Increased potassium and sodium. Danger for pregnant women. How to reduce potassium in the body

A deficiency or excess of certain vitamins or minerals in the human body can cause the development of various diseases. For example, daily norm potassium in the blood of an adult is from 3.5 to 5.5 mmol/l. If this indicator is overestimated, this indicates the development of hyperkalemia in a person. Therefore, today we will look at the questions about why potassium in the blood is elevated and what to do about it.

High potassium in the blood: causes

Many people after biochemical analysis blood, doctors say that their blood potassium is elevated. The causes of this disease, as a rule, cannot be increased consumption products with potassium digestive tract. Since when proper operation kidneys, this microelement is quickly eliminated from the body.

Therefore, if you elevated potassium in the blood, the main reasons lie in the breakdown of proteins, during which potassium is released from the cells, as well as in a decrease in potassium excretion by the kidneys during renal pathology of various types.

Another reason for high potassium levels in the blood is uncontrolled administration of potassium salts intravenously, self-administration of drugs with potassium. Also, potassium in the blood is often higher than normal in people who are on a diet high in this microelement.

So, if potassium in the blood of a child or adult is elevated, the reasons for the development of this disease may be the following:

  • Renal, adrenal insufficiency and other kidney diseases;
  • Pronounced catabolic processes (intracellular and intravascular hemolysis, protein breakdown, tissue reproduction);
  • Chronic uremia;
  • Acute dehydration;
  • Various injuries, severe burns, frostbite, surgical operations;
  • Taking potassium-sparing drugs (Triamterene, Spironoloctone);
  • Stress, depression, overexertion;
  • Oxygen starvation fabrics;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Anuria, oliguria, acidosis, rhabdomyolysis, low plasma insulin and other diseases during which potassium leaves the cells and increases its content in the intracellular fluid;
  • Diabetic coma.

As you can see, if potassium is elevated, there can be only two types of reasons: slow excretion of this microelement from the body due to impaired renal function and increased transition of potassium from the intracellular space to the extracellular space.

Increased potassium in the blood: symptoms

The beneficial properties of potassium mainly have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and muscle tissue. Therefore, with the development of hyperkalemia, the main symptoms, of course, are associated with the deterioration of the functioning of these organs.

An increase in potassium levels in the blood in children and adults is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Development of arrhythmia. This symptom indicates that potassium in the blood is higher than normal, as impulse generation is impaired;
  • Muscle weakness, loss of sensation and motor function;
  • The appearance of premature heart contractions;
  • Oppression respiratory center. The result is a frequency violation breathing movements, development of hypercapnia;
  • Violation blood pressure.

If your blood test shows elevated potassium, this will also affect the nervous system. A person whose blood potassium is elevated and higher than normal often feels the appearance of “goosebumps” on the body and becomes more restless.

It is especially important to monitor whether the child’s blood potassium is elevated. Since increased potassium in the blood in children may indicate the development of diabetes mellitus and kidney damage. Increased tearfulness, excitability, and the smell of acetone from orth are the main symptoms that potassium in the blood is higher than normal in children.

Note that increased potassium in the blood of a child or adult by several times can cause paralysis respiratory muscles and conduction disturbances nerve fibers hearts. This can cause the heart muscle to stop.

If you do not have the above symptoms, but the analysis shows a high content of potassium in the blood, then you should take the test again, and also seek qualified help from a doctor. Sometimes squeezing blood vessels by hand or long-term storage blood in the laboratory may erroneously show elevated potassium in a blood test.

Treatment of hyperkalemia

If you have high potassium levels in your blood, treatment should begin immediately and only under the supervision of a qualified professional. medical worker. First you need to carry out an accurate and full diagnostics. To do this, you need to take a blood and urine test for potassium, determine the content of aldosterone and renin in the blood serum. It is also important to do an ECG. Since if potassium in the blood is increased, the electrocardiogram changes significantly. The P-R and QRS intervals become longer and a pointed T wave appears.

