Medicines for the treatment of premature ejaculation. How to cure premature ejaculation

Among disorders in the male reproductive system, premature ejaculation occupies a special place. The onset of early ejaculation occurs in men in different parts of the world. There is probably no man who would not feel embarrassed for having sexual intercourse for too short a time. If a representative of the stronger sex repeatedly encounters failures in bed, then this can lead to the development of severe depression, which will only aggravate the existing pathological process.

To treat early ejaculation at home, there are many different methods. However, you can choose a treatment strategy and learn how to control ejaculation only after consulting a urologist.

Types of premature ejaculation

Urologists distinguish two types of premature ejaculation, which have different etiologies:

Physiological causes of premature ejaculation

Psychological factors influencing early ejaculation

Symptoms accompanying rapid ejaculation

Early ejaculation is usually accompanied by additional symptoms. Men may experience the following symptoms:

  • incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • painful friction during sex;
  • reducing the amount of ejaculate released;
  • decreased potency.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of pathology consists of:

  • visual examination of the patient;
  • ultrasound examination of the genital organs;
  • analysis to detect a possible infectious agent;
  • examination of the vessels of the genital organ.

In urological practice, there are important tests to identify the most common cases of the disease:

Treatment of the disease

You can prescribe treatment after a complete diagnosis and determination of the cause that led to premature ejaculation.

Main methods of treatment:

Folk recipes for combating rapid ejaculation:

  • To prepare a medicinal decoction, you will need rose hips, medicinal angelica root, two-leafed love, and colza grass. Herbs are taken in equal proportions, then poured with hot water and infused for half an hour. The mixture should be taken a quarter glass twice a day. The course lasts two months. After a week's break, repeat the course.
  • Mix oregano, peppermint, motherwort and yarrow in equal proportions. Next, the mixture is poured with boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. The decoction should be taken twice a day before meals, half a glass. The treatment course can last up to three months.
  • The following herbs are taken in equal proportions: motherwort, calendula, three-leaf watch. Rose hips can be added to them. All components are crushed and used as tea leaves. Drink a healing decoction for three months.
  • A tablespoon of crushed hop cones and a tablespoon of motherwort are poured with hot water. The herbs are infused for 6 hours, then filtered. Drink half a glass of the decoction three times a day for one to two months.
  • A tablespoon of barvin is filled with cold water. Then the broth is placed in a steam bath and left for 30 minutes. The strained decoction is taken 10–15 drops twice a day for a week. Afterwards they take a week's break and begin a new round of treatment.
  • Take 50 g of lovage and add water. Place on the stove and boil for about 40 minutes. The cooled broth should be filtered and taken half a glass three times a day.
  • Coffin root in the amount of 20 g is poured into a glass of water and kept in a water bath for an hour. The decoction is taken up to 5 times a day, before meals.

Measures and cures for premature ejaculation. List of effective drugs for premature ejaculation. Safe drugs for the treatment of premature ejaculation.

Statistics show that a third of adult men around the world face the problem of early ejaculation at different periods of their lives. Its essence is that ejaculation occurs before the man has an orgasm; he cannot control such ejaculation. As a result, sexual life can experience significant upheavals, even the destruction of relationships. We need to look for ways to solve the situation. Medications to treat premature ejaculation may help.


Dapoxetine PRILIGY


Some people believe that Dapoxetine (sometimes called Priligy) is most effective. Perhaps this is a personal opinion of a certain circle of men, but the drug really commands respect. It belongs to the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. This is a scientific name, let’s explain it more simply now.


The active substance of the medicine acts on the nerve centers of ejaculation, blocking them, within three hours after taking the tablet orally. In this regard, it seems possible to prolong sex 3-4 times longer. He is also able to relax the nervous system before intimacy, so that there is confidence in sexual abilities. Dapoxetine acts for about 3 hours, it can be taken together with pills to increase potency (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra).

The drug can be taken in an amount of no more than 1 tablet once a day. Dapoxetine cannot be combined with alcohol, as its effectiveness will weaken. Contraindications for use are:

  1. allergy to the drug;
  2. cardiovascular diseases;
  3. serious kidney and liver diseases;
  4. priapism;
  5. curvature of the genital organ.

Side effects from Dapoxetine may be:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea.

For residents of Ukraine it is possible in the online pharmacy

Lidocaine as a drug to delay ejaculation

Lidocaine, a local anesthetic, also plays a role in preventing premature ejaculation. The principle of its operation is based on lowering the sensitivity threshold. In other words, the area of ​​skin treated with lidocaine becomes insensitive to touch for a while.


