Sores have appeared on the head and are itching: What to do and how to treat them. Head sores: how to treat and why they appear. Sore on the head under the hair: possible causes and treatment methods

The appearance of skin diseases may indicate the development of a pathological condition in the body. Very often people have sores on their heads, especially in the scalp. In order to eliminate the sore on the head, comprehensive treatment is performed.

The presence of sores on the head can be detected during a visual examination. They can appear in the form.

In some cases, diseases may manifest themselves as small seals, which are found directly in human hair. Sometimes sores on the head appear as small ones. Large skin flakes may also appear in the hair.

Regardless of the cause of the sore, it is accompanied by a variety of symptoms. Most often, patients complain of a burning sensation and severe pain. The disease may also be accompanied by pain.

With the development of diseases, it is observed increased sensitivity to touch. If the patient untimely applied for medical care, this leads to bleeding and separation of purulent contents.

With sores on the head, discomfort is very often observed. This is why patients scratch their sore spots. It is strictly forbidden to do this, as it can be brought in.

Also, when scratching sores, patients may experience quite negative consequences, which are very often accompanied by hair loss.

As the child grows older, this pathological condition goes away on its own. Parents are advised to systematically comb out the crusts. If the patient has food allergy, then this leads to the appearance of dry neoplasms.

If a person has mechanical skin lesions, infections can enter through the wounds, which will lead to the appearance of tumors. Pathology may appear when viral diseases in the form of herpes zoster or.

If a person experiences a malfunction sebaceous glands, then this leads to the occurrence of seborrhea.

Dermatophytitis is a fairly contagious disease. The appearance of sores can occur as a result of various fungal diseases.

A person can experience a variety of sores on his head. There are more than enough reasons for their appearance.

Skin diseases on the head in children

The most common causes of weeping wounds on a child’s head are:

  • Trophic ulcers;
  • Dermatitis.

These diseases are characterized by a wet surface and fluid separation. They are characterized by the presence of two stages - regeneration and scarring. Some of the wounds are characterized by a lack of fluid.

The condition of the wound is directly affected by the child’s immune system. When a baby's head is injured, bacteria enters the wound, which turns it into a weeping wound.

Difficulties in treating weeping wounds in children arise due to the fact that children do not understand the full danger of the disease and therefore scratch them. Most often, treatment is carried out using certain medications.

To ensure rational treatment, young patients are recommended to undergo examination.

Treatment of weeping sores in most cases is carried out by dermatologists or trichologists. Diseases are often treated using mesotherapy or hirudotherapy.

Also quite effective in this case is the method laser treatment. Diseases can be eliminated using biocomplex procedures.

During the treatment period, patients are prescribed specially selected medications. Quite effective in this case are medicines which are applied externally.

With their help, itching is relieved and the possibility of new lesions appearing is eliminated. If the patient fully follows the doctor’s recommendations, he will be able to get rid of the sores in the shortest possible time.

To ensure maximum quality treatment in most cases, patients are prescribed hypoallergenic. Also, doctors are doing everything possible to eliminate neuroendocrine diseases, eliminate neurotic disorders, eliminate exacerbations of chronic diseases.

To treat the disease, patients are often prescribed antihistamines - Diphenhydramine, Clarotadine, Tavegil, Cimetidine, etc.

In order to strengthen a person’s immune system, he is prescribed immunocorrectors - Pentoxyl, Decaris, . If the disease is chronic, patients are recommended to take calcium gluconate, calcium thiosulfate, and calcium chloride.

Treatment for weeping sores involves using drug therapy. With its help, you can eliminate diseases of various origins within a month.

Weeping sores after hair coloring

Many female representatives want to look attractive and impressive. That is why they are often used for coloring. As a result of this procedure, weeping sores appear on the woman’s head. Doctors call this pathological condition a chemical burn.

In the presence of of this disease many patients complain of the appearance of or. Also, this disease may be accompanied by increased or decreased body temperature. In some patients it decreases.

If a woman feels discomfort or burning during the period of dyeing her hair, then she must stop. this procedure. Place a wet cloth on the damaged areas of the head. In order to eliminate the possibility of infection on the skin, it is treated.

To treat this pathological condition, patients are prescribed external use of antihistamine medications.

The most common use is Tavegil. To speed up the treatment process, the patient is recommended to take immunostimulating medications.

Also, a female representative should regularly clean the damaged part on her head. For this purpose they use antiseptic solutions. Anti-burn, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial ointments must be applied to damaged areas of the head. In most cases, patients are prescribed Panthenol, Methyluracil ointment or. After applying the ointment, a sterile bandage must be applied.

Weeping sores on the head can occur in people, regardless of their gender and age. Treatment of the pathological condition is carried out using special medications. Despite the fact that weeping sores are not dangerous, you should not self-medicate in this case. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is recommended to seek help from a doctor.

Adults and children may be bothered skin diseases. This review article is made up of descriptions of common pathologies that cause headaches to itch and sores to appear. You and I are prudent modern people, so we will never ignore alarming symptoms.

Causes of sores and itching of the scalp


This serious chronic disease is also called lichen planus. The pathology affects the skin. Psoriasis can be recognized by the appearance of distinctly dry, red lesions raised above the skin. When these papules coalesce, larger plaques form. If you suspect psoriasis, you should urgently seek qualified medical help.


Other symptoms of SLE pathology include hair loss and the appearance of spots on the skin. In addition to dermatological problems, patients are concerned about orthopedic abnormalities, nephrological manifestations, hematological disorders, neurological, mental and other disorders.

Seborrheic dermatitis

The development of seborrheic dermatitis can occur in areas of the skin characterized by excessive activity sebaceous glands. Characteristic manifestations This pathology is characterized by peeling and inflammation of individual lesions on the skin, unpleasant formations accompanied by itching. There may be small white scales or large lamellar scales on the head.


The pathological condition of the skin, implying increased sebum secretion and changes in the composition of this substance, occurs against the background of malfunctions of the sebaceous glands. The disease can be dry, oily or mixed in nature. The stratum corneum of the epidermis thickens, there is an abnormal oily sheen, severe itching and noticeable flaking, a thick layer of dandruff and profuse hair loss.


