How does hookah harm your health? Hookah is addictive. What is a hookah

Hookah is very popular among young people. There is an opinion that it is absolutely harmless. Few people know that smoking is addictive, long-term use may be accompanied by states of intoxication and hangover. Such a hobby may end in the transfer infectious disease, cancer or myocardial infarction. For more safe use necessary good hookah And the right mixture– this will reduce health risks.

What is a hookah

A hookah is a special smoking device that filters and cools the inhaled smoke. Many people consider it an excellent, harmless alternative to regular cigarettes, but this is wrong. More than 105 million people smoke hookah around the world, mostly people in the age group from 15 to 28 years. According to statistics, most of them are city residents, many are from higher education.

In almost every establishment in our country you can order a hookah - these are bars, clubs or restaurants. For a fee, the person will be provided with this device, prepared and lit. There are also special places - hookah bars. People who come there want to enjoy the smoke, so customers do not have to worry that other visitors may not share this entertainment or will come up and make a comment. There are special stores where you can buy hookah for personal use at home or as a gift. They are also brought from other countries as souvenirs.


India is considered the birthplace of hookah. Many scientists believe that it was invented by Hindus - for treatment and meditation, who smoked hashish and marijuana. He immediately won the hearts of many people in the Muslim world. It was used from Indochina to Morocco. There is another opinion that the Mayan Indians first used a similar device (it was a pumpkin with a smoldering coal inside). European countries They learned about “smoky entertainment” only in the 19th century. Russian people They began to join hookahs only in the 90s. Arab students brought hookahs with mixtures with them.


The hookah consists of several components. At its base there is a flask (vessel) with liquid, where about 40% of the substances contained in the smoke settle. A special hose with a pipe extends above the water level for convenient smoking. Then comes the shaft, which acts as a filter; various impurities remain on its walls. Then a smoking bowl (chilim) is inserted on top. A hookah is a tube in which, when smoking, rarefied air is created, thanks to which the smoke passes into the lungs of the smoker.

Since ancient times, it has been customary to smoke pure tobacco in a hookah. Now they use:

  • smoking mixtures;
  • stones (ordinary pebbles, which are soaked in sweet syrup and glycerin);
  • syrups (new on the market, requires a special hookah bowl).

Nicotine-free smoking mixtures can be purchased through an online store; they are not sold in regular tobacco kiosks. Their composition includes sugar syrup, spices and many herbs that have a mild psychotropic effect, but tobacco is not added to them. Manufacturers do not reveal the secret of making the mixture, but one thing is known: they do not use prohibited substances. There are three types of tobacco mixtures:

  1. tobacco without additives;
  2. tobacco with aromatic oils and fruits;
  3. tobacco with honey or glycerin.

What are the harms of hookah?

Hookah is harmful to health. When smoking, it is common to assume that everything harmful substances when tobacco and various preservatives contained in the mixtures smolder, they condense on the vessel and the liquid of the flask. Only less than half of all toxins remain in the device; the rest are inhaled by the person through a hose with a mouthpiece. Even one puff is harmful to a person.


Hookah mixtures can contain from 0.05% to 0.5% of the substance, if you estimate this amount in milligrams of nicotine, you get an average of 2.96. A regular cigarette contains from 0.2 to 1.3 mg, which depends on the brand and price of the product. One hookah smoking session lasts about 40 minutes to one hour, so nicotine enters the blood twice as much as with the smoldering of regular cigarette tobacco.


Hookah smoke, even if it does not contain nicotine, is very harmful to health. Its composition contains harmful substances such as:

  • carbon monoxide;
  • nicotine;
  • tobacco-specific nitrosamines;
  • volatile aldehydes;
  • salt heavy metals(lead, etc.);
  • arsenic (small doses);
  • polycyclic aromatic carbohydrates that have a carcinogenic effect.

A regular cigarette contains, in addition to great content nicotine and tar, products of the breakdown of the paper from which it is made. The harm of a hookah is much lower, because many harmful substances settle on the device itself. It is believed that tobacco is used for such smoking components High Quality. Nicotine-free mixtures have a detrimental effect on the body; they contain various aromatic compounds, molasses, and sweet syrups, which, when destroyed, form harmful toxins.


Exists a large number of infections that are transmitted by sharing a mouthpiece. To eliminate risks, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene. In one company there are people smoking shared hookah, can become infected with diseases such as:

  • herpes;
  • Hepatitis B;
  • meningitis;
  • syphilis;
  • ARVI;
  • different fungal diseases;
  • tuberculosis.

