Inflammation of the foreskin is a “male” problem for a small child. Balanoposthitis in a child: symptoms and treatment

Almost every boy, sooner or later, develops an inflammatory and infectious process in the area of ​​the head and foreskin of the genital organ. This disease is called. The disease can occur in acute (less than 3 months) and chronic form (over 3 months). Boys suffer from this disease in 3 times. more often than adult men, so in children it is especially important to identify the symptoms of balanoposthitis in time and, with the help of a doctor, determine the correct treatment.

Causes of the disease

Improper use of diapers contributes to the development of balanoposthitis in children.

Various microorganisms (bacteria, viruses and fungi) can cause balanoposthitis under certain conditions:

  • violation of child care rules (irregular washing, use of soap when washing);
  • the use of low-quality detergents for bathing and washing children’s clothes;
  • improper use of disposable diapers (size mismatch, infrequent changing);
  • tight panties that rub the skin and head of the penis, which contributes to the occurrence of microtraumas with subsequent infection;
  • allergic dermatitis to powder or cream;
  • imperfect structure of the external genitalia in preschool boys: narrowed foreskin or physiological phimosis makes it difficult for the baby to carry out hygienic procedures; when adhesions form between the two walls of the skin fold of the foreskin, stagnation of the secretion of special glands (smegma), dead skin cells occurs, and microorganisms that get on them cause inflammation;
  • violent attempts to expose the head of the penis;
  • : high levels of sugar in the urine are a breeding ground for microorganisms;
  • contributes to impaired and decreased immunity, makes it difficult to maintain personal hygiene;
  • hypothermia and poor nutrition of the child lead to and thereby facilitate the development of infection.


Balanoposthitis may be accompanied by difficulty urinating in a child.

There are the following types of balanoposthitis: simple, purulent, erosive, gangrenous.

The acute form of the disease, as a rule, begins suddenly, against the background of complete well-being. In the morning, the child experiences burning and itching in the foreskin area (in older children, and in younger children - anxiety). The child cries when touching the penis and when urinating, sleep is disturbed, and the temperature rises (sometimes to high levels).

The child’s general well-being worsens, and the lymph nodes in the groin area may become enlarged. The foreskin is swollen and red, and urination may be difficult. Bright red eroded areas with a rim of weeping along the periphery are formed - the inflammation has turned into an erosive form. If treatment is not continued, deep ulcerative-necrotic areas will form on a bright red background. These ulcers indicate the transition of the disease to a gangrenous form; they are very painful and take a very long time to heal.

Typically, treatment begins with local procedures: warm baths with furatsilin solution (at the rate of 2 tablets per glass of water) or chamomile decoction (1 tablespoon of flowers pour 250 ml of boiling water) every 2 hours. The bath solution is poured into a jar and lowered an inflamed organ into it. There is no need to retract the foreskin; this causes sharp pain in the boy.

Drug for treatment

After the bath, you can apply a gauze pad with Levomekol ointment - it has both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Using a syringe without a needle, heated ointment (about 1.5 g) can be carefully injected under the foreskin. You can pour a solution of furatsilin or chlorhexidine into it in the same way to clean and disinfect the cavity. At night, an ointment bandage is applied to the penis.

In case of severe weeping, the doctor may prescribe baths with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate, taking into account its disinfectant and drying effect. Typically, treatment results are obtained within 3-4 days.

If the child’s general condition is impaired and there is fever, anti-inflammatory drugs are used. In case of severe disease, weakened children, or when there is a threat of infection spreading, antibacterial drugs are prescribed for internal use or by injection. For candidiasis balanoposthitis, Clotrimazole ointment and other antifungal drugs are used.

In the chronic form of the disease, the inflammatory process is practically untreatable. Usually, surgical treatment is performed outside the period of exacerbation under local (in young children - under general) anesthesia - circumcision of the foreskin. Surgical treatment is effective in 100% of cases.

Complications of acute balanoposthitis

If left untreated, the disease can lead to the following complications:

  • chronicity of the process;
  • spread of infection;
  • acute urinary retention;
  • development of phimosis;
  • gangrene of the genital organ;
  • deformation of the head of the penis;
  • malignant tumors of the genital organ.