It should not be ruled out that some type of lichen has formed on the head. By the definition of lichen, doctors mean skin diseases of various etiologies. The main visible sign of this pathology is the appearance of small itchy blisters or inflammatory lesions of papules on the skin. In addition to the above-discussed scaly lichen or psoriasis, the following varieties are distinguished: weeping lichen (eczema); viral shingles; fungal multi-colored or pityriasis; microsporia; viral pityriasis or pityriasis rosea. Another variety is widespread - the so-called ringworm, having a fungal nature and the second name is trichophytosis. In any case, you cannot treat lichen of any kind on your own; specialist supervision and the prescription of potent drugs are necessary.


This is a skin lesion that manifests itself acute inflammation from negative factors biological, physical or chemical origin. If allergic dermatitis is diagnosed, it means that the skin has suffered from direct contact with irritating substances. Allergic dermatitis often worries users of cosmetics, perfumes, medicines, paints and other potentially allergenic objects. With ordinary and allergic dermatitis, blisters, bubbles, swelling, burning, itching, and redness form.


Under this strange-sounding definition, figures traditional medicine understand a chronic skin disease that looks like scabs. On the surface of the skin, under the influence of streptococci and staphylococci acting in the hair follicles, a pustular rash is formed, gradually transforming into purulent crusts, and sometimes into erosion.


Itchy scalp: may be a symptom of a serious illness

Scalp treatment

Let us immediately note that self-treatment of the scalp for the discussed and other diseases at home should be excluded, since such an approach is extremely unwise.

Therapy aimed at improving the condition of the scalp must be comprehensive; it is usually organized in the following areas:

  • effective and safe external products;
  • restorative drugs orally;
  • use of group A vitamins;
  • adding B vitamins to the diet;
  • consumption of ascorbic acid;
  • taking nicotinic acid;
  • preparations containing calcium;
  • sedatives;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • electric comb treatment;
  • detergents - shampoo and soap containing tar, sulsen and zinc;
  • ointments containing salicylic acid;
  • ointments containing corticosteroids.

It is necessary to urgently go to the hospital if your head itches and sores appear; this advice is relevant for any gender and age. Demand a detailed examination, accurate diagnosis and explanation of the characteristics of the ailment that worries you. Strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor and you will soon get rid of scalp problems.

Often ulcerated localized lesions, so-called scalp sores, appear on the head. Treatment with folk remedies for these phenomena depends on the cause that caused their appearance. To clarify the diagnosis, you will need to consult a dermatologist, and when the diagnosis is made, you can begin treatment, and joint use prescribed and folk remedies greatly improves the result and speed of treatment.

Video: Treatment of acne, acne on the face

Head sores - causes, symptoms, prevention.

A sore can be called any disorder that occurs on the scalp. Therefore, a doctor’s diagnosis will make your life much easier, because it is easier to fight something that you know what it’s called.

Possible causes of headaches can be:

Fungal infections (red, pink, ringworm) -

Video: How to cure lichen in a dog using folk remedies

Psoriasis (this is a non-infectious disease) -

Lice (the bite sites itch and can be scratched, causing wounds to form) -

Boils (invasion of bacteria in hair follicle or fat gland).

More often, sores mean lichen, because they cause the most severe damage.

Any of the disorders is manifested by a violation of the integrity of the skin, a change in the color of the affected areas. With lichen, hair is also affected along with the skin - it breaks off close to the surface, which will help distinguish this lesion from others.

Prevention of the appearance of sores is the same for different reasons for their appearance - this is strong immunity. Although it is not produced against fungi specific immunity, general measures, contributing to its strengthening in sufficiently may protect against the development of infection.

Video: Review of Primaflora. Itchy scalp

Head sores treated with folk remedies.

Alternative medicine suggests treating head sores with plants that have general antimicrobial properties - oak bark, sage, chamomile, celandine, string, calendula. The following remedies have been developed based on these herbs.

1. Healing ointment. Sores on the head can be lubricated with this ointment - pour fresh or dry heated pork fat (1:2), cool the resulting mixture. Or make applications from St. John's wort infusion.

2. Celandine. Fresh Juice celandine in undiluted form can cause burns, so it is better to use a decoction of celandine or dilute the juice in half with water. Lubricate the sore with celandine, and after half an hour - with calendula or sea buckthorn oil.

Video: treatment and rapid healing of wounds

The hair on the sores and slightly along their periphery should be cut off so that the infection is not transmitted and the treatment is more effective.

Helpful advice.

Every time after washing your hair, use a decoction of some kind instead of a rinse. medicinal plant(chain, lovage, nettle, burdock, chamomile, willow bark, clover) to improve hair condition and prevent scalp diseases.

She found the secret to treating her head and shares it with you in this video:

Attention, TODAY only!

The appearance of the first sores on the head does not cause any particular concern. But when the whole scalp is sore, then you should think about the reasons, which can be different and require an individual approach to solving the problem.

Causes of sores on the head in the hair

The main factors causing such symptoms are associated with skin diseases:

  • Seborrheic dermatitis. An unpleasant disease characterized by itching and dandruff and is not associated with detergents, but with guilt internal diseases organs.
  • Psoriasis. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease. Doctors joke: “whoever finds a cure for psoriasis will receive a Nobel Prize,” but hydrogen peroxide for psoriasis will help significantly alleviate the condition.
  • Eczema with red spots and itching.
  • Lichen planus and lichen planus are characterized by red bumps.
  • Shingles resembles chickenpox with itchy, watery blisters.
  • Ringworm is very dangerous disease threatens hair loss.
  • Common lice cause itching.
  • Allergic reaction to hair coloring.

Folk remedies for headaches

Dermatologists and trichologists treat skin diseases. Drug treatment consists of the use of antifungal ointments, as well as gels, creams, and masks. In advanced forms, antibiotics are prescribed. If the culprit is an allergy, the doctor prescribes antihistamines.

Folk remedies are also used in therapy. One of the leaders of medicinal herbs is celandine. A decoction of the herb is made and mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting solution is used to treat damaged areas. Decoctions of dandelion, compresses of aloe leaves, rinsing hair with infusions of wood, celandine, marigold, nettle, sage, and oak bark help well.

The most popular remedy Apple vinegar: Mix 100 g of vinegar with the same amount of water and rinse your hair.


Homemade hair and scalp masks will help get rid of rashes.


2 tsp Mix cinnamon with a few tablespoons of copper product and apply the mask to the scalp. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

From potatoes

Grate the potatoes, drain the juice, and apply the pulp to the damaged areas.

