The best folk recipes for coughs. The best folk remedies for dry cough. Cough jars

Coughing is an involuntary reflex movement aimed at forcing exhalation; this serves as a protective reaction of the body.

Causes of cough

  • The cause of cough in children and adults can be hidden in inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes respiratory tract, and in damage to lung tissue.
  • Cough most often becomes the body's response (symptom) to illness. infectious nature, however, may also have a nervous basis.
  • Sometimes it is aimed at mechanically clearing the respiratory tract of foreign objects, such as particles of household dust.

Types and symptoms of cough in children and adults

Depending on the presence of sputum, cough is classified into two types.

Dry cough

This type is not accompanied by sputum production and, as a rule, is not able to bring relief. The reason without fever is most often the body’s reaction to getting into the respiratory tract foreign objects. A cough caused by inhalation also fits this description. various kinds allergens. When a cough is accompanied by itching, you should be wary of a possible asthma attack. To more rare reasons dry cough can be attributed gastric reflux which is caused by the disorder, and the use of drops from.

Moist cough

This type of cough is accompanied by the production of sputum, the consistency and color of which may vary diagnostic value. This type of cough may be a symptom of viral or microbial diseases, varying degrees gravity. A common cold V in this case not difficult to confuse with or . Moist cough, provoked by these diseases, is accompanied by a runny nose, fever, and a weakened state.

Chronic cough

Chronic cough with sputum production is a constant companion of heavy smokers. Causes of debilitating painful cough, such terrible diseases as emphysema or cancerous tumors lungs.

Since coughing is a defensive reaction, the root cause of its occurrence should be treated, and either eliminate it as a symptom, or try to increase its effectiveness. Because common cause the occurrence of cough are infectious diseases, antimicrobial or antiviral drugs should be used.

Most often, cough treatment with home remedies occurs with the help of pharmaceutical drugs, mixtures and folk remedies. However, if a strong cough bothers you for a long time or appears in a child, you should still consult a doctor.

To the most effective drugs For the treatment of cough, include phlegm thinners, expectorant tablets and cough syrups. For this purpose you can also use drinking plenty of fluids and gargling saline solutions. Doctors often recommend medications that have bronchodilator properties. Beautiful folk remedies cough remedies, both for adults and children, will become steam inhalations using essential oils.

Cough is a manifestation of many diseases. So, a dry cough, without fever, occurs with, and a cough and runny nose are symptoms. Often treatment is aimed at the underlying disease, and the cough is relieved by inhalation or taking a mixture. In addition, there are categories of patients (children, pregnant women and the elderly) for whom this or that expectorant is contraindicated.

However, there are folk remedies for coughs that can be successfully used without leaving home. These remedies will help cope with this disease quickly, cheaply and without consequences. They are safe for everyone, so they can be used to treat coughs in adults and children. IN people's piggy bank There are treatment recipes that will relieve dry cough and eliminate wet cough.

Cough treatment with black radish

An effective folk remedy for cough is black radish juice, this has been known for a long time. The root crop is washed. Make a depression in it, into which a teaspoon is added. Soon it will be filled with juice. The second method is faster: the root vegetable is cut into pieces and ground in a meat grinder, and the juice is squeezed out. This healing agent Take 20 milliliters three times a day.

Cough treatment can also be carried out using juice, which is obtained from baked radish. Sugar is added to the crushed root vegetables and the mixture is placed in a heated oven. After a few hours, the juice is poured into a glass container. This remedy is taken 25 milliliters before meals and bedtime. This method is often used to cure a child’s cough.

Cedar cocktail

Home treatment for severe cough is effective using milk and pine nuts. To do this, a glass of unpeeled, unfried kernels is boiled in a liter of milk over low heat for about 20 minutes. Then the broth is filtered. A glass of this remedy is drunk in the morning warm and on an empty stomach, or before bed. Drink the rest the next day. This remedy will stop a wet cough, as it promotes the removal of phlegm.

Homemade cough syrup

If no medications help (a severe cough has been bothering you for a long time), you can try making cough syrup from lemon (or use), honey and glycerin.

Simmer the lemon over low heat for a couple of minutes so that it softens and gives more juice. Pour 2 tbsp into a glass of juice. spoons of glycerin, stir well and add honey to the container.

As the instructions say, taking 1 teaspoon of this syrup before bed and during an attack at night will help relieve a cough that bothers you at night. When enough severe cough drink 6 times a day.

As soon as the cough begins to decrease, you should reduce the frequency of taking the syrup. If the cough is not severe, then 1 teaspoon several times a day is enough. Shake the mixture before use. This remedy will help both adults and children.

