Tangerine oil: properties and application features. Unique essential oil of mandarin

The extract from tangerines is obtained by cold pressing technology, the action of a press on the peel of fruits that have reached maturity and are fresh. Since ancient times this liquid orange color with a delicate, sweetish and citrus amber used for a variety of purposes: in cooking, folk medicine and for beauty. Today, this product does not lose its popularity, and the scope of its application is only growing.

Properties and use of oil in cosmetology

Tangerine essential oil has properties due to its composition. It is rich in limonene, myrcene, caryophyllene, camphene, pinenes, linalool, geraniol, nerol.

The oil contains vitamins and minerals, mono- and disaccharides, organic acids. This unique remedy with a cosmetic effect, it can well tone and refresh dull, tired skin.

Moreover, there is an opinion that it has the power to even out the relief of the epidermis. Application essential oil tangerine is as wide as the range of effects it provides. With its help, you can restore the epidermis to its former firmness and elasticity, reduce the appearance of cellulite, and make pigmentation less visible.

Mandarin extract fights the first signs of aging, improving color and general state skin. This product is also used for hair problems. It prevents moisture loss and dry hair, while at the same time healing the scalp.

Under its influence, hair becomes stronger, more vibrant, and the number of split ends decreases. An extract from these citrus fruits is used for massage, mixed with herbs. base oils, and this product is also one of the main components of aromatherapy aimed at increasing immune defense body, general tone, eliminating the effects of stress.

Hair oil

Tangerine oil is used even in severe cases when there is fundamental damage to the structure and a serious malfunction of the follicles. The essential extract activates growth function and actively fights alopecia.

It can eliminate oily and dry seborrhea, hair dullness, and nourish curls useful components, which creates a “silk” effect. The extract from this citrus fruit is not recommended to be mixed with shampoo or conditioner. greatest benefit can bring masks, aroma combing and head massage.

  1. Mix an extract of tangerine, chamomile, incense and sandalwood in equal parts.
  2. Heat, rub into the roots and wrap in warm cotton cloth.
  3. After an hour, rinse with water from the shower using your usual detergent.

Recipe for strength and silky shine

  1. In 1 tbsp. l. base – almond or coconut oil add 5-7 drops of mandarin essential extract.
  2. Leave on the strands for about 30 minutes, and then remove in the usual way.

Skin oil

Thanks to its antiseptic effect, tangerine essential oil is widely used to care for excessively oily facial skin, which is characterized by enlarged pores.
Masks, tonics and emulsions based on it allow you to thoroughly cleanse the skin, narrow enlarged pores and eliminate inflammation caused by pustules.

But owners of mature, aging facial skin can use it to restore former beauty, freshness and elasticity, improve complexion and achieve greater smoothness of the epidermis. Sensitive skin The extract will soothe and relieve irritation and itching. Well, those who have age spots on their face can easily get rid of them thanks to the use of tangerine oil.

Mask recipes:

  • You can lighten freckles and pigmentation by rubbing the skin sea ​​buckthorn oil with the inclusion of a few drops of tangerine extract;
  • to 1 tbsp. l. avocado oil, add 3-4 drops of tangerine extract and use this composition both as a mask, applying to the face for 30-60 minutes, and as a night cream.

Recipes with tangerine oil

As is known, the fight against overweight are carried out comprehensively, affecting the body both from the inside and from the outside. Increase the efficiency of this process, at the same time eliminating obvious manifestations of " orange peel", stretch marks and swelling will be helped by an aroma bath. It is enough to add 10-15 drops of tangerine essential oil into a bath with hot water and enjoy the smell and active action.

Tangerine essential oil has a number of beneficial and medicinal properties. Its use will help get rid of pain and normalize work gastrointestinal tract, relieve tension, improve hair condition, rejuvenate skin, eliminate cosmetic imperfections and much more.


