What to do to recover quickly. Nutrition is the basis for weight gain. Add More Healthy Calories

Gaining weight and getting fat are two different things when it comes to skinny girls. The general epidemic of weight loss does not affect one type of people with an ectomorph physique - they are distinguished by a narrow chest, shoulders and hips, long limbs and a small percentage of subcutaneous fat.

The downside of being thin

The bad sides of being overweight are known to many. But thin people, in addition to visual discomfort, may experience low blood pressure, a feeling of chilliness, dizziness, and weakness.

They get tired quickly, and any physical discomfort indicates a lifestyle problem:

  1. lack of nutrients;
  2. lack of physical activity;
  3. stress or poor sleep.

Genetics plays an important role in how quickly a girl can gain weight. Ectomorphs are prone to gaining fat, so for a girl to gain weight in a week - quickly and due to the wrong food - means ruining her shape, getting a golife, a fold near the navel and on the sides.

Excess fat accumulated through poor nutrition makes your figure unharmonious, but not as juicy as you would like.

How can a girl gain weight correctly?

The best choice for girls who want to increase their physical parameters is to increase muscle mass. It will not be possible to achieve significant results in a week; muscles do not grow quickly. However, this is the only way you can not only gain weight, but also stay healthy, control the amount of fat with any body parameters.

What will gain muscle gain for a skinny girl? The legs will be curly, with a minimum amount of fat, smooth skin, the butt will become rounded, due to which the waist will be better defined. Working on the muscles of the back and shoulders will make the silhouette X-shaped, ideal.

Is it possible to turn into a masculine creature in the gym? No. A woman does not have enough male hormone testosterone to become muscular!

Strength training will not make a girl a bodybuilder, but it will help her gain weight quickly and have an appetizing figure. To quickly put on weight for a girl, you don’t need a lot of effort: don’t move for a week, eat more carbohydrates, and everything eaten in excess of the prescribed level of calories will definitely go into fat. Almost 70% of girls do this regularly, then intend to lose 10 kg two weeks before summer. If nature has gifted you with a fast metabolism, you can allow yourself excess, but for the time being.

Until about the age of 20, the body forgives a lot, but remembers. Until the age of 20, you don’t have to play sports, since the body is still in the development stage and maintains muscles. Having crossed this age barrier without training, you can encounter cellulite, even for a thin girl. Therefore, sport is a way out of any situation.

How quickly do you gain muscle mass?

Gaining up to 1 kg per week is the norm. In this case, 500 g will be muscle, and another 500 g will be fat. But it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

The tips listed below will help a girl gain weight as correctly as possible - quickly and without harm to her health:

Nutrition is the key to changing your figure, and training is the key to sculpting your body. Don't try to see weight gain too quickly.

Despite the fact that the problem of excess weight is one of the most acute and pressing today, there are also many women who face a completely opposite task - how to gain this same weight.

And what’s most interesting: underweight is such a serious deviation that even the most strong-willed people are sometimes unable to cope with.

The problem of obesity, like a huge funnel, draws everything around it into itself: fitness gyms today are working hard to lose weight, and a large army of nutritionists are doing the same. As a result, there is an extreme shortage of specialists dealing with the problem of underweight, and many girls with excessive thinness have to get out of this situation on their own.

But often it is the weight problem that has the greatest negative impact on the full development of pregnancy and its onset in general. In addition, people who suffer due to thinness constantly experience real pressure from physical (elementary lack of strength) and psychological ailments (lack of sleep, the feeling of an “ugly duckling” and other troubles).

Regarding the question of how to gain weight in a week, in this case there are many different strategies and techniques that will allow you to achieve the desired result without any danger to your own body.

However, please note that sometimes it can be very difficult for a girl who is too thin to gain weight, and the main thing in this matter is her patience and work.

How to gain weight: work for results

Rule No. 1 – proper nutrition

To achieve your goal, many “advisers” can recommend that you increase the consumption of those foods that are directly contraindicated for people with excess weight problems, that is, flour, sweets, fatty foods, etc. However, keep in mind that such a diet can only lead to the development of obesity and subsequently to serious health problems, but not to the growth of muscle mass, which in this case is vital for you.

Remember! A healthy weight is about extra muscle tissue, not body fat. This means that cakes, fast food and other delicacies cannot be the real key to a healthy and beautiful physique.

Of course, you should not completely exclude from your diet foods rich in fats, proteins, etc., since your body simply needs all of them in reasonable quantities.