Treating a Severe Cough at Home

If your child has a strong cough, you need to heat the milk and add butter or lard to it. Take this warm milk into a spoon and drop three or four drops of turpentine into it. The child should drink this spoon first, and then all the remaining prepared milk. It is advisable that the first spoon does not fall on the child’s lips, but completely into the mouth, so the probability of getting turpentine will be one hundred percent.

Camphor oil for coughs in children

Rubbing with a mixture camphor oil with triple cologne after bathing will eliminate cough. To do this, the components are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the child’s skin, dried with a towel. The baby is rubbed and dressed warmly. A little later, the clothes are changed to dry ones.

This is a good recipe for a cough with a runny nose

  • Heat two teaspoons of sunflower oil over a fire. Finely chop the onion and add two teaspoons of this paste to the hot oil. Let it sit for a while. Then the onion is squeezed out. And the oil is dropped into the nose.
  • And of course, traditional hot tea with lemon will relieve colds. Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C. It will give the body strength to fight colds.
  • A decoction of linden flowers helps with cough. 200 g per liter of boiling water. Insist for a while. Drink half a glass two or three times a day.
  • It is important not to go outside after taking it and generally cool down.

Treating a cough with home remedies is not a panacea. It is imperative to identify the real reason from a specialist!

With the help of a cough, the body clears the airways of mucus, viruses, bacteria, and sputum. This reaction is caused inflammatory process in the lungs, mucous membrane of the larynx, throat, bronchi. You have to cough when dust or caustic gases enter your respiratory tract. Causes - , strong excitement, emotional stress. The cough can be dry, wet, barking, hoarse, long, short, and other varieties.

Causes of cough

With the air, dust particles, bacteria and viruses, and soot particles enter the lungs. Healthy body gets rid of them with the help of cilia of the ciliated epithelium of the trachea and bronchi. Mucus, due to its bactericidal properties, destroys infection. This natural process that keeps the trachea and bronchi clean is called mucociliary clearance.

If physical or Chemical properties mucus effect various reasons change - for example, the mucus becomes thicker - mucociliary clearance is disrupted and to maintain proper cleanliness in the trachea and bronchi you need to cough.

The following irritants cause coughing:

  • chemical: polluted air, exhaust gases, tobacco smoke;
  • mechanical: dust, soot;
  • thermal: dry hot or frosty air.
  • Grind 2-3 cloves of garlic, add 1 tbsp. honey, 2 tbsp. vodka, mix well.

Take 1 tsp. morning and evening for two days, take a break on the third day. If recovery does not occur, repeat treatment. Store in a cool place.

  • A mixture of 2 tbsp helps to moisten the cough, relieve spasms and inflammation. licorice, 2 tsp. vinegar, 2 tbsp. honey

Take 1 tsp. 5 times a day.

  • Add 1/3 tsp to a glass of warm milk. ginger powder, 1/2 tsp. honey, turmeric on the tip of a knife.

Drink in small sips.

  • Cabbage juice, decoction of berries, flowers or raspberries

– wonderful means for thinning phlegm.

How to cure a child's cough

For better sputum removal:

  • brew 1 tsp. chamomile in a glass of boiling water, let cool.

Give your child a dessert spoon 3 times a day.

  • At night, place a plate with chopped onion near the crib.

This remedy also helps with influenza epidemics.

  • Cut the onion, add water, add 3-4 tbsp. honey, cook in a sealed container for half an hour. Strain and let cool.

Give the child 1 tsp. after each coughing attack. Keep refrigerated.

This method improves expectoration.

  • Brew 1 tsp. coltsfoot leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain.

Take 1 tsp. several times a day.

  • Brew 1 tsp. blackcurrant leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain.

Take instead of tea.

  • Mix warm sour cream with 5 cloves of grated garlic.

Give to child 4-5 times a day for whooping cough or severe cough.

  • Get rid of children's cough A large iodine mesh in the lung area in front and on the back helps, but without affecting the heart area. The mesh is also applied to the calves and heels.
    • Mix radish or carrot juice with the same amount of milk.

    Take 1 tbsp. 5-6 times a day.

    • Thinly slice the radish and sprinkle with sugar.

    Take juice 1 tsp. every hour if there are no heart or liver diseases. The product also helps cure a smoker's cough.

    • Chop 10 onions, one head of garlic, boil in a liter of milk until soft, add a little honey.

    Take 1 tbsp. once an hour.

    • Take 1/2 cup grape juice with honey as an expectorant.

    This folk remedy cures in 1-2 days.

    • Crush the rowan berries, add to sour cream, put on low heat for 10 minutes, let cool.

    Take 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day.

    • Brew a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. honey, juice of one, two raw chicken eggs, stir, let cool.

    Take a sip once an hour.