Properties of tangerine essential oil

  1. Removing waste and toxins from the body.
  2. Cleanses the intestines, improves function digestive system, eliminating flatulence, constipation, normalizes the functioning of the liver and stomach.
  3. Helps strengthen immunity, increases protective forces body.
  4. An excellent antiseptic.
  5. Restores metabolic processes.
  6. Eliminates muscle and joint pain, alleviates a woman's condition with PMS.
  7. Promotes relaxation, relieves tension and fatigue, calms, relieves fears, dark thoughts, normalizes sleep, eliminates insomnia.
  8. It has a tonic and stimulating effect on the body, increases appetite and accelerates the recovery process after past illness.
  9. Is a prevention early aging and the appearance of stretch marks.
  10. Fights swelling.
  11. A light aphrodisiac that sets you up for a wave of love.
  12. Shows a protective effect against the skin (sun, frost, wind).
  13. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  14. Smoothes out scars, eliminates acne and age spots.
  15. Takes good care of oily and aging skin.

Uses of tangerine oil

Mandarin essential oil can be used for a variety of purposes, in particular for cosmetic skin care, treatment and prevention of many diseases, for general health improvement and strengthening the body. It is used in the perfume industry and pharmaceuticals (drug additive).

Combination tangerine oil with other esters will only enhance its properties and increase the effect of use. Essential oils of vetiver, ylang-ylang, limetta, mint, marjoram, patchouli, neroli, cinnamon, lemon balm, bergamot, and cloves are well suited for the product.

This essential oil is used for aromatizing rooms, inhalations, massages, rubbing, compresses, aroma baths, and added to homemade face and hair masks. various actions. The product is also used internally, after mixing it with honey (1 teaspoon of honey and 1 drop of ether) and drinking big amount liquids. But this should only be done on the recommendation of a doctor.

Before use, the ether is mixed with a base (fatty) oil. Application in pure form It is also possible, spot on acne, scars, cicatrices.

Video: properties and uses of tangerine essential oil.

Mandarin oil treatment recipes

A bath or sauna will help get rid of insomnia. 3 minutes before leaving the sauna, pour the following mixture over the stones: 15 drops of tangerine essential oil, 1 tbsp. l. honey (or cream, sea salt) and 1 liter hot water(stir everything well). Take a breath of steam and go out. In the bathhouse, this composition can be poured over hot stones for the entire time you are there.

Significantly subside headache or tangerine and geranium oil (2 drops each) in combination with orange and bergamot oils, taken 1 drop each, will help get rid of it completely. Dissolve all this in almond oil (15 drops) and use for massage and rubbing the temples.

To speed up recovery after treatment of infections, various diseases(including intestinal) and colds, tangerine oil is used internally, three times a day in between meals.

Inhalations with tangerine oil are good for treating colds. Inhalations can be either cold or hot. Cold inhalation do this: drop 2 drops of tangerine oil onto a napkin or into an aroma pendant and breathe for 5-10 minutes. Hot inhalation is done for 5-7 minutes. You need to pour hot water into a deep cup, add 2-3 drops of tangerine oil, cover with a towel, close your eyes and breathe in the steam.

To reduce muscle or joint pain rubbing is applied. For 15 ml fatty oil take 5 drops of essential oil. It is advisable to do the procedure before going to bed; immediately after completing the manipulations, go to bed, well wrapped in a blanket.

To remove pain Compresses are also suitable. To do this, you need to prepare a solution: take 15-20 drops of tangerine essential oil for 1 liter of water at room temperature, moisten a napkin in the liquid, and apply it to the affected area, securing it with parchment and a warm scarf on top. Keep the compress for half an hour to 2 hours. Such compresses are especially helpful for pain in the liver.

To improve digestion in children and adults, tangerine oil is used to rub the abdomen. It (2 drops) is mixed with almond oil (1 tbsp.). Carry out the procedure in a circular motion clockwise.

Aromatic baths are very relaxing, relieve stress, and relieve fears. For the procedure, dissolve 7 drops of tangerine oil in 2 tbsp. l. emulsifier (honey, cream, sea ​​salt) and add to a bath filled with warm (37 degrees) water. Session duration is 30 minutes. There is no need to rinse; rub the skin thoroughly with a towel. The procedure is suitable for daily use, no more than 3 weeks, then take a break.

For the same purposes, as well as for aromatizing rooms, essential oil can be used in an aroma lamp, 5-7 drops per 20 square meters. meters of area.

