was replaced by an equally experienced pharmacist and herbalist Anatoly Grigoriev. He made sure that even in this time of numerous tablets and syrups, people did not forget about herbs. Almost a century and a half has passed, and residents of Rubezhevichi still collect herbs in the summer and take them to the pharmacy, which has thousands of recipes. herbal infusions and their applications.

The book of Eliza Ozheshko and her native village

One of the hobbies of the writer Eliza Ozheshko was herbs. She traveled around Belarus, communicated with many healers, collected plant names and her own herbarium. Much of what she learned ended up in the book “People and Flowers over the Neman”, written in Polish language. This was in 1888.

Today the writer has many fans. Some also became infected with her passion for herbs. For example, Tatyana Sovenkova, head of the local history museum in the village of Milkovshchina, where Eliza Ozheshko was born, is sure that instead of buying vitamins at the pharmacy, you should go into the forest and collect them. She researched in detail everything that Eliza Ozheshko wrote about herbs, and now willingly shares her knowledge. And thanks to a small collection of herbs, their aroma, which the writer loved so much in her time, can now be constantly felt in the museum itself.

(Fig. 27) - perennial herbaceous plant up to 60 cm high. Grows in meadows, along roads, clearings, in clearings. The leaves contain bitter and tannins, carotene, vitamins C and K, a large number of other substances. Collected throughout the summer and until late autumn, dried in the shade or in dryers at a temperature of 40-50°C. Juice and infusion from the leaves are used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rice. 27. Large plantain

Chamomile officinalis, or pharmacy(Fig. 28) is a widespread annual herbaceous plant in Belarus, growing in gardens, vegetable gardens, near homes, in fields and along roads. Flower baskets without pedicels are collected at the stage of full flowering (June-July), dried in the shade or in dryers at a temperature of 35-40°C. Chamomile essential oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. An infusion of flowers is used to rinse the mouth and throat for sore throats, laryngitis, etc. Chamomile is often used in combination with other plants.

Rice. 28. Chamomile (pharmacy)

Birch(see Fig. 29) grows everywhere in Belarus. For medicinal purposes, they use buds, leaves, juice, as well as tar obtained from birch wood and growing on it birch mushroom(chagu). The swollen resinous buds are collected in winter and early spring, when they have not yet blossomed. The fragrant and sticky leaves are collected in May during flowering. Birch buds contain essential oil, leaves contain vitamin C, resins, antibiotic substances with strong antimicrobial properties. Kidney tincture is prescribed as a diuretic and choleretic agent. fresh leaves birch trees prepare infusions, decoctions and tinctures that have diuretic and diaphoretic properties. Compresses are also made from them on joints for rheumatism, to relieve neuralgic pain. Birch sap is used for some lung diseases, bronchitis, tuberculosis as tonic Birch charcoal (carbolene) - finely ground, odorless and tasteless black powder, insoluble in water - is used as an adsorbent. Infusion of birch mushroom (chaga) is used for peptic ulcer gastritis and also for tumors as a general tonic

Fig. 29. Silver birch

(Fig. 30) grows in the zone of coniferous, coniferous and birch forests throughout the territory of Belarus. Its berries contain about 12% tannins, organic acids, sugars, vitamins, microelements (copper, manganese, etc.). The leaves are rich in essential oils, organic acids, as well as substances that have a hypoglycemic effect. Blueberries in medical practice used as an astringent and dietary agent for acute and chronic disorders gastrointestinal tract, especially in children, in the form of infusions and decoctions. For mild intestinal lesions, use blueberry jelly or a decoction of dried blueberries (pour a tablespoon of berries with a glass of boiling water, leave for 6-10 minutes, filter and drink warm, 0.5 cups 4 times a day). A decoction of blueberry berries and leaves is used for pain in the stomach, intestines, and bladder. Eating fresh and dried blueberries has a positive effect on the blood supply to the retina, which improves night vision. An infusion of the leaves reduces blood glucose levels and is used in the treatment of diabetes.

Rice. 30. Blueberries

Or cinnamon(Fig. 31), found throughout the republic, grows on the edges, clearings and river valleys. Rosehips are harvested in August or September, when they turn red or orange-red. The pulp of rose hips contains up to 11% vitamin C, up to 2.5% vitamin B1 and B2, as well as organic acids, sugars, etc. The oil obtained from the seeds contains fatty acid, carotenoids, tocopherols (vitamin E). Rosehip tea and infusion have a general tonic, anti-inflammatory, anti-sclerotic, general strengthening effect, reduce blood sugar, normalize metabolic processes. The infusion is used to treat diabetes, reduces cholesterol in the blood, and lowers the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Rosehip preparations are used to treat skin diseases.