    Modified: 02/14/2019

Coughing is a reflex of the body that is aimed at removing from the respiratory tract not only dust, but also foreign bodies, as well as mucus. Cough is the body's response to irritation of the bronchial mucosa. There are many reasons causing cough. Thus, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections often provoke diseases such as laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis and others. All of them are accompanied by a cough. There are two types of cough:

  • wet, in which phlegm is expelled;
  • dry when the patient cannot clear his throat. This cough is also called non-productive.

Traditional recipes for drinks and compresses

You can fight a cough using traditional methods and at home. But you should remember: if a cough is accompanied by a temperature, especially a high one, consultation and examination by a therapist is necessary to rule out more serious diseases.

You will find instructions for Ambrobene cough syrup.

Traditional medicine has big amount traditional “grandmother’s” recipes that help fight cough. Let's look at some of them.


  1. You need to take one teaspoon of honey, anise seeds - two tablespoons, a pinch of salt. Mix all the ingredients and add 250 milliliters of water, bring the mixture to a boil, leave to cool, after which it must be strained. If the sick person is an adult, then he needs to take two tablespoons with an interval of two hours, and for children - one tablespoon.
  2. Mix the following ingredients thoroughly: honey - two dessert spoons, flour - one dessert spoon, butter (preferably homemade) - two teaspoons, two raw yolks; consume before meals 4 to 5 times during the day.
  3. A honey compress helps a lot. It is necessary to lightly rub the chest in the lung area with liquid honey, and put parchment paper on top, then cover the patient with a blanket so that he lies in bed for half an hour. Then remove the parchment, remove the remaining honey with a napkin soaked in warm water, wipe dry, then rub the mixture of honey into the skin. eucalyptus oil and sunflower in a ratio of 1:2. Honey that has crystallized can be melted by placing it on water bath, and the water temperature should not exceed 50 degrees. If the specified maximum is exceeded, honey will lose its healing properties.

Read how to treat bronchitis and cough in an adult.

You should know that any compress has three layers:

  • wet first layer (you can moisten gauze);
  • the second layer prevents the leakage of liquid (you can use oilcloth or parchment paper);
  • the latter is used for insulation (scarf, towel, blanket).

Recipes with honey can only be used by people who are not prone to allergic reactions.

Read also how to treat dry paroxysmal cough.


  1. Milk with figs is a miracle medicine given to humans by nature to get rid of cough. It has been used since ancient times for colds and whooping cough. Children take milk-fig decoction with pleasure, as it has excellent taste. The decoction has a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect, removes inflammation of the larynx, bronchitis and tracheitis. To obtain a decoction, wash two to four black or dark purple figs well, place them in one glass of milk and boil for one minute. Accept delicious medicine Half an hour before meals, half a glass warm 3-5 times throughout the day.
  2. If you use dried figs, the recipe for making the decoction will be slightly different. First, dried, washed figs must be poured with cold milk to soak for half an hour. Then boil for two minutes and leave for 25 minutes. Decoction of dried fruits taken in the same way as a decoction of fresh figs.
  3. An effective cough medicine is prepared as follows: add one tablespoon to one glass of milk, brought to a boil. butter and honey, a pinch of soda and a beaten egg yolk. All components are thoroughly and quickly mixed and removed from heat. You need to drink freshly prepared warm broth 3 to 5 times a day. This medicine helps well with laryngitis when it appears.

The causes of a runny nose and sore throat without fever are described.


Black radish contains essential oil that has bactericidal properties. This vegetable has anti-inflammatory properties because it is rich in lysozyme, an antibacterial substance. By taking radish, the patient recovers faster, because it thins mucus well and has an expectorant effect. :

  1. To prepare the medicine, you need to squeeze the juice out of the radish to improve taste qualities you can add a little sugar. Children should take a teaspoon 4 to 7 times throughout the day, and adults should take a tablespoon.
  2. The second recipe for preparing a cough remedy: wash the radish, cut the core out of it in half, fill it half with honey or sugar and leave in a warm place for 5-7 hours. When juice appears, you need to express it and take it in the same way as in the previous recipe.

Although radish has beneficial properties, it should be used for treatment after consultation with your doctor, especially if it concerns a child.


  1. The herbal recipe recommended by doctors is considered one of the most effective folk recipes for coughs. First, to obtain the mixture, thoroughly mix the components in the following proportions: marshmallow root - 45 g, licorice root - 30 g, leaves of coltsfoot grass - 25 g, fennel fruits - 20 g. Two tablespoons of this mixture are poured into a thermos and poured a glass of just boiled water, after which it is left for 11-13 hours to infuse. The finished infusion is filtered and taken 1/4–1/3 cup throughout the day 3 to 4 times.
  2. The second recipe is also prepared from a mixture that contains the following components in the following quantities: coltsfoot leaves - 45 g, plantain - 35 g, licorice root - 35 g. One tablespoon herbal mixture pour two glasses of just boiled water and leave for half an hour to infuse, then filter. Drink a warm infusion before meals, half a glass 4 times throughout the day.