For example, the daily menu of an adult must include meat (preferably lean), as well as legumes, mushrooms, and dairy products, because they contain a sufficient amount of proteins necessary for the construction and restoration of muscle fibers.

It is also imperative to consume fresh vegetables and fruits:

  • Firstly, these wonderful gifts of nature contain a huge amount of useful vitamins.
  • Secondly, it is fresh vegetables and fruits that are the main helpers in the complete absorption of foods by our body.
  • Well, and thirdly, a lack of fiber or its complete absence is one of the problems of poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which in turn leads to constipation and disorders.

Plus, in order to safely gain weight in a week or, for example, even in a month, it is important to change the frequency of meals during the day - instead of three main meals, eat 5 or 6 times with snacks based on dried fruits and.

Also learn to enjoy your nutrition: do not snack “on the run”, but do it in a calm and comfortable environment. This is due to the fact that overexcitation can provoke exhaustion of the body and poor absorption of food consumed. Also try to write down everything you eat and the amount of food you eat (the daily norm is at least 700 grams).

And one more very useful tip! Everyone knows that small children grow and develop very quickly, so a proven way to gain weight is to consume baby food, which is based on milk and is an excellent source of healthy calories for you. You can also regularly prepare milk porridges, for example, or.

Ideal foods for weight gain:

Dairy products (sour cream, cream, butter, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, ice cream), eggs, fish, flour products (bread, sandwiches, pies, cookies, waffles, buns, cakes). But only in acceptable quantities. Don't abuse it!

Legumes, nuts, porridges (buckwheat, rice, millet, barley, pearl barley), cooked in milk with the addition of butter. Fruits (bananas, apples, grapes, melons, peaches, mangoes, apricots, persimmons) plus freshly squeezed fruit juices with pulp. Meat (beef, pork, turkey, chicken, lamb).

Sweets (sweets and chocolate). But the amount should be normalized so as not to harm your body even more. Sugary sodas are a great source of “quick and easy calories.” But only after eating them is it necessary to brush your teeth, since the sugar and dyes they contain have a detrimental effect on tooth enamel.

Of course, this list could go on for a very long time. The main thing for you is to create a menu that will bring you not only taste pleasure, but also benefit your body.

Here is an example of six meals a day, which is enriched with all the necessary components. So:

  • Breakfast (7.00 – 8.00): milk buckwheat porridge, cocoa with milk and a sandwich with butter.
  • Second breakfast (10.00 – 11.00): 2.5% kefir and a bun.
  • Lunch (12.00): soup with meat broth, mashed potatoes with cutlets, sweet tea, cottage cheese casserole for dessert.
  • Afternoon snack (16.00): cottage cheese with sour cream and fruit.
  • Dinner (19.00): rice with butter, goulash, vegetable salad with sour cream, sandwich with cheese, tea with sugar, compote.
  • Second dinner (21.00): yogurt (kefir) with cookies or buns.

Rule No. 2 – physical activity

Your weight will begin to increase only when your body contains a sufficient amount of unspent calories. However, you should not give up sports; the best option for you will be exercises that will help increase muscle mass.

You can also reduce the number of workouts to two per week and use the services of a personal trainer who will create an individual training program for you, so you can achieve the desired result.

Try to avoid aerobic exercise, but the dumbbells and barbells that are familiar to all athletes, as well as exercises such as the bench press, will all be an excellent training option for you. Additionally, you can consume protein shakes, which will help you compensate for lost energy, as well as restore the functionality of the body and provide all the necessary materials for muscle growth.

In addition, do not forget that your sleep should be at least 8 hours a day or more.

Rule No. 3 – timely contact a specialist

If you have a weight problem suddenly, unexpectedly, for a reason unknown to you, then immediately seek help from a specialist (an endocrinologist deals with these issues). It will help you promptly identify possible abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid or pancreas, provided, of course, that the cause of your weight loss is not banal malnutrition.

Another reason for such serious deviations can be the elementary indigestibility of food, so if you have the slightest causeless pain in the abdomen and flatulence, you should seek help from a gastroenterologist. Because without the necessary treatment and medical intervention, all your attempts to gain weight will be useless.

And one more thing - try to avoid stressful situations, which in your case can play a very bad role.

As you probably already understood, gaining weight in a week or a month is not at all difficult. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the set strategy and confidently expect the result!