Weeping sores

If the rashes on the scalp constantly ooze and cannot heal, you should use slightly different recipes traditional medicine. How to treat weeping sores on the head:

  • Grind St. John's wort and add pork fat. Apply to sores several times a day.
  • 50 g fresh leaves coltsfoot is ground in a meat grinder and added Not a large number of milk. I leave the mixture for 2 hours, and then treat the wounds.
  • Slaffea leaves 3 tbsp. pour 0.5 l hot water bring to a boil and add 1 tbsp. l. honey Then cotton swab wet and apply to sore spots. The duration of the procedures is 20 minutes.
  • Pour 40 g of oak bark into a glass of hot water and leave for 12 hours. Then add 1 tbsp. lubricate the affected areas with honey and decoction.

A good remedy V alternative medicine I use tea tree oil. Tea tree oil effectively disinfects and helps against fungus; it will also help cure sores on the scalp. Its tree can be bought at the pharmacy and added to detergents. Rinse with chamomile decoction, brew 1 tbsp. liter of hot water. Apply natural honey to the skin and make light massage movements. This will relieve flaking and itching. Doctors recommend using salicylic and zinc ointment.

Consequences of hair coloring

Very often, after coloring your hair, sores appear. Factors may include an allergic reaction, the paint has dried out the epidermis, dandruff and wounds.

For therapy, you can use folk remedies, masks and decoctions of medicinal herbs. You can find anti-inflammatory drugs at the pharmacy Peach oil or jojoba and burdock, and treat the epidermis of the head.

How to treat sores on the head after dyeing:

  • Stir 2 egg yolks and rub into the roots, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse your head and hair.
  • Add 2 aspirin pills to the detergent. While washing your hair, leave the detergent on for 20 minutes.
  • Fresh apple puree will help get rid of dandruff. Grate a fresh apple and rub the paste into the skin, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse.
  • 1 tbsp. l. cognac, butter and cocoa powder are mixed, apply the mask for 15 minutes. This procedure eliminates itching and flaking.
  • Mix 5 ml of garlic with 10 ml of vegetable oil. Apply to affected areas and wrap in cellophane. The procedure lasts about an hour. Then wash your hair detergent using balm.
  • Grind 250 g of dandelion root and place in a jar. Pour in 0.5 vodka and let it brew for 7 days. Then moisten a clean cloth and apply it to the head for 10 minutes. Do the procedures until the sores disappear.

If you have been diagnosed with lichen, then it cannot be cured with folk remedies alone. Many sores on the head in the hair have internal causes. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor and get tested. It is impossible to treat a disease without knowing the cause.

Be healthy!

There are a large number of diseases associated with skin and hair problems. “Sores” on the head are not just an aesthetic nuisance.

In most cases, they indicate serious problems in the body. In the absence of proper treatment, the matter is not limited to ordinary itching. A rash, dandruff, and dry crusts appear on the scalp; the process may result in hair loss.

Causes of scalp diseases

The presence of constant nervous stress, stress, lack of sleep is also the cause of poor immune function.

Immune defense weakens with an unbalanced diet. The occurrence of dandruff, for example, can be triggered not only by fungal microorganisms, but also by a common lack of essential microelements.

One of the reasons why sores appear on the head is a metabolic disorder. Poor functioning of the sebaceous glands gives impetus to the development of dermatitis. Diseases internal organs and hormonal imbalances often lead to the appearance of cystic formations.

The appearance of painful areas on the head in the hair can be caused by the development of oncology, infection with ringworm, taking medications that are inappropriate for the patient, or allergies.

It is necessary to carefully follow all sanitary and hygienic rules: keep your hair clean, use only an individual comb, use proven cosmetic and hygiene products. Although following the rules of hygiene does not provide a 100% guarantee of protection against scalp diseases. Lice can live in completely clean hair.

Head wounds, in addition to injuries, can appear when an infection of a viral, bacterial, or fungal nature enters a weakened body. When immunity decreases, the body cannot cope with illnesses on its own. Over time, weeping areas of skin irritation become wounds, sometimes even purulent. The infection spreads when problem areas are scratched and in the absence of disinfection.

The cause of hair disease, the appearance of pimples on the head, can be a trivial mechanical damage skin, the use of hairpins and other accessories that cause wounds on the head.

Heredity, allergic reactions, and unfavorable ecology greatly complicate treatment.

Symptoms of major scalp problems

Household mites

Their appearance is a signal of a violation of hygiene rules. They are often found on the head of a child who has been in contact with other sick people, or in adults who have visited a bathhouse or train where the rules were not followed. sanitary standards. Lice bites cause minor sores and an itchy head.


The reason is a microscopic mite that has settled in the upper layers of the skin. With reduced immunity or due to skin wounds, the tick rushes into the deeper layers of the dermis, causing the patient to develop acne, ulcers, redness on the face and scalp. He is bothered by severe itching. You will need the help of not only a dermatologist, but also a dermatocosmetologist.


Sores on the scalp occur due to dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, poor nutrition, and deficiency of certain vitamins. Pathology may be associated with diseases of the nervous system or HIV infection.

Inflammation, crusts and peeling are observed in the hair and face. In some cases it develops seborrheic dermatitis.

It is characterized by itching and dandruff. And this is not necessarily due to poor hygiene. Even the best and most expensive shampoo will not help if the sebaceous glands are disrupted and the immune system is weakened.

Contact dermatitis

Sometimes called allergic reaction on various items or organisms with which the person has been in contact. The place of contact turns red, there is a feeling of itching and burning that does not go away on its own.

The doctor must find out the nature of this reaction and prescribe an antiallergic drug.


May have mild and severe form. With mild headaches, the head itches and small raised plaques appear on the skin, which can be gotten rid of with a special shampoo.

In severe cases, when there is an increase in regional lymph nodes, the help of a doctor will be required.

Seborrheic eczema

Why it occurs is still a mystery to scientists. The patient first develops red spots under the hair, after a while they begin to itch and flake. If the disease cannot be defeated at the initial stage with the help of a special shampoo, then very soon its signs will appear on the face and throughout the body.

Lichen planus red

The scalp is covered with reddish and purple bumps (papules). Over time, they turn into scars, where hair disappears. Children rarely suffer from this disease; mostly older people suffer from this disease. You should contact a dermatologist immediately, as you will not be able to cure it on your own.