Treatment of hyperkalemia is carried out using several methods:

  • Stopping or reducing the dosage of medications, supplements, vitamin complexes containing potassium;
  • Intravenous administration of drugs that reduce the amount of potassium in the body. These can be preparations with calcium, a special resin. It is not absorbed into digestive system, absorbing potassium, it removes it through the stomach;
  • In some cases, injections of glucose and insulin are prescribed to help move potassium into the cells;
  • Bleeding. Most often prescribed for chronic uremia;
  • Hemodialysis is used for renal failure, because the kidneys cannot cope with their main function. Hemodialysis is a method of treating high levels of potassium in the blood, which is the artificial removal of waste products from the blood;
  • Taking diuretics, diuretics. It's pretty effective method treatment of increased potassium in the blood. The drugs are taken orally or intravenously.

If you have high blood potassium, diet is another method of treating hyperkalemia. It is important to limit the intake of potassium salts from food through the digestive tract. Therefore, you should change your diet, exclude from it legume products, dark chocolate, spinach, cabbage, fillet marine species fish, banana, kiwi, melon, grapes and citrus fruit. Maximum daily dose potassium for hyperkalemia should be no more than 2 grams.

Potassium levels in the blood exceeding 5.3 mmol/l are dangerous condition for the human body.

This violation is called hyperkalemia. The diagnosis is made to a tenth of patients who were hospitalized in hospitals in medical institutions in serious and extremely serious condition.

Increased potassium in the blood: what does it mean and why is it dangerous? high rate in plasma serum, what are the reasons?

Development of diseases of the urinary system (oliguria, anuria), changes in work nervous system, disruption of synaptic mechanisms, acute renal or liver failure, general intoxication body, changes in water-salt balance (dehydration) are common causes of intracellular ion imbalance.

Increased potassium levels in the blood, what does this mean, what are the reasons, and how dangerous is it for the life and health of the patient? It is difficult to underestimate the importance of this ion. 89% of potassium is located inside the cell membrane, and only the remaining 11% is outside its walls. Therefore, the slightest change in the balance of the ion affects literally all human organs.


There are false and true increases in potassium. With a false increase in the element, pseudopathological results may be a consequence incorrect procedure blood sampling. The reasons for a false positive result of a biochemical blood test are considered to be:

  • Clamping the shoulder with a tourniquet for more than 3 minutes;
  • Taking biomaterial while the patient is taking potassium supplements;
  • Violation of blood storage techniques (temperature conditions are not maintained);
  • Increased concentration of platelets and leukocytes in the blood;
  • Injured vein tissue;
  • Hereditary pathology.

Repeated blood sampling is almost always prescribed after some time to accurately establish the diagnosis.

Worth knowing! When repeated laboratory research The doctor should warn you about the need to follow a special diet. You cannot eat nuts, bananas, potatoes, beans, soybeans, buckwheat, grapes, melon, cocoa, and sweets.

The real reasons

The real reasons are often related to complex pathology internal organs : liver, kidneys, heart, pancreas, thyroid gland. There are also a number external factors, which can cause a temporary change in potassium concentration:

  • Regular intake: dried fruits, cauliflower, mushrooms, nuts, bananas. If the functional characteristics of the kidneys are impaired, the concentration of the ion in the blood increases, since the required amount of potassium is not excreted along with the urethra. Additionally, tests and studies of the kidneys are prescribed, urinary system;
  • Low insulin level. The removal of internal ions from cells is characterized by a simultaneous change biochemical composition blood (potassium levels increase). An increase in glucose concentration occurs against the background of a decrease in insulin, a parallel process occurs - acidosis (oxidation intercellular fluid). A decrease in insulin can be triggered by extensive thermal burns of the skin, tumors (malignant), damage to muscle fibers;
  • Low urethral output. Kidney failure is most often the cause of this process. Lack of excretory function is accompanied by increased risk development of pathology of adrenal insufficiency. Amyloidosis, lupus erythematosus, diabetes, and NSAIDs are also common causes of the disorder;
  • Alcohol intoxication provokes an increase in the amount of potassium. In the process of increasing the production of hormones by the liver, ions are released and removed from cell membranes;
  • Tuberculosis and Addison's disease are also common cause this pathology;
  • Kidney and liver failure;
  • Use potassium-containing diuretics. Medicines with increased content potassium (Spironoloctone, Triamterene, preparations based on dandelion, milkweed and nettle) disrupt its transport through cells. Risk groups include Mannitol, beta blockers, heparin, antifungal medications, and cardiac glycosides. Before taking the test, it is recommended to stop taking any medications and report such features to your doctor. It is also extremely important to remember correct intake such drugs, since an overdose can provoke irreversible processes in internal organs.

