Citronella oil uses. Citronella essential oil: amazing properties, applications. Healing effect on emotions

Essential oil citronella – liquid phytoessence has a rich lemon aroma with a light woody tint. Color can vary from yellow to dark brown. It is used in cosmetology, aromatherapy, and helps with insect bites.

The beneficial properties of ether were known long before its appearance. The plant was used to whiten the skin, making it smooth and elastic, and used to treat rheumatic joint pain.

Characteristics of citronella

Citronella – herbaceous plant with narrow long, very hard leaves, growing in the form of a bush. It can reach one to one and a half meters in height. It is characterized by a bright spicy aroma reminiscent of lemon.

Due to their hardness, citronella leaves are not eaten. The soft core of the stems is added as a seasoning to fish and meat dishes.

Citronella juice is especially beneficial. It helps improve digestion and normalizes metabolism in the body. Tea made from the leaves of the plant relieves nervous tension, helps with stress and depression.

Production technology

Citronella oil is obtained from the leaves and annual shoots of the plant using steam distillation. The amount of finished aromatic substance varies depending on the season of collection of raw materials (varies from 1 to 2.5%). Citronella is grown commercially in tropical climates (China, Java and Indonesia), and the amount of oil in the leaves depends on the humidity of the season. The homeland of the plant is Sri Lanka. Today it is cultivated here, but in smaller quantities compared to the leaders.

Composition and beneficial properties of citronella oil

The properties and scope of use of the plant depend on the composition of citronella essential oil.

Basics active substance contained in the leaves of the plant is citronellal, which determines the richness of the aroma of the phytoessence. Its quantity depends on the place where the plant grows:

  • up to 18% in a product from Sri Lanka;
  • up to 50% in ether obtained from Chinese and Javanese raw materials.

In addition to citronellal, the oil contains geraniol, citral, methyleuginol and terpene class substances.

The listed components have strong odor, which made it possible to initially use the plant to repel insects.

Interesting: In the area of ​​the garden where citronella grows, even in the evening hours there are practically no mosquitoes.

A study of the composition of the plant, and subsequently the essential oil, revealed antiseptic, disinfecting, and soothing properties. It has the ability to reduce arterial pressure, improve work digestive system, increase immunity.

Indications and contraindications for use

Citronella essential oil is primarily recommended for use against insect bites (mosquitoes, mosquitoes). Use it for:

  • pain in the joints of a rheumatic nature;
  • high blood pressure;
  • digestive disorders;
  • inflammatory processes on the face;
  • cosmetic problems.


Citronella oil has almost no restrictions on its use. The exceptions are:

  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • pregnancy (especially early stages);
  • children's age (children up to three years old);
  • low blood pressure.

How much does it cost and where to buy citronella oil

The cost of citronella essential oil in pharmacies ranges from 80 to 1400 rubles per 10 ml bottle. It must be taken into account that a product with a very low price may not be natural. The highest price is also not an indicator of excellent quality. Most often, the cost is included in the amount

  • delivery of raw materials to the place of production;
  • finished products to the point of sale;
  • brand promotion;
  • services of numerous intermediaries.

For those who do not want to overpay “for air,” we recommend purchasing phytoessence in specialized stores and pharmacies that work directly with manufacturers.

Attention: It also doesn’t hurt to check the reputation of the manufacturing companies.

Citronella essential oil deserves only positive reviews from such sellers, since they offer a natural product of proven quality.

Citronella essential oil "Oleos"

Compound: 100% citronella essential oil obtained by steam distillation.

Volume and form of release: 10 ml in dark glass bottles.

Storage: store in tightly closed bottles, at a temperature of 5 to 25 ° C, in a place protected from direct sunlight.

Best before date: 3 years.

The scope of application of citronella essential oil is quite extensive. It is used in perfume compositions and fragrances, giving them a pleasant lemon aroma. Moreover, this phytoessence costs less than lemon ether. In addition to the industrial use, the oil is used for rubbing sore joints (50 ml of soybean oil and 20 parts of citronella ether). It is used against insect bites, for cosmetic purposes, in aromatherapy. It works so effectively that sometimes it is enough not to use the product itself, but to put it on personal plot several bushes of the plant.


