Feng Shui of the entrance door to the house. Door facing east. Door facing southwest

According to Feng Shui, the front door is of fundamental importance: the quality of the Qi energy entering the house will be determined precisely by the location of the door.

If the basic requirements of Feng Shui are not met, the home will be filled with negative energy from the moment of construction, which will then be difficult to get rid of. If you are building a house, take into account the specific requirements of Feng Shui right away, then it will be much easier to furnish the house and fill it with positivity.

The main door through which people enter the building should be massive, large, and the more solid the better. This is required in order to bring good luck to the one who brings the main money into the house - the breadwinner. And if the owner is lucky and rich, the rest of the household will not tolerate need.

Poorly placed doors

If there is a vertical line running along the main door and window, this is not good from a Feng Shui point of view. Favorable Qi energy and good luck will not like this building. The same can be said about cases when the entrance and interior doors are located opposite each other.

To mitigate the negative effect, place a screen, a light partition, or any other obstacle in the path of the direct flow of energy - this will allow it to slow down, smoothly flow around the obstacle, and become more favorable. The unfortunate placement of a door opposite a window or opposite another door can also be corrected by bells (wind chimes).

And yet, such means of energy correction of the apartment do not eliminate the adverse consequences, but only mitigate them.

When windows and interior doors are on a wall that is perpendicular to the front door, the Feng Shui of the apartment is much better. The Qi energy will settle and spread smoothly throughout your home.

Avoid installing large floor-to-ceiling windows in the hallway - in the Feng Shui configuration they will be recognized as doors, and there is nothing worse than doors in the same wall as the main entrance to the home.

Where is the entrance directed?

The entrance to the home should not be directed towards objects with strong Yin energy (church, prison, cemetery, hospital, monastery). You can neutralize the negative by painting the outside of the door with red paint. You should not direct the entrance towards road junctions - this leads to discord in the family.

It’s bad when there is a hill or mountain opposite the entrance to your home. This doesn’t particularly concern those living in an apartment, but for a home it is of great importance. It is better to change the location of the front door so that there is a plain opposite it. Do not arrange a garbage dump in front of the main door - this entails various problems in career and financial matters.

How to paint a door?

According to Feng Shui, the front door is associated in color with the direction it faces. Find out the direction of the world in which the entrance to your house faces, and choose a suitable color for it.

The element of the east is traditionally wood. If the sun rises in front of your door, it is better to choose green and brown colors for it, and since the nourishing elements for wood are earth and water, use their colors to create excellent feng shui.

The south corresponds to the element of fire, and the best color is, of course, red. Other suitable colors for the fire element are yellow, orange, pink and purple. Fire feeds on wood, which means brown and green are also suitable.

The best colors for a western door are metal colors, white and gray, while earth colors can be used, but fire and water colors, which weaken the metal, should be avoided.

North is the direction of the water, so choose black and blue for the door. If these colors do not match the exterior of the house, you can paint the front door white or gray, because metal is food for the water element. Do not paint the north door in the colors of wood and fire - wood feeds on water, and fire devours it.

Intermediate sectors also have color recommendations: southeast - black and blue, southwest - yellow, sand, beige, red, purple, orange. But when choosing a color, also consider your attitude towards it: if for some reason you personally don’t like a color that is suitable according to the teachings of Feng Shui, causing hostility and rejection, you should not force yourself and blindly follow the recommendations. First of all, you should feel comfortable in the house.

For a northwestern door, the colors of the west will be good, because the main element of the northwest is metal. However, using northern colors is not prohibited.

The Northeast is a place of development and spiritual growth. This is the kingdom of Earth. Use the colors of earth and fire, but beware of weakening colors - green, white, gray, blue, black.

Mirrors and doors

The location of various objects in relation to the front door is of great importance. Luck will run away from apartment residents if their front door can be seen in the mirror, for example.

Entrance doors located opposite the window will not be able to retain positive energy in the house; it enters the doors and goes out the window (sometimes vice versa). When buying an apartment, this is why you should pay attention to the relative position of the front door relative to the windows.

It is also impossible (according to some experts) to hang a clock on the wall in which the entrance and interior doors are located. The clock can stop or fall off the wall from constantly slamming doors - this is true. It will also not be very convenient to look at the clock above the door to the apartment.

The subconscious feeling that you need to go somewhere, or that someone is about to come, does not contribute to mental health at all.

But stories that watches are of great importance in Feng Shui and are interconnected with the location of the door are stories that should not be believed.

Taking into account all the nuances and requirements of Feng Shui, you can ensure your luck and material wealth forever.

How to effectively correct defects?

Defects associated with the position of the front door, interior doors and windows should be taken into account during construction, because correcting them is virtually impossible or very difficult to achieve in practice. If you live in an apartment, just use bells, lanterns, screens and other Feng Shui paraphernalia, which helps smooth out the consequences of violations and retain positive energy in the house, without blocking the free exit of negative energy.

Feng Shui, gives clear recommendations regarding placement front door and pays great attention to this issue. This is connected, not with a whim, but with real practice, showing the importance of the front door in a favorable Feng Shui at home or apartments. Many Feng Shui Masters They believe that the creation of harmonious Feng Shui in a house should begin with the front door, with an analysis of its location and the location of all other interior elements in the house relative to the front door.