The effect of hookah on the human body

If a person tries to smoke hookah for the first time, then abuse can adversely affect health. Its incorrect use may cause toxic poisoning body. Signs of intoxication include:

  • vomiting;
  • shortness of breath;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • severe lethargy;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • high body temperature;
  • feeling of chest compression.

If such symptomatic signs, the person needs to immediately receive first aid. It is necessary to create an influx fresh air, free your chest from clothes, rinse your face cold water. If there is no improvement, a qualified professional will be required. health care. A big misconception is to think that hookah is harmless.

The cardiovascular system

When inhaling hookah smoke, an immediate reaction of the heart vessels occurs, accompanied by tachycardia (increased heart rate). Need to beware negative consequences, arising much later. TO side effects regular use nicotine may include:

  • myocardial ischemia (impaired blood supply to the heart muscle);
  • angina ( pain syndrome due to narrowing blood vessels hearts);
  • myocardial infarction.


In total, less than 50% of hookah smoke is purified, some of the harmful substances remain in the liquid, settle in the vessel (walls, shaft), and the other is retained by the built-in filter. But most toxins still end up in the lungs smoking man. Bronchial tree The human lung consists of a special ciliated epithelium. It plays a protective role by trapping dust and other small particles that enter the inhaled air, which are then expelled by coughing and sneezing.

During constant hookah smoking, under the influence of hookah smoke, the bronchial epithelium stops performing its main function. The cilia stick together, harmful substances easily enter the lung tissue. Incoming smoke irritates the walls of the bronchial tubes, causing bronchitis, asthma or lung cancer. The harm from smoking hookah is obvious, it is better to abstain from it frequent use.

Nervous system

One of the most serious actions for the central nervous system– this is a dependence (addiction) to smoking mixtures. This smoke causes less intoxication, unlike smoldering cigarettes. A dangerous compound for neurons is carbon monoxide produced when using a hookah. Regular smokers may experience:

Organ of vision

Scientists have proven that evaporation aromatic oils and other substances located near the smoker are dangerous for visual organs person. The steam that envelops the entire space can cause several serious illnesses:

  • Inflammation of the blood vessels of the eye - uveitis. The cause is considered to be constant irritation from hookah smoke.
  • Dry eye syndrome - xerophthalmia. It is expressed in constant redness of the sclera and itching that appears while smoking.

Harm of hookah for girls

The consequences of hookah in girls can affect appearance. Smoke tars cause hair loss and dullness, yellowing of tooth enamel, bad smell from the mouth, brittle nails, dry skin of the hands and face, the appearance of new wrinkles. To preserve youth for a long time, you must stop inhaling fragrant steam. Hookah smoking is addictive and causes invaluable harm to health.

For men's health

Most hookah smokers are men. Probably none of them thinks about the harm this type of pastime can bring to their health. Over time, the stronger sex may have problems:

  • decreased potency due to deformation of the walls of blood vessels (the result of exposure to harmful substances) - blood gradually stops flowing to the penis;
  • sexual dysfunction (impotence) in at a young age occurs under the influence of smoke.

For others

Non-smoking visitors to such companies are half smokers. They also inhale large concentrations of carbon monoxide and nitrogen into their lungs, just in a different way. It is mistakenly believed that hookah vapor contains less nicotine and other carcinogenic substances, so it is harmless to others. Scientists have proven that this is an erroneous opinion, and “passive” smokers also receive a lot of harmful substances.


The mystical and mysterious East gave the world one magical invention - the hookah. The wonder reached Russia quite recently and instantly acquired thousands of fans. Now in everyone more or less big city There are hookah bars where you can smoke aromatic smoke and think about the daily world.

Let's think about health. After all, smoking hookah mixture is similar to smoking cigarettes. The essence of both processes is the same. But aromatic hookah smoke goes through certain stages of purification. So is hookah harmful to health or is it the machinations of fanatical adherents? healthy image life?

It has been proven that smoking hookah is harmful to health.

The birthplace of this amazing smoking vessel is India. The hookah itself is a beautifully decorated metal vase. On top of it, the hookah man places a filler in the form of flavored tobacco, which is sprinkled with smoldering coals. Long tubes equipped with a mouthpiece are attached to the sides of the vessel. The smoking process is carried out through them.

Lovers of hookah get-togethers are firmly convinced that hookah smoke does not cause any harm to the body. After all, before entering the body, the evaporation passes through the coolant. And the effect of the hookah mixture is much weaker than that of regular cigarettes.

Is hookah harmful to health or not? There is a lot of debate on this topic. Experts convince us that the aromatic smoke from a slowly smoldering hookah is safer than aggressive cigarette smoke. Indeed, hookah has its advantages when compared with cigarettes.