Therefore, if the substance is applied to the head of the penis, the latter will be unable to feel sexual stimulation for some time. To be more precise, the effect of lidocaine lasts for 45-50 minutes. For intimate purposes, this drug is available in the form of an aerosol sprayed onto the head of the penis. Lidocaine is sold under the name STUD 5000 spray.

The main advantage of the spray over other means to prevent early ejaculation is the absence of side effects. Also, STUD 5000 can be used as many times as necessary. Unlike, for example, all other drugs.

Prilocaine and mepivacaine have a similar effect. Prilocaine is also an anesthetic that affects a specific area of ​​the skin. It is sold on the market under different names.

Mepivacaine is an anesthetic whose action time is 2 times longer than that of lidocaine. Unlike lidocaine, the drug can only be prescribed by a doctor. Used for severe cases of ejaculation disorders.

Viagra, Levitra and Cialis

Sometimes medications for the treatment of premature ejaculation are also made as means to enhance potency. That is, they combine the properties of two in one preparation. It is very profitable and, most importantly, convenient. They mainly combine Dapoxetine, Viagra and Cialis. The new drug can be given different names - Super Zhewitra, Vistagra, Kamagra and others. Let's quickly look at medications such as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra.

Their main purpose is to increase potency and sexual desire. In other words, they provide a man with the opportunity to commit several sexual acts in a row. The first act will be the fastest, the next ones will take longer. This also helps prevent early ejaculation.

All three of these drugs are selective phosphodiesterase inhibitors; they increase blood flow to the genitals. As a result, the man gets an erection. Interestingly, Viagra, Cialis and Levitra act only if a person has sexual desire. Without the latter, an erection will not occur. Therefore, the advantage of these 3 drugs is that they act only at the moment when the man wants it.

So, Viagra is known, perhaps, to all men on planet Earth. In any case, at least once they heard about her. By taking just one tablet, you can be sure of the onset of an erection at any time over the next four hours.

Cialis differs from Viagra in its extended duration of action (36 hours), Levitra remains effective for up to 12 hours. It can be taken with alcoholic drinks and fatty foods. Therefore, if you need to extend the time of sex, and at the same time prevent rapid ejaculation, you can use one of these drugs. There is a choice between three most effective medications.

Viagra, Cialis and Levitra also have contraindications for use:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • priapism;
  • curvature of the genital organ;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • stomach ulcer.

Side effects may include:

  1. headache;
  2. nausea;
  3. dizziness;
  4. redness of the facial skin;
  5. nasal congestion.

The safest drug of this trio is Levitra; it is least likely to cause side effects.


This drug is made on the basis of sildenafil, a substance that is the main ingredient of Viagra. Erectil is intended for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and early ejaculation. It is available in the form of tablets with a dosage of 50 mg. A special feature of Erectil is that the medicine restores the body’s ability to have sex for a long time.

The drug must be taken in the amount of one tablet 50-60 minutes before sex, washed down with water, no more than once a day. Increasing this dosage may cause side effects. Negative reactions from the body to taking Erectil can be expressed as:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • facial redness;
  • nasal congestion;
  • pain in the back, stomach, muscles and joints;
  • diarrhea;
  • skin rash;
  • dyspepsia;
  • impaired clarity and color vision.

Erectil is prohibited from taking in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system in severe form;
  • priapism;
  • anatomical deformation of the penis;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • leukemia;
  • myeloma;
  • retinitis pigmentosa.


This medicine is intended to treat early ejaculation and weak erections. The drug tablet has a dosage of 50 mg, it should be taken 1 hour before sex with water or other non-alcoholic liquid. The dosage can be increased to 100 mg. or reduce to 25 mg. Conegra has very few side effects compared to other products for the treatment of rapid ejaculation. In rare cases, headache, dizziness, and nasal congestion may occur.

Contraindications for use are:

  • age under 18 years;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • priapism.


Impaza is one of the safest drugs for enhancing potency. It can be used by men even with heart and prostate diseases. In addition, Impaza tablets are easier to take - they do not need to be swallowed, but should be dissolved in the mouth. Impaza restores vascular patency and increases libido levels.

The course of treatment with Impaza is 2 weeks, during this period you should take one tablet per day. The effectiveness of Impaza is about 80%. The advantage of Impaza over other drugs is its lack of side effects.

Herbal preparations

Sealex is in demand for premature ejaculation. It is a herbal preparation and dietary supplement. The components of the medicine fulfill their purpose: ginseng root enhances libido, garlic extract strengthens the immune system, green tea extract invigorates and refreshes.