Let's look at unfavorable examples of the location of the front door and the general layout of a house or apartment.

In the layouts of old Soviet apartments, there is often a bathroom or toilet opposite the front door, and in three or four room apartments there is also a long corridor between them. A toilet or bathroom should never be located opposite the front door. The flow of beneficial energy, entering the house, immediately goes into the toilet, and in the case of a long corridor, without even slowing down the Qi, it instantly evaporates. If this happens, and you live in such an apartment, keep the door to the toilet closed, and install a barrier in the corridor - a light screen. If the toilet is opposite, but not in line with front door, then just hang a mirror on the toilet; such manipulation will rid the apartment’s Feng Shui of its influence. In houses with several floors, toilets and bathrooms should not be located on the floors directly above the front door.

Implies - The wall on which the front door faces should not have windows, it is advisable to place them on the left or right walls from it. To smooth out this arrangement, the window can be made blank, flowers can be placed on the windowsill, and the Crystal Talisman can be hung on the window. Along with windows, the rear doors of houses also fall under this location rule - it is not advisable for them to be located opposite the front door.

In large houses or estates, there is a fashion for huge staircases inside. The staircase to the second floor should also not face the front door. Typically, Feng Shui of such a layout can be improved by placing a small fountain in the corridor, or a barrier near the front door, which, when entering the house, will visually hide the beginning of the stairs, that is, upon entering the house, you should not see the first steps of the stairs.

Pay special attention to mirrors in the house; they should not reflect the front door. Even a small mirror, which accidentally caught the reflection of the front door, will contribute to the outflow of Qi Energy.

Sleeping rooms should be located as far as possible from the front door, on the left or right side.

The most destructive is the placement of several more doors or openings in line with the front door, and even worse at the end of such a sequence, the presence of a window or back door. In this case, determine the middle door or opening, install a barrier in the form of a screen, or an automatically closing door. All doors on this line must not be allowed to open simultaneously.

In old apartments, a layout is also popular when there is an entrance door and immediately after it two doors on the left and right. This arrangement forms a kind of triangle, and brings constant quarrels into the house. Triangles can be formed not only with the front door, but also with other doors in the house, for example, the door to the living room, followed by two opposite doors to the bedrooms. The influence of such triangles can be minimized by placing an airy bell and a lamp with a bright but soft light in the center of the room. It is believed that two opposite doors facing each other also cause antagonism between the occupants of the rooms. In this case, you can place one mirror near each door, but on different sides.

Long corridors behind the front door help to increase the speed of Qi flow, we need to achieve its smooth flow, flowers on the walls and talismans do this well.

Deadly Sha-Qi emanating from sharp corners on the street can enter the house through the front door. To repel destructive energy, a barrier is hung in front of the front door, or a barrier is installed inside the house; wind chimes or simply bamboo sticks can be placed.

Don’t be disheartened if, after reading this article, you discovered in the layout of your home unfavorable location of the front door. Practical recommendations will help minimize the negative impact. Good Feng Shui for your home, begins with you and your desire for positive changes.

As we already know, according to Feng Shui, the front door is the main supplier of energy to the house, and the quantity and quality of this energy depends on its condition. Interior doors also play an important role in the circulation of energy flows in the house. It is desirable that they have positive characteristics, that is, they are balanced, close and open freely.

The location of the doors opposite each other

Doors located opposite each other in the corridor can either conflict or complement each other on an energetic level.

Depending on the size of the doors and their location, there are several options for their energy impact on people living in the house:

— There are no problems if the doors are the same size and located opposite each other (Fig. 1);

— If the doors are the same size, but not located opposite each other, this is also good (Fig. 2);

- Doors of the same size, but located not exactly opposite each other, are called biting doors. Such doors can cause quarrels and conflicts;

— If the doors are not located opposite each other, this problem can be solved with the help of a mirror, hanging it on opposite walls (Fig. 3);

- If one door is much larger in size than another door, then they come into conflict at the energy level (Fig. 4) - the large door seems to absorb the small one. If one of these doors is the door of a bedroom, bathroom or kitchen, then its negative impact is enhanced. in this case, it is recommended to hang a faceted crystal sphere in the corridor between two doors.

How to solve the empty door problem

The term “empty” door in feng shui refers to a doorway inside a house that does not contain a real door. There is no problem if such a passage leads to the living room, dining room or kitchen. But if it leads to the bedroom (or bathroom), this is fraught with conflicts with the spouse, which can lead to divorce. It is recommended to install the door and then the problem will be solved. If this is not possible, you should hang a curtain in this place. It is not necessary to keep it constantly open; a positive effect will also be achieved if the curtain is constantly pulled to the side.

