Thorne berries are useful. Tasty and aromatic jam. Impact on the body

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Thorn is a perennial plant with numerous sharp thorns from the Plum family. The shoot owes its name to the ancient Slavs: “trnъ” literally means thorn. The thorn is unpretentious: it easily tolerates the vagaries of climate and is resistant to drought and frost. It is found throughout Western Europe, in Siberia, the Far East, the Caucasus, and Central Asia - in areas where heat lingers for 3 months, otherwise the fruits simply will not ripen. Blackthorn can be called a weed, as it quickly fills abandoned gardens, plantings, and forms a dense thorny hedge. The berries taste tart and sour, but after the first frost they become sweeter - the “spiciness” in them disappears. The structure is similar to a plum, that is, blue-gray flesh and a large stone in the middle, but the fruit itself is smaller in size. There are many names: from everyday ones - blackthorn, sour, goat and oat plum, black thorn, to romantically sublime ones - strife, scourge of God, punishing scourge, God's wrath.

Composition and calorie content of thorns

Small plums are more nutritious than their large relatives, but in quantity useful substances do not yield. Official medicine doesn't deny healing properties blue-violet berries covered with a whitish waxy coating.

The calorie content of sloe per 100 g is 54 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 1.5 g;
  • Fats - 0.3 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 9.4 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 2 g;
  • Ash - 1.3 g;
  • Water - 85.5 g.
Sloes contain a rich complex of nutrients.

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) - 0.3 mg;
  • Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) - 0.5 mg;
  • Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) - 17 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.05 mg;
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.04 mg;
  • Vitamin A (retinol equivalent) - 0.233 mg;
  • Beta-carotene - 1.4 mg;
  • Vitamin B3 (PP) - 0.2 mg.
Macroelements per 100 g:
  • Phosphorus - 25 mg;
  • Potassium - 239 mg;
  • Sodium - 14 mg;
  • Magnesium - 17 mg;
  • Calcium - 32 mg.
There is only one microelement per 100 g of product - iron, 1.9 g.

The composition of thorn fruits per 100 g contains other components:

  • Starch - 0.1 g;
  • Disaccharides - 9.3 g;
  • Organic acids (malic, citric, tartaric, palmintic) - 2.5 g.
The astringency and astringent effect after eating berries is provided by pectins, tannins, fatty and essential oils, flavonoids, and higher alcohols.

The composition, and therefore the taste, of the berries largely depends on the growing conditions, plant variety, and degree of ripeness. Acidity is calculated from malic acid and in the fruits of wild plants it is 8.14-8.24 pH. For artificially planted seedlings with larger fruits, this indicator is less by one.

Sloes contain a high amount of beta-carotene, which is even called the elixir of youth or the vitamin of youth. Assimilated in the body, this substance is transformed into vitamin A, which has preventive action, preventing the development of cancer, helps get rid of free radicals, strengthens vision, and normalizes prostate function.

Already by the chemical composition of thorns you can see how useful it is for human body. Unfortunately, the taste does not allow it to be eaten large quantities even after frost.

Useful properties of thorns

Traditional medicine uses all parts of the plant; in some recipes even the seeds, which contain cyanogenic glycoside, are used, a poison. When this toxin enters the body, it is transformed into hydrocyanic acid. But the amount of hydrocyanic acid is so small that there is no need to be afraid if you swallow a thorn with a stone.

Benefits of thorns for the body:

  1. Speeds up metabolic processes, helps to get rid of excess weight, speeds up the digestion of food.
  2. It has a laxative and mild diuretic effect, prevents intestinal spasms, reduces the likelihood of colitis and enterocolitis, reduces gas formation and the accumulation of stones in the kidneys.
  3. Eliminates dysbacteriosis, removes fecal stones.
  4. It has antibacterial properties; during seasonal epidemics it is used to reduce fever, eliminate inflammation and facilitate the removal of sputum.
  5. Normalizes arterial pressure, has a tonic effect.
  6. Increases stress resistance, helps cope with increased irritability, shortness of breath and insomnia caused by emotional instability.
  7. Stabilizes pulsation, strengthens vascular walls, reduces cholesterol levels in the body.
  8. It helps the body cleanse itself of accumulated toxins, so traditional medicine considers it advisable to include it as an ingredient in recipes for kidney and liver diseases.
  9. Increases acidity gastric juice, stimulates the production of digestive juices, in particular hydrochloric acid.
  10. Stimulates appetite, has a beneficial effect on little ones.
Eating thorns during menstruation improves well-being and helps cope with symptoms. premenstrual syndrome- dizziness, nausea, temporary emotional instability.

The thorn has the most pronounced and beneficial effect on male body- increases local immunity and prevents the development of prostate adenoma.

