Age-related colpitis treatment with folk remedies. Other folk recipes for the treatment of colpitis. An effective method for those who are not squeamish

Use the proposed remedies along with hormonal therapy to achieve the best effect. If you are against hormones, then start treatment even before menopause.

  • Rhodiola rosea. Pour 100 grams of dried rhodiola into a liter of water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. After the decoction has cooled, strain it and use it to take sitz baths for half an hour twice a day. Baths can be replaced by irrigating the vagina using a half-liter bulb. It is important that the broth enters the vagina according to back wall, do not create liquid pressure. The position for the procedure is lying on your back.
  • Collection of herbs for the treatment of atrophic changes in the vagina. Mix the following ingredients: sage - 100g, sweet clover - 100g, peppermint - 300g, licorice root - 100g, Baikal skullcap - 200g, rose hips - 300g, nettle - 200g. Prepare a decoction: 20g of the collection per 200g of water, boil in a water bath for 20 minutes, leave until cool, strain. Take the medicine in courses of two months, taking a break for two weeks. Three times a day, drink a third of a glass 30 minutes before meals.
  • Juniper. Prepare a decoction of juniper fruits: two glasses of raw material per three liters of water, boil for half an hour over low heat, leave until cool. In the meantime, prepare a bath, the temperature of which should be about 38-39˚. Strain the broth and add to the bath. Take juniper baths daily for 40 minutes. After this, it is useful to drink mint infusion with honey.
  • Aloe. this plant is a strong stimulator of biological processes, which helps restore the mucous membrane during atrophic changes, as well as after treatment for sexually transmitted infections. The gauze pad should be soaked fresh juice aloe and insert into the vagina overnight. As an option, you can use chopped aloe pulp, wrapped in gauze. When preparing a tampon, be sure to leave a long “tail” so that you can easily remove it.

Bathhouse as the key to youth

The combination of high environmental temperature with humidity in a Russian bath helps to increase the intensity metabolic processes in the skin and mucous membranes, stimulates the activity of the glands. This happens because under the influence of high temperatures, smooth muscles relax, blood circulation and secretion improve. Subsequent immersion in cool water promotes a sharp contraction of smooth muscles and vasoconstriction. Repeating these procedures helps train the mechanisms that ensure adequate tissue tone and elasticity.

By causing a rush of blood to the walls of the vagina, the bath helps to slow down the genetically determined process of atrophy. High temperatures help fight nonspecific infection, which often becomes a companion to atrophic colpitis. Application low temperatures immediately after exposure to high levels, it stimulates the production of collagen, which helps maintain the shape and tone of tissues.

Women who have problems of cardio-vascular system, you cannot visit the bathhouse. Also, those who have varicose veins veins or thrombophlebitis.

More articles on the topic Atrophic colpitis:

Senile colpitis treatment with traditional methods

Women in menopause often complain of such an ailment as senile colpitis. Treatment is not particularly difficult if the type of pathogen and the stage of the disease are correctly established. Senile colpitis, treatment traditional methods diseases are the topic of this article.

Senile colpitis: causes and signs of the disease

Senile colpitis is observed when the mucous membrane undergoes atrophic processes, ovarian function fades, and acidity decreases vaginal secretion, before the transition to an alkaline reaction, this leads to the development pathogenic flora. This colpitis can proceed sluggishly, without causing much discomfort and without causing complaints in the patient. In some cases, women are bothered by itching and burning. If the patient develops purulent bloody issues, then in this case one should exclude malignant neoplasms vagina, fallopian tubes, cervix.

Senile colpitis - treatment with traditional methods

When treating colpitis, douching with chamomile infusion is used. The vagina is treated with fortified ointments, for example, rosehip oil, ointments with aloe, sea buckthorn, kalanchoe, and baby cream. In case of senile colpitis, tampons and cauterizing agents should not be used, as this can injure the mucous membrane.

Currently, there are many drugs for such a disease as senile colpitis. Treatment folk remedies very relevant today.

For senile colpitis, it is necessary to mix the herb of oregano, pedunculate oak bark, and marshmallow root. Pour the resulting mixture into 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 2-3 minutes, then strain. Use warm as a douche 2 times a day.

In case of pain, it is necessary to take equal parts chamomile flowers and plantain herb. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the resulting mixture and leave for 1 hour. Use for douching in the treatment of senile colpitis using traditional methods twice a day.

