I drink a lot of water during training. Should you drink water during exercise? The optimal solution is water

As important as proper nutrition is for training, drinking water is just as important, either during or after exercise. And not just liquids, in the form of solutions - tea, juice, pure, unboiled water! Should you drink during training - before and after, as well as during the day? You need to replenish the body water that you lose during the day and when you exercise.

The role of water during training

There are several reasons why water during exercise and in life in general is important for your body. An adult human is approximately 70% water, and water is secondary to air for survival needs.

During training you need to constantly in small sips Drink water to avoid dehydration and thickening of the blood, which interferes with strength performance in lifting weights and developing endurance when sweating is increased. Hence, drink water during and after your workout. Moreover, only 1 percent dehydration can cause a significant decrease in metabolism, which can interfere with weight loss and also muscle gain. Therefore, drinking water is good addition to exercise if you're trying to gain weight, burn fat, or maintain a healthy weight.

Is it possible to drink water during training, and in what quantities?

Water helps flush toxins from your body and also allows you to breathe. Without water, your lungs will not be able to convert oxygen into carbon dioxide. Insufficient water supply can also lead to loss of muscle tone, increased body fat as dehydration slows down metabolism, and also contributes to joint pain.

During physical activity, the body needs to consume 30 ml of water for every kilogram of its own weight. Thus, The amount of water you need is very individual. You need to replace any fluid you lose throughout the day with clean water.

How much water to drink during training?

The approximate amount of water will be 1–1.5 l. Drink plenty of fluids during exercise. You don’t have to monitor the amount of water you consume down to the gram, the main thing is to drink a lot!

Try to drink in small sips after sets, then you will constantly replenish fluid without feeling heavy.

Drinking certain liquids can also cause you to lose water, such as caffeinated drinks. That's why you should never drink sparkling water or coffee in response to your body's thirst and need for water. It is best to just drink water, but in the right quantity. Water should not be:

  • carbonated;
  • sweet;
  • boiled;
  • and even more so, from the tap.

How much water to drink after training?

There is no need to wait a certain amount of time to drink water after training; continue to drink water at any time in the amount that your body requires. Certainly, no need to drink a whole liter at once, without having time to consume during the load, distribute equal amount servings, also continue to drink yours daily norm throughout the day until you have completed the required amount.

During the drying period, a large amount of water is required. Because it implies salt-free diet, water will leave the body very quickly, this is exactly what athletes achieve to draw dry muscles and separation (muscle division). Salt can retain water in the body, and without salt you will lose potassium, magnesium, and this will lead to cramps. Therefore, fluid replenishment is especially important aspect life activity of athletes.


Never wait to feel extreme thirst- This is a signal that your body is already dehydrated. Having a dry mouth is one of the last symptoms of dehydration. And also watch for other signs such as headache, heartburn, back pain and water retention. If you don't get enough water, your body will retain whatever water it can. Other signs of dehydration include mental fatigue, depression or irritability, and this is unacceptable when playing sports. Whatever physical indicators no matter what you develop, the main thing is to replenish lost fluid during and after training.

Water during training in video format

    Any physical activity leads to loss of water in the body. The amount of fluid lost during an intense workout can be quite impressive. The feeling of thirst occurs almost instantly and can accompany the athlete throughout the entire workout. In this regard, many beginning CrossFitters have a number of questions. In particular, is it possible to drink water during training? If yes , then how much water to drink during training? And the answer is in this case is clear: not only is it possible, but it is necessary. The main thing is to do it correctly. Then the feeling of heaviness in the stomach will not arise, and the metabolism will speed up.

    The role of water in the human body is colossal. We all know that the adult body consists of more than 70% water. Blood is about 80% water, muscle tissue is 79% fluid. All metabolic processes organisms occur thanks to water. Any physical activity, normal digestion, joint flexibility, nutrition of cells throughout the human body are inextricably linked with water.