How does a hookah work?

Benefits of smoking hookah

Hookah smoking is famous for the aroma of smoke, varied in taste sensations. True lovers of pleasure savor exotic smells at the level of taste buds. Accordingly, they do not take deep puffs, and harmful nicotine substances enter the lungs in smaller quantities. Hookah smoking also has other advantages:

  1. The fragrant smoke of a hookah is not so irritating and destroys the mucous membrane of the lungs.
  2. Due to the liquid, the concentration of harmful components of vapors decreases.
  3. Smoke, passing through a moist substance, loses a certain amount of resins and harmful components at the exit.
  4. Also, the hookah does not contain paper, which is used in cigarettes. When it burns, it adds harmful substances to the body - this is not the case with hookah smoking.
  5. Since the hookah mixture does not burn, but smolders slowly, the tobacco dries out under the influence high temperatures and loses toxic components (they are formed only during combustion).
  6. Hookah smoke, as it passes through the liquid and a long tube, is slightly purified of carcinogenic substances, which are the main destroyers of cells of the human immune and pulmonary system.

But not all components that create a fragrant aroma in a hookah settle in the cleaning liquid. Numerous medical experiments sadly confirm the harm caused by hookah to the human body.

Composition of hookah smoke

At the hookah bar after pleasant procedure the amount of carbon monoxide in the blood increases sharply. This component increases the number of heart contractions. Not to mention that moist smoke remains in the pulmonary system for a long time.

Why are hookahs harmful?

When talking about the dangers of hookah smoking, we are not considering the effect of nicotine (as in cigarettes), but the influence of the aromatic smoke itself. Specifically the harmful substances it contains. It has been established that hookah fumes contain toxic compounds that are harmful to the body. This:

  • resins;
  • benzenes;
  • benzopyrene;
  • formaldehyde;
  • polycyclic hydrocarbons.

Although there are much fewer of them than in cigarette smoke, but still they exist and gradually destroy cells respiratory system. Especially if you consider the volume of hookah smoke entering the lungs.

If when smoking cigarettes a person takes up to 300-400 ml of smoke, when using a hookah mixture this amount increases to 1.5-2 liters.

The harmfulness of smoke is also affected by the acid level of tobacco raw materials. The lower the pH, the weaker the negative qualities of tobacco. But the pH level of the hookah mixture is quite high. This determines the specifics of preparing the mixture for hookah: drying, inclusion of flavored additives and other components.

Why is hookah smoking dangerous?

So, considering the question of whether hookah is dangerous for health, the only answer is clear - yes, it is dangerous. The following conditions do not allow hookah smoking to be considered a safe substitute for cigarettes:

  1. Time duration of aroma smoke absorption.
  2. Large volume of vapor absorption due to the “savoring” of the hookah.
  3. Preservation of harmful toxic substances and the presence, albeit small, but existing doses of nicotine in hookah smoke.

Harm to the cardiovascular system

Smoking a hookah mixture can have an immediate effect on cardiac activity. negative impact, and have long-lasting consequences. The immediate effect is due to the influence of nicotine, it manifests itself in the form of short-term tachycardia (increased heart rate).

One portion of hookah is comparable to 100 cigarettes

“Long-term” effects become much more dangerous. Mostly those who regularly spend time drinking hookah suffer from them. Regular hookah inhalation provokes the development of the following diseases:

  • ischemia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • weakening of vascular walls;
  • thinning and destruction of cardiac tissue.

It has been proven that pathological processes in lovers of hookah mixtures it takes much longer to develop than in heavy cigarette smokers. But there is a risk, and it is quite justified.

Harmful effects on the lungs

According to experts, the total degree of purification of hookah evaporation reaches 35-40%. Some of the harmful substances settle in the cleaning liquid, on the walls and shaft of the vessel, while others are retained in the built-in filter. But still, most of the toxins penetrate into the lungs, where they begin their destructive effect.

Hookah mixtures contain more harmful substances than regular cigarettes

What awaits an avid hookah smoker? Under the influence of fumes, the functionality of the ciliated epithelium decreases. Cilia play a protective role in the respiratory system; they trap dust and dirt (these harmful particles are removed from the body by coughing).

Gradually, under the influence of hookah smoke, the cilia stick together, and there is no threat of further contamination of the lungs. Smoke continues to irritate the lung walls. This leads to the development of bronchitis, which creates favorable environment for pathogens to thrive.