For pain, you should mix chamomile flowers, wild mallow flowers, salvia officinalis leaves, walnut, pedunculate oak bark. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over the resulting mixture, cool, and strain. Use for douching and vaginal tampons in the treatment of senile colpitis using traditional methods.

Mix sage leaves, rosemary leaves, pedunculate oak bark, and yarrow herb and add 3 liters of water. Use the resulting decoction in the treatment of senile colpitis using folk methods for vaginal douching twice a day.

Mix sage leaves, pedunculate oak bark, chamomile flowers, and wild mallow flowers and pour boiling water over them. The resulting decoction can be used for douching and vaginal tampons in the treatment of senile colpitis.

senile colpitis - other treatment methods



In a healthy lifestyle, Valentina Mikhailovna Sokolova asks about folk remedies for senile colpitis.

I also faced this problem. Here is the recipe that helped me.

Mix sea buckthorn oil and refined vegetable oil in equal parts in a bottle. Prepare 10 tampons from bandage or gauze. You can take a cotton swab with gauze.

Make a tampon so that you can easily remove it, that is, tie a thread to it

tighter and leave it outside. Tam-pons, dipped in a mixture of oils, insert overnight. Take it out in the morning.

Also douching with a soda solution. And so alternate: day - tampons, day - douching. For prevention, repeat procedures every 6 months.

What is atrophic colpitis? How to treat?

Atrophic colpitis is a purely female disease, it is a disease of the vagina during menopause. Usually, more than 40% of women experience it after menopause has begun. In women, the amount of mucus decreases over time, vaginal dryness appears, and even microcracks may occur after sexual intercourse. All this may contribute to the development of infectious diseases.

Women whose menopause began earlier are more likely to experience atrophic colpitis. Also at risk for this disease are women with diabetes mellitus, with endocrine diseases.

Usually, after an examination, taking a smear and making a diagnosis, gynecologists prescribe hormone therapy, for example, Ovestin, suppositories and ointments containing estriol.

Also, as far as I know, they also use folk remedies, such as tampons with aloe, baths with Rhodiola rosea, juniper baths and much more.

But before you self-medicate, you still need to get tested by your gynecologist.

Atrophic vaginitis

General information

Atrophic vaginitis is one of the most common gynecological disorders observed in menopause. This disease has close connection with a deficiency of sex hormones in a woman’s body, which occurs after the onset of menopause. 7-10 years after the cessation of menstruation, vaginitis is observed in almost half of women, and after 10 years and later its frequency increases to 73-75%.
There are two forms of atrophic vaginitis: postmenopausal and associated with artificial menopause.

Causes of the disease

IN physiological conditions Estrogens promote the proliferation of the vaginal epithelium and improve its blood supply. The normal level of estrogen ensures the formation of lactic acid and maintenance acidic environment vaginal contents, which creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of “beneficial” lactobacilli and suppresses the growth of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms.

During menopause there are atrophic changes, leading to a decrease in the lumen of the vagina, thinning of its epithelium, and smoothing of vaginal folds. Such atrophic changes serve as a background for a long-term chronic course. inflammatory processes.

Atrophic vaginitis is not sexually transmitted


The most common clinical manifestations of atrophic vaginitis:
- dryness, itching, burning in the vagina;
- intermittent bleeding from the vagina;
- frequent urge on urination;
When examined by a gynecologist, thinning and smoothing of the vaginal mucosa and the presence of bleeding upon any contact are determined.

In some cases, atrophic vaginitis is asymptomatic.


Diagnosis of atrophic vaginitis is based on a number of studies:
- gynecological examination of the vagina and cervix using mirrors;
- taking smears from the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix for cytological examination to exclude oncological pathology;
- taking smears from the vaginal mucosa for bacterioscopic and bacteriological studies;
- extended colposcopic examination;
- determining the pH of vaginal contents.


Treatment of atrophic vaginitis involves replenishing local hypoestrogenism. Hormonal therapy is selected by a gynecologist-endocrinologist. The prescription of antibiotics for atrophic vaginitis is unjustified, since this disease does not have an infectious component.

Treatment abroad

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Gynecological diseases are pathologies of the female reproductive system, which manifest themselves with a variety of symptoms. Let's define what colpitis is, how it manifests itself, how to treat it using traditional methods and recipes traditional medicine. Vaginitis, also known as colpitis in women, is a pathology inflammatory in nature affecting the vaginal mucosa. In gynecology, this disease is very common; it is usually diagnosed in the fairer sex. reproductive age. According to medical statistics, approximately every third patient suffers from various forms of colpitis, not always knowing about the presence of pathology.