Herpes zoster

If watery blisters and reddish spots appear on the head, this may be a sign that a herpes virus similar to the chickenpox virus has entered the body. Shingles is characterized by painful symptoms: itching, headaches, which can even result in paralysis facial nerve. Seeing a doctor is mandatory.


Also called dermatophytosis. The disease is caused by a fungus. Over time, the flaking areas on the scalp become inflamed and become wounds. In their place, scars form. The disease is highly contagious and mainly affects young people. It is also unpleasant because the hair is problem areas can be lost forever.

Pityriasis versicolor

Another name is multi-colored. On the upper layers of the skin, spots of different colors appear, appearing under small scales. This type of lichen is characterized by severe itching and sweating. Since it is fungal in nature, it is necessary to treat the disease with antifungal drugs.

Eosinophilic folliculitis

At weak immunity Sores may appear on the head, which itch very much, and then become inflamed and fester. The scabs that form in their place will gradually grow if not treated in a timely manner. The doctor will recommend a suitable ointment with shampoo and medication.


Very contagious. Transmitted from animal to human. The rash in the form of bubbles gradually expands in area. The hair dries out and begins to break.


Exists in two forms. When it is superficial, a rash appears, the skin peels, hair breaks easily and falls out. They remain in their place dark spots. In the second case, you can also lose hair, but at the site of hair loss there will be reddish-brown bumps.

Favus (scab)

Fungal skin infections lead to itching and burning. Crusts appear in this area yellowish color With unpleasant smell. They may bleed. Hair becomes brittle and loses its shine. It sometimes takes several months to cure a patient.


Itching, redness and rashes, all the negative phenomena presented in the photo are just visible part troubles. Scabs and falling scales can lead to the development of such serious consequences as:

If head sores do not disappear for a long time, and advertised shampoos, oils and vitamins do not help much, you should consult a doctor. Tests will be ordered to determine the nature of the disease: is it an infection, hormonal disbalance or an attack of a weakened organism by a fungus.

Recommendations on how to treat dandruff and scalp sores depend on the results of tests and analyses. In the mildest cases, patients receive advice from their attending physician on the use of ointments, gels, and serums that have a general tonic or antifungal effect. In more severe cases local treatment There are not enough foci where sores appear. Then apply:

  • antibiotics;
  • drugs that have a positive effect on intestinal microflora; removing toxins from the intestines;
  • antihistamines - for allergies.

Most external remedies that are used when the head itches contain coal tar, zinc, Birch tar. IN modern clinics, along with the use of shampoos and ointments containing salicylic acid or natural oils, they try to use complex treatment.

Patients who have undergone procedures subcutaneous injections or laser exposure, respond positively to these methods. Substances that kill the infection are injected under the skin, and wounds on the head are well disinfected using a laser. Complex therapy, including massage and the influence of a steam capsule, act quite effectively and quickly.

Traditional methods

Tested by time and in effectiveness are not inferior to the means invented in our time. Of course, they should not be used in advanced cases.

Traditional medicine knows how to get rid of scabs or dandruff. To do this, use tomato juice and mix it with vegetable oil in equal parts. Wipe the affected areas with a warm mixture. An ointment based on lard, with the addition of salt and sulfur. In folk practice, everyone’s favorite drink, bread kvass, is widely used. It is useful not only when consumed internally, but also helps to heal from crusts on the surface of the skin.

Separately, as an additional method of treatment, I would like to mention the natural cream-wax “Zdorov”. It gives a truly fantastic effect and eliminates the problem very quickly. Its detailed description is at

official website

In combination with drug treatment, the use of decoctions of St. John's wort, oak and chamomile will be a good help. Collections of celandine, string and calendula will greatly alleviate the patient’s condition. And tar soap will be useful not only during the course of treatment, but also in the future, to prevent relapses. Herbal rinses will help not only sick hair, but also preserve the beauty of healthy hair.

It is better to discuss all the causes and treatment of the disease with your doctor so as not to harm your skin. An ordinary scratch can lead to dire consequences. The question of what happened to the skin and how to treat it should always be asked to a specialist.

Do you have a very itchy head and your hair is covered with dandruff like snow? These inconveniences can warn of significant health problems and the development of complex diseases. You can’t hesitate, start the examination immediately, or better yet, go to a specialist. How to recognize sores on the head in the hair on early stages, possible reasons and treatment, we will consider further.

Reasons for appearance

Disturbances in the functioning of human organs are not only accompanied by pain and discomfort, but are also reflected externally. The skin of the face, head, and hair are sensitive to unpleasant changes and can predict serious illnesses.

In the early stages, sores on the scalp are difficult to identify; many do not attach importance to this. A small rash, slight induration or redness over time turns into more complex forms, resulting in a very itchy head, and dandruff haunts you.

In cases where there is no corresponding reaction, blood begins to be released with further suppuration of the wound, and hair falls out.

Attention! It is forbidden to scratch the sores on your head, you risk getting an infection and will only complicate further treatment.

Only a specialist can determine the disease and the cause of its appearance on the scalp after a detailed examination. By placing accurate diagnosis, appropriate therapy is prescribed. Self-medication does not guarantee a successful outcome, and in some cases it is fraught with complications of the disease.

Malfunctions of the body, chronic diseases of internal organs are the main cause skin problems. Why do sores still appear on the head:

  • transmitted from a sick person through a comb, clothing, or touch;
  • activated when the immune system is weakened;
  • after frequent stress, anxiety and overwork of the body;
  • as a result of an allergy to a drug, product, shampoo;
  • with insufficient, poor-quality scalp care;
  • due to a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body;
  • are passed on by heredity.

Features of skin diseases


Impaired functioning of the sebaceous glands and excessive dryness of the skin lead to increased peeling. When scratched, the scales of the epidermis are separated; they can be white or yellowish in color. This is what dandruff looks like.

You can notice the appearance of dandruff on your head when visual inspection. In addition, the disease is accompanied by itching, the head begins to itch.

The main causes of dandruff are malfunctions of the sebaceous glands and fungal infection from a sick person. The disease can also appear against the background nervous disorders, constant stress.

A regular comb will not get rid of the disease; targeted treatment will be required. Trichologists recommend special shampoos, medications, and prescribe a strict diet.