Harm to visual function

Hookah mixture is also dangerous for the smoker’s eyesight. Doctors have proven that fragrant fumes that envelop the space around a smoker provoke the development of two dangerous eye diseases:

  1. Xerophthalmia (or dry eye syndrome). Constant irritation of the ocular mucosa due to hookah fumes causes persistent redness of the eye sclera and itching. Such symptoms indicate the development of xerophthalmia.
  2. Uveitis ( inflammatory process ocular choroid). The cause of this disease also comes from the constant irritating effect of hookah smoke on the eyes.

Effect on the nervous system

The most common effect on the central nervous system is addiction to smoking the mixture. Hookah is no exception and easily becomes addictive. When constantly smoking a hookah mixture, a large amount of CO (carbon monoxide) is formed..

But compared to cigarette smoke, hookah smoke does not lead to severe intoxication and poses less of a threat. Hookah lovers note:

  • headaches and heart pain;
  • decreased mental activity;
  • physical weakness and apathy.

Why is hookah harmful to a man's health?

According to statistics, the vast majority of hookah bar lovers are men. But rarely do any of them think about the dangers of fragrant smoke. What happens if you smoke hookah for a long time? Unfortunately, for the stronger sex, a magical hookah pastime unfolds in the following disappointing scenario:

  1. Gradually, due to impaired elasticity of blood vessels, blood will stop flowing to the main male organ.
  2. This leads to weakness of potency, since the lymphatic fluid stops flowing into the cavernous bodies.
  3. Soon the man is overtaken by sexual dysfunction. Although many, especially young guys, tend to consider impotence a manifestation of fatigue, this is not so. The dysfunction is due to the effect of hookah smoke.

According to doctors, avid hookah smokers risk becoming impotent by the age of 30-35 (if they smoke mixtures 3-4 times weekly). If you indulge in hookah smoke 1-2 times a month, the first intimate problems will come by the age of 40-45.

In addition to impotence, hookah smoking sharply reduces sperm activity. A man, at a minimum, risks encountering problems with conception, and at a maximum, complete infertility.

Is all hookah smoke dangerous?

Beginners just embarking on the path of “hookah masters” may be offered fruit hookahs or made with milk, assuring them of complete safety due to the absence of nicotine. Is it so?

Hookah is harmful not only because of the presence of nicotine in the smoking mixture. The danger lies in the hookah smoke itself, in its carcinogenic properties.

It doesn’t matter what kind of hookah a person is offered to smoke: fruit, milk, honey, sugar, with molasses, wine, mint. In any case, inhaled smoke is harmful to health.

But what to do if you want to indulge in the bliss of aromatic smoke and plunge into the magical atmosphere of a hookah bar? If you want to smoke an exotic device, stick to necessary measures precautions:

  1. Do not smoke hookah alone, the harm will be less from portioned doses.
  2. The duration of taking one hookah dose should be no more than 1-1.5 hours.
  3. Wash the hookah parts in a timely manner, especially the mouthpiece, vessel and hoses.
  4. Do not pour heated drinks into the vessel, this increases the negative effects of the hookah.
  5. When smoking aromatic mixture, do not take deep puffs. The philosophy of hookah does not require this: they need to relax slowly, savoring the nuances of taste.
  6. Don’t get carried away with hookah gatherings – 1-2 times a month is enough to enjoy it. Rare use of hookah causes less harm to the body.
  7. Use only high-quality smoking mixtures. Entrust the preparation of complex compositions to professionals; adherence to competent technology is very important to minimize harm from inhaled smoke.

Caution - danger

The process of enjoying aromatic smoke (especially if a person is getting acquainted with hookah mixtures for the first time) can turn into unpleasant consequences. Illiterate use of a hookah can cause poisoning of the body. The following signs indicate this:

  • vomit;
  • dyspnea;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • severe lethargy;
  • lack of coordination;
  • temperature increase;
  • feeling of chest tightness.

If such symptoms appear, the victim should be given immediate assistance by rinsing his face. cool water and take the person out into the fresh air. If the condition worsens, medical assistance will be required.

Everything is good in moderation and when observed certain rules and requirements. And do not forget that hookah mixtures cause the same harm to the body as smoking cigarettes. Think about whether the game is worth the candle, and whether health is worth the fleeting pleasure. Take care of yourself!

When smoking a hookah, the smoke does not immediately enter the lungs. Previously, it goes through a kind of filter from the liquid located in the vessel and the hookah shaft. The smoke cools, harmful substances (including some nicotine) settle on the walls of the bowl. It is this “filtration” process that allows hookah advocates to make claims about its harmlessness. But not everything is so simple - he does not consider hookah an equivalent and absolutely safe alternative to cigars and cigarettes for the body.