Before using herbs to treat cough, you must consult a doctor, and also be sure of the tolerability of the herbal remedies used.

Candy Recipes

Pharmacies offer wide choose cough drops. But you can make healthy lollipops yourself, without unnecessary chemicals. And such a medicine will be as effective as pharmaceutical drugs, especially since the components for the composition are available: 300 grams of honey, one teaspoon of ground ginger and lemon juice in the amount of less than a teaspoon, you will also need molds for making ice and wooden sticks (you can use ice cream).

When everything is ready, pour honey into a bowl or pan and add ginger to it, mix everything thoroughly and put on low heat. Cook with constant stirring for approximately two hours. Readiness is checked in this way: drop a drop of liquid on a saucer; if it hardens, the medicine can be considered ready. Add lemon juice before removing from heat. The finished medicine is poured into oiled ice trays and wooden sticks are immediately inserted. After two to three hours, delicious and healthy candies are ready.

You can consume up to 5 homemade cough drops per day.

Inhalations with a nebulizer

A nebulizer is a device for inhalation, in which the medicine enters directly into the bronchi and lungs. Inhalations are very effective method treatment, because drugs that penetrate the respiratory tract are absorbed much faster, which means therapeutic effect occurs faster than when taking pills.

For what reasons does a cough and runny nose occur in a baby without fever, read.

Nebulizer turns medicines into an aerosol, which greatly facilitates the entry of the drug into the respiratory tract.

Various medications can be used for inhalation:

  • Cough medicine in powder form for children and adults is a herbal medicine for preparing medicinal solution their extracts of anise, licorice and marshmallow root, thermopsis. To prepare a solution for inhalation, take one package of the extract and dissolve it in 15 ml of saline solution. Inhalations are carried out three times throughout the day, using 3 to 4 ml of the prepared solution for each. Such inhalations promote good mucus discharge in diseases that are accompanied by cough. Licorice root is included in many recipes to treat coughs. Therefore, it is important to know how to drink licorice root

    Everyone knows what a cough is. This annoying symptom is a faithful companion of all colds. In this way, our body protects itself from microbes, and with the help of phlegm and mucus it tries to remove foreign bodies from the body. Traditional medicine ready to offer huge selection all kinds of drugs, often expensive and not always effective. Traditional medicine for cough has its own methods, proven over many years, and will help overcome the disease without special financial expenses and chemical exposure on the body.

    TEST: Why do you have a cough?

    How long have you been coughing?

    Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

    The cough can be described as:

    You characterize the cough as:

    Can you tell that the cough is deep (to understand this, take more air into your lungs and cough)?

    During a coughing attack you feel pain in your stomach and/or chest(pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

    Do you smoke?

    Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during a cough (it doesn’t matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She:

    Do you feel dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the center of pain is in the lung itself)?

    Do shortness of breath bother you (during physical activity Do you quickly become out of breath and get tired, your breathing becomes faster, followed by a lack of air)?

    Cough treatment

    Treatment with folk remedies is very simple, all the necessary ingredients are always at hand.

    • Rinsing. This good way with a dry cough, which is accompanied by pain in the throat. The purpose of this procedure is to wash away accumulated mucus from the tonsils and prevent it from entering the lower respiratory tract.
    • Compresses. These traditional methods relevant for the transition of dry cough into wet form when expectoration is difficult. But it is important to remember that compresses cannot be applied when the body temperature is 37, and also applied to the heart area.
    • Taking decoctions, tinctures and mixtures internally. Very effective way, which thins mucus and facilitates its removal.
    • Inhalations. Such cough treatment methods will help in thinning mucus and removing it from the bronchi.

    How to get rid of cough with folk remedies


    The traditional product has truly natural gift healing. Honey is the most effective and, perhaps, one of the best folk remedies for coughs. Even a glass warm water with a teaspoon of honey will quickly help stop sudden attack cough.

    This home remedy effective against cough due to the following factors:


    • High sensitivity to bee products, allergic reactions.
    • Diabetes.
    • Inhalations with honey are excluded for emphysema, heart disease, bronchial asthma, elevated body temperature, tendency to hemorrhage into the pulmonary tract.

    There are several ways to use honey to treat a cough:

    • Rinse.

    For a dry cough and a sore throat, a tincture of chamomile flowers and honey helps a lot. Brew a tablespoon of chamomile flowers in a glass of hot water. After 30 minutes, strain and add a teaspoon of honey. Gargle several times a day.