To cleanse the body of accumulated waste and toxins, as well as reset overweight You need to do a fasting day once a week. Do not eat anything for breakfast and lunch, replace them with essential oil. To do this, mix it with 1 tsp. honey, add to a glass of acidified water and drink. Take 3 drops in the morning, 4 drops of tangerine oil in the afternoon. Eat for dinner light dish (vegetable salad, fruits, dairy products). During the day you can only drink clean water.

Applications with tangerine oil will help with bleeding and dental diseases. To do this, combine 5 drops each of wheat germ and rosehip oils, add 5 drops of tangerine oil.

Citrus oils perfectly prevent the occurrence of cellulite and stretch marks, significantly improve the condition of the skin at the first signs of their appearance. Tangerine oil is mixed with neroli and lavender (1 drop each) and added to the mixture almond oil(1 tbsp) and wheat germ oil (1 tsp). Use the mixture for massage problem areas twice a day after shower. You can start from the 5th month of pregnancy. For more effective result tangerine must be combined with other citrus fruits (lemon, grapefruit, orange). This tool helps to cope well with postpartum scars and cicatrices.

Recipes for use in cosmetology

The simplest use of tangerine oil in cosmetology is the enrichment of finished cosmetics (creams, tonics, lotions, masks). For 10 g of base, take 3-5 drops of ether.

Whitening mask.

Almond oil – 10 drops.
Tangerine oil – 10 drops.
Clay diluted with water (not liquid) – 1 tsp.

Combine the components into a homogeneous mass and apply to areas of pigmentation. Keep the mask on for half an hour, then wash with water at room temperature and apply a moisturizer. Make a mask every day until a satisfactory result appears.

Rejuvenating mask.

Avocado oil (jojoba, olive) – 1 tbsp. l.
Tangerine oil – 2 drops.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Use as night mask on cleansed skin. Can be applied during the day for 40-60 minutes. The composition is also suitable for cleansing the skin. To do this, moisten a cotton pad in warm water, squeeze lightly, drop a few drops of oil and wipe the face, neck and décolleté.

Mandarin oil is good for enriching ready-made hair care cosmetics. Take 3-5 drops of this ether for a single serving of shampoo or balm.

Nourishing and moisturizing hair mask.

Jojoba oil (almond) – 2 tbsp. l.
Tangerine essential oil – 5 drops.

Mix the ingredients and massage into the scalp. Keep the mask for 2 hours under the film and insulating cap. Wash off with shampoo.


Rarely, individual intolerance. Allergic reactions, therefore, be sure to conduct a skin sensitivity test before application.

The product is phototoxic; to avoid burns, do not use it before going out into the sun. as a last resort, it can be applied at least an hour before going outside.

I love citrus fruits, and most of all I love tangerines. I can eat kilos of them. And of course not one New Year I can’t get by without tangerines. These citrus fruits are a must-have product on the New Year's table.

Therefore, today I will talk about my also favorite tangerine essential oil. This broadcast has a pleasant fresh smell, which increases activity and vigor. And it is obtained from tangerine peel by cold pressing. This method of receiving saves everything beneficial features citrus.

Tangerine oil is the sunniest among its relatives. It’s childishly delicious, aromatic, intriguing. It magically improves your well-being and restores your good spirits, and all thanks to the ether that the peel of the fruit is rich in. The essential substance from mandarin is simply unique, because it can calm, relax, and give bliss in a matter of minutes.

And now I will move directly to the aroma oil.

There is essential oil of green and red tangerine. They are similar in their properties. Only the first one is received from green peel still unripe tangerines. This oil has a more pleasant sweetish aroma with a clear “unripe” tint. It has a less pronounced effect, so it is recommended for pregnant women, children, and the elderly.

And the essential oil of red tangerine is obtained from the peel of already ripe fruits. It has a brighter, richer aroma and pronounced effect.

Composition of mandarin essential oil.

It contains vitamins such as C, which returns shine and shine to hair, vitamin A - it strengthens curls and prevents split ends, vitamin D - improves blood circulation throughout the body, including improves blood flow in hair follicles, vitamin B1 strengthens hair, restores natural shine and smoothness, accelerates growth, and B2 helps keep hair strands healthy.

It also contains substances that are used in medicine, cosmetology and perfumery.

Tangerine essential oil has been used in cosmetology for a long time. It easily copes with hair problems such as dandruff (including seborrhea), loss of strands, split ends, lack of life and shine in curls.