The appearance of dry redness on the scalp, which over time “grow together” into large areas, so-called psoriatic plaques, indicates the development of psoriasis (lichen planus). The disease begins with a mild form. If treatment is not started on time, there is a high risk of complications and transition to chronic form, the affected areas of the skin become significantly larger. You can see what psoriasis looks like in the photo.

The causes of psoriasis are not precisely determined. To treat the initial stage of the disease, ointments (salicylic or zinc ointment) are used; for more complex cases, corticosteroids are prescribed.

Important! It is impossible to delay the treatment of psoriasis; the disease progresses very quickly and can affect the functioning of internal organs.


Pimples, acne, purulent rashes and local redness of the skin that itch unbearably are the main signs of infection. Additional symptoms The symptoms of the disease include lumpy scalp, soreness of the head and the appearance of a greasy sheen on the hair.

For treatment, drugs containing metronidazole are used. It is not possible to completely get rid of the pathogen, but you can stop its activity.


Seborrheic dermatitis (seborrhea) is caused by increased activity Malassezia mushrooms. They promote accelerated division of cells in the surface layer of the skin. Patients with seborrhea note abundant appearance dandruff on the back of the head, in the bangs area, the head itches and quickly becomes greasy. In more complex forms patients begin to go bald.

There are many reasons for the development of scalp disease:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • improper, poor nutrition;
  • disease of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • decreased immunity;
  • nervousness and frequent stress.

To treat the disease, special shampoos with the addition of salicylic acid, zinc, and coal tar are used. No less important stage in eliminating a skin problem is considered a solution metabolic processes through a strict diet.

Allergic dermatitis

The name of the disease itself speaks about the reason for its development - This is an allergy to a drug, product, hair dye or cosmetic used. Symptoms of the sore appear immediately or some time after contact with the allergen: swelling, redness, papules appear, turning into ulcers and weeping sores.

Attention! To eliminate the problem, it is enough not to contact the allergen; the doctor prescribes antihistamines and ointments with corticosteroids.


The causative agent of the disease is head louse, which can move freely. Pediculosis can be caused by regular stress, lack of personal hygiene and sanitation, as well as contact with a carrier of the infection. Frequent patients There are children who attend kindergarten or school.

Symptoms of the sore:

  • ulcerative lesions accompanied by itching;
  • irritability of the patient;
  • slight discomfort may occur.

To treat pediculosis, special ointments and shampoos are used. To prevent the recurrence of the disease in the future, it is recommended to avoid potentially dangerous individuals, use a personal comb, and monitor hygiene and sanitation. 2 days after recovery, change the bed linen, do a general cleaning, and treat with hot steam the areas where the removed lice may have ended up.


Scabs on the head, in addition to unpleasant itching in the evening and night hours, are accompanied by various kinds rashes. The resulting papules may simply rise on the scalp or contain a liquid component. It is forbidden to scratch the sores, so as not to cause infection and not to provoke suppuration.

The cause of the disease remains contact with a sick person or animal; infection is possible through household items and personal belongings of the patient.

If scabs appear on your head, contact a specialist immediately. When treating, it is first of all important to get rid of the cause of the disease and not to contact the patient. Then acaricidal preparations for external use are prescribed.


This type of sore on the head is more common in children than in adults. The appearance of crusts, scales, various in shape and size acne. Causes of the pain:

  • malfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • contact with the patient;
  • weakened immune system;
  • lack of microelements and vitamins in the body.

Weeping sores

Weeping sores on the head are a common phenomenon. Red lumps appear on the skin, small rash which cause discomfort and itching. In more complex stages of the disease, purulent formations, bleeding.

There are enough reasons for the appearance of the disease:

  • stress;
  • weakness, vulnerability of the body to attacks of infections;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract.

To eliminate sores, medicinal ointments and preparations for external use are prescribed, hirudotherapy (leech treatment) and mesotherapy are used.

Attention! Do not try to diagnose the disease yourself and prescribe therapy for yourself. This is dangerous due to the worsening of the disease, consult a highly qualified doctor. Many head sores have similar symptoms, but differ in treatment.

How to treat head sores

Dandruff and scalp sores do not go away on their own; they require treatment. At the first symptoms of the disease, contact a specialist (dermatologist or trichologist). He will determine the cause of the disease and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Drug treatment

Most of the sores on the head are accompanied by severe itching and profuse dandruff. To treat the disease, specialists turn mainly to ointments; among them, the following drugs have received positive reviews:

To increase the patient’s immunity and speed up the recovery process, the doctor prescribes a complex of vitamins and microelements. It is especially important to pay attention to B vitamins, retinol (vitamin A), nicotinic and ascorbic acid, taking calcium will be helpful.

Traditional methods

Relieve itching, get rid of dandruff and promote speedy recovery folk remedies can cure the disease. They are especially relevant for children. Let's look at a few effective options self-medication.

  1. Mix tomato juice and unrefined vegetable oil (preferably olive) in equal proportions. Apply the mixture 2-3 times a day, continue the procedure for 5 days. You will notice relief after the first use of the composition.
  2. Simplest, quick way relieve inflammation, alleviate the symptoms of the disease - this is a tablet of salicylic acid (aspirin). Grind the drug into powder and sprinkle it on the wound. You can add salicylic acid to your shampoo to wash your hair.
  3. Rinsing hair with a decoction of medicinal herbs (St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula and string) will complement drug treatment, fill the epidermal cells with nutritional components, and preserve natural beauty and hair health.
  4. Compresses from... applesauce. Grate a fresh apple, rub the resulting pulp into the affected areas of the skin, do not rinse for half an hour.
  5. You can get rid of sores caused by unsuccessful hair coloring with the help of dandelion infusion. To do this, pour ½ liter of vodka over the root of the plant (250 g), cover with a lid and leave to infuse. After a week, make compresses with the tincture for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedures daily until the disease disappears.

Important! Do not rely only on traditional methods when treating sores and scabs. They will complement the effect of prescribed medications and speed up recovery. Consultation and examination by a specialist, identifying the cause of the disease are mandatory.