From insects

A mixture of citronella and cedarwood essential oils, taken in equal proportions, will help get rid of annoying insects (mosquitoes, ticks). 5-6 parts of a natural repellent (a substance that repels pests) is mixed with 200 ml of water and sprayed indoors, splashed on clothes.

An insect bite causes itching and sometimes inflammation. A quick treatment of the affected area with a solution of soybean or olive oil (20 ml) and 10 parts of citronella will help you avoid troubles. The composition is applied pointwise using a cotton swab.

For your information: Sometimes it is suggested to apply undiluted essential oil to the bite sites. Application of the product in pure form undesirable. May cause chemical burns.

In cosmetology

Citronella essential oil is used less often than others for the care of face and hands, but even beauties knew about the beneficial properties of the plant Ancient Greece and Rome and used it. Phytoessence has a concentrated composition. It has regenerating properties, restores the fading structure of the epidermis, softens rough areas.

ATTENTION! Essential oils are highly concentrated phytoessences. For cosmetic purposes it should be used only in a mixture with vegetable base oils.

Before starting to use essential oil, it is necessary to test for the absence of an allergic reaction.

Mix 1 drop of essential oil with 1/3 teaspoon vegetable oil and apply to the inner surface of the forearm or behind the ear, or apply 2-3 drops of essential oil on a handkerchief and inhale periodically throughout the day. The use of the tested oil is possible if after 12 hours there is no allergic reaction on the skin, headache, cough, shortness of breath, runny nose, swelling of the face.

For face

Women pay the most attention to facial care. Visit beauty salons takes a lot of time. An essential dose of citronella will help preserve, and sometimes restore, youth and beauty.

For oily skin

Citronella phytoessence quickly eliminates fatness and an unpleasant oily sheen, giving the skin a matte appearance. The care product will require 1-3 parts of oil, which are added to a single portion of regular cream or lotion. To reduce the fat content of the product, the cream can be replaced with fruit (apricot, peach or apple) puree and apply the mixture as a mask for 20-30 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.

For inflammation

Inflammatory processes on the skin (pimples and acne) require active influence essential oil. Mix 10 ml of base (any vegetable) and 5 parts of citronella ether. The composition is applied cotton swab pointwise.

Can be done for acne hot inhalations. For 400 ml hot water add 20 ml of soybean oil 4-5, to citronella phytoessence and hold your face over it for 5-7 minutes, covered with a towel.

For aging skin

After 30 years, facial skin needs additional care. It is recommended to use enriched creams and lotions. For 15 ml of the main product take 5 parts of essential oil. The composition is applied to the face regularly: twice a day (morning and evening).

For lips

Chapped lips cause a lot of problems. They do not crack; wounds form on them. A balm made from soybean, rosewood and citronella oils (10 ml, 4 parts, 2 parts) will help restore their softness and tenderness. The product is applied twice a day, if there are wounds - every 3 hours.

For hair

Citronella essential oil will help get rid of for dandruff and normalize work sebaceous glands. For care, mix 5 ml of jojoba oil and 2-3 parts of citronella ether. The composition is rubbed into the scalp and left for 20-30 minutes.

In aromatherapy

Citronella essential oil has a calming effect. It is excellent antidepressant, relieves stress. Baths, steam baths, massage, aromatizing the air and wearing an aroma pendant improve cerebral circulation, increase attention and performance.

Citronella oil is used as an aphrodisiac. It increases the activity of partners and gives strength to emotions.

In the bath or sauna in a ladle with hot water add 3-5 parts of ether and spray the liquid on the benches and walls.

For aroma diffuser you need 5-7 parts of the product, 1-2 parts are usually added to the aroma pendant.

