After eating I feel hungry. Does constant hunger mean illness? Continuous feeling of hunger - causes. What diseases cause constant hunger?

The feeling of hunger is the body’s natural need for energy, which is generated by receiving nutrients. For normal functioning, a person, depending on his lifestyle, needs to receive a sufficient amount of food. But if some people, after eating, do not think about food at all until the next time, then for some constant hunger present at all times.

The reasons for the eternal unsaturation of the body can be various factors. One of which is a lot of physical activity associated with hard work, sports or just very in an active way life. As a result, the metabolism will accelerate, food is digested much faster, and more often than usual.

Some people lack a gene that controls hunger. And at the same time, a person simply cannot stop, even when he doesn’t really want to eat. The brain does not receive a signal about saturation, and it seems that you are eating, even after just leaving the table.

Lack of sleep can also provoke hunger, as the body will try to replenish the energy not received during rest with food. Mental stress on the body and stress can also cause increased appetite and eating problems.

Various diets with small portions, strong restrictions and strict boundaries provoke constant feeling hunger, because the body does not receive required amount the substances he needs. A lack of certain vitamins (B, A, glucose) makes a person want to eat something salty and sour.

Hormonal imbalances associated with taking hormonal drugs, and y - because of, cause appetite and the desire to constantly snack on something.

If hunger is present for a long time and is not associated with the above factors, then it may be worth contacting a specialist and checking your health. Because Some diseases can also increase appetite. One of them is disease endocrine system, leading to hormonal imbalance(possibly problems with the thyroid gland). Gastrointestinal diseases sometimes also make you want to eat.

How to fight hunger

A constant feeling of hunger brings discomfort to many people, and it does not affect the figure in any way. better side. If there is nothing, then only one thought will sit - to eat, which, if this desire is not satisfied, can ultimately lead to mental disorders.

First you need to understand the reasons increased appetite. Perhaps your body simply does not have enough calories consumed, then there is only one way out - to increase daily norm food. If possible, replacing as much as possible with healthy food, and not snacks like chocolate and buns.

When dealing with stress and other problems, try not to overeat, but to distract yourself in other ways and do what you love. Good mood, and simply the lack of free time will deprive you of additional unnecessary food intake.

Try not to get carried away with strict diets with very strong restrictions, and more smoothly switch to proper food. Drink more clean water- especially before meals - this causes faster satiety. The food itself should be chewed thoroughly and slowly and not be distracted by TV or a book.

Get plenty of rest, follow a sleep schedule, try to eat rationally, consuming everything essential vitamins and minerals, and if necessary, supplement with special vitamin complexes.

If all this does not help and the feeling of hunger is constantly present, then you should consult a doctor, perhaps there is some kind of disorder in the body behind this, which, by eliminating it, will regulate your appetite.

Hunger is a feeling of the body’s natural physiological need to eat food. The feeling of hunger is regulated by the so-called food center, which is a set of structures of the central nervous system responsible for regulating food choice and intake. The food center consists of two main areas responsible for the formation of feelings of hunger and appetite: the “satiety center” located in the ventromedial part of the hypothalamus, as well as the “hunger center” located in the lateral part. Due to the effect on the hypothalamic section of the food center of metabolic products, hormones, and other biological active substances there is an alternation of feelings of hunger and satiety.

Formation of feelings of hunger and satiety - more complex processes, than is commonly believed, since they are on the periphery of physiology and mental state person. Scientists have found that the formation of a feeling of hunger is provoked not only physiological factors. The formation of a feeling of hunger is also influenced by a person’s psycho-emotional state. In turn, the feeling of satiety is formed not only by the feeling of a full stomach, but also by the feeling of pleasure from eating. The food center receives information about the saturation of the body in two ways: by nerve impulses emanating from gastrointestinal tract, as well as the level of substances contained in the blood. The nutrition center monitors the body’s condition based on the level of glucose, amino acids, and fat breakdown products.

A constant feeling of hunger can be a symptom of a digestive disorder such as pathological hyperrexia - constant feeling feelings of hunger that do not correspond to the body’s physiological need for food. Hyperrexia is typical for patients suffering from the following diseases:

  • stomach ulcers;
  • chronic gastritis with gastric hypersecretion;
  • diabetes;
  • hyperthyroidism.