Types and causes of the disease

The disease is provoked by bacterial and viral agents, as well as fungal microorganisms. Bacterial pathology is usually caused by coli, streptococci and staphylococci. In development fungal disease, which is called thrush, Candida mushrooms are to blame. Concerning viral inflammation, it is triggered by herpes and cytomegalovirus, or papilloma virus. There are several types of colpitis:

  • When the level of estrogen in the female body decreases, the inflammatory process is diagnosed as atrophic colpitis. Typically, this type of pathology is called “age-related colpitis”, since after menopause, estrogen production decreases, and the vagina is subjected to increased danger affected by infection.
  • In case of damage to the vaginal mucosa yeast-like fungi Candida colpitis is diagnosed; it usually develops in women of reproductive age. The pathology is especially dangerous during pregnancy.
  • Trichomonas colpitis is transmitted during sexual contact and is very widespread, often accompanied by inflammatory processes in the uterine cervix and urethra. The disease is characterized chronic course with periodic exacerbations.

The main causes of colpitis include hormonal imbalances, long-term use of antimicrobial drugs, weakened immunity, ignoring the rules of hygiene and pathology of the genital area - endometriosis or adnexitis.

The disease can be specific or nonspecific, in the first case the cause is the presence in the vagina pathogens– chlamydia, mycoplasma and others. In the second, the problem is the reduction in protection provided vaginal microflora. As a result, active proliferation of staphylococci, streptococci or fungi is observed. Also negatively affecting factors include:

  • Pathologies transmitted through sexual contact - gonorrhea, chlamydia and others.
  • Gastric and intestinal diseases, in which there is no sufficient absorption useful microelements and a decrease in immunity occurs.
  • Pathologies endocrine system– diabetes mellitus and thyroid problems.
  • Injuries to the genital organs, accidental or arising during rough sexual contact.
  • Termination of pregnancy, other surgical interventions, resulting in changes affecting hormonal levels.

Signs of the disease and treatment regimens

Let's take a closer look at colpitis, its symptoms and treatment in women, because depending on what specifically caused the development of the disease, its symptoms may vary significantly. Acute form proceeds intensively, accompanied by very unpleasant manifestationssevere itching, vaginal discharge. Chronic colpitis is accompanied by less obvious symptoms or is completely asymptomatic. The most common signs indicating a problem are:

  • Vaginal discharge, the color of which, depending on the cause, can be green, yellow, gray or white.
  • The emergence of a permanent internal itching, burning sensation, quite often the external genitalia are covered with plaque, and their redness is noted.
  • Aching pain may occur in the lower abdomen, independent of menstrual cycle. Pain may also accompany sexual intercourse.
  • Abundant vaginal discharge publish bad smell, which cannot be eliminated even by thorough washing.
  • Increased urination, which is often accompanied by unpleasant sensations, resembling cystitis.

Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment of colpitis in women involves eliminating the causative agents of the pathology, for which the following are used:

Also answering the question of how to treat vaginitis, it is recommended to achieve normalization of the natural microflora of the vaginal mucosa. To enhance therapeutic effect use physiotherapy, diet therapy, measures aimed at strengthening immune system. When considering how to treat colpitis of a nonspecific nature, preference is given to drugs whose action is aimed at eliminating fungal or bacterial infection, as well as inflammatory processes. When treating a specific form of the disease, they focus on the type of infection that caused the development of the disease.

The course of therapy must be completed together with a partner, otherwise the patient treated for colpitis is not immune from re-infection.

Considering that antimicrobials violate natural microflora, after treatment it is necessary to take drugs that promote recovery natural level lactobacilli - Linex or Bifidumbacterin. Also, during the treatment process, it is recommended to adhere to a certain diet - salty, smoked, and spicy foods are removed from the menu. During therapy they refuse sexual contacts, observe the rules of personal hygiene with special care.

