The Garden of Eden is an oriental medicine that gives the joy of life. Chinese preparations from the Garden of Eden

Moringa (Moringa lea ves) tablets 60 pcs


Moringa is effective in the treatment of:

"The plant has strong antibacterial and anti-viral properties, is rich in chloroform, and is a natural multi-vitamin and multi-mineral," says Dr. Bensimon.

It is estimated that dried moringa leaves contain:

  • V 17 times more calcium than in milk
  • 7 times more vitamin C than in oranges
  • 4-10 times more vitamin A than in carrots
  • 15 times more potassium than in bananas
  • 25 times more gland than in spinach
  • 36 times more magnesium * than in eggs

1. Improves eyesight,

2. Strengthens bones, immunity,

3. Treats anemia,

4. Contains a large amount of vitamins, especially A, C, potassium, calcium, amino acids and antioxidants.

5. Helps with stress,

6. Increases endurance,

7. Stimulates metabolism,

8. Rich source of fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals.

9. Even a small serving of five grams provides 2.4 grams of fiber (10% of an adult's recommended daily intake). Fiber plays an essential role in health and weight. Since soluble fiber does not break down and absorbs water, it increases the volume of the diet and makes us feel full for longer. Foods high in fiber, therefore, are a great way to control appetite and reduce overall calorie intake.

10. 100 g of powder contains: -95 mg of calcium (14% of the daily requirement). Calcium plays an important role in many bodily functions, including muscle contraction, blood clotting, transmission of information through the nervous system, development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth.-5 mg vitamin E (166% DV for women, 125% DV for men) . Vitamin E is an antioxidant and supports cellular structure by protecting cell membranes from free radical damage. -300 mg Vitamin A (retinol equivalent) (50% DV for women, 43% DV for men). Vitamin A is essential for vision, normal functioning of the immune system and healthy skin. Moringa leaf powder is also high in protein, 23 g per 100 g of powder. It contains all eight essential amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. Essential amino acids cannot be produced in the body and must be obtained from our food.

Moringa powder is essential For: athletes, bodybuilders, people involved in sports, expecting and nursing mothers, growing children and chronically ill people!

Life ... You see how beautiful it is and how insidious: everything does not turn out the way you want. It seems that you are doing everything right, but it doesn’t work out, you trust, but they deceive you, you sincerely believe, but you are let down ... So, you must first of all rely on yourself and be prepared for any surprises.

This means that in overcoming the disease, one must rely primarily on oneself, on one's body and on Chinese preparations from the Garden of Eden. We must trust them! For here now - the amazing fields of this huge Force, which I once called truly Forces (it really is!), literally permeate all cells, all organs and tissues of your body, forcing them to enter into a state of health and battle with the disease.

Today is our next session with you. By this session, your body has already become stronger. The defense mechanisms that are given to him by Nature, evolution, and the defense mechanisms that we have already formed over the course of many, many series, must work in it.

And when a person sitting next to you loses cancer in a few sessions or over several series, and this process drags on for you, it means that you need to take a closer look at yourself, at your life. And you will understand that something is not quite right in your life ... and you need to talk, talk to yourself. If it is difficult for you to do this, then you need to open yourself before this huge Power that enters you. So, you need to open up to the Doctor, to reveal to him those hidden corners of your Soul that have disturbed you all your life, causing the disease to progress. This applies not only to cancer, but also to any serious illness. Indeed, in this hall there is no hypnosis or suggestion, because here are strong people who cannot be persuaded just like that, you know that. And how can you inspire health? I don't know...

Oriental medicine has proven its value through thousands of years of practice. During this time, Eastern healers have accumulated vast experience in the successful treatment of human ailments, collected and streamlined vast knowledge about the healing features of the living and inanimate nature that surrounds us.

Medicinal recipes of traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine include only natural ingredients. This makes it possible to eliminate a lot of harmful side effects that modern chemicals “sin” that are used without alternative by Western medicine and fill drugstores in abundance.

It is widely known that Eastern medicine is able to cope with individual diseases where Western medicine has so far remained practically powerless. Moreover, Chinese dietary supplements are able to have an effective preventive effect. They can be taken for a long period of time, which is completely safe for the body due to the absence of side effects.

It is worth noting that prevention is one of the main principles of traditional Chinese medicine. Agree, treating a disease is much more problematic than maintaining and maintaining health. To enjoy life, to be healthy and resistant to external manifestations, it is necessary to maintain a balance of vital forces. The Chinese believe that the human body is a single, integral system. And even more - a person is closely connected with nature and, therefore, can get from the world around him everything necessary to restore health and balance in life.

Of course, the quality of the drugs themselves plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of diseases. In this regard, the store of dietary supplements and Chinese medicines "Garden of Eden" has a clear advantage, as it is based in Vladivostok and cooperates directly with trusted and reliable Chinese manufacturers.

The Garden of Eden store offers a large selection of Chinese dietary supplements and drugs for the treatment of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and digestive systems, to strengthen immunity and improve metabolic processes, to treat internal organs and increase potency. In addition, you can buy famous Chinese teas in the store. It is not at all necessary to go to Vladivostok for medicines and dietary supplements, to buy the best
dietary supplements in St. Petersburg will not be a problem. By entrusting your health to oriental medicine, you will find a source of vitality and restore harmony with the world.