Rice. 31. May rose hips

(Fig. 32) is a perennial herbaceous plant. It is found throughout the territory of Belarus, growing mainly in groups in flooded and swampy areas, forest edges. The root system of valerian is powerful, with a characteristic odor, and consists of a thick but short rhizome (3-4 cm long) and numerous thread-like roots. The roots are collected in September-October, when they contain greatest number active ingredients. To dry, they are laid out in indoors a thin layer for 2 days, stirring 2-3 times a day, then use a dryer with a temperature of 35-40°C. The rhizome with roots contains essential oil, as well as tannins, organic acids, and starch. Valerian preparations find the most wide application V medical practice and at home as a sedative for nervous agitation, hypertension, palpitations, insomnia and as a digestive aid. Valerian is included in such drugs as Corvalol, Valocordin. At home, to obtain an infusion, 10 g of dried and crushed roots and rhizomes are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, boiled for 30 minutes, then infused for 2 hours. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Rice. 32. Valerian officinalis

(Fig. 33) is a perennial herbaceous plant with a thick taproot. It grows in meadows, clearings, near roads, on streets, in gardens, parks and vegetable gardens. The roots are harvested in August-September during the period of wilting of the leaves, washed with water, dried gradually, first under a canopy for 3-4 days, and then in dryers at a temperature of 60-70 ° C and good ventilation. Dandelion is used to stimulate appetite and improve digestion, as a diaphoretic, choleretic, expectorant, tonic and enhances the body's protective properties. The root is part of gastric, appetizing, diuretic and diabetic teas. To prepare the decoction, pour 3 tablespoons of crushed root into 2 cups of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, and filter. Drink 1 glass 2 times a day half an hour before meals.

Rice. 33. Dandelion officinalis

(Fig. 34) is a perennial herbaceous plant distributed throughout Belarus in dry places. Peduncles along with leaves are collected during flowering and dried at a temperature of 35-40 ° C in dryers or in air under a canopy. St. John's wort preparations have an astringent, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic effect, stimulate regenerative processes, are widely used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with diabetes mellitus, for healing wounds, ulcers, burn surfaces, for treatment chronic stomatitis, sinusitis, inflammatory processes of the skin, etc.

Rice. 34. St. John's wort

(see Fig. 35) grows in mixed and coniferous forests, in damp shady places, in clearings and clearings, in ravines, and is common in home garden culture. Therapeutic effect possess fruits, leaves and flowers. The fruits contain organic acids (malic, citric, tartaric, ascorbic, salicylic), sugars (glucose and fructose), mucus, pectin and protein substances, carotene, vitamins A, group B, biologically active substances, due to which they have anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, antipyretic and anti-sclerotic properties, useful as a preventive and therapeutic agent for metabolic disorders, respiratory tract diseases, gastritis, enteritis. To prepare the infusion, take 2 tablespoons of dried raspberries and pour 1 glass of boiling water , leave for 15-20 minutes and filter, drink hot 2-3 times a day. Decoctions from the leaves have a good astringent effect.

Rice. 35. Common raspberry

(Fig. 36) is found along river banks, in fields, meadows throughout the territory of Belarus. IN medicinal purposes They use rhizomes and roots, which are harvested in autumn or early spring. The variety of biologically active substances makes it possible to widely use elecampane as an expectorant in the form of an infusion for acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, as well as for low acidity gastric juice and inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis), peptic ulcers, for the treatment of skin diseases and purulent wounds. The infusion is prepared by pouring 30 g of root into 1 liter of boiling water, cool, and take 0.5 cups 3 times a day. Elecampane is also included in various medicinal preparations.

Rice. 36. Elecampane tall

(Fig. 37) is a perennial herbaceous plant common in Belarus. Collected during the budding period - at the beginning of flowering, cutting off young shoots 2-3 times over the summer. The leaves contain about 2.5% essential oil, organic acids, tannins, carotene, trace elements (copper, manganese) and others chemical compounds, chief among which is menthol. As water infusion Mint leaves are used as a remedy to improve digestion, stomach cramps, and nausea. To prepare the infusion, take 2 tablespoons of leaves per 2 cups of boiling water, brew it like tea and drink 0.5 cup 2 times a day before meals. Mint is included in various mixtures, stomach tablets, delicious teas, etc. Peppermint oil is part of many medicines(Corvalol, Valocordin, Pectussin), dental drops and other means, it is also used to improve the taste of mixtures. Pure menthol is used in the treatment of skin diseases (eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatitis, urticaria), and colds.