  1. Add it to balms, shampoos and other cosmetic products for hair care. 5-8 drops of essential oil are enough to get great results. Tangerine oil will not only strengthen your hair and accelerate its growth, eliminate split ends, but also saturate the scalp with vitamins, which will also have a positive effect on your hair.
  2. Make hair masks with tangerine oil.
  3. Aroma combing.

Hair masks with tangerine essential oil

These procedures can be divided into several types.

1. The first type of masks are those that are made to get rid of dandruff. Since tangerine has a beneficial effect on the skin: it removes itching, irritation, rashes, excess sebum, that is, it solves two problems. The first task is to eliminate dandruff itself, dry or oily seborrhea. The second one restores normal skin covering on the head, removing irritation, itching, dryness or excessive oiliness.


tangerine essential oil – 5-7 drops

Olive oil - 1 tablespoon.

Mode of application. Add tangerine aroma oil to olive oil. Then apply it to your hair. Wrap the top with cling film or put the bag over your head. Finally, wrap your head in a towel.

The mask is washed off from the hair 20 minutes after application. If strong tingling occurs on the skin, then wash it off earlier.

This procedure is carried out every 3 days for 1-2 months.

2. The second type is masks that are made for oily strands. These procedures restore normal metabolic processes in the scalp, as a result of which the hair does not become oily so quickly.

To make it you need the following essential oils: chamomile, cistus, sandalwood, and mandarin. Mix these oils together. Rub the finished mixture into the scalp. After 1 hour, rinse your hair with shampoo and water.

3. The third type is masks that are suitable for dry curls. Strands become softer and silkier.

This procedure gives an excellent effect. The results will be noticeable within a week if you do it every day. You need to mix two aromatic oils: almond and tangerine. Then rub into scalp. After 60 minutes, rinse your hair with water and shampoo.

4. The fourth type is masks that accelerate hair growth.

It is necessary to mix the essential oils of sage, mandarin, jasmine, rosemary, ylang-ylang with each other. Each essential oil requires 5 drops.

The finished mixture is rubbed into the head. After 60 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo.

In order to see results from this procedure, it must be carried out 2-3 times a week for 2 months.

5. Fifth type - masks that strengthen hair, make it shiny and silky.

You need to add 7 drops of tangerine essential oil to 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. The finished mixture is applied to the hair. A bag is put on top and a towel is wrapped around the head.

This mixture lasts on the head for 1 hour or more. Then it is washed off with shampoo.

Aroma combing

This is another way to use tangerine essential oil on your hair. Aroma combing is an excellent hair care procedure.

It is carried out as follows: you need to apply 2-3 drops of tangerine essential oil to a comb. This can be a massage brush or comb, but it is advisable that they be made of natural material.

Then comb the strands for 5 minutes. This procedure strengthens the strands, accelerates their growth, improves the structure, saturates it with vitamins, and prevents the appearance of dandruff or seborrhea. Blood circulation in the scalp also improves.

Since tangerine essential oil is used not only for hair, the aroma combing procedure will have beneficial influence on nervous system, will calm you down, improve your sleep, and create more activity and vigor.

Adding tangerine aroma oil to shampoos, conditioners and other cosmetics

Despite the fact that this essential oil is not very friendly with alkalis, it can be added to hair care cosmetics. You just need to keep in mind that some of the beneficial properties of tangerine ether will be lost. But there will still be an effect. It is enough to add 6-8 drops of essential oil to a tube of shampoo or conditioner.

In addition to using it on hair, tangerine aroma oil can be used on the face and other areas of the body. It improve appearance skin, smooth out wrinkles, restore its firmness and elasticity. If necessary, it will remove acne, rashes, blackheads and other skin irritations.

Directions for use:

1. Good results for facial skin you will get it if you add 3-5 drops of tangerine essential oil to half a glass of water. And then you will wipe your face every day, morning and evening, with a cotton pad moistened with this water. After some time, your skin will become more attractive and graceful.

2. Another way to care for your facial skin using tangerine aroma oil is to add a few drops to creams.

3. Also, a combination of several base and essential oils has an excellent effect on the skin. For example, mix jojoba oil, avocado oil, wheat germ oil (take 25 ml of each) and essential oils of mandarin, neroli, and frankincense (10 drops each). This mixture perfectly removes wrinkles.