  • Preschool boys should be washed every night (without soap), as well as after defecation;
  • Infants change diapers in a timely manner and select them according to size;
  • When washing, school-age boys should expose and wash the head of the organ themselves with warm water;
  • Boys of all ages should use a personal towel for intimate hygiene;
  • All boys (and men) should avoid wearing tight underwear.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you suspect the development of balanoposthitis, you can contact a pediatrician or immediately a urologist. If necessary, an examination by a surgeon is scheduled. In addition, if the disease is associated with internal causes, a consultation with an endocrinologist, nutritionist, immunologist, or allergist is prescribed.

Inflammation of the foreskin in a child is a common condition. It is called balanoposthitis.

When a child is born, every mother torments herself with many questions about how to properly care for her newborn so as not to harm her. It is especially difficult when a son is born. How to properly care for the male organ is taught in maternity schools. Consultation on the care of the head and foreskin should be carried out by doctors in the maternity ward. When raising a boy, this problem plays an important role.

At birth, a baby's penis already has a fold of skin covering its head. It has a scientific name - preputium. At the same time, congenital phimosis is observed in all babies at birth. This is a condition that does not allow the head of the foreskin to be exposed. Doctors should warn new mothers not to touch the tip of the penis with unwashed hands. This can lead to inflammation of the baby's head and foreskin.

The inner surface of the prepuce and the head of the genital organ are connected with the help of synechiae of the foreskin. In a newborn, they are very tender and do not have elasticity, which does not allow them to be pulled off the head of the penis, as in adult men. The physiological role of these synechiae at an early age is to reduce the risk of infection, i.e. they prevent germs from entering the penis.

During the growth and development of a boy, with proper care in infancy, the diameter of the hole covering the head increases. This fact leads to her gradual release. The penis takes on the same appearance as that of an adult man.

The head is finally released due to the onset of erection, as well as under the action of secreted enzymes from the sebaceous glands of the skin. For each boy this time period is individual. According to statistics, on average it occurs at the age of seven years. There are cases when the complete opening of the head from the foreskin occurs early - at the age of 4 years or, conversely, late - by 11 years.

Maternal factor in inflammation of the foreskin in a child

Due to excessive curiosity and comparison with other peers of their child, mothers may begin independently remove the skin from the head of your son's penis. Often this happens under the emotional control of friends or relatives, who rush things and give incorrect recommendations, frightening them about the upcoming surgical intervention. A young mother, afraid of causing pain to her child associated with a far-fetched operation, takes the wrong measures and decisions. She begins to independently move the skin from the head ahead of time. Rushing into such a sensitive topic has serious consequences for children's health.

Acute balanoposthitis is characterized by inflammation of the foreskin of the penis in boys. In the initial stage, the disease is not dangerous. Difficulties arise when treatment of the disease is delayed and balanoposthitis becomes chronic.

Symptoms and causes of the disease in boys

The most common cause of the inflammatory process is the independent release of the head from the skin in infants. As a result, bacteria get underneath it and an infection develops. This leads to a situation where the head and foreskin turn red.

Smegma is a secretion from the sebaceous glands located on the skin of the penis. With physiological phimosis in newborns, it accumulates there. If a boy does not properly clean his external genitalia, smegma can cause inflammatory lesions of the foreskin.

Modern cosmetics intended for the intimate hygiene of boys can also cause acute balanoposthitis. In this case, it is usually associated with allergic reactions. The main causative agents of redness and swelling are:

  1. Incorrectly selected diapers containing fragrances that irritate the baby’s skin.
  2. Soiled diapers that were not changed on time. In this situation, after urination or defecation, diaper rash appears on the child’s genitals, the skin turns red and swells.
  • Before the baby is born, his clothes must be washed by hand, without using a washing machine or powder, even if the household appliance has a special function for washing baby clothes, and the powder says that it does not contain chemicals and is hypoallergenic.
  • You should not use special gels and shampoos to wash the boy. It is enough to use baby soap with a minimum content of chemical compounds.
  • After each urination, the boy should be washed under running water. Urine tends to irritate the skin, especially if the child is prone to allergic reactions.

If the gap in the foreskin by the age of 7 is very narrow and it becomes clear that the head cannot be exposed even manually, this is an indication for surgical intervention (dissection or circumcision). Circumcision is a simple operation to remove excess skin around the head of the penis. In Eastern countries this is a common process that every boy must go through at a young age. Dissection is performed when the narrowing is not significant.