Rice. 37. Peppermint

(Fig. 38) is an evergreen berry plant, widespread throughout Belarus (especially in the north) in mixed forests and swampy conifers. The berries contain organic acids, sugars, pectin, tannins and coloring substances, vitamin C, microelements, and thanks to benzoic acid they can be stored for a long time in fresh. Lingonberry juice and syrup are used for hypovitaminosis, injuries, inflammatory processes, increased body temperature, after operations and serious illnesses.

Rice. 38. Lingonberry

Linden(Fig. 39). Linden flowers collected at the beginning of flowering, when some of them have not yet bloomed, are used as a remedy. They contain tannins and dyes, essential oils, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc. Flowers are dried in the shade in the fresh air. It is believed that the active substances contained in flowers enhance the activity of sweat glands, dilate blood vessels. Apply linden blossom in the form of a hot water infusion for colds(1-2 teaspoons linden color Brew a glass of boiling water and drink hot). Linden inflorescences can be part of medicinal preparations used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, liver and intestines.

Fig 39. Small-leaved linden

(Fig. 40) grows on the edges of mixed forests, among bushes, often in gardens and parks. Elderberry flowers contain essential oil, rutin, malic, acetic and valeric acids, fruits contain glucose, fructose, organic acids, tannins and dyes. Flowers are collected during flowering, fruits - during full ripening. Flowers have diaphoretic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant effects. Preparations in the form of infusions and extracts are used for inhalation, rinsing during various diseases respiratory tract, leaves - as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

Rice. 40. Black elderberry

(Fig. 41) is often found in forests and river valleys of Belarus. The bark and fruits are used for medicinal purposes. The bark is harvested in the spring. It contains tannins and dyes, resins, organic acids, and vitamins. The bark is used as a sedative, antipyretic, antimicrobial agent, fruits - as a dietary and multivitamin product that has a positive effect on cardiac activity, has a general strengthening and diuretic effect. Water decoction flowers are drunk for coughs and colds, and other diseases.

Rice. 41. Viburnum

Rowan and chokeberry(Fig. 42) - plants common in Belarus. The fruits contain pectin, coloring, tannins, organic acids, sugars, vitamins C and P, and a lot of carotene. Fresh or dried berries and preparations made from them are used for heart diseases, low acidity of gastric juice, as a mild laxative, diuretic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory agent. Medicinal properties berries chokeberry mainly due to vitamins, tannins and dyes. Extracts, juices, infusions are used for hypertension, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, allergic diseases skin. Chokeberry berries are especially effective for hypertension, diabetes, and hyperthyroidism.

Rice. 42. Rowan

(Fig. 43). In medical practice, buds and turpentine processing products - turpentine - are usually used. Young needles contain vitamin C and essential oils. Tar is a product of dry distillation of pine wood; it is part of Vishnevsky and Wilkinson ointments. Steamed pine buds are used for inhalation for respiratory diseases. Turpentine (ointments, compresses) is used for radiculitis, rheumatism and gout, as well as for inhalation as an antimicrobial agent.

Rice. 43. Scots pine

Bird cherry(Fig. 44) grows along river banks, forest clearings, and edges. For medicinal purposes, fruits (berries) are used, which are separated from the stalks and dried in an oven or dryer at a temperature of 50-60°C. The berries contain tannins, organic acids, sugars, and vitamins. Fresh fruits, flowers and leaves have anti-inflammatory properties. A decoction of berries is used as astringent for disorders of the digestive tract.

Rice. 44. Bird cherry

(Fig. 45) is a herbaceous plant. Stems, leaves and flowers contain formic acid, which gives it pungency, vitamins C, B2, K, carotenoids, tannins, antimicrobial substances, and mineral salts. The presence of vitamin K in nettle preparations increases blood clotting and the amount of hemoglobin. Used for anemia, internal bleeding. An infusion of flowers and leaves is used for chronic skin diseases(furunculosis, eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis).

Rice. 45. Stinging nettle

(Fig. 46) is a perennial herbaceous plant. Found on sandy soils and thinned pine forests. Flowers are collected at the stage when they have not fully bloomed (June-August), dried in the shade, and stored in a dry, dark place. The flowers contain compounds that stimulate the secretion of bile, gastric and pancreatic juices, relax the muscles of the intestines, gall bladder and blood vessels, have antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. Preparations from immortelle enhance the secretion of bile by liver cells, changing it chemical composition, reduce bilirubin and cholesterol levels, relieve spasms of the gallbladder sphincters, improve the action of the bile ducts, promote absorption fat-soluble vitamins. They are used for liver diseases, cholelithiasis, and after hepatitis. Included in preparations for the treatment of kidney diseases, bladder diseases, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, neuralgia, etc.