    Water performs a number of important functions in the human body:

    • Thermoregulatory function - water in the human body ensures the maintenance of a constant body temperature through evaporation and sweating. During intense training, the human body cools down naturally through the process of sweating.
    • Shock-absorbing function - water is the basis synovial fluid, which provides lubrication to joints. Thanks to this, there is no friction between the joints during movement.
    • Transport function – water is a carrier of all substances in the body. She delivers nutrients into all cells of the body, penetrating even into intercellular spaces, and also removes waste products and toxins from the body.
    • Supportive and protective functions– lack of water in the human body greatly affects his performance, leads to a decrease in concentration, loss of strength and energy. The firmness and elasticity of the skin are also directly related to the amount of fluid in the human body. Recent research by scientists has shown that water consumption is one of the key points in the prevention of many diseases. How more water a person consumes, the more toxic substances are removed from the body along with it.

    It is a well-known fact that closer to old age, the human body begins to lose fluid, and the amount of water in the body by the age of 80-90 is about 45%. Scientists have identified the following pattern: about 30% of older people aged 65-75 years are much less likely to feel thirsty, and by the age of 85, about 60% of older people drink too little liquid during the day.

    Based on the data presented, scientists concluded that human aging processes are closely related to water exchange in his body. Therefore, water must be present in a person’s daily diet. 2-3 liters of fluid per day is the necessary minimum that will help maintain high performance, clarity of mind, external and internal health of a person.

    It is very important to use required quantity water for athletes, because, as already mentioned, muscles consist of almost 80% of it. Therefore, next we will try to reveal the answers to a number of important issues, which concern every CrossFitter, especially beginners. For example, let's try to figure out whether you should drink water during training or not, how much water to drink during training and what kind.

    Drinking during training: benefit or harm?

    The question of whether it is possible to drink water during training has always caused heated debate in sports circles. Some athletes insist that they should not drink water during training, as this can be harmful to the body. There is some truth in these words.

    Scientists from Medical center at Georgetown University (USA) even found a rationale for why you should not drink water during training. According to the results of their research, excess water in the body can cause water poisoning. The fact is that many athletes drink water or special sports drinks during training, but do not know how to do it correctly. This can lead to what is called hyponatremia, a condition in which the kidneys are unable to excrete as much fluid as a person drinks. At the same time, and complete failure Drinking during the training process is also harmful to health, as it can cause dehydration, which is even worse. For this reason medical workers They believe that you still need to drink water during training, but you need to do it correctly.

    The role of water in the body's thermoregulation

    During intense exercise, the human body initiates thermoregulation processes and loses a lot of fluid. To understand why you should drink water during exercise, you need to know the mechanism by which sweating is regulated. It is carried out as follows. During runtime physical exercise the muscles contract and produce a large amount of heat. The blood that circulates in muscle tissue, begins to heat up and enters the general bloodstream. When heated blood enters the brain, it begins to affect the receptors in the hypothalamus, which respond to elevated temperature blood. Receptors in the hypothalamus send signals to sweat glands, and they begin to actively produce sweat.

    During the process of intense evaporation of sweat from the surface of the skin, a general cooling of the body occurs. Therefore for efficient process thermoregulation and replenishment water balance in the body, a person needs to drink water during training in optimal quantities. Dehydration during exercise can lead to sharp deterioration health, dizziness, muscle cramps and spasms, and more serious cases- To heatstroke and loss of consciousness.

    To protect yourself and others from dehydration and prevent undesirable consequences You should be aware of signs that may indicate that the human body urgently needs water.

    The first signs of dehydration include:

    • dizziness and headache;
    • heat intolerance;
    • dry cough, sore throat and dry mouth;
    • changed, more dark color urine with a strong odor;
    • pain and burning in the stomach, loss of appetite;
    • general fatigue.

    To more danger signs Dehydration of the body should include:

    • numbness of the skin and limbs;
    • muscle spasms and cramps;
    • blurred vision;
    • painful urination;
    • difficulty swallowing;
    • hallucinations.

    Be sure to pay attention to similar manifestations feeling unwell And physical condition, this will help protect against dehydration.

    Liquid consumption norms

    There are no strict rules for how much water to drink during training. The main rule here is that you need to drink based on your need. Depending on where your workout takes place, your body may have different needs for water.

    During training in a gym with heating devices running and low air humidity, thirst may arise in the first minutes of being there. On the contrary, training outside or in a well-ventilated area with normal air humidity may not cause such a strong desire to drink water. In any case, if you feel thirsty during exercise, this is an indicator that the body needs to replenish its fluid supply. The amount of liquid you drink should saturate the body with moisture, but not cause a feeling of heaviness.