In addition to these ingredients, there are roots of licorice, Eurycoma longifolia and dwarf palm. Sealex for premature ejaculation helps solve not only the problem of early ejaculation - the medicine also takes an active part in the onset of erection, such a two-in-one remedy.

We also need to remember about herbal preparations. One of these is SS cream. It is a local anesthetic, like lidocaine. It is based on an extract of 9 plants, vitamins C and E.

The cream is applied to the head of the penis 1 hour before intimacy. Before sex, the drug should be washed off with water. It was found to be effective in prolonging sexual intercourse for 82% of men. And most importantly, no adverse reactions were detected from the SS cream.

You may find other medications to treat premature ejaculation. This is quite possible, because medicine does not stand still. We do not recommend purchasing such products right away. Since you must first identify all the properties of the newcomer, its advantages and disadvantages. First, try using the medications from today's article.

Their advantage is a successful experience in using it to delay ejaculation, they are, so to speak, “proven people” in their world.

As one of our readers writes:
“I used lidocaine several times (it was the easiest and fastest to get). I was very pleased with it, I even have one can in stock, waiting in the wings.”

Drugs to prolong sex on VeU for men in Ukraine

In our BeU pharmacy there is a whole section dedicated to drugs for prolonging sexual intercourse, which is called "To prolong sex". Its range can be seen right now, on the right side of the screen. In addition to the drug described in the article, it also includes complex action drugs that allow not only to prolong sexual intercourse, but also to strengthen the erection, making it of better quality:

  • — spray based on lidocaine, exclusively for external use
  • (Viagra with Dapoxetine)

How to prevent early ejaculation?

To do this, first of all, you should determine the cause of rapid ejaculation by consulting a doctor. He will diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment. But besides this, every man must follow a number of preventive measures. These include:

  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle, avoiding stress and bad mood;
  • eating natural foods, especially those containing a lot of magnesium and zinc;
  • regular exercise, physical exercise, walks in the fresh air.

Prevention in this way requires the use of exclusively psychological methods, without any medications. Psychologists and sex therapists can help prevent early ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation(ejaculation) is a disorder in the male reproductive system in which ejaculation occurs too early. This condition is one of the most common male diseases in different countries of the world. Every man has experienced early ejaculation at least once in his life, and, as a rule, none of them attached any importance to a one-time failure. But if premature ejaculation occurs regularly, then men fall into panic, even aggravating the course of the main pathological process.

Types of premature ejaculation in men

Depending on the causes of premature ejaculation, medicine distinguishes two types of this male ailment:
  1. Primary early ejaculation is congenital and is associated with the malfunction of some nerve centers of the brain responsible for the normal functioning of the male reproductive system. This disorder is rare, often caused by pathology of intrauterine development or birth trauma, and manifests itself as problems already during the very first sexual contact.
  2. Secondary early ejaculation is the result of exposure to pathogenic factors (trauma, certain medications, infections). With adequate treatment, sexual function is restored.

Causes of premature ejaculation

All causes of this dysfunction can be divided into 4 groups:
  • Organic, that is, based on some organic (pathological) process (chronic vesiculitis, urological diseases, injury to the lumbosacral spine, phimosis, balanoposthitis, hormonal disorders, poisoning with harmful substances, etc.).
  • Physiological (individual increased sensitivity of the skin of the head of the penis, prolonged sexual abstinence, a new partner, sex with a very beautiful woman, lack of magnesium in the diet).
  • Psychological (lack of trusting relationship with partner).
  • Genetic (if this disorder was noted in the male line, then the risk of regular early ejaculation increases).


For a long time there were problems in diagnosing premature ejaculation, since there were no uniform criteria for this disease. Some authors considered the duration of sexual intercourse important, others - specifically during intercourse, while others focused on the harmony of relationships in a couple. There is only one thing everyone agrees on: the onset of ejaculation before insertion of the penis into the vagina should be considered obvious early ejaculation.

Often men invent this pathology for themselves, based on their own fears and complexes or on the opinion of an incorrect partner. Fear of another failure disrupts normal sex life and leads to conflicts in the family, while the man is in a state of constant stress.

Andrologists and sexologists deal with the problem of premature ejaculation. Treatment for ejaculatory dysfunction usually involves both partners. The man is carefully examined for concomitant pathologies that may provoke or aggravate existing disorders. It is also important to establish the cause of premature ejaculation in a given man because treatment is prescribed purely individually, with monitoring and correction if necessary.