Recently, more and more people are complaining about their weight: some want to lose weight, others, on the contrary, want to gain weight. There are practically no women or men left who would be satisfied with their figure.
How to gain weight at home? It is not easy to find an answer to this question: there is very little such information even on the Internet. If long-term adherence to a special diet and regular exercise do not help solve the problem of low weight, then you should first find out the reason for the thinness, on which further tactics depend.

If an independent attempt to gain weight at home does not bring the expected results within a certain time, then you should consult a specialist for advice.

Causes of thinness

Main reasons

  • Pathology of the digestive system,
  • Spinal diseases,
  • Psychological disorders.

Additional reasons

  • Accelerated metabolism,
  • Alcoholism and smoking,
  • Irrational and unbalanced nutrition,
  • Fast pace of life
  • Excessive consumption of caffeine-containing products,
  • Hereditary features of the constitution,
  • Hormonal disbalance.

You should think about how to eat properly to gain weight if you experience the following health problems:

  1. constant fatigue
  2. menstrual irregularities,
  3. unhealthy complexion,
  4. peeling nails,
  5. hair loss,
  6. decreased immunity and frequent colds,
  7. inability to get pregnant for a long time.

How to recover quickly at home?

First of all, you should find out the reason for thinness. In the absence of a serious problem in the body, there are three main ways to increase body weight: lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly and eat right.
A healthy lifestyle consists of:

  • eliminating bad habits,
  • lack of stress,
  • full sleep,
  • positive emotions.

You should definitely exercise in the gym or at home, taking into account the recommendations of specialists. Evening walking, swimming, and cycling give good results.

Proper nutrition

The diet of a person who wants to gain a few kilograms should be balanced, healthy and sufficient, and not excessive. The main principle is to increase the number of calories consumed per day. Healthy and proper nutrition consists of a gradual increase in calories, which will not cause aversion to food and overload of the gastrointestinal tract.
There are several medical recommendations, following which, you can gain weight.

  1. You need to eat at least three times a day.
  2. Be sure to have snacks between main meals.
  3. You can slightly increase the volume of each serving, but do not overeat.
  4. You need to eat at the same time.
  5. The body should not feel hungry for a long time.
  6. You should eat only healthy and wholesome food.

Foods that promote weight gain

These foods include high-calorie foods with sufficient amounts of proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats.
It is necessary to include in the diet:

  • potato,
  • chicken,
  • eggs,
  • beans,
  • sea ​​fish,
  • bread,
  • pasta and cereals,
  • vegetables and fruits,
  • dairy and fermented milk products.

Diet of a person who wants to gain weight

Breakfast - oatmeal with butter, a sandwich with cheese and sausage, cottage cheese, cocoa or tea with milk, freshly squeezed juice.
Second breakfast - any product from the listed list.
Lunch - soup or borscht, meat with side dish, vegetable salad, compote.
Afternoon snack - fruit or vegetable salad, dried fruits and nuts, milk.
Dinner - meat with side dish and salad.
An hour before bedtime, it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir and eat any fruit, such as a banana.

Recipes to gain weight

  1. Regular consumption of protein shakes promotes weight gain. It is prepared according to this recipe: take three liters of milk, forty grams of protein and a little cocoa powder to improve the taste of the cocktail. All ingredients are mixed with a blender, and the resulting drink is stored in the refrigerator. They drink this cocktail during the day instead of any other drink, as well as before and after sports. This drink contains a lot of calories, which helps reduce appetite, but you still need to eat on a schedule.
  2. Twenty grams of nettle are mixed with ten grams of elecampane roots and sugar. Place a teaspoon of this mixture in a glass of milk, infuse and drink.
  3. Alfalfa tea and its juice help get rid of underweight.
  4. The collection, which allows you to gain weight, consists of two parts of fenugreek, comfrey, flax, one part of nettle and lady's tree. Mix herbs with sugar, brew with boiling water and take a teaspoon twice a day.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Hello my dear friends! I'm with you again. We all strive to look great and be in good shape. Some people need to lose a couple of extra pounds, while others don’t need to lose a few :) Some people, on the contrary, want to gain weight. Did you know that getting fat is also the right thing to do? You can include the most high-calorie foods to gain weight. Or fill your diet with sports nutrition. There are enough options. Let's discuss them.

Friends, I immediately want to protect you from misconceptions. Gaining weight does not mean going completely fat. This also does not mean that you will eat everything you see every day and in large quantities. There are many ways to gain weight the healthy way by eating foods that are good for our bodies.