Massage carried out using a mixture of base and ether: 20 ml of soybean, almond or olive oil are mixed with 10 parts of phytoessence. The composition is rubbed in with intense movements for 5-7 minutes.


The plant grows very quickly and is a grass up to 1.5 meters high. Citronella grows in bunches. Its leaves are sharp (can cut), light green, long and narrow. The plant also has flowers, but the flowering is not noticeable, since the leaves are collected in large bunches.

Citronella leaves are so flat and sharp that you can cut yourself with them.

Citronella blooms almost imperceptibly

Where does it grow?

Its homeland is Sri Lanka. Now the plant is cultivated in tropical conditions almost everywhere.

Citronella can be seen in the countries of Africa and Central America, on the island of Java, Argentina and Vietnam.

The plant does best in tropical climates, although it can be grown in other places (even at home) if the right humidity and temperature are provided.

  • The taste is sharper than lemongrass.
  • The aroma is reminiscent of roses.

The application is similar to the use of lemongrass.

Due to its pleasant citrus aroma, citronella is used in perfumery.

Beneficial features

  • Pain relief.
  • Improves the menstrual cycle.
  • Calms and acts as an antidepressant.
  • It has bactericidal, fungicidal and insecticidal properties.
  • Antispasmodic effect.
  • Improves stomach function.
  • Tones and has a healing effect.
  • Has diuretic and diaphoretic properties.
  • Has a deodorizing effect.

Citronella has analgesic, bactericidal, diuretic properties, and also improves stomach function and is used as a sedative.


  • Individual intolerance - the plant can cause irritation, allergic reactions and even poisoning.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Chronic diseases.
  • Before consuming citronella, it is important to consult a professional, and also remember that abuse of this plant risks an overdose, which will greatly worsen your health.


Citronella is mainly used to obtain essential oil, which is found in both the stems and leaves of the plant.

The method for obtaining aroma oil is water-steam distillation. The yield of EO is 1-2.5 percent.

Oil is divided according to chemotypes into:

  • Ceylonese;
  • Javanese.

The first chemotype is obtained from Cymbopogon nardus L. Its main component is geraniol, comprising up to 20 percent. The plant also contains 5-15 percent citronellal, 9-11 percent limonene, up to 11 percent methyl eugenol and about 6-8 percent citronellol.

The second chemotype is obtained from the plant Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt. Its main ingredient is citronellal, the content of which reaches 45 percent. The Java chemotype has much less geraniol (average 11-13 percent), has some geranyl acetate (up to 8 percent), and contains only 1-4 percent limonene.

Due to its higher amount of citronellal, Javanese citronella oil is considered more valuable.

Citronella is used to obtain oil, which is produced from the leaves and stems of the plant.

Application of citronella essential oil:

  • It is a component of hygiene products, fragrances, soaps, perfume compositions, and household chemicals.
  • Used as a plant repellent and biopesticide.
  • Citronella essential oil has been shown to have antifungal properties.
  • As a cosmetic product, aroma oil refreshes and tones the skin. It is used to cleanse and reduce pores, and even out skin texture during aging.
  • Citronella oil helps in the fight against sagging facial skin, wrinkles on the neck, double chin, calluses, rough skin and warts.

Citronella oil is an excellent anti-aging agent


The juice obtained from citronella is used by cosmetologists because it has a tonic effect. This juice helps remove toxins from the body and restore metabolism. It is added to lotions, masks and skin creams.

Citronella juice has a tonic effect and is good for enriching cosmetics


In cooking

  • Due to the presence of lemon aroma, the plant is successfully used as a seasoning for fish, poultry, and meat dishes.
  • Citronella is also used in fresh, and in dried.
  • Raw citronella is added to salad. For this purpose, the core of the stems is used, since it is softer than the leaves.
  • Tea is made from the leaves of the plant. Prepare lemon tea can be made from fresh citronella, but the plant is also often dried for the winter. This tea has a calming effect, so you should enjoy its lemon scent during stress and nervous tension. Also, drinking this tea will help remove toxins from the body.