Constant feeling of hunger: causes, ways to eliminate constant feeling of hunger

The main reasons for constant hunger are:

  • Increased mental activity;
  • Excessive energy consumption as a result of intense physical activity;
  • Malnutrition;
  • Thirst;
  • State of stress and depression;
  • Hormonal imbalances, menstrual cycle disorders, self menstrual cycle;
  • Syndrome psychological dependence from food.

One of probable causes a constant feeling of hunger is an unhealthy diet, in which the body feels a deficiency of vital necessary elements: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber, microelements.

A constant feeling of hunger, the reasons for which lie in regular increased mental activity, can be easily corrected by increasing blood glucose levels. IN in this case a constant feeling of hunger is provoked by the need of the brain, and not physiological need the whole body. Other foods consumed to saturate the body with such a feeling of hunger will be ineffective. Without receiving sufficient glucose levels, the body will soon “demand” a new portion of food to replenish the missing elements. Best sources In this case, starchy carbohydrates will become glucose for the brain: rice, bread, other grain products, nuts, beans, potatoes, corn.

A constant feeling of hunger, the causes of which are psychological factors, difficult to satisfy regular appointments food. When identifying the dependence of a constant feeling of hunger on psychological state It is necessary first of all to eliminate the causes that provoke the hunger reflex.

For intense physical activity The main sources of energy for the body are triglycerides (fats), glycogen and glucose, to replenish which the body needs low calorie foods With high content proteins and carbohydrates: boiled chicken, baked fish.

Elementary thirst can provoke a feeling of hunger, which a glass will help to quench still water, containing no sugar.

The constant feeling of hunger is also influenced by the level of hormones produced various systems body. These include:

  • hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary system (thyrotropin-releasing hormone, neurotensin, corticoliberin);
  • sex hormones (estrogens, androgens);
  • hormones thyroid gland(thyroxine, calcitonin, triiodothyronine);
  • pancreatic hormones (insulin, pancreatic polypeptide, glucogan).

Fluctuations in hormonal levels during the menstrual cycle in women explain the constant feeling of hunger, the dissatisfaction of which is characterized by irritability, depression, and feelings of dissatisfaction.

Constant feeling of hunger and nausea

Often a constant feeling of hunger and nausea are symptoms various diseases, one of which is hypoglycemia - pathological condition, characterized by a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood, resulting in the development hypoglycemic syndrome. Depending on the severity of hypoglycemia, use various techniques treatment.

In some cases, a constant feeling of hunger and nausea may be the first signs of pregnancy that a woman feels even before the fact of pregnancy is established. If you feel a constant feeling of hunger and nausea, you need to go through full examination to identify the relationship between symptoms and make an accurate diagnosis.

Constant feeling of hunger during pregnancy

A constant feeling of hunger during pregnancy is common to many women. During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes certain changes. The formation of feelings of hunger during pregnancy is influenced by hormonal levels, stressful conditions. Often, a constant feeling of hunger during pregnancy can be a signal of a lack of some vital elements: iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamins.

Hunger attacks during pregnancy are not considered a deviation from the norm. During this period, it is important for a woman to observe balanced diet, enriched with vitamins, iron, and other micro- and macroelements. It should also be remembered that uncontrolled satisfaction of hunger can lead to significant weight gain, which, in turn, can negatively affect the condition of the body.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Sometimes hunger is not a real feeling of need for food, but a psychological or endocrine problem, which can be caused reduced level leptin in the body. The more fat a cell contains, the greater the amount of this substance will be produced. Leptin is a metabolic controller and affects the production of hunger. How to get rid of appetite, read below.

Symptoms of constant hunger

If you can't get enough, constantly feel restless or have a hungry emptiness in your stomach even after eating a heavy meal, these may be symptoms of a constant feeling of hunger - a body disorder that threatens unpleasant consequences. Among them are various eating disorders: bulimia, anorexia, a sharp decline or weight gain, adipose tissue deposits, impaired secretion gastric juice, weakness, anemia, low blood pressure and a feeling of dissatisfaction.

If constant hunger is a consequence of another disease, then it has more physiological characteristics, is felt in the stomach and you can get rid of it by treating the root cause. If the origin is a disorder of the nervous system, then such a malfunction will develop hidden, in attacks, during periods emotional stress, as an outlet for “seizing” problems and this type is more difficult to cure.