Harm and contraindications to the use of thorns

When consuming sour plums, allergic reactions of an individual nature may develop. Fruit intolerance is quite common.

The contraindications for the use of thorns are as follows:

  • Increased acidity of the stomach and all diseases associated with this condition - gastritis, peptic ulcer, erosive damage to the mucous membrane of the esophagus and digestive tract;
  • Chronic hypotension accompanied by nausea and dizziness;
  • Increased blood clotting with acute manifestations- thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.
A handful of thorns will not cause any harm to tooth enamel, but if you eat these berries in an amount equal to at least half a glass, your teeth will turn blue, and you will be able to get rid of the color only after 4-5 days, even if you brush them many times. You can prevent the appearance of an aesthetic defect only if you rinse your mouth with water and lemon immediately after eating sour plum.

Compote of thorns, boiled together with the stone, after long-term storage should not be given to children and elderly people. In this case, cyanogenic glycoside accumulates and intoxication may develop. The body of strong, healthy people usually copes with intoxication on its own, but children, the elderly and patients with diseases of the digestive tract may need medical assistance- gastric and intestinal lavage, taking sorbents, administering detoxification drugs.

Nutritionists advise avoiding thorn diets, despite their effectiveness. The recommended intake of berries is 200 g per week. It is advisable to divide this amount into 2-3 servings.

Recipes for dishes with sloe

Only elastic fruits with smooth skin, without spots or cracks that indicate the onset of rotting, are suitable for consumption and homemade preparations. Such fruits are sweeter, but have a negative effect on the body - they can provoke vomiting, nausea, and prolonged diarrhea.

Recipes with sloe:

  1. Ternovka. To prepare homemade liqueur, sugar and berries are taken in equal quantities- 1 to 1. The turn is washed, laid out on a flat tray - preferably plastic, covered with cling film, rolled several times with a rolling pin to crush the berries. Lay the thorns in layers in a container for further infusion, alternating with sugar. If a bottle with a narrow neck is chosen as a vessel, then the fruits and sugar are poured together and then mixed with vigorous shaking. A rubber glove is put on the neck of the bottle, a small hole is pierced in it, and the “structure” is placed in a warm place - near a radiator or in the sun. After 5 days, the fermented juice is drained, the seeds are removed from the fruit, and again placed in a warm place - now the neck is wrapped with gauze. Shake 2 times a day - morning and evening. After 20-22 days, filter the liqueur again several times through gauze folded in 3-5 layers. Each time the gauze is taken clean. The liqueur can now be cooled and drunk, but it is recommended to pour the cake with vodka and let it ripen for 4 months - the tincture is also called thorn.
  2. Pickled sloe. To prepare 500-600 g of berries with seeds, you need to prepare seasonings: a teaspoon of mustard seeds, 3-4 allspice peas, a teaspoon of ordinary vinegar, a third of a teaspoon of salt, 3 sticks of cloves and 5 g of cinnamon powder, a tablespoon of sugar. All seasonings are placed at the bottom of the jars, divided equally, and sloes are placed on top. Cook the marinade by adding sugar, salt and vinegar to 300 ml of water. Fill the jars with marinade, sterilize for 7-10 minutes, and roll up the lids. It should cool under the blanket. Pickled sloe is combined with meat, fish, and used as an appetizer for alcohol.
  3. Jam. The proportions of berries and sugar are 1 to 1. Place the berries in a container, fill them with water, put the pan on the fire and boil for 2-3 minutes, then rub them through a sieve. The bones and pulp are boiled again and rubbed again. Add sugar to the sloe puree and boil for about 20 minutes until tender. The seeds can be removed in advance or after boiling, then it will be easier to cook the jam - you can simply mix the pulp with sugar and grind in a blender.
  4. Tkemali from thorns. The simplest recipe. Place 1 kg of washed sloe berries in a saucepan, add a glass of cold water, and bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, add cilantro and mint in bunches into it. After 15 minutes, the bunches are removed and the sauce is left to simmer for another 15 minutes, covered. After this time, turn off the fire and allow the contents of the pan to cool without opening the lid. The cooled berries are rubbed through a sieve, put on fire, salt is added - a teaspoon, pepper - a chili pod, sugar - 2 tablespoons. While the sauce is simmering, chop 4 cloves of garlic, a bunch of cilantro and mint and cook with these additives until the sauce thickens by half. You can add more salt and sugar to taste. If you plan to make a preparation, the cooking time is increased by 10 minutes. The jars are sterilized, and the tkemali is poured hot.
  5. Dumplings with thorns. The dough is kneaded with kefir, adding eggs, salt and sugar. When it becomes dense, but at the same time soft, it is allowed to stand for 15 minutes. The dough is rolled out into a layer, circles are cut out using a glass or a special device, several seedless berries and a little sugar are placed in each circle. The edges of the dough are sealed to form a dumpling. Dumplings are boiled in a double boiler for about 5-6 minutes.
  6. Upside Down Pie. The seeds are removed from the thorns, the dough is kneaded from 1.5 cups of flour and 0.5 cups of sugar, 2 eggs. When kneading, add a little salt and cinnamon. Heat the frying pan, melt a small piece of butter, pour in a glass of sugar and lay out the thorns. As soon as the sugar has turned into syrup with the sloe juice, the berries are laid out in an even layer and the dough is spread on top using a spoon. Place the pan in the oven, preheated to 180°C, and bake for 20 minutes. Take the pan out of the oven and make a cut along its edge to make it easier to remove the pie. Place the pan on the fire, let the caramel melt, and then turn the pie onto a plate.
Only fruits of maximum ripeness are suitable for preparing desserts; berries and herbs can be collected for sauces. The flowers of the plant are also used for food purposes - the tea made from them is extremely tasty and aromatic.