Mint-ginger drink

Take 15 grams of fresh citronella and 5 grams of fresh mint, as well as 10 grams fresh root ginger Place in a teapot and pour 500 ml of boiling water. After steeping for 10 minutes, you can drink without adding sugar or add honey, sugar or maple syrup. If desired, the drink can be cooled.

For 8 servings you need:

  • 1500 g chicken fillet
  • 3 branches citronella
  • 2 small onions
  • A pinch of paprika
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons Vietnamese fish sauce and soy sauce
  • Sweetener
  • Pepper

Slice chicken breast thin strips, and onions - in rings. Fry the meat in a few drops of oil until browned. Add onion, finely chopped citronella, sauces and spices to the chicken. Reduce heat, cover the pot with a lid and simmer for 45 minutes.

In medicine

  • The healing effect is mainly due to aromatic oil. Citronella EO is used for dizziness, vestibular disorders, attacks of weakness, VSD, and anemia.
  • The plant strengthens the body and has a stimulating effect on the immune system. It is often prescribed during rehabilitation to speed up recovery after surgery or injury.
  • Citronella is able to rehabilitate hearing after otitis media. Its use will eliminate noise in the ear and also make hearing sharper.
  • The plant is recommended to optimize digestion. It reduces appetite, therefore it is in demand as an assistant in losing excess weight.
  • The oil clears thoughts well and is effective for migraines and headaches.
  • The plant has a tonic effect. At the same time, taking it normalizes the work nervous system and hearts.
  • For its antiseptic properties, citronella is often used in the fight against infections.
  • Citronella essential oil has the ability to help with rheumatic pain.
  • By treating your feet with oil, you will eliminate odor, sweating, and also relieve fatigue.

When losing weight

  • Juice is obtained from the plant, the effect of which is to normalize digestion. This helps in getting rid of excess weight.
  • Citronella also has the ability to reduce appetite.

Drinking citronella juice promotes natural weight loss, as the plant normalizes digestion

At home

Citronella can be used as:

  • insect repellent;
  • component for soap production;
  • a substance that eliminates the smell of fish, seasonings or fat (can be washed dishes and used to disinfect the air, as well as to neutralize the smell of smoke);
  • means for warming up muscles and ligaments in sports.

Made from citronella special means which are good at repelling insects

The leaves of the plant are used to make citronella soap.

Scented candles with citronella, also used to repel insects


The plant grows best in light sandy soil that drains well. To grow citronella, the soil must be moist and nutritious. Water the plant abundantly, preferably with rainwater.

It is more advisable to grow citronella through seedlings.

Plant seeds are placed in moist soil to a depth of 5 mm. Next, the container is covered with film and placed in a room with a temperature above +20 degrees. Since seedlings grow better under sun rays, it is best to place the container on a south window. Citronella is planted in the garden at the end of May, having first given the seedlings the opportunity to get used to the new conditions for several days (put the container with the seedlings in the garden during the day, and bring it indoors at night).

To grow citronella at home, you need to create a special microclimate for it - this is moist soil and temperature regime above +20 degrees

IN middle lane and northern region in open ground Citronella can only be grown as an annual. If you are interested in perennial cultivation, plant it in buckets, boxes or containers. By making holes in their bottom, the containers can simply be placed in the garden or buried in the ground. If you plant citronella near your resting place, you will be protected from mosquitoes.

Currently, approximately 4 thousand tons of citronella oil are produced in the world. About 40 percent of global production comes from Indonesia and China. Essential oil is also produced in India, Mexico, Brazil, Madagascar, Argentina, Guatemala and other countries.

Citronella oil is produced annually in large quantities, about 4 thousand tons.


Citronella is a herb that grows up to 1 meter in height and has a rich lemon scent. Other name - lemon grass. It grows wild only in Sri Lanka, but is grown in many countries. The concentrated oil is made by steam distilling the dried herb. Fresh herbs are rarely used to create oils. The yield is 0.5-1%, that is, to create 1 liter of oil, about 200 kg of grass is required. It is generally accepted that oils High Quality from producers from the island of Java. The cost depends on the supplier and manufacturer, ranging from 50-300 rubles per 5 ml.