After circumcision, the head of the penis is always exposed. Caring for the genital organ becomes easier. After surgery, fewer bacteria and viruses accumulate around the head, causing not only redness, but also more serious health problems.

Scientists have proven that sexual partners of circumcised men are less likely to suffer from cervical cancer. This is associated with better hygiene of the genital organ and a reduced risk of infection with papillomavirus.

So to symptoms of balanoposthitis include pain, swelling of the head of the penis. At the same time, you can see how the foreskin has become red and swollen. The skin of the genital organ becomes hyperemic and irritated, and a rash may appear. Less commonly, purulent discharge is observed from under the foreskin. Characteristic pain during urination and a white coating are usually signs of chronic damage to the foreskin. It leads to subsequent complications.

Methods for treating inflammation of the foreskin in a child

The disease is highly treatable. When you contact a qualified specialist and follow his recommendations, symptom relief occurs within the first day, and complete recovery occurs after a few days (usually up to a week).

The doctor prescribes antibacterial ointments or creams aimed at suppressing the inflammatory process. Sometimes local anesthetic forms of medication may also be required. Systemic therapy for balnoposthitis is rare.

To enhance the therapeutic effect for balanoposthitis in a child bathe in baths. Alternately, chamomile decoction and furatsilin solution are added to water boiled and cooled to a temperature of 38°C. These components have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Preparing a medicinal bath with chamomile flowers

To prepare a bath with chamomile to treat inflammation of the foreskin in a child, the flowers must be brewed with boiling water in a teapot. Let it sit for one hour in a dark place and pour into cooled boiled water. The child is bathed in a bath without adding detergents for ten minutes. After this, rinse the skin with water and dry with a soft towel. Bathing continues daily or every other day in alternating sequence with other methods.

Preparation of a therapeutic bath with furatsilin solution

Five tablespoons of furatsilin are added to a bath of cooled boiled water. The child is bathed for fifteen minutes, without using detergents. After this, rinse the skin with warm water and dry the baby with a towel. Baths are used as red skin appears in the groin area in children until complete recovery. When bathing, there is no need to open the head; a sufficient amount of medicine will wash the skin inside the foreskin and rid it of viruses and bacteria.

The use of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) to wash children is only possible if the skin is not too dry. The product has a drying effect. In some cases, it may be harmful to health. Therefore, it is better not to use this method without consulting a doctor if the child’s foreskin is inflamed.

Preventive measures regarding balanoposthitis include ensuring proper care for the baby:

  1. You cannot retract the foreskin on your own and expose the head of the penis.
  2. You should not wash and treat the area under the foreskin with disinfectants every day.
  3. After each urination and defecation, the child’s skin must be washed under running water without using cosmetics.
  4. Use diapers that do not irritate the baby's skin.
  5. Twice a week, bathe the boy in a chamomile decoction in combination with other herbal decoctions.
  6. Carry out a daily inspection with clean hands; at the slightest suspicion of inflammation of the foreskin, consult a doctor.
  7. Start treatment from the first day of the onset of the disease to prevent complications in the form of a chronic form of the disease.

Balanoposthitis is not the most serious disease in boys. With timely treatment and proper care for the baby, it will pass quickly. Try to prevent the formation of a chronic form. Take your child seriously, creating optimal conditions for his healthy life.

How to avoid and how to treat inflammation of the foreskin in children updated: October 25, 2016 by: admin

Chronic diseases: no

Good night! Sorry, I don't know what to do. The child woke up and was crying holding his wee, she took off the diaper and looked, the wee was red, she wouldn’t let her touch her, the first thing she decided to do was wash it. At this very moment, panic began, what kind of discharge and what kind of white flakes! Tomorrow I’m running to the doctor at the clinic, but what should I do at the moment? Only chamomile at home! Please advise how to help him get through the night, perhaps less painfully?

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110 replies

Remember to evaluate the doctors' answers, help us improve them by asking additional questions on the topic of this question .
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Your child has balanoposthitis. inflammation of the foreskin and glans penis. You need to go to the surgeon and he will clearly demonstrate to you how to wash it with a syringe, take baths with your chamomile, inject oflocain ointment into the preputial sac and in 5-7 days everything will be as before. This appears due to the fact that you have synechiae of the foreskin, and already the smegma that has accumulated there is inflamed, it must be removed in that direction and everything should be washed, the surgeon must demonstrate to you how to do this.