    If you are tormented painful sensations in the throat or loss of voice due to excess phlegm, the best way Gargling with sage will relieve the condition. You need to brew 2 teaspoons of dry or fresh leaves sage in 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Strain and add honey. Rinsing should be done several times a day. This folk recipe will cure a sore, red, irritated throat.

    Also, for rinsing with honey, you can use spring primrose flowers, coltsfoot leaves, trifoliate, plantain, St. John's wort, linden flowers, thyme, meadow clover, cinnamon rose hips.

    • Honey compresses for cough
    • They have an expectorant effect. Pre-apply to skin vegetable oil or cream so as not to provoke skin irritation. Then rub honey on your back and chest and apply cellophane or parchment, put on a warm sweater and cover yourself with a blanket.
    • Cabbage leaves, smeared with a thin layer of melted honey, is a very effective folk remedy for cough.
    • For children, cough treatment methods using folk remedies using honey and flour are suitable. To do this, mix flour, vodka, sunflower oil, mustard, honey in equal amount. Warm up all the products and, using a gauze bag, apply to your chest. The compress is applied for 30 – 45 minutes.
    • Medicines with honey for cough

    Many effective folk remedies are based on honey. Here are some of them:

    • Honey inhalations

    During inhalation, honey acts on the mucous membrane of the nose, larynx and alveoli of the lungs and enters the blood through them. Thus, it has a local bactericidal and restorative effect. These methods can be used to treat the inflamed mucous membrane of the pharynx, larynx and bronchitis.

    How to treat a cough with inhalations: you will need a kettle and a small amount of water. Boil water, add 1 tbsp. honey, put a rubber tube on the spout of the kettle, through which you need to inhale the vapor of water with honey. Heat the water in the kettle without allowing it to cool completely. Inhalation duration is 15-20 minutes.

    Raspberries - beneficial properties

    Almost everything folk recipes for cough they contain this berry. Raspberries contain a lot of minerals, vitamins and organic substances that are beneficial to humans. It contains copper, iron, potassium, fiber, pectin and salicylic acid, which has an antipyretic effect. In it high content vitamin C, B1, B12, nicotinic acid(PP), vitamins A, E. Beneficial features Raspberries also exhibit antitoxic effects. Its value also lies in phytoncides, which destroy various spores of fungi and staphylococci, which are often the causative agents of colds. Raspberries contain a low amount of sugars - about 10% of the total mass of useful substances.

    Raspberries and jam made from them have a diaphoretic effect, reducing fever during illness. The berry is highly recommended as an expectorant for coughs and bronchitis.

    Contraindications for use:

    There are many ways to get rid of a cough using raspberries. To prepare various medicines, not only berries are used, but also leaves and even roots. It is important to prepare this or that infusion correctly so that it really helps get rid of colds and directly from the cough itself.

    Very healthy to eat fresh berries and make tea from them. Grind the raspberries in a meat grinder with sugar in a 1:2 ratio. There is no need to boil the jam; store it covered in the refrigerator. Add two teaspoons per cup to your tea and enjoy the treatment

    Raspberry medicines are excellent, tasty and safe home remedies for treating coughs in adults and children. It will help not only cure cough, but also increase the level of immunity, which is especially important for a child’s growing body.


    Ginger is a cough remedy used by Indian healers. Pungent and hot in taste, it has antimicrobial effect, improves blood circulation, useful as a prevention of colds. Essential oil and numerous biologically active substances endow it with many healing qualities.

    Pharmacological properties of ginger:

    • expectorant, antipyretic, bactericidal, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect;
    • has hypotonic, sedative, antispastic properties, reduces respiratory rate, increases immunity.

    You need to know the contraindications to it. Peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, hepatitis, esophageal reflux, elevated temperature body, arrhythmia - reasons why ginger should not be consumed. It is worth noting that it enhances the effect of cardiac and diabetic drugs. Allergy sufferers should also avoid ginger.

    It is actively used in the treatment of adults; it is not recommended for children under two years of age. But for older children, ginger will provide an invaluable service in the formation of children's immunity and protection against viral diseases.

