Flower magic - signs, conspiracies. The magical properties of the white lily. The magical properties of pansies

If your dreams of family life fail to come true, think, maybe the violet doesn’t want a man to live in the house? Like camellia, which is also considered a flower of loneliness. For married couples with children, these flowers will bring more happiness. Violets, thanks to their magical energy, will not let a depressive mood into the house. Specimens blooming in lilac shades can cleanse the house by removing negative energy from it.

Introverted and shy people need to plant a camellia in a flower pot, it will help get rid of complexes, become more confident, and believe in their attractiveness. To attract the opposite sex like a magnet, place it in your home.

An orchid will improve your mood and cleanse the energy at home. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com

Place spathiphyllum in your bedroom; it’s not called the plant of love for nothing. If a single woman wants to find a soul mate, let her place an anthurium in her bedchamber. It is believed to attract men, just like the Chinese rose. Therefore, be sure to place these flowers in your home.

Also classified as a flower of love. This elegant plant will improve your mood and cleanse the energy of the house, just like balsam, which is popularly called Vanka wet. It will help the home atmosphere to be positive and will purify the air.

Violets, thanks to their magical energy, will not let a depressive mood into the house.

Indoor white lily also has magical properties. It must be positioned so that the light from the moon falls on the buds. Then he will feed them at night, and during the day the plant will begin to give its magical powers to the woman who is the owner of the plant.

In addition to domestic plants that are useful from an energy point of view, there are also harmful ones. Thus, the majestic monstera is a powerful vampire, like Dieffenbachia. These indoor vines are capable of taking energy from people. Their negativity is especially evident in small rooms, where it is extremely undesirable to place these indoor plants. It is better to place it in large offices, medical institutions, where many people pass daily. Here these plants can even become useful, as they will cleanse the space.

For your home, choose plants with positive energy. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com

It is also not advisable to place ferns at home; if you have a strong desire to grow such plants, do not place them in the bedroom, nursery, or where family members spend a lot of time. It is better to take them out into the winter garden or place them on a glazed balcony, heated in winter.

It is better to grow cacti for those who have a calm character. Overly active people can become aggressive when in the vicinity of indoor needle plants.

When growing flowers, it is important to know which plants in appearance can be grown in a particular room. Thus, Feng Shui does not recommend placing in the living room or bedroom those that have leaves and flowers with pointed and torn edges. It is believed that these representatives of the flora are capable of emitting negative energy.

Each plant has enormous energy power, its own plant magic. Sorcerers are well aware of this, preparing their mysterious potions with the addition of various plants. The magical properties of each magical drink depend on the “miracle herbs” put into the cauldron by the sorcerer.

Medicinal (magical) properties of plants are given not only by various components and vitamins contained in them. With their energy, plants correct human energy. Having learned about these properties of plants, people came up with various rituals and conspiracies, which are commonly called plant magic.

Many popular beliefs are associated with the magical power of plants. It has long been believed that you can learn to read other people's thoughts if you grow magic peas yourself. To do this in the spring, you need to kill a snake (an animal with powerful magical powers), sew three peas into its belly and bury it in the ground. The grown flower is picked and eaten at midnight. From my own experience, I know that if you seriously consider the issue of reading other people’s thoughts (telepathy), grow any edible flower, carefully care for it during growth, constantly think about why you cherish it, tune in to the plant every day, try to understand, what he lacks, and then you also perform the “eating” ritual, then during this time your telepathic capabilities will definitely increase, you will learn to listen and hear plants. And there, from plants, it’s not far to animals, and then it’s a stone’s throw to people. That's all telepathy is. It turns out that reading thoughts, the ability to feel and understand without words are completely natural for humans! However, this is not really about plants...

Here is another belief about the magic of plants that has come down to us from ancient times: anyone who wanted to become smart and rich needed to find a fern flower. You had to look for its brilliant light at exactly midnight near Ivan Kupala and, having picked it off, rush at full speed out of the forest, not paying attention to the howl of the pursuing devils. And if you turn around, you will die or remain an idiot for the rest of your days. Is it worth looking for a fern flower or is it just a fairy tale? But fairy tales don’t just happen in a vacuum.