Perhaps everyone agrees that a beautiful, muscular body looks much better than a skeleton covered in skin. Our muscles are a kind of protection for the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the fact that muscles are necessary for our body not only from an aesthetic point of view.

It would seem that there is nothing more difficult than losing extra pounds. Food restrictions, serious and regular training, iron discipline... Oddly enough, it turns out that gaining weight is no less problematic. The obstacles most often become physiology and genetics. Don't despair, there is always a way out!

High calorie foods

The first step to achieving your goal is to change your diet. High calorie foods must be included. You need to eat well!

In order to simplify your search, I have compiled a table of the highest calorie foods. Such products provide our body with a large amount of energy. The energy content is indicated in kcal per 100 grams of a particular product.

Plus, pay attention to peanuts and peanut butter.

The more of these products you have on your menu, the sooner you will be able to gain your desired weight.

Sports food

Sports foods are also on your side not only to increase body weight, but also to improve health.

My husband has an ectomorphic body structure. He has difficulty gaining weight and losing it easily. Even when he goes to the gym, he gains weight very slowly. To make it easier and speed up the process, he drinks gainers and protein.

I myself used to be wary of such products because I would have to learn more about them. And after reading it I realized that this is the same food, only highly concentrated. It already contains the required composition. Having lived in Thailand, I saw that protein supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes were sold directly in pharmacies.

Most girls want to get rid of extra pounds, but there are also many representatives of the fair sex who want to gain those pounds. Experts say that being underweight is the same problem as being overweight. With the question of how to quickly recover at home, girls need to seek advice from a nutritionist.


There are several main factors that lead to underweight:

  1. The problem of the gastrointestinal tract. Lack of appetite, food is poorly digested and absorbed, problems with stool and, as a result, the inability to gain the necessary kilograms. As a rule, specialists in such cases prescribe medications and diet to the patient.
  2. Curvature of the spinal column (in places where it comes into contact with the organs of the digestive tract). Doctors advise taking a course of massage and performing special physical exercises. Of course, it will not be possible to quickly get rid of the disease, but the condition will rapidly improve.
  3. Psychological health disorders. A girl may not have any physical health problems, but frequent stress, nervous exhaustion or depression can lead to a deterioration in appetite and refusal to eat. In such cases, the help of a psychologist is necessary. You also need to eat at least 3 times a day, gradually increasing portions.

The above problems are observed in most patients who cannot gain weight. But other factors can also cause the development of the disease:

  • fast metabolism;
  • excessive drinking or smoking;
  • drinking too much coffee per day;
  • unbalanced diet.

A girl should think about how to gain weight if her thinness negatively affects her health or appearance.

The following symptoms serve as a signal for immediate action:

  • constant feeling of fatigue, lack of vitality;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • dull skin color;
  • brittle hair and nails;
  • low level of immunity (and, as a rule, frequent colds).

Of course, the above symptoms may indicate the development of other ailments. But if your body weight is far from normal, then there is a high probability that this fact caused serious problems in the body.

Experts have outlined some simple tips for girls who want to gain weight correctly:

  1. You need to “load” your daily diet by 500 calories. Which, in turn, will help you gain up to a kilogram per week. This may seem like a small amount, but doctors say adding more calories will have a negative impact on your health.
  2. If you engage in intense physical activity, then you need to add the following number of calories to your daily diet: 500 + the amount that is burned during training.
  3. The basis is nutritious food that will saturate the body with both calories and micronutrients. Nutritionists warn: gaining weight on fast food alone is wrong and extremely harmful, as this is fraught with serious gastrointestinal diseases and obesity.
  4. Meal frequency. In order to recover quickly, you need to eat at least 6 times a day. Add nutritious snacks to your mandatory breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  5. The break between meals should be no more than 2-2.5 hours. The three main meals should be complete and contain protein and slow carbohydrates.
  6. Dishes containing meat and fish can be consumed 4-5 hours before bedtime so that the body has time to digest the food. In the evening, the body prepares for sleep, slows down all processes, including digestion, so late heavy dinners will not bring results.
  7. The last meal should not be a heavy dinner, but a light snack (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese) at least 2 hours before bedtime. This way, the gained kilograms will not turn into fat deposits, which are very difficult to get rid of.
  8. It is important to gain calories not from fast carbohydrates, but from slow ones. Each meal should have a different protein (plant and animal origin).
  9. You should exclude sweet soda from your diet and replace it with clean water (the recommended volume is at least 2 liters, which should be drunk gradually, no more than a glass at a time).
  10. It is necessary to limit the consumption of fried foods; meat and fish should be cooked in the oven, steamed or stewed.
  11. Dress salads with olive or flaxseed oil, but not with mayonnaise.