    1. Children's tea with ginger. 4 tbsp. spoons finely grated ginger pour 2 liters of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. The proportions of dry ginger should be taken in half and boil for 20 minutes. Dilute the pungent taste of ginger with honey (6 tablespoons) or orange juice(4 tablespoons), lime or lemon. You can add mint or any Herb tea. Stir and let sit for 5 minutes. Accept ginger tea warm. For younger children, it is better to prepare a weak drink and dilute it with milk if there are no contraindications.
    2. Ginger inhalations for cough. Grate the roots and pour boiling water over them. Cover your head with a towel and breathe in ginger vapor, preferably before bed. This remedy is good for relieving cold symptoms and strengthening weakened immunity.
    3. Lemon-ginger drink. Prepare freshly squeezed juice from two lemons. Add a liter of water, grated ginger and lemongrass (dry lemon grass). Cook the mixture over low heat for 10 minutes and let it brew. Add a few drops of fresh lemon or lime juice to the strained drink.
    4. Mulled wine with ginger. A good cough remedy for adults. Ingredients: 250 g dry red wine, 2 tangerines, fresh root ginger, ¼ lime, a pinch of ground nutmeg, dried cloves, a quarter of a fresh pear, tbsp. l. raisins and honey.
    1. Tea with ginger and cinnamon. Spices occupy a special place in folk remedies for coughs. Cinnamon has an antipyretic effect and stimulates the removal of phlegm. Ingredients: 1 liter of water, cinnamon stick, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey and Pine nuts(taste). Pour water into a heavy bowl, add cinnamon and ginger, cut into thin strips. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for another 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, remove the ginger and cinnamon. The drink should be consumed warm, adding honey and pine nuts to taste.
    2. Ginger root bath. Grate the ginger root, put it in cheesecloth and lower it into a filled bath. Wait 10 minutes. This bath will warm and relax your body before bed. It should not be taken with high temperature body and low blood pressure.
    3. Ginger tincture. Alcohol tinctures are popular among adults and are effective means for cough at home. Place 250 g of peeled ginger in a 0.5 liter jar and fill with vodka. Leave for 2 weeks, stirring every 3 days. Strain the finished medicine and add honey. Take in small doses: 1 tsp after the main meal, diluted with a glass clean water. Children 3-5 years old - 5 drops 2 times a day, 5-12 years old - 10 drops. If the patient is prohibited alcohol medicines, dilute the right dose tinctures with boiling water, the alcohol will evaporate.
    4. Ginger drink for dry cough. 1 tsp. fresh grated ginger juice and 1 tsp. mix lemon juice, leave for 30 minutes. Pour 1/2 tbsp. boiling water and cover with a lid. Add 1 teaspoon of honey when the drink has cooled down a little. Take 1 tsp. every half hour. Ginger drinks are effective folk remedies for coughs for adults, which will not only help you recover, but also relieve fatigue and increase the overall tone of the body.
    5. Ginger milk for wet cough. Bring 1 glass of milk to a boil, add 1 teaspoon of dry ginger, reduce heat. Let the ginger milk cool and add honey. For enhanced therapeutic effect you can add a little turmeric. At wet cough take before bedtime and for preventive purposes- any time of the day. But remember: warm milk Don’t drink before going outside in sub-zero temperatures.
    6. Green ginger tea with cloves. Brew green tea with 1 teaspoon dry ginger and 1 teaspoon spicy cloves. Infuse the tea for 30 minutes.
    7. Ginger tea with pepper. Add thin slices of peeled ginger to boiling water and simmer over low heat, adding a little ground black pepper. After 10 minutes, add black loose leaf tea, turn off the heat and cover with a lid. Let the tea brew, strain, add lemon, honey or milk to taste.
    8. Lemon with ginger for cough. Throw a finely grated piece of ginger into boiling water. Boil uncovered for 20 minutes. At the end of cooking, add lemon juice. Sweeten warm tea with honey.
    9. Exotic cough tea. Ingredients: dry ginger, cloves, green cardamom, cinnamon, mint and turmeric. Place a heavy container with 6 cups of water over high heat. Add 1 cinnamon stick, 3-4 pcs. green cardamom, 2-3 cloves, 2-3 small pieces of dried ginger (or 1 tsp dry ground root), 1/4 tsp. turmeric, a little mint. Bring the water to a boil and turn off the heat. After 2 minutes, stir. Strain the drink through a sieve. Add hot milk and let the tea cool. Add honey to a warm drink. Drink a little 4 times a day.
    10. Mustard plasters made from dry ginger. Prepare a paste of warm water and dry ginger. Rub into the skin of your feet and calves, and put on woolen socks. The same gruel can be used as a cake, placed between the shoulder blades for 5-10 minutes.

    It is accompanied by sputum production. A wet cough occurs when the lower respiratory tract is affected. It is important to pay attention to the sputum: nature, inclusions, quantity.

    Dry cough

    He has no phlegm and is characterized by a hacking, dry cough. Most often, this cough occurs when the upper respiratory tract is affected, at the onset of the disease.

    How to treat a cough?

    Regardless of the type of cough, you need to contact your therapist, who will prescribe treatment, taking into account your condition and complaints. Medicines prescribed by a doctor can be combined with breathing exercises and folk remedies.

    If the cough is obsessive and dry, then warming up will be a good remedy.