Weeping grass is collected at the dawn of Midsummer. You only need to pick it with your hands. Weeping grass brings fear to evil spirits, inclines them to reconciliation and submission. Only the roots and flowers of the weeping grass have magical powers. Until now, with its help, various kinds of evil spirits are expelled from the house. Our ancestors gave this name to the grass because it makes evil spirits cry. Dried flowers and roots are kept in the house all year round so that evil spirits do not disturb the peace of the owners of the house.

Roots of magical overpowering grass kept in the house to gain strength in overcoming all obstacles, and also used in love spells.

Sleep grass is harvested in May. On a full moon, the dream grass is placed under the pillow, after which the sleeper should have a prophetic dream that will answer all the important questions that interest him.

Many magical actions are associated with the tear-grass. With her, no castles are scary: at least drive away evil spirits from the treasure, even “spoil” people.

Nettle has the ability to determine whether the patient will survive or not. To carry out plant diagnostics using nettles, several freshly picked nettle leaves were thrown into the patient’s fresh urine. If after a day the nettle leaves shriveled, shrank, and lost color, this was considered a bad sign, the patient was terminally ill. If it remains green, the patient will recover.

All of the above can be considered just a small introduction, a brief story about the forgotten power of plant magic. Having become acquainted with the magical properties of wild plants (they are energetically stronger than cultivated forms), you will be able to strengthen the Ba Gua zones with them, and if the desire arises, then perform some kind of magical action with the help of plants in a certain zone, after which the influence of this zone on the desired events will intensify even more. But you need to start with something simpler, that is, with indoor plants.

The selection of plants in the house must be approached very seriously, since these living creatures will live with you, share joys and sorrows, and help to the best of their ability. For example, it is very good to have a lotus flower in your home, but you can also use other flowers that have soft, round shapes. It is considered very favorable for the home if the houseplant forms a fluffy green “cap”. Any spherical shape establishes the correct energy balance in the room.

Green spaces need to be carefully monitored. There should be no dried or dying plants in the house. If there is no way to save the flower, it should be thrown away without regret. Otherwise, instead of the positive growth energy created by a healthy plant, you will receive the disease-causing energy of withering.

We must not forget about one important quality of flowers - during the day, in the light, they produce oxygen, and at night, in the dark, they absorb it. At night, plants deprive sleeping people of energy, so it is not recommended to keep many plants in the bedroom. If there are still a lot of flowers in the bedroom, then be sure to open the window at night.

It is undesirable to cover the entire house with climbing and hanging plants, since such species do not have sufficient energy to fill the house with vitality. Moreover, such plants can weaken the energy available in the house. Simply put, you can use such plants in the interior, but you should not overdo it. Climbing plants are used strictly for their intended purpose. They are excellent reflectors of attack radiation from corners and protrusions of walls and furniture, but their leaves should not be narrow and sharp. You can hang ivy pots in the corners of your house or apartment. To activate energy, choose flowers with rounded, fleshy leaves. It is better to have plants in the house with stems and leaves pointing upward - they are energetically stronger and feed the house with vital energy.

It is recommended to treat cacti with extreme caution. These plants are now in vogue, and due to this, many people have started growing them in huge quantities. Cacti emit negative energy (instead of positive), and their hard energy rays penetrate the space of the room. Therefore, they can only be used for a specific purpose. Cacti neutralize radiation from computer monitors, TV, microwave ovens, etc. By placing a green friend next to operating devices, you will significantly reduce the negative impact of magnetic vibrations. Instead of a cactus, you can place a fern next to the monitor.

Azalea is also not a very welcome guest in the house. She, like a cactus, has negative energy. In this “company” of energetic enemies there is also wax ivy, which, in addition to releasing negative energy, has the ability (according to popular belief) to scare away suitors from a girl of marriageable age.