Important! Before you begin the process of rapid weight gain, you should consult with a dietitian who can help you determine your optimal body weight.

An important aspect in order to start getting better is to stimulate your appetite. Here are some tips to help curb hunger:

  1. Walking for 30-45 minutes before eating or any type of physical activity will tire the body to some extent and force you to eat more.
  2. It is known that your favorite dishes awaken your appetite, so preparing them often will help you eat more without harming your body.
  3. Prefer fresh foods seasoned with herbs and spices. The exception is seasonings that reduce hunger (for example, mint).
  4. An important rule is that you should not consume liquids and solid foods together. Since drinks fill the stomach faster, this feeling of fullness passes quickly.

Grocery list

In order to recover faster, a girl needs to follow the correct eating regimen and know the list of foods that will help her get better. Nutritionists say that better results can be achieved by eating more often (5-6 times a day), but in medium portions. The basis of the diet is cheese and dairy products, meat, fruits, vegetables, and cereals.

Priority is given to foods rich in proteins:

  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • white cheese (brynza, suluguni);
  • veal, chicken, turkey (low-fat meats);
  • fish - pink salmon, flounder, pollock, perch, hake (give preference to sea fish);
  • legumes

But don't forget about carbohydrates. They are found in large quantities in whole grain porridges: buckwheat, barley, unpolished rice, millet, bulgur, as well as in bread and pasta made from coarse varieties of wheat.

Homemade juices will help maintain vitamin balance in the body. More information on how to prepare carrot juice for the winter can be found in.

To gain weight, you need to give up fast carbohydrates contained in:

  • sweets and buns;
  • white rice;
  • flour and pasta products.

For fruits, it is better to give preference to bananas, persimmons, mangoes and apricots, and for vegetables - pumpkin, zucchini, and beets.

Important! Another product that helps you gain weight without harming your health is infant formula.

For skinny people who want to gain weight, a milkshake will be a useful and effective assistant. It can serve as a snack or as an addition to the main meal.

The oval of the face is formed by subcutaneous fatty tissue. Therefore, in order to gain weight in your face, you need to reduce your consumption of coffee, alcoholic beverages and quit smoking (as they have a detrimental effect on the structure of fiber).


Gradually increase the serving size and be sure to treat yourself to something tasty. Lunch should be the highest calorie meal, and breakfast should be hearty, but not heavy.

Anorexia has become a real “disease” of the 21st century. You can read more about the causes of the disease, as well as treatment methods, in.

An important rule is that you need to eat regularly. Experts do not advise eating “on the run,” even if you have very little time. It is better to have a meal in a calm environment, and then set aside time for a short rest (10-15 minutes).

  1. Main meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner
    What you can eat: whole grain porridge (optional) 100 g; protein food - it can be meat, fish or eggs (100 g); fiber (200 g) comes from vegetable salads (cucumber, tomato, lettuce, any cabbage, greens), and it is important to ensure that there is always twice as much salad as meat/fish.
  2. Snacks
    For girls who want to gain weight so that they don’t have a belly, as a snack you can eat: cottage cheese (100 g) with fruit (1 apple, banana, nuts, etc.), or it can be a bowl of soup with pieces of meat, with a boiled egg + a piece of whole grain bread; kefir; milkshakes. Nutritionists say that snacks are not the main meal and should be light.

Important! It is worth gradually increasing the amount of protein food in your diet; if you have not previously eaten such an amount of meat, then you should start with 50 g of meat per meal.

Sports loads

Changes in the figure depend on what kind of mass has been gained - fat or muscle. Do not forget that fat deposits most often form on the stomach and thighs. Therefore, during the process of gaining weight, it is important to devote time to physical activity, which will help convert the calories gained into muscle mass (in those parts of the body that bear the main load during training).

The main thing is moderate but regular strength exercises. Experts advise girls to go swimming, jogging, sign up for fitness classes, Pilates or the gym. The lesson should be at the beginner or amateur level (it all depends on your preparation).

Morning exercises or jogging will help maintain body tone throughout the day, and will also help awaken your appetite. And at the same time, the resulting calories are converted into muscle, and not into fat deposits.