    1. In a simple way will draw a mesh on the chest using 5% iodine, preferably overnight.

    2. Take 1/3 teaspoon hot pepper and 2 tablespoons of vegetable fat. Rub this mixture onto your chest and back for cough, including your feet.

    3. Mix lard and turpentine in a 1:1 ratio. Rub into the chest area until completely dry, this should be done at night.

    4 . Mix lard with a few drops of pine oil. Rub this mixture dry overnight.

    Compresses help relieve coughs

    Rules for applying a compress

    The components of the compress are: vegetable fat, a little mustard, alcohol. And also potatoes boiled in their jackets and honey. Mix everything, put it on your back until the mixture is completely dry.

    Compress with vegetable fat, apply for 4 hours. When you cough you need to drink a lot warm drink. It would be better to consume fortified berry juice.

    The compress should consist of three layers

    Inner layer. You need to take 6 or 8 layers of gauze and soak medicinal substance(ointment, alcohol).

    The middle layer will be wax paper or plastic wrap.

    The outer layer will be a piece of cotton wool 2 or 3 centimeters thick.

    A few recipes for coughs:

    1. Take 1 glass of milk, beaten egg yolk, ¼ teaspoon of soda, 1 tablespoon of butter and 1 tablespoon of honey. Mix well. This good remedy for bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis.

    2. Dissolve ½ teaspoon of soda in a glass of hot milk. Add honey to taste.

    3. Infusion. Mix elecampane and licorice roots, primrose flowers, and coltsfoot leaves in equal proportions. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture for 1 glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. After meals, take 1/3 glass three times a day.

    4. Mix natural lingonberry juice with honey. Take a tablespoon four times a day.

    5. Prepare juice from 1 lemon. Mix with 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of glycerin. Take 1 teaspoon several times a day.

    6. A wonderful tool for coughs is an infusion of marshmallow root. Take 1 teaspoon of marshmallow root per glass of boiling water. We insist and then strain. Take hot 2 times a day.

    7. Take a glass of viburnum fruit per liter of water. Boil for 10 minutes and strain. Add 2 or 3 tablespoons of honey. Take half a glass three times a day.

    Diet for cough

    Your diet should include:

    Vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C (rose hips, cranberries, persimmons, citrus fruits, etc.).

    Fresh juices are very healthy and rich in vitamins.

    Mashed potatoes with milk helps relieve bronchospasm.

    Grated radish, which should be seasoned with sour cream.

    Hercules porridge, season with vegetable oil.

    Grape juice with honey, grapes. It has an expectorant effect and will help get rid of cough.

    Folk remedies for cough

    1. Take 1 lemon and fill it with water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, when the lemon has cooled, cut it in half and squeeze the juice out of the lemon into a 200 gram glass. Add 2 tablespoons of glycerin there (for internal use), pour honey to the brim of the glass and stir. Take 2 teaspoons of the mixture 3 times a day before meals and at night.

    2. Mix radish and carrot juice with milk in equal parts, take 1 tablespoon 6 times a day.

    3. Mix 1 teaspoon of wheat flour, 2 teaspoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of butter, 2 yolks. We take it many times a day, one teaspoon at a time.

    4. Crushed in a mortar walnuts mix with honey in equal parts. Take 1 teaspoon of the resulting mass and dilute it in 100 ml of warm water and drink in small sips.

    5. Pour a tablespoon of sage herb into a glass of boiling water, let it brew, and strain. Dilute the resulting broth with milk in a 1:1 ratio, take half a glass of the mixture warm, and add sugar or honey if desired.

    6. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 50 grams of raisins and let it brew for half an hour. Chop the onion and squeeze the juice out of it, salt the water from the raisins and add 3 tablespoons of the squeezed juice to it. It is best to drink at night in small sips at a time.

    7. Cut seven radishes into thin slices, sprinkle each slice with sugar and leave for 6 hours, taking 1 tablespoon of juice every hour. According to healers, this remedy can cure severe cough in a short period of time.

    8. Pour one hundred grams of viburnum berries with 200 grams of honey and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, then cool at room temperature and take 2 tablespoons of the mixture 5 times a day.

    9. Pour a tablespoon of red clover into 200 ml of boiling water, cover, let it brew for 3 or 5 minutes, drink in small sips warm, take it as an expectorant.

    10. Cook 400 grams of sugar, 50 grams of honey, 500 grams of chopped peeled onion in 1 liter of water over low heat for 3 hours, then cool the liquid, pour it into a bottle and seal it. For severe cough, take 1 tablespoon 5 times a day.

    Nine Valuable Cough Remedies

    1. For a prolonged chest cough, wipe the chest with a dry cloth, then rub ghee or internal lard. Or we'll add pine oil. During treatment with this remedy, it is good to drink a decoction of strawberries.

