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One of the most famous Soviet (Russian) cartoons. “The Snow Queen” became the pinnacle of the work of director Lev Atamanov. Atamanov created a number of famous animated films, including “Kitten Woof,” beloved by many viewers. But “The Snow Queen” remains unsurpassed in its detailed elaboration of each frame, immersion in the topic and the director’s love for his characters.

During the work on the film adaptation of the famous fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen - “a friend of children all over the world” - an entire animated world was created. A northern German town, a royal castle, a robbers' cave and the snowy expanses of the queen's domain are combined into one fairy-tale space. Each character is individual, has its own face and character, but the Snow Queen herself is best described. She became one of the first characters created using the live-action technique with Maria Babanova, a talented actress who, however, acted in few films and devoted her creative life to the theater. The actress played the role of a cold beauty, and the image was transferred frame-by-frame to an animated format.

"The Snow Queen" was released in 1957. One of the most famous Soviet screenwriters, Nikolai Erdman, participated in the work on the script, and the production designers of the film were Alexander Vinokurov and Leonid Shvartsman, who worked together on the films “The Scarlet Flower”, “The Golden Antelope”, “The Dog and the Cat”. The roles were voiced by famous actors of the time. “The Snow Queen” was another collaboration between Yanina Zheimo and Alexei Konsovsky - Cinderella and the Prince in the famous 1947 film. In “The Snow Queen” Zheimo got the role of Gerda, and the reindeer speaks in Konsovsky’s voice. Anna Komolova (Kai), Judith Glizer (old robber and Laplander) and Sergei Martinson (raven) also participated in the voice acting. In the dubbed versions, the characters speak in the voices of equally famous actors; in France, the Snow Queen was voiced by Catherine Deneuve, and in the American version, by Kirsten Dunst.

The film was dubbed twice in the United States in 1959 and 1998, translated into German and broadcast in the GDR, and dubbed in Italian, French, Swedish and Spanish. The film was so popular that in the 60s and 70s, not only in the USSR, but also in the USA, it became an integral part of the New Year (Christmas) television program. In Russia, the beautiful “Queen” is still remembered: two years ago in Moscow, at the Solyanka Gallery, an exhibition dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the cartoon’s release was held. Viewers could see sketches for the film. The world owes the appearance of the brilliant director Hayao Miyazaki to The Snow Queen, who admitted that it was after this film that he decided to take up animation.

The film was awarded the first prize at the International Film Festival for Children and Youth in Venice, a prize for a full-length cartoon at the Cannes festival, and also received awards at other major shows. Viewers and filmmakers still admire the Soviet “Snow Queen”; since 2000, the cartoon has participated in nine festival retrospectives.

"The Snow Queen"

Russia Russia : Moscow

Key figures

Vugar Isaev




Fur and leather products


▲ $190 million (2006)

K:Companies founded in 1998

"The Snow Queen"- a chain of retail stores specializing in the sale of fur and leather goods. Stores are located in 60 cities of the Russian Federation. The company's annual turnover is more than $200 million. The “face” of the company until 2011 was Kristina Orbakaite.


Appeared in 1998.

Owners and management

The president and sole owner of the company (since 2004) is Vugar Isaev.


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An excerpt characterizing the Snow Queen (chain of stores)

- Because, having already started a career in military service, you should try to make, if possible, a brilliant career.
- Yes, that’s how it is! - said Rostov, apparently thinking about something else.
He looked intently and questioningly into his friend’s eyes, apparently searching in vain for a solution to some question.
Old man Gavrilo brought wine.
“Shouldn’t I send for Alphonse Karlych now?” - said Boris. - He will drink with you, but I can’t.
- Go-go! Well, what is this nonsense? - Rostov said with a contemptuous smile.
“He is a very, very good, honest and pleasant person,” said Boris.
Rostov looked intently into Boris’s eyes again and sighed. Berg returned, and over a bottle of wine the conversation between the three officers became lively. The guardsmen told Rostov about their campaign, about how they were honored in Russia, Poland and abroad. They told about the words and deeds of their commander, the Grand Duke, and anecdotes about his kindness and temper. Berg, as usual, was silent when the matter did not concern him personally, but on the occasion of anecdotes about the Grand Duke’s temper, he told with pleasure how in Galicia he managed to talk with the Grand Duke when he was driving around the shelves and was angry about the wrong movement. With a pleasant smile on his face, he told how the Grand Duke, very angry, rode up to him and shouted: “Arnauts!” (Arnauts was the crown prince’s favorite saying when he was angry) and demanded a company commander.