In the myths and legends of the peoples of the Caucasus, in which the thorn is mentioned, it was endowed with vitality. Indeed, this plant quickly overgrows abandoned gardens, vacant lots, and clearings after a forest fire. But in Ancient Judea, thorns were considered a symbol of desolation.

With the help of amulets made of strong thorn wood, they protected themselves from bosorka - this is the name of the witch who drinks the blood of people and domestic animals at night, the inhabitants of the Carpathians. If a cow’s milk “got bad,” it was filtered through a sieve woven from thorn branches. Wreaths made of thorns were attached above the door of the house or above the stable where animals were kept.

Sloe wine was necessarily used in funeral rituals; it was sprinkled on wounds and abrasions, like “ dead water"so that they tighten faster. Blackthorn wine does not have regenerative properties, but a decoction of thorn leaves stimulates collagen synthesis. Spanish sorcerers used thorn thorns to pierce wax dolls. The thorn hedge was considered better protection from otherworldly forces.

Jesus Christ wore a crown of thorns. Since that time, references to the crown of thorns have been perceived as stories about suffering.

In English legends, thorn bushes are the habitat of fairies. This is Ganconer - an elf practicing seduction. Ganconer can be male or female. An elf lures his prey while sitting on a thorn branch. The enchanted traveler, not noticing the pain caused by the thorns, strives for his beloved. After the seduction, Ganconer disappears, and the unfortunate lover cannot get out of the thorn thickets and dies, bleeding to death. They still say “through thorns to the stars,” without remembering why this saying appeared.

There are legends about the fertility of thorns; there is even a proverb: a thorn bush is never empty.

Watch a video about the turn:

Thorn is a shrub whose botanical name is Prúnus spinosa. Distributed in the southern part of Russia, in warm climates. In folk medicine it is used for the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiency, diseases of the stomach and intestines. The plant has:

  • immunostimulating properties, supports the functioning of the immune system;
  • detoxifying properties, participates in blood purification, normalizes liver function;
  • bactericidal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, inhibits the growth of pathogenic microflora;
  • diuretic and diaphoretic properties, increases the removal of fluid from the body;
  • laxative properties, powerfully stimulates intestinal motility and eliminates constipation.

The greatest benefit is concentrated in the small blue berries that the plant bears at the end of summer. The berries contain:

  • organic sugars, glucose and fructose;
  • organic acids, malic acid, beneficial for the immune system;
  • vitamins C and E, beneficial for blood vessels, heart and bones;
  • beta-carotene and coumarin, beneficial for metabolism;
  • catechin, essential oils and alcohols have a stimulating effect;
  • mineral salts, trace elements beneficial for nervous system, bones, circulatory system;
  • fatty oils, tannins.

Turn contains fatty acid:

  • oleic,
  • eleostearic,
  • stearic,
  • linoleic,
  • palmitic

Useful microelements and mineral salts have beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and normalize blood pressure. The turn is distant relative bitter almonds, the seed kernels also contain alkaloids and derivatives of hydrocyanic acid. The seeds are not used for food, since for humans they are chemical compounds poisonous. Berries are only suitable for chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, acute forms, especially if there is internal bleeding - these are contraindications. Potential Harm can occur due to hydrocyanic acid poisoning, but for this you need to eat incredibly great amount bitter seeds. It is better for your health not to eat berries fresh, and prepare from them:

  • compote or decoction;
  • infusion of water or alcohol;
  • sloe wine;
  • jam, preserves, marmalade;
  • jelly or extract.

IN pure form Not everyone likes the taste of berries, although this does not reduce their beneficial properties. Fresh berries can also be used as a laxative; they act quickly and relieve constipation in 2-3 hours.