Alternative Methods

No less effective in combating sores are modern alternative treatments:

  • Laser therapy- aimed at launching regeneration processes inside the skin, helping to normalize blood circulation and metabolism in cells in the affected areas. In addition, the laser is a powerful antiseptic.
  • Mesotherapy- a complex of vitamins, mineral supplements or medications are introduced into the skin through injections. They will strengthen the immune system and normalize intracellular processes.
  • Hirudotherapy- the essence of the method is to influence special acupuncture points, for which leeches are used. They help cleanse the body of toxins, secrete a secretion filled with various types enzymes. This accelerates metabolism in skin cells, has anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects, and normalizes blood circulation.
  • Biocomplex procedure- includes a massage using a steam capsule. To fill the affected areas with nutritional components, use natural oils. Last treatment course minimum 5 days, each session will last up to half an hour.

Scabs and sores on the head under the hair are quite common. They will not cause you much trouble if you respond in a timely manner with appropriate treatment. What and how to treat diseases is determined by a specialist after a detailed examination of the scalp and diagnosis.

Don't try to cure sores and scabs under your hair. traditional methods, only in combination with medications and modern alternative methods the disease will be quickly and completely defeated. Be attentive to the condition of your skin; it is often the first to signal problems in the body.

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Disruption of the body, fungal and inflammatory diseases mainly seen in people with dandruff. Sores on the head under the hair cause significant discomfort, as well as certain difficulties in a person’s life.

When the first signs appear, urgent consultation with a doctor and initiation of treatment is required to prevent further serious consequences. Therapy is individual for each person, it all depends on his characteristics. The formation of a crust on the head is possible in adults and children.

Major scalp problems

The scalp is hidden under the hair; many people do not even think about the presence of problems for a long time. There are several various reasons, which causes irritation, itching and redness. Sores on the head in the hair can appear for the following reasons:

  • household mites;
  • furunculosis;
  • pediculosis;
  • contact dermatitis.

Furunculosis of the head is infectious process, characterized by the formation of purulent rashes on the surface of the head, which can merge with each other and quickly spread to healthy areas. As a result, itching, burning, and crusts form on the scalp. After some time, pain appears in the affected area. Active peeling is accompanied by a period of remission of the disease, when the ulcers progress and heal.

Allergic dermatitis on the head can also lead to sores. This disease is associated with a reaction to washing powder, hair washes, food, and synthetic bedding. Dermatitis causes severe itching and flaking of the scalp. After some time, wounds appear on its surface that are difficult to heal. If the allergen is not eliminated in a timely manner, the pathology will progress and the wound surfaces will become infected with the formation of areas purulent lesion skin.

Sometimes scabs on an adult’s head appear due to improper hair care or after dyeing. As a result, painful ulcers appear that do not heal well. The skin cracks, wounds form, and strong burning sensation.

Fungal diseases that can provoke the formation of sores on the head under the hair include the following:

  • dandruff;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • trichophytosis;
  • psoriasis;
  • folliculitis.

Probably every person in his life has encountered the problem of dandruff and knows that these are small white flakes that are especially noticeable on dark clothes. The cause of dandruff on the scalp is an excess of dead skin particles that appear in the scalp. The etiology of their appearance is not yet fully known, but it is believed that this is due to a reaction to a fungus.

Even though it is not dangerous or contagious disease, it can cause irritation and itching. In some cases, a sore appears on the head under the hair, which causes significant discomfort.

Another problem is seborrheic dermatitis. It is caused by a skin fungus. It is characterized by flaking and redness of the skin. The disease occurs mainly due to excessive production sebum, which gives it a greasy shiny appearance. This disorder mainly occurs in people with oily skin.

Trichophytosis - fungal infection, which leaves scaly, ring-shaped red sores on the scalp under the hair. The disease mainly occurs in people with weakened immune systems and is observed in children 3-7 years old, but can also occur in adults. The infection is mainly transmitted through close contact with a patient or through the use of shared hats, towels, or combs. In some cases, transmission from a cat or dog is possible.

Folliculitis is caused by bacteria, but in some cases the cause may be a skin fungus that penetrates the hair follicles from nearby foci of infection. Irritation of the hair follicles can occur when applying makeup, shaving, or wearing hats that cause irritation. Some people develop folliculitis after taking hot bath or baths. The fungus appears as small sores on the scalp in the hair, filled with pus.

Psoriasis can occur anywhere on the body. However, scalp fungus is common. In this case, too many new skin cells are produced. They can form a thick crust. Skin and often painful manifestations occur.

The cause of a sore on the head in the hair may be microsporia or ringworm. It is of mycotic origin and, in addition to severe itching with flaking, is accompanied by hair loss. Any fungal disease requires comprehensive and timely treatment.


The causes of sores on the head in the hair can be associated with hypothermia, using a hair dryer, or overexertion. Previously suffered ENT diseases can also be a provoking factor.

When the first signs of illness occur, you should definitely visit a trichologist. Sores on a child’s head occur due to atopic or seborrheic dermatitis. Children of the first year of life must comb out the crusts that have formed daily.

A fungus that causes the formation of a keratinized crust on the surface of the scalp may long time does not manifest itself at all, which is why many are in no hurry to seek medical help. The carrier of the fungus may not notice it for several years. The disease manifests itself when immunity decreases; if treatment is not done, the pathological process gradually worsens.

Among the main reasons for the appearance of sores on the head are the following:

  • illness;
  • hormonal and endocrine disorders;
  • mites, lice;
  • allergy;
  • abuse of fatty and salty foods;
  • decreased immunity;
  • lack of vitamins.

When the first symptoms of pathology appear, you must immediately undergo examination and treatment to prevent complications.

Main symptoms

Any inflammation of the scalp begins with a feeling of severe itching. It becomes almost constant, worsens when sweating or when the head gets dirty. Gradually, the hair follicles swell and turn red. Initially, the swelling is small, and then swells more and more.

Soreness begins to be felt even when touched, a feeling of discomfort and tightness appears. The wounds on the head gradually increase in size, and the resulting cavities are filled with pus.

Pimples can break out on their own, then scar. In addition, the pus may spread to other areas. In this case, the ulcers on the scalp become deeper and hair may begin to fall out. Often, rashes appear on the temples, partings, and forehead.

Carrying out diagnostics

Depending on the cause of the sore on the head in the hair, treatment is selected separately for each person. Therapy begins with a diagnosis. Initially, you need to normalize your diet, and also abandon shampoos and other care products that were recently purchased. This will help determine whether the rash is due to an allergy. You need to not just wash your hair, but massage it.

If there is an infection, the hair roots should not be touched temporarily, as bacteria may spread. Then you need to treat the pimples with an alcohol-containing product so that the weeping sores on your head dry out.

