Hypoglycemia: causes, symptoms and how to treat. Hypoglycemic syndrome: causes in diabetics and healthy people

Glucose in human body plays the role of an important source of energy. This universal fuel, contrary to popular belief, is found not only in sweets: glucose is found in all foods containing carbohydrates (potatoes, bread, etc.). Normal blood glucose levels are approximately 3.8–5.8 mmol/L for adults, 3.4–5.5 mmol/L for children, and 3.4–6.5 mmol/L for pregnant women. However, sometimes there are pathological conditions when blood glucose levels differ significantly from normal. One such condition is hypoglycemia.

Home distinctive feature Such a condition as hypoglycemia is a drop in glucose levels (below 2.5 mmol/l), which entails energy starvation of the body. This makes it impossible for cells to function normally, including brain cells. After some time, however, everything can stabilize due to the body’s use of glycogen reserves, but in the future this will provoke an even more severe form of energy starvation.

What can cause the disease

There are many factors that can trigger a drop in glucose levels. However, we can highlight the most basic ones.

  • Starvation. U healthy people a decrease in the amount of glucose in the blood is often associated with prolonged refusal of food. The cause-and-effect relationship is easy to trace here: the body constantly spends energy, but there is nothing to replenish it with. Fuel reserves are gradually running out.
  • Reactive hypoglycemia. The reason for the decrease in sugar is the abundant consumption of carbohydrates. It sounds a little strange, because consuming carbohydrates should increase your sugar level. But in this case, the production of insulin also increases, which, in turn, leads to a condition such as hypoglycemia.
  • Hypoglycemia that occurs in diabetes mellitus. It would seem that in diabetes the blood sugar level should be increased and not decreased, but we are talking here about the abuse of drugs aimed at reducing the amount of glucose in the blood. In this case, the sugar level will not return to normal, but the other extreme will occur - hypoglycemia.
  • Alcohol intoxication as a factor provoking hypoglycemia. Symptoms arise due to the fact that when alcohol abuse occurs, the level of carbohydrates in the liver drops sharply: all the forces of this organ are spent on cleansing the body of toxins obtained through drinking.
  • Prolonged physical activity. During physical activity, especially if it lasts for a sufficiently long period of time, energy is consumed intensively. This feature is often used by athletes who want to get rid of subcutaneous fat, because when the main supply of glucose is used up, the body will begin to use hidden reserves energy. However, it is important not to overdo it: severe hypoglycemia is fraught with many unpleasant consequences.
  • Insulinoma. This hormonally active tumor located on the pancreas is capable of producing too much insulin, causing hypoglycemia.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period. In women who are carrying a child or breastfeeding, their sugar often “jumps”, both down and up. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is important to monitor blood glucose levels so as not to miss a hypoglycemic state.
  • Hypothyroidism. This disease is characterized by a violation of hormone synthesis thyroid gland, which in turn can lead to a disease such as hypoglycemia.
  • Adrenal gland dysfunction. The functions of the adrenal glands include, but are not limited to, the production of glucocorticoids, hormones involved in carbohydrate metabolism. When adrenal insufficiency occurs, the secretion of these hormones in full is impossible.

Among other factors, a possible decrease in glucose can be influenced by heredity - sometimes the disruption of the production of certain enzymes is genetically determined.

Symptoms of the disease

To prevent hypoglycemia severe forms, it is important to track its symptoms in time and consult a specialist. To what a person has reduced level glucose may indicate the following symptoms:

  • Chronic fatigue. This manifestation of hypoglycemic syndrome is due to the fact that there is constantly not enough energy.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Poor concentration.
  • Strong feeling of hunger.
  • Increased anxiety, restlessness.

All of the above symptoms of hypoglycemia are characteristic of the initial stages of blood sugar deficiency. Of course, it is not at all necessary that all these symptoms be present all at once. Some symptoms may appear earlier, some later, and some may not appear at all. However main feature, With high probability pointing to low sugar- this is the greatest weakness, even after long sleep or rest. A person with hypoglycemia is tired already in the morning, and in the evening, after studying or working, he barely has enough strength to get home. And one more thing: if almost everything similar symptoms If hypoglycemia disappears after eating food, especially sweet food, then most likely there is a decrease in blood sugar. If you miss the initial signs of hypoglycemia, this can lead to the following consequences:

  • Overexcitement, possible attacks of aggression. Such manifestations of activity usually end in fainting.
  • Cramps. With hypoglycemia, they are usually tonic in nature (that is, the muscles remain in a tense state for a long time, there are no periods of relaxation). But they can also be clonic, when the muscles either contract or relax.
  • Sweating becomes even more intense.