Hookah addiction

Is there a hookah addiction? This issue is still controversial. On the one hand, hookah rarely leads to nicotine addiction— it has been proven that 90% of people who smoke less than 3 hookahs within 7 days are free from it. Among those who smoke hookah almost daily - 3 to 6 times a week - 60% suffer from nicotine addiction.

Nicotine addiction will not occur if you smoke hookah 6-8 times a month or less, since the content of this substance in hookah smoke is still much lower than in regular cigarettes. Experienced smokers know very well that it is almost impossible to compensate for the lack of nicotine with a hookah, since the smoking process is very extended over time. In addition, hookahs are rarely smoked alone, so the harmful substances remaining in the smoke after filtration are shared by everyone.

Nicotine addiction becomes a reality if you smoke several hookahs daily. It is worth noting that this type of addiction is even worse than regular cigarette consumption - the smoker receives concentrated, small doses of nicotine within 5 minutes. It will take much longer to satisfy the body's need for nicotine. Since the dose is smaller, literally within an hour you will feel the need to smoke again.

However, there is also a real hookah addiction. It does not affect human physiology; it rather belongs to the field of psychology. Many people associate the process of smoking a hookah with rest and relaxation. A person gets used to smoking a hookah when something is wrong with him. This type of addiction is as dangerous as the physiological addiction to nicotine.

Harm of smoking hookah

To smoke a hookah, as a rule, ordinary tobacco is used. Accordingly, smoke contains harmful substances that increase the risk of developing heart and lung diseases. For example, the risk of cancer when smoking a hookah is, of course, higher than for a non-smoker. However, compared to people who prefer cigarettes, hookah lovers are almost “out of the risk zone.”

The real harm of hookah is associated, rather, not with diseases caused by smoking, but with elements of unhygienicness of the procedure itself. As a rule, hookah is smoked in a group of several people who pass the pipe to each other. If people in a group share the same mouthpiece, there is a possibility of transmission of hepatitis and herpes viruses through saliva. It’s not difficult to get rid of this risk - just use a personal mouthpiece (single-use or reusable).

The harm of hookah is also due to big amount carbon monoxide inhaled by one person per smoking session. If 1 liter of smoke contains 1.79 mg of CO, then a smoker inhales about 179 ml of carbon monoxide in 100 puffs (on average, this is how much a person takes in 1 session). However, this harm is relative - in a room equipped gas stove, a person can inhale 2-4 times more).

Among the ideas about the dangers of hookah, there are plenty of myths. The most popular of them is that in an hour of smoking a hookah, a person inhales hundreds of times more smoke than when smoking one cigarette. Of course, the volume of smoke when smoking a hookah is greater. But toxicity is less.

Hookah and passive smoking

If about active smoking One can still argue about hookah, finding some (very conditional) positive and neutral aspects in it, then it is definitely harmful. Despite the fact that a hookah does not smoke as strongly as a cigarette left in an ashtray, a person in the same room with smokers experiences the full spectrum harmful effects. He is forced to inhale nitrogen, carbon monoxide and other combustion products of tobacco.

Combination of hookah and alcohol

Hookah with milk or water is considered the most neutral and safe. But many smokers prefer to combine hookah and alcohol for the best relaxation. In fact, a wine hookah is not more effective. If wine is added in reasonable quantities, the smoke may taste a little more pleasant, but that's all. In addition, alcohol vapor will be added to the mixture you inhale.

But it is better to refrain from drinking alcohol while smoking a hookah - it is quite possible to “earn” dizziness, severe headache, nausea and vomiting, as well as increase general intoxication body with harmful substances.

The benefits of hookah

The benefits of smoking hookah are very relative. If you compare hookah with cigarettes, the former is certainly healthier. If we evaluate the impact on health as a whole, there can be no talk of benefit. Indeed, the process of consuming nicotine becomes a little more pleasant, there are fewer toxic substances in the smoke, but hookah does not help get rid of addiction.

The “benefits” of relaxation using a hookah are also questionable. You can relax in many ways, including those that do not harm your health. And buy instead of one addiction Several are not the best option.

The history of the appearance of hookah is covered in legends - it is still unknown exactly who first introduced the fashion for it - Indians, Persians or Ethiopians. Until the 18th century, hookah was smoked only in the East, but gradually the exotic device conquered Europe. Today, hookah parties are a popular entertainment all over the world, not to mention in their homeland - the eastern countries. But it was the Arabs who were the first to sound the alarm, announcing the dangers of hookah and backing this up with a number of major studies.