The reasons for the increase in potassium in the blood in the body in women and men differ from the pathogenesis of changes in the ion in a child. Children's altered indicators differ from adults due to uneven growth of organs. :

  • Infant (0-5 days): 3.7-5.9 mmol/L;
  • Infant (5 days - 3 years): 4.1-5.3 mmol/l;
  • Children under 14 years of age: 3.4-4.7 mmol/l.

It is important to know! The first manifestations of a disorder in a child may be: increased tearfulness, irritability, decreased concentration, characteristic sweetish smell from the mouth (acetone), nausea and loss of appetite.

Increased potassium content in the blood of an adult, its norm, causes and symptoms depend on age, concomitant diseases and major chronic diseases.

Component concentration over 7 mmol/l leads to complex disorders of muscle tone, changes in reaction, inhibition and disorientation occur.

Excess potassium in the blood of an adult: what it means, causes and characteristic symptoms

Often diagnosed in acute emergency conditions who often need in emergency hospitalization(readings above 7 mmol/l). Clinical symptoms of this process are initially mild: weakness in the muscles of the legs and arms, fatigue, apathy, loss of strength and loss of appetite, drowsiness and increased heart rate. Elderly people confuse such manifestations with high blood pressure, thereby bringing their body to a dangerous state.

The next stage is accompanied by the inability to move independently, numbness of the lower and upper limbs, lethargy, change in reaction to painful sensations from the outside (weak or absent reaction to an injection, piercing skin, pinching). Mental activity is suppressed.

With indicators 8 mmol/l there is a disturbance of consciousness, a change in the functioning of the heart, sharp jumps blood pressure, tachycardia and shortness of breath. Symptoms of cardiac muscle dysfunction are observed (increased heart rate up to 250 beats, asystole, fibrillation), which often lead to coma and death.

ATTENTION! A potassium concentration in the blood of 10 mmol/l is considered critical for human life. At this stage, mortality occurs in 85% of cases. The most common causes of death are cardiac arrest.

This video explains how much potassium a person needs and what are the symptoms of its increase:


What is the normal level of potassium in the blood serum, and what to do if the analysis is significantly higher than normal, when and how can an increase in ion concentration be diagnosed? Diagnostic methods identifying the disease is comprehensive study biomaterial (blood plasma), which is taken on an empty stomach in the morning. Also to diagnostic measures relate:

  • Blood analysis. The norm is 3.3-5.3 mmol/l for an adult. Indicators exceeding the norm are considered a factor that requires repeated blood plasma testing. A preliminary diagnosis of hyperkalemia is made;
  • Determination of potassium in urine in case of dysfunction of the kidneys and urinary system (pyelonephritis, atrophy, necrosis) will be above 30 mmol/l;
  • ECG. Shows a change in the amplitude of the T wave, ACS of the heart with the formation of sinusoidal matter on the film;
  • An express test is carried out in case of a serious excess of the indicator (above 7 mmol/l), the amount of cations in the plasma is determined.

Treatment methods

What is he talking about? increased rate potassium in the blood can tell only the attending physician(therapist). If the indicator is significantly higher than normal, this is always a direct indication for urgent hospitalization; self-medication is inappropriate here.

With pronounced hyperkalemia, accompanied by impaired renal function, the doctor may decide to perform hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. If the indicators are above normal and time for therapeutic treatment no, bloodletting is performed. Anabolic agents are used to limit catabolic processes in the body.

If the analysis shows non-critical data ( up to 6 mmol/l), and the functions of the kidneys and liver are preserved, they are carried out therapeutic measures, which are aimed at increasing diuresis: introducing additional amounts of insulin with glucose.

At the same time, measures are being taken to increase intravenous fluid (droppers of calcium chloride).

Since with this pathology there is a violation of the water-salt balance, it is important to limit the intake of salt from the outside (food, drink).

Important to remember! Self-medication at home, without constant monitoring tests is detrimental to the life of the patient. Self-medication can lead to irreversible processes: respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest, liver cell atrophy and kidney dysfunction.

An important step in the treatment process is proper nutrition and special diet aimed at reducing the consumption of salts and prohibited foods:

  • Olives, black olives;
  • Potato;
  • Banana;
  • Nuts;
  • Legumes;
  • Sauerkraut and cauliflower;
  • Fatty fish;
  • Pork meat;
  • Liver;
  • Parsley;
  • Tuna;
  • Carrot;
  • Yeast;
  • Raisins, almonds and dried fruits.