If you do not provide assistance to the victim at this stage, his condition may worsen significantly. Sweating gradually stops, tachycardia and adynamia begin. It is possible to fall into a hypoglycemic coma.

Mild forms of hypoglycemia with proper treatment can do without consequences at all, while severe ones can lead to irreversible changes nervous system. This is fraught with disorders of speech, vision and perception of the world as a whole. Therefore, it is important to monitor the hypoglycemic state as much as possible. early stages: the transition from initial forms to severe ones can occur extremely quickly.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosing low blood glucose levels is not too difficult. First, anamnesis is collected, the patient reports symptoms that, in his opinion, may indicate the presence of the syndrome, and also describes the circumstances under which these symptoms occur. The latter is important for determining the type of hypoglycemia. Then a blood sugar test is done, the results of which determine further actions.

How to improve your condition with low glucose levels

The method of dealing with hypoglycemia largely depends on what caused it. The patient’s own story will help with this, and if his state of health does not allow him to provide details of the circumstances in which the hypoglycemic syndrome occurred, then relatives should be interviewed and familiarized with the diagnoses that were previously given to the victim. If the lack of sugar in the blood was caused by glandular dysfunction internal secretion, then here you need to fight the cause, not the symptom. Normalize hormonal background An endocrinologist will help. If the cause is too much medication taken for diabetes to lower blood glucose levels, you should consult your doctor and adjust the dosage of the medications. In other cases, when the symptoms of hypoglycemia are not caused by any pathologies, the following measures will help normalize the condition:

  • Review of diet. A person who has exhibited hypoglycemic syndrome should eat more carbohydrates. Particularly good in this case are the so-called fast carbohydrates, which are found in large quantities in sweets. Fruits, cereals, bread - all these products can strengthen a person’s strength. If there is very little energy left, candy, chocolate or sweet tea.
  • Limit alcohol. Hypoglycemic syndrome often occurs when drunkenness Therefore, alcoholic drinks should be sharply limited in quantity, or better yet eliminated altogether.
  • Intravenous injection of glucose as a way to combat acute attacks of hypoglycemia.
  • In case of prolonged loss of consciousness, it is recommended to administer one milliliter of adrenaline subcutaneously, and intramuscular injection of glucagon in an amount of 1–2 ml.

Remember that if your blood glucose level is too low or drops too quickly, you should take necessary measures as quickly as possible, because an attack of hypoglycemia can lead to hypoglycemic coma.

Preventive measures

As for how to prevent hypoglycemic syndrome, the main thing here is to monitor your condition. There is no point in increasing your sugar levels if you feel unwell, because increased level glucose is no better than low: here you need to maintain golden mean. Therefore, if you have a tendency to such sugar surges, then it is better to purchase a glucometer and characteristic features be able to obtain accurate data on blood glucose levels. It is also useful to carry something with you that, if necessary, can quickly increase blood sugar: candy, a glucose tablet, etc.

The initial symptoms of hypoglycemia often seem quite harmless, but its complications are much more serious, and in some cases irreversible. Therefore it is necessary to treat own health extremely carefully, and if alarm bells Consult a doctor without delay.

Many people complain of nausea, constant fatigue, headache. After undergoing an examination, it is quite possible to find out about the presence of a condition such as hypoglycemia. Most often it accompanies patients diabetes mellitus. However, healthy people can also experience this unpleasant phenomenon.

What is hypoglycemia

This medical term implies a decrease in glucose levels below normal levels, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the entire body as a whole and brain activity, in particular. The incidence of hypoglycemia has increased over Lately because of different diets And poor nutrition.

Hypoglycemia: causes

This condition usually develops due to excessive insulin production. As a result, it is violated normal process converting carbohydrates into glucose. The most common cause, of course, is diabetes. But other reasons also exist in medical practice. Let's take a closer look at what other conditions can lead to hypoglycemia.