Citronella oil. Characteristics

The main characteristics of citronella oil are its thin texture and yellowish-brown tint. It can easily be confused with lemon, especially since the aroma is too reminiscent of this fruit.

The smell is special: invigorating, with a hint of wood and a lemony bottom note. By distinctive features looks like lemongrass. You can mix with cinnamon, basil, sandalwood, lavender and other oils.

Citronella essential oil. Beneficial features

Citronella essential oil has many beneficial properties. But it is more popular in alternative medicine:

fights coordination disorders, dystonia, neuralgia, headaches. Eliminates symptoms of vegetative-vascular diseases: lethargy, nausea, etc.;
It has rare property: improves hearing and also restores it after operations and illnesses;

restores health after infections, intestinal dysfunctions;
helps keep the body in good shape, activates regulatory functions, stimulates work immune system. And its tonic qualities allow it to be used by transport drivers to increase concentration;
has aphrodisiac properties that increase sexual desire, activating sexual activity;
regenerates the mobility of joints and muscles;
fights skin problems.

Citronella essential oil. Effect on emotions

Citronella herb essential oil is one of the most active funds that affect our emotions. Capable of eliminating anxiety, depression, depression, giving a boost of vigor and strength.

This is an excellent antidepressant that helps fight apathy, negativity, and helps to tune in to the positive. Its use increases concentration, productivity, and improve memory.

Citronella oil. Application in cosmetology

Citronella oil is used in cosmetology, but less often than others. Ability to regulate production sebum makes it indispensable for skin with problematic rashes. Suitable for dry skin types, it will tighten pores and eliminate acne. Can be applied undiluted in dots to acne.

In addition, it is useful for dry skin because it restores tone, nourishes with moisture, and improves structure. Citronella will soften the skin and remove the hardened layer, making it suitable for peeling. Oil can remove warts, calluses, fungus, and eliminate dermatological problems. This is an excellent natural deodorant, so you can add it to baths or creams when your feet are sweating.

And the antiviral properties are suitable for the prevention of herpes. Just add a small amount of in lip balm.

Citronella oil. Dosages

There are some dosages for adding citronella oil:

to improve concentration, reduce apathy, and purify the air, add 3-5 drops per 15 m2 of area to an aroma lamp;
For steam baths and warm inhalations, rubbing and applications, add 3-4 drops to cold water;
to add to cosmetics, 5-7 drops per 15 grams is enough;
You can take no more than 1 drop orally and no more than 3 times a day, mixing with thick food and drinking tea or water.

Citronella oil for face and hair

Due to the special properties of citronella oil for the face and hair, it is often used in mask recipes and added to cosmetics. It has the ability to refresh and regenerate.

for boils, oily skin and acne A lotion is prepared with this oil. There is also the option of adding 2-3 drops per 5 ml of daily cream. With constant application, the oil disinfects the skin, reduces inflammation, and increases tone;
For dry skin types, the oil is useful for its tightening properties. It cannot be applied undiluted, but can be enriched with any oil mask based on vegetables, fruits;
in hair care, it helps get rid of dandruff, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reducing the oiliness of the hair. In addition, it will give pleasant aroma curls.

Let's look at some beauty recipes with citronella oil:

cosmetic ice. If you are a fan ice cubes for the face, that is easy recipe: Add a couple drops of citronella oil to the water before freezing. The procedure will bring freshness, vigor and excellent tone to the skin;
for steam baths you will need a liter of water, 2 drops of grapefruit oil, 1 drop of citronella and bergamot oil. If you want to tighten the pores, then take 1 drop of citronella oil, lemon oil and juniper oil for the same amount of water. Even after one procedure, the skin will look healthy, pores will shrink;

To narrow pores, this mask helps: mix equal amounts of oil from sprouted wheat grains, grape seeds, and clay. Add 3 drops of citronella oil to 5 ml of mixture. Apply to skin, especially to problem areas. Hold for 5 minutes;
To care for the skin of the lips and prevent it from drying out and peeling, a product made from rosewood ether and citronella in a 2:1 ratio is suitable. Apply as needed;
you can enrich any shampoos and conditioners, which will reduce oiliness and the occurrence of dandruff;
Aromatic combing of curls is useful. Rub a couple of drops into a wooden comb and thoroughly comb the curls for 5-8 minutes.