Rice. 46. ​​Sandy immortelle

Review questions

  1. Name the main types of medicinal plants growing in Belarus.
  2. Name the timing of collection and methods of preparing medicines from chamomile flowers.
  3. List the diseases for which valerian rhizome is used.
  4. When are small-leaved linden flowers collected, for what diseases are they used?
  5. List the diseases for which rose hips, blueberries, raspberries, lingonberries, viburnum, and rowan are used.


medicinal plants of Belarus

and problems of their use

Natural flora is a source of valuable plant raw materials. Herbal medicines make up about 40% of the range medicines, and today there is a steady trend of increasing their consumption. In total, more than 300 of their names are registered in Belarus. Their needs are met to a greater extent by supplies from abroad of both finished products and raw materials.

Studies have shown that our country has significant reserves of wild medicinal plants (about 832 thousand tons according to the State Plant Inventory). According to the most conservative estimates, the market value of domestic plant raw materials can exceed $200 million per year, and finished products based on it can be produced in the amount of more than $1 billion annually.

Despite the diversity and significant volumes of wild economically useful plants in the country, they are not used effectively enough. Ministry materials natural resources and security environment show great variability in the amount of harvested

raw materials both by year and by certain species. Behind last decade Only 8% of its recommended volumes are used annually. True, it is necessary to note them gradual increase V last years on average up to 25 thousand tons.

The structure of the procurement is dominated by berries and mushrooms, the share of medicinal plants is small - 1-2%, although their biological and operational reserves form the basis of all wild economically useful plants in the republic. In the same time medical institutions countries lack herbal medicines and are forced to purchase them abroad. A paradoxical situation arises: with an excess of raw materials, there is a shortage of medicines and the development of the pharmaceutical industry is hampered.

Oleg Maslovsky,

head of the cadastre sector

flora of the Institute of Experimental Botany

them. V.F. Kuprevich NAS of Belarus, candidate

biological sciences

Irina Sysoy,

Researcher at the flora cadastre sector of the Institute of Experimental Botany

them. V.F. Kuprevich NAS of Belarus

Preliminary studies have shown that for most types, the procurement and production of drugs can be increased by 5-10 times without damage to natural ecosystems, and the export of plant raw materials can be increased by 20-30 times. One of the reasons for the low percentage of collection of medicinal plants is the lack of complete data from industry organizations about their geographical distribution and reserves, as well as about the possibilities of use in a particular area.

At the Institute of Experimental Botany named after. V.F. Kuprevich, within the framework of the State Flora Cadastre, an algorithm for cadastral regional assessment of plant raw materials reserves was developed. It is based on a combination various techniques, the most complete accounting of information about the objects under study and on a differentiated determination of the yield and reserves of raw materials of specific species in various ecosystems and environmental conditions. For 81 species of medicinal plants (among them 75 species, the raw materials of which are permitted by the State Pharmacopoeia), data on their distribution among plant communities was collected, occurrence and projectivity were identified.

™Theme of the issue

90 218 ■ 84 626 84 626 78 329 66 755 64 471

Biological stock 1 1 Operational stock

| Gomel region Minsk region Vitebsk region Brest region Mogilev region Grodno region

procurement volumes



in the territory


Spatial distribution of biological stock

wild species

medicinal plants

coverage in ecosystems, area of ​​specific thickets, productivity.

Forest taxation data, field and literary materials were processed by special computer programs with subsequent assessment of occupied territories and numbers medicinal species. Then, taking into account the area, average projective cover and average yield of the studied species, the biological (831,960 tons) and operational (385,414 tons) reserves of raw materials were determined, and taking into account the period of restoration of the thicket, the recommended annual volumes of procurement for each

land user in all administrative regions of the republic (147,963 tons) (Fig. 1). Territories exposed to radiation contamination were excluded.

Analysis of the data obtained showed an uneven distribution of medicinal plant reserves across the regions of the republic (the largest were identified in the Gomel and Minsk regions, the smallest in the Grodno and Mogilev regions). Maps of their density and distribution throughout the country as a whole and in the regions were created, centers of their concentration were identified (Fig. 2), and promising areas for harvesting were identified.