  • The presence of neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Taking a number of medications (salicylates, sulfur preparations, quinine, drugs for the treatment of diabetes mellitus).
  • Alcohol abuse. Very dangerous form hypoglycemia, may be accompanied by stupor and complete clouding of reason.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Poor nutrition with predominance in the diet large quantity carbohydrates.
  • Heavy infectious diseases(which ones need to be passed).
  • Heart failure.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Prolonged fasting.
  • Impaired liver function, cirrhosis, improper production of enzymes.
  • Improper metabolism (see also -).
  • Pathological processes in the adrenal glands.
  • Insufficient amount of water ().
  • Idiopathic hypoglycemia resulting from birth defect insulinase at the gene level.
  • Reduced thyroid function.
  • Severe circulatory failure.
  • Insufficient synthesis of alanine.

Development of hypoglycemia (video)

This video discusses the mechanism of hypoglycemia and the main reasons why this condition occurs.

Symptoms and signs of hypoglycemia

Peculiarity clinical symptoms hypoglycemia is that it may differ from patient to patient. However, there are also some general symptoms, which may be present regardless of the gender and age of the patients. They need to be given close attention, as they greatly simplify the diagnosis of the disease.
  • Strong.
  • Strong.
  • Pale skin, sometimes with cyanosis (blue).
  • Increased sweating.
  • Feeling chilly.
  • Coordination of movements is impaired.
  • The patient experiences constant hunger.
  • , decreased concentration.
  • Drowsiness (see also -).
  • As the disease progresses, loss of consciousness, coma, and death occur.

Low blood sugar, what to do? (video)

In this video, an endocrinologist talks about what signs may accompany a hypoglycemic state, and what should be done in such a situation.

Complications and consequences of hypoglycemia, hypoglycemic syndrome

Of course, the state of hypoglycemia is very dangerous and can lead to serious complications, including to fatal outcome. Even regular fluctuations in blood sugar levels threaten a person with health problems.

If treatment is not started on time, then constant jumps in sugar levels will lead to destruction peripheral vessels small sizes. This, in turn, leads to the development of angiopathy and blindness.

The biggest danger for human brain is transient hypoglycemia. Our brain is not able to survive for long without the amount of sugar it needs. He requires energy in large quantities. Therefore, with an acute lack of glucose, it will immediately begin to give signals and demand food.

A drop in glucose below a certain level (approximately 2 mmol/l) contributes to the development of hypoglycemic coma. In the absence of urgent resuscitation measures there is massive death of brain cells. With hypoglycemia, a weakening of brain functions occurs, which is fertile ground for the development of strokes, amnesia, and various disorders of internal organs.

Hypoglycemic syndrome– a concept that combines several symptoms of a mental, nervous and vegetative nature. It usually forms when blood glucose drops below 3.5 mmol/l. It can develop both on an empty stomach and after eating.

Hypoglycemia in children

  • Lack of balanced nutrition.
  • Stress (see also -).
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Availability .
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Congenital leucine intolerance.
  • Increased levels of ketone bodies in the blood.
Signs of hypoglycemia in children will be: the smell of acetone from the mouth, pale skin, lack of appetite, vomiting. Repeated vomiting can lead to dehydration, loss of consciousness, elevated temperature bodies. In some cases, it will be advisable to use glucose drips and treatment in a hospital under the supervision of doctors.

If a decrease in glucose in a child is not associated with internal diseases, then when the first symptoms appear, you need to give him something sweet (a piece of sugar, a spoonful of honey).

After sugar is reduced, it is necessary to establish proper diet power with big amount vegetables, fruits, seafood. It is better to eat little and often so as not to burden the internal organs.

In the presence of leucine hypoglycemia, which is congenital and characterized by impaired metabolic processes, more serious approach to therapy. diet in in this case is selected by the doctor, since this requires a specific correction in the consumption of protein foods (excluding eggs, fish, nuts and other products).

The state of hypoglycemia has an extremely Negative influence on the development of the child. Moreover, it is life-threatening due to severe metabolic disorders.

Treatment of hypoglycemia, hypoglycemic drugs

Therapy for this pathology is initial stage implies sufficient intake of carbohydrate-containing food by the patient.

The second stage requires immediate consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates (sweet tea, compote, jam). Products like these prevent further development hypoglycemia and normalize the patient's condition.