To date, the following criteria for this pathology have been identified:
  • The occurrence of ejaculation before inserting the penis into the vagina or when trying to hold it back. This takes into account age, concomitant pathology, physical condition and other factors.
  • Early ejaculation brings discomfort to a man’s family life and causes him unpleasant experiences.
  • The disease arose independently without taking or stopping any medications.

Treatment of premature ejaculation (how to prolong sexual intercourse for a man)

Treatment of this “scourge” is possible only with a purely individual approach to the patient. To begin with, the reasons that provoked the appearance of this dysfunction are determined, and then treatment is prescribed.

Rare failures for no apparent reason

It is possible to increase sexual stamina, if early ejaculation in a man is rare without any particular reason, by using special techniques to increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

One such technique is "Start-Stop Method". In this case, the man “catches” the moment of ejaculation, removes the penis from the vagina and squeezes it tightly with his fingers at the base of the head. Then sexual intercourse can be continued. When premature ejaculation approaches again, the technique is repeated. Thus, the duration of sexual intercourse gradually increases.

Another technique for controlling ejaculation is Kegel method, which is based on the doctrine of impaired innervation of the pelvic organs in men suffering from rapid ejaculation. .

Exercises for premature ejaculation include: contraction and relaxation of the pubococcygeus muscle fifteen times, two to three times a day with free breathing. The load is constantly increased to fifty exercises at a time. You can do a complicated exercise by holding the muscle in a state of tension while inhaling, and resting while exhaling. Exercise "Elevator" is performed in several stages from minimum voltage to maximum and vice versa. Breathing is free.

Drug treatment for premature ejaculation

Drugs for the treatment of premature ejaculation include the following proven remedies, some of which are sometimes combined to achieve a quick effect:

  • anesthetic creams (Instilagel, Katajel, lidocaine, Emla, lidocaine-prilocaine gel 5-10 minutes before sexual intercourse).
  • antidepressants.
  • selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Fluoxetine, Diprivox and Paxil).
  • tablets (Levitra, Cialis, Viagra).
  • food supplement 5-hydroxytryptophan.
  • "Dapoxetine".
  • Ecado drug, developed and patented by Dr. N.E. Chernobaev.

These drugs are used to delay the onset of premature ejaculation in men. Concomitant pathology may require additional treatment. For genitourinary infections, antibacterial therapy is prescribed. For the treatment of diseases of the spinal column, neuroprotectors, vitamins and vascular drugs are prescribed.

Often, in order to get rid of premature ejaculation, a married couple turns to a psychologist, who in the early stages can help cope with depression, anxiety, self-doubt, and fear. Achieving psychological harmony is in itself the result of a cure.

Your partner will help you avoid premature ejaculation

If you have a trusting relationship with your partner, a good effect is achieved from using Simmans methods:

  • Masturbate with a dry hand for about fifteen minutes without ejaculating (three attempts).
  • Masturbate with lubricant (Vaseline) for about fifteen minutes without ejaculation (three attempts).
  • Masturbate with the wife's dry hand for about 15 minutes to maintain an erection without ejaculation.
  • Masturbate with your wife's hand with lubricant.
  • Sexual contact in the "Rider" position with possible interruptions, the duration of sexual intercourse is 15 minutes without ejaculation, up to three attempts.

Important: After each stage there should be ejaculation.

Alternative medicine in the fight against premature ejaculation

Acupuncture, massage, physiotherapy, yoga, breathing exercises, medicinal baths and spa treatment help get rid of premature ejaculation.

Some are helped by infusions of medicinal herbs, for example, hops and motherwort or periwinkle, prepared in a steam bath, coriander, lemon balm, medicinal capsules and a number of other medicinal plants. Such treatment must be agreed with your doctor.

Orgasm Control Methods

Came down to us from ancient times Indian book Kamasutra, in which all possible positions of lovers and types of kisses are described, and the art of love is extolled and placed above all. In addition, it describes techniques that allow you to achieve the duration of sexual intercourse that is necessary for both partners to achieve orgasm.

Tips on how to go longer without ejaculating can also be found in ancient Chinese teaching about Tao(method of deep and superficial frictions), and in many other countries of the East.

Three finger method consists of applying moderate pressure with three fingers to a point located in the middle of the perineum between the anus and testicles, before the climax. The fingers should be slightly bent.

Alternating types of caresses with sex allows you to somewhat reduce your arousal and.

Counting the number of frictions: Enter shallowly nine times and deep once, shallowly eight times and deep twice, shallowly seven times and deeply three times, and so on.