Causes of constant hunger

The process of food consumption is one of the most complex in the body system; disruptions in it appear from minor changes in general condition CNS and endocrine system. If one of the many connections between the stomach and the brain is out of order, the brain receives false signals, it is confused and protects the body in the way it can - it signals that you need to eat. Even if the stomach is full and does not really require food. The following are the main causes of constant hunger:

  • diseases: gastritis, ulcer, hyperthyroidism, hyperrexia;
  • disturbed hormone levels;
  • poor nutrition;
  • mental or physical stress;
  • mental dependence– hyperphagia, anorexia or bulimia.

Causes of constant hunger in women

The reasons for the constant feeling of hunger in women lie in hormonal imbalances And long-term depression, poor nutrition and lack of vitamins. In this case, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, and permanent shifts mood and weight changes. Often, “hungry syndrome” can manifest itself during pregnancy or menopause, after quitting cigarettes.

With the experiences severe stress, women often transfer these emotions inside themselves, become fixated and remain in a state of tension for too long - this can lead to eating disorders and constant insatiable hunger. The reason for this is a violation of receptors in the hypothalamus region, which can only be cured by a huge effort of will and the formation of an anti-habit.

Causes of constant feeling of hunger in the stomach after eating

When you continue to feel hungry immediately after eating, perhaps this is a deceptive feeling caused by the fact that the transmission of signals and impulses from the stomach is difficult and the brain has not yet had time to realize that you are full. In this case, it is better to wait about half an hour and this feeling should pass. If the matter is more serious problems, then they need to be identified and treated before hunger provokes obesity and other diseases. What are the reasons for a constant feeling of hunger in the stomach after eating:

Feeling hungry during early pregnancy

Feeling hungry during pregnancy early stages occurs often: a woman’s body is rebuilt, the amount of hormones increases sharply, and additional stress appears on the organs. In addition to the natural increase in appetite, it is necessary to distinguish between those that occur from a lack of vitamins: iron, magnesium and calcium. To understand how to get rid of this kind of hunger, you need to regularly conduct tests on the state of the body, monitor hormones and, if there is a shortage of some substances, add them to the diet. necessary products and vitamins.

Constant feeling of hunger in diabetes

The main signaling substances for the brain centers of hunger and satiety are glucose and lipids - they report information to the hypothalamus that the body is full. A constant feeling of hunger in diabetes arises from a deficiency of insulin, which promotes the absorption of glucose; the cells constantly feel a lack of it, no matter how much food the patient eats. This form of increased appetite is exclusively a consequence of the disease; it goes away when diabetes is cured and the level of hormones in the patient’s blood is adjusted.

How to satisfy your hunger

If you notice abnormal hunger and any side symptoms– you should consult a doctor who will help you find out the cause of your condition and prescribe complex treatment. If your appetite is simply increased, you can try to quickly satisfy your hunger in the following ways:

  • Drink water when you feel hungry.
  • Eat slowly, chewing thoroughly. This will help you digest foods better and feel full faster.
  • Do not eat while doing other things. Focus directly on food and its quantity and taste.
  • Do not consume spicy, overcooked, sour, carbonated drinks and fast food, reduce the amount of sweets and simple carbohydrates which may cause appetite.
  • Eat often and in small portions: every three hours, serve food on small plates, this will help visually deceive the brain.
  • Concentrate on sensations: if you want to eat, ask yourself whether you are really hungry, or if this is an attempt to take time, get rid of thoughts and emotions.
  • Consume more fresh food plant food without sauces and additives - such a diet will not provoke the desire to eat more food.

How to satisfy hunger without food

How to eliminate the feeling of hunger that occurs uncontrollably and constantly:

  • Firstly, it’s constant employment: doing something exciting and interesting to you will help you think less about food.
  • Secondly, this physical activity: Dancing, swimming and jogging are especially helpful. At the same time, emotional hunger will decrease along with the energy you devote to the activity.

Extremely positive impact on anxiety Yoga helps with constant hunger. It affects not only physical health and strength of the body, but also on good spirits, mood, inner peace. Yoga classes will help you focus on your sensations and distinguish their nature, calm anxiety and irritability, and satisfy hunger without food. Yoga does not require any specific preparation - absolutely anyone can start practicing, but it is better to do it under the supervision of a specialist, in a group, or in personal classes.