The sloe is a distant relative of the plum. The trunk is from 1.5 to 8 meters in height, the branches are directed horizontally, decorated with thick, durable thorns. Young branches are covered with thin fluff. The shape of the leaves is oval, young leaves are pubescent. Old leaves are matte, thick and dense. The sloe emits a subtle and pleasant smell, which intensifies during flowering. Flowering occurs from late May to early June, the flower has five petals white. The smell of a flowering tree is similar to the smell of almonds and has a hint of tart bitterness. After flowering, fruits and single drupes are set. The shape of the fruit is round, diameter is from 10 to 15 mm. Ripening occurs at the end of August, beginning of September, the fruits remain on the branches throughout the winter period, serving as food for birds and small animals. The fruits are also edible for humans, they have juicy green flesh and a pleasant tart taste with a slight bitterness. Medicinal recipes Sloes most often contain berries, rather than roots or leaves. The most delicious fruits after frost, when the effect low temperatures ripening occurs, the bitter substances are destroyed, and the true taste is revealed. The fruits compensate for the lack of vitamins and microelements and have medicinal properties, stimulate the immune system and increase the body's resistance to bacterial, viral or fungal infections.

Beneficial features

The main benefit of the turn is antibacterial properties. Walking through gastrointestinal tract, substances kill pathogenic microorganisms and promote recovery from intestinal infections. These same properties can cause harm. Exposure to even small amounts of alkaloids and coumarin, which thorns contain, can cause a deterioration in the patient's condition. Contraindications – berries are not recommended for use when acute form diseases internal organs. Exposure to astringents is beneficial only if the mucous membrane tolerates it normally. chemical composition juice If there is erosion on the mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines (erosive colitis or gastritis), then the harm from blackthorn will consist in deepening the erosion to the underlying layers of tissue. The more severe the disease, the less concentrated the therapeutic agents should be, then recovery will be beneficial. For example, thorn wine regular use in a patient with mild gastritis, within a year it will cause an ulcerative form of the disease, and blackthorn juice will cause an improvement in well-being. Contraindications and use must be agreed upon with the attending physician so that the benefit to the patient outweighs the harm. Recipes for using berries:

  1. Juice.

    Sort the berries, wash them, add 100 g per 1 kg of fruit granulated sugar, boil for 10-15 minutes, pour into jars, roll up. Thorn is used as a remedy for constipation.

  2. Medicinal syrups.

    Mash the berries until pureed, pour the porridge into jars, pour hot boiled water, leave until the juice separates. Strain. Medicinal syrups made with or without added sugar. Sugar is added at the rate of 1.5 liters of syrup - 1 kg of sugar, you need to mix the liquid until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

  3. Medicinal fruit drinks.

    Take the syrup, dilute it in a ratio of 1:7, drink chilled. The benefits of fruit juice for digestive system is to prevent constipation. The liquid has an astringent and soothing effect.

Sweets and confectionery with blackthorn jam are delicious, and their benefits are expressed in replenishing the deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

What does it treat?

From cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis.

For spastic or atonic constipation.

For antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity against candidiasis, stomatitis, gingivitis.

For accelerated tissue regeneration, for the healing of pustules, cuts, wounds, ulcers. As symptomatic remedy– from psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema - external medicinal compresses.

To normalize metabolism, against obesity, against diseases of the endocrine system.

To reduce blood vessel tone and blood pressure.

From, gastritis, enteritis, from helminthic infestation and giardiasis.


Harm will definitely occur if pastry or the wine was prepared incorrectly. In order for the plant to be edible, you need to wait for frost, and only then collect it. Unripe berries produce large quantities essential oil and bitterness, this not only spoils the taste of the product, but can also be harmful digestive tract. Use blackthorn in medicinal purposes it is forbidden:

Harm to health will also occur when consuming thorn products after surgery, with a fever with a temperature above 39 degrees, with food poisoning. The benefits of eating blackthorn during pregnancy have not been proven, so it is better to refrain from this experiment.

The thorn bush is a small and thorny plant belonging to the genus Plum. The shrub has become quite widespread in landscape decoration and is often used to design beautiful hedges in home gardens.

The wild perennial shrub looks very similar to the garden plum. The height of the above-ground part of the plant can vary between 3.5-4.5 m. Sometimes relatively low-growing plants are found, but some trees can be up to 7-8 m high. During the process of growth, the area of ​​the planting expands due to the formation of a large number of root suckers.

This perennial forms dense and very prickly, rather impenetrable thickets with numerous branches. The foliage is elliptical or obovate, with jagged edges, no more than 4-5 cm long. The flowers are small, white, blooming in early spring, before the leaves bloom. After flowering, rounded single-drug fruits are formed, reminiscent of plum fruits, with a bluish, waxy coating. The taste of fully ripened fruits is tart and sour. Maturation is quite late.