How is hookah different from cigarettes?

There is no need to talk about the differences between hookah and cigarettes - all the specifics are visible to the naked eye. For cigarettes, dry small tobacco is used, and for hookahs, large and moist tobacco, in cigarettes everything active substances wrapped in paper, in a hookah in a special cup, and so on. But if the difference is so great, does it mean that the harm from hookah and cigarettes is also incomparable?

The main difference between these smoking devices is the composition of the smoke. An ordinary cigarette - both the cheapest and the most expensive - contains a lot of nicotine, dangerous tars, carcinogens and harmful impurities from burning paper. If paper Low quality, the proportion of impurities can be quite impressive.

In a hookah, the proportion of nicotine is noticeably lower, there are practically no carcinogens (they remain in the water), and the amount of harmful resins is also less.

The biggest danger when using a hookah is carbon monoxide (CO). When you are addicted to cigarettes, its share is much lower, where the functions of CO are taken over by other toxins. Unless, of course, you smoke one pack at a time, but this is almost impossible.

Another feature is the composition of the tobacco. In cigarettes, the main enemies are tar, nicotine, and various poisons (acetaldehyde, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, etc.). Refined hookah tobacco brings another danger - it often uses chemical flavorings, including petroleum resins, which are no less poisonous to the body than the terrible acetaldehyde. At the same time, there are also nicotine-free hookahs, the harm from which is much lower.
In the video, facts about hookah smoking:

What is the harm of hookah

There are many different theories and speculations about the dangers, harmlessness and even benefits of hookah. Although hookah parties have been popular for several centuries, people started talking about the true effects of tasty smoke on the body relatively recently, when massive research on this topic began around the world.

Opponents of hookah claim that the harm from a “hookah session” on the human body is equivalent to 60-100 smoked cigarettes, wet vapors only enhance the penetration of toxins into tissues and organs, and hookah addiction develops incredibly quickly. So what is the true harm of hookah to health?

Carbon monoxide

The proportion of CO that enters the body with hookah smoke is tens of times higher than the portion found in cigarettes. Compare: one cigarette smoked provides 11.66 mg of carbon monoxide, and one hookah session provides approximately 179 mg. And this takes into account the fact that several people use the hookah.

Due to its moisture and viscousness, it penetrates into the lungs much more easily, reaching even those areas that are inaccessible to cigarette CO - the lower Airways. And with excessive hookah smoking there is even a risk of full-blown carbon monoxide poisoning.

The symptoms are:

  • severe weakness;
  • nausea;
  • gagging;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting.

When receiving such signals, you need to urgently throw away the hookah pipe and go out into the fresh air, otherwise you can cause serious harm to yourself.

Saliva exchange

The exchange of saliva is a specific feature of hookah pleasure. The cigarette is usually used individually, the request “let me finish smoking!” rather an exception, and the risks of becoming infected with something through saliva are minimal.

With hookah the situation is completely different. Several people usually participate in a smoking session; the pipe through which the smoke is inhaled is one for everyone. Microparticles of saliva remain on the surface, where they can easily end up dangerous viruses. The list of diseases that can be acquired through saliva is very wide - from simple herpes to hepatitis B, rare bacterial meningitis and even syphilis.

Special disposable mouthpieces can be a salvation. They are easy to purchase in the hookah sections of stores, and many bars and restaurants offer them along with the hookah when ordering.

Passive smoking

The dangers of passive hookah smoking are not often discussed. Since there is much less nicotine and toxins in moist smoke, it is believed that passive smokers suffer virtually no harm. But that's not true.

According to World Organization health care, hookah smoke contains enough harmful substances that can cause heart and vascular diseases, lung cancer and other ailments.

During a hookah session, those who do not smoke usually do not have the opportunity to leave the room for a long time, and such a session sometimes lasts several hours. As a result, a significant part of the smoke goes to non-smokers.

Burning smoke

One of the main advantages of hookah is called chilled smoke, but this is just a myth. Tobacco in a hookah smolders on coals and reaches a temperature of 400-450 ºС. Even passing through cool liquid and a long tube, it does not have time to cool down enough.

As a result, when deeply inhaling smoke, the mucous membrane of the larynx burns and loses its barrier function. And all the harmful substances from smoking smoke and ordinary air very quickly enter directly into the lungs. In addition, with regular inhalation of large volumes of smoke (500-600 cubic cm), the lungs lose elasticity, as well as the ability to remove hazardous substances.