The normal level of potassium in the blood is the key to not only excellent health, but also good health. It is important to monitor all indicators and seek treatment at the first symptoms. professional help doctor Self-medication can only cause harm.

In contact with

Potassium in the blood

Potassium is one of the most necessary substances in the human body. This is due to the fact that it is involved in many biochemical processes. Potassium, together with other chemical elements, regulates the acid-base balance and has a direct effect on the functioning of the nervous and muscular system. The average adult has about 170 grams of this substance in the body. Potassium is an intracellular chemical element. Normally, in an adult, the level of this substance in the blood is 3.5-5.0 mmol/l. A decrease in this indicator is called hypokalemia, and an increase is called hyperkalemia.

The role of potassium in the human body

  1. Adjustment acid-base balance blood, participation in water-salt balance and ensuring osmotic pressure inside the cell.
  2. Activation and transfer nerve impulses. Potassium promotes action potentials and muscle contractions.
  3. Activation metabolic processes in organism. Potassium promotes the activation of carbohydrate and protein metabolism, as well as some enzymes.
  4. Promotes protein synthesis and regulates the process of converting glucose into glycogen.
  5. Participates in the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and urinary systems.

Daily value of potassium

The value of this indicator directly depends on the person’s weight, age and occupation. For the normal functioning of all organs and systems, an adult over 18 years of age should consume about 2-3 grams of potassium per day. There is a special formula that determines the minimum daily requirement in a chemical element. The number of life years is added to the minimum value of 2000 mg. For example, a 25-year-old boy needs to consume 2000+25=2025 mg of potassium per day.

Athletes and people working in harsh conditions labor should consume from 3 to 5 grams of this substance. In children, this indicator is significantly different. For clarity, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the daily norms of potassium consumption in the table.

False Positives

False Positives

Before interpreting the results of the study, it is necessary to be aware of the existence of false positive results. Thus, increases in a chemical element can be true or false. The latter occur when the technique of collecting blood from the patient is not followed, these include:

  • applying a tourniquet to long time and blood injection during biomaterial collection;
  • conducting research on individuals who are last week were treated with potassium supplements;
  • an increase in blood viscosity, which occurs due to an increase in the number of platelets and leukocytes;
  • trauma to the vein before and during blood sampling;
  • hereditary diseases characterized by an increase in the level of this element in the blood;
  • non-compliance with the rules for storing biomaterial (violation of temperature conditions).

To exclude false positive result The attending physician prescribes a repeat examination for the patient. Before repeat blood test medical staff talks about the need to follow a special diet. On the eve of the blood test, the patient is prohibited from eating potatoes, nuts, grapes, legumes, bananas and sweets.

What to do if there is high potassium in the blood?

An increase in the level of the substance cation to 7 mmol/l occurs in life-threatening conditions. If a person has such indicators, then he is subject to immediate hospitalization. IN initial stage development of the process, an increase in potassium levels is very often confused with symptoms of high blood pressure. In the initial stage, people complain about muscle weakness, fatigue, apathy and increased heart rate.

If treatment is not started at the initial stage, then the person’s mental activity is depressed. When hyperkalemia is more than 8 mmol/l, a person experiences confusion, sharp drop blood pressure and heart rhythm disturbances. The heart rate can reach 250 beats per minute. This phenomenon can cause death.

Main causes of high potassium

Hyperkalemia occurs as a result of serious pathological processes in internal organs (heart, liver, kidneys) and glands internal secretion(thyroid and pancreas). In addition, there are many more external reasons, which can lead to an increase in the concentration of the substance in the blood plasma.

Reasons that lead to increased potassium levels:

  • Diet. A person regularly eats foods high in potassium, such as bananas, raisins, mushrooms, and dried fruits. IN in this case we're talking about about excess nutritional intake of a chemical element. An increase in potassium occurs due to a disruption in the normal functioning of the organs of the urinary system. It is not excreted from the body required amount substances. To confirm renal pathology, patients are additionally prescribed tests to examine the urinary system.
  • Decreased insulin levels. This condition is characterized by acidosis, in which potassium is released into the extracellular fluid. A decrease in insulin occurs with a simultaneous increase in sugar levels. These conditions occur when diabetes mellitus, malignant neoplasms, extensive thermal burns and massive damage to muscle fibers.
  • Alcohol poisoning. As a result of intoxication, the liver begins to produce increased amount hormones and thereby triggers the process of transfer of potassium from the cell to the extracellular space.
  • Taking some medicines. Very often, hyperkalemia occurs due to uncontrolled use of diuretics. Diuretics disrupt the transport of potassium across the cell membrane. An increase in the concentration of this substance can occur with drugs such as: antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants, beta blockers, antifungal and cardiac glycosides. If the patient is taking any medications, he is mandatory must report this to the attending physician.
  • Kidney and liver failure.
  • Acute dehydration.
  • Hormonal disorders.