Therapy of pathology: douching with medicinal compounds

Let's consider how to treat vaginitis, using not only pharmaceuticals. Let us note right away that for colpitis, treatment with folk remedies is most effective as an additional therapeutic method. The most commonly used recipes are:

Treatment with oils and other folk recipes

If we consider how to treat colpitis using traditional medicine methods, we can distinguish several main methods - douching, the use of tampons and baths:

Traditional healers recommend using essential oils for baths or tampons. Preference is given to eucalyptus, tea tree or fir:

  1. To prepare a healing bath, add 12 drops of oil to 12 liters of liquid, cream is used as a reagent, liquid soap or milk. The procedure is carried out before going to bed, its duration is up to 25 minutes. The course of treatment is 14 days or until the symptoms disappear.
  2. Tampon based essential oils This is done as follows: the healing liquid is diluted with vegetable oil in a 1:1 ratio. A tampon is moistened with the resulting composition and placed in the vagina. The duration of the procedure is two or three hours, the course of treatment is 14 days, especially severe cases- month. In this case, it is necessary to evaluate net worth– when using a tampon, a feeling of warmth is normal, but if it develops into a burning sensation, the tampon is removed and this method is abandoned.
  3. Widely used for the treatment of colpitis sea ​​buckthorn oil. They need to lubricate the vaginal mucosa in the morning and evening hours for three weeks.
  4. Oily chlorophyll is also used in an undiluted state - it is used by applying it to gauze swabs.

Women all over the world often suffer from colpitis, which is expressed by an inflammatory process in the vaginal mucosa.

The patient complains of purulent copious discharge from the vaginal cavity, sharp pain and burning at rest, but even more during sexual intercourse.

Dear blog visitor " Traditional medicine recipes"! On this page you will find questions on the topic “Colpitis in gynecology, symptoms and treatment.”

Clinic of the disease and causes of its occurrence

Types of colpitis

Allergic colpitis. Occurs when a woman’s body is frequently exposed to allergens and can be both local and general because of hypersensitivity to a specific stimulus.

To treat this type of colpitis, you need to contact an allergist to determine the allergen.

Senile colpitis. Occurs against the backdrop of a decline secretory function ovaries during menopause (). The vaginal mucosa atrophies, is painful and hyperemic, in places covered with ulcers, and discharges from it. pathological leucorrhoea.

Emphysematous colpitis . Most often, the disease develops during pregnancy. Clinical manifestations: redness (hyperemia) of the vaginal walls with the presence of gas-filled vesicles (bubbles).

Fungal colpitis . This type of colpitis is caused by yeast fungi. There is also a sharp hyperemia of the mucous membrane with the appearance of grayish-white cheesy plaques and ulcerations.

The development of infiltrates, pustules filled with transparent contents, and condylomas is possible. Women often get sick during pregnancy and sufferers. Treatment is aimed at destroying a specific type of fungus.

● There are cases of combination of Trichomonas colpitis with gonorrhea. The main source of reproduction and transmission of Trichomonas bacillus is men.

Clinical picture: burning in the vaginal area, itching, purulent foamy discharge, discomfort in the lower abdomen, pain during sexual intercourse, occasionally frequent urination, and increased irritability.

● Measures to prevent colpitis: avoid casual sexual intercourse (contacts) and maintain personal hygiene daily.

Complex treatment of senile and allergic colpitis

- regular douching with decoctions and chamomile;

— disinfection of the vaginal mucosa;

— introduction of tampons with ointments (selected individually).

Alternative treatment of emphysematous colpitis

- vaginal douching with weak solution potassium permanganate;

- vaginal baths with furatsilin solution (1:5000);

- treatment of the vaginal walls with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide or a 5% solution of borax in glycerin

Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of colpitis

● Mix 50 g of knotweed (knotweed) and leaves, 10 g each of cinquefoil root, 20 g of flowers. Boil two tablespoons of the mixture in one liter of water for 10 minutes. Cool and strain. Application: tampons and douching.

● Brew two tablespoons in a glass of boiling water for an hour. crushed flowers (marigolds). After cooling, strain. Take 1-2 tbsp. l. three times a day, and also use the infusion for douching.

● Infusion for douching: 20 g per half liter of boiling water, leave for one hour and cool for half an hour.

● Bring a tablespoon of cinquefoil to a boil in a glass of boiling water, leave for two hours, then filter. Take ¼ cup three times a day before meals. Apply the squeezed raw material in the form of a compress when severe pain on the lower abdomen.

Treatment of trichomonas colpitis

- soak one tbsp in a water bath for 15 minutes. l. yellow capsules (attention: the plant is poisonous!) in a glass of boiling water; strain while hot. 2 tbsp. l. while eating.

Dilute this decoction boiled water in a ratio of 1:5 and use for douching. There must be at least one liter of liquid. The procedure is carried out daily or every other day for 15-20 days.