Hookah device


Full psychological and physiological dependence from smoking hookah - this is rather a myth. Dependence develops from nicotine, but hookah still provides a much smaller dose than cigarettes. But this is provided that you use it not every couple of days, but occasionally.

But there is another danger. Nicotine can accumulate in the body and will require increasingly larger doses over time. Therefore, a person who is addicted to hookah can soon easily switch to regular cigarettes and even light cigarettes. psychotropic drugs. In this case, the risks of psychological dependence approaching 100%.

Hookah can also provoke so-called social addiction. Refined surroundings (a beautiful room, a cozy bar, a good restaurant), the company of friends and an atmosphere of relaxation lead to the desire to smoke aromatic smoke more and more often. Precisely because of the situation. As a result, nicotine accumulates, and nicotine addiction is only a couple of steps away.

So harm or benefit?

Today hookah is an integral part good evening in pleasant company, like a special bar, cafe or ordinary apartment. Hookah is great for relaxing, helping to relieve stress and make closer friends with friends and colleagues.

If you choose between a hookah and a simple filter cigarette, the first one will have a number of advantages:

  • Filtering tasty smoke through water (milk or tea) reduces the concentration of nicotine, phenols, benzopyrene and others toxic substances. This means that much less toxins enter the body.
  • Poisonous acrolein and acetaldehyde almost completely disappear when passing through the liquid, this reduces the load on the lungs and immunity.
  • Cigarette smoking is fraught with great danger - carcinogens that are produced when tobacco burns. In a hookah, tobacco does not burn in the open air, but smolders when closed, so carcinogens, in principle, cannot form.
  • When smoking a hookah, cheap paper is not used, like in cigarettes, so harmful paper substances (including heavy metal residues) cannot harm you.
  • And hookah smoke is simply very pleasant compared to the suffocating cigarette smog.

Whether to smoke a hookah or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. If you constantly resort to this supposedly innocent pleasure, you can seriously harm your health.

Thus, scientists from the Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (Iran) examined 57 avid hookah smokers and found shortness of breath in 23% of girls and boys, chest tightness in 37% of women and men, and smoker’s cough in 21%. And the Egyptian Ministry of Health believes that the hookah craze is to blame for the high incidence of tuberculosis in the country.

But if you approach the hookah carefully, buy only high-quality tobacco, always use an individual mouthpiece and smoke only in rare, exceptional cases, dangerous consequences it is quite possible to reduce it.
In the video about the benefits and harms of hookah:

Tobacco smoking kills 6 million people worldwide every year. Information about the dangers of smoking cigarettes is found in periodicals and television programs.

Hotlines are being created to help those who quit smoking, and scary pictures and warning messages are placed on cigarette packs. Much less information can be found about the dangers of hookah smoking.

According to statistics, only 31% of adult hookah smokers are aware that it, like cigarettes, harms the body.

Traditional for India and Arab countries, hookah smoking in the 90s of the 20th century became popular among young people in the USA, Brazil and European countries.

Sociological surveys have shown that more than 100 million people in the world smoke hookah. This hobby is widespread in age group 15-24 years old. Mostly hookah smokers are city residents with higher education. According to research, more than 70% of students had experience of smoking hookah.

A high percentage of people who believe that hookah is safer than cigarettes is based on the misconception that the liquid through which smoke passes completely rids it of toxic and carcinogenic substances. The packaging of the smoking mixture depicts fruits, berries, and herbs, which creates the illusion of naturalness and safety.

It is widely believed that hookah smoking:

  • a safe alternative to smoking cigarettes;
  • does not cause addiction;
  • a nicotine-free mixture is useful, as aromatic substances promote relaxation;
  • the liquid completely cleans smoke from harmful substances and lowers the temperature of inhaled smoke to safe levels;
  • disposable mouthpieces eliminate the risk of transmitting infections.

Smokers surveyed admitted that they were first attracted by the smell of smoke, and then by the taste. The exotic nature of the hookah arouses interest, which is especially important for very young smokers.

What do scientists think about this?

In 2005-2010, large-scale studies were conducted in America among higher education students educational institutions, constantly or periodically smoked hookah. It was noted that many of the respondents “pecked” at the marketing strategy of tobacco companies that produced smoking mixtures. Often the ingredients on a bright pack are written in Arabic, and the smoker does not know what he is smoking.

Recently, they began to place a warning label on hookah tobacco mixes, just like on cigarettes, but most students noted that they do not pay attention to it. But many smokers remembered the image of a juicy, bright fruit or berry, occupying 2/3 of the package. Thus, a subconscious association “hookah - fruits, berries” is formed.