    In this regard, a new question arises - how to properly drink water during training? When a person begins to actively sweat during exercise, a feeling of thirst arises almost instantly. However, you should drink water in small sips of 100-150 milliliters at a time, every 15-20 minutes. Of course, you can drink much more fluid if the feeling of thirst does not go away, but in this case heaviness may occur, which will interfere with the intensity and effectiveness of the exercises.

    Remember: the absence of thirst during exercise does not always indicate a sufficient amount of water in the body. Therefore, in any case, drinking water during training is mandatory.

    The table shows approximate daily requirement human body in water.

    Maintaining water balance during drying

    Athletes preparing for competitions are particularly concerned about the question: is it possible to drink water during dry training? If you are at the drying stage, then the amount of water you drink during training and throughout the day should be increased, no matter how paradoxical it may seem. The human body works on the principle of storing water when its supply is low. It turns out that if you sharply limit your water intake, the body will not “dry out”, but rather “swell” from the excess of stored water. To dry effectively, you need to increase your water consumption to 3-4 liters per day. This is exactly the amount of water the body needs so that it consumes and removes fluid without trying to store it. Moreover, if you are dehydrated, you simply will not be able to train effectively, the risk of injury will increase, and you will lack strength and energy.

    Answering the question that concerns many beginning CrossFitters about whether it is possible to drink water after a workout, it should be noted that it is possible and even necessary to drink water after a workout. After training, the body is at the stage of maximum dehydration; along with sweat, a person loses about 1 liter of fluid. Therefore, after training you need to drink as much as your body requires. Scientific research confirms the fact that the amount of fluid consumed for each individual person individually, so you should drink water as much as you want and when the need arises. Moreover, the experiments of Dr. Michael Farrell from Melbourne confirm that a person consumes exactly as much water as his body needs during the day, so there are no and should not be any strict restrictions on the amount of water drunk.

    Water for weight loss: truth and myth

    Many people who come to sports to lose weight are interested in whether it is possible to drink water during exercise to lose weight. If the goal of your exercise is to lose weight, the amount of water you drink during and after training should also not be limited. A strictly defined amount of water consumed during and after training for weight loss is nothing more than a marketing ploy aimed at increasing sales of water and special drinks. In the process of losing weight significant role Metabolic speed plays a role, which increases significantly not only during and after intense training, but also from drinking enough fluid during the day. For effective weight loss usually used protein diets in combination with big amount ordinary drinking water in the diet. It is this diet that helps to get rid of not only extra pounds ov, but also helps eliminate the “effect orange peel» on problem areas.

    What kind of water is best to drink?

    The question of what kind of water you should drink during training cannot be answered in one word. It all depends on the purpose of the lesson, features and physical capabilities body. Below are some tips that will help you decide what and in what situation it is better to drink:

    Drinking water

    During a not too long workout, you can drink regular still water. clean water. Most main point When receiving water, this is its quality. Tap water, in the form in which it enters our apartments, is completely unsuitable for consumption, as it contains a lot of harmful organic and inorganic impurities. Such water must be boiled and subsequently settled. Sometimes the issue of water purification can be solved with the help of high-quality filters.

    An alternative would be to purchase water purified with special high-purity industrial filters. In any case, you should always have a bottle of high-quality water with you, since you must drink water during training.

    Isotonics and other specialized products

    In cases where an athlete exposes himself to increased physical activity, and the sweating process occurs too intensely, drinking regular drinking water may not be enough. In such a situation, you will need to use special drinks - isotonics. The reason for taking isotonics is that electrolytes are removed from the human body along with sweat: potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium salts. During and after training, you should replenish your salts and minerals in organism. Typically, professional athletes, when preparing for competitions, resort to the help of special drips that replenish electrolytes in the blood. But in the case of CrossFitters, taking isotonics during and after training may well help.

    These are special solutions that take 40-50 milliliters at a time and in an amount of no more than 350-400 milliliters for the entire workout lasting 1.5-2 hours. By the way, the emergence muscle spasms and cramps during and after exercise are also associated with a lack of electrolytes in the blood.

    To improve performance during a very long workout, athletes can drink sweet water during training that contains simple carbohydrates for quick energy replenishment. We are by no means talking about the usual sweet soda. Such specialty drinks are typically made from sucrose or glucose. After consuming them, sugar enters the blood almost instantly, replenishing the body’s energy potential. Also, such water during classes will be useful for those who suffer from low blood pressure.