Blackthorn flowers bloom in early spring, before the leaves appear

Useful properties and composition of thorns

Absolutely all parts of the thorn bush are characterized by valuable qualities. Useful properties plant roots, as well as wood and stripped bark. Well known remedies, made from flowers and fruits, as well as the upper pigmented layer of the bark.

Blackthorn berries, flowers and seeds

Blackthorn berries are very often used in medical purposes. Such herbal raw materials increase appetite, help get rid of gastric disorders, and have also proven themselves to be an effective diuretic.

Decoctions based on flowers and seeds can be used to calm the nervous system, and are also used as lotions or compresses for pustular diseases skin. Among other things, juice is prepared from sloe berries, which, after squeezing and boiling, can be rolled into jars and used in winter period as nasal drops for frequent and severe nosebleeds. The product is very suitable for gargling for sore throats. And oral cavity for dental pathologies.

Gallery: thorn bush (25 photos)

How the blackthorn blooms (video)

Root and leaves of the plant

The roots, as well as the bark, young wood and foliage of this plant can have diaphoretic properties and antipyretic effects. The foliage of the plant contains a significant amount of vitamins, as well as flavonoids, anthocyanins and organic acids. Decoctions of the bark are used in the treatment of malaria and erysipelas skin. In gynecology, decoctions are used for douching.

Rules for collecting and storing medicinal raw materials

To get the maximum healing effect from the use of plant raw materials, it is very important to carry out correct collection and follow storage rules. Harvesting thorns is required in early spring., at the very beginning of the flowering stage. The collected buds, as well as all half-opened flowers, should be dried in the shade, with a sufficient draft. After the perennial plant has flowered, young, newly opened leaves are collected, which are also dried in a well-ventilated area or under special canopies.

Sloe berries are best harvested only after the first frost. To properly dry the fruits, it is recommended to use special drying devices, but if necessary, you can dry the collected berries in an oven or in a conventional oven. The collection of young shoots is carried out in the spring, even before the foliage fully opens. The roots and bark are collected in the fall. Drying of the removed bark, branches and roots is carried out in warm and well-ventilated areas, in dryers or on a stove. Dried flowers, berries and foliage can be stored without loss of quality for a year, and bark and roots should be stored for no more than three years.

Sloe berries are best picked only after the first frost.

Contraindications and possible harm of thorns

Before consuming blackthorn fruits, you need to remember that Sloe seeds contain very toxic poisonous substance– glycoside. It is for this reason that rolled jam or compotes based on sloe cannot be stored for more than a year. Even in conditions proper storage With such preservation, all toxic substances from the seeds can, after some time, pass into the product and make it unsuitable for consumption for food purposes.

As such, special contraindications or expressed harmful properties Blackthorn fruits, flowers, leaves, bark, wood and roots are almost completely absent, but their use should not be abused. Important to remember, that an excessive amount of fresh berries can cause quite persistent stomach disorders. Among other things, it is not recommended to use decoctions, tinctures and infusions without first consulting your doctor, as individual intolerance and allergic reactions are sometimes noted.

Before consuming thorn fruits, you need to remember that thorn seeds contain a very toxic toxic substance - glycoside

About the benefits and taste of damsons

Damson berries have an astringent and blood purifying effect. It should be noted that All ripe fruits knit quite tightly and significantly reduce the number of urges during diarrhea, at the same time, blackthorn flowers have a laxative effect.

You can make liqueurs from damsons, which not only have a very pleasant and delicate taste, but also have healing properties, which make it possible to use such a remedy as an astringent and fixative for various intestinal disorders. For the purpose of preparation, the fruits are placed in glass bottles, covered with sugar and placed in a warm place. The fermented juice is poured into clean bottles, sealed and allowed to settle for four months. Sloe berries are used to prepare a wonderful and very piquant seasoning for meat and fish dishes, as well as preserves, syrups, compotes, jellies and jams.

You can make jam from damsons

How to use prickly plum for medicinal purposes

Plant raw materials obtained from thorn bushes are very effective in the treatment and prevention of many diseases:

  • when treating gout, blackthorn bark is burned, after which 30g of ash should be mixed with 20g of powdered cloves and 20g of cinnamon. The resulting mixture is poured with half a glass of grape wine. The medicine in the amount of a couple of tablespoons is taken three times a day before meals;
  • when treating a cold, a couple of tablespoons of bark should be poured into a glass of boiling water, then heated for a quarter of an hour in a water bath. The decoction is cooled and filtered, after which it is taken orally 50 g three times a day;

To heal wounds, a decoction of blackthorn bark is used externally.