The degree of absorption of harmful substances from tobacco by liquid was studied. When passing tobacco smoke through a water filter, the toxicity index was 24%, which undermines the myth about the safety of hookah. Increasing the inhalation time increases the amount of harmful substances entering the lungs.

When smoking one cigarette, the time of inhalation of tobacco smoke is limited by its size and is about 400 ml. About 20-30 g of tobacco mixture is placed in an average-sized hookah cup, which, when burned, produces up to 1.5 liters of smoke. A smoker smokes a cigarette in 3-5 minutes; one hookah session lasts up to 1 hour.

The simplest mathematical calculations show that the reduction in smoke toxicity is compensated by the duration of inhalation. One session (20-30 g of tobacco mixture) contains 6.3 mg of nicotine, and one cigarette contains 0.8 mg.

Therefore, there is no need to talk about the absence of dependence on nicotine when smoking a hookah. When drawing smoke through water, the smoker exerts more effort than when smoking a cigarette. In this case, the smoke enters more deep sections lungs and causes more harm.

The combustion of coal is accompanied by the release of CO 2 and carcinogenic substances, especially if the coal flares up quickly. To speed up the process, “100% natural” coal is treated with saltpeter and other harmful substances. The combustion temperature of coal in a hookah is 200-300°C. Water cannot completely cool the inhaled smoke, which increases its penetrating power.

A large amount of smoke, both when smoking a hookah and from burning coal, contributes to “ passive smoking». Long stay in a room where smoking causes dizziness, nausea, and weakness. Widely advertised nicotine-free hookah mixtures contain CO, flavorings, carbon dioxide, heavy metals and other harmful substances. Flavorings and syrups used in mixes can cause gene mutations.

In a hookah, the main part of the resins, heavy metals, and particles of the burnt mixture settles on the inner surface of the shaft, which is rarely cleaned in such establishments. If the hookah “goes around in a circle,” then the risk of contracting hepatitis B, tuberculosis, influenza, ARVI, and herpes increases.

Pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed only with special disinfectant solutions. In reality, such careful processing of a hookah in a restaurant, club or other public place, is not exposed.

Damage caused by hookah

Like any type of smoking, hookah increases the risk of developing:

  • heart diseases;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • blood clots;
  • vasospasm and ischemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • dental diseases;
  • cancerous tumors of the lungs, throat, lips;
  • impaired fertility, erectile dysfunction;
  • accelerated skin aging.

Bacteria and viruses accumulating in the shaft, flask and tubes cause serious illnesses heart, liver, kidneys, respiratory system organs. When surveying students among discomfort often noted:

  • sore throat;
  • thirst;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • feeling of heat;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • hypersalivation;
  • headache;
  • cardiopalmus.

All listed symptoms correspond to signs of intoxication of the body.

Treatment of intoxication from hookah smoking

Sometimes the symptoms of poisoning go away on their own if the smoker is provided with fresh air and easier breathing. Intoxication cannot be ignored.

When smoking several servings of the mixture, you may experience acute poisoning leading to fainting and convulsions. But even dosed smoking causes poisoning, as harmful substances accumulate in the body. When providing first aid to a victim, you must:

  • take it out into the air or open a window, providing fresh air;
  • free from breathing restrictions - unfasten the collar, trouser belt;
  • wash your face with cool water, wipe your neck and palms with a damp cloth;
  • give me something to drink a small amount of water so as not to provoke vomiting.

Medicines cannot be given to a patient without a doctor’s prescription. It is necessary to call an ambulance team. The main treatment for poisoning is symptomatic therapy:

Symptom Method of action Medicine
Intoxication Absorbents , Enterosorb,
Detoxifiers Lobesil, Acizol, Zorex, Nalorphine, Naloxone
Headache Antispasmodics , Papaverine, Drotaverine, Buscopan
Analgesics , Nebagin; Baralgin; Pentalgin, Tempalgin
Tachycardia Sedatives Valerian, Motherwort, Persen cardio, Dormiplant
Hypertensive Corinfar, Enap, Diroton, Verapamil.
Nausea Anestezin, Cerucal, Torekan.
Dizziness, loss of orientation Tanakan, Cinnarizin, Eufillin, Ceducsen.

All medications are used only as prescribed by a doctor and in accordance with the dosage. Realizing that the myth about the harmlessness of hookahs would not last long, a new product appeared in 2013 - an electronic one. Manufacturers assure that it is completely safe.

Doctors warn that any type of smoking and inhalation chemical substances destroys health. And the disguised ones pleasant aroma and sweet taste, harmful substances are even more dangerous, since they do not cause natural rejection.