Palm trees with their sharp thin leaves are a source of hard radiation.

Aloe and Kalanchoe– healing antiseptic plants. Their presence in the house helps people achieve their desires.

Better than other household magical plants, geranium, mint and chrysanthemum repel various negative energies. If something bothers you at night or you feel someone’s unkind presence in the house, bring these peace-keeper plants into your house.

Myrtle is a symbol of family well-being, it brings happiness in marriage.

Roses and violets contribute to the emergence of love and passion. If there are no children in the family, put cyclamen in the bedroom - it will definitely help you conceive a child.

Camellia in its energetic action it is similar to a rose, but it attracts more sublime and purer love feelings into the house.

Cypress is a symbol of eternity and makes a connection between the world of the living and the dead. The dead often try to give us clues and help, but usually we don’t hear them. Cypress can help you listen to their advice.

All types of citrus fruits help cope with stress and headaches.

Balsam- a wonderful flower, it creates a surprisingly bright atmosphere in the house.

Begonia helps to increase the material well-being of the family.

The magic of plants is simple– choose what you like, thinking about what you want to get from life (our tastes and desires are closely related). Take care of the plant, communicate with it as with a friend, and it will lend you an invisible helping hand, protecting you with its power from many troubles and giving you the abilities inherent in itself. However, it is stupid to rely only on the magic of plants; we must live and act ourselves. Not a single tree can protect against an event towards which a person himself is moving, although the tree will greatly yearn for the misfortune that happened to the person he liked. If a home or one of the family members is in trouble, the trees become sick and their leaves droop. Sometimes they even cry: small cracks open in the bark, through which amber tears ooze - drops of resin. These are tears about someone's fate. The tree can even die if a person dies if they were strongly connected.

The tree retains its strength even after its death. Just as the relics of saints are capable of healing hundreds of years after physical death, so the wood of a healthy tree is capable of transmitting the energy it has accumulated many years after it was cut down. The magic of wood talismans is based on this property.

Damage is a serious magical effect designed to harm the victim. The caster must realize that he is taking a heavy burden on his soul: deliberately worsening the condition of another is no small sin. But everyone is free to decide for themselves. If there is such a need, then damaging flowers will help bring many unpleasant moments into the life of an enemy. There are several types of ritual.

Damage to flowers from the cemetery

The churchyard is a classic place for black rituals. When going to the cemetery, you need to take with you:

  • quality tobacco;
  • a piece of fresh beef;
  • bread;
  • gloves.

Tobacco, meat and bread are left under an old tree not far from the entrance to the churchyard. These are gifts to the Owner, whose permission is needed to work in the cemetery. It is necessary to contact the entity with a request for assistance. It is advisable to pronounce words that come from the heart, but if you can’t come up with anything, it is permissible to use the standard text:

“The owner of the churchyard, the lord of the dead! I won’t cause harm, I won’t offend your charges, so don’t create obstacles for me, but help me in my work.”

Then you should find the grave in which the enemy’s namesake rests. You will need to put on gloves and pick some flowers from the burial. Their quantity does not matter: even one plant from the graveyard is enough for the magical effect to be successful. If the ritual is performed in winter, you can take an artificial flower or tear it off the wreath.

Within 24 hours, it is necessary to bring the “prey” to the victim’s house: damage to cemetery flowers starts immediately as soon as the plant (artificial or live) is in the home. The main thing is that it remains there for at least two or three days. The corruption program leads to a gradual deterioration in human health: the victim withers right before our eyes and sooner or later “moves” to the grave.

Each indoor plant has its own energy, which affects people differently. For example, it is believed that the fat plant attracts money, and the cactus scares away robbers and bad people.

An ordinary flower can become an excellent amulet of protection and a talisman of good luck. The main thing is to know which plant will help solve a particular problem.

Magical properties of amulets flowers

From problems in your personal life. Are there few suitors around or do relationships with men never go beyond the first date? Esotericists recommend having oxalis or hibiscus in the bedroom - flowers that attract love and passion. For sexual liberation, it is recommended to plant an avocado seed.