Emergency assistance is required in the third stage. Intravenous administration of a 40% glucose solution is recommended to prevent cerebral edema. Hospitalization is already indicated here to prevent possible complications And correctional therapy aimed at reducing sugar.

All hypoglycemic drugs have a similar mechanism of action. They are divided into several groups:

  • Sulfonylurea derivatives (“Glibenclamide”, “Gliquidone”). This is the most popular group means used.
  • Meglitinides ("Repaglinide").
  • Thiazolidinediones (Rosiglitazone, Troglitazone).
  • Biguanides (Glucophage, Siofor).
  • Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors (Miglitol, Acarbose).
When choosing a drug for a particular patient, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics patient and possible side effects medications. In addition, it is important to correctly calculate the required dosage.

Hypoglycemic coma always treated in the intensive care unit. As a rule, intravenous glucose injection and intramuscular glucagon injection are used. IN in some cases administration of adrenaline is indicated in order to increase the effectiveness of therapy.

If none of the above measures bring results, intravenous or intramuscular injection hydrocortisone. This usually leads to stabilization of the patient's condition.

In order to prevent cerebral edema, magnesium sulfate can be administered intravenously.

It has shown a good effect in the treatment of hypoglycemic conditions in medical practice. oxygen therapy.

After the patient is brought out of a coma, he is necessarily prescribed medications to improve microcirculation processes (Cavinton, Cerebrolysin, glutamic acid).

Diet for hypoglycemia

In a diet, it is important to eat regularly to prevent hunger.

As for the diet, you need to limit yourself to simple carbohydrates as confectionery, wheat flour, honey, sweet fruits and vegetables.

Of course, at first it will be difficult to follow this diet, because the body is accustomed to sweets. But you have to be patient a little, and in a couple of weeks this craving will disappear. Preference should be given to complex carbohydrates and proteins.

Many people experience constant fatigue, nausea and headaches. And sometimes, when visiting a doctor with such symptoms, the patient hears the diagnosis: “hypoglycemia.” This disease mainly occurs in diabetics, but it can also lead to unpleasant consequences. This is due to the fact that it is very important for the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body, and especially for the functioning of the brain. And hypoglycemia is a decrease this level below normal. IN last years due to poor nutrition, hobbies different diets And alcoholic drinks this condition is becoming more common.

Why is hypoglycemia dangerous?

All organs need energy to function, which they can get from breaking down sugar. And most of all, the brain needs it. An increased need for glucose is also observed during heavy physical and mental stress. With a lack of sugar in the blood, there is a deterioration in memory, vision, slower reactions and loss of coordination. IN severe cases irreversible death of brain cells occurs, leading to the death of a person. And the body can only get glucose from food when breaking down sugars and carbohydrates. Therefore, hypoglycemia very often occurs due to poor nutrition. Metabolism in the body is designed in such a way that unspent glucose is stored in the liver and muscles and is used as needed. This mechanism is evidence of how important it is for normal life.

Causes of hypoglycemia

All metabolic processes in humans occur with the participation of hormones. And for the normal absorption of carbohydrates and their conversion into glucose, insulin is very important. Hypoglycemia occurs most often in cases where too much of this substance is produced. Most often this happens in diabetes mellitus due to intake special drugs. But hypoglycemia can also occur in other cases:

  • with improper metabolism and pathologies of the adrenal glands;
  • with impaired liver function, cirrhosis or abnormal enzyme production;
  • after a long fast;
  • with heart and kidney failure;
  • during severe infectious diseases;
  • with poor nutrition with excess consumption of carbohydrate foods, which causes the body to get used to producing a lot of insulin;
  • after intense physical exertion, for example, when playing sports;
  • when abusing alcoholic beverages, which also require a lot of insulin for their absorption;
  • after taking certain medications. Except special means for the treatment of diabetes, salicylates, quinine and sulfur preparations can cause hypoglycemia syndrome;
  • with the development of a tumor or other anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Hypoglycemia in diabetes mellitus

If people who do not need to control their blood sugar rarely attribute their ailments to it reduced content, then diabetic patients should know what hypoglycemia is. They may develop this condition over a short time and quickly lead to and even death. Therefore, it is very important for them to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and exact dosage taking medications. After all sharp decline sugar levels most often occur in those diagnosed with

Hypoglycemia in this case is a consequence of incorrect dosage of medications or non-compliance with the diet. If this happens often, then you need to consult your doctor about changing your treatment regimen. But it happens that hypoglycemia develops in type 2 diabetes. This can happen with an overdose of glucose-lowering drugs, non-compliance with the diet or increased physical activity. Patients with impaired renal function may also experience a sharp drop in sugar levels.