If all this does not help, then you need to contact a dermatologist, who, after examination, will help diagnose correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. To establish a diagnosis, you need to take a smear test from the affected area. Usually, these measures are quite sufficient to determine the pathogen.

You also need to determine the provoking factor, which requires comprehensive examination. To do this, they donate blood for biochemistry, hemoglobin, hormones, and sugar. It may also be necessary to define immune status.

Features of therapy

Depending on the reasons for the rash, systemic therapy is prescribed. Depending on the prevalence and depth of the pathology, to combat purulent pimples Antibiotic ointments are prescribed.

Drugs are also required to stop the activity of fungi, antihistamines. Additionally, doctors prescribe general medications to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. If sores appear on the head and itch, fester, then therapeutic regimen systemic retinoids are administered, for example, such as Isotretinoin.

In mature women and adolescents, development is stopped inflammatory process possible using hormonal drugs. Women are recommended to take products with estradiol. However, you can drink them only during the examination.

In some cases, it is initially necessary to normalize the functioning of the endocrine system. In case of malfunction thyroid gland Hair may fall out and rashes may appear on the skin. Skin problems are also one of the signs of diabetes. Helps fight acne:

  • vitamins;
  • microelements;
  • citrates and carbonates, calcium preparations;
  • autohemotherapy.

If a sore appears on the head, then treatment requires the use of drugs local action. These include:

  • gels, sprays and ointments with antibiotics;
  • treatment with “Adaptalen”;
  • products that help clean cavities from purulent contents - Vishnevsky ointment, ichthyol ointment, Levomekol.

Depending on the type of pathogen, the root zone is treated using such means as:

  • synthomycin emulsion;
  • salicyl;
  • antiseptics;
  • special products used for hygiene procedures.

If the wounds on the head are caused by lice infested in the hair, then you need to wash your hair with a lice remedy. It is not recommended to apply kerosene to your head, as this negatively affects the condition of the hair, dries out the scalp, and can cause burns, which will then take a long time to heal. In addition, the nits will need to be selected manually.

Only a doctor can tell you how to treat sores on the head after an examination. A thorough examination of the affected area is first carried out and a blood test is taken. In the case of the formation of pustules that become crusty, the disease must be treated with medications.

The drug "Esdepalletrin" is considered a good remedy. It acts very quickly, is absorbed almost instantly, eliminates itching and sores. Wilkinson's ointment contains black tar, which quickly eliminates redness and rashes. This drug is contraindicated in children due to high level toxicity.

The drug "Crotamiton" helps eliminate pustules and itching. Available in the form of ointment and emulsion. This remedy is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, and children. Spregal spray is very popular because it is harmless and effective, so it is suitable even for children. Clotrimazole ointment is also considered a good remedy. Instructions for use, reviews and price need to be clarified first, since it is important to know how to carry out treatment correctly. This remedy is effective against fungal infections.

Deserved enough good feedback Clotrimazole ointment. Instructions for use and the price of this product are affordable, so it is ideal for many patients. Together with medications you need to take vitamins that have a positive effect on hair growth and improve your well-being.

In case of allergies, to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to exclude the main provoking factor. In particular difficult situations specialists make appointments antihistamines, in particular, such as “Suprastin”, “Claritin”.

Fungal skin infections require the use of antimycotic agents. Antifungal shampoos cope well with flaking and itching of the scalp. They have a pronounced destructive effect on fungi and their spores, penetrate well into upper layer skin and prevent the spread of infection.

In case of bacterial infection, use is required antibacterial drugs, which are available in tablet or injection form. Medicines are mainly used wide range actions.

Using special shampoos

There are many shampoos that help eliminate the causes of sores on the scalp in the hair. Treatment with such remedies helps eliminate the fungus and restore health to the skin. These products also remove dead skin and prevent the appearance of new dandruff flakes. These shampoos are odorless, gentle and harmless.

Such cosmetical tools suitable for any hair type. The most popular shampoos are Nizoral, Friederm, Sulsena, Sebozol.

When sores appear on the head, what to do and whether it is possible to get rid of them using folk remedies is of interest to many people. Skin diseases of the scalp can be cured non-traditional methods, which help to quickly and effectively get rid of pustules and itching. They are completely safe and therefore suitable even for treating children.

Mix tomato juice and vegetable oil in equal proportions. Apply ready-made product directly on the pustules three times a day. A positive result is observed already on the second day.

Mix olive oil and lemon juice in a 2:1 ratio. Apply to the scalp, insulate with polyethylene and wrap in a towel. Leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse off clean water and wash your hair medicated shampoo. This product not only perfectly moisturizes the scalp, but also stimulates its restoration, promoting faster removal of dead cells, normalizes blood circulation and enhances hair growth.

A nourishing onion mask helps cope with severe flaking. It perfectly nourishes the scalp and helps eliminate itching. The composition has a pronounced antiseptic effect and prevents the development of infection in wounds. In addition, it is a powerful hair growth stimulator that can be used in case of severe hair loss.

Place the chopped onion in a gauze bag and squeeze out the juice. Rub it into the scalp until the desired result is achieved. After applying the product, wrap your head in a towel for 1 hour. Wash off the mask with shampoo, and to eliminate the smell of onions, you can rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile or oak bark.

Nutrition feature

Proper nutrition helps in the fight against fungal diseases of the scalp, since unhealthy food is often the main trigger. If dandruff begins to appear, then you need to minimize the consumption of sugar, alcohol, mayonnaise, salty and peppery foods, and baked goods.

It is recommended to drink a lot still water, eat foods with high content fiber. It is advisable that the diet include turkey or chicken fillet, spinach, seafood, carrots, nuts, tomatoes, ginger, and cottage cheese.

If a white dry crust with sores and itching has formed on the scalp, then you need to compensate for the lack of Omega-6 acids, which are present in vegetable oil and fish of the salmon and sturgeon families. In this case, you need to avoid smoking, coffee, and drink a lot of water.

The formation of a white crust with sores that are very itchy may indicate serious illnesses. It is very important to coordinate all therapy methods with the doctor so as not to cause harm.

Carrying out prevention

To prevent skin rashes, avoid sharing hair accessories. You need to wash your hair as soon as it gets dirty. If any rash appears during age-related changes you need to normalize your diet.