As you can see, concentrated citronella oil indispensable product in cosmetology. It helps restore and renew cells, is unique means For .

But we must not forget about precautions. Prohibited during pregnancy, skin sensitivity, and allergies. If you follow these simple recommendations, then the oil helps maintain youth, beauty, skin tone, and will give it strength and energy.

11 January 2014, 14:14

What does citronella essential oil get its name from? The answer to this question is simple - the predominant citrus notes in it, which attract with their fresh and invigorating smell, although in fact citronella has nothing in common with citrus.

It was discovered in ancient India amazing properties Citronella essential oil is not only healing, but also occult. Women used it to lighten their skin and make it smooth and fragrant. Such amazing product, like citronella essential oil, the use of which was considered a luxury by temple priests, was actively used by the Romans.

IN Ancient Rome Warriors rubbed themselves with it because they believed that this product would make them invulnerable. In fact, the aromatic substance simply had an invigorating effect and helped get rid of the fear of future battles. Over the centuries, the oil has not lost its popularity and is still used today.

Ether is obtained from the stems of the plant by distilling the essential substances using steam treatment. At first glance, citronella oil is completely different from lemon oil. Yellow with a slight caramel tint, a similar texture and a distinctive citrus scent, the aromatic substance really evokes the idea of ​​citrus.

Its aroma has the freshness of cut grass, an oily woody undertone, and a strong, bitter, lemony “taste” that can only be heard upon first sniff.

For a plant such as citronella, the essential oil of which has been used and properties known to us since ancient times, a fairly simple task is not only to treat diseases, but also to use it as an additive in natural cosmetics. The aromatic substance is not inferior in its effectiveness and, unlike its counterparts, it is consumed much more economically.

Based on reviews of citronella oil, we can say with confidence that this substance helps fight stress and improves mood. In addition, after aromatherapy with citronella oil, you feel an extraordinary surge of vigor and desire to create and create.

Ether is also used as natural antidepressant, since citronella essential oil allows you to cleanse the energy shell of negativity. As a result, the oil relieves stress without disturbing the integrity of the body's systems.

It is recommended to use this pleasant-smelling substance creative people, because the use of citronella essential oil improves cerebral circulation, allows you to tune in to a lyrical mood and create. It is also used as an aphrodisiac, increasing activity and giving a surge of strength.

The healing properties of citronella essential oil are actively used Alternative medicine. Herbalists use ether for treatment low pressure, neuralgia, anemia and migraines. Thanks to the effects of aromatherapy, you can get rid of dizziness, weakness and nausea.

In addition, using citronella oil you can get rid of infection and quickly restore the body after surgery.

Herbal medicine would not be fully effective if our ancestors had not revealed to us the secrets of such an amazing plant as citronella. This amazing essential oil, the use of which allows you to get rid of diseases and become more beautiful, is valued in many countries around the world, and ours is no exception.

Nutritionists advise using aromatherapy with citronella oil to cleanse the body and normalize weight.

Citronella oil can kill pathogenic bacteria for colds, reduce joint inflammation and restore their flexibility in combination with therapeutic exercises.

In addition, the aromatic substance perfectly removes warts, calluses and kills fungi. In everyday life, citronella oil is used to repel mosquitoes, ants and cockroaches.

Citronella oil: application in cosmetology

This unique product used to eliminate deficiencies oily skin. Fragrant gold regulates sebum secretion, reducing it to permissible norm. Also, the ether with a wonderful citrus scent helps tighten pores and cleanse the skin, even out its structure and get rid of acne.