What foods contain potassium?

Most of this mineral is found in honey. Slightly less of this substance is found in nuts and dried fruits. In food plant origin may contain from 150 to 500 mg of potassium per 100 grams of product. High levels of this substance are found in spinach, potatoes, carrots, beets, garlic, bananas, apples, apricots, persimmons, grapes and oranges. In mushrooms, the amount of potassium can be about 500 mg per 100 grams of product.

Foods of animal origin, compared to plant foods, contain a smaller amount of this substance, approximately 250 mg per 100 grams of product. The leaders in potassium content are chicken, lamb and beef

Treatment of hyperkalemia

If a high concentration of a substance is detected in the blood, the patient must be immediately hospitalized in a hospital. First of all, the doctor tries to conduct a complete diagnosis of the patient in order to find out the root cause of this phenomenon. Treatment must begin simultaneously with diagnostics. The principle of treatment depends on the level of the chemical element in the blood and the results of the electrocardiogram.

Principles of treatment of hyperkalemia:

  1. Complete abolition of vitamin-mineral complexes, medications and supplements that contain potassium.
  2. Next, drugs are administered that reduce the amount of the chemical element in the body: a special resin and drugs containing calcium.
  3. Prescribing laxatives. They lead to retention of potassium cation in the intestine with subsequent excretion in the feces.
  4. To move potassium from intercellular space Insulin is reintroduced into the cell.
  5. If the patient has chronic uremia, they can use the bloodletting method.
  6. Thiazide diuretics are widely used to correct the condition. They allow you to quickly and effectively reduce blood levels. Diuretics can be used in tablet and injection form.
  7. IN as a last resort Dialysis may be required.
  8. Beta-adrenergic agonists normalize the acid-base state and reduce the manifestations of acidosis in the body.
  9. Potassium antagonists are administered under the control of a cardiograph.

In order to finally cure the patient, the doctor must find out the reason why the increase in potassium in the blood occurred. Only after elimination etiological factors and correction of the condition the person will be healthy. Doctor in addition to appointment drug treatment appoints special diet with the exception of products that contain high concentration element.

There are other causes of elevated potassium levels, but these two are the most common. Treatment for high potassium levels is usually done by increasing potassium excretion through urine.

Get an electrocardiogram. Because high potassium levels can be extremely dangerous for the heart (and heart problems are often what reveal this condition), your doctor may order an electrocardiogram. An electrocardiogram is medical examination, at which the heart rate is assessed and heartbeat. This examination it is necessary to go through as quickly as possible, especially if the potassium level is significantly exceeded.

Together with your doctor, carefully review the list of medications you are taking. You may be taking a prescription drug medicine which leads to hyperkalemia, or high content potassium The doctor may change the drug or lower the dose. In addition, your doctor may recommend that you stop taking any potassium supplements or multivitamin complexes which contain potassium.

Take the necessary injections as prescribed by your doctor. If the level of potassium in the body is significantly exceeded, the doctor may prescribe more aggressive treatment, which includes intravenous administration various drugs in the form of droppers.

  • Your doctor will likely prescribe intravenous calcium. Typically, the dosage is 500-3000 mg (10-20 ml) at a time, from 0.2 to 2 ml per minute.
  • Your doctor may also recommend taking a special resin that helps remove excess potassium through the intestines. The usual dose is 50 grams, taken orally or administered with 30 ml of sorbitol.
  • If the doctor deems it necessary, he may prescribe injections of insulin and/or glucose to move potassium into the body's cells where it belongs. The usual dose of insulin is 10 units per IV; the usual dose of glucose 50% (D50W) is 50 ml (25 grams). They are administered as 1 ampoule per IV over 5 minutes, onset in 15–30 minutes or 2–6 hours.
  • Ask your doctor about taking diuretics. Sometimes diuretics or diuretics are used to remove excess potassium through urination. Diuretics are taken orally at a dosage of 0.5-2 mg 1-2 times a day, or intravenously at a dosage of 0.5-1 mg. If necessary, after 2-3 hours the doctor may prescribe up to 2 more doses of the drug.