As a rule, 3-4 courses are enough for a complete cure. You should not douche during your period;

- take a teaspoon with water twice a day before meals of tincture of medicinal rhizomes (for 0.8 liters of vodka, 150 g of crushed raw materials, leave for two weeks and strain);

- drink according to Art. l. before meals 3-4 times a day, a decoction of club moss oblates (a tablespoon of dry raw material per half a liter of water, cook for 5 minutes, leave covered for two hours, strain);

- use infusion for douching and oral administration wild rosemary(collect during flowering). Bring one teaspoon of raw material to a boil in a glass of water, strain after an hour. According to Art. l. four times a day.

For douching, we make a stronger infusion: one tablespoon per glass of water;

- trichomonas colpitis can be effectively cured with juice squeezed from honey locust fruits;

- Grind a tablespoon of shiny sage and pour a glass of boiling water, strain after an hour. ⅓ glass before meals three times a day. For douching, prepare a stronger infusion;

- lubricate the vaginal mucosa daily with natural oil, which can be used to cure colpitis, cervical erosion and endocervicitis;

- well-known bactericidal and fungicidal properties can also be used to treat trichomonas colpitis: chop four medium-sized ones, tie the crushed raw materials in gauze and place a tampon in the vagina for 4-6 hours; We carry out this procedure in the morning and evening;

- Brew twenty grams of calendula officinalis flowers with a glass of boiling water for one hour. Strain and drink 100-150 ml of infusion three times a day. The infusion can be used simultaneously for douching and tampons inserted into the vagina.

Calendula flowers can be infused for 10-12 days. sunflower oil, then bring to a boil, cool, strain and use to soak tampons in the vagina;

- use candied linden or thyme tampons to soak vaginal tampons. This remedy kills the causative agent of colpitis;

good remedy for the treatment of colpitis - eucalyptus. Bring 5 tbsp to a boil. l. raw materials in a liter of water, strain after half an hour. You can also prepare a eucalyptus tincture: steep a teaspoon of dry leaves in a glass of vodka for 10 days.

The decoction and tincture are used externally for lotions and douching of the genitals.

I wish you to choose the right recipe for yourself and get well soon! I kindly ask you to coordinate your actions with your doctor before starting treatment.

Be healthy, dear women! God bless you!

Additional information about colpitis can be found on the Wikipedia website.


Translated from Latin, colpitis and vaginitis mean inflammation of the vagina. There are several types of vaginitis that occur against the background of inflammatory processes, when infection and pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the microflora of the woman’s genital organs. However, there is atrophic vaginitis, which in some way differs from all others, occurring with certain characteristics. This is senile colpitis.

The basis of the development of senile vaginitis

A disease such as senile vaginitis occurs only against the background of a decrease in the production of sex hormones: estrogens. As a rule, this occurs during the period of artificial or early menopause, then the early aging female body . With the coming menopause

after 3–4 years, in 40% of cases, women face this problem. The etiology of the development of senile colpitis is based on physiological changes

due to decreased estrogen production, leading to inflammatory reactions in the vaginal mucosa. In this case, healthy microflora is disrupted.

  • This vaginitis/colpitis/vaginosis is often called:
  • senile or age-related due to the fact that it often manifests itself in old age;
  • postmenopausal, since the disease begins to develop after the onset of menopause;
  • senile, which is synonymous with decrepitude;

atrophic, due to a decrease in the functional functioning of organs and tissues, as well as their deformation. The cause of senile vaginitis can be not only elderly age . It happens that the disease occurs even in childbearing age

, this phenomenon is associated with disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Atrophic vaginitis: comparison with healthy organs and mucous membrane. Photo gallery

Causes of the disease

  • The basis for the development of atrophic colpitis can be:
  • chemotherapy and radiation;
  • uterine prolapse;
  • gynecological surgery;
  • immunodeficiency; oppression female hormones
  • due to testosterone intake;
  • venereal diseases;
  • lack of personal hygiene or, conversely, too frequent washing with regular soap;
    • endocrine pathologies:
    • obesity;
    • diabetes;
  • hypothyroidism

ovariotomy (removal of the ovaries, regardless of the reason).

The acceleration of the development of senile vaginosis can be accompanied by wearing underwear made of low-quality synthetics.