    There is an opinion that you should drink water with lemon during training to lose weight, but this is not entirely true. Drinking water with added lemon juice provokes an increase in acidity in the stomach and in some cases can cause dyspepsia (heartburn). Therefore, to neutralize the acidity, you should add sugar or a couple of tablespoons of honey to water with lemon. This drink is unlikely to help you lose weight, but it will noticeably increase your energy during training.

Hello, dear readers of my blog! My name is Nikita Volkov. Today we will look at a very important topic. Should you drink water during exercise? How much water should you drink per day? Should you limit the amount of water you drink? We will look into all these and many other questions in this article.

The human body is amazing. We are more than 70% water. Water is involved in almost all biochemical reactions that occur inside us. Severe dehydration organism can lead to death. I think we heard all this back in school.

A person weighing 80 kg contains about 50 liters of water. One of the reasons for aging, according to scientists, is a decrease, with age, in the ability of proteins to bind the same amount of water as in youth.

Our body strives for homeostasis, i.e. to balance. A certain water content is no exception. Once you start training, loading your body and working on yourself, you need to know some nuances about the use of this amazing substance.

The importance of water in bodybuilding

For a bodybuilder, the importance of water is difficult to overestimate. When drying muscles before competitions or before the summer season, athletes actively manipulate the amount of water they consume so that their muscles become much more prominent!

Many people mistakenly believe that if you want to achieve high-quality, powerful relief on your body, then you need to limit the amount of fluid you consume. This is a superficial and unsubstantiated judgment. Now I will explain why.

The fact is that if the body does not have enough water, then it will try to retain it in as large quantities as possible, because. will think he is in danger. When you feel thirsty, your body has already lost about 1-2% of its weight! So you need to drink evenly throughout the day, not just during training.

When you lose about 3-4% of water from the body, you will not be able to run, if the water loss is about 5-6%, then you can forget about training in the gym, and if you lose more than 10%, then God willing, if you succeed save.

IN otherwise, if you drink too much water, then your body removes all its excess. He understands that there is no need to save water.

Thus, by manipulating the amount of water consumed, you can achieve.

But still, she has even more important function. It promotes the accumulation of glycogen in muscles.

Glycogen– This is the main reserve carbohydrate in humans and animals. In other words, these are reserve energy batteries that the body spends primarily during training.

It is also interesting that glycogen, as a biochemical compound, consists of 75% water!

Should you drink water during exercise?

How many disputes I have heard on this matter! Boxers, wrestlers, etc. As a rule, they prefer not to drink water during training. This helps increase endurance. True, this is a “double-edged sword”.

Lack of water in the body contributes to weight loss. Only this weight is drained due to, precisely, water. If we look in more detail, then fat cells lose moisture and become smaller. But smaller in size, not in quantity!

After a person drinks enough water, the fat cells will return to their previous shape. Do you now understand the absurdity of the idea that you need to run around in a bunch of clothes to lose weight? Some natives still manage to wrap themselves in plastic to lose more weight. Yes, only this weight is water!

Remember once and for all. Fat cells do not burn due to temperature when you run, they oxidize from a large amount of oxygen in the blood and the presence of stress (adrenaline) and anabolic (testosterone) hormones in it. Hence the name of the workout - aerobic, i.e. accompanied by a lot of oxygen!

By the way, the symbiosis of STRENGTH training + AEROBIC cardio exercises works most effectively.

But that’s not about that now.

When training with weights, drinking water is a must! I already said that a water bottle should be with you during training. If you lose 1-2% of water in your body, you will feel thirsty, and your workout will be sluggish and ineffective.

No need to focus on thirst! Drink a little, at least a sip after each exercise, and you won’t get dehydrated.

Dehydration threatens you with the formation of kidney stones, increased blood pressure, increased blood viscosity, fainting and other unpleasant consequences.

What you need to remember

  • Drink at least 2-3 liters a day! Make it a rule. Don't let your body feel thirsty.
  • Be sure to drink during training, regardless of whether you are drying out or gaining weight.
  • Cardio exercise (running, cycling, brisk walking, etc.) in large quantities clothes, especially if you are wrapped in plastic, are no more effective than cardio in a T-shirt. And in many ways even more harmful.