    • Please note that this treatment may not be sufficient to treat emergency cases, although in moderate high level potassium this method will be effective.
  • Hemodialysis. In case of renal failure or significant elevated level hemodialysis may help potassium. Hemodialysis is a process of artificial removal of waste products from the blood, which is used in cases where the kidneys cannot cope with their task.

    Continue to see your doctor after completing treatment. After undergoing appropriate treatment for hyperkalemia, it is extremely important to monitor your potassium levels to ensure they remain within normal limits. Typically, after treatment for hyperkalemia, patients remain in the hospital for short term, where they are connected to a “cardiac monitor” (a device that monitors the heart). The doctor may monitor the patient's condition in other ways. When the condition is stable and does not cause concern, the patient is sent home.

    My analysis twice showed increased potassium -5.40, with the permissible norm being 5.30. How can I lower it to this level. Regards, Mikhail. Answers:

    Answer! Remove everything green from your diet, including vegetables and fruits!

    Dear Mikhail!
    The most common reason for such deviations from the recommended norm is the use of medications, for example, potassium diuretics and some other drugs.
    Therefore, you need to adjust the dose of medications you take (if you are taking anything).
    An increase in blood potassium can be triggered by certain foods.
    In addition, there are a number of diseases accompanied by an increase in potassium levels. As a rule, in this case there are additional symptoms, about which you do not mention anything and then additional examination is recommended.
    In all cases, it is necessary to look for the cause and monitor the dynamics of potassium levels in the blood.
    Why homeopathy is useful in your case - individually selected homeopathic medicine restores the disturbed balance, affecting the cause of its occurrence gently and harmlessly.
    Sincerely, homeopath Elena Matyash.

    HOMEOPATHY treats correctly, safely and reliably, without side effects and complications.

    Kind of activity: Alternative medicine, Doctors
    Correct in the second line - potassium diuretics to potassium-sparing diuretics.

    Doctor - Naturopath, Chinese medicine, psychologist, (oncologist). Manual therapy.

    Type of activity: Alternative medicine, Doctors, Nutritionists
    Potassium - chemical element Group I with atomic number 19 in the periodic table. Denoted by the symbol K (Latin Kalium), the name comes from the Latin. kalium, or English. potash - potash. Discovered and first highlighted in pure form G. Davy in 1807 (England).

    Potassium is a silvery-white soft metal and belongs to the family of monovalent alkali metals. Two isotopes of potassium are known: 39K and 41K.

    In nature, potassium is found only in compounds with other elements. For example, in sea ​​water, as well as in many minerals. It oxidizes very quickly in air and very easily enters chemical reactions, especially with water, forming an alkali. In many respects, the chemical properties of potassium are very similar to sodium, but in terms of biological function and use by the cells of living organisms, they are different.

    Potassium is found in all plants, especially fruits. Natural source potassium are mineral salts.

    Potassium is mainly found in plant foods.
    Potatoes (429 mg/100 g), bread (240 mg/100 g), watermelon, and melon contain a lot of potassium. Legumes have a significant potassium content: soybeans (1796 mg/100 g), beans (1061 mg/100 g), peas (900 mg/100 g). Cereals contain a lot of potassium: oatmeal, millet, etc. Vegetables are a significant source of potassium: cabbage (148 mg/100 g), carrots (129 mg/100 g), beets (155 mg/100 g), as well as animal products; milk (127 mg/100 g), beef (241 mg/100 g), fish (162 mg/100 g). There is also quite a lot of potassium in apples, grapes, citrus fruits, kiwi, bananas, avocados, dried fruits, and tea.

    It must be remembered that foods rich in potassium (nuts, bananas, potatoes, carrots, apricots) cause increased excretion sodium, and vice versa. With the primary consumption of animal products, a person receives a balanced amount of sodium and potassium. When eating plant foods, rich in potassium, additional sodium intake is necessary.

    An increase in potassium levels in the body may result from accidental poisoning with potassium compounds. The toxicity of potassium salts is determined, as a rule, by the toxicity of their anions, such as arsenite, chromate, and fluoride.