Surgical treatment for rapid ejaculation

Surgical treatment of premature ejaculation, which consists of neurosurgical transection of the nerves responsible for the sensitivity of the glans penis (selective neurotomy, conventional or microsurgical), often leads to a complete loss of sensitivity of the penis, and consequently to a deterioration in erection and weakening of orgasm. These operations are recognized as mutilating and are not used.

An improvement in the condition and an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse is achieved after treatment in patients with phimosis. In these men, premature ejaculation occurred due to inadequate sexual stimulation.

In conclusion

Treatment methods for premature ejaculation are not applied all at once. In each case, the doctor chooses the optimal combination of these drugs for each specific patient.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, you should provide yourself with a rational regime of work and rest, and nutrition. Promiscuous sexual intercourse must be excluded at least temporarily for the period of treatment.

To prevent such disorders, you should try to avoid prolonged stress and lead a healthy lifestyle. Food should contain large amounts of magnesium and zinc. Regular physical exercise not only improves the functioning of all organs and systems of our body, but also helps relieve nervous tension.

Sexual disorders can manifest themselves in different ways and occur at absolutely any age. Isolated situations where premature ejaculation occurs usually do not cause alarm and are not taken seriously. However, if this happens constantly, the man begins to panic; in some cases, such failures lead to the development of chronic depression, which develops into a prolonged depressive state.


Rapid ejaculation can be caused by various factors. They can be divided into 2 groups.

Physiological prerequisites for the disorder:

  • Lack of magnesium in the body;
  • Short frenulum of the genital organ;
  • The presence of inflammation and trauma to the genitals;
  • Increased ;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system that negatively affect the functioning of the pelvic organs;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Consequences of taking medications;

Psychological causes of premature ejaculation:

  • A reflex formed during youthful masturbation;
  • Beginning of sexual activity in;
  • Excessive excitement;
  • Obsessive fear that arose after several failures;
  • Neuroses that developed as a result of regular “punctures”;
  • Minimal experience of intimate relationships with women;
  • , depression, constant exposure to stress factors;
  • Concerns related to possible exposure to infectious diseases;
  • Big break;
  • Subjectively, too beautiful and exciting partner.

Symptoms and signs

Despite the fact that clinicians have not yet precisely defined it, it is generally accepted that ejaculation is premature if frictions during intimacy lasted no more than 2 minutes.

Signs by which you can also determine the presence of a violation:

  • The release of ejaculate occurs within a few seconds or even before the start of sexual intercourse;
  • The eruption of the seed occurs at the sight of the female genitalia.

Less commonly, symptoms of premature ejaculation include a situation where a man achieved orgasm before his partner did.

How to treat premature ejaculation?

There are several correction methods to eliminate premature ejaculation. Treatment includes psychotherapeutic techniques and the use of. Including herbal medicine, physical activity, and unconventional practices may also help. In case of severe severity of the disease, surgical intervention is resorted to.


Medicines include creams, sprays and, which are used topically and orally, directly affecting the problem of premature ejaculation.

Also used for therapy are drugs that were originally developed for the treatment of depressive and anxiety conditions, which, as a side effect, contribute to delayed ejaculation.

Means of topical application

The main principle of the method is the use of products containing anesthetic components. When applied or sprayed onto the genitals, it blocks the nerve endings of the penis. Due to this, orgasm and ejaculation occurs later.

The main active ingredient is lidocaine or substances with a similar effect. It is recommended to use them under a condom, otherwise contact with the walls of the female vagina may deprive the partner of orgasm. Emla gel, SS cream, Stud 5000 spray are the most popular drugs that can be used for anesthetic treatment of ejaculation disorders.

The disadvantage of this therapy is that many people are allergic to lidocaine and analogues. In this case, it is necessary to look for an alternative way to prolong sexual intercourse.

Dapoxetine and Ogoplex

Drugs whose clinical trials have confirmed their high effectiveness in the treatment of rapid ejaculation. You can start taking it only after consulting a doctor; the drugs have side effects and can cause negative physiological reactions in the body.

Dapoxetine slows down the rate of ejaculate release and prolongs sexual intercourse. Currently, tablets are considered the most effective in treating the disease. The drug is forbidden to be taken by men with pathologies of the kidneys and heart. Also, they can not be combined with alcohol and tranquilizers.

Ogoplex capsules delay ejaculation, as well as:

  • Improves spermatogenesis;
  • Activate prostate metabolism;
  • Enhance physiological arousal;
  • They have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

This drug is safer for the male body. The only reason for refusing therapy is hypersensitivity to the components.


Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors belong to the group of antidepressants. The main indications for the use of SSRIs are the treatment of disorders and a number of mental illnesses.

In the process of tests and studies, it was found that an additional effect of the drugs is the ability to delay ejaculation. It has been proven that treatment with this group of antidepressants results in a high percentage of recoveries, which is why this type of therapy is considered a promising way to correct rapid ejaculation.

The most famous means: Paxil, Sertraline, Fluoxetine. Given the specific composition and indications for use, it is impossible to purchase these drugs on your own; they are under strict control.

However, some clinicians are opposed to this method of treatment. They believe that the use of side effects to correct the problem is fundamentally wrong, moreover, SSRIs can cause difficult to tolerate associated reactions:

  • convulsions;
  • tremor;
  • confusion.

Moreover: taking antidepressants can lead to the opposite effect, disrupting sexual function and. Therefore, despite the proven effectiveness of such a technique, it is considered quite controversial, and before resorting to it, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons along with.

dietary supplements

The instructions for many indicate that they can be used to treat premature ejaculation in men.

According to reviews from professionals and patients, the most effective and proven are Sealex, Vimax, Neurodoz.


Pharmaceutical Preparation Sealex is a dietary supplement with a complex effect. In addition to its main purpose - delaying ejaculation, it can be used to increase stamina and sexual activity, strengthen the immune system and give orgasm brightness and richness.

The dietary supplement contains only plant components: extracts of eurycoma, creeping palm and extracts from licorice roots and sativum. The drug does not work for everyone, but side effects are extremely rare.


A herbal remedy that ranks first in the ratings of dietary supplements that can cure premature ejaculation. Capsules have a prolonged effect; therefore, a course of treatment is required for several weeks.

With the help of the drug, sexual intercourse becomes longer, the release of sperm slows down, and it is ensured. Natural formula includes:

  • ginseng and eurycoma;
  • Dodder seeds;
  • Creeping Tribulus;
  • Water chestnut.


Neurodose is another example of a natural complex that successfully copes with the problem of premature ejaculation.

Designed specifically for the correction of impaired completion of sexual intercourse, it can also be used as an additional source that the male body needs.

The product consists of 2 amino acids, magnesium, vitamin B6, L-glutamine and phenylalanine. These components inhibit the process of ejaculation, fight anxiety and the effects of stress.

Physical exercise

An alternative method for controlling your own ejaculation is one developed by Kegel. From his point of view, the basis of the disorder is a violation of the mechanism of innervation of organs located in the pelvic region.

The basic exercise consists of tensing and then relaxing the pubococcygeus muscle 2-3 times a day. At the beginning, you can limit yourself to 15 times, but gradually you need to increase the number of repetitions to 50 times.

Muscle contraction should occur during inhalation, then you need to wait 2-3 seconds and relax as you exhale. There are no special requirements for breathing, it must be free.

Other techniques and tricks

Due to the fact that half of the prerequisites that cause premature ejaculation are psychological in nature, many men are recommended to undergo a full course of psychotherapy. In the process, the main cause that led to the disease is found, and the patient, together with the psychotherapist, is engaged in its correction.

There is also a special technique that allows you to control ejaculation, called “Start-Stop”. Its essence is as follows:

  • At the moment of ejaculation, the man removes the sexual organ from the vagina;
  • Strongly compresses it at the base of the head, blocking the release of sperm;
  • As soon as the feeling of approaching orgasm subsides, sexual intercourse can be continued;

In this way, you can gradually extend the time of intimacy.

Simmans’ technique is also effective provided there is a trusting relationship with a regular partner. It is built on the principle of masturbation without orgasm. First, stimulation is carried out independently, then with the help of a woman. Another way is to press 3 fingers on a point located between the scrotum and anus. Its activation must be carried out before the climax.

Acupuncture, eastern spiritual practices, and breathing also help. A successful method is to count frictions in combination with breathing control. The man focuses on the counting process, thereby inhibiting the onset of ejaculation.

Herbal medicine is another unconventional method that can help prevent premature ejaculation. Products based on motherwort, oregano will be effective if they are collected and prepared correctly according to the instructions listed in the recipe. Sometimes supporters of the occult can accompany such treatment with conspiracies and rituals. Such methods are still popular in remote villages and remote areas of the country.


To avoid disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system, it is important to adhere to a number of principles:

  • Timely prevention of conflict situations that provoke stress;
  • Avoiding hypothermia;
  • Having sexual intercourse only with a regular partner;
  • Maintaining the correct regime;
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle: regular walks and visiting the gym;
  • Minimizing glasses of alcohol and smoked cigarettes.