Did you like the article, friends? I hope the question is: “Should I drink water during training?” no longer causes you doubt.

By the way! Here is a video of how I went to the Optimum Nutrition seminar with Stanislav Lindover, the European bodybuilding champion. I was shown there many times. Enjoy watching!

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse.

With respect and best wishes,!

“To drink water or not to drink water during fitness,” is the question asked by every second fan healthy image life. After all, the effectiveness of classes and, consequently, quick achievement task, largely depends on proper nutrition and adequate water consumption. However, everyone sets different goals - muscle building, cutting, weight loss. Naturally, drinking regimes for each approach will be different.

Can you drink water while exercising?

Some fitness enthusiasts choose to refrain from drinking water during workouts, believing that this will help them lose weight faster. In addition, they “mercilessly” test their body’s resistance to dehydration even in their free time from fitness. For example, for a greater “effect” of fat burning, they often visit baths, saunas and consume various diuretics. The result, of course, is - 1-2 kilograms are lost along with water and sweat. But is this method effective and, most importantly, safe?

Avoiding water during workouts frequent visit steam room or abuse of dehydrating drinks does not lead to the cherished goal of losing extra pounds, but to disruption of work various systems body. During intense exercise, our body loses great amount moisture, as a result of which the blood thickens, blood flow slows down, and nutrition of tissues and cells deteriorates. The result is shortness of breath, blood clots, weakness, dizziness, etc.

If you do not replenish water loss in the body, you can expect serious illnesses in future:

  • Premature aging, dullness and dryness of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Low body tone, stress.
  • Forgetfulness and the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract - constipation, diarrhea.
  • Chronic joint pain.

Think about it, is losing weight worth such risks? Despite the fact that the lost kilograms with water during fitness will quickly return. This is clearly not the most the best option and certainly not the safest.

There are other ways to deal with overweight, much more effective:

  • Reduce the consumption of salt and alcoholic products - they block the removal of fluid from the body.
  • Eat less sweets and sugar - foods provoke thirst.
  • Include in daily diet foods rich in potassium. They remove fluid.

Also remember this fact - dehydration directly contributes to the development of obesity. If a person limits himself in water consumption, then over time the body will begin to confuse thirst with hunger. As a result, a person will only eat more when he should have just drunk a glass of water.

How much water to drink while dieting?

Experts say drinking when thirsty is not the best the right approach. Thirst signals that the body is already seriously suffering from dehydration. Most best option- This means drinking water regularly according to the same pattern. It is recommended to drink 300-400 ml of water 1-2 hours before training, 10 minutes before training - 100 ml. During fitness, you need to take a few sips of water every 15 minutes. After classes, you need to drink 200-250 ml within 10-20 minutes.

It is important to understand that the calculations were made taking into account normal temperature air in gym. Outdoor fitness in cold or hot weather requires adjustments drinking regime under climatic conditions. General recommendations: when it’s hot, drink more water, when it’s cold, drink less.

Strength training and drinking regime

Fitness trainers do not recommend drinking a lot of water during strength training, as the stomach fills with fluid and Bladder interfere with exercise high efficiency. In these cases, you should adhere to the optimal drinking regime. To determine how much water the body needs during heavy physical activity, you need to weigh yourself before and after training. Next, for every half a kilogram of weight lost, you need to drink 500-600 ml of water.

When drying muscles, it is necessary to get rid of fat and wateriness.

For more effective removal moisture from the body, you can use the following techniques:

  • Reduce your salt intake. For the body, 0.5 grams of sodium per day is considered sufficient. During strength training or fitness, the need for salt increases. However, sodium can be obtained not only directly, but also indirectly - salt is found in fish, cheese, cereals, carrots and other vegetables. It would be enough. But you should avoid salty foods - canned food, chips, marinades.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables. Cabbage, cucumbers, beets, carrots are foods with natural diuretics. They gently remove excess moisture from the body.
  • Engage in aerobic fitness - this reduces muscle wateriness and strengthens the circulatory system.
  • Drink more plain water. When dehydrated, the body accumulates salts to retain the remaining moisture that is supplied. Normalization of the drinking regime washes away extra salt from cells and bones and restores water-electrolyte balance. Swelling disappears, the body returns to normal functioning.