    Accurate data on the toxicity of KCl to humans are not available. Mechanism toxic effect KCl at injection sites is primarily due to high osmotic pressure. As a result, there is an intensive flow of water from surrounding tissues, leading to their dehydration and disruption physiological functions cells.

    Excessive intake of K+ ions causes overload of the corresponding homeostasis systems and disruption of metabolic processes. In the epithelium gastrointestinal tract And renal tubules inflammation develops, often leading to tissue necrosis.

    A constant excess of potassium and sodium causes a slight increase in insulin levels in the blood. Other hormonal changes are also noted.
    People with excess potassium are usually easily excitable, impressionable, hyperactive, and suffer from increased sweating, frequent urination.
    The accumulation of potassium in the blood, hyperkalemia (at concentrations above 0.06%) leads to severe poisoning accompanied by paralysis skeletal muscles; When the concentration of potassium in the blood exceeds 0.1%, death occurs. Long-term constant use potassium medicinal drugs may cause a weakening of the contractile activity of the heart muscle, therefore, in such cases, potassium supplements are prescribed sodium drugs. Acidosis contributes to the development of hyperkalemia.
    The main causes of excess potassium:
    Excessive intake (including long-term and excessive intake of potassium supplements, consumption of “bitters” mineral waters, constant potato diet, etc.).
    Dysregulation of potassium metabolism.
    Redistribution of potassium between body tissues.
    Massive release of potassium from cells (cytolysis, hemolysis, tissue crush syndrome).
    Dysfunction of the sympathoadrenal system.
    Insulin deficiency conditions.
    Renal dysfunction, renal failure.

    Coaching. Coach, health worker, yoga trainer. Family, relationships

    Type of activity: Alternative medicine, Psychologists, Personal trainers and coaches
    There are new ones good techniques for treatment. Contact us. I will help you.

    Body support medicinal herbs.

    Type of activity: Alternative medicine, Doctors, Nutritionists
    A slight increase in indicators may be part of the norm for a particular person. Each person has their own “norm”. The limits are taken for relatively healthy people according to their indicators. This suggests that for many “healthy” people this figure did not exceed 5.30. And in many patients it exceeded.

    As a rule, you also need to look at your state of health. If you feel healthy and your reading is 1 tenth higher, you may not need to worry for now.

    Also, as my colleagues correctly said, you need to check and, if possible, adjust your medications with your doctor. which could lead to this.

    I am a supporter of treatment not with pills, but with medicinal plants. Containing huge stock active substances in a minimum concentration, they DO NOT “INCREASE” OR “DECREASE” anything, but help the body function normally and restore its own regulation of biochemical processes.

    As soon as you start taking pills to “REDUCE” potassium, you will have other problems, then you will “REGULATE” these problems with pills. This vicious circle leading to deterioration of all systems.

    If there is a problem that manifests itself with some kind of symptoms, it is necessary to make a proper diagnosis and then treat the problem with medicinal herbs, and not the consequence.

    Cleansing the body, constipation, diet, colon therapy,

    Type of activity: Alternative medicine, Nutritionists, Physiotherapists
    HELLO, Mikhail!
    Firstly, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that any treatment must begin with cleansing. We must look for the root of the disease, and not on symptoms. In addition, analyzes in most cases do not provide a complete and correct picture.
    Secondly, taking herbs and dietary supplements and homeopathy is many times more effective after the intestinal walls are cleared of a layer of putrefactive scale and fecal stones
    It is also necessary to establish nutrition. This is where all the problems begin
    Symptoms of a weakened immune system are very often associated with sludge in the body, chronic fatigue, lack of vitamins, frequent infectious diseases and other relatively easily solved problems
    Thirdly, a complete cleansing of the body, including cleansing the intestines, liver, kidneys, lymph will also help from other
    symptoms, because they are very often associated with slagging in the body
    Fourthly, hair analysis allows you to determine what vitamins and minerals you personally lack, what organs are weakened, what food you are allergic to - I highly recommend it for various neglected and chronic diseases. If you send us 20 hairs in an envelope (up to 2cm long) to the address 5 בני ברק, you can get the result within 10 days. Before sending, call me 0502-951058.
    In order for me to help you, additional information about your health is required.
    Sincerely, Shoshana Kandel