Rinse the preputial sac (the space between the head and the foreskin) with a syringe (remove the needle!) with a huge amount of at least boiled water, mechanically washing away everything that is there. . Never use potassium permanganate. In addition, find chamomile and make a decoction of it and make baths - insulated before washing; you can use a chamomile decoction for washing. Do this 4-5 times daily. And go to the surgeon as soon as possible.

It is necessary to take a 10 or 20 ml syringe and rinse the preputial sac with chamomile decoction (10-20 ml at a time, the cannula of the syringe WITHOUT A NEEDLE! Insert with caution into the space between the head and the foreskin and rinse, being careful not to get into the urethra), Before washing, you need to take baths with chamomile or a series of 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with this decoction. There are 4-5 such procedures (baths + rinsing) daily, each completed by administering 1-2 ml oflocaine ointment through a syringe (as washed) for 4-5 days.

Hope 2014-09-24 12:30

Hello, please advise, a 4.5 year old child’s pisyun does not open, he saw a surgeon and sent him to a urologist, he says it needs to be cut. The urologist said that for the time being we will open it for 2 months and then we’ll see, she started to open it, at first it opened a little later more, but white “poops” appeared, after seven days it basically stopped opening, and there were more white poops, what should I do? Thank you.

Under no circumstances should you use potassium permanganate in baths, causing burns and poisoning to your child. It is necessary to rinse the preputial sac with a syringe at the end of the baths with chamomile decoction and add oflocain ointment at the end. Do this 4-5 times daily. If you don’t have the opportunity to do it yourself, go to a pediatric surgeon.

Eugene 2015-05-25 22:49

Hello, we have such a problem, my son is 3 years 6 months old, a week ago I looked at the waste material on the pussy, the head came out small, I didn’t continue further, I think this should be done slowly. After a week, his pussy began to turn red, during the bath they wanted to open the flesh, but it didn’t work out just a little, the child says that it hurts, did I really damage something there, maybe I tore something? What do you say? I'm very worried.

Balanoposthitis. It is necessary to take a 10 or 20 ml syringe and rinse the preputial sac with chamomile decoction (10-20 ml at a time, the cannula of the syringe WITHOUT A NEEDLE! Insert with caution into the space between the head and the foreskin and rinse, being careful not to get into the urethra), Before washing, you need to take baths with chamomile or a series of 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with this decoction. There are 4-5 such procedures (baths + rinsing) daily, each completed by administering 1-2 ml oflocaine ointment through a syringe (as washed) for 4-5 days.

Elena 2015-07-08 17:28

Hello! Since yesterday, my son (4 years old) has been complaining of pain in his pee, not when he urinates, but when he touches it even the slightest. The pussy looks swollen, a thickening has appeared approximately in the middle, red and completely closed. This morning we went to the surgeon, he opened very little, said nothing terrible, wash it with chamomile and that’s it. I did 4 rinses at home during the current period. Day and the pus had just poured out, I washed everything with chamomile again. Tell me, is it natural that pus is? He was there in the morning and to this day, is it good that he came out? Or has the condition worsened? What exactly are my upcoming actions? Thank you.

Elena_A 2015-07-26 21:17

Hello, doctor! My son is 1 year and 1 month old. I saw that the tip of the pisyulka turned red, opened normally and on the head there were two very red spots at the very tip, next to it there was a white spot, as if subcutaneous, and everything around was covered in white flakes (I washed it for the second day, in the evenings after bathing, with potassium permanganate, but I read above that it You can’t rinse. Because of what. What should we do now? I called the clinic, all the surgeons are on vacation. We need to wait. Please advise what to do.

Catherine 2016-01-20 21:09

Hello, my son is 5 years old and he quite often pees both in bed and in his pants, at the time when he feels that his pants are wet only then he runs to the toilet, maybe he is flirting and forgets. Even now, while bathing, I saw that the tip of the pee is reddish, but my son is not complaining about anything, there is no pain. What to do?

Inflammation of the foreskin in boys is a disease beyond age, and it can occur in both adult men and little boys. Inflammation of the foreskin is quite often accompanied by inflammation of the glans and is called “balanoposthitis”.