The largest biological reserves of medicinal raw materials are noted in the Ivatsevichi district (15,317.1 tons) of the Brest region; Polotsk district (15,186.5 tons) Vitebsk region; Zhitkovichi (17,683.0 tons), Kalinkovichi (16,085.3 tons), Lelchitsky (27,323.4 tons) and Petrikovsky (16,816.6 tons) districts of the Gomel region.

Species that are promising for industrial procurement were identified. Significant biological reserves of raw materials have silver and downy birch (204,464.0 tons), meadowsweet (13,928.8 tons), brittle buckthorn (76,896.4 tons), pine

common (370,729.1 t), English oak (22,966.4 t), raspberry (11,742.1 t), rowan (15,225.2 t), blueberry (46,887.3 t), lingonberry ( 23,002.5 t).

A secure raw material base is provided by common calamus (2069.6 tons), black alder (7306.8 tons), marsh cinquefoil (1254.0 tons), lily of the valley (6146.2 tons), horsetail (5105.6 tons), strawberries forest (3449.5 tons), common juniper (1317.8 tons), marsh wild rosemary (6943.0 tons), three-leafed wild rosemary (4598.3 tons), stinging nettle (3788.0 tons).

11 species of medicinal plants also grow in Belarus, the reserves of raw materials of which are sufficient for harvesting: gray alder (899.9 tons), common yarrow (655.0 tons), bird cherry (406.3 tons), male shield (376.0 tons) ), heart-leaved linden (229.1 t), cinquefoil erect (205.9 t), common bagwort (183.9 t), dandelion (180.1 t), bearberry (145.2 t), cornflower blue (118.9 t), club moss (104.8 t).

| Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory

Good Very good

Rice. 3. Distribution of medicinal plant species by condition categories

The study shows that the majority of wild medicinal plant species (74%) are in good to very good condition. good condition, however, 23% are poor and unsatisfactory (Fig. 3). Thus, the average assessment of their condition for the republic is 3.9 (that is, good).

The information received is entered into specialized computer databases of the cadastral book of economic valuable plants State Cadastre of the Flora of the Republic of Belarus, which contains information on the area, occurrence, yield, biological and operational reserves, recommended volumes of their annual use, assessment of their condition, proposed measures for their protection. Books of economically valuable plants from all 6 regions of the republic have been created. Computer programs and databases were transferred to the Ministry, regional committees, city and district inspectorates of natural resources and environmental protection for making specific decisions in the field of use of phyto-raw materials.

Based on the research results, recommendations have been developed for rationing the withdrawal of plant resources in all regions of the republic and for increasing the volume of raw material collection for each region of Belarus, highlighting promising wild species of medicinal plants, which will increase the rational use of these resources. Currently, based on the data obtained, work has begun in the country to assess the dynamics and restore stocks of wild phytoraw materials, taking into account different modes preparations and influence wide range anthropogenic factors.

Prospects for medicinal and aromatic crop production

Boris Anoshenko,

biological sciences

Lidiya Kukhareva,

Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Biodiversity of Plant Resources of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Ph.D.

biological sciences

identification of new

useful plants and

useful plants and

involving them in the sphere of practical activity is an urgent national economic task. In matters of their introduction, a priority role is given to botanical gardens, which, thanks to the scientific exchange of seeds and living plants, are connected with all floristic regions of the world. It has become possible to create our own raw material base of the most valuable medicinal plants, which helps ensure the sustainable operation of pharmaceutical enterprises and reduces dependence on imported plant material.

Since in our republic natural conditions There are a limited number of useful plants, especially from the medicinal group, and the country cannot satisfy the demand with its own raw materials; the search, introduction and introduction into wide culture of their new highly productive species and forms are urgent tasks.

Through exchanges with 250 botanical institutions in countries far and near abroad, the Central Botanical Garden receives annually about 2 thousand types of seeds of various taxonomies and economic purposes. Therefore, almost all grown in Belarus useful plants with a few exceptions, they come from the collection nurseries of the Botanical Garden. The study of various reference books made it possible to divide medicinal and spicy-aromatic species from the collection gene pool of the Laboratory of Biodiversity of Plant Resources into groups according to beneficial properties (Fig. 1). Among the medicinal representatives of the family Lamiaceae Lindl. make up 24% (38 species), Asteraceae Dumort. - 21% (33 species), Apiaceae Lindl. and Rosaceae Juss. - 9% each (14 species). As for food, the most numerous are the families Lamiaceae Lindl. (32%, 29 species) and Asteraceae Dumort. (18%, 16 species). The first also leads among honey plants (43%, 35 species) and decorative plants.