A little about colpitis: a specialist’s opinion. Video material

Clinical picture of senile vaginosis Initially, the disease in most cases is inactive, without.obvious symptoms Absence clinical picture

often becomes the cause of the development of chronic colpitis. Gradually, over time, they appear scanty discharge in the form of leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor. Occasionally there is sharp pain and cramping in the lower abdomen, which intensifies after bowel movement. Bladder

or during water hygiene procedures. The mucous membrane becomes fragile and thinned. Her vulnerability is immediately manifested by the release of ichor from the walls of the vagina. and the pain begins to torment constantly: during sex, during bowel movements and taking smears. Microcracks do not heal, and bleeding becomes a constant companion.

Due to atrophy of the pelvic muscles, the following occurs:

  • prolapse of the uterus, bladder, kidneys;
  • reduction in the secretion of the vaginal glands with a simultaneous slowdown in epithelial growth;
  • increased pH levels, which causes pathogenic microflora to develop in the vagina;
  • itching and burning in the vulva area;
  • reducing the number of lactobacilli;
  • redness and swelling of the vaginal mucosa;
  • manifestation of petechial rashes, pigment formations, erosive areas;
  • increased frequency of urination, which over time turns into urinary incontinence;
  • the occurrence of vaginal dryness, which leads to discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse.

All these are the main symptoms of atrophic colpitis. As a result, against the background of dysfunction and atrophy of organs genitourinary system The disease may be accompanied by a secondary infection, which in such a situation can easily penetrate from the outside or easily move from other foci.

The pH of the vaginal mucosa in women of reproductive age ranges from 3.5 to 5.5. With senile vaginosis, this figure can reach up to 7.

Weakening protective forces body, as well as extragenital diseases with a chronic course lead to the development of a nonspecific inflammatory reaction of the vaginal mucosa.

Diagnosis of the disease

Often women associate all these symptoms with other ailments, which ultimately leads to the development of pathologies. Timely diagnosis of this disease will help prevent the development of complications and irreversible processes.

Diagnosis is carried out using tests, examination and examination of the material taken.

  1. Initially, the gynecologist interviews the patient, collecting anamnesis based on a description of symptoms and sensations.
  2. Then a gynecological examination is performed using speculum. If the examination causes discomfort or painful sensations, use a colposcope.
  3. During visual inspection A vaginal smear is taken for analysis to examine the microflora (cytogram).
  4. At gynecological examination The doctor, at his discretion, can conduct an examination of the genital organs using palpation.
  5. At the same time, the examination involves taking material for the purpose of cytological analysis.
  6. At the same time, a smear is taken for bacteriological examination:
    1. for bacterioscopy;
    2. for cultural sowing;
    3. for leukocyte analysis.
  7. A mandatory condition is a urine and blood test: general and biochemical.
  8. If nonspecific vaginitis is suspected, a blood test for hormones is performed.
  9. If there is a clear suspicion of atrophic vaginitis, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed.
  10. Examination of the rectum using sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy is performed provided that seals are detected to exclude the presence of tumors and other diseases.
  11. To exclude sexually transmitted diseases and other specific reasons the appearance of vaginosis using the polymerase technique chain reaction(PCR).

Based full examination a diagnosis is made.

Therapeutic effect

If senile colpitis is not burdened by a secondary infection, then treatment is carried out using hormonal replacement therapy and agents that restore the microflora of mucous membranes. It is possible to use immunomodulators.

Drug therapy

The basis of treatment of atrophic vaginitis:

  1. Medications local action in the form of suppositories, creams, ointments, vaginal tablets and suppository. Typically used:
    1. Ovestin;
    2. Gistan;
    3. Estriol;
    4. Orniona;
    5. Estrocad;
    6. Gynodean Depot.
  2. Systemic treatment is based on long-term use(sometimes up to 5 years) hormonal drugs, such as:
    1. Estradiol;
    2. Angelique;
    3. Femoston;
    4. Climodien;
    5. Individual;
    6. Cliogest;
    7. Tibolone.
  3. Additional therapy with phytoestrogens (herbal medicines);
  4. At frequent urination uroseptics are used:
    1. antibiotics:
      1. amoxicillin;
      2. ampicillin;
      3. azithromycin;
      4. ceftriaxone;
      5. ciprofloxacin;
      6. josamycin;
      7. tobramycin;
      8. ofloxacin and others.
    2. sulfonamides:
      1. co-trimoxazole;
      2. sulfametrol;
      3. sulfadimethoxine;
      4. sulfalene.
    3. nutrofurans.
  5. For disinfection, douching is used no more than twice a day based on:
    1. Miramistina;
    2. Chlorhexidine;
    3. Chlorophyllipta;
    4. Furacilina;
    5. Protargola;
    6. Rivanola.
  6. In parallel they carry out rehabilitation therapy natural biocenosis of the vagina. To do this, use intravaginally:
    1. Bifidumbacterin;
    2. Bificol;
    3. Lactobacterin;
    4. Colibacterin;
    5. Acylact;
    6. Vagilak.
  7. To increase level immune defense will help:
    1. Cycloferon;
    2. Viferon;
    3. Immunal.
  8. Allergic manifestations and mild inflammation will be relieved by ointments and gels:
    1. Solcoseryl;
    2. Fenistil;
    3. Actovegin;
    4. Bepanten.