Causes of the disease

The most common cause of balanoposthitis in boys is phimosis, that is, narrowing of the foreskin. As a result of this narrowing, it is difficult to keep the head clean. The accumulation of sperm leads to the development of inflammation of the head, which spreads to the foreskin. Inflammation of the foreskin can also be caused by a bacterial or fungal infection. Predisposing factors to the development of the disease are insufficient hygiene of the baby’s genital organs, as well as allergies or diabetes.

The child may say that it hurts or that the head itches. Sometimes a boy cannot pee even with a strong desire - this condition is called strangulation and requires prompt medical intervention. Visually, parents can see redness and swelling of the baby’s glans penis and foreskin. In severe cases, drops of pus may even be released from under the foreskin, body temperature rises, appetite decreases and sleep is disturbed. Upon examination, the doctor may see redness and swelling of the foreskin, as well as enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes. A bacteriological examination of the smear may be required to determine the pathogen. You should act quickly; the sooner you start treatment, the better. In the absence of therapy, phimosis and strangulation of the head, impaired urination, narrowing of the urethra and other unpleasant complications may occur.

To treat balanoposthitis, first of all, you should improve the hygiene of the genital organs. It is necessary to wash the child with warm water twice a day. Arrange warm sitz baths with furatsilin solution or infusion of chamomile, string or calendula 4-5 times a day. After the procedure, you should blot the head with a soft towel and apply antibacterial ointment to it. If pus accumulates near the head of the penis, the surgeon drains the purulent focus and fills it with an antibacterial ointment, such as dioxicol or levomikol. In the presence of general intoxication of the body, increased temperature and deterioration of health, an expansion of the drinking regime, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs are required. In case of pronounced narrowing of the foreskin and frequent aggravated inflammation, a minor operation is recommended - circumcision.


Daily hygiene of the boy’s genital organs is necessary. However, it only brings benefits if the parents’ actions are correct. Some mothers like to open the head of the penis and wash it with soap every day. It is unacceptable. Soap alkalizes the mucous membrane and washes away its natural protection that prevents inflammation. It is correct to wash the baby with warm water, gently open the head and water it. Once a week, you can wash your head with foamy baby wash.

After inflammation, regularly once a day in the first week, then every other day, use sitz baths with chamomile to prevent relapse.

Do not self-medicate. Uncontrolled use of antiseptic solutions and antibacterial ointments can lead to various negative consequences.

After suffering from inflammation for a month, after each urination, it is recommended to wash the child with clean water without soap and gently pat dry with a soft towel.

Make sure the diapers fit your baby carefully. Tight ones put pressure on the penis, impair blood circulation and can contribute to inflammation. Free ones do not absorb urine well and can provoke irritation of the delicate mucous membrane of the head, and then inflammation is not far away. The same goes for panties: they should not squeeze the baby’s genitals.

Balanoposthitis is an inflammation of the foreskin and skin of the glans penis in boys. The disease occurs at any age. According to statistics, every second male child experiences inflammation of the foreskin at least once in his life and all the accompanying conditions associated with this pathology occur.

Causes of balanoposthitis

In the medical community, it is customary to distinguish between balanitis and balanoposthitis. Balanitis is an inflammation of the skin surrounding the head of the penis. Boys most often develop balanoposthitis, when both the skin and the inner layer of the foreskin are affected.

The immediate cause of the disease is infection. In children, the cause of inflammation is usually opportunistic flora that lives on the skin of every person. In rare cases, balanoposthitis can be caused by infection with sexually transmitted infections transmitted through contact and household contact.

Factors that provoke inflammation of the foreskin in children:

  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • penile injuries;
  • allergic reaction to body care products;
  • tight underwear;
  • rare diaper changes for babies.

One of the most common causes of balanoposthitis in boys is phimosis. With this pathology, the head of the penis does not open at all or is exposed with great effort. Normally, in almost all babies, the head of the penis is hidden under the foreskin. At 6 months of life, the head is exposed in 20% of children, and by 3 years - in 90% of boys. At 7 years old, the head of the penis should be completely free of the foreskin. Until the head of the penis is fully opened, hygienic measures may be difficult, which leads to the development of balanoposthitis in young children.

Another reason for inflammation of the foreskin in a small child is the formation of synechiae. Numerous adhesions interfere with the normal outflow of smegma, a special substance consisting of desquamated epithelium of the penis. When the synechiae diverge, the smegma comes out, and the area under the foreskin cleans itself. If the adhesions do not disperse completely, smegma accumulates and inflammation develops.