  • To heal wounds, a decoction of the bark is applied externally. The preparation of antiseptic liquid is carried out using a couple of tablespoons dried leaves and a glass of boiling water;
  • for treatment high blood pressure Dried blackthorn flowers are used, which are poured with boiling water in the amount of three tablespoons and left for half an hour. The filtered decoction is taken a couple of times a day in the amount of half a glass;
  • For the treatment of tonsillitis and bronchitis, decoctions based on blackthorn flowers are used. Three tablespoons of plant material are poured into half a liter of water and boiled for five minutes over low heat. Boiled warm water is added to the cooled and strained broth, after which gargling is performed.

Medicinal properties of blackthorn (video)

The thorn bush is famous for The Thorn Birds and biblical writings. However, ancient healers and herbalists knew about the healing properties of the tart berry, as evidenced by centuries-old medical treatises.

It is known that not only the black-blue fruits of the plant, but also the inflorescences, leaves, roots and even branches are beneficial. The sloe is the ancestor of the garden plum, which is also endowed with gastronomic and medicinal properties.

Chemical composition of sloe

The specific berry owes its taste to a rare chemical composition. Tannins, extractive components and esters, and starch give it astringency. Pronounced sourness occurs due to the increased content of organic acids (phenolcarboxylic acid, malic acid) and vitamin C.

The thorn also contains the following valuable components:

  • amino acids;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids (oleic, eleostearic, linoleic, palmitic and others);
  • pectin;
  • mineral salts;
  • fiber and dietary fiber;
  • flavonoids;
  • monosaccharides (glucose, fructose) – up to 8.8%;
  • glycosides (prunasin, amygdoline);
  • catechins;
  • nitrogenous compounds;
  • phytosteroids;
  • higher alcohols;
  • coumarins;
  • anthocyanins;
  • triterpenoids;
  • beta-carotene;
  • vitamins of groups A, B, E, PP, C;
  • mineral compounds (zinc, molybdenum, iodine, copper, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, cobalt, magnesium, etc.).

Attention! Sloe seeds also contain a toxic glycoside (amygdoline) that breaks down hydrocyanic acid.

Such a unique and rich chemical composition determines maximum benefit berries for health with low calorie content (no more than 55 kcal per 100 g).

Useful properties of thorns

The fruits, leaves, flowers and roots of the plant produce a general strengthening effect and help fight a number of ailments.

The berries themselves are valuable due to the following properties:

  1. Relieves chronic constipation.
  2. Activate digestion and intestinal motility, restore its microflora.
  3. They reduce the acidity of the stomach, thereby reducing the likelihood of recurrence of gastritis, ulcers, and colitis.
  4. Reduces gas formation and relieves flatulence.
  5. Bound and removed from the body free radicals, salts and suspended matter chemical elements, toxins, excess fluid, bad cholesterol, slags.
  6. They promote weight loss by activating metabolism and improving digestion, and the organic acids in the composition ensure rapid breakdown of lipids.
  7. Promotes the removal of sputum in diseases of the oropharynx, nasopharynx, and colds.
  8. They produce anti-inflammatory, diuretic and diaphoretic effects, and high content provides amino acids and vitamin C quick rehabilitation for any disease.
  9. They restore the nervous system, therefore they are effective for sleep disorders, depression, panic syndrome and irritability, and general fatigue.
  10. Produce an antiseptic and hemostatic effect, promote the healing of ulcers and wounds, reduce inflammation and irritation of the skin.
  11. Strengthen the heart muscle and vascular walls, reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack, and help lower blood pressure.
  12. They regulate plasma cholesterol levels, and also cleanse the liver and kidneys, promoting their recovery after illness or surgery.
  13. Promote the natural removal of stones from the kidneys or bile ducts.
  14. Produce antibacterial effect, kill pathogenic microflora (fungi, bacterial rods, etc.).
  15. Antioxidants in the composition of thorns produce an antitumor effect, prevent cell oxidation, thereby maintaining their youth and quality.

Flavonoids have a positive effect on blood flow and blood quality, reduce vascular permeability, and increase coagulation. The turn diet helps normalize high blood pressure and reduces the risk of hypertensive conditions.

In men, thorn provides prevention of prostate diseases, the occurrence benign neoplasms, adenomas.

In women, the berry reduces nervous tension and manifestations of PMS, produces an analgesic effect during menstruation. Sloe pulp and juice are used in cosmetology, providing natural skin cleansing, eliminating teenage acne, acne, dermatitis and rosacea. Also, the components in the composition contribute to toning and deep hydration of the skin and hair.

Fruits, greens or wood

The blackthorn is unique plant, since absolutely all its parts acquire healing properties.

The tart berry ripens after the first frost. The fruits are then dried and made alcohol tinctures, prepare decoctions and jams.

Fresh juice and sloe wine can be used for applications and compresses for skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, etc.).

You can rinse your mouth with a decoction of the fruit - tanning components provide treatment for gums and healing of microcracks in the mucous membrane. Also, this natural rinse prevents stomatitis and oral candidiasis, periodontal disease and periodontitis.