4. One more thing superb property tangerine essential oil - it removes cellulite. To eliminate cellulite, you need to prepare the following combination of oils. In 100 ml of jojoba oil add 10 drops of tangerine, rosemary, geranium and 5 drops of cypress. This mixture is rubbed into problem areas.

Differences between tangerine and orange essential oil

Both of these broadcasts deserve your attention. However, orange essential oil is widely known, while tangerine is less popular, despite the fact that in some aspects it is superior to its relative.

For example, tangerine essential oil is the sweetest among citrus fruits and it calms the nervous system more than others; its aroma is softer and more delicate. In addition, it can be used by pregnant women and children.

Video - properties and uses of tangerine essential oil.

- a liquid of orange or dark orange, sometimes red-yellow color with a very delicate, sweet, citrus aroma.

The homeland of this fruit is southern China and southern Vietnam. This is an evergreen tree of the Rutaceae family, the height of which is no more than 4 meters. It has shiny small leaves, fragrant flowers and juicy fruits. The tree got its name due to the fact that its exquisite and tasty fruits were served only to tangerines - the rulers of the country. Tangerines appeared in Europe only at the beginning of the 19th century. Currently, they are quite common in Algeria, Spain, France, not to mention the countries of Indochina. Transcaucasia is also famous for them.

Since ancient times, tangerine peel has been used in medicine in Eastern countries to improve digestion and appetite, to relieve inflammatory process in the throat and bronchi, to alleviate a suffocating cough.

Today, thanks to its composition and beneficial properties, tangerine essential oil They are widely used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.

Composition of mandarin essential oil

Tangerine oil obtained by cold pressing, pressing from the peel of fresh, ripe fruits. It contains limonene, myrcene, caryophyllene, ?- and ?-pinenes, camphene, ?- and ?-elements, ?- and ?-humulenes ( total terpene hydrocarbons about 90%), linalool, geraniol, nerol and other components that allow the oil to be used not only in medicine and cosmetology, but also as a food and perfume additive.

Properties of tangerine oil

– a guarantee of excellent health during the winter period of sun deficiency. It’s not for nothing that in America they call it the “sunny heart.” It helps to absorb vitamins, increases the body’s own protective properties, increases appetite, improves digestion, and cleanses the body of toxins.

In addition, it is capable of stimulating liver function, regulating metabolic processes and the breakdown of fats, not to mention the secretion of bile. Tangerine oil characterized by antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiscorbutic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. It significantly optimizes blood circulation, eliminates inflammation and bleeding of the gums. In addition, it is very effective in the fight against excess weight, since it prevents the accumulation of kilograms, removes excess liquid and actively counteracts cellulite.

Important properties of tangerine oil is its softness. It is widely known for its gentle effect, and therefore even pregnant women, children and those who are prone to allergies are not afraid to use it.

Psycho-emotional capabilities deserve special attention tangerine essential oil. It is simply irreplaceable for irritability, increased fatigue, overvoltage. Its calming effect has a beneficial effect on adults and children's sleep and behavior. Tangerine oil helps to recover faster from an illness or mental crisis. By stimulating the nervous system, it relieves feelings of fear. Another undoubted advantage of this oil is a note of aromatic freshness in the gray routine of everyday life, thanks to which a cheerful mood and vigor are guaranteed.

Uses of tangerine essential oil
Treatment with tangerine oil

IN medicinal purposes tangerine essential oil widely used in most different areas. Depending on the disease, inhalations with oil, rubbing, baths or trays can be used, possibly internal use, as well as indoor spraying.

Inhalation: at colds, cough, upper infections respiratory tract use a few drops for inhalation tangerine oil. Do not forget about deep, even breathing and inhalation time (no more than 10 minutes).

Oil burner: for fatigue, overstrain, insomnia, irritability, light an aroma lamp with 3-5 drops of tangerine oil.

Aroma bath: excellent remedy in the fight against excess weight, cellulite, swelling, stretch marks, toxins in the body, as well as for a boost of vigor and energy. To take a bath, just take 3-5 drops of oil.

Aroma medallions: 2-3 drops tangerine essential oil, hidden in the aroma medallion, will give you energy, joy and determination for the whole working day.