Do not try to remove adhesions yourself - this can lead to infection of the foreskin.

Symptoms of balanoposthitis

Acute balanoposthitis occurs suddenly and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain;
  • increase in organ volume;
  • redness of the skin of the foreskin;
  • burning when urinating;
  • discharge from the penis (yellow, green, cheesy).

Balanoposthitis in an infant may be accompanied by a rise in temperature, refusal to eat, and capricious behavior. In older children, inflammation of the foreskin usually occurs without a significant deterioration in the general condition.

When the first signs of the disease appear, do not delay visiting a doctor.

Chronic balanoposthitis is not so violent. The child experiences moderate itching and soreness of the glans penis. The skin of the foreskin swells slightly. The disease continues for weeks and months, periods of exacerbation and remission alternate with each other. Often, inadequate treatment of acute balanoposthitis leads to chronic inflammation.


Untimely treatment of balanoposthitis can lead to the development of complications. If the infection lasts for a long time in a child, microorganisms can enter the urethra, and from there into the bladder and ureter. In children with reduced immunity, it is possible to develop pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys.

Chronic balanoposthitis can provoke the formation of cicatricial phimosis. This condition, in turn, will affect a man’s sex life in the future. Scarring of the foreskin is one of the reasons for decreased sensitivity of the skin of the penis and the development of impotence at a young age.


What to do if a boy has pain and swelling of the head of the penis? First, you should consult a doctor. Help with balanoposthitis can be provided by a pediatric surgeon or urologist. If the child’s condition is serious, you need to call an ambulance.

The diagnosis is usually made after a routine examination of the patient. If there is discharge from the penis, the doctor may take the material for examination. Bacteriological culture of discharge from the urethra allows you to accurately determine the causative agent of the infection and prescribe the correct treatment.

Treatment methods

Treatment of acute balanoposthitis is not particularly difficult for parents. To relieve inflammation, sitz baths with antiseptics are prescribed. Furacilin or chamomile solution helps to cope with the problem best. Doctors do not recommend using the well-known solution of potassium permanganate, since this drug dries out delicate skin very much.

To prepare the bath, you need to dilute furatsilin in warm water (at the rate of 2 tablets per glass of water). A decoction of chamomile or other herbs is prepared according to the instructions on the package. The resulting solution is added to a bath of warm water. You can take baths every 3-4 hours. It is enough to keep small children in warm water for about 15 minutes. For a child over one year old, you can arrange water procedures for half an hour.

The water in the bath should not be higher than 37 degrees.

Local treatment can be supplemented by treating the skin of the penis with antiseptic ointments and creams. Exact recommendations on the choice of medication can be obtained from your doctor. The course of therapy lasts up to 10 days. The effect of treatment should occur already on the third day after the start of treatment of the affected area.

Treatment with systemic antibiotics for balanoposthitis in a child is not carried out. The effect of their use is very doubtful, while side effects occur quite often. Local use of antiseptics is much better at helping to cope with the disease than using antibacterial drugs orally or by injection.

For balanoposthitis caused by phimosis, surgical treatment is performed. In the acute stage, the doctor only slightly cuts the foreskin, helping the purulent contents to come out. After the process subsides, excision of the foreskin (circumcision) is performed.


The following recommendations will help prevent the development of balanoposthitis in boys.

  1. Follow the rules of personal hygiene. Wash your baby daily without using soap.
  2. Change your baby's diapers promptly.
  3. Do not try to forcefully separate the foreskin.
  4. Use hypoallergenic baby care products.
  5. Do not delay your visit to the surgeon if acute balanoposthitis develops.

Phimosis and balanoposthitis in boys often occur simultaneously. All children have physiological phimosis, and it is this condition that contributes to inflammation of the foreskin. If the glans penis has not opened before the age of 7, consult a surgeon to resolve this issue.

There is a pathology that appears only in boys and is called phimosis. In medical terminology, phimosis refers to inflammation of the foreskin in a boy, in which the head is not exposed.

There are two types of phimosis: pathological phimosis and physiological phimosis.

  • Pathological phimosis is a deviation that requires medical intervention.
  • Unlike pathological phimosis, physiological It occurs even in newborn babies.