What drugs can cause hypoglycemia?

Sometimes this condition is a consequence of not only poor nutrition, but also the use of certain medicines in large doses. What drugs can lead to a drop in sugar levels?

  • insulin injections;
  • sulfonamides;
  • salicylates in high doses, for example, Aspirin;
  • sometimes hypoglycemia can be side effect after taking drugs such as Diabinez, Amaryl, Glucotro, Pranin, Januvia and others.

What people with diabetes need to know

Diabetics must strictly follow all doctor's recommendations. You need to know that hypoglycemia develops very quickly, and sometimes its first symptoms may not be noticed. A sharp decrease in blood sugar levels is very dangerous for the body and can lead to loss of consciousness and coma. This condition occurs especially often in people who exceed doses of insulin medications. Patients should also remember not to skip meals, eat very little, and subject themselves to intense physical activity on an empty stomach. Diabetics should always carry foods that can quickly raise their sugar levels, or glucose tablets. And when the first symptoms of hypoglycemia appear, you need to eat a couple of caramels, 2-3 pieces of sugar, a spoonful of honey, drink half a glass fruit juice or any sweet drink. It is necessary to regularly measure your blood sugar level and take a bracelet or card with you when leaving home. medical information about your illness and necessary medications. After all, the symptoms of a hypoglycemic coma are not known to everyone, and help in this case must be provided immediately.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Each person's symptoms may be different. This depends on the state of health, the reasons for the decrease in sugar and the degree of development of hypoglycemia. Usually when mild form a person experiences the following symptoms:

  • profuse sweating;
  • strong feeling of hunger;
  • tingling or numbness in the lips and fingertips;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • muscle weakness or tremors of the limbs;
  • paleness of the face.

At chronic form The disease may develop depression, irritability, anxiety and sleep disturbances. The person experiences constant fatigue, a feeling of fear, and often yawns. His blood pressure may rise, headaches and angina attacks may occur. In severe cases of hypoglycemia, the patient's behavior changes, confusion of speech, impaired coordination of movements and visual disturbances may occur.

Symptoms of hypoglycemic coma

With a sharp decrease in sugar, as well as in cases where a person does not take any measures when the first symptoms of the disease appear, severe brain damage can occur. Convulsions appear, the patient may lose consciousness or fall into a coma. His friends and relatives should know the signs of this condition so that emergency assistance can be provided on time. How can you tell if a person who has lost consciousness has fallen into a hypoglycemic coma?

  • he has increased sweating;
  • rapid heartbeat and tachycardia;
  • body temperature and blood pressure decrease;
  • the patient loses sensitivity to external stimuli, even to pain;
  • he is very pale;
  • Convulsions may also occur.

Urgent Care

If this occurs, those around you should immediately call an ambulance.

If possible, it is advisable to inject glucose or glycogen, a hormone that quickly increases sugar levels. You can turn the patient on his side and carefully place a little honey or glucose gel behind the cheek. Even if the diagnosis is inaccurate, it will not cause as much harm as low blood glucose. If the patient is conscious, then help with hypoglycemia is to give him something sweet to eat along with complex carbohydrates, which will prevent the sugar from dropping in the future. For mild cases, a couple of sweets or a little fruit juice are enough. It is undesirable to use sweet carbonated drinks for these purposes, as they contain sweeteners. Typically, diabetic patients carry a few sugar cubes or glucose tablets with them.

Prevention of hypoglycemia

To prevent this condition from occurring, you must follow correct mode nutrition, do not get carried away with low-calorie diets and avoid overexertion and stress. And diabetic patients should know that hypoglycemia is dangerous condition caused by low blood sugar, and constantly use a glucometer.