Flavoring liquids, food: You can add 1-2 drops of oil to a plate of food or a glass of drink.

Massage: 6-7 drops tangerine oil, used during the massage, will have a restorative, tonic and restorative effect for the entire body.

Application on gums: will help relieve inflammation and bleeding gums. Just add 5 drops tangerine oil in 10 g of rosehip oil or wheat germ.

Rinse: a glass of warm water with 2-3 drops of oil is indispensable for throat diseases, as well as for diseases of the oral cavity.

Internal use: for irritability, abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing, take a teaspoon of honey with the addition of 2-3 drops of oil. Alternatively, add to Herb tea. Stimulation of gastric and intestinal activity is guaranteed.

You can also cleanse the body by using tangerine essential oil internally. To do this, you need to drink 3 drops of oil on an empty stomach in the morning (last meal 18 hours before), in the afternoon, add half a teaspoon of honey and a cup of acidified water to 4 drops of tangerine oil. During the day you should not drink tea and coffee, and dinner should be light. This technique using tangerine essential oil allows you to quickly cleanse the body, and therefore help with weight loss.

Tangerine essential oil in cosmetology

Tangerine essential oil is unique cosmetic product , which can amazingly tone and refresh tired, sagging skin. Moreover, it has the power to even out the relief of the epidermis. Most often it is used to restore elasticity and firmness to the skin, remove cellulite, and eliminate pigmentation. Tangerine oil perfectly smooths out wrinkles and also improves the color and condition of the skin.

Note! You should not apply tangerine oil on the surface of the skin before going outside, because sunlight Contact with oil can cause burns. Also, you should not use oil if you are intolerant to it.

Enrichment of cosmetic preparations: it is necessary to apply 5-8 drops of oil per 15 g of base (during cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nourishing the skin).

Massage: just 5-7 drops of tangerine oil, applied to 15 g of transport oil, can effectively and quickly help sagging skin get rid of cellulite and stretch marks. An excellent recipe for preventing the appearance of stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen in pregnant women: take 5 drops of tangerine oil, 5 drops of neroli and 10 drops of lavender per 10 ml of wheat germ oil and 40 ml of almond oil. Massage your stomach with the resulting mixture at least 1-3 times a day.

Internal use: using 1-2 drops of oil diluted with juice prevents burning and helps to get a beautiful tan.

- one of the most valuable and most best gifts that nature gave us. Its various beneficial properties and uses make it possible to easily and quickly obtain the desired therapeutic and cosmetological effect even at home.

  • Brand: AROMASHKA
  • Latin name: Citrus reticulata
  • Retrieved from: zest
  • Origin: Argentina
  • Method of obtaining: pressing

Tangerine essential oil has many medicinal properties: it is a powerful antiseptic, antispasmodic, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, stomach, blood circulation, and in addition, it has both sedative and tonic properties.
The homeland of mandarin is China. It came to Europe only at the beginning of the 19th century, but is now successfully cultivated in many southern regions. It is an evergreen shrub of the Rutaceae family with yellow-orange juicy fruits. Tangerine essential oil is extracted from the peel by cold pressing.
Tangerine essential oil is widely used in Food Industry, in the production of cosmetics, soaps, and perfumes. And of course, this tangerine essential oil, due to its qualities, is used as a medicine.

Composition of green mandarin essential oil
Monoterpenes: limonene + beta - phellandrene 67.9%, gamma - terpinene 20.4%, alpha - pinene 2.4%, beta - pinene 1.8%, myrcene 1.8%, alpha - thuyene 0.9%, terpinolene 0 .8%, para-cymene 0.7%, sabinene 0.3%, alpha-terpinene 0.3%.
Monoterpenols: alpha-terpineol 0.2%, linalool 0.2%.
Sesquiterpenes:(E,E) - alpha - farnesene 0.4%, (E) - caryophyllene 0.2%.
Aldehydes: alpha - sinesal 0.3%.
Esters: methyl anthranilate 0.7%.