Very often, inflammation of the foreskin in a baby boy is considered quite natural for medical reasons, since only 4% of born babies have a foreskin that is mobile to open the head of the penis.

By the age of three, the foreskin becomes mobile in almost 90% of children. Only in cases of severe inflammation and painful urination should radical measures be taken. But still, there are reasons for inflammation of the foreskin even in infants.

Very often, parents rush things and want to speed up the natural process as quickly as possible, starting to open the fold of skin on the penis, thereby injuring it.

  • The causes of inflammation of the foreskin in a baby may be improper care of the genitals or an allergic reaction.
  • In the inner surface of the foreskin, it is produced lubricant(smegma is light yellow with a pale tint) and if not removed, it accumulates and leads to inflammation of the glans penis.

Symptoms of inflammation of the foreskin in a baby boy can manifest themselves in unpleasant sensations, itching, the head may become bluish, there may be pinching of the head, pain.

In such complicated situations, an experienced surgeon may prescribe medication or suggest surgical intervention by cutting the foreskin (circumcision procedure).

Inflammation of the foreskin in a teenage child: signs and diagnosis

Inflammation of the foreskin in a teenage child is considered pathological phimosis. It appears from the age of thirteen and is divided into three degrees. Signs of inflammation of the foreskin in a child by stages:

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  1. At the first stage You can do without surgery if you use the technique of gradually stretching the foreskin. Only a urologist can demonstrate the method of implementation.
  2. Second degree can be treated with conservative treatment along with cutting the adhesions between the foreskin and the genital organ enveloping it. Dr. Komarovsky pays special attention to the treatment of inflammation of the foreskin (balanoposthitis) in boys. In his lectures, he talks about the most effective methods of treating balanoposthitis in children. Based on his methods, special attention should be paid to the child’s personal hygiene (wash at least 3 times, constantly change diapers, use antiseptic powder).
  3. In the third degree Only surgery will help. Inflammation of the head and foreskin in a child may occur:
    • due to genetic predisposition;
    • due to a violation of the structure of connective tissue (lack of elastic component);
    • with injuries to the penis with the formation of scar tissue and further narrowing of the foreskin (cicatricial phimosis);
    • with an inflammatory process of the foreskin of the penis, for example, the disease balanoposthitis, which leads to the formation of scars.

The main symptoms of inflammation of the foreskin in a teenage child:

  • inability to remove the head of the penis from the foreskin;
  • urinary disturbance;
  • inflammation of the head and foreskin;
  • burning sensation and itching in the genital area.

This pathology of teenage boys should not be ignored. This can lead to cracks in the penis, which appear due to tension and threaten the appearance of rough scar tissue.

Treatment and prevention of inflammation of the foreskin in a child

In order to avoid the occurrence of inflammatory processes, carefully wash the child’s genitals every day, especially at night and after each visit to the toilet.

Do not try to open the head yourself, especially if this process is difficult. You may cause pain and even pinch the head of the penis. Make sure that your child wears underwear only made from natural cotton fabric.

Treatment of inflammation of the foreskin in a child is prescribed by a urologist individually for each child.

Naturally, the baby does not need any treatment, with the exception of rare cases of pathology. In adolescents, inflammation of the foreskin is treated with surgery. During the operation, the foreskin is cut in a circle, then sutured with a special suture material, which dissolves over time and does not require the removal of sutures.

In medicine, such an intervention is considered simple and takes about 15 minutes.

Sooner or later, almost every mother who has a boy faces purely “male” problems with her baby. The genital organ itself raises a lot of questions, and many different fears are associated with it. Even in the maternity hospital, doctors must teach every mother to take care of her baby’s foreskin. The most important instruction here is the following - do not touch, so as not to suddenly cause inflammation of the foreskin in the child.

Every boy is born already having congenital temporary phimosis. The foreskin is a fold of skin that covers the head of the penis (scientifically called the prepuce). The connection between the inner surface of the foreskin and the head of the penis is provided by delicate adhesions or synechiae. This is the skin that protects the head itself and practically does not extend to the base of the child’s (boy’s) penis, unlike an adult man.