They must comply special diet, for example, "table 9". If you have diabetes, it is very important not to skip meals and be sure to eat something after exercise and taking insulin. Such people who are at risk for hypoglycemia should always carry glucose tablets or a few lumps of sugar with them. Must be present in the diet complex carbohydrates, for example, cereals, fruits or grain bread. Only they can ensure regular normal level blood sugar.

Hypoglycemia in children

Most often this condition is associated with congenital deficiency liver enzymes or endocrine disorders. Low level sugar is very dangerous for a child’s health, as it causes a slowdown in mental and physical development and can lead to death. It is especially difficult to diagnose the disease in infants.

Hypoglycemia in a newborn can occur for many reasons. Most often this congenital anomalies gastrointestinal tract, tumors or hormonal imbalance. If the mother is diabetic and took insulin during pregnancy, this can also cause hypoglycemia in the baby after birth. This condition often occurs in premature babies. It is very important to provide your child with timely medical care. And parents of older children with hypoglycemia need to carefully monitor their diet: it is necessary to exclude animal proteins and starch, the diet should contain a lot of fruits and whole grains, and the baby should eat food as often as possible, in small portions.

The main substance that supplies energy to the human body is glucose. It is found in food products in the required quantity. In the absence of dietary intake, glucose is formed from the natural reserves of internal glycogen located in liver cells. This compound is synthesized from excess glucose with the help of insulin. If necessary, the reverse process is activated. Insulin, in turn, is a waste product of the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. Therefore, in some diseases associated with this organ (), the metabolism of carbohydrates, in particular sugar, is disrupted.

Causes of low blood sugar

With some human problems and illnesses, the amount of glucose in the blood progressively decreases. This phenomenon is called - hypoglycemia. It can lead to serious violations health.


The blood of a healthy person contains from 3.5 to 5.5 mmol/l glucose.

The causes of low sugar concentration can be physiological and pathological.

As a result of a number of diseases, constant or periodic hypoglycemia may occur.

Most frequent pathological causes low blood sugar:

Levels of blood sugar reduction

Hypoglycemia occurs:

  1. Mild degree . With this variant of pathology, the sugar level becomes below 3.8 mmol/l. And although bottom line the norm is 3.5 mmol/l, then doctors still try to carry out preventive measures for patients prone to this condition therapeutic measures. Particular concern is caused by complaints of weakness, emotional imbalance, chills, numbness of the skin, and slight shortness of breath.
  2. Moderate. In this case, glucose decreases to a level of 2.2 mmol/l. The patient develops severe anxiety, fear, and restlessness. Added to these phenomena is the problem visual perception(“dots and front sights”), everything is seen “as if in a fog.”
  3. Severe degree . Amount of sugar – below 2.2 mmol/l. The body of a person suffering from this disorder may develop convulsions, fainting, and epileptiform seizures. If help is not provided, the patient falls into coma. The body temperature drops, disturbances in the rhythm of the heart and breathing are recorded. This condition requires emergency care.


Particularly dangerous is a sharp decrease in blood sugar at night. The patient may wake up when he becomes very ill and cannot do without medical intervention.

A night attack can be suspected if there have been nightmares. When waking up, the patient notices that his underwear and bed linen are thoroughly soaked with sweat. General state at the same time it is characterized by severe weakness.

Symptoms of a sharp decrease in blood sugar (hypoglycemic coma)

Regardless of the cause that led to hypoglycemia, patients experience:

  • Progressive weakness throughout the whole body.
  • Pronounced feeling of hunger.
  • , accompanied by .
  • A sharp increase in heart rate;
  • Severe sweating;
  • Minor trembling in the body with chills;
  • Increased sensitivity to sounds and light;
  • "Darkening of the eyes", loss of color vision.
  • Confusion;
  • Nervousness, anxiety, fears;
  • Gradual development of drowsiness.


Sometimes coma is manifested by paradoxical complaints - agitation, loud laughter, talking, convulsions simulating epilepsy. (hysterical type).

Upon examination, attention is drawn to pronounced pallor, moist skin, and increased tendon reflexes.

People suffering from diabetes mellitus and familiar with the manifestations of hypoglycemic coma themselves quickly recognize this problem. In most cases, they manage to take measures to prevent the further development of this disease.