How to satisfy hunger while dieting

Diets are a separate aspect of a possible increase in appetite. During the diet, you need to maintain the required level of nutrients and vitamins that are responsible for healthy metabolism. Need to eat more fruits fresh vegetables, do not deny yourself cereals and first courses, take a responsible approach to your nutrition schedule. How to satisfy your hunger when losing weight without harming the process:

  • Fresh fruits. They are rich in glucose, which is responsible for the feeling of satiety and the production of the “joy hormone” - serotonin, which can compensate for the lack of sweets.
  • Helps satisfy hunger while dieting green tea, it promotes weight loss and removal of toxins. If you feel hungry between scheduled meals, drink tea, water or rosehip decoction, this cleanses the body.

Video: how to cope with hunger

Nature, during the creation of man, endowed him with all the important and necessary capabilities that allow him to control the process of eating food (so that a person does not forget to eat), sleep and cleansing the body.

The feeling that makes a person eat is one of these super-powers that controls the nutrition center. The location of this center is the cerebral cortex. This center is divided into 2 areas:

  1. The sector responsible for saturation.
  2. Hunger sector.

When these areas are affected, the brain receives an impulse that the person is full or needs saturation nutrients. Next we'll talk about what causes hunger and how to get rid of it. constant thirst eat some delicious food.

What causes the feeling of hunger?

Since all the signals that are responsible for human nutrition come to the brain, the sources can be presented as:

  • Intestinal tract, when nerve endings signal transmission occurs.
  • Blood, the composition of which can lead to a detailed analysis.

As we have already said, the reasons for the feeling of hunger may have different nature, but the most common are:

Under normal conditions, the process of hunger looks like this:

  1. An impulse arises to replenish energy reserves.
  2. A man eats.
  3. The next impulse appears, which notifies the person about the replenishment of energy reserves.
  4. The feeling of hunger disappears.

If a constant feeling of hunger has become a serious problem, we can already say that one of the links in the above-described process has broken. At the same time, the patient always wants to eat, and if he is not helped and the root cause of this condition is not found, there is a risk of obesity and other related pathological processes. To fully understand the essence of the problem, you need to know the sequence of processes that cause hunger.

Stomach pain and hunger

The source that signals the feeling of hunger is the stomach, through the peripheral nerve endings of which the impulse travels to the hypothalamus, which compares the balance of glucose and other plasma components. After this, the mechanism responsible for launching comes into operation. chain reaction neurochemical transformations that cause rumbling in the stomach, a feeling of sucking in the pit of the stomach, etc. In parallel with this process, biochemical transformations occur that make every effort to maintain internal balance (breakdown of fat, acceleration of glucose production, etc.).

After such long-awaited food has entered the stomach, it sends a signal to the brain. The processes that occur in the center of saturation have a more complex scheme, which doctors call secondary saturation. So that the stomach sends an impulse to the brain about its filling (when glucose levels reach necessary standards), after a meal you must wait a certain time. Such a gradient can vary depending on the pace at which a person absorbs foods, the amount of carbohydrates, physiological characteristics and other indicators.

The primary signals that enter the brain when full are supplied by the nose (when it smells food), the eyes (when it sees it), and the mouth (when it smells the product). After this, after stretching the gastric tissue (when the cavity is filled with products), the stomach also responds. After such signals, information about satiety reaches the brain, after which you can stop eating.

I would also like to mention that you can often hear the expression “a person eats his grief.” There is some truth in such a phrase. Very often, when a person is worried about psychological problems or problems of the endocrine system, the body focuses too much attention on the need to get food. Saying goodbye to such a disease is very problematic!

Symptoms of hunger

As we have already said, the feeling of hunger comes to a person when the stomach begins to give signals about a lack of “fuel”. If a person feels satisfactory and is not bothered by any pathologies, the desire to eat should arise 10-12 hours after eating food. When hunger occurs, the stomach begins to contract in the form of spasms, the duration of which does not exceed 30-40 seconds. Then there should be a break, after which the spastic pain will resume. After a certain time, the appearance of cramping sensations becomes permanent and is felt with greater intensity.