As the child grows, the external opening of the foreskin increases, which eventually leads to the opening of the head. This is also facilitated by spontaneous erections and special enzymes secreted by the sebaceous glands located in the foreskin - smegma. This process lasts individually for each child. It is generally considered normal for the head to fully dilate at approximately 6 or 7 years of age. Although for some boys this happens at 3 years old or after 10 years.

Often, mothers’ excessive anxiety or curiosity pushes them to take various, not always deliberate, actions. Especially if the neighbor’s child’s head has opened for a long time, and the “experienced” neighbor advised him to push the flesh away on his own, otherwise surgical intervention would suddenly be needed. This basically leads to real “man” problems in boys.

Balanoposthitis is an inflammation in a child (boy) of the foreskin, as well as the head of the penis. The name at first glance is quite formidable, but this disease does not pose a serious threat to the child until it becomes chronic.

Causes and symptoms of inflammation of the foreskin in children

The most common cause of balanoposthitis is independent attempts to open the foreskin. As a result, an infection enters the preputial sac from the external environment, provoking an inflammatory process.

Sometimes there are physiological reasons for the occurrence of such inflammation. As already mentioned, the synechiae of the foreskin gradually diverge and smegma accumulates under the flesh itself. Moreover, if the head opens gradually, then the body itself gets rid of its excess - it washes it out when urinating with sterile urine. But there are situations when the synechiae partially diverge, forming a pouch. The smegma that accumulates in this sac turns into a very dense smegmolite. It cannot get out, leading to inflammation - acute balanoposthitis.

Quite often recently, this inflammation has an allergic origin. Inflammation of the foreskin in a child can be caused by the following external irritants:
a) bad diapers,
b) dirty laundry,
c) things washed with chemical powders,
d) intimate hygiene products.
In addition, allergens may be contained in the urine, especially if the child is prone to allergies to any foods or medications. Such urine irritates the foreskin, which leads to inflammation.

Quite often, a sign of phimosis (impossibility of exposing the head of the penis) is precisely recurrent balanoposthitis. This disease causes the foreskin to become so narrow that it does not allow the head of the penis to open. It is with phimosis accompanied by recurrent balanoposthitis that circumcision is prescribed. This is a completely simple surgical procedure.

The first symptoms of inflammation of the foreskin are itching, pain, redness and swelling in the area of ​​the head of the penis. Sometimes pus may come out from under the foreskin. And pain when urinating, a rash on the head, as well as a white coating are evidence of chronic balanoposthitis, which, in turn, often leads to cicatricial phimosis.

Treatment of inflammation of the foreskin in a child

There are almost never any difficulties when treating inflammation of the foreskin in a child. With proper treatment, all signs of the disease disappear completely within two days. For this, baths and various antibacterial ointments are used. Baths with furatsilin and chamomile decoction are considered the most effective.

A. Two furatsilin tablets are diluted in a glass of warm boiled water.

B. Chamomile decoction is prepared in the most usual way, as for internal use.

When performing the procedure, there is no need to open the head of the child’s penis, since the medicine already enters the preputial sac in sufficient quantities.

Quite often you can hear doctors recommend using potassium permanganate for rinsing and washing. But its use is not entirely desirable due to its drying effect. Liquid ointments (Levomikol or analogues) can also be prescribed for insertion into the opening of the foreskin. You can also apply the ointment as a bandage, wrapping it around the “sick organ” overnight.

But such treatment will not help with chronic balanoposthitis. The child's condition will, of course, improve, but only for a short period of time. Recurrence of the disease results in surgery to circumcise the foreskin.

The most important thing for both treatment and prevention of this disease is to provide proper care for the boy.

2 . You should not treat your penis with disinfectants every day.

3 . It is necessary to wash the child with plain water at least twice a day, and also after each bowel movement.

4 . Diapers should be changed promptly.

5 . Twice a month you need to make hygienic baths with various decoctions of herbs (chamomile, chamomile, celandine).

6 . You should not self-medicate, and at the slightest suspicion of inflammation, immediately consult a doctor.

7 . Particular attention must be paid to timely treatment of the very first manifestation of balanoposthitis in order to completely eliminate the possibility of its transition to a chronic form.

8 . During illness, provide your child with plenty of fluids - this will help to better rinse the urethra.

Always remember that inflammation of the foreskin in a child is far from the most terrible disease in his life, but it is necessary to treat the child with all responsibility. At the same time, there is no need to panic and draw hasty conclusions.

Health to you and your baby!