Features of hypoglycemia in children

Complaints that occur in children and adolescents with disorders associated with changes in blood sugar are similar to those experienced by adult patients. IN childhood This painful process has the same roots as in adults and develops much faster. Therefore, assistance cannot be delayed. A dangerous sign can be considered the appearance, which is clearly felt in the room where the child is.

A long-term decrease in sugar leads to developmental disorders in children and creates mental and physical retardation.

Features of diagnosing hypoglycemia in newborns:

Features of hypoglycemia in pregnant women

When diagnosing this condition in women preparing for motherhood, it should be noted that complaints and manifestations can develop with higher analysis numbers. This is caused increased need the body in carbohydrates.

Emergency care and treatment of low blood sugar

An acute hypoglycemic state develops suddenly and, if help is not provided, can progress to a coma. Therefore, a person who is familiar with this problem tries to take measures at the first sign to stop the process. Patients with diabetes mellitus most often experience hypoglycemia. Therefore, they always have “first aid” with them - candy, a piece of sugar, cookies. When this disease manifests itself, the patient immediately eats them, drinks sweet tea, eats cake, or any carbohydrate product.


With this type of self-medication, reasonable precautions should be taken so as not to cause additional harm to yourself. Doses of carbohydrates should not exceed the required dose.

  • sugar – 5-10 g (1-2 teaspoons);
  • candies (1-2) preferably caramel, chocolate is also allowed;
  • honey – 1 tablespoon;
  • sweet compote, jelly, lemonade, lemonade, juice – 200 ml.

If these measures do not give the desired effect, and hypoglycemic syndrome develops, then it is necessary to call an ambulance.

You can alleviate the condition by taking the following measures:

The ambulance prescribes a concentrated glucose solution intravenously to the injured person and transports him to the hospital. If the treatment does not make the patient feel better, then an adrenaline solution is injected under the skin. At severe form comas are prescribed corticosteroids.

Diet for hypoglycemia

Compliance with nutritional rules in patients who are prone to developing this condition is very important.

In case of a hypoglycemic episode, the patient is advised to:

  • IN acute period – porridges, omelettes, vegetable salads, juices from fresh fruits and vegetables, boiled sea ​​fish, green tea.
  • With gradual normalization conditions can be introduced into the diet river fish, boiled and stewed meat, berries.
  • During remission cheeses should be added to food, chicken eggs(up to 2 pieces per week). The amount of necessary carbohydrates, sugars, and flour should be discussed with your doctor.

Preventive actions

All patients with a tendency to hypoglycemia are recommended to follow a diet consisting of the following: necessary products, which should be taken in fractional doses as directed by a nutritionist. Physical exercise In terms of energy consumption, they must necessarily correspond to the amount of carbohydrates consumed.

You should measure your blood sugar as often as possible. You must have first aid supplies with you in case of hypoglycemia.

If attacks of high blood sugar become more frequent, you should undergo additional examination and adjust diet and treatment. Additional use of insulin is possible.

Lotin Alexander, doctor, medical columnist

From a physiological point of view, the phenomenon of hypoglycemia is physiological process. This deviation is formed in diabetes and has very specific symptoms.

The severity of the disease does not depend on glucose levels:

  1. mild phase of hypoglycemia - in which the patient remains conscious all the time and is even able to stop or stop the course of the disease with his own efforts;
  2. severe form - in this case the patient remains conscious, but to successfully stop hypoglycemia, the support of outsiders will be required;
  3. coma due to a hypoglycemic crisis - loss of consciousness for a certain period of time. The condition of diabetes may be irreversible.

There is a concept of so-called “symptomatic hypoglycemia”. In this case, the symptoms of the disease are formed with a standard or increased ratio of glucose in the blood. It also begins to appear when there is a sudden decrease in blood glucose levels from increased to optimal levels.

In this regard, it is extremely important to monitor the state of hypoglycemia before it is likely to stop when all the symptoms appear.

Signs at the initial stage

The primary response to a decrease in blood sugar ratio is the removal of adrenaline from the adrenal region and nerve endings. This happens due to the fact that adrenaline affects the “release” of glucose from the body’s reserves in diabetes. As a result, with hypoglycemia, simultaneous certain symptoms alarms:

  • active sweating;
  • increased state of nervousness;
  • severe trembling;
  • feeling dizzy;
  • forced heartbeat;
  • feeling of hunger - in some cases.