A situation where more than three doors are located one after the other

If three or more doors are located one after another in a corridor, then in an energetic sense this is one of the most harmful forms of a poisoned arrow. This arrangement is called in Feng Shui arrow piercing the heart. The danger of this situation is that each of the doors gradually compresses and accumulates energy, and then this energy flow falls on the people living in the house, piercing their personal Qi. The situation is considered disastrous if such a passage leads to the bathroom or bedroom. To eliminate the negative impact, two (or more) faceted crystal spheres should be hung between the doors.

colliding doors

The situation when two doors collide when opening is called colliding doors in Feng Shui. The negative impact of this arrangement can manifest itself in conflicts, misunderstandings and disputes between family members. This applies to all doors both inside and outside the house. For example, if the bedroom door collides with the closet door, then the energetic manifestation of this situation will be the emergence of disagreements between the spouses. To eliminate problems, bright red fabric tassels should be hung on the handles of the colliding sides of the doors.

The door does not fit well into the doorway

The flow of energy in the house is hampered if the door does not fit well into the doorway and is difficult to open. Such a problem with the front door can negatively affect a career, with a door in the bedroom - problems with taxes and accounting may arise, with a door in the dining room - will lead to financial failures, in the kitchen - problems arise with both financial and health. To correct the situation, all doors that open poorly should be repaired or replaced.

"Reverse" door

A door whose initial viewing range is too small is called a reverse door in Feng Shui. To fix this problem, the door needs to be replaced so that it can open wider. If this is not possible, then hang a mirror on the wall next to the door. This tool will create the illusion of a visual expansion of space, which will positively resolve this situation.

If the door is located in the corner of the room

There is a big difference between entering a room straight and entering a room at an angle. Direct entry symbolizes constant and balanced energy flows; angular - unbalanced and disorderly. In Feng Shui, corner doors are called “dangerous doors, gates of devilish Qi.”

Poor location options:

  1. The entrance door is opposite the toilet room. In this case, all the energy entering the house will flow “down the toilet,” because the bathroom is a place of purification. In such an apartment, people feel constantly tired and inactive. And there is no need to talk about financial well-being.
  2. If you already live in such an apartment, the situation can be corrected. To do this, between the bathroom and the entrance you need to hang a Chinese talisman - a wind chime. It will reflect energy flows, dispersing them throughout the surrounding space in the right directions.
  3. In private houses, it is undesirable for the main entrance and the spare entrance to be located opposite each other. Then the Qi entering the space will not stay long: it will rush from the front door like a whirlwind and go into the backyard.

The front door is the gate of Qi, as it is called in Eastern philosophy.

Location by cardinal directions

Much will depend on which side of the world the entrance to the home is located.

What does this affect:

  1. North - life in the house will be calm, but can sometimes “slow down”, turning residents into apathetic and indifferent individuals. To neutralize this effect, you can change the color of the front door to brown, or hang a crystal above the entrance.
  2. Northwest. In this case, the man in the family will always dominate, because active male energy predominates in the house. Family members will honor and respect him.
  3. Northeast. An ideal option for young people who are just beginning to mature, explore and search for themselves, learn life and grow spiritually. For active and inquisitive individuals.
  4. East. An option for careerists and ambitious, goal-oriented individuals who strive to achieve a lot. In business and work, things will always go well.
  5. Southeast - . If the door is located on this side, the family will always have wealth, and you won’t have to hear about material problems. If you are just planning to buy an apartment, strive to choose exactly these options.
  6. South. This place activates social energy. A good option for sociable people who want to be the center of attention and gain the authority of others. This space needs to be supplemented with elements of the water element so that there are no conflicts in the family.
  7. Southwest is the sector of love. If the door is in this place, harmony and mutual understanding will always reign in the family. And if a single person lives in an apartment, he will very quickly find his other half.
  8. West is an ideal option for families with small children. Energy is aimed at their rapid growth and development, the disclosure of mental abilities and creative potential.

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The front door is the first thing we see when entering a room. In the art of Feng Shui, the front door is given great importance, since more energy flows into the house through it. According to Feng Shui, the “correct” door can attract good luck and prosperity to the owners.

There are several basic rules for how a door should be positioned in a house.

  1. The front door should not be located opposite the window. If the door “looks” at the window, then the positive flows of energy will not linger in your home for long. It is unfavorable for a door to be located opposite another door, especially if this door leads to a toilet or bathroom. In order to eliminate the negative impact and ensure that positive qi energy remains in the house, it is recommended to block the space between the front door and the window/interior door. Such a partition can be a screen or a light curtain.
  2. Residents of apartment buildings It is also worth paying attention to how the door is located on the outside. An unfavorable location for a door according to Feng Shui is next to the stairs and opposite the elevator. In order to eliminate the negative impact, you can repaint the outer part red. This neutralizes negative energy flows.
  3. To protect yourself from negative influences When unexpected guests come to your house, it is recommended to hang a mirror opposite the front door, then all the negativity will be returned to your ill-wishers.
  4. You can't hang a mirror next to the front door., on the door itself and on the same wall as the door - this will create an obstacle to the flow of positive energy into the house.
  5. According to Feng Shui, the front door of a house should be well lit, since it is through it that a large flow of energy passes into the house.
  6. Troubleshoot the door. It should not creak or wobble. Any problems can lead to an unstable financial situation for the owners.
  7. By following these feng shui door placement rules, you can protect your home from negative energy flows and attract good luck and prosperity. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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