Of course, all norms of water consumption before fitness and after training are averaged. Specific values ​​for each person are calculated taking into account body weight, volume of loads, individual characteristics. In any case, focus on how you feel—the volume of fluid intake should be increased gradually.

Hello friends, each of us has once had a question: is it possible to drink water during training, before and after it? So this question is very relevant and worries not only beginners in sports, but also experienced athletes. There are a huge number of myths around it that contradict themselves, so I will try to answer your question clearly and in detail.

So, we simply need water to continue to exist. We are almost 70-90% water (depending on age and physiological factors organism). This once again proves that water plays a very important role in our body. Everything happens with the help of water biochemical reactions in organism. As soon as it becomes smaller, the speed chemical reactions slows down in our body. These facts are well known to doctors, but little known to novice athletes.

Always after a hard workout, a person is thirsty. This state is natural. The explanation is simple. During exercise, a lot of energy is released. To prevent overheating through the skin, water in the form of sweat begins to evaporate. This is how cooling occurs. And when water reserves begin to decrease to a critical state, a mechanism is activated that signals, in the form of a feeling of thirst, its lack.

A lack of water is signaled by:

  1. A feeling of thirst, and the stronger it is, the more water you will miss.
  2. Feelings of fatigue and lethargy accumulate. This is a defensive reaction. It is needed in order to stop the process of overheating of the body as quickly as possible.

Factors influencing the desire to drink during and after exercise:

  1. Features of each organism.
  2. Type of load, duration and intensity.
  3. Training conditions: humidity and ambient temperature.
  4. Dehydration of the body.

The answer to the question is it possible to drink water during, before and after training.

  1. During training, you can drink water, as there is a loss of moisture, but its loss depends on the intensity of the training. Therefore, drink water in small quantities (a couple of sips at each rest), otherwise if you drink a lot of water at once, then continue training with full stomach it will become very difficult.
  2. Before training, you need to drink about half a liter of water or more (it all depends on the body). It's best to drink water 30 minutes before training. However, before intense work begins, the body contains a certain, balanced amount of water. If you drink more than you need, then training will not be comfortable (as in the first point).
  3. After finishing exercise, it is necessary to replenish water losses. Sometimes you feel so thirsty that you for a long time cannot stop drinking even more than a liter of water.

But it all depends on many factors, so drinking water or not during training is up to you personally, depending on how you feel. The most important thing is to listen to your body - it will tell you. Since, definitely for everyone, it cannot be said that it is necessary to drink water during exercise or immediately after it. Therefore, see for yourself, in any case, there is nothing fatal in this.

The better the thirst is quenched

The only complete product that makes you not want to drink is water. Nature designed it this way that throughout the entire evolution of man this liquid was the only way to quench his thirst. More recently, if you look at it from a historical perspective, people learned to make drinks and at some stage began to sincerely believe that it was they who helped them out during dehydration.

It is not true. In any drink invented by man, most of the mass is still water. True, there is less of it in a liter of juice, because there will be other substances present, which means you will have to drink more of this liquid. But, you see, freshly squeezed juice tastes better and contains nutrients, such as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, which will even come in handy during or after a workout.

It sounds convincing and this has prompted manufacturers to release drinks for a variety of purposes. Energy juices, weight loss drinks, “magic” drinks, etc. have appeared. Most of them have complex composition with very little space natural products, and mainly chemistry - flavors, dyes, sweeteners and much similar crap. Therefore, do not abuse questionable drinks during and after training.

A little trick for thirst

  1. Learn to listen to your body - this will help you cope better with thirst.
  2. Avoid drinking sugary drinks as they will make you thirstier.
  3. Place some salt on the edge of the glass and drink water through it. Even in extreme heat this method works flawlessly. For example, in very hot countries, this method cannot be replaced, since salt retains water in the body, which leads to greater saturation. And that’s all, because when moisture is lost, salt also leaves the body. Drinking salted water is not very pleasant, but for some reason it’s even tasty with salt. However, the amount of salt per day is approximately 5 grams, keep this in mind.
  4. Try to prepare your own drink, for example green tea or coffee are thermogenics that provide energy and help in fat burning. Sometimes they can even help establish friendly contact with strangers. And this can be very pleasant.