It is also very important to regularly visit a urologist for preventive examinations and not ignore the primary symptoms of any disease. Advanced pathology can lead to various complications, in particular to the genitourinary area.

In most cases, ejaculation occurs immediately before immission - when the male genital organ comes into contact with the female genitalia. But cases of premature ejaculation are also common during foreplay, even in cases where they are not associated with direct contact with the male genitals. Ejaculation can occur during undressing and kissing. In this case, a partial erection, or even its complete absence, is observed.

The duration of sexual intercourse for an “average” man ranges from 7 to 14 minutes. Women consider the normal duration of sexual intercourse before the onset of ejaculation an average of 11 minutes. There are no time criteria for the onset of ejaculation. In some cases, sexual intercourse can last less than 1 minute and bring satisfaction to both partners. So, if sexual partners are satisfied with the duration of sexual intercourse, it is not customary to talk about premature ejaculation, which means that it is not necessary to treat it. There is no standard definition of premature ejaculation. According to the definition of the World Health Organization, ejaculation that occurs before 1 minute after the start of the act can be called premature. The extreme manifestation of premature ejaculation is ejaculation that occurs before the introduction of the penis into the vagina. Relative premature ejaculation occurs from 1 to 3 minutes after the start of the act. According to the literature, the average duration of the frictional period should be from 2 to 10 minutes. There are several concepts of "premature ejaculation" (premature ejaculation, early ejaculation, early ejaculation, rapid ejaculation, rapid ejaculation, accelerated ejaculation, accelerated ejaculation).

How does early ejaculation affect a man’s quality of life?

In terms of its effect on the quality of life of a man, PS is not inferior to (impotence) erectile dysfunction. Among the problems in the field of intimate relationships, premature ejaculation is far from the last. The feeling of hopelessness of the situation and the inability to get satisfaction from sexual relations often lead to family conflicts, breakup of relationships and, often, male depression. The predominant problems in individuals suffering from PS are low self-esteem, failure expectation syndrome and uncertainty about the future.
Men who suffer from rapid ejaculation sometimes experience great difficulties in family relationships. Some men try to solve the problem of too early ejaculation through training and trying to control themselves during intercourse. This method helps only those whose premature ejaculation is psychogenic and, most often, caused by inexperience. In most cases, focusing solely on orgasm control keeps a man in constant tension, which, as a rule, leads to too early ejaculation.

What is premature ejaculation and what are its causes?

PS is divided into primary and secondary (acquired). Primary is called PS, which occurs from the beginning of sexual activity or from the first sexual experience. The rapid onset of ejaculation during masturbation is not considered a medical problem. PS is considered secondary if it occurs against the background of an initially normal sexual life, which can sometimes be associated with the development of other diseases and be their manifestation. Secondary PS can be true, developing as an independent disease, or it can be symptomatic or appear as one of the manifestations of another disease. There are premature ejaculation: psychogenic, organic, combined.

Secondary PS often occurs with urological diseases (urethritis, colliculitis, prostatitis, vesiculitis, enuresis, prostate adenoma). Colliculitis - inflammatory, hypertrophic and other changes in the seminal mound. During sexual intercourse, blood circulation in the seminal mound increases, ascending impulses intensify, irritating the areas of the central nervous system responsible for orgasm. With pathological enlargement (hypertrophy) and inflammation, such impulses intensify, orgasm occurs earlier, usually with a loss of the quality of the orgasm itself. Prostatitis and vesiculitis - inflammatory diseases of the accessory sex glands have a close connection with the seminal mound. Therefore, when they become inflamed, the latter may also be involved in the pathological reaction. These diseases are diagnosed and treated only by a doctor. 8 9882 390-690

Hypersensitivity of the glans penis - an increased number of nerve endings in the glans penis and their greater than normal susceptibility to influence - the most common cause of early ejaculation. The nerve endings located in the head of the penis are the main receptors, which close in the neural arch in the spinal cord. Other causes include: alcoholism, drug addiction, Parkinson's disease, chronic depression, diabetes mellitus, renal failure, some hormonal disorders, erectile dysfunction, pronounced ejaculatory reflex , genetic predisposition, surgical, pharmacological.