    2. Take chicory, barley, oats, rye and 2 grains of peeled bitter almonds, drink it like a regular infusion. Or we drink it with baked hot milk.

    3. Boiled turnip juice with honey is good for chest pain, coughs and colds.

    4. Finely chop one head of garlic and 10 onions and boil in milk until the garlic and onion are soft. Add a little honey and mint juice. We drink 1 tablespoon per hour throughout the day.

    5. Eggnog on an empty stomach - egg yolks, whipped with rum and sugar.

    6. Mix carrot and radish juice with milk and honey drink - half milk and half juice or honey drink. Use 1 tablespoon 6 times a day.

    7 . Mix 2 tablespoons of fresh butter, 2 teaspoons of pure honey, 1 teaspoon of wheat flour, 2 yolks. We use 1 teaspoon many times a day.

    8. It is useful to drink birch sap for coughs in spring.

    9. In order for the phlegm to separate, you need to drink lingonberry juice syrup with honey. Take 1 tablespoon several times a day.

    Against cough

    - Eucalyptus inhalations. Brew crushed eucalyptus leaves with boiling water, roll up a funnel from thick paper, cover the bowl with the infusion with the wide end of the funnel, and inhale the steam through the narrow end of the funnel for 10 or 15 minutes. Instead of leaves we use eucalyptus oil.

    - Carrot juice with milk. Let's mix Fresh Juice carrots with milk in equal proportions. Take for cough 5 or 6 times a day.

    - Garlic with milk. Peel 5 cloves of garlic, finely crush them, dilute with a glass of milk and boil. For coughs and diseases of the upper respiratory tract, take 1 teaspoon warm several times a day.

    - Radish with honey. Select a black pot-bellied radish with a tail, cut off the top and remove inner part by one third. Let's put a little honey in this cavity so that there is room for the juice that will be released. Place the radish in a glass of water, tail down. After 3 or 4 hours, when the juice appears, drink it and add honey again.

    - Broth of coltsfoot. For pneumonia, bronchitis, cough, we use a decoction of coltsfoot. Take 1 tablespoon of leaves and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and filter. Take 1 tablespoon 5 or 6 times a day.

    - Licorice root decoction. Take 10 grams of licorice root and pour a glass of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 20 minutes, cool for 45 minutes, strain, squeeze and bring the volume to 200 ml. Take a tablespoon 3 or 4 times a day.

    - Eucalyptus tincture. Alcohol tincture Eucalyptus take 20 or 30 drops per quarter glass of boiled, cooled water 3 times a day.

    - Wormwood tincture. In Siberian villages, for a strong cough, a remedy was used: 20 grams of wormwood herb, infused with ½ liter of vodka, for at least 24 hours, but the longer, the better. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day during the day and before bedtime. This product is not recommended for children.

    - Marshmallow infusion. Take a tablespoon of marshmallow leaves and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, then strain. Take 1 teaspoon 3 or 4 times a day.

    - Cream, milk. To soften sore throat drink warm milk and cream.

    - Milk with barley or oats. Pour 2/3 of the barley or oats into the pan and add milk to it, leaving it 2 fingers short. Close the lid and place in the oven over low heat. Add milk as it boils until the fat is rendered. We drink this liquid when coughing 3 times a day. 2 or 3 tablespoons.

    - Butter with yolk. Take 2 yolks, 2 teaspoons of fresh butter, a dessert spoon of starch or flour, 2 dessert spoons of honey. Mix everything well and take before meals 4 or 5 times a day.

    - Onions boiled in milk. Take 2 medium onions, chop them finely, boil them in a glass of milk, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon every three hours.

    - Onions with sugar. In the evening, take a large onion and chop it finely, sprinkle it with 2 tablespoons of sugar. By morning the medicine is ready. During the day, drink the resulting juice or eat sweet onions. Treat yourself like this for a few days and the cough will go away.

    - Onions with honey. 500 grams peeled onions grind, add 400 grams of sugar and cook over low heat for 3 hours in one liter of water. Then let it cool, add 50 grams of honey, pour it into a bottle and seal it. Take 4 or 6 tablespoons after meals.

    - Bananas. Take ripe bananas and pass them through a sieve, then put the grated mass in a saucepan with hot water in the proportion of 2 bananas to one cup of water with sugar. Let's reheat and drink this mixture.

    - Wine with pepper. There is such a thing ancient remedy for cough, boil 60 grams of pepper roots with ¼ liter of white wine and strain. We drink the hot mixture 3 times throughout the day, as well as at night.

    Using these recipes for treating cough with folk remedies, you can get rid of cough. These recipes are simple and accessible to anyone, and everyone can choose a suitable folk remedy for themselves, and then the cough will not bother you. But in any case, taking certain means traditional medicine, you need to first consult with your doctor before treatment.