To combat acne and comedones, it is better not to use oil in combination with lotions or creams, but to apply directly to inflamed areas.

Although citronella ester helps to get rid of oily skin, it is great as a natural moisturizer for aging and dry skin. The aromatic substance promotes natural hydration, smoothing and regeneration. inner layers epidermis.

Using citronella oil at home

The beneficial properties of the oil are manifested not only in cosmetology and herbal medicine; it is also used in the home. For example, to combat strong odors and for washing dishes. Citronella oil is used against mosquitoes and other annoying insects.

When applying the ether directly to the skin, you may feel a slight burning sensation. There is no need to be afraid of this, the oil penetrates the skin and has beneficial effect on joints and inflammatory processes.

During inhalation with citronella oil, sneezing may begin due to irritated mucous membranes; it should only be used in a mixture with base oil.

When used in an aroma lamp, you can get rid of stress and headaches. It is best to light it before bed.


Allergy sufferers should avoid using the oil, as the product may cause redness and slight swelling. The oil should not be used by pregnant women or people with high pressure And increased excitability, since essential oil has a strong tonic and stimulating effect.

Despite positive reviews When talking about citronella oil, it is necessary to remember that each organism is individual, and accordingly, reactions to the oil may be different. Therefore, before using it, make sure that it is suitable for you, and only then use it.

From this plant it is obtained by steam distillation of the dried herb. Freshly picked stems are rarely used for manufacturing, as this requires large quantity raw materials, which leads to higher prices for the product. Citronella herbs contain aldehydes - citral and citronellal, terpenes - camphene, limonene and dipentene, as well as terpene alcohols - borneol, nerol, geraniol and citronellol.

Aldehyde citral is used as a flavoring agent in Food Industry and in perfumery. It is part of drugs that reduce blood pressure and is a raw material for the production of vitamin A. Terpene alcohols are used as components of perfume compositions in the production of soap, household chemicals, as leading components of resins and balms.

The main advantage of citronella oil is its ability to repel all kinds of insects. Citronella is sometimes added to candle wax to repel mosquitoes. A drop of this essential oil added to will give a fresh aroma to your linen and drive away moths. Oil sprayed with a spray bottle will protect the house from annoying insects and neutralize tobacco smoke.

Medicinal properties

Citronella oil is considered effective means against vegetative-vascular dystonia, frequent attacks weakness, dizziness, vestibular disorders, anemia. It has a general strengthening effect, stimulates the immune system, encourages recovery, it is an ideal remedy for rehabilitation after severe injuries and operations. Citronella oil improves hearing acuity and relieves tinnitus. It optimizes digestion, reduces appetite and gets rid of extra pounds.

Citronella oil is a good antiseptic and is recommended for skin inflammations. In addition, it removes toxins from the body.

Citronella oil is an oil of vitality and vital energy. When you inhale its aroma, you feel a surge of strength and a desire to communicate. This essential oil relieves depression, encouraging you to move forward. It is believed that it can be used to increase concentration, memory and the ability to absorb information, so it can be recommended to drivers and students. Citronella essential oil is an aphrodisiac that can increase potency and sexual activity in both men and women.

Cosmetic properties

The oil is used in cosmetology as a skin refresher. It is ideal for aging skin, for reducing and cleansing pores. Citronella oil successfully reduces warts and calluses.

Methods of application

This oil can be added a few drops to preparations or to the bath. For aromatherapy, citronella oil is dripped into an aroma lamp (5-6 drops per 15 sq.m.). When taken internally, 1 drop is added to honey or dripped onto a piece of bread.

The best results are achieved when combining this oil with bergamot, ylang-ylang, peppermint, lavender, clary sage and eucalyptus oils.


Citronella oil is contraindicated for hypertensive patients, pregnant women, and easily excitable people. It cannot be used when increased acidity, gastritis, ulcers, should not be applied to skin prone to irritation.