Diagnosis of premature ejaculation is not difficult - the patient's complaints are fundamental in establishing the diagnosis. The greatest difficulty is not in establishing the fact of premature ejaculation, but in determining the cause of this disorder. The doctor can plan an examination: external examination, rectal examination, ultrasound of the genital organs, in some cases - tests to identify infectious and inflammatory diseases, other laboratory diagnostic methods, methods for assessing the blood supply to the penis (to exclude erectile dysfunction) and a number of tests. One should take into account the fact that whatever the initial cause of premature ejaculation, a psychogenic component is always added. Irregular sex life most often causes the development of prostatitis, vesiculitis, colliculitis and accelerated ejaculation, and this leads to a decrease in the quality of sex for both partners. Consult in time. Phone in Sochi 8 9882 390-690

How is premature ejaculation treated?

Treatment of premature ejaculation does not present significant difficulties. Must be carried out with a sexual partner. Depending on the identified cause of early ejaculation, medicinal, physiotherapeutic or microsurgical correction of ejaculation is carried out. Primary and true secondary PS are treated almost exclusively with conservative methods. Secondary symptomatic PS is eliminated either during the treatment of the underlying causative disease, or additionally using methods of treatment of primary or true secondary PS. Very often, after treatment of prostatitis, urethritis, sexual intercourse lengthens. In any case, a course of treatment for PS should be prescribed only after a thorough examination by a qualified specialist in the field of diagnosis and treatment of sexual dysfunctions in men.

Among the treatment methods:

1. Treatment of inflammatory diseases that caused the disease;

2. Sexual, psychological, behavioral therapy, self-regulation and the method of distraction, behavioral therapy consists of developing in a man a clear recognition of the sensations that precede the onset of orgasm and the ability to control this process using various techniques;

3. Conservative treatment of hypersensitivity, carried out using a condom and anesthetic ointments applied to the head of the penis in the frenulum area, the ointment is needed immediately before sexual contact, 10-15 minutes, and this is not always convenient physically and psychologically;

4. Pharmacotherapy, which includes treatment with antidepressants, serotonin reuptake inhibitors, sometimes drugs are used to improve potency, often lifelong use of certain drugs is necessary to prolong sexual intercourse;

5. Reflexology, acupuncture, highly effective physiotherapeutic methods.

6. Surgical treatment - circumcision of the foreskin with plastic surgery of the frenulum and microsurgical denervation of the head of the penis. It should be borne in mind that surgical treatment of PS, in particular the intersection of the nerves that provide sensitivity to the glans penis (the so-called selective neurotomy) can lead to permanent loss of sensitivity of the penis, and as a result, deterioration in the quality of erections and weakening of orgasm.

7.Modern treatment of premature ejaculation
A more modern and uniquely effective method of conservative treatment (in 95% of cases ejaculation is controlled) is the injection of hyaluronic acid into certain areas of the glans penis. Hylauronic acid creates a “cushion” between the skin and nerve endings, thereby reducing the sensitivity of the glans penis. The drug is intended for injection into the dermis exclusively by a medical specialist with experience in this field. Since the technique of administration in this procedure is the main factor in its success, the injection of this drug should only be carried out by a doctor who has undergone special training in the technique of injections into the urogenital areas. This method does not require hospitalization. The procedure is performed on the day of treatment, under local anesthesia with modern anesthetics and takes from 15 to 50 minutes. With combined treatment, the effect develops in the shortest possible time (up to 10 days). After the operation, the patient can have sex in a week. According to foreign urologists, enlarging the glans penis using an injection of hyaluronic acid-based gel has proven to be very effective in treating premature ejaculation. This procedure can replace the more dangerous dorsal neurotomy. Biological gels based on hyaluronic acid are sometimes used in urology to increase the size of the glans penis. This procedure can be done in Sochi tel. 390-690

8. Vacuum massage of the penis (LOD - therapy). As a result of exposure, according to rheofallography, arterial inflow increases, vascular tone is normalized and venous outflow from cavernous tissue improves. Tel. 390-690

1. It is necessary to understand the relativity of the concept of "early ejaculation." Thus, a man who has not satisfied his partner after 5-10 minutes of coitus, proceeding “according to all the rules,” can hardly be considered insolvent. Consequently, a lot depends on the woman, her physical and emotional state, and health.

2. Lead a normal lifestyle: establish a work and rest schedule, engage in physical exercise and sports, and eat right.

3. Have a regular sex life. This is important for both partners: long-term abstinence accelerates the onset of ejaculation in a man, but prolongs the time for orgasm in a woman. Therefore, it is advisable, if a man is able to do this, to repeat sexual intercourse. At the same time, its duration lengthens in a man and accelerates in a woman, since she retains the excitement from the first intimacy. With age, this dissonance is observed less and less often, as mutual adaptation occurs.