Applications and properties of mandarin essential oil
Mandarin is an excellent tonic that can strengthen the immune system and improve the general condition of the body. It has a beneficial effect on all body systems: breathing, digestion, cardiovascular and nervous systems, blood circulation. If you feel tired, running out of energy, or there is a flu epidemic in the city, drop a few drops of tangerine essential oil into or.
Strengthening and toning the body, tangerine essential oil soothes the soul: it has been successfully used for centuries for healing nervous disorders. Relieves symptoms of overwork, eliminates fears and depressive thoughts, charges with joy and positive energy, and restores strength. The use of tangerine essential oil has a beneficial effect on the morning state of pregnant women and helps the expectant mother establish contact with the fetus. The invigorating effect of the oil (mixed with other oils) is sometimes used to relieve premenstrual tension. In combination with others citrus effect oil intensifies.
Tangerine essential oil has long been used to treat wounds and also as a antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral agent. Mandarin essential oil creates protective covering, and also promotes the concentration of platelets and leukocytes in the damaged area, blocking microbial invasion. In addition, this oil itself is an excellent antibiotic and fungicide. Tangerine essential oil helps regenerate cells and tissues in general. Thanks to it, the healing time of wounds is significantly reduced and various injuries. Eliminates inflammation and bleeding of gums.
Used as antispasmodic. Essential oil helps with bronchitis, asthma, and almost any spasms. Promotes digestion, increases appetite, especially after illness and loss of appetite in a state of depression. Mandarin - excellent choleretic agent, which can protect the liver and reduce the load on it. Is a hepatoprotector.
Are you constantly cold? Perhaps it's all about malfunctions circulatory system. And in this case, tangerine essential oil can help you. These same properties can be extremely useful for athletes, people with impaired immunity, as well as those who want to enhance metabolic processes.
Has a reputation for oil mild action, therefore recommended for children (in a reduced dosage) and pregnant women, as well as people wary or overly sensitive to essential oils.

Maintains moisture balance in the skin. Particularly beneficial affects oily skin, prone to acne. Helps cleanse and tighten pores. Tones and evens out the microrelief of the epidermis. Improves complexion. Used to eliminate swelling and at age spots. Tangerine essential oil helps get rid of fresh stretch marks(as part of oil mixtures) and cellulite. In hair products it adds shine and strengthens. It is especially useful to use tangerine essential oil in cold and dark time year: perfectly replenishes sun deficiency and gives the skin a healthy glow.

Cosmetic cream: 2 - 3k per 30 - 50 ml, add at the end of preparation to the cooled product.
Medicinal mixtures and creams: 3 - 5k per 30 - 35ml base.
Oil burner: 2 - 3k per 15 sq. m (pre-fill the lamp with hot water, add oil and light a candle).
Baths: 2 - 3k duration 15 - 20 min (add oil, previously mixed with 1 tablespoon of emulsifier (milk, honey, sea or table salt), to a filled bath (37 - 38 g).
Hot inhalations: 1k duration 5 - 7 minutes (pour hot water into a bowl or into an inhaler, drop some oil, cover with a towel and close your eyes when inhaling).
Cold inhalations: 2k duration 5 - 15 minutes (drop a few drops on a piece of cloth or napkin, on an aroma stone or in an aroma pendant).
Massage: 2 - 3 drops per 15 ml of base oil.

Possible phototoxic effect. Do not use tangerine essential oil on sunny days.

Tangerine essential oil works well with most citrus essential oils: neroli, grapefruit, orange, lime, lemon. In addition, it goes well with essential oils of cinnamon, clary sage, cloves, basil, lavender, vetiver, rose, chamomile, frankincense, nutmeg, as well as with pine essential oils.

Draw your attention to, that all tips, recommendations and recipes on our website can ONLY be applied to oils from our range. Component composition Each Aromashka essential oil has been tested by us with the help of the French Laboratory Rosier Davenne and meets the highest international standards and requirements.

Specialists with the appropriate knowledge can always check the suitability of each of the components of essential oils necessary standards using chromatographic analysis data (chromatogram).

Chromatograms are available at all Aromashka offices and representative offices upon prior request. Documents are not sent by mail.

We are not responsible for oils from other companies and will not be able to answer you if difficulties arise.

All information provided on the site is for reference only and should not be considered a treatment guide or call to action. For any health problems or illnesses, you should consult a doctor and treat aromatherapy as additional help body. In this case, consultation with an aromatherapist is mandatory.