After contact with pets, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap. You need to be careful when choosing hair care products, as they must be suitable for the type of curls.

Having sores on your head is very unpleasant. Of course, everyone wants to get rid of them as quickly as possible. After all, sores on the scalp can appear at the most various reasons. Some of them are very dangerous. From this article you will learn about why they appear, how to cure the skin, and also how to prevent unpleasant symptoms.

Why shouldn’t you ignore sores at the first appearance?

Don’t think that a sore under your hair is just cosmetic problem. In fact, such formations in more than 80 percent mean serious problems in the body. Painful lesions can be the result of disturbances in the body's systems or be provoked by infections and fungi. All of the above reasons will not just go away, and, therefore, the sores will not disappear on their own. Therefore, you should be careful about scalp problems.

You should not trust the advice of friends in this matter, because often the causes of exactly the same ulcers can be different. It is better to consult a doctor who will make an individual diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

What types are there?

These may be mild areas of inflammation, crusty and flaky wounds, bloody wounds, or ulcers. Very common problem are weeping wounds on the head. The scalp itches and flakes. This makes the inflammation even worse. Because the sore spots are itchy, they can be scratched very hard, which increases the risk of infection. It can lead to significant damage to the upper epithelium and massive hair loss.

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Causes of pain on the scalp

What causes sores? There are just a lot of reasons. Among them are:

  • viral diseases such as chickenpox;
  • ringworm;
  • skin diseases;
  • allergies;
  • cystic formations;
  • fungus;
  • infections;
  • stress;
  • medications;
  • skin cancer;
  • pediculosis;
  • diseases of internal organs.

All these causes are usually aggravated by scratching and concomitant wound infection.

Viral skin infections usually occur in cold weather. Due to hypothermia, the body's immunity drops and cannot fight all incoming infections. It is in such conditions that you can catch and skin infections. They are especially likely in people with initially problematic skin.

Skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema can occur due to genetic predisposition. If these ailments become chronic, there is Great chance their transition to skin sores.

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Allergies can be triggered by anything. Because of it, rashes and sores appear. Due to the intense itching, people often scratch them. This can become infected, resulting in even larger wounds. Even ulcers may appear on the head in the hair, which is fraught oncological diseases in the absence of treatment.

Cystic diseases of the scalp often occur due to hormonal imbalances in organism. That is why this reason Only a doctor can eliminate it. The same can be said for diseases of internal organs, which also provokes diseases of the scalp.

Fungus and various infections can also create sores on the skin and hair. These reasons act when immunity decreases. In this case, the body cannot independently fight the growing fungus. Mycobacteria initially lead to seborrhea. They often provoke weeping sores on the head. If left untreated, all this very quickly turns into full-fledged wounds and even ulcers. Clearly, infection causes pustules to appear on the scalp in the hair. The reasons for infection getting into the skin are scratching acne, as well as lack of disinfection.

Severe stress can also cause wounds. Experiences and worries reduce protective functions body. A person has little strength against fungi and infections.

Another reason may be pediculosis. Lice are still quite common. Contrary to public opinion, insects love to settle in clean heads. Therefore, their appearance should not be blamed on poor hygiene. Lice begin to bite the scalp, because they feed on the blood of the superficial epithelial balls. Often bites cause severe itching, and allergies and some kind of infection can also arise. Since lice camouflage themselves with hair color, they are very difficult to identify. A person can spend a lot of time and money on remedies for allergies and fungi, but this will not work if the lice are not removed. If your head itches and inflammation appears, be sure to get checked for lice. This way, you will be protected from wrong steps in treatment.

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How to deal with such a disease

How to treat sores on the head? First you need to identify the causes of this disease. Treatment can be adequate only after the prerequisites for the onset of the disease have been established. Therefore, the first step should be to visit a qualified doctor. He will prescribe several tests that will determine the nature of the sores: infectious, fungal or hormonal. After this, you can begin therapy. It usually consists of prescribing special antifungal and antibacterial ointments, applied externally. If the case is serious, then they may prescribe a drinking antibiotic, which will help cope with the infection spreading throughout the body. Modern clinics also use:

  1. Subcutaneous injections requiring great caution. They are done only in a hospital setting. Medicines are injected into the skin to kill the infection. Vitamins and nutrients allowing the scalp to recover after illness.
  2. Laser treatment. With the help of a laser, sores on the head are instantly disinfected and healed. Blood circulation in the scalp is restored. This method is very effective and works quickly.
  3. Biocomplex therapy. It combines the effects of a steam capsule, massage and therapeutic procedures.

Typically a week is enough complex treatment. But sometimes, to eliminate, for example, ulcers in the hair in the head, several weeks of therapy are required.

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Folk remedies for headaches

How to get rid of inflammation on the head using folk remedies and is it worth it? If the disease is at an initial level, then you can try to eliminate it using improvised means at home. But you should not engage in such treatment more than a week. If after 7 days no results are found, then you need to go to the doctor without wasting time.

St. John's wort ointment

Break St. John's wort branches into a saucepan. Melt separately pork fat and pour it over the grass. Let the mixture sit and harden. When it turns into an ointment, you can start using it. Apply this ointment to areas of inflammation several times a day. Use a fine-toothed comb. With its help, you will divide your hair into strands, open the sores and be able to treat them well.

Washing with decoctions

Rinse your hair with herbal decoctions that have antimicrobial properties. These include: oak bark, chamomile, celandine, string, calendula, sage. All these herbs can be purchased dried at the pharmacy. You can also buy there special fees, consisting of several types of herbs. Rinsing hair with decoctions should be done after each hair wash. You can also do this every day if the sores are very itchy.

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Pharmacy products

You can also use medications at home. Well they can help wound healing ointments type Levomikol. You can try using brilliant green, salicylic acid. You can also use tar soap and shampoos with zinc, which has drying properties, for washing.

Never use iodine to treat such wounds, as it leads to skin burns!

It is worth noting that during the treatment of head wounds you need to pay attention to diet. After all poor nutrition may aggravate the condition of ulcers. Avoid fast food, smoked and overly salty foods. It is also advisable not to drink alcohol or smoke. This will improve protective forces body to fight disease.

At self-treatment wounds, try not to harm the skin. It is better to discuss all measures with your doctor. After all, an ordinary wound on the head under the hair can lead to oncology. The photo clearly shows what can happen in advanced cases.