Since these symptoms of hypoglycemia do not indicate this particular disease, it is very important to consult a specialist in time. Because there's more late phase initial stage Adrenergic manifestations such as mydriasis, which is a sharp enlargement of the pupil, may be observed. Another obvious sign of diabetes should be considered muscle hypertonicity, and changes in indicators blood pressure. All this suggests that the state of hypoglycemia is beginning to reach its peak.

Other manifestations

As a more severe form of the disease develops, a gradual decrease in the flow of sugar into the brain begins. This causes a prolonged feeling of dizziness.
IN further patients With hypoglycemia, symptoms such as:

  • confusion;
  • high fatigue;
  • significant weakness (including muscle weakness);
  • active migraines lasting for several days with diabetes;
  • changes in behavior (it can be mistaken for alcohol intoxication).

Other symptoms also become apparent: inability to focus on anything, frustration visual function, epileptiform convulsions and even coma.

Prolonged hypoglycemia causes irreversible damage to the brain.

The above symptoms of anxiety, as well as dysfunctional manifestations in the brain, can start slowly or unexpectedly, within two to three minutes. With hypoglycemia they will progress from light feeling discomfort to severe confusion of brain activity or active panic attacks.

More often similar condition Diabetes occurs in people who take insulin or sugar-lowering medications medicines for diabetes orally. When untimely treatment Hypoglycemia may cause neuroglycopenic symptoms such as:

  1. double vision, otherwise called diplopia and other visual dysfunctions;
  2. focal symptoms of a neurological type, which are characteristic only of certain organs and provoke noticeable pain;
  3. automatisms of a primitive nature, manifested as a result of a disorder of consciousness - grimaces, the inability to take anything in the hand;
  4. not quite adequate behavior or inhibition of reactions.

It is important to consider that with hypoglycemia, brain functions are weakened, which can be a catalyst for stroke and all other manifestations of insufficient blood supply to this area in diabetes.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia can also be expressed in a state of amnesia - temporary or partial memory loss. Consequently focal symptoms Disorders may develop that lead to the inability of certain organs, the stomach, the liver, to function properly. In diabetes, this is a serious threat, because such symptoms may be a sign of irreversible manifestations.

Another danger is seizures, which are symptomatically similar to epilepsy. These are the symptoms last stage development of hypoglycemia. Epileptiform manifestations end within a few minutes after their onset, but are characterized by a much more severe course.

The further stage of diabetes is a noticeable state of drowsiness, from which it is impossible to bring the person out. This is followed by loss of consciousness and coma. This may be accompanied by a disorder respiratory function and a decrease in blood circulation.

That is why it is extremely important to carry out timely and adequate treatment for diabetes.

Symptoms of a tumor

If you have a pancreatic tumor that produces insulin, similar manifestations formed early in the morning.

This is explained by overnight fasting, especially in cases where the patient does exercises before breakfast. By doing this, it reduces the initial reserves of glucose in the blood. At the first stage, with such a tumor, exclusively random hypoglycemic factors are formed. However, after a few months, maximum a year, they turn out to be much more frequent and complicated.

Thus, hypoglycemia and its symptoms appear quite characteristically and are difficult to confuse with any others. Therefore, it is important to start treatment on time so as not to delay the course of the disease.

Treatment of hypoglycemia

Treatment of hypoglycemia is based on several principles, namely, identification and subsequent mandatory correction of all dysfunctions in the body that led to this state and nutritional measures.

Is it possible to use purified sugar as molasses?

These measures imply the strict exclusion of any parts of refined sugar. Including we're talking about about honey, molasses and sugar, as well as white flour and other products that contain pure starch. In addition, in order to answer the question of how to treat hypoglycemia, it is necessary to resort to one more measure, namely, to eat food at least five to seven times a day (instead of two or three in larger quantities).

The presented diet should include required amount protein as meat, fish products, poultry and dairy components. At the same time, free selection of products such as fruits, vegetables and unground grains is more than acceptable. In this case, the treatment of hypoglycemia with medication will be even more effective.

When it comes to medications, it is advisable to avoid medications and products containing caffeine (for example, coffee or cola). Acute attacks of this disease which are associated with excessive use of insulin, are most often relieved by taking glucose or its substitutes, but in some cases there is a need for intravenous administration glucose drug.