If presence is detected secondary infection, then, depending on the species present pathogenic microorganisms carry out appropriate treatment. Often in such cases, Metronidazole, Terzhinan, Methyluracil or Fluomizin are used.

Vitamin therapy will also not hurt:

  • Vitamin C in combination with vitamin A;
  • Multivitamins:
    • Centrum;
    • Uni-cap;
    • Multitabs;
    • Vitrum.

How to treat age-related illness with folk remedies

Self-medication for senile vaginitis is strictly prohibited, including even with traditional methods. Before using products based on medicinal herbs and/or products of animal origin, you should consult your gynecologist. Usually, doctors themselves advise using folk remedies, especially when the patient is prohibited from taking estrogen, since there are such chronic diseases, How:

  • liver and/or kidney failure;
  • venous and/or arterial thromboembolism;
  • oncology;
  • myocardial infarction.

In such cases, traditional medicine comes to the rescue. Vaginal baths and douching based on herbal decoctions and infusions have excellent disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Several recipes:

  1. Decoction of plantain and chamomile. Plant raw materials in equal proportions are taken in the amount of two tablespoons and steamed with boiling water in a volume of 500 ml. Cool to room temperature and use after filtration for douching.
  2. Product for tampons based on St. John's wort. Fresh flowers and leaves of St. John's wort in an amount of 500 grams are poured into 1 liter vegetable oil. Insist for 20 days in a dark place. Strain. Soaked in data oil solution cotton or gauze swabs.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil. Ready pharmaceutical oil tampons are soaked from sea buckthorn and inserted into the vagina at night. The course of treatment is half a month.
  4. Rhodiola rosea decoction. Prepare a saturated decoction from plant materials: 2 tbsp. spoons of the crushed root of this plant are poured into a liter of boiling water, simmered over low heat for 10 minutes, and then infused for 2–3 hours. Strain and use for vaginal baths.
  5. Aloe for colpitis. A gauze swab is soaked in freshly squeezed aloe juice. Inserted into the vagina at night.

With your doctor's permission, you can use it for douching. classic decoctions from sage, chamomile, calendula. They will provide positive effect baths made of celandine, juniper, oak bark.

Medicinal plants and herbs used in the treatment of colpitis: photo

Sage kills pathogenic microflora, restores immunity Juniper has a positive effect on the skin Oak bark heals wounds, restores mucous membranes Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties Calendula is known for its anti-inflammatory properties Aloe perfectly heals wounds Celandine is an excellent disinfectant St. John's wort - a herb for many ailments Rhodiola rosea stops bleeding, restores tissue structure Oil sea ​​buckthorn has many healing properties Plantain perfectly heals cracks and damage to the mucous membrane

Treatment prognosis and complications in the absence of timely therapeutic measures

At timely application To see a gynecologist about senile vaginitis, the prognosis for life is usually favorable.

Especially if the disease is not burdened by chronic illnesses. Uncontrolled self-medication often leads to irreparable consequences, due to which full recovery may become unrealistic. Advanced senile colpitis leads to complete atrophy genital organs and the inability to have sex due to pathological deformation of the vagina and inflammatory processes, causing pain

and bleeding. The result of inaction can be fusion of the vaginal walls.

Timely treatment and prevention of the disease will help prolong the youth of the female body.

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Prevention of disease development To prevent senile vaginitis from being taken by surprise, doctors recommend some preventive actions

try to keep the level of estrogen in the body within normal limits.

Atrophic/senile vaginitis is not a death sentence, since the disease is highly treatable. The main thing is to diagnose the disease in time, which will help to avoid complications, as well as follow all the recommendations of the attending gynecologist.