From gossip and imaginary friends. Tradescantia will help you get rid of talking behind your back and ward off people who only bring you grief.

From quarrels in the house. If scandals often arise in the house, get a violet in the house and place it in the room where showdowns most often occur. This indoor amulet flower will absorb all the negativity.

From evil spirits in the house. If you often wake up in your nose from strange sounds, it seems to you that someone is rattling dishes in the kitchen, and in general, you are sure that someone from an unknown world lives in the house, get a fern.

To attract money and success. In addition to the well-known fat plant, dracaena, bamboo and palm trees attract good luck and money to the house.

From cheating. A rose will protect you from adultery. This flower has always been considered a symbol of fidelity and purity.

You need to look after your amulet flower and provide proper care. By the way, do not be afraid that those plants that are designed to protect may wither. This means that they have averted trouble from your home. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.02.2015 09:02

The rose has always been considered a noble, royal flower. She personified beauty, tenderness, femininity and love. But its beautiful appearance and aroma...

Is your personal life not going well, are you constantly short of money, are you tormented by insomnia and a bad mood? The reasons for everything...

They were sacred to people and were worshiped. Different peoples have developed many myths, legends and stories dedicated to herbs, flowers and trees. Some plants and trees have become symbols, talismans and amulets. They were credited with magical powers capable of clearing the space around them of evil and attracting good. In Siberia and the North, for example, each shaman had his own “witchcraft” tree. The life of the sorcerer was closely connected with the tree. If the tree died, then the shaman died too.

Every plant has an aura that can affect people, places and things in different ways. The sages of ancient times always associated astrology with plants. It was believed that each type of plant belongs to a specific zodiac constellation and ruling planet, and that each plant is an intermediary between the Sun (god) and the Earth (man), helping people absorb the joy of the sun and get rid of filth. Later, scientists confirmed that many plants have a great bioenergetic effect and are capable of influencing humans, and their medicinal properties heal various diseases.

Herbal talismans, worn on oneself, protect against damage, witchcraft, evil spirits, and diseases, give success in love and business, the favor of superiors and the courtesy of others, and give children obedience and improvement in learning. Placed in the house, these herbs protect the house from witchcraft and evil spirits.

Air has protective properties. Bunches of fresh leaves under the pillow protect the sleeper from astral attacks and nightmares. Hanging on windows and above doors, they protect against magical intrusion.

The Greeks believed that aconite grew from the foam falling from the mouth of Cerberus. Growing in the garden, it protects the territory. The tuber, carried in a pouch on the chest, brings good luck.

Birch patroness of women and girls, considered the keeper of the hearth. Cleansing properties, therefore, are used to create a magic panicle, and also bring some diseases to the birch. A leaf collected on the May full moon has great healing power.

Hawthorn protects from evil spirits.

Elder has healing powers.

It was believed that in bouquet the spirit of the times lurks

Verbena used for predictions, in love magic, in magical rituals to increase wealth, has great healing power, and protects. The use is very extensive. One of the main magical herbs.

Elm symbolizes knowledge

Elecampane used in healing, love and protective magic

Oak– a sacred tree, gives strength. The Druids considered it a tree of wisdom, or science.

Spruce as is the oak, a sacred tree, a symbol of longevity and health.

With St. John's wort the devil is not afraid.
St. John's wort is a very strong plant. It is used as a protective agent to relieve damage and infertility. Protects against any magic if assembled correctly. It is possible to use the exact opposite. Protects from evil spells. St. John's wort, collected on Ivan Kupala, is considered the enemy of all sorcerers. If you weave a wreath from it in the morning and dance in it around the fire all evening, then for all 365 days of the year a person will be protected from damage. Neither the devil nor the sorcerer has power over the one who carries a twig of St. John's wort. A dried stalk hung above the door or hidden under the threshold will prevent evil spirits from entering the house. If you weave and wear a belt from St. John's wort, it will take on all the evil, and if you throw the belt on November 1 (All Saints' Day) into the fire, all the evil accumulated on the belt will return to the one who sent it. In Germany, there was also such a custom: in the early morning of Midsummer, men wove sashes from St. John's wort, and at night they burned them at the stake. From this, great and constant male power came to them.