Sloe shoots are brewed as tea, which provides a pronounced laxative and diuretic effect. Excess liquid leaves the body, due to which the temperature during fever decreases and swelling decreases.

Tea is effective for prostate adenoma, cystitis, urolithiasis and kidney stone disease, nephritis, increased secretion of bile.

A decoction of the leaves can also be used to rinse the mouth for dental pathologies.

Lotions with healing infusion effective for dermatoses, pustular lesions, furunculosis.

The inflorescences of the bush are harvested at the bud stage.

Tea and flower tinctures strengthen protective forces body, produce an antipyretic and diuretic effect.

It is enough to drink tea with sloe flowers 2 times a day for safe descent pressure, reducing toxicosis during pregnancy, shortness of breath.

The decoction is also effective for liver and kidney diseases, chronic constipation.

It is also useful to drink this tea at night - it will calm the nervous system, relax muscles and ensure long-lasting sound sleep.

For colds, a decoction of flowers knits and relieves inflammation of the mucous membranes of the esophagus, throat, and oral cavity. Inhalation over the decoction reduces runny nose and promotes vasoconstriction.

It is recommended to dig up the roots in the fall. Then they need to be thoroughly dried in the sun and in the oven. Various remedies from thorn roots (infusions, decoctions, juice) are effective against inflammatory, viral and respiratory diseases. Since ancient times, the roots have been used to treat malaria.

Surprisingly, the roots, unlike fruit juice, have a strengthening effect, therefore they are indispensable for chronic diarrhea and acute poisoning.

A decoction of the roots is used for applications for lesions skin, including with erysipelas.

Douching with a decoction of thorn roots reduces the manifestation of vaginitis and candidiasis.

The bark has excellent astringent properties. It is recommended to bathe babies in the decoction, as well as make antiseptic baths for affected skin.

A decoction of the bark can lower the temperature no worse than raspberry tea.

A decoction of thorn branches is an indispensable remedy for gout, allowing you to crush and remove uric acid salts from the body.

Harm of thorns and contraindications for use

Unfortunately, the abundance of extractive components and other substances is not always well tolerated by the human body. For example, due to the high content of dyes and acids, sloe is an allergen. If there is a history of individual intolerance various berries or citrus fruits, then thorn treatment is contraindicated for you.

It is also undesirable to consume berries during periods of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. In case of increased acidity, gastritis or ulcers, it is recommended to drink a decoction of flowers or bark, but in no case freshly squeezed sour fruit juice.

There is one more nuance, but it is more aesthetic. Pigments in the pulp can stain the enamel dark blue for several days, so it is not recommended to overuse the fruits on the eve of work or an important event.

Nutritionists recommend limiting the consumption of thorns and healthy people. Useful dose is 100 g, and you should not enjoy the berry more than 2 times a week. remember, that fresh berry has a diuretic and laxative effect, which can take you by surprise at the most inopportune moment. And fruit jams contain a large amount of carbohydrates and, if consumed in excess, quickly lead to weight gain.

Gastroenterologists recommend consuming only thorn pulp, but not the seeds, which contain a toxin. For this reason, it is not recommended to store fruit preserves for too long, since amygdoline, together with hydrocyanic acid, diffuses from the seeds into the product itself. Fresh fruits also stored for no more than 10 days in a cool, dry place.

The turn is quite rare and valuable berry, therefore, when you see it on the counter, be sure to prepare it for the long winter. Jams and decoctions from thorns strengthen the immune system, relieve colds and help relax the nervous system. And the valuable bark and inflorescences will provide healing compresses for various skin lesions.

During treatment folk recipes It is important to know when to stop and remember the contraindications. In case of individual intolerance to the product, consult a doctor.

Video: recipe for sloe jam

Sloes are the fruits of a shrub called blackthorn. This is a close relative of the plum, but with a distinctly “prickly” character and a less delicate taste.

If the plum tree looks quite civilized and cultured, then the blackthorn tree is its complete opposite.

It consists of “shaggy” thickets of elastic thin branches covered with long thorns that can fringe the clothes of a daredevil who decides to storm the obstacle course in the form of overgrown thorns.

The plant always grows in heaps, forming impassable areas in sunny forest clearings. It often appears as a result of self-seeding, like a weed.

However, gardeners who are not confused by the unfriendly appearance of the blackthorn plant it on their plots on purpose, because they know that behind its prickly appearance hides enormous healing potential that can heal a person from many ailments.

Turn - hidden virtues

Despite the fact that the thorn is unpretentious and grows everywhere without special care and agrotechnical techniques, they should not be neglected.

Its taste is rather an acquired taste - until frost it is sour, with noticeable astringency, and after the first sub-zero temperatures it becomes soft, tender, sweet and sour. At the same time, the pulp of thorns changes its texture along with its taste: from elastic to puree-like.