The person is also worried about another accompanying symptom- a feeling of sucking in the pit of the stomach, making loud sounds. Please note that emotional outbursts can dull hunger, but for a short time. As medical statistics show, the feeling of hunger is more likely to bother people with high blood sugar (diabetes).

Despite the fact that such a feeling as hunger is quite normal feeling for any person, but his constant appearances may become the first messenger of a serious pathology, both organic and psychological in nature. But don’t panic right away, because the desire to eat can also be a pleasant sign of the joyful news that the girl will soon become a mother.

How to get rid of the feeling of hunger?

Are you constantly haunted by the desire to chew something? I've been overweight for a long time now acceptable standards? Of course, at the same time a person rushes about in search of an answer to the question “How to get rid of the feeling of hunger?” First of all, you need to go to a doctor who will identify possible causes and, if necessary, refer the patient to a specialist with a more specialized profile.

The table below provides expert advice that should minimize or completely rid a person of “hunger persecution.”

Type of disease: Advice:
Recommendations from nutritionists for the patient’s normal condition, which is not accompanied by psychological disorders and gastrointestinal pathologies:
Eat more fiber or increase the amount of foods high in fiber.
When hunger strikes, drink more clean water.
Choose the right dishes; the plates should not be large and not have a bright color (especially yellow and red colors, which increase appetite).
Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly (this will allow your stomach to transmit a signal of satiety to your brain in a timely manner, and you will not simply fill your stomach with unnecessary food).
Eat where you are supposed to (kitchen, dining room).
Do not eat while reading books, watching TV, etc.
When dieting, try not to restrict your food too harshly.
After a meal, do not sit at the table for a long time (this may tempt you to try something else, despite the feeling of fullness).
It's better to eat while sitting.
Reduce the number of dishes and foods that increase your appetite.
While working, try to keep everything edible out of sight.
Maintain intervals of about 3.5-4 hours between meals.
Don't eat 2 hours before bedtime.
Tips for patients with psychological addiction: If constant attacks of hunger occur against the background of psycho-emotional dependence, it will not be possible to do without consulting psychologists and neurologists. Only a consultation and examination by a highly qualified specialist will allow you to create a set of measures that will help relieve the patient of an irresistible desire.
With an imbalance of the endocrine system: If the feeling of hunger is caused by the wrong hormonal levels, pathologies of the thyroid gland or gastrointestinal tract, only an endocrinologist and gastroenterologist will help eliminate the problem, who will find the root cause of the disease and prescribe a therapeutic course.

In conclusion, I would like to add that despite the cause of famine, it is possible to eliminate it. If therapeutic measures will be developed by a doctor, return the person to normal condition it will work without harming his health. Do not self-medicate, so as not to aggravate the situation and expose your body to a greater danger!

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

Normally, a person feels hungry before eating, and full after eating. In some cases, eating food does not bring complete and lasting satisfaction. This usually happens with diseases of the digestive or endocrine system. Sometimes the feeling of hunger soon after eating is associated with the characteristics of a person’s lifestyle. Let's consider the possible causes of this symptom.

For gastritis

People suffering from gastritis often experience loss of appetite. It can be either reduced, up to complete absence, and elevated. Some patients are bothered by the feeling of hunger after eating. With gastritis, it usually occurs 1-2 hours after eating, whereas normally it should appear no earlier than 4-5 hours after a heavy meal.

The occurrence of hunger during gastritis is associated with:

  • increased secretion of enzymes and hormones of the digestive system;
  • accelerated evacuation of the food bolus due to increased motility of the stomach and intestines;
  • , which is prescribed to patients with increased acidity in the stomach and damage to its mucous membrane.

The feeling of hunger after eating with gastritis is often accompanied by nausea, and sometimes by abdominal pain. What to do? It is necessary to provide yourself with food in small portions, at short intervals. You should take medications to reduce acidity in the stomach - omeprazole, esomeprazole (use them only if you are absolutely sure that the acidity is increased). After recovery or completion acute period illness, all symptoms go away, including the feeling of hunger after eating.

During pregnancy

Many women during pregnancy feel increased need in food even if they were not previously noticed to be excessively addicted to food. This may be due to the following factors:

  • the need to accumulate subcutaneous fat to properly provide the baby with nutrients during pregnancy and lactation (thin women usually gain more weight than overweight women);
  • lack of certain substances necessary for normal development fetus (in this case, hunger is often selective - the woman tends to consume only certain types products).