Willow used in dowsing, and also protects against nightmares and troubles. will protect you from the evil eye and witchcraft.

Ivan-da-Marya– maintains love and devotion.

Saxifrage- magical gap-grass of Slavic mythology.

Cedar gives strength of spirit and endurance.

Clover- a symbol of good luck and success.

Nettle considered healing. Used in love magic for lapels and love spells. Removes damage, protects against evil energy and witchcraft. When worn, it gives courage and fearlessness.

Buckthorn in magic it is used to remove spells and conspiracies.

Yellow water lily(magical overpowering grass) in Slavic mythology. In some areas of Russia, white and yellow water lilies are known by this name, or they are also called white and yellow lilies. It is believed that the plant has magical properties and that it protects the house from evil spirits and helps to overcome everyday difficulties.

Water lily, water lily (white) - wear the root on the neck - to attract love.

Linden in magic. There was a popular belief that the linden tree protected from lightning. And a person who is under a linden tree during the rain should not be afraid of either thunder or lightning. since until now there has not been a case of anyone being killed under a linden tree. Linden is the lightest, heartiest tree. It is believed that the linden tree brings the family together. And linden tea even has a bewitching effect, although it will have an effect on your own husband or wife. It cannot be used for selfish purposes or to destroy a family with dark thoughts. In Rus' it was considered a bad omen if a linden tree planted near a house dries up - prosperity would leave the family and the house would lose its amulet.

Alder one of the 13 sacred trees used in witchcraft. It is associated with the period of spring equinox - a time of balance and harmony

Hazel used in dowsing,

Nut- a symbol of victory, it is often used to fight someone.

Aspen will not bring anything good, it has always had a bad reputation.

Sow thistle grows in a swamp, was considered the patron of evil spirits.

used in healing, to induce troubles, to create talismans. Protects the house from lightning, and the field from hail. A fern worn on a naked body protects against witchcraft and evil spirits. This is a talisman of the highest happiness, giving good luck in all enterprises, games and love. Drives away nightmares, removes lightning, hail, devils and spells. Even one stalk carried with you brings happiness in the game.

Sagebrush. While traveling, holding it in your hand will prevent you from getting tired, and in order not to feel tired when walking, wash your feet with a decoction of wormwood or put it in your shoes. If you wear it in shoes, then a person becomes tireless and fast on the go. When worn, it protects against lightning, damage, evil spirits and epilepsy. You will have a safe journey if you carry wormwood and verbena together.

Primrose- symbolizes the road.

Mallow used in healing.

Burdock- a plant with the ability to cause damage.

Rowan used in protective magic. Berries protect against evil spirits and evil witchcraft. Wood is used to create wands.

Dream-grass used in dream practice, for predictions

Sage used as a fumigation for cleansing. Used in mixtures for talismans for good luck and prosperity. Can be used to create confusion and create illusions

Rosehip gives well-being.
There is a popular belief that if you surround a house with rosehip bushes, then there will always be peace and prosperity in it. If you often suffer defeats, then rose hips will help you. Rosehip has the property of converting negative energy into positive energy, which is why it has long been planted near the windows of the house. The smell of rose hips during flowering is very useful; it fills us with pure energy. Even the aroma of dried flowers blown by a fan can restore vigor and healthy appearance if you take such air baths daily for 15-30 minutes.

Celandine- victory grass

Hop- make a pillow from hop flowers and place it under the pillow - there will be no insomnia.

Melissa- if you wear it on yourself, you will be kind to everyone and restore your strength.

It is believed that the following can protect against witchcraft: barley, garlic, onions, rowan, birch, boxwood, elderberry
They will reveal extrasensory abilities and develop the “third eye”: chamomile and orchid.