Sloes are not as easy to harvest as plums - the thorns get in the way, but this disadvantage is more than compensated by the high yield of the bush. If desired, for a short time you can collect more than one basket of small (two to three times smaller than a plum) aromatic, very healthy berries.

Thorn has a subtle, very pleasant aroma. It makes excellent sauces for duck and veal. Particularly popular among housewives is pickled sloe, which tastes like olives..

It will enrich any drink and goes well with sweet apples, both in compote and in pies. On occasion, thorns must be collected or purchased, such a universal berry in autumn period you won't find it.

It's very inexpensive, but as medicine indispensable for many diseases.

Turn included in the list medicinal plants included in the encyclopedia. In folk medicine, flowers, fruits, leaves, twigs and even thorn bark are used!

Raw materials are collected at the time of greatest bioactivity - during flowering and fruiting, and then dried in the sun or in special dryers. The uniqueness of the thorn lies in the fact that part ripe berries remains hanging on the branches until the next harvest.

They dry spontaneously under the influence of wind and sun, while retaining all their strength and benefits. Therefore, if you did not have time to prepare thorns in the fall, then you can go for twigs and berries even in winter or spring, if there is an urgent need for them.

Thorn - Chemical composition

Among the elements that make up thorn berries, which, in comparison with all parts of the plant, have the most wide application in medicine, contains an impressive range of vitamins, minerals, and active compounds.
Many of the B vitamins.
A large number of ascorbic acid.
Vitamin of youth – E.
Steroid elements.
Nitrogen compounds.
Fixed oils.
Fiber, carbohydrates and others.
Due to the abundance of various components, sloe berries are used to solve many health problems in adults and children.

Sloe berry - benefits

Although thorns cannot be called a delicacy in the usual sense, they can and should be eaten fresh. This is a great way to vitaminize the body. It is also used for compresses, preparing tinctures and decoctions.

1. Gruel from thorn berries, untouched by frost, effectively helps get rid of dry calluses and corns.

2. Thorn is a recognized remedy against kidney diseases. It has diuretic properties, extinguishes inflammatory processes, removes sand, prevents stone formation.

3. Good immunostimulant. Increases the body's resistance during epidemics and accelerates the recovery period.

4. Has antipyretic properties. In the form of a compote, it is given to both children and adults during hyperthermia.

5. Accelerates the removal of urea from the body, used to treat any form of salt deposits and gout.

6. Turn – natural antiseptic. It inhibits pathogenic microflora when it enters the gastrointestinal tract, in the oral cavity, or on wounds. Mouth rinses are prepared from thorns, which are used for stomatitis and inflammation of the gums.

7. Thorn in the form of compresses significantly accelerates the healing of any skin damage: injuries, ulcers, burns.

8. Sloe and products based on it eliminate nausea and stop vomiting, which is important for pregnant women during toxicosis and people who get motion sickness in transport.

9. Berries quickly neutralize, bind and remove a variety of toxins. Thorn is indispensable for poisoning, vomiting caused by infectious diseases, in case of intoxication with chemical and other agents.

10. The product is effective for neuralgia.

11. Good effect on skin condition.

12. Improves appetite, helps improve digestion.

13. Speeds up metabolism. Used for weight loss and overeating.

14. Astringent properties Sloes are used to treat diarrhea (by the way, plums are known to have the opposite laxative effect).

15. Thorn improves the composition of the blood, making it cleaner and healthier.

16. Used as a diaphoretic.

17. Sloe berries are very useful for diabetic retinopathy.

18. Provides excellent prevention of glaucoma and is used for its treatment. Improves vision, helps with eye fatigue.

19. Relieves swelling.

20. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces their permeability, recommended for all heart patients and healthy people for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

21. Prevents the development of adenoma, normalizes the functioning and condition of the prostate gland.

22. Smoothes out the manifestations of PMS in women, prevents the development of neuroses.

23. Fruits and other parts of the plant can relieve insomnia, irritability, apathy, loss of strength, shortness of breath, dizziness and other conditions caused by decreased vascular tone.

24. Thorn treats nonspecific colitis.

25. Promotes the flow of bile, which is beneficial for the gallbladder and liver.

26. Used in cosmetology as a remedy for oily skin, acne, and acne.

Here is a rather impressive list of the properties of thorns, and it only applies to berries. But there are also barks, flowers and leaves that also have impressive healing properties.

Sloe berries - harm

Thorn should not be consumed on an empty stomach; it contains a lot of acid and can cause irritation to the stomach lining.

Accordingly, it should not be eaten fresh by people with ulcers, people with gastritis, increased acidity gastric juice.

Berries can cause allergies, so they are not given to children and allergy sufferers. Be healthy.