What to do? If it is not expressed, there is no need to be afraid. Give yourself permission to get a little better. Once you gain a few pounds of fat, it is likely that the symptom will go away on its own. In cases where constant hunger and chronic overeating threaten to cause severe obesity, measures must be taken to reduce the diet. To do this, eat food in small portions, drinking large quantity water. Buy it at the pharmacy and take it medicines containing microcrystalline cellulose. Be sure to take a multivitamin to avoid selective hunger.

For diabetes

Diabetes The first type usually manifests with three symptoms: polyphagia, polydipsia and polyuria. This means that a person eats, drinks and pees a lot. In this case, we are interested in only one symptom - polyphagia, so we will dwell on it.
A person with type 1 diabetes eats a lot. The fact is that, which enter the blood from the intestines, cannot be absorbed. For this you need insulin, but there is none, because the pancreatic cells that synthesize it are already destroyed. As a result, glucose is in the blood and cannot enter the cells. The person eats, but soon feels hungry again.

It is likely that patients with type 1 diabetes would die before receiving an appropriate entry in their medical card, if one defense mechanism did not function in the body. As soon as the level of glucose in the blood exceeds 8.8 mmol/l, it begins to be excreted in the urine, which makes it possible to reduce the concentration of sugar, despite its regular intake from food and the inability to be utilized by tissues.

What to do? You need to contact an endocrinologist. The diagnosis is confirmed by a blood sugar test or glucose tolerance test. Treatment consists of prescribing insulin medications. After this, hunger after eating does not bother the patient, although he has to fight for life and health until the end of his days. Diabetes is still incurable.

Pancreatitis is an acute or chronic inflammation pancreas. Many people consider him possible reason hunger after eating, although such a symptom is unlikely.

At acute pancreatitis the person is prescribed complete fasting for several days. Considering that he does not eat anything at all, hunger is a completely normal phenomenon for the patient, but it does not occur after eating, but due to the lack of food.

Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by a decrease in appetite, not an increase. Such people usually eat poorly and lose weight, which is why they may develop food deficiency syndrome. At chronic pancreatitis The areas of the pancreas responsible for excretion are gradually destroyed digestive enzymes. Because of this, the feeling of hunger is dulled.
What to do? Look elsewhere for the cause of hunger after eating.

Other reasons

There are other reasons for feeling hungry soon after eating. Some of them are associated with a person’s lifestyle and the nature of his diet, others – with serious diseases. In the case when hunger after eating is constantly observed, accompanied by nausea, dizziness, abdominal pain or other unpleasant symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Physiological causes of hunger:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • lack of sleep;
  • refusal to eat in the first or second half of the day;
  • eating in a hurry;
  • high energy consumption (hard physical labor, daily sports);
  • stress, depression;
  • poor nutrition (for example, eating only meat during a meal or too much small size portions);
  • addiction to certain foods (sometimes a person confuses the desire to eat a specific food with a real feeling of hunger);
  • eating according to a schedule (at a certain time, the body “out of habit” begins to produce digestive juices, even if the meal took place only 1-2 hours before);
  • abuse of spicy, fried, salty, smoked foods;
  • reception medical supplies stimulating hunger or affecting metabolism;
  • period;
  • deficiency in the body of certain nutrients;
  • a person’s obsession with food, when all his thoughts wander around food - its effect on health, methods of preparation various dishes, optimal nutrition schedule, etc.

Pathological causes of hunger after eating:

  • insulinoma, gastrinoma and other rare hormone-producing tumors;
  • damage to the brain (in particular, the centers that regulate satiety and hunger) – malignant neoplasms, injuries, strokes, infections;
  • mental illness;
  • obesity (the fatter a person becomes, the more and more often he wants to eat);
  • helminthiasis.


There are many reasons why you feel hungry after eating. Among them there are both physiological and pathological (caused by diseases). In any case, hunger after eating is just one symptom that makes it impossible to make a diagnosis. To find out the cause, you should consult a doctor. He will appoint necessary research and find out why you feel hungry again soon after eating. Don't delay diagnostics. First, many diseases tend to progress. Secondly, hunger after eating leads to overnutrition, and therefore to obesity.


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